Tony check if he has a girlfriend. Tony Routh - biography, personal life, new album, photos

Tony Raut (real name Anton, surname, presumably, Basaev) - bright representative rap movement from the outskirts of the Northern capital, performing in the aggressive style of horrorcore, "the king of evil rap", as he is called in the media.

His poignant rapping, with samples based on horror film music and lyrics full of hate, but at the same time lively and sincere, attracts a huge number of connoisseurs of the genre.

A non-standard rap artist uses shocking images for performances and clips - scleral lenses that turn eyes into frightening eye sockets of monsters, an evil clown make-up reminiscent of the Joker from Batman films. A growing army of fans, she perceives his appearance with delight, and considers his work to be a masterpiece.


The future original rap musician was born on September 8, 1990 in Leningrad and became the second son in the family. His mother worked at kindergarten educator and raised her sons on a modest salary - the father left the family, and they lived hard.

FROM early age Anton became interested in the music of the horror punk band Korol i Shut, the rock bands Alisa and the Gaza Strip. Then he was impressed by the work of one of the most prominent hip-hop artists of all time - Tupac Shakur. Together with his brother, he began to collect his albums, and at the age of 10 he already tried to rap himself, recording it on an old tape recorder. The first pseudonym of the rapper is Ant'One.

After graduating from school, the young man continued his education at the Automotive and Electromechanical College (ATEMK), but was expelled from the last year for poor progress. He failed to successfully complete his studies at St. Petersburg State University, where he entered after being expelled.

Career Development

The entry of a young Petersburger into the underground scene began when, under the pseudonym Tony Raut, he posted his first works on the Internet - unusual, daring, vital and sincere. He chose the name in it, obviously, as a derivative of his real name, and the word "raut", we recall, means "ceremonial reception".

In 2009, together with his friend Harry Topor, he began performing in clubs, took part in the battle project InDaBattle, demonstrating his bright personality and his original vision of the genre. He then failed to reach the final, he lost to Sight MC (Alexander Evsyukov), but he declared himself and won the recognition of hundreds of rap fans.

In 2010, the rapper's first mixtape called "Antape" was released, which included 17 songs. His colleagues and friends took part in the recording of a number of compositions: "They Won't Understand" (ft. Franky Freak), "I'm Flattered" (ft. Jubilee), "Hare Paws" (ft. Hammad Toure, Harry Topor), "Under Us Berlin (ft. Twin Vi, Franky Freak, Harry Topor).

The tracks, ironic and full of personal experiences, were distinguished by a strong presentation, technical rapping and were received with interest by the rap community. The track "Sweet Dreams" and Anton's song "The circus left, the clowns remained" together with the Sadist (Victor Geviksman) won the greatest approval.

In 2011, the rapper delighted fans music video"Southern Trap", created with Franky Freak. The following year is considered a breakthrough in the work of an extraordinary performer, thanks to the release of new sensational compositions and video works, among which Icarus, 300 and Grim were especially distinguished. Talented musician created a stunning image evil character from horror films, made him part of his own personality.

A year later, his victorious duel in Versus Battle with Misha H1GH (Mikhail Klyuchka) took place. The organizers decided not to post it on the Web, allegedly because both participants often forgot their text.

In 2013, there was also a presentation of the musician's debut album called Routville. In its composition, he included 20 compositions, already traditionally performed in an aggressive style. The songs “Along the long corridors”, “Skeet”, “Abracadabra”, “Parallels”, “The circus is to blame for everything”, etc. made an indelible impression on his fans. In the same year, he presented videos for the track "Mr. President", "It boiled", and also, together with Harry Topor, made concert tour around the country.

In 2014, friends released a joint album "Country Os", containing 14 songs. On the "Danny Trejo" included in it, dedicated to the famous Hollywood actor from the films of Robert Rodriguez, "The Interlocutor", which surprised the listeners with the format of the discussion with God, "Quantum Leap", where they appeared in the classic tandem "executioner - victim", original and spectacular clips were shot.

Fans of the duo sang everywhere “The Man Said - The Man Did”, admired the parody “Dance of the Vampires”, where they were provided with a meeting with famous movie villains: with the maniac Freddy Krueger, with the villain Joker, with the hero of the comedy horror film “Scream”. They also demonstrated a high level of performance skills at a joint concert in Minsk, where the audience raged and went into the lead, and literally blew the stage from the energy and powerful presentation.

Tony Routh - "On the Road to Valhalla"

The following year was marked by many tours, as well as the appearance of the later cult song "On the Way to Valhalla" based on the German-Scandinavian epic (as you know, Valhalla is a heavenly chamber for dead soldiers). Tony gave an incendiary mood with the compositions "Spotlight" and "Troposphere" (with the participation of Vit). He spent in 2015, which he called the "year of touring", about fifty concerts.

