KVN preparatory group questions about the fire. Scenario of the KVN event on fire safety "fire is my friend and enemy"


Perehvatova Nadezhda Alexandrovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Pleshanovskiy Kindergarten № 1"
Locality: With. Donskoye, Krasnogvardeisky district, Orenburg region
Material name: methodical development
Topic: Walk "Watching the birch"
Publication date: 27.12.2015
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal Preschool educational institution"Pleshanovskiy Kindergarten No. 1"
Walk in the middle group
birch watching

Prepared by: teacher Perehvatova N.A. Donskoye, 2015

Continue to introduce birch, highlighting characteristics and changes associated with the season; to consolidate knowledge about the structure of a tree about its characteristic features. Develop curiosity. Bring up careful attitude to the tree as a living object of nature.
Walk progress:

Birch observation.
The teacher gives the children a riddle. The sun has become warmer, A stream murmured in the forest, All nature is blooming, Who knows the season? What time of year is the riddle talking about? List the signs of spring? (Children's answer) Listen to another riddle: The white-barreled beauties Amicably stood by the path, The twigs descend downward, And the earrings are on the twigs. (Birch) Educator: Yes, you guys said it right - this is a birch. Tell me, does a birch grow near our site? Let's go to her.
Conversation near the birch.

What tree is this? What parts of a tree do you know? (trunk, roots, branches, leaves, buds) - What color is the birch trunk? (the trunk is white with black spots) - What are the branches of the birch, are they thick or thin? What colour? - Stroke the birch trunk. - What is she like? (Smooth, silky.) - Why do trees have roots? (the tree feeds on the roots, drinks) - Where are the roots? (roots in the ground, sometimes come out to the ground)
Teacher's story:
birch very tall tree. Its trunk is white with black dots through which it breathes. In spring, birch sheds the top layer of birch bark, the bark becomes smooth and silky, long yellow and green earrings appear on the tips of birch branches (these are seeds). Birch in
any time of the year is beautiful, it is called the beauty of the forest, the birch miracle, the tree of health. Birch leaves, branches, buds, birch sap are good for health: tea from birch buds gives strength and vigor. Medicines are made from kidneys. Yellow and green paint is made from birch leaves. Do you guys know how birch was used in ancient times? (children's answer) Our ancestors illuminated houses with a birch torch. Birch sap was used to treat patients. Wooden toys, wooden spoons, baskets for berries and mushrooms, bast shoes were made from birch. Long ago, when there was no paper, they wrote on birch bark. Nowadays, birch is used in construction, furniture, plywood, skis,
Folk omens
Do you want to know what summer will be like today? Take a look at the birches. If a lot of juice flows from a birch in spring, summer is rainy. We will hang a bottle and see how the juice will accumulate, quickly or slowly. How many songs, poems about this tree have been created. The tree takes root well on poor, infertile, waterlogged soils. Her shoots are not afraid of the sun, frost. Since ancient times, people planted a birch near their dwellings, and it was an ornament to it, it gave coolness on a hot day. In the spring, on the feast of the Russian birch (Trinity), they danced round dances and sang songs. The girls decorated the birch with ribbons (tie).
Guys, how can you recognize a birch (white trunk) at any time of the year. When do buds swell on a birch? (as soon as the snow melts) What appears in the spring from a broken birch twig? (juice) To us here rather ask, Come honest people. Now Russian birch trees are starting a round dance.
Russian folk song"There was a birch in the field."
In the field there was a birch, In the field there was a curly birch. Lyuli lyuli stood, Lyuli lyuli stood. Someone to break a birch, Someone to break a curly hair. Lyuli lyuli zalomati, Lyuli lyuli zalomati. I'll go for a walk
I will break the white birch. I'll break Lyuli Lyuli, I'll break Lyuli Lyuli. I will cut three rods from a birch, I will make three horns out of them. Lyuli lyuli three beeps, Lyuli lyuli three beeps. Fourth balalaika, Fourth balalaika. Lyuli lyuli balalaika, Lyuli lyuli balalaika. I'll go to the new ones in the canopy, I'll play the balalaika. Lyuli lyuli play, Lyuli lyuli play.

