Long jump world record. World record for jumps of various kinds


It is impossible to single out any one world record for jumping, because there are several types of them. You can jump long, high, pole, running or standing. Naturally, the indicators will be different everywhere. Also, the cherished meters will be different for men and women, so there are no gender-mixed championships.

In a sense, the jump ends up sitting or lying at the horizontal zero level. It's been 20 years since one of the biggest days in the history of athletics. This happened in Tokyo during the final stage of the World Cup in long jump. Mike Powell and hit the planet with an unforgettable exchange of blows, from which the first triumphant capable of flying up to 8.95 meters emerged, the best in history and still lives on today.

The honor of being the person who has the farthest path does not belong to the athlete with the best palms in the specialty. Powell won only silver in recent Games. As if that wasn't enough, "Son of the Wind" set a new world record in 100 meters -9.86 seconds five days before the final. Interestingly, Lewis never held the long jump record, a privilege that until that magical night belonged to Bob Beamon, who reached 8.90 at Olympic Games Mexico.

Athletics competitions are held annually in different countries. Let's see whose names went down in history as the best of their kind.

High jump world record in women was delivered back in 1987. Then, in Rome, on August 30, the Bulgarian athlete Stefka Kostadinova was able to overcome the mark of 2 m and 9 cm in height. It turns out that a person is still able to jump above his own height!

The Carl Lewis competition in the final was amazing. On the second try, he made a mistake. The rest were brutal jumps. With the worst of them, the first of 8, 68, would be the champion in all the Olympics modern era except for the aforementioned purpose.

In his first four rallies, Powell "only" managed to reach 8 points. During this time of competition, Lewis delivered an impressive card: 8.68, zero, 8.83 and 8.91, which was not a world record due to the wind in favor of 2.9 meters per second that was blowing at that moment. Lewis touched the legendary distance, but fame, at least that night, was not for him. Powell achieved the impossible at the most unexpected moment. The stadium was silenced by its excellent jump and rejoiced when it was confirmed, which seemed to have happened. 8.95, just 0.3 from the wind.

The essence of the exercise is that the jumper must first run up, then push off the ground, and then jump over the bar without hitting it. For technical and correct execution, the athlete must have good jumping ability and coordination of movements, as well as sprinting qualities. , mentioned in the following article, helps them in training.

The best of all time. The day was already historic, but the situation was prompted to dream that the party had not yet ended. There were three left jumps, one for Powell, two for Lewis. Is it possible to overcome an insurmountable obstacle? Neither that night, nor the one that took place until August 30, together, she jumped much more, but for her there was only money. Never lose to your eternal rival again, but it's Powell's name that appears on the Olympus of Records, waiting for someone to crack open, which, at least in the short term, doesn't seem to be happening.

Standing long jump world record is 3.48m. With such an indicator, the American Ray Urey distinguished himself back in 1904. I would like to note that he became the winner of the Olympic Games as many as 8 times! And the impetus for development sports career for him, a dangerous childhood disease became common in those days. Polio chained the boy to a wheelchair, but he did not want to put up with this state of affairs, he began to work hard and strengthen his leg muscles, which subsequently led him to the champion title in athletics.

We do this with one of the most impressive and exciting specialties, the long jump. And we do this with an athlete who was one of the great masters of this discipline in his time. We went to Caribbean Cuba to talk about Ivan Pedroso. Who was it?: Cuban athlete from the 90s and last decade.

Why did he remember?: For being one of the best jumpers in history, once an Olympic champion and a four-time world champion. He is still connected to the diving world but as a coach. He has the current world champion in triple jump, French Teddy Tamgo.

Long jump is a strength exercise that was included in the program of the Olympic Games back in the days of Ancient Greece. For its productive implementation, athletes need to make a lot of effort to push off and gain desired speed for the most efficient lift.

At 17, he had already exceeded eight meters. He is married to a Spaniard and lives in Guadalajara. Despite being a slower jumper than his rivals, Pedroso took advantage of him with clever jumping technique. Never broke a world record. Mike Powell's entry is still valid, 23 years later.

