Write out the composers who composed the waltz for the films. We listen to waltzes - famous and not so famous



"Waltz" is a German word, it is based on the verb "circle". People have been dancing with whirling for a long time. It is believed that the well-known Viennese waltz originated from the Austrian dance "Lendler", which seemed to be rougher, lacking lightness and smoothness. Many composers have taken note of new dance and compose music for it.

The Austrian composer Johann Strauss (senior) devoted his life to dance music, especially waltzes. After him, the attitude towards creating melodies for the now popular dance. From short lungs works intended for entertainment, they turned into deep soulful music that excites the souls of listeners. 152 works of this genre created talented musician, La Bayadere Waltz, Danube Songs, Lorelei, Taglioni, Gabriela are especially famous. Strauss's sons were also musically gifted people. Joseph died early, and the name of the eldest son Johann acquired world fame.

Johann Strauss (junior) became interested in music against the will of his father, who wanted to see his son as a lawyer or businessman. Junior Strauss possessed great abilities as a musician, he wrote his first dance melodies at the age of six. At the age of 19, he created his own ensemble from friends, which later grew into an orchestra. The author himself played the violin in it or performed the duties of a conductor. surpassed famous ancestor the son brought to perfection the Viennese waltz created by his father, wrote more than three hundred melodies of this genre, for which he was generally recognized as the “king of the waltz”. "Tales of the Vienna Woods" and "The Blue Danube" are considered real masterpieces, representing the unity of different national melodies.

The solemn procession of the new dance across Europe continued. The famous M.I. Glinka, inspired by his love for Ekaterina Kern, composed a beautiful "Waltz-Fantasy" overflowing with a flight of love and imagination. For a long time Glinka carefully polished his work, removing all unnecessary from orchestral performance. The first poetic sketch developed into a serious play-poem. The new-sounding "Waltz-Fantasy" was first presented to the public in Pavlovsk, and Strauss himself was the conductor of the orchestra. Russian symphonic waltzes originate from this piece of music M.I. Glinka.

For a century, the famous waltzes from P.I. Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker. The waltz is part of Aram Khachaturian's musical suite "Masquerade", composed for dramatic work M.Yu. Lermontov. Romantic noble music of Khachaturian reflected human passions: love and jealousy, despair and deceit.

Until recently, Russian musical life had a wonderful tradition: in the summer, brass bands played in city parks. Old Russian waltzes were an ornament concert programs. The authors of many musical compositions were Russian military conductors. I. A. Shatrov, the author of the famous waltz "On the Hills of Manchuria", gained sufficient fame. His "Country Dreams", created under the impression of being in love, were also popular.

Soviet composers did not ignore this genre in the difficult period of the Great Patriotic War. M. Blanter set to music M. Isakovsky's poem "In the forest near the front" - one of the favorite wartime waltzes appeared. In the works of K. Listov "In the dugout", M. Fradkin " random waltz” and others also hear a similar sound.

Honored master of songwriting Yan Frenkel said that he preferred the waltz because of the special confidence in this musical form and a wide range of images that fit in it. A simple song by J. Frenkel “The Waltz of Parting”, which became famous after its release on the screen, has a special effect on the listener. feature film"Women".

I. Dunayevsky composed the music of "School Waltz" to the words of the poet M. Matusovsky. The lyrical melody imbued with kind sadness awakens in the soul pleasant memories of the years of youth, school. The song became an amazing success. And now she certainly worries human hearts, is a musical attribute of school proms.

The beautiful waltz melody from the movie "My Sweet and Gentle Beast" has become a favorite of many people. The music, which is the "living nerve" of the film, without words, seems to convey someone's emotional drama, calls to the world of dreams and returns to earth again. The popularity of Eugene Doga's touching melody exceeded the author's expectations. Now she invariably sounds in wedding palaces, calling the newlyweds to the first dance.


  • Our favorite Russian and Soviet waltzes
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In ancient times, bards were called storytellers who sang the heroic deeds of warriors. Bards enjoyed great respect among the people, their personality was inviolable. Modern bards continue the tradition of itinerant singers, performing their songs with a guitar in the woods around a campfire. However, the bard song has long taken its place on the stage.