A year later, the second, sustained in a gloomy atmosphere, the record of the St. Petersburg resident "SUSPENSE" appeared, in which, according to him, he put "his whole soul and a bunch of spent nerves." Her tracklist includes 17 songs, including " good clown, dead clown", as well as "Badman", "Ash World", "Routville II".

Personal life of Tony Routh

Details privacy the rapper keeps a strict secret, intriguing fans. There are rumors that he has close girlfriend named Catherine. There are allegedly suspiciously many photos with Anton on her Instagram. However, who she is - just a friend, bride or wife - is not clear.

Anton was raised by his mother, his father left the family immediately after the birth of his son. The woman worked as a teacher in a kindergarten, tried her best to provide her sons with everything they needed, but barely made ends meet. Anton Basaev grew up active, purposeful child who lacked perseverance. At school, the future rapper studied poorly, did not think about choosing a profession.

Tony Routh before he became famous

After leaving school, Tony entered a local college, but poor academic performance led to an early expulsion. The guy worked for some time, tried to provide financial assistance mother. Soon Raut passed the entrance exams to the university, became a student. But here, too, the future rapper was in for a complete fiasco, he was expelled again. This time the reason was bad behavior typical student.

So school bench Raut was fond of music, he liked to listen to cassettes of such popular rock bands, like: "Alice", "Gas Strip", "King and Jester". Growing up, the guy got acquainted with the work of the eminent American rapper Tupac Shakur, which turned the consciousness of the rebel.

Tony became so carried away by foreign tracks that he began to read out the lyrics on his own. Raut soon recorded his own creations on a cassette recorder, and then posted them on thematic forums to hear the opinions and criticism of users.

Although the quality of the tracks left much to be desired, they "came in" and became popular with young listeners. The next step was online rap battles where Tony presented his daring songs.

First success and recognition

The popularity of the young rapper came immediately after participating in the online battles "InDaBattle II", where Routh brilliantly mixed and rhymed on the stated topic. Here Tony met an aspiring musician with whom he developed friendly relations. With the advent of an army of fans and fame, the St. Petersburg rapper decided it was time to create an image.

Before each performance, Raut put on an evil clown make-up, displaying internal state emphasizing the meaning of the texts. Since 2009, Tony and Harry have been actively performing in clubs, posting vivid photos on social networks. In parallel with the touring activities, the rapper caught fire with the idea of ​​​​creating an author's project based on the little-known direction of horrorcore.

In 2010, Tony presented a mixtape called "Antape", which included depressive compositions about murder and evil.

In rap circles, fresh work was highly appreciated, and the tracks "Sweet Dreams" and "The Circus Left, But the Clowns Left" took the top lines of the thematic charts in Russia. Then Raut presented clips for the already popular songs "Icarus" and "Grim". The works contributed to the growth of popularity and recognition of fans.

The outrageous performer shot a joint video with Franky Freak, called "South Western". In 2012, Tony brought novelty to his image. The rapper put it in full blue lenses, which, against the background of white make-up, enhanced the terrifying surroundings.

Interesting Notes:

Next year, Routh will present debut album"Routvil", which has become mega-popular. At the same time, two bosom friends sign a contract with concert agency Ilya Mamai and Oksimiron "Booking Machine".

Armed with wise mentors and a group of professionals, Ax and Raut went on a tour of the cities of Russia and neighboring countries. In 2014, the guys recorded new album"Land of Wasps", filled with lyric-aggressive tracks. The song "The man said, the man did" quickly broke into the "tops" of the country's rap charts.

In 2015, fans of the aggressive rapper rejoiced at the release fresh video"On the Road to Valhalla" The following year was marked by the release of Tony's second studio album, Suspense., and the track "Good clown, dead clown" was sung by everyone who was in the subject of rap parties.

In 2016, Routh recorded several hit tracks with the popular rapper Talibal: "I don't give a damn" and "Bad pazific". In 2017, Tony, together with the group "2rbina 2rista", shot a juicy video called "Matzai". The next, no less spectacular clip was the video "Dance on the Bones", where the rapper rocked with Ivan Reis.

In February 2018, Raut presented to the fans the fresh album "One-Time Life". The disc includes six tracks, one of them was recorded with Ukrainian rapper Talibal.

Secretive intellectual

Off stage, Tony Routh is an ordinary guy who is in free time likes to read books modern classics, work out in the gym, watch new movies. The rapper does not like, does not attend fashion parties, does not catch hype and hides his personal life.

