Striptease teams. What movements to use? Strip dance lessons can easily replace essential fitness disciplines.


Do you want to become feminine and seductive, relax and liberate yourself, gain confidence in yourself and your own attractiveness? Then strip plastic classes in Moscow at the Madison dance school are exactly what you need.

Strip dance - a symbiosis of aerobics and sensual erotic dance, which combines elements of classical, jazz and contemporary choreography with stretching and plastic. The dance is saturated acting, acrobatic elements, movements in the stalls, which makes it spectacular and beautiful. The lessons are great for beginners. The basic elements of strip plastic for beginners are easy to learn, and a good study of the muscles in the classroom allows you to quickly move on to more complex movements.

Do not confuse strip plastic with striptease, which is just one of its varieties. Strip plastic does not imply exposure, although the dance may include movements that imitate undressing.

Strip plastic will help you:

  • Achieve a toned feminine figure. Strip plastic lessons develop strength and flexibility, make the body plastic and graceful, improve posture. A uniform load on all muscles forms seductive feminine forms.
  • Reveal your personality. Unlike many other dances, strip dancing does not require repeating the same learned movements in a strictly defined order. While dancing, every time you improvise, fantasize, express your own unique emotions.
  • Relax and love yourself. Strip plastic lessons in dance studio Madison in Moscow will teach you how to move beautifully, gracefully and elegantly, to demonstrate yourself from the most favorable sides. You will get rid of complexes and embarrassment, you will better understand and feel your body, feel your own attractiveness.

Clothing for classes

Training takes place in a spacious room with full-length mirrors that allow you to control your body and perform movements correctly. Classes must be held to the music.

You can dance in any comfortable and non-restrictive clothing. But it is better to prefer tight-fitting leggings and a short top, do not forget about makeup and hair - this way you will feel sexy and seductive and tune in to the wave of sensual dance faster.

Travel to classes with maximum comfort

If you decide to master the art of strip plastic and pick up classes near your home or work, the Madison school is at your service. We are located on the 6th floor of the VEGAS Crocus City shopping center - the station is located right in the same building. Those who work or live in the city,

Stripplasty is a symbiosis of aerobics, gymnastic exercises And seductive dance. Beginners can learn the graceful and sensual art of stripping at home. To do this, you need to know the basics of the dance direction, skillfully choose the right clothes and shoes, and also perform several simple recommendations for home workouts.

Fashionable modern direction is a unique mix of movements professional choreography, plastics and fitness, with a drop of sensuality and the ability to control the body.

Striptease and striptease have very few features in common:

Stripplasty is work on yourself, on your body and emotions. It is important not only to learn basic movements, techniques, but also to find your own individual style.

Benefits of stripping

Dance is not about age or social status but an inner feeling of harmony and freedom.

In addition to aesthetics, stripping for beginners at home has a lot of advantages:

In addition to the benefits for psychological health, classes improve blood circulation, have a beneficial effect on the joints, and the cardiovascular system.

How to choose a place in the room

For beginners, it is especially important to achieve an immersive atmosphere, the surroundings for stripping, even at home, should evoke sensuality, positive emotions.

When choosing or equipping a room, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements:

It is desirable that the study room be separate so as not to violate the intimacy of the process. The room should be well ventilated, and the surroundings and design should be conducive to stripping.

Choosing comfortable clothes and shoes

Stripplasty for beginners at home involves the choice of clothes and shoes.

Clothing requirements are as follows:

There are also a number of requirements for shoes:

  • For warm-up better fit comfortable shoes with flat soles, for example, Czech shoes.
  • The sole should not slip on the floor, this can lead to injury during training.
  • Having received the first experience, you can start dancing in shoes with a small heel. The foot must be well fixed.
  • Dance steps in strip plastic suggest emancipation. To fully demonstrate your skills, you can dance in shoes on high heels. The main thing at the same time to feel convenience and comfort.

Music selection

You can dance to any music. Traditionally, a playlist in the style of R'n'B is selected. The rhythm of rhythm and blues, juicy vocals, a special direction and a whole philosophy that conveys musical style, helps to demonstrate skills, to open up as much as possible. Under the tracks Britney Spears, Pussycat Dolls, Jessica Simpson or Rihanna can accurately convey the mood of the dance.

If the dance is stylized, you can pick up a movie soundtrack to create a beautiful performance. Music should correspond to mood, fantasies, but not principles. This is the only way to achieve the effect of complete emancipation.

To relax in the dance, surrender to the music, demonstrate plasticity and grace, you can choose slow relaxation compositions. The sensual rhythms of Enigma, the seductive voice of Mylene Farmer, the compositions of Touch And Go, Madonna or Christina Aguilera will help to open up emotionally.

Strip training program

Stripplasty for beginners at home is a step-by-step system program that includes the following classes:

Load and complexity depends on the level of the dancer. Because learning dance style is a lengthy process and should be approached with all seriousness. Important before starting classes emotional mood, a feeling of cheerfulness and a desire to comprehend new facets of a seductive dance.