Mobile game "At the bear in the forest."

to consolidate the ability to run fast; develop an eye, cultivate friendly relationships.
Game progress.
A line (cord, rope) is drawn on one side of the site - this is the edge of the forest. At a distance of 2-3 steps, a place is determined for the bear - this is his lair. On the other side of the site, the children's house is indicated (also limited by a cord). The bear is chosen. The teacher, turning to the children, says: “Let's go for a walk!” and together with them goes to the edge of the forest. Everyone picks mushrooms and berries (imitate movements) - the children perform the appropriate movements and at the same time say: From the bear in the forest I take mushrooms, I take berries, But the bear does not sleep And growls at us. The bear gets up with a growl, the children run away. The bear is trying to catch (touch) someone. Takes the one who is caught. The game is restarted. After the bear catches 2-3 players, another bear is assigned. The game is repeated.
3.Labor activity. Cleaning up after winter.

nurturing the desire to provide all possible assistance to adults. Children collect twigs and garbage scattered on the site in their buckets.
Explain the necessity and significance of these actions, praise the children, note that with every labor effort they become stronger.
4.Individual work
. With Azat, Margarita, Valera, Alina, Arseny.
The development of the "Frog" movement

exercise in jumps in place with turns to the right, left, around yourself.

development of the eye, accuracy of movements.

Encourage children to organize games on their own, promote the formation of friendly relations in the group.
Removable material.
For labor activity: buckets, panicles, rakes. For outdoor play: bear mask, 2 cords, hoop, sandbags, ball.
April. 13.04.15 Monday. Morning number 1. Conversation with children "Work in the garden."
To introduce children to seasonal work in the garden, to update and supplement the knowledge of children about plants, about the work of adults (pruning and planting trees and shrubs).
№ 2.
Household work. Wipe cabinet shelves.
To teach children to perform appropriate labor operations, to teach them to talk about the results and benefits of the work done. Form in children positive attitude to work, responsible attitude to the assigned task.
No. 3. Individual work on FEMP -

No. 4. Articulation gymnastics. Exercise "Pussy Angry"

. To develop the articulation apparatus of children, to form the ability to hold the tip of the tongue near the lower teeth.
No. 5. Morning exercises -

Lesson 1 -

Lesson 2 -

Walk 1.
No. 1. Watching a birch in spring.
Continue to acquaint with the birch, highlighting the characteristic features and changes associated with the season; consolidate knowledge about the structure of the tree and its characteristic features. Develop curiosity. To cultivate a careful attitude to the tree as a living object of nature. No. 2. Outdoor game "
At the bear in the forest
Strengthen the ability to run fast; develop an eye, cultivate friendly relationships. No. 3. Labor activity.
Cleaning up after winter.
Tasks. Raising the desire to provide all possible assistance to adults. Explain the necessity and significance of these actions, praise the children, note that with every labor effort they become stronger.

No. 4. Individual work
. With Azat, Margarita, Valera, Alina, Arseny.
The development of the "Frog" movement

exercise in jumps in place with turns to the right, left, around yourself.
Exercise "Hit the target" (with the ball).

Teach children to correctly perform game actions (accept
mother starting position, throw the ball over the net with two ^ hands from behind the head, catch the ball with the hands without pressing it to the chest). Develop dexterity, accuracy, interest in the correct execution of the task. development of the eye, accuracy of movements.
5. Independent motor activity of children.

Encourage children to organize games on their own, promote the formation of friendly relations in the group.
2 half a day.

No. 1. Health work -

No. 2. Conversation
"First cosmonaut".
To introduce children to the first cosmonaut of our country and the whole world - Yu.A. Gagarin. Develop curiosity and interest in the achievements of our country. Enrich children's vocabulary.
No. 3. Familiarization with fiction. Reading poetry: V. Stepanov "Yuri

Gagarin”, V. Orlov “Cosmonautics Day”.

To teach children to listen, to correctly perceive the content of the work, to talk about the actions of the heroes, to give them an assessment. To cause a desire to learn one of the poems. No. 4. Role-playing game "Cosmonauts". The plot "Preparing for flight."
To develop in children the ability to create game situations, unfold the plot, activate the dialogical speech of children.
Walk 2.

No. 1. Observation of the sun.
Tasks. To teach children to see the changes that occur to the sun during daylight hours, to help characterize the position of the sun on the horizon and the changes associated with it (for example: the sun rises - it becomes brighter, warmer).
No. 2. The outdoor game "Hares and the wolf."
Tasks. Invite the children to tell and show how to perform game actions (jumping on two legs and on one leg moving forward). Cultivate self-confidence.
No. 3. Game exercise "Top".
Tasks. Teach children to jump on two legs while turning around themselves. Develop coordination of movements, strengthen the muscles of the foot, give children the joy of walking.
No. 4. Independent play activities of children.

Prevention of emotional overstrain in children. Assistance to children in the organization of mobile, sports, role-playing games, competitions.

Yuri Gagarin
In a space rocket With the name "Vostok" He was the first on the planet He was able to rise to the stars. Sings about this song Spring drops: Forever Gagarin and April will be together.
A Russian guy took off in a rocket,
I saw the whole earth from above. Gagarin was the first in space... How will you be?

