Yes, our people are cattle, they will break everything! Cattle against people. A vivid example of why Russia will never be like Europe


If an American meets an American abroad, then with a probability of 90% he will happily talk with a compatriot. The same can be said about the Israelis, the British and representatives of many other nationalities. Many, but not ours.

Russians abroad - permanently living there or tourists - is a separate issue. The Russians not only do not seek to merge with their compatriots in a welcoming ecstasy, but in every possible way avoid their own people, disavowing ties with their homeland.


“You have come in large numbers, and we are already real Americans.” "Here you are- Russian cattle and I have an Israeli passport.” "Don't address me in Russian, I don't remember Russian anymore."

This and much more is written on the arrogant faces of my compatriots. The faces of stupid, collective-farm and bydlovaty.

Only cattle, being abroad, forgets where it comes from. Cattle by default rootless. It was made by the degenerates drunk in the hayloft. What kind is there? What is there to be proud of? What is there to save?

You know, my English is very good. An American, listening to me, will understand, of course, that I am not a native speaker, but my accent is not hard, volatile. It doesn't tell me where I come from.

Say what I did? I deliberately increased the Russian accent. The very accent that the cattle who studied English at the courses in Konkovo ​​is trying to get rid of, I, a professional linguist-translator, now cultivate in every possible way.

For what?

And to make it clear to everyone that I am Russian. Wherever I go, I want people to understand that she is from Russia.

I treat my nationality in the same way as I treat my gender. I like being Russian. I like being a woman.

If at birth I had a choice - to come into this world as a woman or a man, I would not hesitate for a second to order boobs for myself, and not a thing hanging between my legs.

If at birth I had a choice in which country to be born, I would, without a moment's hesitation, choose Russia again.


We have very complicated story. And not only consciousness determines being, but also being - consciousness. And we, having a complex being, which is full of events that often determine the course of world history, are also complex. And our parents are complex. And grandfathers. And great-grandfathers.

We love Dostoevsky, not comics. We are Russians. We are complex. We are multi-layered. Behind us is the centuries-old experience of our ancestors. Behind us is history. Long. Not easy. Our. Native.

That is why, every time I come abroad, I will cultivate a Russian accent and despise the rootless cattle, embarrassed by their Russianness.

How do you feel about your "Russianness"? Tell me.

I have written many times why I consider politics a meaningless theater and why I am 100% sure that a change of power in the Russian Federation, Belarus or Ukraine will not lead to any improvements. I will not repeat myself, all this information is in my posts under the "state" tag. Today we will talk about the incident that occurred in Krasnodar, which fully confirms my guesses.

In Russia, the topic of "obochechnik" is now very popular, the smartest and nimble motorists who, in violation of the rules, like to go around the stream along the dusty roadside:

When the sidewalker gets used to impunity, he progresses further and begins to go around the flow in the opposite direction. It crosses the double solid line, enters the oncoming lane and drives along it until it hits the oncoming traffic, then the "oncoming traffic" dives into its own lane, cutting off the gaping "terpila". That's right - the meeters and sidewalkers call those who allow themselves to be stuck in front of them as terpils:

In Krasnodar, there was no such patience, and the sidewalker, who had progressed to the oncoming lane, remained standing in the oncoming lane - they simply did not let him into his line. This incident was filmed on the phone by an eyewitness to the incident, who was traveling in the same direction:

She posted the video on the Internet and, when a wave of indignation arose, she realized that main enemy And the disturber of public peace is herself. The woman was intelligibly explained that "this is Krasnodar, baby," and not some kind of lousy Europe where you can't breathe. In Russia, everyone does what is convenient for him, not paying attention to the laws, and the one who complains about violations is a snitch and a troublemaker himself. I look at all this and Once again I am convinced that power is a reflection of society, . And certainly to people for whom the law is not written, in no case.

Who do you think is right in this situation? Hyundai, which did not let the rusher into the lane, or BMW, which wants to go faster than anyone else? How do you feel about such citizenship when are wrongdoing reported where appropriate?

