Brandon Stone: Biography of a Young Genius.


Mikhail Zadornov and Brandon Stone (Brandon Stone)

Per last years we recorded some great songs with a young talented artist. His name is Brandon Stone, he was born in Georgia. When he was very young, his parents took him to Germany, where he still lives. He writes songs for many famous European artists, makes wonderful arrangements. A few years ago, he performed at the New Wave competition from Spain. We got to know him then. I saw young man, which amazingly "rinses" the piano. I was bribed by the fact that he expressed himself in music, and did not try to make himself a star. We talked on English language because I spoke better English than he spoke Russian. I invited him to sing a few songs in Russian. Brandon agreed, and we began to learn Russian according to my system. My system, half-jokingly speaking, is based on the fact that all languages ​​​​are descended from Russian, and I constantly find confirmation of this in dictionaries. Now I will not dwell on this in detail. But my theory worked! Brandon was inspired by my ideas. I did not expect him to be so capable - he mastered Russian in six months. And then I gave him a song that my close friends Lenya Filatov and Volodya Kachan wrote 40 years ago, it's called "Lenka". It turned out to be a wonderful community of fathers and children - the content and taste of our generation, and the performance and energy of the new one. I wanted to continue to show that fathers and children can understand each other, so Brandon and I continued to work. He wrote music to the verses of Gumilyov, Yevtushenko, and arrangements of Russian folk and Soviet songs. I have no hearing, the bear did not just step on the ear, but danced a quadrille on both ears. So I sang Brandon feelings, and he caught the melody in it.

The Buddha said that Eastern values ​​will lose their power and then return to us from the West. When I hear the European Brandon sing Russian songs, I understand that the Buddha was right...

Nature has clearly worked very hard on Brandon Stone, thanks to which we, ordinary viewers, endlessly tired of pop feverish, senseless shaking on the TV box, have the opportunity to enjoy what is called real art, listen to those songs that are really immortal, because the soul is alive in them .

The official website of Brandon Stone presents very little factual data about the childhood of the future singer and composer. Brandon Stone was born in 1980 and country of birth is Georgia. But as the comedian-historian Mikhail Zadornov, who first discovered Brandon Stone's talent to a wide television audience, said, Brandon is our man, because. he was born in Georgia, at one time he lived in Ukraine, for some time he lived in America and in Germany, Spain ...

Listen to the best lyrical, soulful love song from Brandon Stone to the words of Leonid Filatov "Lenka":

Here are the words to a beautiful, soulful lyrical song about love, jealousy, life - "Lenka"

And I, imagine, do not believe in this night.
The lights are flickering,
In the coupe they strum guitars,
And Lenka smokes in the vestibule
And looks into the night, into such a night -
What would be faster morning
Otherwise, it's hard to help.

Such a strange man Lenka -
It stands and silently repents,
And trying not to cry
And curses the stork
What brought me into this world -
Terribly stupid stork,
He would not fly into this century.

Please the sun
Please the wind
Sleepers behind the train
Just please
Just please
Lenka, please
Do not leave.

You see, my star is burning.
You sleep - light rains,
Polynya in front of the willows,
Seas or winds, -
And there - in the lights of Karaganda
And it smells of something bitter
What smells of all foreign cities.

What's wrong with Karaganda?
prickly answers,
raw cigarettes,
station buffets,
Like escorts - sellers,
Counters like carriages,
And you bite your lips - it doesn't matter.

Here are a couple, Moscow exactly the same.
Now they will part
And then what will be left?
Rain and this station
And this night, such a night -
What would be faster morning
Otherwise, it's too late to help.

The main notable feature of Brandon Stone is that a very subtle feeling of the strings of the spiritual world is hidden behind a charming appearance. When Brandon Stone sings - it's amazing, it's definitely a talent.

28 /04

Over the past years we have recorded some great songs with a young talented artist. His name is Brandon Stone, he was born in Georgia. When he was very young, his parents took him to Germany, where he still lives. He writes songs for many famous European artists, makes wonderful arrangements. A few years ago, he performed at the New Wave competition from Spain. We got to know him then. I saw a young man who amazingly "washes" the piano. I was bribed by the fact that he expressed himself in music, and did not try to make himself a star. We communicated in English, because I spoke English better than he spoke Russian. I invited him to sing a few songs in Russian. Brandon agreed, and we began to learn Russian according to my system. My system, half-jokingly speaking, is based on the fact that all languages ​​​​are descended from Russian, and I constantly find confirmation of this in dictionaries. Now I will not dwell on this in detail. But my theory worked! Brandon was inspired by my ideas. I did not expect him to be so capable - he mastered Russian in six months. And then I gave him a song that my close friends Lenya Filatov and Volodya Kachan wrote 40 years ago, it's called "Lenka". It turned out to be a wonderful community of fathers and children - the content and taste of our generation, and the performance and energy of the new one. I wanted to continue to show that fathers and children can understand each other, so Brandon and I continued to work. He wrote music based on poems by Gumilyov, Yevtushenko, and arrangements of Russian folk and Soviet songs. I have no hearing, the bear did not just step on the ear, but danced a quadrille on both ears. So I sang Brandon feelings, and he caught the melody in it.

