Cro-Magnon was found in. Cro-Magnon is smarter than modern man


The emergence of people of the modern physical type, who replaced the ancient people, occurred relatively recently, about 40 thousand years ago. The remains of fossil people of the modern physical type have been found in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. In the grotto of Cro-Magnon in France, several of their skeletons were found at once. According to the place of discovery, fossil people modern type were called Cro-Magnons. In our country, unique finds of these people were made near Voronezh and Vladimir.

The Cro-Magnons had high forehead, there was no massive supraorbital ridge. The lower jaw had the same chin protrusion as ours. This feature is associated with the development of the speech apparatus. The volume of the brain basically did not exceed the volume of the Neanderthal brain, but its structure was more perfect, the frontal lobes were more developed. The bones of the skeleton are less massive and thinner than those of the Neanderthal. They have fully formed a straight gait and a modern human hand. In general, in their physical structure, they did not differ from modern people.

For tens of thousands of years of later human history, up to the present time, the physical structure of man has not undergone noticeable changes. New work skills, a new culture were developed, but the structure of human bones, muscles, their interconnectedness remained almost unchanged.

Where did the huge Cro-Magnon population come from and where did it disappear to? How did races come about? Whose descendants are we?

Why were Cro-Magnons distributed throughout the world? Could one population live on a huge area from Vladimir to Beijing? What archaeological finds support this theory? Why was the Cro-Magnon brain more brain modern man? Why do the classical Neanderthals of Europe bear little resemblance to modern humans? Could they have lost their speech a second time? Was the Neanderthal a Bigfoot and a Cro-Magnon hunter? During what period did the geological and cultural catastrophe occur? What did the sudden and simultaneous melting of two large glaciers lead to? Where did the Cro-Magnons go? How did the major racial groups form? Why was the Negroid racial group the last to appear? Did the Cro-Magnons keep in touch with their space handlers? Paleoanthropologist Alexander Belov discusses whose descendants we are and who is watching us from space?

Alexander Belov: The Soviet anthropologist Debets, he believed that he even introduced the term "Cro-Magnons in the broadest sense of the word" into science. What does this mean? The people of the Upper Paleolithic are more or less similar to each other, regardless of where they lived, on the territory of the Russian Plain, in Europe, or in Australia, or in Indonesia, and even in America there are remains of the Cro-Magnons. In fact, they were distributed all over the world, and from this we conclude that the population was more or less homogeneous. And so Debets just introduced the concept of "Cro-Magnons in the broadest sense of the word" into science. He united in this population all the people of the Upper Paleolithic who lived regardless of where they lived, they were more or less similar to each other, and he called them this term, "Cro-Magnons in the broadest sense of the word." That is, it is not connected with the Cro-Magnon grotto in France or in some parts of Europe. They find, for example, the skull of Sungir 1, an old man according to Vladimir, he is very similar, Cro-Magnon, to a similar skull 101, which was found near Beijing in the Dragon Bones Cave, in fact, one to one just a skull. You can see on the map how large the distance between Vladimir and Beijing is, that is, approximately the same population lived for a huge distance. It was, of course, not numerous, that is, there are few remains of the Cro-Magnons, it must be said, that is, this population was not numerically numerous. And this is what is characteristic of Cro-Magnons, they are united not only by a single morphotype, they are also united by the presence of a large brain. If on average a modern person has 1350 average volume of cubic centimeters of the brain, then Cro-Magnons have an average of 1550, that is, 200-300 cubes modern man, alas and ah, lost. Moreover, he lost not just the cubes of the brain, as if abstractly, he lost just those zones, those representations of the associative and parietal frontal zones of the brain, that is, this is exactly the substrate by which we think, where the intellect itself is based. And in fact, the frontal lobes, they are responsible for inhibitory behavior, for the fact that, roughly speaking, we do not hold back emotions, we expose ourselves to some kind of unrestrained, emotional affects. And if these brakes are turned off, then, of course, a person can already switch to some affective behavioral responses. This is very bad and detrimental to his own fate and the fate of the society in which he lives. And this is exactly what we see among the Neanderthals, the early Neanderthals, they are called atypical, they lived about 130 thousand years ago, they are found in Asia, mainly in Europe, Asia Minor, they were more or less still similar to modern people. And the classic Neanderthals of Europe, their chin protrusion actually disappears, they have a high larynx, they have a flat base of the skull. This suggests that the Neanderthals lost their speech for the second time, this is what it says. Alexander Zobov, our famous Russian and Soviet anthropologist, spoke and wrote a lot about this. And in fact, a paradoxical thing turns out, and their culture also becomes practically, so they dig a trench and accidentally discover the backbone of Neanderthals without any accompanying archaeological inventory or so on. This suggests that this is, if you like, roughly speaking, a Bigfoot of such an Upper Paleolithic. And they, apparently, were simply hunted by the Cro-Magnons. In Croatia, this massacre is known, when 20 bones and broken skulls of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons were found, most likely such fights or battles in the Upper Paleolithic took place between Neanderthals, the predecessors of modern people, and Cro-Magnons.