Vladimir Vysotsky is rightfully recognized as the most beloved and popular bard among the people. Being a professional actor, Vysotsky had an amazing ability to “get used” to his songs so deeply that it seemed that he himself was a direct participant in the events he talked about in them. Such are his works about the war or about mountaineering. Very funny and, at the same time, filled with deep meaning and comic songs of Vysotsky.

The second most popular author and performer own songs considered Alexander Rosenbaum. Former doctor help, thanks to the originality and originality of creativity, gained fame throughout the country and the title People's Artist RF. Perhaps the famous Rosenbaum - "Waltz-Boston".

Special lyrical penetration and the highest quality poetic texts the works of Bulat Okudzhava are distinguished. In addition to performing author's songs, he wrote, worked a lot for and cinema. creative union Bulat Okudzhava and composer Isaac Schwartz gave grateful listeners such wonderful songs as “Your Honor”, ​​“Drops of the Danish King”, “Cavalier Guards, the century is short ...”. Author's songs by Okudzhava helped to create an amazing atmosphere of Moscow in the 50s in Mikhail Kazakov's film "Pokrovsky Gates".

Among the founders of the author's song, a place of honor belongs to the singer-songwriter, actor and journalist Yuri Vizbor. His compositions have always been distinguished by melody and special tenderness. Vizbor's songs such as "My dear", "You are my only one", "Get up, Count", "Lucy" and many others were widely known.

The fate of Alexander Galich was tragic. Due to a conflict with the authorities, he was forced to emigrate from the USSR, his death in Paris is still surrounded by numerous rumors and conjectures, and songs and other works for a long time were banned. The drama of the forced emigrant is most vividly reflected in his famous song"When I'll come back…".

Full of romance, and sometimes deeply dramatic works by Viktor Berkovsky “Grenada”, “To the Music of Vivaldi”, “Remember, Guys!”, “Take Me Through the Maidan” and many others have become classics of the bard song.

The duet of Tatyana and Sergey Nikitin gained great popularity among the bard song. The works of Sergei Nikitin, filled with lyricism, gained fame largely thanks to cinema. His song "Alexandra" from the Oscar-winning film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" has long become. Sergei Nikitin's voice is also heard in the cult film by Eldar Ryazanov "The Irony of Fate, or With a Light One!".

Waltz fight is one of the main ones in guitar accompaniment. Thousands of songs have been built on its basis. Study it to easily perform works in a similar texture.

You will need

  • Tuned guitar


Repeat this bass-chord-chord structure. Make sure the bass and chord sounds are of equal length. Count to yourself "one, two, three."

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Chicken " autumn waltz"ready in half an hour. This is a great recipe for modern busy housewives who are constantly in a hurry somewhere.

You will need

  • For four servings:
  • - chicken fillet- 500 g;
  • - three green apples;
  • - two bulbs;
  • - two canned tomatoes;
  • - hard cheese - 100 g;
  • - mayonnaise - 50 g;
  • - spices - to taste.


Beat the chicken fillet thinner.

Cut the onion into half rings, also as thin as possible. canned tomatoes cut into rings.

Bake the dish for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Bon appetit!

Waltz penetrated the social balls at the end of the eighteenth century. Since then, it has hardly gone out of fashion. There are more and more of its options. There are many dance schools where they learn to perform different types waltzes. But master the basic moves to dance this lovely dance on prom or a wedding, you can try it yourself.

You will need

  • - player with speakers;
  • - records of different waltzes;
  • - mirror;
  • - partner.


Listen to different ones. Notice the rhythm. Waltz They may be fast or slow, but almost all of them are written in triple time. In academic music, five-beat waltzes are also known, but mainly ballet dancers dance to such music. Note the strong and weak beats. Try to clap the rhythm by making a loud clap on strong beat and two quiet to weak.

Learn the waltz step. This can be done without a partner and even at first without music. On the count of one, take a step forward with your right foot. On the count of two, take a step to the side with your left foot. Step your right foot on the count of three. In the next figure, the direction of movement is reversed. On the count of “one”, take a step with your right foot back, on “two” - with your right foot to the side, on “three” - put left leg.