Program content: to consolidate children's knowledge about objects that are dangerous in fire protection; rules of conduct in case of fire; develop in children the skills of correct behavior in extreme situations in contact with dangerous people on the street and at home; fix the rules for handling electricity and electrical appliances.

Material: pictures, rope, cubes, arcs, audio recording, gifts for teams.

Game progress

(Teams enter to the music of "We are starting KVN ..."

Host: Today we have KVN. We will compete and find out who knows best about the dangers that can happen to children and how to avoid them.

Let me introduce the jury (I present the members of the jury).

And now I will introduce the teams: "Brave" and "Brave" ( commands represent the motto).

Moderator: That's how we met. I suggest doing a workout. Each team will have to answer two questions. Before answering, you can consult with each other. The jury will evaluate your answers.


Presenter: “Say a word” 2 questions to the “Brave” team.

1. An ember fell on the floor,

The wooden floor lit up

Don't look, don't wait, don't stand

And pour it ... (water).

2. If younger sisters

Lighting matches at home

What should you do?

Matches right now... (select).

Moderator: Now questions for the Brave team.

1. Who is careless with fire,

That fire is possible.

Children, remember

What can not be joked with ... ( fire).

2. If suddenly a fire breaks out,

You are obliged at the same moment

Call the fire brigade

About the fire ... (to report).

The jury sums up the warm-up.

Moderator: Next competition. On the table are cards with numbers: 01, 02, 33, 10, 20.

After the signal, you need to show a card with a phone number to call the fire brigade if a fire starts in the house (one child from each team is called). The jury evaluates the results of the competition.

Host: Well done guys!

So remember:

Every citizen knows

This number is 01.

Call there soon.

If trouble comes to you,

If the flame curls

Smoke is pouring out,

"Zero - one" we will dial,

We'll call the firemen.

Host: And now, the competition of captains.

If there is no phone

Call the people from the balcony.

In a fire, things, an apartment or an entire house can burn down.

Exercise: who will call for help louder and more correctly than others from a window or balcony (the jury evaluates).

Presenter: what to do if a fire starts in the house?

(Each team is given 2 cards. Children must consider and derive the rules of conduct in case of fire).

The first team "Brave".

1. In the picture: the boy is hiding under the bed. Rule: during a fire you can not hide.

2. Second picture: the girl calls the neighbors. Rule: turn to your neighbors, call for help.

The second team "Brave".

1. The first picture: the girl leaves the apartment, closing the door behind her. Rule: immediately leave the apartment (premises), close the door behind you.

2. Second picture: the boy is standing on the windowsill with the window open. Rule: You can't open windows. (Evaluation of the competition by the jury).

Danger on the street.

Host: But bad people you can meet on the street. To avoid trouble, you must follow certain rules. Which?

Competition "Formulate the rule."

Teams receive one drawing each.

1. Team "Brave": a stranger treats a child with candy.

2. team "Brave": a stranger invites the child to get into the car.

Remember guys

After all, the criminal in order

To put a child to sleep

Fanty will give him a drink.

Very tasty sweets

Hide sleeping pills.

Bring a pack of stickers

And poisoned gum

We must remember: such food

Will do you a lot of harm!

From fairy tales, you know that villains are very resourceful and know a thousand and one ways to deceive their victim. In life, criminals are no less inventive. So what do you do if...

1. Team "Courageous"“If someone is following you on the street, but it’s still far from home.” f (call loudly for help, run to a crowded place: to the store, to the bus stop).

2. The Courageous Team:"If unfamiliar adults try to take you away by force." (resist, shout loudly, call for help), show how (teams show).

(The jury evaluates the answers and artistry).

Every literate child

Must know firmly from the cradle

If you are called to swim,

And even act in films,

They promise to give candy. Answer firmly... (No!)

You will be offered a monkey,

Or even money to the bank

Or even a circus ticket

Answer firmly... (No!)

Called to fly to the moon

Elephant ride...

There is a simple answer to everything

You must answer... (No!)

Moderator: The next contest-competition "Run away from the criminal."

Whose team can do it faster, ( steeplechase: which team will overcome the dangerous road faster and correctly).

Host: And now homework. Dramatization "Did I do the right thing?"

Task: depict various life situations which may endanger the life and health of children. (One team shows, the other expresses its opinion whether the incoming hero of the scene is right).

The Brave Team shows: the boy is playing with matches (lighter)

Team "Courageous" shows: the leaves are trying to set fire to matches.

Jury evaluation: artistry of the image and the correctness of the answers.

Host: And now the next contest: "Take the medicine to a friend."

Your friend is ill, but he lives far away, transport does not go there. To get to it, "you need to jump over the ditch (harnesses), climb through the tunnel (arcs in a row), go along the narrow bridge (rope), jump over large bumps (cubes). Whose team will complete the task faster? (Each child has a pin - “a bottle of medicine”, a doll on chairs, “a friend to whom this medicine needs to be delivered”).