Fans are sure that Raut has a girlfriend named Ekaterina, with whom he periodically posted happy pictures on Instagram.

Known American singer and composer Toni Braxton grew up in a large family of a priest, in which she is the most eldest daughter. The girl was brought up in strictness, observing all traditions and customs.

The full name of the star is Toni Michelle Braxton. She was born on October 7, 1967. Place of birth - Maryland (information from Wikipedia). The magnificent voice of the performer is admired by millions of listeners. Tony's biography is very exciting. She went to her popularity for a long time and did a lot for this.


Braxton still in early childhood fell in love with music, she sang in the children's choir at the church. The girl's parents wanted their daughter to become a teacher. She even visited State University Bowie. But soon future star she had a burning desire to become a singer.

While still very young, Tony and her four sisters created a group called "The Braxtons". The team became popular thanks to the composition “Good Life”. The single appeared in the 90s. And although the video for this song did not bring the singer to the level she aspired to, she was nevertheless noticed by influential representatives of the American show business.

Tony was interested in such famous people like Babyfess and A. Reid. Anita Baker, who wrote the song "Love Shoulda Brought You Home", suggested that Braxton record it, as she herself was expecting a child. This song was made for Hollywood movie"Boomerang", leading role played by Eddie Murphy. Toni Braxton began collaborating with La Face Records, represented by Babyfes and Arista Records. Soon Braxton was ready to release her first disc, which became one of the most successful in her career. creative career.


The first disc of the performer is the album “Toni Braxton”. It was released in 1993 and for a long time was in the lead in the American charts. The first video was filmed for the song "Another Sad Love Song". For a long time he took first place in the charts.

In 1994, such strong singles, permeated with feelings and emotions, appeared as: “Breathe Again” (“I breathe again”). "Seven Whole Days" ("Seven Whole Days"). “How Many Ways” (“How Many Ways”). “You Mean the World to Me” (“You are the whole world for me”).

The Toni Braxton disc was a huge success and won many prizes. Among them are three Grammy awards. Two years in a row (in 1994 and 1995) Braxton received prizes at the American Music Awards. This album helped the singer reach more high level and become the favorite of a huge number of viewers.

The second album in a row, which turned out to be even more successful than the first, was “Secrets”. During that period, Braxton began working with very popular stars. In 1997, the most beautiful composition of the performer called “How Could an Angel Break My Heart” (“How could an angel break my heart”) was born. The song is part of an album dedicated to memory.

However, it should be noted that the real popularity and love of the listeners came to the performer after the release of the sad and incredibly beautiful composition “Un-Break My Heart” (“Do not break my heart”), written by D. Warren. This song became the singer's talisman, her calling card, the most recognizable composition in her creative career. For 11 weeks, the single took only first place in all charts!

The album "Secrets" became the most successful in solo career singers. For 92 weeks, he led the American music ratings. Eight times he was recognized as a platinum disc. For the compositions “Un-Break My Heart”, the singer received two Grammy awards. Soon Braxton made a concert tour with popular singer Kenny G. This composition helped her win two prizes in the American Music Awards.

But despite resounding success, in 1998, Braxton announced that she was bankrupt and had a debt that exceeded $3.9 million. In order to pay off this debt, all the property and real estate of the star were put up for sale. In spite of litigation, huge problems and experiences, the singer continued to practice musical creativity, record hits and release clips.

In 1998, Toni Braxton starred in the musical "Beauty and the Beast". Filming continued for two years. Braxton is the first African-American singer to star in a Disney project.

By the end of 1999, the singer had almost overcome her financial difficulties, a new contract was signed with La Face, promising to solve all remaining problems in order to pay off her debt. It was planned that the new disc will bring the singer a fee of $ 25 million. But all subsequent albums by Braxton did not have such tremendous success as the previous two.

In 2000, Toni Braxton released her third album, He Wasn't Man Enough (He Wasn't a Real Man). The song "The Heat" becomes the single. For a long time, the composition took third place on the Hot 100 chart. The album did not leave the top twenty of the chart for a long time.

The musicians Foster, Babyfes and K. Lewis, who later became her husband, helped the performer to record this disc. The single "Just Be a Man About It" from the third disc did not have great success. In the charts, he only occupied the thirty-second line. And the beautiful composition of Braxton “Spanish Guitar” (“ Spanish guitar”) was ranked 98th on the Hot 100 for a long time. However, this song was in the lead in Hot Dance &, Club Charts.

Another single from the album is the song "Maybe", which also did not bring much success to Tony and for a long time took only 74th place on the chart, never hitting the Hot 100. Despite the fact that the singles of the third album did not bring success to the singer, the disc was still recognized by the RIAA platinum two times. Already in 2001, this disc brought the singer a victory at the American Music Awards.