Learn how to waltz to music. Choose to start with a slow version of this dance. When you bring the step to automatism. Remember to control yourself in front of a large mirror.

Try dancing with a partner. Waltz most often performed in a closed position, that is, the partners are facing each other. Get into the correct posture. Brush right hand located just below the partner's left shoulder blade. His left hand is almost at right angles to his torso and at such a height that the partner's right hand is in his hand. woman holding left hand on the partner's right shoulder. The partner looks over the right shoulder of the partner.

Learn to work in harmony different directions. Try to play roles clearly. The man starts moving forward right foot, - back and on the left. Usually couples move in a circle counterclockwise. Even the most simple form This dance looks very beautiful if the steps are performed correctly and confidently.

Try to dance other types of this dance. If you have a few friends who also love this dance, dance the figure waltz together. It includes several waltz turns, dam solos and several transitions. This dance is constantly evolving, so it is not forbidden to invent your own figures.

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Waltz - vintage dance, reminiscent of the magnificent balls of the past. He leaves a mark in the heart of everyone who sees and hears him. And if you don't know how to dance it, try playing it.

You will need

Eugene Doga: the most popular wedding waltz
White, black, red: these colors are present in almost every scene of Emil Loteanu's film "My Sweet and Tender Animal". Against the background of the lush greenery of the old noble estate the strict contrast of white and black flawlessly outlines the picture of the frame, and the red color brings tension and dynamics to it. Red appears in the frame either as a flying silhouette of a dress, or as a bright spot of a carnation flower, or as a gentle reflection of sunset rays, but in the finale it appears as scarlet blood on a snow-white bandage: the passions that played out under the canopy of a century-old park took the life of the young heroine of this drama.

The waltz was written by the composer specifically for the film "My Sweet and Gentle Beast". Members film crew later they recalled that the music of Eugene Doga had a special, almost hypnotic effect on them. Sometimes even a feeling was created that it was she, this music, that prompted the director and actors unexpected and subtle artistic solutions- after all, the shooting went under the soundtrack.

The main theme of the waltz begins with a smooth movement along the steady steps of the fret. However, its calm course is interrupted by disturbing short motives - it seems as if the voices of migratory birds are heard from behind the clouds. With each new phrase the melody rises higher and higher. Gradually, she loses her aristocratic restraint, picks up the pace, gains power and involves dancing couples in her unrestrained whirling motion. At the peak of the climax, the music uncovers the secret thoughts of the heroes, exposes feelings, aggravates conflicts, and suddenly - cold on the skin - it becomes clear: the tragedy is inevitable.

For the fourth decade now, the melody from the film “My Sweet and Gentle Beast” has been heard in wedding palaces throughout the country: young people are invited to the first in their life together waltz. Can it be that neither young couples in love, nor seasoned employees of registry offices feel the tragedy of this beautiful music? Whatever it was, but with the waltz Evgeny Dogi began their family life hundreds of thousands of newlyweds! May fate help them avoid sorrows and measure happiness in abundance.

Russian romantic waltz of the 19th century
The founder of the Russian romantic waltz was, of course, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka. Today, his brilliant "Waltz-Fantasy" is somewhat forgotten. Meanwhile, all other Russian and Soviet symphonic waltzes grew out of it. The combination of bright lyrics, romantic flight and tragic tension are the main features that unite them and find a lively response in the contradictory and ever restless Russian soul.

To the work of another outstanding Russian composer 19th century, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, fate was more favorable. Waltzes from the ballets The Nutcracker and The Sleeping Beauty have been performed at all Christmas and New Year's concerts. All these years, the audience warmly received the "Sentimental Waltz". Not so long ago, this music inspired our famous figure skaters Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze to create a lyrical dance program.

Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze received many awards for this work, but still they were not the first to use the romantic waltz as a musical basis for sports and choreographic composition. lovers figure skating"with experience" will surely remember the amazing dance of Lyudmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov to the music of Aram Ilyich Khachaturian's waltz "Masquerade".

