The meaning of the proverb is not up to the mark. What does the popular expression mean: according to Senka, a hat


According to tradition, men in Rus' took off their hats at the entrance to the church and folded them at the entrance, and at the end of the service they took them back. The one who was late came already to the hat, and since then this expression has stuck in the meaning of "to come somewhere too late, when everything is already over." And the expression "nodding acquaintance", meaning a superficial and cursory acquaintance with someone, is also associated with an old custom. When acquaintances or friends met, they raised their hats as a sign of greeting, and only friends shook hands.

The custom to cover the hair came to us from ancient times. It was then that the idea was born that hair is the seat of magical life force.
In Rus', a hat, more than any other piece of clothing, testified to a person's belonging to one or another class. Perhaps in those days there was a saying "Across Senka and a hat". famous proverb“According to Senka and a hat” was first recorded in Russian writing as early as the 17th century. From the proverb, Senka had a rich selection of hats, but property opportunities allowed him to wear a felt cap and a sheepskin hat. The boyar dressed richer: in winter he wore a sable hat, and under it a warm cap, in summer - a downy hat, and at home he rested in an elegantly embroidered tafeyka.

Word a cap arose in Russian from the French borrowing shap, igapa, although it is also suggested that Turkic origin this word. Texts from the 17th century along with the common hat, they also used a hat, a hat, which can be considered historically original for a hat (shap + k + a with the original diminutive, which soon disappears): “The Novgorodian Anufreya Artemiev, the son of 110 caps of Musk, showed up”; “Michael didn’t give me a hat, but I’m here with me, so I’ll give your hat.” These examples are taken from historical sources 17th century
All Russian men's hats were divided into several types. “Ordinary citizens have hats made of white felt in summer, and made of cloth lined with fur in winter,” Olearius noted. These hats were called kolpak, although the name itself appeared only in the 17th century, before that the hats were felted and were called felt boots.

The nobility of the boyar clan in old Rus' could easily be established by the height of their fur "throat" hats (they were called throaty because the fur for them was taken from the throat of a killed beast) hats. The more noble and dignitary the nobleman was, the higher such a hat rose above his head. The common people did not have the right (and even the means) to wear these luxurious hats made of marten, beaver or sable fur. From here the proverbs were born: “After Senka and a hat” or “After Yerem and a cap”, that is: to each honor according to his merits.

Hats, clothes and appearance since ancient times have been hallmark defining different classes. External data is important condition in order to be considered one's own in the circle of a certain social class. In Rus', it was the hat that showed a person's belonging to one or another estate. Previously, Senka was called a nobleman who sits in the Senate, so he had to wear a hat in accordance with his class. Simple people caps were usually worn, which is why there is an analogue of the saying “A hat for Senka”, which says that “a cap for Yerema”.

In general, the custom to cover the hair came to us from ancient times. It was then that people began to consider hair as a container magical power. So, combed and cut hair could not just be thrown away - it was believed that this could cause headache or, even worse, a sorcerer will find them and bring trouble to the owner of the hair.

In Rus', men cut their hair short. Usually they did a haircut with the help of a pot, which was called “under the pot”. In order to make this hairstyle, you just had to put a pot up to your head and cut off the protruding edges of the hair. The women wore long hair braided. Moreover, they wore one braid before marriage and two after they get married. Married woman could not appear in public without a headdress.

The headdress on a woman is, first of all, a tribute to tradition and decoration. The male headdress indicated his position and social status. The Russian nobility could wear hats made of velvet and valuable fur. In addition, the headdress of a woman could determine her age. Family status And what area does she live in?

All men's hats in Rus' can be divided into several types. Common people wore hats made of white felt in summer, and cloth and fur in winter. Wealthy people they could wear hats made of fine cloth or velvet, and the rich could afford hats made of brocade or satin, in addition, a band with pearls could be fastened here. Moscow dandies added gold buttons to such a hat. The headdresses of the kings amazed with their splendor and luxurious decoration. One of these headdresses is the well-known "Monomakh's hat". She came to Russia in the XIV century. as a gift from the Bukhara prince and since then has become a symbol of power and autocracy in Russia. The cap also helped to determine the nobility of the boyars. So, this could be understood by how high their fur "throated" were (hats made from fur taken from the throat of an animal). The more noble a person was, the higher was the cap on his head.