The Buddha said that Eastern values ​​will lose their power and then return to us from the West. When I hear the European Brandon sing Russian songs, I understand that the Buddha was right...



. "Pedlars"
. "Lenka, I..." V.Kachan, L.Filatov

A huge number of viewers first saw this handsome young man with a charming smile at a concert by Mikhail Zadornov in his Zadorinki. This groovy guy played the piano with such contagious fun and great enthusiasm, his fingers so swiftly flew over the keys, and he himself sang songs on the piano with a wonderfully delivered voice. different languages that you want to hear more and more. We get acquainted, Brandon Stone, whose biography is still little known to the general public.

Childhood years of the future star

The future pianist, arranger, brilliant young singer Brandon Stone (real name Besik Shpetishvili) was born in Georgia, in the city of Tbilisi, in 1980. While still a very young boy, he studied music a lot, cherished and admired it very much. He really wanted to be able to play the drums, but in Georgia, almost all children must master the piano. As a result, he learned everything, even to play the guitar. He was only five years old, and he was part of the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Saplings", which was known both on the territory of Georgia and throughout Soviet Union.

Brandon Stone, whose biography is still little known, went abroad with his parents when he was fifteen years old. At first, the family lived in America, and later moved to Germany, where they all live now.

USA and Germany: the way to yourself

Having moved to Germany, Brandon Stone, whose biography, whose personal life has been of interest to fans of his talent for several years, becomes a student at the Berlin Conservatory, which he graduated from in the piano class of the jazz department.

Harry Hinde and Joel A.Katz, who have been producing for many years the stars of the world stage - Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, and others, became producers and young talent from Tbilisi. Brandon was lucky enough to record some of his first compositions in one of the most famous recording studios. And not everyone has this opportunity. It was during this period of his life that he received his stage name Brandon Stone. Besik's biography began to be replenished with new facts: despite such a successful start to his career in the United States, it was in Germany that Stone earned his name as an arranger, singer, composer and producer with his work.

He is sure that his soul is not yet Germanized. It has Georgian and Russian roots. He is Brandon Stone. The biography, nationality of this young man began to arouse genuine interest from the very day he first appeared on the Russian stage. Moreover, in his few interviews, he talks about how he is drawn to write precisely minor music, according to the throwing of the soul.

Brandon as he is...

The very first melodies of Brandon as a composer were released in the early 2000s, but the album in Russian was released only five years later, in 2005. Then the young man takes part in the "New Wave", in Jurmala, where Tina Karol performed his song. She placed second that year and received a special prize. Stone's next album did not appear until seven years later.

Brandon Stone himself, whose biography is now full of victories both in all kinds of competitions and over himself, became the leader after the very first competitive day, and then the winner. The New Wave had already ended when the guy wrote two songs for Tina, which instantly became hits in Ukraine. Brandon was invited to shoot the TV show "Song of the Year". He still maintains a working relationship with Karol and plans to record her new album at the studio of his production center.

The geography of his today's performances is very extensive: Riga, Paris, Brussels, Minsk, Kyiv, Moscow...

His family - a little daughter and wife - Brandon sees very little and mostly at the table when they have breakfast, lunch or dinner. He always has a lot of work - arrangements, backing vocals, phonograms, preparation for concerts ... Therefore, he tries to spend rare free evenings with his girls, walking along the streets or parks.

With irony about the important

Mikhail Zadornov saw Brandon a few years ago when he took part in the New Wave contest, representing Spain. Then there was a meeting of the beautiful and the funny. According to Russian humorist, he saw a guy amazingly "rinsing" the piano. Zadornov was bribed by the fact that the musician tried to express himself in the game, in music, and did not build a star out of himself. They started talking in English, because the humorist spoke English better than Brandon Stone, whose biography is now connected with Russia, in Russian. Zadornov offered to sing several songs in Russian together, Brandon agreed and began to intensively learn Russian according to the teacher-Zadornov system. The latter system was based on simple fact that all languages ​​are descended from Russian. And it worked.