Waltz Aram Khachaturian "Masquerade"
Everyone used to call this waltz briefly: “Masquerade”. In fact, this is one of the parts of the musical suite composed by A. I. Khachaturian for M. Yu. Lermontov's drama "Masquerade" back in 1941. In the plot of the drama, love and jealousy, deceit and despair are closely intertwined.

Of course, all this tangle of passions is reflected in the waltz music, but even in the culminations, in moments of the highest intensity of emotions, Khachaturian's orchestra sounds romantic and invariably noble.

In 1976 the world champions and Olympic Games in ice dancing L. Pakhomova and A. Gorshkov performed the waltz "Masquerade" on demonstration performances. The whole world applauded the “golden” Soviet couple! No one has ever been able to achieve such a combination of technique and artistry. In addition, many viewers for the first time discovered Khachaturian's unusually beautiful and expressive music. Yes, that year, hundreds of thousands of music lovers all over the world added gramophone records with a recording of the Masquerade waltz to their personal record libraries.

The video materials of those years are not perfect - let's forgive them for this shortcoming, enjoy the music and dance.

Old Russian waltzes (early 20th century)
An old city garden, a dance floor, a "shell" stage - and, of course, a brass band playing old Russian waltzes ... Surprisingly, many of us feel a sense of nostalgia at the sounds brass band, even if we were born decades after the war and have never seen a real "shell" stage in our lives! "Amur Waves", "Birch", "On the Hills of Manchuria", "Autumn Dream" ...

Oh no, "Autumn Dream" is, unfortunately, not ours. At the beginning of the 20th century, the waltz "Autumn Dream" was composed by British composer Archibald Joyce. However, the Russian public loved him so much that they used to consider him theirs.

And what about the rest of the old Russian waltzes? Maybe they have a foreign origin? No, the rest are real Russians. Waltz "Birch" was written by Russian military musician E. M. Dreyzin, "On the hills of Manchuria" - Shatrov I. A.

Frontline lyric songs-waltzes

During the Great Patriotic War, along with harsh marches, lyrical music also sounded. Singing melodies and simple sincere words at the front were even more important than marching rhythms and militant appeals.

In the sincere intonations of waltz songs, such as “In the Frontline Forest” (written by composer Matvey Blanter and poet Mikhail Isakovsky), one could hear both greetings from peaceful life and an order to fight to victory.

It's hard to believe, but there was a time when a number of the best Soviet songs wartime semi-officially "covered up". They were not allowed to be broadcast on the radio, they were forbidden to sing from the stage. The argument was absolutely absurd - but we understand this today, decades later. And then, in the 70s, oh front-line song Mikhail Fradkin and Evgeny Dolmatovsky "Random Waltz" in a textbook for music schools it was written that she is de immoral, because she "sings of the dubious poetry of chance meetings."

Today, no one remembers the names of the figures who so reverently cared about moral purity Soviet people. And we, listening to the song "Random Waltz", seem to be transported back to those war years - and our hearts shrink.

Waltzes in our cinema
Cinema is completely unthinkable without music, and romantic cinema without a waltz. In a movie about a school, we will most likely hear a lyrically excited, sadly waltz of graduates (as in the movie "Joke"), in lyrical comedy a waltz with a humorous tinge will surely sound ("Irony of Fate, or S light steam”), and the New Year’s picture will not do without a festive waltz (“ Carnival Night"). IN philosophical tale a waltz can flash with a hint, a chorus, an insert - but it will definitely be (" Ordinary miracle"," The same Munchausen ").

Sometimes music transforms a seemingly ingenuous plot, and “finishes” what cannot be conveyed with the help of a video sequence: this is precisely the role that Andrey Petrov’s wonderful waltz plays in the film “Beware of the Car”. Its soft and transparent musical cloth- this is a mirror that reflects the bright, a little "out of this world", the soul of the modern Robin Hood.

Waltz by Georgy Sviridov "Snowstorm"
Regulars of philharmonic concerts know and love this exquisite and at the same time luxurious waltz. However, more recently, excerpts from it began to sound in television advertising. An infrequent case: advertising did a good deed and literally made all viewers huge country to learn beautiful music by heart, but not everyone knows what kind of music it is and who its author is. It's time to get acquainted!

