Famusov origin. Woe from Wit characterization of the image of Famusov Pavel Afanasevich


The play "Woe from Wit", written by Alexander Griboedov, was not immediately published, and its appearance on the stage was long in coming. Griboyedov's comedy did not escape the difficult relationship with censorship, since at that time the play carried a rather sharp character and bold content.

In the comedy, the author touches upon the pressing problems of society, which have matured even before early XIX century. However, the moral, fundamental conflict, which is determined by the relationship with the overdue split in the society of the nobles, is correlated with the problem of perception of each other among the old and new views on the social order.

In Griboedov's play, such phenomena as "the present century" and "the past century" are revealed. Between them, a misunderstanding arises, which cannot be resolved. Famusov Pavel Afanasyevich - the paramount preacher of the "past century", acting as his main defender.

Characteristics of the hero

One of the characters famous comedy Alexandra Griboedova "Woe from Wit" - Famusov Pavel Afanasyevich. The hero of the play chief representative the so-called Famus society, is a nobleman, a well-known landowner. In his circles, given the numerous acquaintances and connections, Famusov is a more than recognizable resident of Moscow, who serves as a manager in a government place. It is impossible to describe Famusov without mentioning his boastfulness, inherent in all noble representatives of the nobility. In addition, Pavel Afanasyevich is quite hospitable, sociable, you can call him a lover beautiful life"on a grand scale." He is indifferent to any discussion and gossip in the direction of his personality. For himself, Famusov determined life credo the ability to please in the right situations, as well as curry favor with those who can be useful to him. The ideal for Pavel Famusov is his uncle, Maxim Petrovich, whom his nephew strives to imitate in every possible way.

(Image Famus Society with a characteristic noble pastime in the 19th century of that time)

Despite the fact that Famusov's wife is not alive, he also allows himself cheeky behavior, although he creates the appearance of a respectable widower. Famusov not only shows interest in the maid, but is also closely connected with the doctor.

Pavel Afanasyevich has a daughter, Sophia, whom Famusov endlessly loves and cherishes. And every opportune moment is an opportunity to remind you how much effort was invested in raising her daughter. However, it is impossible to define the image of Famusov as one-sidedly negative, because he is capable of compassion and kindness. This is confirmed by the death of his friend, whose son Famusov took to own upbringing and treated him no worse than own daughter. According to Famusov, marriage between people can only be possible if their combination can bring a decent financial income. Based on this, his goal is to ensure Sophia's future with a successful marriage to a rich groom.

Famusov works only with the desire to receive more money, earn recognition and subsequent titles. All the work for him is done by his secretary, and he himself does just that, putting his signature on the prepared papers.

Famusov, an avid Moscow gentleman of the 20s of the 19th century, can be attributed to ardent supporters of serfdom.

The image of the hero in the work

IN comedy play Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov plays the role of a true adversary educational activities, opposes all kinds of innovations, because, in his opinion, this entails a threat to his calm and prosperous life.

Loose behavior adult daughter He motivates Sophia by constantly reading books. However, reading is not the only reason that encourages this behavior.

Famusov asserts with confidence that both foreign teachers and interest in studying the arts - all this will only harm noble children, they do not need education at all, since family life does not force or presuppose its existence.

by the most best example Famusov considers his daughter her own father, no matter how conceited it may sound.

To the image of Pavel Famusov and his society, Griboedov tried to give the most outdated views and opinions of the landowners, their failure, and also to emphasize the deep-rooted habits that had settled so deeply in their minds.

It is in this vein that the role of Famusov is staged on the pages of the play by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

When Griboedov finished work on his famous work, it was expected that the play would soon be staged in the theater and printed. But censorship at that time strictly followed all the innovations and trends in literature, so the play was expected to be seriously tested. It must be said that Griboedov quite boldly highlighted many of the problems of his time, and paid special attention to the contradiction that had matured between the supporters of the old and new views. In fact, the interests of the "current century" and "the past century" clashed in the interests.

Just in this article we will talk about what is the characteristic of Famusov in the comedy "Woe from Wit" - the main supporter of the passing century. So, one of the key characters is Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov.