Fathers and sons are not a problem, but an amazing tandem

Brandon Stone - a biography whose personal life (and the handsome singer has a wife Natalya and daughter Louise) is now of great interest to fans, learned the language in six months. And Zadornov presented him with a song that was written four decades ago by Vladimir Kachan - “Lenka”. So unexpectedly, a wonderful tandem of fathers and children turned out: the taste and content of the older generation, and the energy and performance of the young. It was decided to continue to show that fathers and children are quite capable of understanding each other, so the new duet continued to work. Besik wrote music to the verses of Yevtushenko, Gumilyov, made arrangements of Soviet and Russian folk songs. Since only he has a hearing in the duet (Zadornov once said about himself that the bear not only stepped on his ear, but also danced a quadrille there), it was he who caught the melody in Zadornov's tunes and dressed it in notes.

Now Zadornov in his concert often presents him like this: “The “cool” singer and musician Brandon Stone performs. And “cool” because Zadornov himself is “opening” for him.

Once the great Buddha said that at first eastern values ​​would lose their strength, but then they would return to people from the West. Today, hearing how the European Brandon sings Russian songs, you understand that the Buddha was right...

I have the honor I want to introduce you to my idol with the composer, singer, musician, arranger - Brandon Stone. Or rather, his work. He is not familiar to a wide audience in Russia, but abroad he is famous and successful. Those who watched Mikhail Zadornov's concerts on television know him, he brought Brandon to Russia, taught him the Russian language and forced him to work for himself and invited him to perform at his concerts ...

Here is an excerpt from one of Zadornov's concerts, Brandon Stone sings a cheerful song "Purse":

I quote M. Zadornov: "... we began to learn Russian according to my system. My system, half jokingly, is based on the fact that all languages ​​\u200b\u200bare descended from Russian, and I constantly find confirmation of this in dictionaries, and my theory worked! Brandon was inspired my ideas. I did not expect him to be so capable - he mastered Russian in six months. And then I gave him a song that my close friends Lenya Filatov and Volodya Kachan wrote 40 years ago, it's called "Lenka" ... "

I'll try to fit his biography into a couple of sentences: Born in Georgia in the 80th year, he went to America, where he recorded several of his first compositions. It was then that he received his stage name Brandon Stone (native name Bessarion, abbreviated Besik). After that, he left for Germany, where he lives to this day, and graduated from the Berlin Conservatory in piano.
In April 2005, Brandon Stone released his first Russian-language album "Random Look", on one of best songs This album has a video clip:

Also in 2005, Brandon was a member of " new wave» in Jurmala. In this wonderful place, he met the famous satirist M. Zadornov. Speaking for Spain, since he was living there at the time, Brandon took the top spot, receiving the "People's Choice Award" at the same time. Below is the song that he brought to Jurmala:

Brandon sings songs in many many languages ​​- Russian, German, Ukrainian, English, Italian, Spanish, Georgian… no joke: Endonisian, Japanese, Chinese, Swahili, Turkish, Hebrew… it's easier to list those languages ​​in which he does not sing.
Speaking of Hebrew. He has a pretty funny song:

Here is a small proof of the above words:

This talent has already created almost 300 the most beautiful songs. Brandon doesn't write pop, he makes real art. talented person talented in everything - it's about him. Below I want to place some of his songs / clips that have not found a place in the text ... The first will be the best, in my opinion, song:

Highly soulful song- "Giraffe"

Perhaps the most famous song Brandon

At the concert of M. Zadornov in Riga, the song "On your porch"

Song "There is always a woman's hand" (turn up the sound)

Brandon Stone - rising star show business. On the Russian stage the singer was brought in by a satirist and humorist. Then a young and still unknown musician in Russia played the piano in pauses at a Zadornov concert. The European public then already knew the arranger Brandon Stone.

Childhood and youth

Biography talented musician shrouded in a shroud of secrecy. Brandon does not like to talk about his life either in interviews or in in social networks. The singer was born in the Georgian capital Tbilisi in May 1980. A few years after the birth of the boy, the Shpetishvili family moved to Germany. FROM early age parents noted their son's excellent vocal skills and love for music.

When Besik (real name Brandon Stone) was five years old, a competitive selection of performers for the children's vocal and instrumental ensemble "Nergebi" was held in Tbilisi. Parents brought Besik to the audition, which was attended by eight thousand children from all the republics of the Soviet Union. The boy passed the casting and was approved in the team, consisting of 13 children.

The group has achieved success not only on the territory of the vast USSR, but also far beyond the borders of the country. In 1991, a competition for children and youth musical groups was held in the UK, where the Georgian "Nergebi" was awarded the title of the best. Simultaneously with the performances, the boy learned to play the piano, guitar and percussion instruments. In the same year (Besik was only 11 years old), the young man won his first award in the international music competition held in Warrington (UK).