Back in 1964, Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov wrote an orchestral suite for the film "The Snowstorm", based on the story by A. S. Pushkin. Waltz is the second movement of this suite. A few years later, the film was almost forgotten, and the music continued to sound: in concert halls, in recordings, in home amateur performances. Georgy Vasilievich slightly modified the suite and renamed it "Musical illustrations for Pushkin's story" Blizzard ".

The composer literally draws with sounds, like with paints, using the richest possibilities of a large symphony orchestra. The extreme parts of the waltz are, of course, a blizzard, starting with a light drift and growing into a furious snowstorm; middle part- a picture of a brilliant ball.

The music of the illustrations for The Snowstorm is not only pictorial, it is also psychological: after all, the plot is, as always, based on love and separation. However, unlike many others, this romantic plot ends quite well. From past hardships, only memories remain.
Ahead - whole life! I want to believe a happy life.
Let's smile, ladies and gentlemen!

There are people who consider waltzes to be exclusively dance music, and therefore not worthy of being taken seriously. And this can only mean one thing: such people are not familiar enough with this genre!

What is a waltz

Well, uh, actually, by and large these people are right: the very word "waltz" does not give room for different interpretations. This really and unambiguously means a kind of ballroom and folk dance a certain size and canon in execution.

But this is a dance. And here music accompanying this dance is separate story. Although the main canvas of the melody must correspond to the rhythm dance moves, but this does not mean that she is clamped by strict restrictions in the expression of feelings and emotions!

waltz king

Of course, a conversation about composers working in this direction should begin with the name of Johann Strauss. After all, he created musical miracle: raised dance music(and besides waltzes, the composer wrote quite a few polkas, quadrilles, mazurkas) to symphonic heights!

Strauss had a happy fate, inherited by a few creative people: he became famous and in demand during his lifetime. At its peak creative career he was called the king of waltzes. His works were loved by many authoritative colleagues: Tchaikovsky, Offenbach, Wagner.

But you may be surprised when you find out that the composer had an obvious envious and ill-wisher, who, as best he could, tried to interfere with him. musical career. And be even more surprised to learn that this " evil genius"was his own father - Johann Strauss Sr.

The younger Johann showed amazing generosity: despite all the intrigues of his father (including the deprivation of children of their inheritance), he dedicated his waltz "Aeolian harp" to his memory. Not to mention that he publishes at his own expense complete collection father's writings.

First Russian waltz

According to all information that has come down to our days, the creation of A.S. Griboedova - waltz in E minor. Many of us know Alexander Sergeevich as the author of the textbook literary work"Woe from Wit".

But literature was not his main activity. Griboyedov is a real Russian intellectual and nobleman, served as a diplomat, owned several foreign languages, was an excellent pianist and possessed real artistry and good taste.

Listen to his work, which is often called Griboedov's waltz.

And now it will be just intrigue. The story is completely alive. It's about a young, up-and-coming musician. I don’t know the fate of his other works, in general, I don’t even know: were they - other works? But it was definitely a waltz.

For some reason, unknown to me, fate changed, the young man did not become a composer, but became a world-famous film actor. The waltz remained unreleased and unplayed for the general public, and remained so for 50 years!

And only recently in a beautiful concert hall, this magnificent melody was performed by a beautiful orchestra. Who is this composer? As soon as you turn on this video, you will immediately recognize it!

Other beautiful waltzes

There are waltzes by different composers that are a pleasure to listen to.

In one of the February issues of the newspaper of the South-Western Front "Red Army" for 1942, it was published poem by E. Dolmatovsky "Dancing until the morning" where these lines were:

A blizzard howls on Oskol,
The winds blow across the river.
They say school today
There will be dancing until morning.
The hoarse voice of the radio,
Snow flying over the threshold.
The smell of the powder is not cheerful.
The clatter of felted boots.
Dance eternal pursuit
Surprisingly light
And lies in my palm
unfamiliar hand...