And in this regard, the question arises, where did the Cro-Magnons go, in fact, and who are we, modern people? There are several versions on this score, but if we follow the tradition of Soviet anthropology and Debets, in particular, then it is quite clear and clear picture it is drawn that the classic Cro-Magnons, Cro-Magnon-like types, they spread throughout the Earth, created quite high culture, it was apparently connected with some new unusual technologies that we have already lost, we don’t know, and with some kind of knowledge that we, unfortunately, have also lost, and with a connection, maybe with our own cosmic predecessors, this also indicates, for example, wands, some astronomical calendar carved circles and other different features, this is evidence of this. And somewhere in the region of the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary, about 10 thousand years ago, a geological cultural catastrophe occurs. But historically this Upper Paleolithic is actually replaced by the Mesolithic, middle stone age, that is, the ancient stone age, it is replaced by the Mesolithic. And in fact, the Middle Stone Age, during this period of time, amazing things happen. Suddenly melt, suddenly melt, I would say, both glaciers, and the huge Scandinavian glacier, the thickness of which reached three kilometers in height, and it reached Smolensk, that's how it was, its epicenter over the Gulf of Bothnia. Simultaneously with it, the North American glacier is melting, which generally occupied in terms of power, in terms of its latitude, the dimensions of half North America, continent. And naturally, the level of the World Ocean in this period, 12-10 thousand years before new era, it rises sharply to 130-150 meters. And it’s clear that people who find themselves in this situation, they will be divided, Africa is separated from Asia, Europe is also separated from Asia by water barriers, that is, on the site of the Russian Plain, seas are formed here that merge into the Caspian and Black Seas, and into the Mediterranean then. Many racial groups, future racial groups, being in isolation, in island isolation, so to speak, firstly, the population is sharply reduced, that is, anthropologists talk about the “bottleneck” that racial groups go through, all racial groups, this is exactly what is happening. at this point, and that, in general, they are geologically separated. And once in an isolate, in a geological isolate, such basic racial groups begin to form, Caucasoids in Europe, Mongoloids in Asia, this is Far East, Asia, Central Asia, and Africans on the African continent. This is due to the fact that genetic exchange, it does not go between these groups for several millennia, at least.

Here, cultural isolation must also be added to this. Cultural isolation may even have done more negative than such purely geographical isolation. The Negroids are changing quite a lot, and it is the Negro race that appears at this moment. Negroids, they are very young, one might say, that is, this is the Neolithic, the end of the Mesolithic, the beginning of the Neolithic, at least 9-10 thousand years before the new era, blacks appear.

Cro-Magnons are the earliest representatives of modern man. It must be said that these people lived later than the Neanderthals and inhabited almost the entire territory. modern Europe. The name "Cro-Magnon" can only be understood as those people who were found in the grotto of Cro-Magnon. These people lived 30 thousand years ago and looked like a modern person.

General information about Cro-Magnons

The Cro-Magnons were very advanced, and it must be said that their skills, achievements, and changes social organization life many times surpassed Neanderthals and Pithecanthropes, and combined. It is with and is associated with Cro-Magnon. The lifestyle of these people has helped them take a big step forward in their development and achievements. Due to the fact that they were able to inherit an active brain from their ancestors, their achievements manifested themselves in aesthetics, tool manufacturing technology, communication, etc.

origin of name

Associated with a reasonable person, the number of changes in which was very large, namely Cro-Magnon. Their way of life was different from the way of life of their ancestors.

It is worth saying that the name "Cro-Magnon" comes from the rocky grotto of Cro-Magnon, located in France. In 1868, Louis Larte found several skeletons of people in this area, as well as tools Late Paleolithic. He later described them, after which it was found out that these people existed about 30,000 years ago.

