Comedy anniversary issue. Brief description of the series


Release date: 09.12.2016

Brief description of the series:

Anniversary 500th issue comedy club! An explosion of humor and positivity! Do not miss! This Comedy Club happens every 500 episodes! Look first on our site - for free and without registration.

The evening opens with Adriano Celentano Alexander Revva Arthur Pirozhkov with the song "The Taming of the Shrew Arthur". Residents who once performed in Comedy are visiting today:

Viktor Vasiliev - presenter on Channel One.
Roman Yunusov and Alexey Likhnitsky, better known as the Zaitsev Sisters, and now also presenters on Channel One.
Timur Rodriguez - singer.
Artashes Sargsyan - the first host of the Comedy Club.
Vadim Galygin.
Sergei Bessmertny - once performed at Comedy, and now is a screenwriter and author of this project.
Gavriil Gordeev - Director of the TNT4 TV channel.

Garik Kharlamov prepared an improvisational number with the old residents of the Comedy Club, which is called "Kharlamov against everyone."

Star confectioner Renat Agzamov prepared an anniversary cake on the occasion of the 500th issue of Comedy.

The Crisis of the Genre trio will show a miniature of The Incident in Paris.
Andrey Skorokhod and Demis Karibidis will show a miniature "Polish Television".
Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev will show a miniature "A case somewhere in Russia".

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500 anniversary issue comedy club

Opens QC double Andriano Celentano Alexander A Revva"Funny and drunk."

Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov represent all residents of the Comedy Club for all years:
- Viktor Vasiliev and his wife, deputy Anna Statkina;
- Roman Yunusov and Alexey Likhnitsky "Zaitsev sisters" took away the costumes;
- scary and smiling and squeaky Timur Rodriguez carrying crap;
- Artashes Sargsyan "Tash", the very first host of the Comedy Club, now the host of Match TV;
- Vadim Galygin, not aging Belarusian bitch;
- Sergei Bessmertny, not a funny comedy screenwriter;
- Timur Gordeev GAVR, former resident aka "whipping boy";
- Renat Agzamov, star pastry chef;
- Artur Janibekyan- general producer TNT and gums;

improvisation number - Kharlamov against all residents of the Comedy Club who have no right to laugh.
Garik Kharlamov is delirious and says non-existent and fictitious funny words.
In the chief's office.
- I am Krym Anatolyevich Ours!
- Nu that, two on a hundred? Lenochka, bring us two old women!
- I am reducing your salary to the length of your members, so you will receive 8 thousand a 3, one in winter.

The French television company Lefilm and UralTruboProkatCinema and the film "Podmoskovny croissant".
The wife in the car with her husband says that her lover is a bodyguard driver.

Polish television, political program Tse Poland to the center of the world.
Hosted by Kryztof Krasovsky.
Who is Trump?
And Hilary knows him..
Who is Putin? Russian golovnyak and American golovnyak.
bear mammal north pole.. Russian vice headman, Medvedev playing iPado. Premier wifi router.
Polish apples are not in Russia so in our mouth.
Pushkin Poland.
Anton Polshevich Chekhov.
Gagarin: Let's go to Poland, it's closer to the Czech Republic.
Sergey Zverev Horvath hairdresser.

Case somewhere in Russia.
Intern Robert Burdasov traveled for a long time to a distant city to get a new ancient profession.
The director's foot washer was washing his feet.
Feast of Ildondyn - even the Flying from Revisoro is raped.

Comedy Club today's anniversary issue of 12/9/2016 watch online.
Issue No. 500 as designated by the graduates and editors of the Comedy Club. Numbering starts by issue.
TV channel: TNT
Duration: 44 min

, Le Havre, Sergei Bessmertny , Garik Kharlamov , Pavel Volya , Alexei Likhnitsky , Timur Rodriguez .

For the past 12 years, the main comedy show of the country Comedy Club has been on the air of the TNT channel. This Friday, viewers are waiting for the anniversary, 500th issue. Over the years of the project's existence, the images of residents stand-up show became a household name, their jokes are repeated in all corners of our country, and millions of children dream of becoming as successful and popular as the presenters.

This Friday, viewers will see on the stage of the Comedy Club not only current residents, but also already held stars who once shone in a humorous show. Among the former hosts will be Alexander A. Revva, Vadim Galygin, Timur Rodriguez, the Zaitsev Sisters duet, the first host of the show Tash Sargsyan, Le Havre, Sergey Bessmertny and many others. Each of the comedians will take the stage and try to improvise with the king of the genre Garik Kharlamov.