Leading: At the start, attention, march! (Assessment of the jury of a sports competition).

home security

Leading: In every house there are items that can threaten the health and even life of a person if they are not properly handled. Name three household items that can be called dangerous.

Team "Brave" - ​​knife, iron, hammer

Team "Brave" - ​​gas stove, nails, TV.

Presenter: Well done, guys, (jury assessment).

And now let's play the game "Tell the word."

Finger or carnation

Do not poke into the outlet -

Electricity is dangerous

Everyone should know this!

And now I will ask you to talk about the rules for handling electricity.

Next contest: "Formulate a rule." I will distribute one picture to each team. After consideration and discussion, you formulate a rule.

1. The Bold Team: picture "a boy puts his finger into the socket, gas burns on the stove and the curtain lights up."

Rule: Do not play with sockets, electrical or gas appliances.

2. The Courageous Team: picture "a boy touches electrical appliances with wet hands." rule : do not touch electrical appliances and wires with wet hands.

Host: If you follow all these rules, then:

"Neither girls nor boys

they won't cut their ...(fingers).

The jury sums up the results of the competition.Summarizing. Rewarding the most distinguished.

Host: So, KVN showed that you know the safety rules well, but remember: you must not only know them well, but also be sure to follow them!

(Teams leave the hall to applause.)

Zaluzhnaya Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of the first qualification category BDOU of Omsk "Kindergarten No. 52 of a compensating type."
Material Description: I offer you a summary of entertainment for older children preschool age to enforce fire safety regulations. The material will be useful for educators of the senior and preparatory groups, teachers working with children with visual impairments, can be used as a final event on the topic “Fire is an enemy, fire is a friend”, “01 is in a hurry to help!”.

KVN "From a small spark big fire happens". preparatory group

Target: consolidation of knowledge about fire safety, about the profession "fireman".
1. Develop visual perception, thinking, attention;
2. Continue to improve children's motor skills;
3. Raise pride in the people of this profession - fireman, rescuer of the Ministry of Emergencies;
4. Cultivate mutual assistance, a friendly attitude towards each other.
Material and equipment: Illustrations on the topic, split pictures, gymnastic ladder, 2 benches, 2 cubes (“bonfire”), 2 buckets.
Preliminary work:
1. Thematic conversations;
2. Learning poems, ditties;
3. Watching cartoons, reading fiction;
4. Drawing on the topic.
Game progress:
1. Team greeting
Team motto "Sparkles"- "In case of fire, we dial 01 as one."
Team motto "Lights"- "The boy and the girl know - matches are not a toy for children."
2. Warm up
To solve crossword puzzles, each team is given 5 warning riddles.
Crossword number 1
1. To avoid fire, do not play me. I am a sister of fire, little ... (match);
2. Whoever does not take care of me will be burned so soon (fire);

3. We must fight fire,
We are partners with water.
We are very much needed by all the people.
So who are we? (firefighters);
4. Four small fires, they call us to dine: "It's time!" (plate);
5. From little me, you can’t do without fire (spark).

Crossword number 2
1. One hundred fires are kept in a small barn (matches in a box);
2. A fire ran into the yard, who was burning there ...? (bonfire);
3. On the table, in a cap, and in a glass vial, a friend settled - a cheerful light (light bulb);
4. Red devil from the roof - flies to the roof (fire);
5. He is dangerous for all of us, they call him ... (gas).

Leading: Well done, guys, and now let's read the "dangerous" words - fire and spark. So our KVN is called "From a small spark, a big fire happens."
3. "Fun Starts"
Children are built in two columns. Each of the team runs to the gymnastic ladder and climbs on it, then returns, climbs over the bench and passes the baton.
4. Musical pause
The song "We are boys" Words by N. Solovieva, music by M. Protasov. Performed by all participants.
5. Relay with buckets
Children are built in two columns. Each child from the team must run to the "fire" with two buckets, "pour out the water", and then return to their team and pass the buckets to the next player.
6. "Fold the picture" (the whole of the parts)
A picture on a fire theme is glued onto cardboard and cut into several parts. Each team collects their pictures. The one who collects faster wins. Discuss the situations shown in the pictures.

7. Musical pause
Dance "Fire", with ribbons ("Popcorn", composer Gershon Kingsley, orchestra Paul Mauriat). Performed by girls.
8. Competition of captains "Forbidden"
Tell about the dangers that are depicted in the illustrations.

9. Musical pause. Chastushki
We are firefighters
In conclusion, let's sing.
Our business is not toys
We are fighting with fire.

Once Anton came to the dacha,
Started burning the grass there.
Only slept for an hour at lunch
I looked around, there was no cottage.