Cro-Magnon physique

Compared to Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons had a less massive skeleton. The growth of early representatives of man reached 180-190 cm.

Their forehead was straighter and smoother than that of Neanderthals. It is also worth noting that the Cro-Magnon skull had a high and round arch. The chin of these people was protruding, the eye sockets were angular, and the nose was rounded.

Cro-Magnons developed a straight gait. Scientists assure that their physique practically did not differ from the physique of modern people. And this already speaks volumes.

It was the Cro-Magnon man who was very similar to modern man. early representatives of man was quite interesting and unusual, compared with their ancestors. The Cro-Magnon people made a huge amount of effort in order to be as similar as possible to a modern person.

The earliest representatives of man are the Cro-Magnons. Who are the Cro-Magnons? Lifestyle, housing and clothing

About who the Cro-Magnons are, not only adults know, but also children. We study the features of their stay on Earth at school. It must be said that the first representative of a person who created settlements was precisely the Cro-Magnon. The way of life of these people was different from the Neanderthals. Cro-Magnons gathered in communities that numbered up to 100 people. They lived in caves, as well as tents made of skins. IN Eastern Europe met representatives who lived in dugouts. It is important that their speech was articulate. Cro-Magnon clothing was skins.

How did the Cro-Magnon hunt? Way of life, tools of labor of an early representative of man

It must be said that the Cro-Magnons succeeded not only in the development social life but also in hunting. The paragraph "Features of the way of life of Cro-Magnons" includes an improved method of hunting - driven fishing. early representatives people were mined northern, as well as mammoths, etc. It was the Cro-Magnons who knew how to make special spear throwers that could fly up to 137 meters. Harpoons and hooks for catching fish were also tools of the Cro-Magnons. They created snares - devices for hunting birds.

primitive art

It is important that it was the Cro-Magnons who became the creators of the European. This is evidenced primarily by the multi-color painting in the caves. The Cro-Magnons painted in them on the walls as well as the ceilings. Confirmation that these people were creators primitive art, are engravings on stones and bones, ornament, etc.

All this testifies to how interesting and amazing the life of the Cro-Magnons was. Their way of life has become an object of admiration even in our time. It should be noted that the Cro-Magnons made a huge step forward, which significantly brought them closer to modern man.

Burial rites of the Cro-Magnons

It is worth noting that the early representatives of man also had funeral rites. It was customary among the Cro-Magnons to put various decorations, household items, and even food in the grave of the deceased. They were sprinkled on the hair of the dead, put on a net, bracelets on their hands, and flat stones were placed on their faces. It is also worth noting that the Cro-Magnons buried the dead in a bent state, that is, their knees had to touch the chin.

Recall that the Cro-Magnons were the first to domesticate an animal - a dog.

One of the versions of the origin of the Cro-Magnons

It must be said that there are several versions of the origin of the early representatives of man. The most common of them says that the Cro-Magnons were the ancestors of all modern people. According to this theory, these people appeared in East Africa about 100-200 thousand years ago. It is believed that the Cro-Magnons migrated to the Arabian Peninsula 50-60 thousand years ago, after which they appeared in Eurasia. According to this, one group of early human representatives quickly populated the entire coast of the Indian Ocean, while the second one migrated to the steppes. Central Asia. According to numerous data, it can be seen that 20 thousand years ago Europe was already inhabited by the Cro-Magnons.

Until now, many admire the way of life of the Cro-Magnons. Briefly about these early representatives of man, one can say that they were the most similar to modern man, as they improved their skills and abilities, developed and learned a lot of new things. The Cro-Magnons made a huge contribution to the history of human development, because it was they who took a huge step towards the most important achievements.

Cro-Magnon lifestyle.

Archaeological finds indicate that the weapons and methods of making them among the Cro-Magnons were much more perfect than among the Neanderthals; this was of great importance for increasing food resources and population growth. Spear throwers were given human hand gain in strength by doubling the distance the hunter could throw his spear. Now he was able to hit the prey at a great distance even before it had time to be frightened and run away. Among the serrated tips was invented harpoon, which could catch salmon coming from the sea to the river to spawn. Fish became an important food item for the first time.