How Famusov looked at the issues of education and upbringing

Who was Famusov? To better understand the characteristics of Famusov, let us recall that he had a fairly influential position, serving as a manager in a state-owned house. His seventeen-year-old daughter Sophia, Chatsky's lover, later became a source of rumors about the protagonist's insanity. Famusov is afraid to change his way of life, he is conservative. The unity of the place of the comedy lies in the fact that all events take place within one day right at Famusov's house.

Why is the characterization of Famusov in the comedy "Woe from Wit" so important when we talk about education and upbringing? Very simply: in the opinion of this person lies the opinion of all the nobles of that era. This is what the author intended. When Famusov found Molchalin with his daughter, he immediately expressed his opinion about education and upbringing, and the reader sees this dialogue almost from the very beginning of the action.

Famusov opposes any innovations, he denies enlightenment and does not recognize the action of the mind, because all this can harm his own position. And what does he think of Sophia's licentious behavior? The father refers to the fact that she is passionate about books: "here are the fruits," he says. However, in his opinion, reading is not entirely to blame. Education in general influences the emergence of this kind of thinking. Children are taught by foreigners, taught the arts - such training to the nobles is harmful. What is the use of education if family life can do without these things.

Considering the characterization of Famusov from the comedy "Woe from Wit", it is curious to note that he sets himself as an example to his daughter, and no education is needed. According to him, his behavior is "monastic", that is, he is morally pure. However, these words are full of slyness, because Famusov himself had just flirted with Lisa and molested her. This is a maid in their house.

Famusov and public opinion

Famusov and his supporters are very afraid of notoriety, public opinion. And it doesn't matter what kind of person he really is, the main thing is what others think of him. Proof of this are some characters who are, so to speak, "out of the scene." Take, for example, Maxim Petrovich, Famusov's uncle. He deeply admires him, and especially his ability to "serve" so that no one would have any complaints. And this skill brings wonderful results, because Maxim Petrovich became a rich and respected person.

Famusov's characterization is well revealed if you look at how he treats people. He respects far from everyone, but those who mean something in society, because you can benefit from such a person. And poor people are rubbish in his eyes, worthless. Recall Skalozub - he has been a colonel for a long time, but even though Skalozub is very stupid, he has a "golden bag" with him, and he strives for the rank of general. Such a person causes admiration in Famusov.

Of course, having considered the characterization of Famusov in the comedy "Woe from Wit", it becomes obvious that Griboyedov had a specific goal to show the outdated views of aristocratic society. And not just to show, but also to explain that it is stupid and short-sighted to adhere to these views. The role of Famusov is very important in this. But after reading the comedy, it becomes clear that change is inevitable.

In our blog you will find many articles that examine not only the characteristics of the key characters of world works, but also analyzes literary works writers of all countries. This article described the characterization of Famusov from the comedy "Woe from Wit" by Griboyedov. You may also be interested

Quotation characteristic of Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov.

Friend, is it possible for walks to choose a back street? And you, madam, jumped a little out of bed,

With a man! with the young! -

Job for a girl!

Famusov- Molchalin and daughters. Takes care of his daughter, requires diligent behavior from her
All night long he reads fables, And here are the fruits of these books! And all the Kuznetsky Most, and the eternal French,

Destroyers of pockets and hearts!


He does not see the benefit of books, believing that they only spoil young minds and hearts.

“Learning is the plague, learning is the cause”, which is more dense now than ever,
Crazy divorced people, and deeds, and opinions

"Take away all the books and burn them."


He believes that books and teachings bring only harm to both a person and the whole society.

“That’s it, you are all proud! Would you ask how the fathers did? Famusov Chatsky.

Tries to instruct, teach Chatsky. how to live.

We take vagabonds, both to the house and by tickets, To teach our daughters everything, everything and dancing! and foam! and tenderness! and sigh!

As if we are preparing buffoons for their wives.


Outraged by the dominance of foreign

“Signed, so off my shoulders.” With me, employees of strangers are very rare; / More and more sisters, sister-in-law children Famusov.

Doesn't take service seriously. He does not like to work, do things.

He is strict with his subordinates.