On the window of our Nina
A feast for the eyes, not curtains.
Nina forgot the iron there,
And the curtain burned down in an instant.

It was the same with Katya,
She made some soup.
I forgot the tiles in the kitchen
There was fire and smoke.

Once Misha turned on the soldering iron,
He himself ran to the roof.
He chased pigeons there
And he returned, the table was gone.

We are so negligent,
Note to be taken.
Do more with them
Teach them order.
10. Attention game
The host reads the quatrains, if the children think that they need to do just that, they say in unison: "". If wrong, they are silent.
Who is perky, who is cheerful,
Keeping loyalty to the rules
Protects native kindergarten from fire?
Members: It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
Who set fire to the grass near the house,
Set fire to unnecessary rubbish,
A friend's garage burned down
And a construction fence?
Who's the neighborhood kids
Burned a candle in the attic
The old table caught fire
He barely left alive!
Who helps the firefighters
Doesn't break the rules
Who is an example for all children?
Members: It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
Leading: Guys, now I see that you know that it is dangerous to joke with fire and you will always follow the fire safety rules.
11. Summing up. Scoring. Prizes

Firefighters have an inspector
He is always strict.
He must his private sector
Know literally by heart.
Gotta do the work
Always with the people
And warn someone
So that trouble does not come.

Conversation "My dad is a firefighter"

Target: Formation of ideas about courage; acquaintance with a profession that requires courage and courage.
Corrective and preliminary work: Reading the stories of S. Marshak "Fire", "The Story of an Unknown Hero"; S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa"; viewing illustrations, photographs, coloring pictures in coloring books.
1. Introduction to the topic
The teacher says that you can hear: “A brave person”, “A brave act”. He asks the children: “Which of you is brave?”, “What is courage?”, “When can you say about a person that he acted boldly?”, “Name your brave act or your loved ones?”. Summarizes the children's answers. Emphasizes: courageous deeds are always good deeds.
2. The teacher's story about the profession
The teacher talks about the fact that there are professions that require courage, courage, courage from people, accompanies the story with a demonstration of pictures and illustrations. He says that the father of our Tanya Kozlova is a fireman (shows photographs). Tanya tells the children what her dad fights every day, what he protects us from.
The teacher concludes: “People are grateful to their brave defenders - personal and public. Personal - in each specific case; public - holidays dedicated to people of these professions - police, military, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergencies, etc.
3. Correctional work
Outlining the contour of a fire truck through tracing paper, shading with felt-tip pens; fire truck coloring in coloring pages (optional).

"Exhibition of Children's Works"

Methodical literature

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 141 "Pilesh" of a combined type"

the city of Cheboksary Chuvash Republic




Teacher: Andrianova

Albina Alekseevna



for preschool children


To consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about the rules of safe behavior at home and on the street.

Develop the ability to anticipate dangerous situations the consequences of their own actions for themselves and others.

Program content:

educational task:

Discuss with the children the various dangerous situations that may arise (fire, home safety, personal safety, road safety).

Development task:

To develop the ability of children to anticipate dangerous situations and, if possible, avoid them.

Educational task:

Educate a competent, cultural participant traffic.

Dictionary activation: warning, prohibition, index signs, traffic controller, wand.

Equipment: emblems for each team, cards with emergency phone numbers, cards with the image of dangerous objects, puppets, dice, ropes, skittles, baton, road signs, tunnels, hoops.

Lesson progress:

The hall to the music includes 2 teams of children:

Leading: Hello dear guests and team members. We are glad to welcome you to the KVN game on the theme "Safety is important". Allow me to introduce the participants of the game.


Leading: I invite each team to introduce themselves - name their team and motto. Teams, take your seats.

The Sun Team.

Team greeting. Children are in a hurry to kindergarten,

OBZh everyone wants to know.

We can give you any advice

We will protect you from any harm.

OBZH we teach together,

We need to know safety!

Rainbow team.

Team greeting. We'll tell you for sure, friends,

We can't live without OBZH!

We send "Sunshine" hello!

We know any answer.

Our preschooler is learning

Safety from the diaper!

Leading: Well done!

Let me introduce our jury...

Leading: Today we have KVN "Safety is important!". We will compete and find out who knows best about the dangers that can happen to children and how to avoid them.


Leading: Before you are cards with numbers, after the signal (music) show a card with a phone number to call the fire department if a fire starts (01). A with mobile phone? (112)

Leading: And so remember!

Every citizen knows

This number is 01.

If trouble comes to you -

Call there soon.

If there is no phone

Call the people from the balcony.

The game "Extinguish the fire"

Game actions: each team is given a "fire extinguisher". Nearby are placed (according to the number of teams) objects that need to be extinguished (a large cube; a rubber inflatable toy, etc.). On command, the participants each run to their object, run around it (extinguish), put a "fire extinguisher" nearby and run to the side. As soon as the "fire extinguisher" touched the ground - runs next member games. The victory is awarded to the team that extinguishes the fire first.