The Cro-Magnons caught birds with snares; they were the ones who came up with deadly traps for birds, wolves, foxes and much larger animals. Some experts believe that the hundreds of mammoths whose remains were found near Pavlov in Czechoslovakia fell into such a trap.

hallmark Cro-Magnons was hunting large herds of large animals. They learned to drive such herds to those areas where it was easier to kill the animals, and staged a mass slaughter. Cro-Magnons also moved in the wake of the seasonal migrations of large mammals. This is evidenced by their seasonal residence in selected areas. Late Stone Age Europe was teeming with large wild mammals from which much meat and furs could be obtained. After that, their number and variety have never been so great.

The main sources of food for the Cro-Magnons were such animals: reindeer and red deer, tour, horse and stone goat.

In construction, the Cro-Magnons basically followed the old traditions of the Neanderthals. They lived in the caves, they built tents from skins, built dwellings from stones or dug them out of the ground. New steel light summer tents, which were built by nomadic hunters (Fig. 2.18, Fig. 2.19).

Rice. 2.18. Reconstruction of a hut, Terra Amata Fig. 2.19. Reconstruction of dwellings, Mezin

Ability to live in ice age in addition to housing provided and new types of clothes. Bone needles and images of people dressed in fur suggest that they wore closely fitting trousers, jackets with hoods, shoes and mittens with well-stitched seams.

In the era from 35 to 10 thousand years ago, Europe experienced great period his prehistoric art.

The range of works was wide: engravings of animals and people made on small pieces of stone, bones, ivory and deer antlers; clay and stone sculptures and reliefs; drawings with ocher, manganese and charcoal, as well as images laid out on the walls of caves with moss or applied with paint blown through a straw (Fig. 2.20).

The study of skeletons from burials suggests that two-thirds of the Cro-Magnons reached the age of 20, while among their predecessors, the Neanderthals, the number of such people was not even half; one in ten Cro-Magnons lived to be 40, compared to one in twenty among Neanderthals. That is, Cro-Magnon life expectancy increased.

The burials of the Cro-Magnons can also be used to judge their symbolic rituals and the growth of wealth and social status.

Rice. 2.20. Drawing of a bison, Niot, France Fig. 2.21. Fox teeth necklace, Moravia

Burialers often sprinkled the dead with red ocher, which is supposed to symbolize blood and life, which may indicate that the Cro-Magnons believed in afterlife. Some corpses were buried with rich decorations (Fig. 2.21); these are early indications that in hunter-gatherer communities rich and respected people began to appear.

Perhaps the most amazing things are found in the burial of hunters, made 23,000 years ago in Sungiri, east of Moscow. Here lay an old man in fur garments, skillfully decorated with beads.

Two boys were buried nearby, dressed in beaded furs, with ivory rings and bracelets; near them lay long spears made of mammoth tusks and two strange, carved from bone and scepter-like rods of the type called the "commander's baton" (Fig. 2.22).

10,000 years ago, the cold epoch of the Pleistocene gave way to the Holocene, or “completely new” epoch. This is the time of the mild climate in which we live now. As the climate in Europe warmed, the area occupied by forests expanded. Forests advanced, occupying vast areas of the former tundra, and the rising sea flooded low coasts and river valleys.

Rice. 2.22. Burial of a man, Sungir 1, Russia

Climate change and intensified hunting led to the disappearance of the huge wild herds, at the expense of which the Cro-Magnons were fed. But on land, forest mammals remained in abundance, and in the water - fish and waterfowl.

The tools and weapons they made allowed the northern Europeans to use all these food sources. These specific hunter-gatherer groups created mesolithic culture, or " middle stone age". It was so named because it followed the ancient Stone Age, which was characterized by the hunting of huge herds of animals. Mesolithic culture laid the foundation for the emergence of agriculture V Northern Europe characteristic of the new stone age. The Mesolithic, which lasted only 10 to 5 thousand years ago, was only a brief moment of the prehistoric period. From the bones found at the Mesolithic sites, it can be seen that the prey of the Mesolithic hunters were red deer, roe deer, wild boar, wild bulls, beavers, foxes, ducks, geese and pikes. Huge heaps of mollusk shells indicate that they ate on the Atlantic coast and North Sea. Mesolithic people were also engaged in the collection of roots, fruits and nuts. Groups of people apparently migrated from place to place, following seasonal changes in food sources.