A little more about society:


Let's start with the post-war period. All who fought in the Second World War were perceived as heroes. Heroes with a broken psyche started families, drank, beat wives, and children were brought up by the street. Heroes were tolerated, they deserved it, they won back their homeland. Children abandoned to the upbringing of the streets ended up in colonies and prisons. And finally, everything is reflected in society. The newly minted thieves, having served time, saw perfectly well that in front of them was a completely empty, unoccupied niche, abandoned to the mercy of fate, a large army of youth. The influence of criminal elements on young people began around the mid-1960s. In every small town, their authorities. in every big city OPG. And there is no need to talk about the shadow economy with a budget equal to the state one. All young people were taken by criminals for processing. In the 70s and 80s, creative personalities considered it a blessing to be on prison bunk beds. Remember, Vysotsky, Seversky, Rosenbaum and many other dozens of criminal romantics sang of life on bunk beds.

over the course of 25 years from 1965 to 1990, a certain criminal mentality of the country has already developed. All of them, with their chansons, suddenly became the most popular perestroika and reformers. The 90s took a lot of young people to another world, they were romantics brought up by the criminal world. Prisons during these Soviet 25 years were overcrowded and it was an ideal propaganda school. When there are many criminals in the country, the staff of security forces is forced to increase. Every day, meeting with crimes and dirt emanating from the criminal mentality of the population, the security forces begin to become infected with the same mentality. It got to the point that this infection reached the KGB. Well, you all know who your favorite and respected was. Not from scratch, after all, the opinion arose that he came from an organized criminal group. Here are the roots of continuous corruption in law enforcement agencies. Thus, we will add to 25 years another 28 years until today. So 53 years of processing the population under the criminal world program, with a view of the world through the glasses of criminal romance, does this say something? Plus, the police, trying to show their worthy side through films and serials, involuntarily engaged in active propaganda of the criminal world, and the youth absorbed not the romance of Cop everyday life, but, on the contrary, criminal romance.

So 53 years of brain programming since early age, this is the true mentality of today's Russia. If the criminal mentality of the USSR was able to destroy the USSR, then can you now imagine over the next 28 years, after the beginning of the 90s, how much this program has ingrained itself into the human essence at the genetic level?

The intelligentsia, educated against the background of continuous dibilization, is approximately a maximum of 5% of the population. The rest, these are the lads, at least think about it, but it's true. The lads don't need brains, this virus, although it remains in the population in a dormant, inactive state, but it exists and nothing can be done about it. Want to make sure of this, ask your friends if they like chanson? 80% will answer yes. Here on such an ordinary harmless phenomenon, the mentality of the whole country in which you live is being tested. Perhaps only young people will be outside this category of people with a dormant criminal virus, but not all, but part of the youth, the rest are infected, as before, from the generation of criminals.

So you are not cattle, you are carriers of the virus that you were prepared for before the revolution and introduced stubbornly and persistently for more than 100 years. And you know who, or rather which nation is most interested in this, because they introduced their own criminal jargon, through their own and creative people always prepared for this mentality and thrown into the hell of the criminal world, for the sake of capturing this stupid country with a stupid population.

Now turn close attention on the minuses, these are precisely the people who are uncomfortable with this truth, because even here one can understand the all-encompassing mentality of the Russian population.

It is surprising how accurate the diagnosis of the solid criminal mentality of this country turned out to be. The more people disagree with such a formulation of the question, the more accurate the diagnosis. The psychology of impulsive response, which contains the subtext "no, we are not like that, we are different, we are good," proves the correctness of the diagnosis. Does a scoundrel recognize himself as a scoundrel? If two teams played against each other and one of them would play for evil, and the other for good, then the fans on the podium of evil should not have been in any way. Nobody wants to be evil and root for evil, because everyone would say, we are kind, we root only for good. After the game, suddenly people see that they were rooting for evil, sitting in the stands for good. This is how evil wins, and the players all seemed to be playing for good and the fans were rooting for good. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Your mind is not developed if you cannot see the truth as it is, because only the impulses are working at this time. This again proves the correctness of the one who voiced the truth. Nobody wants to see this truth, let alone acknowledge it. I will add that a generation brought up in a character superior to Judas, there is a generation of Judas, which has nothing sacred, and therefore even the country of the USSR, which terrified and respected the whole world, collapsed. The entire population with the criminal virus, where even refined criminal jargon was welcomed and accepted with a bang at the top, this population has a criminal virus in itself and it turned this virus into a traitor virus. Who likes to hear that about themselves? No one, because everyone will not agree with such a formulation of the question. Does a traitor who destroyed his homeland, the one in which he was born, grew up, admit that he is the murderer of his own parent? So this people is not a cattle, but a completely conscious JUDAS, who sold himself for Western candy wrappers. All reservations, such as in the West, people like us are Cattle, are inappropriate. Here the question is not raised to compare the West with Russia, here is a clear question of who you are in truth, without comparative options.