The common people had no right to wear luxurious fur hats made from sable, beaver or marten fur. Most likely, it was from those times that such an expression as “according to Senka a hat” went. In modern Russian, phraseologism is used when we want to say that a person claims something that he does not deserve in accordance with his capabilities, spiritual qualities or mental ability.

According to Senka and a hat Razg. Neglect Someone is worth it; something deserves it. - ! Pushkin was killed, Lermontov was killed, Pisarev was drowned, Ryleev was strangled... You say, is the government to blame? But after all, according to a serf and a master, according to Senka and a hat(Bunin. Village).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Senka and a hat" is in other dictionaries:

    According to Senka and a hat.- (according to Yerema, a cap). See WINE MERIT...

    According to Senka and a hat, according to a woman and a shlyk.- According to Senka and a hat, according to a woman and a shlyk. See PORA MEASURE SUCCESS ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    on Senka and a hat, on a yerem cap- adj., number of synonyms: 1 on merit (10) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    According to Senka and a hat, according to Senka's mother and a caftan

    According to Senka and a hat, according to a woman Braga- Dial. Razg. Who l. worthy of what he has. Mokienko 1990, 119 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    A CAP- wives. cap, hat; hat, night, hat, hat, common name head covers, esp. soft or warm: a round hat, a Tatar, a Cossack, a man's, a coachman's hat, a three-piece hat, etc. In a Monomakh's hat, the weight is 2 f. 20 gold without sable, ... ... Dictionary Dalia

    A CAP- Headdress, mostly warm, soft. The word hat comes from the Latin sarra (kind of headdress), came into Russian from the Old French language in the 11th-12th centuries, when, after the wedding * of the daughter Kyiv prince* Yaroslav the Wise Anna and ... ... Linguistic Dictionary

    a cap- n., f., use. often Morphology: (no) what? hats for what? hat, (see) what? hat what? hat, what? about the hat pl. What? hats, (no) what? caps for what? caps, (see) what? hats what? hats, what? about hats 1. A hat is called a head ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    a cap- And; pl. genus. pok, dat. pcam; and. 1. Headdress, mostly warm, soft. Put on, take off your hat. Hare, mink sh. Fur, knitted Sh. pie, cap. Hat with ear flaps. Throw, throw, throw, etc. caps up, in the air (like ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    a cap- And; pl. genus. pok, dat. pcam; and. see also by hat, hat, hat, hat, hat 1) a) Headdress, mostly warm, soft ... Dictionary of many expressions


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The expression "not according to Senka's hat" means that a person who is said to be in the wrong place is not worthy of this position, honors, respect, is unable to do a certain job, such responsibility is not up to the task.
The origin of this phraseological unit is rooted in Russian history. Those distant times a very status thing was considered a headdress. On Ancient Rus' one could easily determine the position in society of a person by his hat. Experienced people of that time could immediately tell who this passerby was by the material, shape and height of the cap. For example, nobles and boyars wore high hats unusual shape from expensive materials. The fur of an elite beast was used as the main fur, which skillful craftsmen decorated with colored inserts, beautifully shaped buttons, trimmed with silver and gold thread. The presence on this product was considered a special chic. precious stones and pearls.

The wealth of a particular citizen, his authority in society, nobility could be recognized by the height of his hat.
Ordinary people did not even dream of such caps, at that time there were simpler headdresses for lumpen. They looked like modern earflaps, made of felt or woven fabric, with a flat or round crown. In addition, fur products were well-deservedly popular. For example, hare three-pieces with a large rigid fur visor and with a descending or turning back.

"Our ancestors loved high caps made of beaver, sable or marten fur. The more aristocratic and noble the boyar's ancestors were, the higher his cap was" ("Essay on the manners and domestic life of the Great Russian people in the 16th and 17th centuries" N. Kostomarov)

Analogues of the saying "according to Senka's hat" in English

"The higher the ape goes, the more he shows his tail" translation - "the higher the monkey rises, the larger its tail"

"To fit like a glove"- means "sits like a glove"

"The cobbler should stick to his last", which can be translated as "a shoemaker needs to hold on to his sole"

"Not according to Senka hat" proverb synonyms

Savva was honored neither in honor nor in glory;

God grant honor to those who know how to carry it;

According to Erem and a cap;

You do not take according to order;

According to the serf and the master;

On merit and honor;

To each his own;

You can't buy intelligence with wealth.