Standard warm-up - basic elements

Standard warm-up before doing stripplasty is necessary for both beginners and experienced dancers. In order to make it easier to perform complex ligaments at home, it is necessary to warm up the muscles.

For this there is a series simple exercises:

  1. Legs are shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist, circular movements of the head, rotation, and then turns back and forth, to the sides are performed. The exercise is performed in four counts.

    Start warming up with light exercises.

  2. Exercise for the shoulder girdle. The shoulders rise alternately, and then together, gradually increasing the amplitude.
  3. Chest workout. Rotation is performed along the points back and forth and to the sides, and then circular, connecting the points.
  4. Warm-up for the back. Standing position, hands along the waist. The shoulder blades are brought together, rounding and straightening the back. Effective exercise for stretching the back - "kitty".
  5. Charging for the spine. Bring your hands forward, and then perform inclinations, stretching for your hands. The position of the back is straight.
  6. Warm-up for thigh muscles. The body in the hip area moves alternately to the left and right, stretching the muscles as much as possible.

    Warm-up exercises before stripplasty are no different from warm-ups before any other workout.

  7. Exercise "eight" hips. They look like the hips are a pencil that draws the number 8 in the air.
  8. Leg exercises. Sumo squats are performed. The legs are wide apart, the socks are turned outward.
  9. Lunges with legs forward and to the sides. Take the leg forward or to the side, do a squat on the retracted leg, then raise and return the leg to its original position.
  10. Wave execution to prepare the body for the smooth execution of elements. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your feet hip-width apart. Stretch your arms, pressing your palms to the floor. As you exhale, draw in your stomach and lift your pelvis and back off the floor. While inhaling, straighten the body, forming a straight line from the shoulders to the knees. As you exhale, take the starting position.

    A good warm-up will help you avoid injury during your workout.

The duration of the warm-up is about 30 minutes. It is necessary not only to warm up the body, but also to give a load to the muscles.

Stretching exercises

Stretching helps to prepare the body for dance training, relieve muscle tension, restore flexibility and lightness. Preparation for the dance involves a warm-up, which includes stretching exercises to develop movement dynamics and statics.

Basic stretching classes:

Static exercises are workouts in which all the muscles of the body are activated, while parts of the body remain practically motionless.

A few exercises for statics for stripplasty:

Dynamic warm-up includes exercises that involve certain parts of the body:

Each time, stretching the muscles, the result must be fixed, gradually increasing the load.

Work on coordination

After the first step to success in stripping - stretching, you can go to the training of coordination:

The result of regular work on coordination will be complete control of the body in the dance: beautiful jumps with a confident landing, graceful gait of the dancer, the ability to balance, performing the steps in strip plastic.

To train coordination at home, it is enough to perform the following exercises daily:

  1. Standing with your feet moving, spread your arms to the sides. In this position, freeze for half a minute, closing your eyes.
  2. Rise as much as possible on your toes, close your eyes, throw your head back and stand for 30 seconds.
  3. Cat walk. Put a ribbon or rope on the floor, and walk along it, rearranging the feet in front of each other.

Development of plasticity

Amazing plasticity belongs to the striking skills of a strip dancer.

To develop it, you must regularly perform the following exercises:

How to learn to dance with video lessons

Stripping is stubborn physical work, you should not expect lightning miracles, but doing it regularly even at home, you can achieve amazing results. For beginners, there are manuals and training video tutorials.

Regularity of classes

To achieve a positive result, stripping exercises should be carried out regularly. Training should be carried out at least 2-3 times a week.

After a few workouts, there will be a feeling of smartness, complete control of the body. After 3-6 months, subject to the systematic implementation of the training program, you can perfectly learn how to dance strip plastic at home.

Stripplasty evenly involves all muscle groups

Like an artist painting a picture, the dancer creates a small performance, a celebration of grace and seduction. It is possible even for beginners to learn stripping at home without the help of a professional trainer. Beautiful music, smooth and precise movements, the flexibility of a cat, a romantic atmosphere - all this is a holiday beautiful dance in the style of seductive stripplasty.

Useful videos about stripping

A set of movements for stripplasty:

Stripping basics for beginners:

Among the most popular dance genres stand out hip hop, go-go dancing and strip plastic. What is a strip of plastic, you ask?

Now strip plastic lessons in Moscow can be found in almost any area of ​​the city. This movement has always been in great demand among girls, but in Lately men also became interested in this dance direction. Stripplasty for beginners provides basic course basic movements, allowing in general terms understand the meaning of this dance. If you would like more in-depth study, you can order additional lessons strip plastics, where you will learn spectacular and sexy movements, as well as master the skillful tricks of famous dancers.