And four years later, Besik and his family emigrated from Georgia to the United States. After living for some time in America, the family moved to Europe, where they settled on Germany. Given the young man's inclinations and success in music, there was no question of choosing a profession for him - Besik entered the Hans Eisler Conservatory in Berlin.


real adult musical career The artist's competition began in 2000, when the young man became the singer of the year, performing the song "Historia de un Amor". Higher education in the field of music, he received only in 2001, having mastered the specialty jazz pianist.

Having become a certified specialist, already known to the German public, in 2002 Besik took part in a charity musical concert"Charity", which took place in Frankfurt. 20 thousand spectators gathered in concert hall in order to enjoy music and provide charitable assistance to children. It was Besik's musical composition "Never give up" that was chosen as the song of the evening. Then Besik Shpetishvili performed under the pseudonym Brandon Stone.

However, popularity in a single country did not satisfy Brandon - he sought to conquer the whole world. Considering that, according to the singer, he has not only Georgian, but also Russian roots, his choice fell on Russia. In 2006, the young performer recorded a solo album in Russian, Random Look. And later, the singer shot a video clip for the song "My Madonna".

In the same 2005, Brandon Stone first appeared at the New Wave competition for young performers, which traditionally takes place in Jurmala. Moreover, the singer entered the stage as a representative of Spain. Given that Stone is not only a performer with an amazing voice, but also a talented composer, who took second place in the competition, she performed with Brandon's song. Stone himself also took one of the prizes of the New Wave.

After successful performance in Jurmala, where Brandon was appreciated not only as a singer, but also as a composer, he was chosen for the position music producer competition. In parallel with this work, the singer produced Stephanie, who represented America on the New Wave, as well as Kader Lott from Germany. The popularity of Brandon Stone in the post-Soviet space gradually gained momentum and soon his songs were already performed, and others famous stars show business.

But at the same time, Stone did not forget about the European scene. important event in the career of a musician was participation in a concert in memory of Luther Vandeross, and after it - joint performances With musical group.

In 2016, as part of the television show Dom 2, a video appeared on Russian television screens for a joint musical composition Brandon Stone and Vakhtang "She". Soon the song took the top lines of the Russian charts. Another popular song of the musician in Russia is called “The Heart Beats”.

"Voice 6"

On September 1, 2017, the musical television show "Voice 6" started on Channel One. The appearance on stage on September 29, 2017 in the blind auditions of Brandon Stone was a surprise not only for the jury members, but also for fans. Brilliantly performing the song "My baby you”, the singer earned a flurry of applause from the audience and a place in the team. also showed attention to the performer, but Brandon himself chose Bilan.

In fights, Brandon Stone faced. The men performed Jacob Kesher's musical composition "Attention". As a result of the fight, Arseniy won, but Brandon was saved by another mentor, in the role of Leonid Agutin, who had already shown interest in Stone's work.

In the knockouts, which were broadcast on December 1, 2017, Brandon Stone performed a song in the bolero genre on Spanish"Historia de un Amor" (translated into Russian "The Story of One Love"), with which he won and reached the quarterfinals. In the original, the song is romantic, but the Russian translation has become more primitive and vulgar: the whole meaning of the translation comes down to the banal "If you stop loving me ...". In the quarter-finals, held in December 2017, the singer took the stage with the song " mother's eyes", with which he received 50% of the mentor's votes, 70.5% of the audience's votes. total amount votes was 120.5%, which allowed the musician to reach the semi-finals.

Personal life

Despite the sincere disappointment of many fans, Brandon Stone is married to a girl with a Russian name Natalia. In marriage, the couple have a daughter, Louise, and a baby son, whose name is unknown.

Despite the prevailing personal life, journalists stubbornly attribute novels to the performer with one or another famous beauty: in last time it was Valeria Kozhevnikova.

Brandon Stone now

After performing on the stage of the sixth season of the Voice show, the audience is looking forward to Brandon's performance in the final, and the musician himself is on the pages "Instagram" posts photos from rehearsals and asks for the support of viewers.

In an interview with reporters, Stone says that he made the decision to participate in Voice 6 because of the requests of his little daughter, and now he liked Russia so much that he is thinking of staying here for good.

Now the singer's family lives in Germany, but his wife and daughter invariably come to Brandon's performances to support the musician. Stone himself admits that he misses his relatives, it's hard not to see how his 1.5-year-old son grows up.

By the way, before the Russian "Voice" the musician participated in a similar project in Germany, but Brandon did not like the pressure from the mentors on the performers in terms of choosing a repertoire. In Russia, there is much more space for creativity, according to Brandon Stone, which causes a desire to move to Moscow.

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