Archaeologists believe that Mesolithic people lived in smaller groups than their possible ancestors - the Cro-Magnons. But food production was now kept at a more stable level throughout the year, with the result that the number of camps and, consequently, the population increased. Life expectancy also seems to have increased.

New stone tools and weapons helped the Mesolithic people to master the forests and seas that occupied part of Northwestern Europe after the melting of the northern ice sheet.

One of the main types of hunting weapons were Bow and arrows, which were probably invented in the Late Paleolithic. A skilled archer could hit a stone goat at a distance of 32 m, and if his first arrow did not hit the target, he had time to send another one after it.

The arrows were usually serrated or tipped with small pieces of flint called microliths. Microliths were glued with resin to a deer bone shaft.

New examples of large stone tools helped Mesolithic people to make shuttles, paddles, skis and sleds. All this taken together made it possible to develop huge water areas for catching fish and facilitated movement through snow and wetlands.

Hominid triad

Because the only modern representative of the family is a person, from his features three most important systems were historically identified, which are considered truly hominid.

These systems have been called the hominid triad:

− upright posture (bipedia);

- a brush adapted for the manufacture of tools;

- highly developed brain.

1. Upright posture. Many hypotheses have been put forward regarding its origin. The two most important are the Miocene cooling and the labor concept.

Miocene cooling: in the middle and end of the Miocene, as a result of global climate cooling, there was a significant reduction in the areas of tropical forests and an increase in the area of ​​savannahs. This could be the reason for the transition of some hominoids to a terrestrial way of life. However, the earliest known upright primates are known to have lived in rainforests.

Labor concept: according to the well-known labor concept of F. Engels and its later versions, the emergence of bipedalism is closely related to the specialization of the monkey's hand for labor activity- carrying objects, babies, manipulating food and making tools. In the future, work led to the emergence of language and society. However, according to modern data, upright posture arose much earlier than the manufacture of tools. Bipedal locomotion arose at least 6 million years ago in Orrorin tugenensis, and ancient tools from Gona in Ethiopia are dated only 2.7 million years ago.

Rice. 2.23. Human and gorilla skeleton

There are other versions of the origin of bipedalism. It could have arisen for orientation in the savannah, when it was necessary to look over tall grass. Also, human ancestors could stand up on their hind legs to cross water barriers or graze in swampy meadows, as modern gorillas do in the Congo.

According to the concept of C. Owen Lovejoy, upright posture arose in connection with a special breeding strategy, since hominids raise one or two cubs for a very long time. At the same time, caring for offspring reaches such complexity that it becomes necessary to free the forelimbs. Carrying helpless young and food over a distance becomes a vital element of behavior. According to Lovejoy, bipedalism originated in the rainforest, and already bipedal hominids moved to the savannas.

In addition, it has been experimentally and on mathematical models proved that movement over long distances with average speed on two legs it is energetically more favorable than on four.

Most likely, not one reason acted in evolution, but a whole complex of them. To determine upright posture in fossil primates, scientists use the following main features:

· the position of the foramen magnum - in rectiformers it is located in the center of the length of the base of the skull, it opens down. Such a structure is already known about 4 - 7 million years ago. In tetrapods - in the back of the base of the skull, turned back (Fig. 2.23).

The structure of the pelvis - in upright walking the pelvis is wide and low (such a structure has been known since Australopithecus afarensis 3.2 million years ago), in tetrapods the pelvis is narrow, high and long (Fig. 2.25);

The structure of the long bones of the legs - in upright legs, the legs are long, the knee and ankle joints have a characteristic structure. This structure has been known since 6 million years ago. Quadrupedal primates have arms longer than their legs.

The structure of the foot - the arch (rise) of the foot is expressed in upright walkers, the fingers are straight, short, the thumb is not laid aside, inactive (the arch is already expressed in Australopithecus afarensis, but the fingers are long and curved in all Australopithecus, in Homo habilis the foot is flattened, but fingers are straight, short), in tetrapods the foot is flat, the fingers are long, curved, movable. In the foot of Australopithecus anamensis, the big toe was inactive. In the foot of Australopithecus afarensis, the big toe was opposed to others, but much weaker than in modern monkeys, the arches of the foot are well developed, the footprint was almost like that of a modern person. In the foot of Australopithecus africanus and Australopithecus robustus, the big toe was strongly abducted from the others, the fingers were very mobile, the structure is intermediate between apes and humans. In the foot of Homo habilis, the big toe is fully adducted to the rest.