To the author who asked the question, the true answer is here because it is here that the most gathers, those who are CREDIT. You see them in the minuses, and there are more of them than expected. Perhaps there are no those who are not cattle. Only Cattle can put themselves on public display without embarrassment. You tell them straight in the eyes you are a redneck and they confirm it with pleasure right there in their minuses. Yes, such stupid people still need to look around the world. And here he is, without shame and conscience, denounces himself. Now I understand why the world hates this territory and the people living on it. The Germans who lost the war and admitted their mistakes were at their best. And this people will never be able to preserve their dignity by recognizing their stupidity. The Germans all over the world recognized that their ancestors showed complete stupidity, and this people is not capable of admitting that they are even dumber, sweat is the reason that the world hates Russia, and the Germans are at their best and live better than their winners. They know how to admit their mistakes, and this people is stupid to the point of impossibility and the world is simply obliged to hate him. Yes, what's the point of talking about all this trying to wake up idiots, they become even dumber for them, criticism is not good for them, there are no words to call these idiots anymore. They get even dumber on the go and their number increases. If there are reasonable ones, observe, observe and see how mass rednecks appear in front of your eyes in this people. Therefore, advice to all, do not try to cure these people. he is incurable, let the virus that is in him kill him from the inside.



I'm in shock !!! This is not and cannot be in Belarus because the country is controlled by a wise man, and in Russia at every step!

Young Russians, you really are a herd of sheep fucked by the authorities and churkobes and gopniks who offend your old people, children and women!



Georgy Fedorov added 2 new photos.

Two days ago, not far from home, unknown scumbags and scum attacked my father. They hit the forehead with a heavy object (brass knuckles or a flashlight), beat them, broke their armsuh, finished off with their feet. The father lost consciousness and was unconscious for some time. They took away his wallet with 700 rubles and an ancient Samsung cell phone worth 200-500 rubles. Father is 85 years old. Doesn't drink, doesn't smoke. Goes into self-employment. When he got up, he staggered towards the house. A police car drove by a few meters away. Stopped. The windows didn't open or even get out. We stood and looked for a few minutes and left the place. Now he is in the hospital. They opened a criminal case. I hope they still find the bastards. A country in which old people are maimed and robbed has no future. The indifference of the police is also impressive. I hate the current oligarchic criminal "order" in our country and will do everything possible from me so that we live in a different coordinate system, where there would not be several realities, when one small part of society was fattening and pulling out the last juices from my homeland, and the other most would entail in fact a beggarly state. I don’t want to live in such a way that at 7 pm in the center of Moscow (Alekseevskoye metro station) old people are robbed, killed for a penny, where medicine is being destroyed, where drug addiction, pedophelia and hopelessness would flourish .... In this case, I can say, glory God that my father is alive.

- Well, go and live in the West!- this is how almost any even the most delicate discussions on the topic "The values ​​of Russia and the values ​​of the West" on the Web end. For some reason long years in our country there is and is developing a complex of civil inferiority, the essence of which lies in the fear of the population to want a better life. This complex sits especially deep in the heads of those who do not care not only about the life of society, but also about their own!

In Russia, it is customary to spit on any conscious person who really wants to help some idiot open his eyes to the world and world values. In Russia, it is customary to ignore logic, to ignore common sense, do not think before voicing another nonsense. There are a lot of cattle in Russia who are not able to connect two words, not to mention two or more actions, in order to improve their lives.

Cattle constantly asks the same questions in discussions, believing that the repetition of an idiotic question makes a person smarter, and his position in the dispute - more convincing. It's time to voice the top of the most stupid questions-arguments that our cheers-commentators have all over the Runet.

Hey, you finally lived under the USSR?! Yes, everything was there!(Senya Mudilo, 19 years old, Muhosransk)

For some reason, many believe that only those who lived in the USSR have the right to discuss life in the USSR. Soviet time. What kind of nonsense? With the same success, one can directly create a law according to which, in general, one can discuss only those vital moments that occurred in the presence of a commentator.