During the period when Toni released her fourth album, she was pregnant with her second son, and it was difficult for her to work. The pregnancy proceeded with complications. Tony was put on bed rest.

She did not want to rush to release the album, because due to her condition she could not advertise it well. But the disc was still released. The performer was extremely upset and accused her companions of releasing the disc against her will. She decided that they wanted to teach her a lesson for putting her health and family problems above work.

The album "More Than a Woman" was recorded in 2002. He became the last joint creation Braxton with Arista. The album took the thirteenth position, and in the first days after its release, only 97,000 discs were sold.

In 2003, Braxton left Arista and signed with Barry Hankerson, who headed Blackground Records (Universal Music Group). This contract helped the singer to return to her previous activities, but subsequent albums did not take profitable places in the charts. The new album "Libra" had insignificant sales and failed to bring the singer to a new level.

In 2005, a composition from the fifth album was recorded, called “Please”. The song took only 36th place on the chart and failed to enter the "hot hundred". This turn of events upset the star. At the end of 2005, the disc received gold status: the sold circulation amounted to 431,000 copies. At the same time, the delightful composition “The Time of Our Lives” (“The Time of Our Lives”) was born, which the singer performed with the magnificent quartet “Il Divo”. For a long time, the song occupied the 17th position in the German chart. The album "Libra" was re-released in Germany, where it was presented in a new way.

In 2006, Toni launched her show in Las Vegas. This show was only scheduled for six days, but Braxton extended her concerts for more long time. The show in Las Vegas hit the top ten and brought the performer a huge success. But the singer's joy was short-lived. In 2008, she felt unwell and was taken to the hospital with severe pain in the chest.

The show has officially ended. On the advice of doctors, Tony should give up work for a while and devote all his time to health. But already in August, Braxton took part in the Dancing with the Stars project. The new, seventh album was “Pulse” (2010), which turned out to be quite successful. It ranked ninth on the chart.

Reality show

In 2010, Braxton again, like twelve years ago, publicly declares that she is bankrupt, and her debt exceeds $ 50 million. At that time, the singer did not have the opportunity to pay the debt. To solve the problem, Braxton decides to create a shocking project - a reality show about his family. The project was named "Brexton Family Values". Most of the attention was paid to the female part of the Braxton family: her mother and four younger sisters. The show was a great success and was renewed for several more seasons.

Personal life

Tony's personal life is not so stormy and eventful. Braxton was married to Keri Lewis for a long time. The couple had two sons, Diesel and Kai. To the youngest son was diagnosed with autism, and this is a huge tragedy for the singer. For a long time she accused the doctors of overlooking this problem and not making a timely diagnosis.

In 2007, there were rumors that the star was sick terrible disease as if she had a tumor of the mammary glands. But Braxton denied these rumors and said she feels great. Carey and Toni Braxton lived together for twelve years. In 2013, Braxton and her husband divorced. Author: Irina Angelova

BIOGRAPHY What happens if an evil clown starts rapping? The same will happen if a rude type from the South-West of St. Petersburg gets to the microphone and spit out all his nightmares and fantasies, thoughts about life and thoughts about relationships, battle elements and a look at the world from the eyes of an evil clown. Like a real clown, amusing the audience during the day funny scenes and funny performances, and at night crying about her life, so Raut laughing hysterically destroys the enemy with battle rap, then suddenly reveals his soul in the next track.

e Tony Raut, Anton Dunaev was born, he is Zh, in St. Petersburg. On January 15, 1990, the aggressive Tony is unusual for his own, which style, some evil clan of Anton - it wants revenge. Music audit for a masterpiece that fit they rout one of' unusual people". T be the banner of "YUGOtech MC, who carries the WEST" Peter. make a big fuss where Tony Routh started d measure one of those in 2012. With the "300" lipes the most talked about

Tony Routh, as promised, released his debut solo album on February 14, which is called "Routville" Well, a couple of lines from the author: What is "Routville"? Words will be redundant. You probably need to get there yourself. Routville is a ghost town, a city from which there is no way back, a city in the air of which there is the smell of death and horror. It will be difficult for you to find your way home, but who knows, maybe this is your home?

then Raut is also known to few people, Pro Ton even listening to him is known for certain. and it was true that Rout himself declared that he likes life as a person and that the more a riddle and a person they know, the less about it, the more they like it, it is interesting. There is a discussion when he is a beginner, but about what is his surname and so age, what, according to him further, the rapper eats these words, for all interest. watching with and

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