What are panic attack symptoms. Panic - what is it? Causes, signs, types, forms, treatment


Statistics say that more than 45% of the world's population is prone to panic attacks. In most cases, one attack causes a whole chain of similar panic attacks, and this, in turn, greatly complicates life.

Panic is not a full-fledged disease, but a psychological disorder. It is characterized by sudden and causeless attacks of fear. The term "panic" is a definition in psychology that implies a condition that occurs without any apparent reason. Attacks can occur in crowded places, and, conversely, in a confined space. The duration of a panic attack is no more than an hour, while the frequency is about three per week.

Causes of a panic attack

Almost everyone can recall a special condition caused by stress preceding a panic attack: the heart is pounding furiously, a hot wave runs through the body, animal fear appears. In the event that the stress factor is not eliminated, but only intensified, for example, quarrels in the family continue or a problem at work is gaining momentum, a recurrence of this condition is possible. If panic develops, the reasons may be different, but the most common are:

  1. Stressful situations during which all experiences were transferred to the subconscious.
  2. Constant conflicts at work, in the family.
  3. Psychological trauma.
  4. Nervous or physical overwork, emotional or mental overstrain.
  5. Constant expectation of a stressful situation.
  6. Hormonal disorders.
  7. Abuse of alcohol, drugs.
  8. Psychiatric disorders, such as depression or phobias.
  9. Violation of the work of the vegetative centers.

Physiological causes of panic

As for the physiological basis of a panic attack, panic (this is a sudden attack of fear) occurs due to the release of a huge dose of adrenaline into the blood. The body reacts to such a desire to run away, hide or fight, resist the situation. As a rule, this is how panic manifests itself. The causes of panic can be associated with the following diseases:

  • pheochromocytoma (a hormonally active tumor that is localized in the endocrine system and secretes a large number of adrenaline);
  • phobia (a pathological condition characterized by panic fear before a certain phenomenon or object);
  • diabetes, hyperthyroidism and other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • somatoform dysfunctions (the patient complains about a disorder in the work of a certain organ, but in fact there is no such problem);
  • heart diseases;
  • violation of tissue respiration;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis.

Certain medications can also lead to panic attacks.

At-risk groups

Certain groups of people are particularly prone to panic attacks. First of all, it concerns age. Most often, people aged 20 to 45 suffer from this disorder, and women are almost three times more likely than men. It is during this period that most of the most important decisions are made, for example, they choose a person for life or work for the soul or money.

In women, such conditions occur more often, due to their physiological characteristics, since in certain periods hormonal changes occur throughout life. In addition, they are more suspicious and tend to take everything to heart. It is not for nothing that women are more likely to turn to a psychologist for help. As for men, many of them solve their problems by drinking alcohol.

Classification of panic attacks

In medicine, there are three types of panic, depending on the cause of the attack:

  1. Spontaneous - there is no reason, it appears suddenly.
  2. Situational - an attack is provoked by special conditions that were originally psycho-traumatic for a person, the reason may be the expectation of creating such conditions.
  3. Conditional-situational - a panic attack is the result of exposure to a specific stimulus, which is chemical or biological in nature. First of all, this concerns the intake of alcohol. However this connection not always observed.

Clinical picture

A panic attack has a specific pattern. During the performance of daily duties, a strong fear attacks a person for no reason, while dizziness is felt, a strong heartbeat, there is a feeling that the soil is slipping from under the feet. A person is very frightened, there is a fear of death, he can lose consciousness. In some cases, the victim causes ambulance because it seems to him that his heart will soon fail. At the same time, doctors cannot diagnose any disorders. A person can visit many specialists, but the answer is unlikely to be found. As a result of this, phobias can develop, which again and again will provoke panic attacks.

Panic Symptoms

The main symptoms of panic, regardless of its cause, are:

  • rapid heartbeat and pulse;
  • increased sweating;
  • trembling, tremor;
  • dyspnea;
  • feeling of suffocation;
  • chest pain, discomfort;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness, which can lead to loss of consciousness;
  • derealization;
  • depersonalization;
  • fear of going crazy, loss of self-control.

There are also atypical symptoms, such as muscle cramps, bouts of vomiting, profuse urination.

During panic, the body activates which gives the appropriate reaction of the nervous system, although there is no danger as such. Unfortunately, at the end of the attack, the patient's condition does not improve, because of this, a whole series of panic attacks occurs. That's why you need to know how panic develops, the causes and symptoms.

Therapy: features of an integrated approach

Panic treatment is usually complex. There are several methods of therapy. So, drug treatment can simultaneously relieve its symptoms and prevent their occurrence. The duration of therapy is about 3 months. Remember that all appointments are made by a doctor. Corvalol, Glycised, Validol are used to eliminate symptoms, and Persen, Novo-Passit and other sedatives are used to prevent them. In some cases, the use of antidepressants, such as Paroxetine or Sertraline, is justified.