Use of the expression in literature

"A couple of minutes later, when he made sure that she had died, the need to constantly think about her lost all meaning ... - There is nothing unusual in her death, something ... and it had to happen. According to Senka - a hat" ("Life of Klim Samgin" M. Gorky)

"The captain's building was located on a hill ... disgusting desolation was visible everywhere - the mezzanine had no glass, the columns leaned, the roof was almost rotten. - According to Senka and a hat," Lekandra said, climbing the dried-up steps of the broken porch " ("We all eat bread" D. Mamin-Sibiryak)

"I feel that we are rivals of Evlalia Andreevna. I want to tell you to give me Artemy Vasilyich. After all, I know that people who deeply feel the life around them will suit you, and he will suit me like that. According to Senka and a hat" ("Slaves" A. Ostrovsky)

“Klavka argued with a smile, easily alarming the old people at the same time ... - That’s who you are, Aunt Daria. You yourself can hardly breathe and choose life for yourself. ("Farewell to Matera" V. Rasputin)

"My God! Ryleev was strangled, Lermonotov was killed, Pisarev was drowned, Pushkin was killed ... Do you think the government is to blame for this? ("Village" I. Bunin)

People at all times have always worn hats, because the hat not only protected from the weather, but also determined the status of a person and was a symbol of wealth. What forms the hat took on! And could tell a lot about its owner. But we are all human, and humans make mistakes. What if the hat on your head doesn't suit you at all? So, today's publication will be devoted to the meaning of the proverb "Not according to Senka's hat."

The meaning and history of the proverb

This proverb is so ancient that its appearance dates back to around the 17th century. I would like to note that in those distant times, headdresses had great importance. The wearing of hats for men was mandatory. Women, when getting married, were also required to cover their heads. The origin of man played a leading role. And it doesn't matter that you're stupid, the main thing is that you noble birth. By birth, a person was honored. The proverb mentions a certain Senka, which indicates his simple origin, if he were noble, they would say about him Semyon. And if Senka had bought himself a fur hat, and even embroidered with gold thread, then he would not have the right to wear it.

The meaning of the proverb "Not according to Senka's hat" boils down to the fact that everyone is rewarded according to his merits. In those days, belonging to a noble family was decisive. Over time, the meaning of the expression changed, and the meaning of the proverb “Not according to Senka's hat” acquired the following: a person is in the wrong place. This proverb is used with a share of mocking irony, ridicules that person who is not only out of place, but also not worthy of this position and the honors that he receives. And sometimes this position is simply beyond his strength or, as they say, beyond his reach.

Also, the proverb is used if a young man takes care of a girl and, blinded by her beauty, sometimes does not see real picture: he is not a match for her. She does not suit him according to many criteria, it is possible that this social status, and the difference of characters, and even growth.

Today, or What to do if your boss is "Senka"

We examined in detail what “not for Senka’s hat” means, but what if you had to face “Senka” in real life? But first, you should make sure that you do not have envy and you do not want to shift your work onto other people's shoulders. Still, be indulgent, because "Senka" is also a person who has the right to make mistakes. It is possible that your patience and attentiveness will be generously rewarded over time. And if life has become so unbearable, then you should be distracted and go, say, to the pool or the gym. And do not forget that at any moment you can start searching new job.

Instead of a thousand words

Thanks to the proverb "Not according to Senka's hat", the meaning of which we examined in detail in this publication, you can see the very essence of that worldly wisdom, which was formulated in the form of rules of life. It is enough to say a proverb, and there is no need to resort to lengthy explanations, the idea is clear. And your interlocutor quickly understands what idea they want to convey to him.

Knowing the meaning of the proverb "Not for Senka's hat" will help to use it to the point. Always happy if suitable occasion there is a necessary phrase that will not only teach, but also guide you on the right path.

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