The Comedy Club on TNT will celebrate the 500th episode

Today, Comedy residents look fashionable and respectable, but they started their journey in a completely different way: the Zaitsev Sisters wore acid suits, Pavel Volya wrapped himself in a boa, and Tash walked in a skirt. Alexey Likhnitsky from the duet "Sisters Zaitseva" admitted that he was very glad to meet again with former colleagues. “We haven’t seen each other for a long time and met with everyone just before going on stage. It was a pleasant, friendly conversation, a gathering. Everything was cool, ”Likhnitsky shared.

Timur Rodriguez experienced the same emotions: “I was glad to see everyone and received an invitation to the Comedy Club many times, but I was constantly busy on tour. And this time everything worked out very well: I'm in Moscow, and here is the 500th issue. It would be a crime not to come to the shooting of the anniversary show. We had a great time and laughed out loud."

Founder of Comedy Club Production Artur Janibekyan told what is the secret of the success of this show. "Comedy Club is our flagship project, business card TNT. This is a successful TV product, which for 12 years and 500 episodes on the air invariably gives the highest ratings. The secret of the success of this show, first of all, is in the team of real professionals that the TNT channel and Comedy Club Production managed to assemble. Comedy Club is more than just humorous program: this is a phenomenon that continues to develop and grow dynamically,” Janibekyan shared.

It should be noted that over the creation of each Comedy release Club has a huge creative team. Spectators are not accustomed to seeing mediocre performances, so the artists face an important task - to choose the best of the best. Not only every sketch, but also every joke is submitted for collective discussion. The approved lines are then put together into a script and rehearsals begin. Prior to filming, focus concerts are held for small group of people. If the audience does not like something, then the number begins to be redone.

The Comedy Club on TNT will celebrate the 500th episode

Garik Martirosyan, which, as you know, is not only a resident of a humorous project, but also its creative producer, admitted that for 12 years the principle of the show has not changed in any way: “It's still the same free, slightly cynical, but cheerful and optimistic humor, which is still interesting to us ourselves - the creators of the program. And this is very important - the Comedy Club team itself has fun, catches positive mood from what it does. It's still not like our work is a fun hobby." The same opinion is shared by other residents of the show, including Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov. The latter admitted that initially none of the creators could even think that such success would fall upon them. According to him, everyone just did what they got tremendous pleasure from.

By the way , humor today Comedy residents sounds not only from the stage of the usual club, but also at many other venues. So, for example, the Comedy Club twice participated in cultural program at the Russian stage of Formula 1 in Sochi. In addition, residents of the stand-up show performed with their unique numbers in Turkey, Italy, Spain, China, Latvia, Greece, Egypt, Montenegro and Cyprus.

The Comedy Club on TNT will celebrate the 500th episode

See comedy show Club every Friday at 21:00 on TNT.

10.12.16 site - New season 500 edition of Comedy Club 09 12 2016 watch online on your phone, broadcast before TNT. Premiere today! Free new 500 episode comedy club December 9, 2016 is now available online.

To be honest, I was shocked when I came across so many negative reviews to the Comedy Club. The most amazing thing is that people make this program just a tragedy, the shame of everything domestic television... And it doesn't matter that, taking on the responsibility of talking about the impact of this show on the entire nation, judging these guys and their viewers, a person simply cannot competently and clearly state his thought.

New season Comedy club season 12, episode 52 today 09.12.16 watch online TNT

I think "Comedy Club" is not a bad project.

I liked a lot of rooms, some of course not very much, some were overdone, some are generally terrible. Somehow they don’t have censorship or an editor or something good, who would reject or skip numbers, otherwise sometimes it feels like they drank, weren’t prepared and decided to perform at random like we are and so they love it. And we are spectators in the role of cattle, everything will do for us, we will all look like fools. Recently I watched how Volya communicated via Skype with people sitting in the hall, Gazmanov and others were also sitting there famous people, and Volya laughed, behind him naked aunts wandered, in general, horror, forced her sister to turn off this rubbish.

But not everything is so negative, for example, I like Sergey Slepakov, a very talented guy. Everything he does deserves approval, and not only because he is my countrywoman, he is simply talented. I like all his performances, as well as his songs. For example, recently he sang the song "Lyuba, YouTube star", and "Underpants" (Stunned by your beauty, (lyrics) I forgot your underpants ... (be sure to download, I'm sure you'll like it. Most of there are Armenians, Martirosyan, Sargsyan and more, but I don’t remember the names by the way. Considering that almost all the participants are former KVN players, their numbers are similar to performances in KVN.

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