The structure of the hands - in fully upright hominids, the hands are short, not adapted for walking on the ground or climbing trees, the phalanges of the fingers are straight. Australopithecus afarensis, Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus robustus and even Homo habilis have traits of adaptation for walking on the ground or climbing trees.

Thus, bipedal locomotion arose more than 6 million years ago, but for a long time differed from modern version. Some Australopithecus and Homo habilis also used other types of locomotion - climbing trees and walking based on the phalanges of the fingers.

Fully modern bipedalism became only about 1.6-1.8 million years ago.

2. The origin of the hand adapted to the manufacture of tools. The hand capable of making tools is different from the hand of a monkey. Although morphological features working hand are not completely reliable, but the following labor complex can be distinguished:

Strong wrist. In Australopithecus, starting with Australopithecus afarensis, the structure of the wrist is intermediate between apes and humans. Almost modern structure is observed in Homo habilis 1.8 million years ago.

Opposition of the thumb. The feature was already known 3.2 million years ago in Australopithecus afarensis and Australopithecus africanus. It was fully developed in Australopithecus robustus and Homo habilis 1.8 million years ago. Finally, it was peculiar or limited in the Neanderthals of Europe about 40-100 thousand years ago.

Broad terminal phalanges. Australopithecus robustus, Homo habilis, and all later hominids had very wide phalanges.

Attachment of muscles that move the fingers of an almost modern type is noted in Australopithecus robustus and Homo habilis, but they also have primitive features.

The hand bones of the oldest upright hominoids (Australopithecus anamensis and Australopithecus afarensis) have a mixture of features of great apes and humans. Most likely, these species could use objects as tools, but not manufacture them. The first real tool makers were Homo habilis. Probably, South African massive australopithecines Australopithecus (Paranthropus) robustus also made tools.

So, the labor brush as a whole was formed about 1.8 million years ago.

3. Highly developed brain. The modern human brain is very different from the great ape brain (Figure 2.24) in size, shape, structure, and function, but many transitional variants can be found among fossil forms. Typical signs of the human brain are as follows:

Large overall dimensions brain. Australopithecus had the same brain size as modern chimpanzees. A rapid growth in size occurred in Homo habilis about 2.5-1.8 million years ago, and in later hominids a gradual increase to modern values ​​is observed.

Specific brain fields - Broca's and Wernicke's areas and other fields began to develop in Homo habilis and archanthropes, but completely modern look reached, apparently, only in modern man.

The structure of the lobes of the brain. In humans, the lower parietal and frontal lobes are significantly developed, sharp corner convergence of the temporal and frontal lobes, the temporal lobe is wide and rounded in front, the occipital lobe is relatively small, hanging over the cerebellum. In Australopithecus, the structure and size of the brain were the same as in the great apes.

Rice. 2.24. The brain of primates: a - tarsier, b - lemur, Fig. 2.25. Taz chimpanzee (a);

Cro-Magnons - the origin of modern man

Cro-Magnons - common name ancient representatives of modern man, who appeared much later than the Neanderthals and coexisted with them for some time (40-30,000 years ago). Their appearance And physical development actually no different from modern man.

Approximately 40–30,000 years ago, the third greatest event in the life of our planet. The first, which happened several billion years ago, was the origin of life. The second is the beginning of humanization, the transition from ape to ape-man - about 2 million years ago. The third event is the emergence of modern man, Homo sapiens- a reasonable person.

40-30,000 years ago, it appears and very quickly (quickly in this case, when a millennium is a trifle) takes the place of the Neanderthals.

Cro-Magnon skeletons found

As soon as an archaeologist from France Larte discovered 5 skeletons in the Cro-Magnon grotto under a thick layer of centuries-old deposits, he immediately guessed that he had met “acquaintances”. Shortly before this, the scientist became aware that, by order of the authorities of the Haute-Garonne department, 17 skeletons, accidentally found in the Orignac Pyrenean cave, were buried in the parish cemetery. Larte could easily prove that in relation to these people one can waive the strict rules of Christian burial, and not only dug them back, but also established (using stone tools and animal bones from the Aurignac cave) that they were contemporaries of the same ice age, where the classic Neanderthals lived. The tools of the Aurignacian man are in a slightly higher, i.e. late, layer than the tools of the Chapelles.