The strip school is an institution where you should be taught not only certain movements, but also the correct combination of such elements for an accurate and complete dance. Stripping in Moscow is not uncommon, many people do this type of dance as a hobby. In addition to the fact that it develops good coordination of movements, and allows you to feel more relaxed on the dance floor, such lessons help you feel sexy and attractive to the opposite sex. The latter circumstance often leads to school strip plastics modest and insecure people who after a while are completely transformed and become bright and spectacular.

Stripping lessons in Moscow

Strip dance (Strip dance) is a dance that fascinates with its plasticity, beauty of movements, luring into the world of fantasy, attracting the eyes of people watching the dance. Do not confuse stripping with striptease, as both dance directions have only common root- “strip” (undressing), but in the first case, there is only an imitation of movements, such as lifts and squats, eights and waves, hair swings and steps, etc., this is the secret of stripping, but no undressing and strippers.

This type of dance combines many styles and directions, ranging from and ending with modern and classical choreography gives freedom in many different body movements.

Modern choreography allows the free use of various ligaments. Naturally, there is an erotic subtext, the elements must be performed sexually, softly and plastically, emotionally and expressively, and this can be learned through stripping with a dance teacher. A very popular destination, although quite young.

Stripping lessons allow the dancer to really feel his body, learn how to control it, throw it out internal energy, therefore, stripping is very energetic and requires endurance and resistance to physical activity. The advantages are to improve coordination of movements, stretching and elasticity, raising muscle tone, increasing self-esteem and self-confidence. The OpenDance strip school will help you with short time acquire basic skills, and further professional in the direction of stripplasty.


The first lesson is only 200 rubles.
Subscription for a month - from 1900 to 3000 rubles / month.

Choreographer for strip plastic and stretching


Hall "Nagatinsky" , metro station Kolomenskaya, Andropov avenue, 22

Driving directions to the dance studio

Hall on m. Kolomenskaya

The last car from the center, from the metro to the left, to the right. Go straight in the direction of the Moskva River for 3 minutes. Pass the Nora shopping center, turn left after it, go straight to the entrance to the Nagatinsky business center. Call the studio to get a pass issued for you (it takes literally 1 minute). In the future, it will be possible to go by subscription. A document is required to enter.

Instructor Mon Tue Wed thu Fri Sat sun status

Anton Aravin

Strip plastic and stretching choreographer, show director

Very plastic and talented dancer and choreographer. Has a higher choreographic education - Moscow State Institute of Culture, Department of Modern Choreography. Owns the directions of strip dance, stretching, jazz modern, contemporary, jazz funk, high heels. He is a finalist in various dance battles, participated in filming on TV, an artist of several show ballets, a director of strip shows at events and dance competitions. He has many years of experience in performing on stage.

The main difference between the Strip-dance dance course program is the emphasis on classical and modern jazz choreography, so it would be more correct to call this strip dance course a school of choreography and stretching, a dance exercise. Dance plastic plus movement defile - will be useful to any woman. Strip plastic is your beautiful posture and graceful movement.

The course of dance strip plastics consists of:

  • Elements of classical choreography are the basis of any type of dance, they are studied by all professional dancers from ballet to any modern trends. classical choreography is a kind of alphabet for any dance. This is a guarantee of beauty, grace and correctness of any movements, not just dance.
  • Stretching - translated from English means stretching. Movements aimed at developing flexibility and mobility in the joints, which is not only good for health and protects against household injuries, but also gives amplitude and expressiveness to your movements.
  • Contemporary jazz choreography - a variety of contemporary dance moves in various combinations.
  • Defile - a demonstration, a show, a series of changing images. The art of self-presentation every day, every minute.

Not only women, but also men, who attended classes in ours in Moscow, have already noted the benefits of strip plastic surgery. After dancing lessons, the body becomes light and obedient, the movements become graceful, and you yourself become a beautiful, self-confident person.

Or call tel. +7 495 364 10 94

Strip dance clothes

For the Strip-dance program, you will need clothing made of knitted elastic fabric that wraps around the body and does not hide or constrain movements - sports trousers, a T-shirt. On initial stage soft shoes with flat soles are used: Czech shoes, jazz shoes, light moccasins or just tight socks. In the future, if you wish, you can use shoes with small heels with leather or other soles for strip dancing (for men - sports shoes). Shoes should turn easily on the floor when moving and should not fall off the foot.

Program schedule

Program lessons Strip dance pass:

  • in weekday groups - on Tuesdays and Thursdays (2 times a week, several groups per different time day, evening).
  • Fridays (once a week)
  • in weekend groups - on Saturdays (1 time per week).
  • other options for the intensity of attending stripplastik dance classes are also possible.


  • Monthly subscription price 8 lessons(1 hour twice a week) - 3500 rub.
  • Monthly subscription price 5 lessons(1.5 hours once a week) - 3300 rub.
  • When renewing the subscription bonus - week of classes for free, details .

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