Surrounds himself and in the service of relatives and acquaintances

  • by father "and son honor",
  • here who has “two thousand family souls, He and the groom”; Moscow ladies can now
  • Moscow daughters "simply cling to the military" - "But because they are patriots."
  • Famusov’s delight is caused by old people who “argue, make some noise ... and disperse.”

Views on society

“... on Tuesday to Praskovya Feodorovna’s house ... on Thursday for burial ... on Thursday, or maybe on Friday, or maybe on Saturday - to baptize “at the widow, at the doctor’s”), “well, how not to please your dear little man” . Famusov

The whole week is booked. Life is built on connections in society that must be maintained

“What will Princess Marya Alekseevna say!!!” Famusov utters these words, having learned about the date of his daughter with Molchalin, about her immoral, as it seems to him, behavior. The opinion of the world is what matters to him.
"known for monastic behavior", Famusov About Me. Hero duplicity
“Like everyone in Moscow, your father is like this:
He would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks "
Lisa Sofya about Famusov.
Who is poor is not a couple for you! Famusov Sophia
I’ve been wondering for a long time how no one will tie him up! Try about the authorities, and he’ll tell you nothing!

Even before the monarch's face,

So he will call a scoundrel! ..

Famusov believed in the madness of Chatsky, so he believed that he was one of those who criticize the light, servility, and this is a sign of madness.

Brief description of P.A. Famusov

  • P.A.Famusov is one of the main characters in whose house the action takes place, “a manager in a government place”, a rich widower, a Moscow gentleman, a representative of the “past century”.
  • Intelligent, self-confident, respected in his circle, his opinion is listened to
  • A hospitable, kind person by nature, he values ​​family ties
  • Not alien to weaknesses (not averse to courting the maid)
  • A selfish person, likes to establish the necessary connections.
  • He loves his daughter, dreams of successfully marrying her off.
  • The hero's speech is colorful, figurative, well-aimed, combined with folk, colloquial (for example, Famusov often uses folk expressions: “potion, spoiled girl”, “suddenly fell in a row”, “woe to grieve”, “neither give nor take.”)
  • He likes to speculate on various topics, doing it emotionally, artistically.
  • His speech is different in this or that situation: with Lisa he is unceremonious, with Sophia - paternally strict, good-natured, in society - shines with his eloquence. Even to Chatsky, despite the difference in views, he treats like a father, because he grew up with his daughter. Famusov addresses Chatsky with the words “friend”, “brother.” At the very beginning of the play, the reader sees how glad he is for Chatsky's arrival.
  • He is flattering, fawning over those who are useful to him. Has weight in society.
  • Famusov is an opponent of everything new, progressive. An ardent defender of serfdom. It is no coincidence that during Chatsky's monologue he plugs his ears - he does not want to hear anything.
  • Famusov is outraged when he sees his daughter's date with Molchalin. .He accuses the "dissolute" daughter of the "new" Moscow, which is infected with free ideas and the "spirit of the Kuznetsk Bridge" (that is, Paris).
  • An interesting fact is that the name of the hero from Latin word"rumor". This once again emphasizes how important the opinion of the world is for Famusov, he is afraid of bad rumors.
  • The ideal of Pavel Afanasyevich is the late uncle, Maxim Petrovich, who once, like a jester, amused the court society, but then - "he knew honor before everyone."

IN satirical comedy A. S. Griboyedov's "Woe from Wit", the guests gathered in the house of the master Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, it was no coincidence that they turned out to be heroes with nominal characteristics. Expanding on the topic “Famusov: quotation characteristic”And analyzing the image of the owner of the Famusov house, it is worth noting that almost every word he uttered stands in defense of the “age of fear and humility”. He loves to teach young people and wants them to take an example from the older generation, which has always preferred flattery and servility. These qualities, according to him, have always helped to advance in career ladder, which means getting rich, and there was no need to wish for more.

Uncle Famusova

He always recalls with great pleasure his late uncle Maxim Petrovich Famusov, whose quotation description sounds something like this: “I ate either on gold or on silver, but if I had to serve, then I bent over.” For Famusov, after all, at one time his uncle was a rich nobleman who lived during the reign of Catherine the Great. Famusov enthusiastically talks about how Maxim Petrovich used the embarrassment that happened to him at a reception at the Empress's palace for his own good, playing a funny jester, which gained Catherine's favorable attention. After that, he became the most revered and respected nobleman at the court.