The game "Flammable objects"

Children are given cards with dangerous objects on them. For example: candle, iron, sparklers, stove, saw, etc. It is necessary to remove the card with the image of an object that does not pose a threat to a fire. On the table are cards with the image of objects that are the cause of the fire. The team that finishes the game first wins.


Leading: From the cards on the table, you need to find a card with an ambulance phone number (03).

Game "Take the medicine to a friend"

The role of your friend will be played by a doll sitting on a chair. Your friend is ill and you decide to take the medicine to him. To get to it you need:

    walk along a narrow bridge (between sticks);

    climb through the tunnel;

    jump over large bumps (cubes).

Each of the children in the hands of a "box" with medicine. You need to overcome obstacles and put the medicine next to a friend. The team that finishes the game first wins.


Leading: Signs for the driver must be clear, even if he is driving fast. And you, when you go to some vehicle or walking down the street, pay attention to the signs, tell adults. Well, the traffic light is familiar to everyone, even the smallest.

Host:- competition "Warm-up". I will ask each team in turn 3 questions. Answer only the questions of your team, do not prompt the other team.
- Question to the team "Sunshine":
1. A person walking on the sidewalk? (A pedestrian)
- Question to the team "Rainbow":
2. A place on the road reserved for pedestrians? (Crosswalk)
- Question to the team "Sunshine":
3. Part of the road on which pedestrians walk? (Sidewalk)
- Question to the team "Rainbow":
4. Street intersection? (Crossroad)
- Question to the team "Sunshine":
5. On which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk? (On the right)
- Question to the team "Rainbow":
6. Where is the pedestrian required to cross the street? (by transition)

Game "Fold road signs and name them"

Halves of pictures depicting road signs lie scattered on the table. It is necessary to find the corresponding halves and name the signs.

Relay "Public transport stop"

The first child is the driver, he puts on a hoop, runs to the opposite post, goes around it, returns to the team. A “passenger” clings to it, and together they run to the opposite counter, where the “passenger” unhooks. The "driver" carries all the "passengers".

Game "Answer correctly and pass the wand"

The facilitator gives the child a wand and asks a question, the child answers and passes the wand to another.

"SUN »

    At what traffic light should you cross the road?

    Who is a passenger?

    What does a red traffic light mean?

    What does a crosswalk sign look like?

    Where should pedestrians walk? (On the sidewalk)


    Who is called a pedestrian?

    What does a yellow traffic light mean?

    What is the number to call the police? (02)

    What does a green traffic light mean?

    Where should cars go? (On the roadway).


Leading: There are cards with phone numbers in front of you, what number to call the police at - show the card (02).

Do not let your uncle into the house if the uncle is unknown!

And don't tell your aunt if mom is at work.

After all, the criminal, so cunning, will pretend that the fitter,

Or even he will say that the postman came to you.

Anything in life happens to those who open the door.

So that you are not robbed, not grabbed, not stolen,

Don't trust strangers, Close the door tight.

In life, there are not only dangerous objects, but also dangerous people they are called criminals. They can rob an apartment, kidnap and even kill a person.

Now we'll see if you know how to deal with strangers.


    So, imagine, you are alone at home, the doorbell rings: “Hello, you have a telegram! Open the door, sign? Are there adults at home? What will you do?

    You are alone at home, the phone rang: “Hello, whose apartment is this, are you alone at home? What is your address?". What will you answer?

Leading: KVN showed that you know the safety rules well, but remember: you must not only know them well, but also be sure to follow them!

And now I will ask the teams to line up for the awards.

Awarding of winners and participants of KVN.

"Fire is my friend and enemy."

KVN on fire safety on the topic:

"Fire is my friend and enemy."


    to acquaint children with the rules of fire safety;

    teach them to follow

    to bring to the consciousness of children the impossibility of frivolous and careless handling of fire;

    practice the correct action in the event of a fire;

    nurture respect for your health.

    to form a close-knit children's team.

Technical support:

1. Computers.

2. Multimedia projector and screen.

Book exhibition:

    S. Marshak "Cat's House", "Fire", "The Story of an Unknown Hero";

    L. Tolstoy "Fire Dogs", "Fire";

    B. Zhitkov “Fire in the sea”, “Smoke”, “Fire”;

    E. Permyak “How fire married water”.


1.Messaging the theme of the event.

Matches - best toy

For bored kids.

Dad's tie, mom's passport -

Here is a small fire.

If you throw slippers,

Or put a broom

You can fry a whole chair,

Boil the ear in the nightstand.