On his fourth jump, Pedroso reached 41, giving him the gold. But right after that, Taurima jumped 49, the best record of his career and the record of Australia and Oceania. The stadium went down thinking the Aussie could win the gold. But on his sixth and final jump, Pedroso reached 55 and took the gold ahead of Australian and Ukrainian Roman Shchurenko.

History of development

Athletics (long jumps from a running start, marathon distances, hammer throwing, javelins and other types of exercises) became an effective impetus for the development of sports in general.

The first record in standing long jump was set in ancient Greece, when it was customary to perform this exercise with dumbbells in hand. The weight of additional weights, as a rule, ranged from 2 to 2. The result of jumping in such a situation depended on how effectively the person waved the dumbbells. The athlete had to push off and take out the weights so that at the moment of flight the legs and arms were located in front of the body. The active movement of the hands just before landing freed them from dumbbells, thereby significantly increasing the flight distance.

From the age of 23, the Cubans surpassed the position of Ávila, who jumped 15 meters to take the silver. In the same year, at the World Championships in Maebashi, history repeated itself. Pedroso hung gold with a jump of 62, and Lamela a silver with 56. Don't miss the reaction of the great President of the Cuban Athletics Federation, as well as the Olympic champion with Pedroso's winning jump. In athletics, the regime of the queen of the Olympics, there is something that seems to quicken the heart of athletes more than a medal: a record. While the medal says about the user that in this case, this year, no one was better, the record says much more.

Most While the Greek athletes were honing the styles of the exercise, they did not need a record in the standing long jump. Therefore, you will not be able to find specific data on the power indicators established at that time anywhere.

current stage

The current level of development of athletics began in the nineteenth century. At this time, athletes actively performed different kinds jumps. Especially often there was a flight with knees raised high in front of him in the air, legs strongly bent back and running movements. The modern scissor jump has an old prototype invented by Mayer Prinstein in 1898.

He says that until now no one has ever been as good as the one who beat him. The oldest Olympic record in the world is the long jump. Of course, we can talk about two types of records. Olympics - best brand ever made in the Olympics - and in the world - best sign made at official competitions.

From 24 light disciplines athletics has a record that has been beaten for 48 years. This is the men's long jump, set at 8.9 m from. An 800-year-old woman has an Olympic record of 1 minute, 53 seconds and 43 hundredths, as this record was achieved at the Moscow Olympics by Soviet athlete Nadezhda Olizarenko and is the second longest in the old Olympic Games record.

Standing long jump record

Few exercises of the great sport can be compared with the movements that are natural for a person. But jumps belong to such a group, which is why they became part of international competitions during the existence of Ancient Greece.

When the standing jump was included in the Oxford University program in 1860, Mike Powell won with a score of 5.28 m. But this was only the beginning of his meteoric career.

Currently, four athletes each have two Olympic records. There are a few superheroes that stand out. Ethiopia will not participate in any of the races in Rio, leaving room for a new brand of 5,000 and 10,000 people. As expected, the last two editions of the Olympic Games are the ones that led to the bulk of the records that remain in place. Of the current entries, 11 have been installed in Beijing and 11 in London.

When world records are broken at the Olympics, both records are naturally with the same athlete. Currently there are eight: three men and five women. Where do the boundaries of man go? This question largely depends on when it is done, because the person as such develops sustainably due to medical and nutritional advances.

On August 30, 1991, he set a phenomenal record in the standing long jump, which no one has yet been able to beat. He managed to jump a distance of 8.95 m.

The first women's record was recorded back in 1928 thanks to the efforts of the Japanese representative Kinue Hitomi, but he was beaten more than once by other athletes, and now the record is 7.52 meters.

There were symbolic barriers in the history of athletics that envisioned a whole revolution at the time of its downfall. American Jim Hynes later broke the ten-minute barrier in the 100 meters to win Olympic gold in Mexico with a time of 9.95 seconds.

Many wonder about the boundaries of man and ask what new barriers may be in danger in the coming years. We currently have 20 world records, ten in each gender, that have continued since the last century. Galina Chistyakova 7, 52 m Leningrad.

How many of these records would be approved if there were modern anti-doping controls? Doping has been institutionalized in Eastern countries, but not only. Ten world records awaiting super athletes. Of the many Olympic events, we have selected only ten that are waiting for super athletes who can revolutionize athletics from time to time. Will we have good surprises in London?

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