The two caves in which the most ancient people of the modern type were found gave them their names: the first person began to be called Cro-Magnon, and the first big period its history - period (culture) Aurignac.

Dozens of discoveries of Cro-Magnon skeletons and sites all over the world soon followed. Western Europe And North Africa, and the ancient "reasonable man" appeared in all splendor and splendor.

Parking lot Sungir

Sculptural portraits of a girl and a boy from the Sungir site

Sungir is an Upper Paleolithic Cro-Magnon site on the territory of the Vladimir region. There is a well-known paired burial of a boy aged 12–14 and a girl aged 9–10, lying with their heads to each other. What their bones could tell. As it turned out, the boy, despite his age, could throw a spear well. right hand. The girl, judging by the development of the fingers and forearm, often made scrolling movements. right hand. We know that the clothes of the Sungir people were covered with many beads made of mammoth bone, and there were holes in the beads. These holes, apparently, were drilled by a young Cro-Magnon woman.

The structure of the right humerus and cervical vertebrae show that the girl often raised her right arm up, and her head was constantly tilted to the left. In order for such features to appear on the skeleton already in childhood, the load must be very strong! According to anthropologists, the girl regularly wore weights on her head, and held them with her right hand. Perhaps during the transitions from camp to camp, which were made by nomadic groups of Cro-Magnons, the little Cro-Magnon was a carrier on an equal basis with adults.

What was a Cro-Magnon

Cro-Magnons evoked admiration from their discoverers, mixed with envy: the first people - and immediately what!

They were Caucasians, of enormous height (on average 187 cm), with an ideal straight bipedal gait and a very large head (from 1600 to 1900 cm³). Such a large skull could still be considered a "relic of Neanderthalism", but this head already had a straight forehead, a high cranial vault, and a sharply protruding chin.

Cro-Magnon man did not know what metal was, did not suspect either agriculture or cattle breeding, but if we could transfer him through 400 centuries, he, apparently, would easily understand everything and could draw up an equation, write a poem, work on the machine and compete in a chess tournament.

Where did the Cro-Magnon come from?

A Cro-Magnon man appeared - for archaeologists and anthropologists - somehow at once: just here, in the caves of France and Italy, squat, powerful, invincible people lived, and suddenly they quickly, abruptly disappear, and people of the modern type are already hunting in their area. The aliens are accompanied by an incredible technological revolution: instead of 3-4 primitive stone tools of the Neanderthals in the Aurignac period, about 20 stone and bone “devices” were used: awls, needles, tips, and so on. Immediately, as if from nothing, an amazing cave art.

This most powerful anthropological, technical and cultural upheaval now determines the entire human history. For billions of years, animals have existed only according to biological laws, improving, expanding the apparatus of adaptation, but not leaving the biological framework. But here comes major event: the development of a group of animals has reached such a stage that they include in the mechanism of their adaptation, in addition to their own teeth and paws, also an inanimate object that does not belong to the body: a stick, a stone.

According to one version, the Cro-Magnon is the ancestor of all modern people, having appeared in East Africa approximately 130-180,000 years ago. According to this theory, 50-60,000 years ago they migrated from Africa to the Arabian Peninsula and appeared in Eurasia. The first group was able to quickly populate the coast of the Indian Ocean, and the second migrated to the steppes of Central Asia. The second group is the ancestors nomadic peoples and much of the Middle Eastern and North African population. Migration from the Black Sea to Europe began approximately 40-50,000 years ago, presumably through the Danube corridor. 20,000 years ago, all of Europe was already inhabited.

How has everything changed?

Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon

From now on, this creature no longer belongs entirely to biology, there is a gap in the “biological fence”. Oldowan pebbles, an axe, a stone axe, a steam locomotive, an electronic computing device - these are already phenomena of the same order: a living being uses and combines inanimate objects. "Who" dominates "what".

The breakthrough of biology that occurs in a social animal multiplies, intensifies in the pack, creates new relationships in this pack. But apparently biological factor, that is, the physical structure of the creature, does not immediately get used to, is consistent with the new "organs" - tools: for about 2 million years, the first ape-men change not only their inventory, but also their physical structure. A hand squeezing a beaten pebble makes the brain think hard and increase, but not remaining in debt, the brain sends its signals to the hand: it also improves.

Over thousands of centuries, tools go from rough stone, stick or bone to the Neanderthal axe, stone scraper and pointed point.