If adults are somewhere

The matches have been hidden from you.

Explain to them that matches

For a fire you need!

G. Oster

Of course, this poem is comic, but is it possible to joke with fire

What are playing with fire? ( to the fire)

What will we talk about today at our holiday? A rebus will help you guess. Solve it. ( about the fire)

Educator: We know with you that fire can be good and bad.

Not a single day can go without a good fire.

He is reliable friends with us, drives cold, drives darkness.

He raises a friendly flame like a flag.

Everyone needs a good fire, and for that he is honored,

That the guys warm up dinner, cut steel and bake bread.

Yes, the fire is different, pale yellow, bright red,

Blue or golden, good fire, evil fire.

Evil fire - the fire of a fire,

Evil fire is the fire of war.

From the merciless heat the days are dark, the fields are black.

Inhabitants the globe, citizens of any country,

Evil fire must be put out.


Educator: Have you ever wondered what would happen if there was no fire? But listen...

If there were no fire.

Grandma told me

That fire is our friend and enemy.

It would be dark without him

We would live differently.

We would shiver from the cold

Would turn into penguins

Or become mammoths

Overgrown with long hair.

TV would not know

Neither eat nor live

They wouldn't play DANDY either.

In general, it would be bad to live.

N. Afanasiev

Educator: Fire plays an exceptional role in human life. Heating our homes, cooking, the development of science and technology - everything is connected with fire.

Most of fires occur due to the fault of the people themselves, because of their carelessness, and approximately every 6th fire occurs due to the fault of children and adolescents.

Teacher: Let's start! We start our fire KVN!

We expect, we expect hot fights, bright scenes!

(represents the jury)

Competition 1: GREETING TEAM:

Time - 5-7 minutes. Ranked at 5 point system.

Educator: To fight the fire skillfully,

Everyone needs to know the fire business!

Fire skills will come in handy,

Then to know how to deal with fire.

Competition 2: QUIZ:

In turn, each team is asked 5 questions, for the correct answer 5 points. If the team answers incorrectly or does not answer at all, then the other team gets the right to answer. (Slide 12)

1. What is better to lubricate the burn site - oil or alcohol?

Answer: only cold water, snow or ice.

2. Why can't windows and doors be opened in the event of a fire indoors?

Answer: arrives Fresh air(oxygen) and the fire flares up more strongly.

3. Fireman and fireman. How are these concepts different?

Answer: fireman - extinguishes the fire, fireman - arsonist.

4. What to do if there is a lot of smoke in the room?

Answer: lie down on the floor and crawl towards the exit.

5. Why fire engine of red color?

Answer: red is the color of fire so that drivers can see and give way.

6. What do people suffer more from: fire or smoke?

Answer: from smoke more often: 2-3 breaths of carbon monoxide - you will get severe poisoning.

7. What should you do if your clothes or someone else's are on fire?

Answer: fall to the ground and ride, you can not tear off your clothes.

8. Cause of electrical fire?

Answer: short circuit.

9. If it is difficult to breathe from acrid smoke, what should I do?

Answer: breathe through a wet cloth.

10. What to do if the iron catches fire?

Answer: turn off electricity; cover the tanned iron with a woolen blanket, heavy cloth and press firmly so that air (oxygen) does not get in.

Competition 3: CALL FIRE.

The children line up. One by one they run up to the phone, pick up the phone, call 01, run back. The team that finishes first gets 10 points.

Easier than putting out a fire

We WARN him!

Let every citizen know:

Fire department - 01.

We will quickly defeat the fire

If we call on 01.


For each proverb or saying, the team receives 1 point.

Educator: More than once we have made sure that " old proverb not by saying." According to the true remark of the people, proverbs and sayings teach, warn, protect, protect. That is why I again suggest that you turn to the old, through the centuries carried wisdom of our people about fire, its meaning and danger. You will be participants in the competition of experts in proverbs and sayings. Who knows more proverbs and sayings about fire and the words associated with this phenomenon? Let's check right now.

Examples of proverbs and sayings to answer:

    There is no smoke without fire.

    Straw is not friendly with fire.

    Out of the frying pan into the fire.

    Do not touch the matches - they are on fire.

    The match is small, the fire is giant.

    The stove burns, don't touch it, because there is fire in it.

    The spark of the carcass before the fire, take away the trouble before the impact.

    It will not catch fire where there is no fire.

    Don't get in the habit of carrying matches in your pocket.

    A box of matches, although small, can do a lot of evil.

    Electrical appliances can cause fires when left unattended.

    Games with matches are always dangerous, from a small spark - a big trouble.

    Don't get in the habit of carrying matches in your pocket.

    A small match burns a large forest.

    In fire, iron is fusible.