For Famusov, the high state rank that he held was not something important, he did not even try to delve into the essence of the matter, he signed papers without reading, as he himself said: “Signed, so off your shoulders.” Daughter Sophia notes that her father is "obtuse, restless, quick ...".

Uncle Griboyedov

If we study deeper the topic “Quote characteristic: “Woe from Wit”, Famusov”, then the prototype of the hero Famusov for the writer Griboedov was his own uncle, Alexei Fedorovich. In his passage "The Character of My Uncle" the author notes that the character of the uncle literally dominated about 20 years ago. Griboyedov calls this prescription the times of vices and courtesy, believing that outwardly there was chivalry in morals, and in the hearts - a complete emptiness of feelings.

But here the uncle's similarity with Famusov was revealed only in a few features - everyday and psychological. In the image of Famusov there is a lot of everything typical, he identifies with himself a large number of representatives of the aristocratic Moscow nobility. At that time there were many duels, while many had some kind of passion, for example, to deceive a man in cards, a woman in love, and subordinates often built meanness to their superiors, making promises and not fulfilling them.

The author further explains that, to put it simply, everyone was dishonorable in soul and deceitful in tongue. And he adds: “It seems that this is not the case today, but perhaps it is.” But he refers his uncle to that era. He says about him that his uncle could fight like a lion with the Turks under the command of Suvorov, and then in the front palaces of St. Petersburg he kowtowed to random people, and in retirement he completely lived on gossip.

Famusov is a typical representative of his society

But, as mentioned earlier, Famusov is not on fire for the service, but is more afraid of the accumulation of papers. Developing further the topic “Famusov: a quotation characteristic”, it should be noted that the life of this government official is filled with nothing more than visiting various receptions, dinner parties and dinners, christenings and name days. Yes, and in the service, Famusov surrounds himself with relatives to help them climb the career ladder, and it’s not so important whether he is an expert in this field or not, the main thing is to later “please his dear little man” and introduce him to the order in time.

Famusov: quotation characteristic

Famusov evaluates people by their rank and wealth, and for Sophia, he is looking for a suitable person, telling her: "He who is poor is not a match for you." In his opinion, the groom is the one who has at least a couple of thousand souls. And the servant Liza notices that her father would like a son-in-law with ranks and stars.

In a dispute with Chatsky, Famusov draws his own conclusions, which are that "scholarship is the plague." He says: "I would take away the books and burn them." and the enlightenment of a person are not of interest to Famusov, he is important to nobility and financial situation, while his opponent Chatsky sharply criticizes the outdated conservative views of Moscow society, which will sooner or later lead to a dead end.

The representative of the old nobility, Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, becomes the character in whose house all the events of the comedy develop.

The image and characterization of Famusov in the comedy "Woe from Wit" help to present and understand the ideology of the society of that time, the essence of the conflict of generations.

Description of the appearance and character of Famusov

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov is a widower raising his daughter Sophia. The master is proud of his widowhood. A rich man did not begin to tie himself up with new bonds of marriage, because his mother was windy. Freedom is compared to power. Famusov, "his own master", does not want to depend on women's whims. This position does not make him a person who shuns the opposite half. The nobleman flirts with the maid. Words are heard from the speech that help to imagine how the owner of the house behaves when no one sees him:
  • cuddles;
  • flirting;
  • indulges;
  • changes facial expressions.

The rich man is aged, but he looks cheerful and fresh: he shows off his strong physique. Behavioral features also speak about his health:

  • fussy;
  • quick;
  • restless.
The stage where the planning of events takes place is interesting. Pavel Afanasyevich strives not to lose all the necessary events in his memory: christenings, balls, commemorations, put them on the calendar. Such an attitude is characteristic of a real nobility. Characterizes the comedy hero as a dual quality. On the one hand, the property is positive. The owner of the estate does not want to offend anyone by missing an important event. On the other hand, it's negative. It's ridiculous to hear how a visit to the birth of someone who has not yet been born is planned. The speech is confusing. It is blasphemous to arrange christenings and commemorations nearby, without even thinking about the significance human life. On the other hand, this behavior is very real. Famusov - no fictional character, but the personification of the majority.