“I wrote this poem almost from nature,” says the poet. - Even during the first difficult war winter, while in the troops on the border between Russia and Ukraine in the Kharkov and Belgorod region, I noticed that no complexity of the situation, mortal danger, devastation, misfortune can drown out and reject everything that, it would seem, belongs only peaceful times and is called lyrics.
It is worth a military column to stop for the night in a front-line village or town, and now acquaintances are already arising, and frank conversations, and falling in love, and all this has a sad and chaste character; and early, early - parting, departure ...

Singing Leonid Utyosov

Even in the title of the poem, I took out what was printed in large clumsy letters on sheets of paper attached to the doors of the school: "Dancing until the morning."
Such announcements beckoned young people in those days ... "

Many months later, in December 1942, E. A. Dolmatovsky met composer Mark Fradkin with which they wrote "Song of the Dnieper". The meeting took place near Stalingrad. With a brigade of artists, Fradkin roamed the troops completing the Stalingrad operation.

“I read to him “Dancing until the morning,” Dolmatovsky continues his story. “Soon, on a trophy accordion, he played me a waltz melody, inspired, as he said, by this poem. Naturally, rhythmically, poetry and music were out of sync.
I had to think about a new version of the text, but, to tell the truth, the moment demanded other songs: we became witnesses and even participants in a great victory ... "

Singing Valentina Tolkunova

And such "other" songs were written by them. Very popular among members Battle of Stalingrad there were songs by M. Fradkin and E. Dolmatovsky “We have in Stalingrad”, “Kolechko”, and many others.

Shortly after the Battle of Stalingrad, when Paulus's army was finally defeated and silence fell on this sector of the front, unusual, stunning, the poet and composer were invited to a meeting of the Military Council of the front, they were presented with the military awards they deserved - the Order of the Red Star - and asked to acquaint them with their new songs, talk about creative plans.
“Fradkin played songs, and I looked at my idol General K.K. Rokossovsky, the poet ends his memoirs of that time. Until that day, I had never seen this commander so closely, who enjoyed the boundless love of his soldiers and officers ... The commander, in the presence of his main political advisers - K.F. Telegin and S.F. Galadzhev - was interested in the state and effect of the song weapons in his troops and under his command.
I talked about our idea - to turn the poem "Dancing until the morning" into a song. Sergei Galadzhev, head of the political department of the front, who used to know this poem. said that it should be something like an officer's waltz.

At that time, the word "officer" only acquired the right to exist, only penetrated into everyday life. I really liked the title "Officer's Waltz" for the future song.Rokossovsky said that our new meeting would take place on a new sector of the front, which would be given to our Stalingrad troops. What kind of sector it will be, what its geography is, the front commander did not say.

We left the hut, which housed the Military Council of the front, and immediately learned that we had to get ready for the road. The night is on the way. The train moved north. Fradkin and I ended up in the carriage of the Political Directorate. It was there that the "Officer's Waltz" was written.
The echelon traveled slowly - from Stalingrad to Yelets for seven days. At all stations and half-stations, Fradkin sang a song in front of fighters of different echelons: overtaking each other, they walked from the banks of the Volga to the area that in the summer of 1943 thundered all over the world - the famous Kursk Bulge. Under Yelets, the authors already heard their song, ahead of them with the echelon that had slipped earlier. And so this waltz went circling the fronts. And soon the word "officer" in its title was replaced by "random" - after all, the song was also a soldier's one.

“Random waltz” was sung by many artists at front-line concerts. A L. Utyosov recorded it on a record. Since then, this song has been living among the people for more than forty years, remaining one of the favorite lyrical songs of the war.

The night is short
The clouds are sleeping
And lies in my palm
Your unfamiliar hand.
After the alarm
Sleeping town.
I heard a waltz tune
And looked here for an hour.

Even though I hardly know you
And far from here is my home
I seem to be again
Near home...
This empty room
We dance together
So tell me the word
I don't know what.

We'll circle
Sing and make friends.
I completely forgot how to dance
And I ask you to excuse me.
Morning is calling
Hiking again...
Leaving your Small town,
I will pass by your gate.

Even though I hardly know you
And far from here is my home
I seem to be again
Near home.
This empty room
We dance together
So tell me the word
I don't know what.

Yu. E. Biryukov

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