Educator: Our participants remember proverbs and sayings, and we answer in unison: “THIS IS ME, THIS IS ME, THESE ARE ALL MY FRIENDS!”. (slide 15)

    Who, having heard the smell of burning, will report a fire?

    Which of you, noticing the smoke, will shout “Fire! We're on fire!?

    Which of you plays with fire, morning, evening and afternoon?

    Who, smelling gas in the apartment, will call "04"?

    Who will discreetly hide matches from a little sister?

    Which one of you plays with fire? Be honest about it!

    Who does not kindle fires and does not allow others?

Competition 5: SMART FIREMAN:

From the letters of the word SAFETY, it is necessary to compose as many words as possible in 2 minutes. For each correct word, the team receives 1 point. (slide 16)

Competition 6: GUESS A RIDDLE.

Each team takes turns guessing riddles, for the correct answer 3 points, if the team does not answer, then the other team gets the right to answer. (slide 17)

1. There is a unit in the kitchen,

That I am happy to cook food.

Let's strike a match, and immediately

The gas will shoot up.


2. A fearless hero who is always on duty,
He smells trouble and fire a mile away.
Unequal is fighting with the elements,
Seeks always to protect us with you.


3. Tourists arranged a halt -

We set up camp in a clean field.

Where are the logs cracking now?

And what are the sparks flying from?


4. The midge flew - a pine leg,

She sat on a stack - she ate all the hay.


5. Who is dangerous to the whole district
On a hot day, in a crazy blizzard?
Who will leave us homeless
Without a coat in a harsh frost?


6. Red top,
Two ears, two bows,
Empty so strumming
And fill it up - it's silent.
(Fire bucket.)

7. In a shirt in bright red,
In work trouble-free.
Device named OP-5
Every student must know!

(Fire extinguisher.)

8. On wheels, not a cart.
With water, not a steam locomotive.
Sides in belts,
Always on the clock.
(Fire barrel.)

9. I am shaggy, I am shaggy,
I am over every hut in winter,
Over the fire and the factory
Over the fire and the steamer.
But nowhere, nowhere me
There is no fire.


Educator: The jury is still summing up, and our girls will sing ditties about those who do not follow the basic safety rules when handling fire. Let's see what happens to these idiots.

I. He, she and we and I
Let's sing for you, friends,
And touch in the meantime
fire fighting topics.

II. The match is small in growth.
Don't look small.
This little match
Can do a lot of evil.

III. Near the forest and barn

Don't you dare light a fire.
Might be a big problem
For buildings and people.

IV. At the Matryona of our house
The son of Yerem distinguished himself.
He played with matches
And set the apartment on fire.

V. Zina once turned on the stove,
Well, I forgot to turn it off
So as not to bring fire,
Turn off the electric oven.

VI. Sergey made a scarecrow,
Shot a little.
And now Serezha is a doctor
Heals burns.

VII. I say: "Aunt Masha,
Be careful with fire.
Borscht and porridge will burn,
And then the whole house will burn down."

VIII. Once Ivan lay down
With a cigarette on the sofa.
As a result, early in the morning -
No sofa, no Ivan.

IX. Eh, pour them over once
These violators
From head to toe
From a fire extinguisher.

X. In case of fire, in case of fire,
Every citizen knows
In case of fire, in case of fire
Dial 01.

caregiver : Fight the fire in a fiery fight

To pacify the fire, put it on the shoulder blades,

In other words, to tame the fire -

Don't give up, stand up and win!

Results of the competition, congratulations to the winners.


1. Dubrovskaya E. N. Gaming cool watch. Fire safety rules: a tutorial.

2. Shorygina T.A. Fire safety rules for children 5-8 years old. (Together with children), 2005

3. Teachers and parents about fire safety - Komova M.A., Prytkov G.A., Ratnikova O.D., Chirko V.E., Vasiliev M.S. Tutorial VNIIPO 2005

4. What you need to know about the fire, or three "P" for the "five" - ​​Volkova P.S., edited by Chernov V.N. Tutorial for primary school 2005.

5. Fundamentals of life safety - Gostyushin A.V., Textbook for students in grades 1-4

6. ABC of fire safety - UGPS GUVD MO, Textbook, 2000

7. To the teacher about the fire - Gainulina V.M., Sergeev F.V., Yakovlev D.E., teacher's guide, 1998

8. Competitions, holidays, show programs - Kugach A., Turygina S. Collection for school teachers

9. Fundamentals of fire safety behavior - Method. recommendations for teachers working with preschool children, Vologda, 2002

10. Collection of information and methodological materials on working with children on fire-fighting topics - MGO VDPO, Issue No. 2, Moscow, 2004

11. Toolkit for conducting classes on fire safety rules - GUO MO, UGPS GUVD MO, For general education schools MO, Vidnoe 2000

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