Homeopathy is effective only when the patient has no bad habits. And psychotherapy (hypnosis or cognitive behavioral therapy) is one of the most effective methods treatment. The approach to each patient is individual, therefore, before starting treatment, the doctor carefully studies the cause of panic.

First of all, you need to realize that there is no disease and no threat to life, because panic is a disorder associated with an unreasonable feeling of fear. Next, you need to get rid of the feeling of fear, which is the cause of subsequent attacks. It is recommended to carefully study the symptoms and determine which of the signs appeared first, and which followed next. This will allow you to find out what are the ways to solve the original problem.

And don't forget about healthy lifestyle life, because very often it is the exhaustion of the nervous system and the whole organism as a whole that causes panic attacks.

Do you know the feeling of sudden “wild” horror, when suddenly, “out of the blue”, the heartbeat quickens, you want to breathe again and again, but for some reason there is not enough air, and there is a lump in your throat? Blood rushes to the head and pressure jumps, nausea and chills appear? And it seems that in a moment you will definitely die ...
So, you happened to survive the so-called panic attack, in other words - a psycho-vegetative or sympathetic-adrenal crisis. In Russia, many people of all ages suffer from such anxiety disorders.

Panic attack symptoms

A panic attack, despite the frightening name, does not threaten a person's life. This is just a kind of reaction of the body to mental or physical overload. Against the background of neurosis with dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, the brain for some reason “mistakes” and gives the command to the adrenal glands to release an excess amount of adrenaline. Due to the “overdose” of adrenaline, various symptoms of an attack occur, for example:
Increased heart rate.
Feeling of fear.
Lump in chest, shortness of breath, suffocation.
Violation of thermoregulation (feeling hot or cold, shivering).
Spasm of blood vessels (pallor or marbling of the skin, pulsation in the head, etc.), a sharp increase in blood pressure.
Pain in the chest.
Gastrointestinal disorders.
Feeling of hearing loss and unreality of what is happening.
Feeling faint.
All symptoms may not occur at the same time. You can assume that you are having a panic attack if you feel at least 4-5 of the above signs.
The attack lasts, as a rule, not for long: from 10 minutes to an hour and often ends with profuse urination.

Effects of stress or alcohol

Most often, the occurrence of panic attacks is associated with stress and emotional experiences. Moreover, the attack can begin immediately after strong commotion, and several hours and even days after that. In addition, the development of vegetative crises is provoked by changes in weather conditions, lack of sleep, alcohol (its effect is “shifted” in time, and an attack usually occurs the next day after taking it). Similar conditions can also appear during puberty and menopause.
Sometimes the release of adrenaline is associated with the presence of some other diseases, such as adrenal adenoma, low level blood sugar in diabetics (hypoglycemia), thyroid disease, heart disease (angina pectoris, arrhythmia), hypotension, neurological disorders. Therefore, after experiencing a panic attack, in order to “not think” bad, it is worth visiting an endocrinologist, cardiologist, neuropathologist and therapist, passing all the necessary tests (EEG, ECG, blood for sugar, thyroid hormones, adrenaline, norepinephrine).

Expression panic horror comes from the name of the Greek god of nature Pan. He was born horned, with hooves, flattened nose, goat beard and immediately began to jump and laugh uncontrollably. On Mount Olympus, he was loved for his cheerful disposition and excellent flute playing. When Pan fell asleep, all the nature of Greece fell asleep. But if someone disturbed the peace and quiet of Pan, he became angry and inspired such wild fear and horror that people fled headlong, not understanding the road.

Starts an attack. What to do?

The most important thing is not to panic even more. Sit in a comfortable position, relax, breathe deeply and calmly. Place a tablet of validol or a quarter of a tablet of clonazepam or phenazepam under the tongue and slowly dissolve it. You can drink 20-30 drops of valocordin or corvalol.
If you feel like you're about to pass out, put a star balm or some peppermint-scented spray up to your nose. This will have the effect of ammonia. Sometimes, in order to relieve a pre-fainting state, it is useful, on the contrary, to force yourself to move.
If there is someone close to you, tell him about your feelings, it always calms. Remember that a panic attack does not carry terrible catastrophic consequences. Medicine has not recorded a single death for this reason.

Relax and enjoy life

If panic attacks occur infrequently, no special treatment is required. If such a condition occurs regularly, it must be treated. This is done by a neurologist or psychotherapist. He may also prescribe some medications that will weaken or temporarily eliminate the symptoms of a panic attack: beta-blockers (anaprilin, atenolol, etc.), tranquilizers (phenazepam, alprazolam, etc.), antidepressants, drugs that increase the amount of serotonin in the brain. But it’s not worth it to “prescribe” medicines for yourself, you can only aggravate the situation.
Phototherapy has a good therapeutic effect. Light acts through the retina of the eye on certain brain structures that begin to produce serotonin themselves. Help in the treatment of hypnosis, relaxation methods, homeopathy, breathing exercises and, of course, strengthening procedures: massage, swimming, etc. If such a complex treatment is carried out, you can say goodbye to vegetative crises forever.

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