Positive features

Reality is confirmed by the nearby negative and positive traits personality.

Good nature. Positively characterizes Pavel Afanasyevich's attitude towards Chatsky. After the death of Chatsky's father, Famusov took him to his house and began to raise him as a son. This could only be done by a kind and caring father of the family, a true friend. This is how he is presented in relation to his daughter and childhood friend. good feelings are also seen in relation to some courtiers, to the secretary Molchalin.

Hospitality. Many scenes confirm this quality of Famusov: the arrival of Chatsky, the ball, the arrival of Skalozub. It should only be understood that hospitality in the house is only for the rich. There is no place for the poor and the ignorant.

Love for the past. All old people cherish past events in their memory. The owner of the house protects the past, is afraid of criticism. Everything that has passed is his destiny. Preserving the past is the task of his generation.

Negative personality traits

Obesity. The nobleman, the owner of the house, behaves like a bourgeois. Uselessly angry and often in the mood when he is dissatisfied with everything. He hurries, grumbles and scolds the courtiers. It's amazing that a man himself knows about this property. But it only gives him a lot of pleasure. It seems that swearing is his usual state.

Coarseness. In dealing with those who serve him, the owner of the house does not hesitate in expressions. Such rudeness was inherent in all the nobles of the conservative part of society. Rudeness and power in this case are synonymous. For Famusov, servants are donkeys, blockheads, lazy grouse. Rudeness disappears when Famusov is surrounded by people of his circle or higher status. There is balance and modesty here.

Loud intonations. The loudness of the owner scares the tenants. He is heard everywhere. The voice is compared to trumpets. The master does not try to speak quietly. His position: I am the owner and have the right to shout.

Madness. A father can do such things that they call him crazy. Famusov is a true representative of the ruling part. Choosing expressions, changing behaviors is not in his rules.

Flattery. Pavel Afanasyevich flatters and is ready to please those from whom benefit is possible. Several scenes of his conversation with Colonel Skalozub give a clear example of this behavior: he changes in posture, speech and manner of speaking.

False business. At the time of Famusov, this quality was called differently - a businessman. Any means is good to achieve your goals. He will do everything that will help him achieve the desired rank and reward.

Patterns of life and ideological principles

Famusov serves as a manager in the state public institution like most Moscow nobles. Arranges for the service of relatives, near and far. Gives them awards, promotes them up the career ladder. Family ties are above all for him. “He is happy” in front of his relatives, realizing that the status of the entire family depends on him. Wealth and title explain the desire of Pavel Afanasyevich to find a rich husband for his daughter. It is desirable that the groom be noble, have awards and strive for promotion.

Famusov is a member of a club that is considered prestigious for the elite of the Moscow nobility. The English club allowed itself to be presented as politically educated and advanced.

The master is worried when events occur that can change attitudes towards him. Afraid of gossip, human rumor and gossip.

Speech features of the hero

Pavel Afanasyevich speaks pure Russian, confirming that he is a true nobleman. There are many colloquial phrases and expressions in his speech:
  • "no urine";
  • "kill";
  • "vegetated";
  • "accidentally";
  • "beat the buckets."

The original speech of the nobleman allows us to believe that Pavel Afanasyevich loves and honors the traditions of his country, the Russian people. Famusov's speech cannot be called poor. The nobleman speaks clearly, competently expressing his thoughts. Among vocabulary No scientific terms. So, the master is still limited in education. It is understandable, therefore, his attitude to learning. He did not need to study, others do not need it either. Learning is a disease comparable to a plague that strikes quickly and irrevocably. Books are evil, which is better to destroy, burn, so that there is no trace left. But the father understands that scholarship has taken its place in society, so the daughter, as expected, has teachers. Knows Famusov and foreign words but rarely uses them.

The image of one of Famusov's characters made it possible to characterize a whole society of nobles. Their conservatism, worship of wealth and rank, causes a sarcastic grin. The task set by the author has become achievable.

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