An example of how you can improve the lives of idiots by introducing a similar measure:
- What are you blathering about Russian football, scum?! You were a chicken at this match?! And I was! Third row, second place! What TV?! What books? Let's get out of here, you hear.

- Hello, what kind of plane are you talking about, you fool?! Did you fly there? So don't blather here. I would have flown, then I would have blathered. Look at her, she's being clever here, yep.

So many years have passed, and former Soviet citizens still have not learned to calmly treat criticism, no matter what it is. They calmly criticized the government under the USSR, calmly spat when they saw empty shelves in stores, and calmly saved up for years for some kind of trough. And now they have turned into "witnesses of better times", as if wise and enlightened. I still don’t understand why we don’t give out medals “For Life in the USSR” and don’t erect any monuments to sausage at 2.20?!

You better tell me where you got so much dough at your age? Stole and is smart here(Baba Manya, 40 years old, Vyatka)

In the program of any rogue - the question of the material status of the opponent. Necessarily. Always. And the crowd will definitely cling to any answer, like a lifeline. "Yeah, business? All clear, grabber." "A hired expensive specialist?! Ahhh, the more everything is clear: ass-licking with experience!"

Envy in Russia - this is the second "I" of Russians. If the discussion has reached a dead end, you should immediately switch your attention to class! Even Lenin bequeathed that the land should be given to the peasants, and the factories- workers! No business, no entrepreneurship. What else is this?

The height of idiocy is the thesis "So do the Americans pay you? Well then, in general, everything is clear." What exactly is clear, and how can it be related to money at all - this already remains the secret of the authors. What, they say, to talk to you if you earn 500 thousand, and I 25?- thinks the average tyrant commentator. Although I personally don't ask people their income level before shaking hands or saying hello.

Are you by any chance gay?(Prokhor Chistopluisky, 85 years old, Kukuyevo village)

This is a diagnosis. When something fundamental is being discussed, for example, legislation, some old fart will definitely jump into the conversation with the question: are you not gay, are you? That is, the culture of communication is so low that people are already ready to measure their members, just to get away from unpleasant thoughts, questions, and results.

In general, Russians can masterfully distract themselves from thoughts on serious topics. Here are just a few examples of how this works in real life:

Listen, I went to Denmark, the streets are so clean there! It would seem that we are exactly the same people, why do we have so much shit on sidewalks, squares and in general ...
- Yes well them, these faggots. You better get what you bought in the duty free.

Estimate, in Germany the mortgage is 2% per annum! A neighbor went to her relatives, so she says that a really young family can take a house and calmly pay for it, already living in it!
- It's understandable, the Nazis have grabbed our gold since the war, now they are fattening!

If even after this question a sane person does not leave the place of discussion, any idiot knows what to do! It even sometimes seems to me that somewhere there is a secret school of idiots in which they teach how to effectively ask a blow question, a bomb question, a final point question. So, the idiot is pushing with all his might, pretending to be smart, and asks:

So why don't you get out of Russia?! Get the hell out of the USA or somewhere else and don't whine here!(any idiot, any age, any city)

Any moron thinks that Russia - his personal country. And that he, narrow-minded Ivan in an earflap, has the right to live here as he wants. And if someone doesn't like it, let them go! The situation is complicated by the fact that we have much more Ivanov than sane people, and their logic- to push out the normal inhabitants of the country only due to the strength of the crowd!

It is very difficult for cattle to understand that there are still people in Russia who want to live here, having the opportunity to leave. Here a man has a business, has money, but does not want to leave: in Moscow he has hundreds of favorite streets, in St. Petersburg - dozens of school and student friends, a brother and niece live in Yekaterinburg. A person can leave for Europe, but he does not want to buy Euro-loneliness for his money! Is it really that hard to understand?

Why successful people redneck wants to expel out of Russia? The answer is also simple. Cattle are physically uncomfortable when the truth is spoken out loud. You see, walking in bast shoes around crap cities is much more fun if you imagine yourself as a representative of a great nation, and not realize your worthlessness and uselessness for this very nation.

But I am full of optimism. If somewhere on the Internet or live I hear a similar question, it means that there are still sane people in Russia who are asked it. This means that not everything is lost in this country and, perhaps, our children or grandchildren will nevertheless cast aside Soviet thinking and build a truly great Russia.

Have you heard similar questions? What do you answer? How to overcome jealousy and arrogance Russian society?

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