The brain during this period increases from 600–700 to 1500 cm³.

Gait - from semi-monkey to completely straight.

Hand - from a tenacious paw to a perfect tool.

The collective - from the animal flock to the first human social forms.

Some law of evolution, which we have not yet fully deciphered, causes the body of the ape-man to change along with his tools.

Comparison with modern man

Eventually there comes a point when biology and tools reach full agreement, a point from which brain and hand can do whatever work they want. The same brain and the same hand as a Cro-Magnon man will control a bow 20,000 years later, a plow 25,000 years later, and a few thousand years later, a locomotive, a car, an airplane, a rocket.

To move from a primitive ax to a more perfect one, it took from a Pithecanthropus to become a Neanderthal. And in order to come from stone unpolished tips to the splitting of the atom, “nothing” was needed, that is, it seems that nothing fundamentally changed in the human body.

Instead of changing physically in the struggle for existence, man chose a different path. From now on, he began to improve "inanimate objects" and changed the structure of his society. Physical changes were replaced by faster and more painless - technical, social.

And how can we actually know that the biological development of man has stopped?

Discussions on this topic have been going on for a very long time. It is noticed that there are secular, millennial fluctuations physical structure man: the Cro-Magnon was taller than us, now, as you know, humanity is again growing quite rapidly. Several thousand years ago, human bones were more massive, then they became more elegant, tomorrow, perhaps, they will again become massive and bulky. Undoubtedly, "brachycephalization" is going on, an increase in the number of short-headed people compared to long-headed ones.

The reasons for these changes are cryptic: food, a new way of life? The seriousness of these changes is also predictable: are these phenomena temporary, or tomorrow they will be covered by another change, or will a person still look different in a few tens or hundreds of millennia, not like now?

Guessing about the future, however, we have the right to declare: over the past 30-40 thousand years, gigantic changes in technology have occurred, but during the same time there have been no fundamental "corporeal" changes.

Obviously, the “thousand-great-grandfathers” laid a good foundation!

Cro-Magnon culture

The Cro-Magnon created a rich and varied Late Paleolithic culture. There are descriptions of more than 100 types of complex stone and bone tools made with great skill, made by new, more efficient processing of stone and bone. To a large extent, the Cro-Magnons also improved hunting methods (driven hunting), catching deer, mammoths, woolly rhinos, cave bears, wolves and other animals. They began to manufacture spear throwers (a spear could fly 137 m), as well as devices for catching fish (harpoons, hooks), and bird snares.

Cro-Magnons usually lived in caves, but at the same time, they built various dwellings from stone and dugouts, tents from animal skins, and even entire villages. Early neoanthropes could make sewn clothes, often decorated. So, at the Sungir site (Vladimir region), more than 1000 beads were found on the fur clothes of a man, many other decorations were found - bracelets, rings.

The Cro-Magnon man was the creator of remarkable European primitive art, as evidenced by multi-color painting on the walls and ceilings of caves ( (Spain), Montespan, Lascaux (France), etc.), engravings on pieces of stone or bone, ornament, small stone and clay sculpture. Amazing images of horses, deer, bison, mammoths, female figurines, called “Venuses” by archaeologists for the splendor of their forms, various objects carved from bone, horns and tusks or molded from clay, no doubt can testify to a highly developed sense of beauty among Cro-Magnons. Cave art reached its peak approximately 19-15,000 years ago. Scientists believe that the Cro-Magnons could have had magical rites and rituals.

Probably, the life expectancy of Cro-Magnons was longer than that of Neanderthals: about 10% already lived to be 40 years old. In this era, the primitive communal system was also formed.

Cro-Magnon cave with wall paintings

In the south-west of France, near the city of Villonaire, Charente department, speleologists and archaeologists have discovered a cave with ancient wall paintings.

Cave researchers managed to find a unique and extremely valuable underground hall with rock art back in December 2005, but the unique cave was reported much later. Such strong secrecy in Lately scientists are increasingly sticking to valuable finds to prevent unwanted visitors from destroying them.

Work in progress on dates rock paintings. Experts do not exclude that they may be older than those in the famous Lasko Cave and Altamira Cave. According to the first impressions of experts, we are talking about the Cro-Magnon site, that is, a period of 30,000 years ago. According to scientists, the find in Villonera could be a revolution in science - it used to be believed that in such ancient times people did not resort to painting the walls of their underground dwellings.

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