Master and Margarita portrait characteristics. Quotation of the Master from the novel M


Bulgakov's novel shows the tragedy of a real writer, deprived of the opportunity to write about what he thinks, without censorship from critics. The image and characterization of the Master in the novel "The Master and Margarita" will help to better know this unfortunate person who fell under the yoke of circumstances. A novel about love, self-sacrifice, freedom.

Master - main character works. Writer, creator, who wrote a novel about Pontius Pilate.


Age not determined. Approximately close to 38 years old.

"... A man about thirty-eight years old ...".

A person without a name, surname. Abandoned them voluntarily.

“I no longer have a surname - I abandoned it, as well as everything in life in general ...”.

He received the nickname Master from Margarita, his beloved. She was able to appreciate his writing talent at its true worth. Sincerely believing that the time will come and they will talk about it.

Brown hair with the first glimpses of gray hair at the temples. Sharp facial features. The eyes are hazel, restless, alarmed. Kind of sickly, strange.
The Master did not attach importance to clothes. Despite the abundance of suits hanging idle in the closet, he preferred to go around in the same one.

Character. Biography.

Lonely and unhappy. No family, no relatives. A beggar, without a livelihood.

Smart, educated. He is a historian by profession, having worked in the museum for several years. Polyglot who knows five languages: Greek, Latin, German, French, English.

Closed, characterized by excessive suspicion, nervous. He has a hard time getting along with people.

“In general, I am not inclined to get along with people, I have a damn strangeness: I get along with people tight, distrustful, suspicious…”.

Romantic and book lover. Margarita, putting things in order in his closet, noted for herself his love of reading.

He was married, but remembers this reluctantly. Clearly making it clear that he did not attach importance to a failed marriage. Even the name ex-wife The master does not remember or pretends.

Changes in life

The change in the Master's life began with his winning the lottery. One hundred thousand is a lot. He decided to dispose of her in his own way.

Having cashed out the amount won, he quits his job at the museum, rents an apartment and moves. The small basement became his new home. It was in the basement that he began work on a novel about Pontius Pilate.

The novel was not accepted by the publisher. Criticized, condemned, censored. This attitude greatly undermined the psyche of the Master.

He became nervous, irritated. He was afraid of trams and the dark, which he had not noticed before. Fear crept into the soul, completely subduing itself. He was disturbed by visions, hallucinations.

He considered his novel to be the culprit of what was happening. In a fit of rage, the Master throws him into the fire, destroying many years of work before his eyes.

Residential psychiatric facility

A severe mental condition led him to a hospital bed. He voluntarily surrendered to the doctors, realizing that not everything was in order with him. Ward 118 became the second home that sheltered him for four months. He was imbued with a fierce hatred for the novel, considering him the culprit of all the troubles that happen to him. Only Margarita had a calming effect on him. With her, he shared experiences, inner feelings. The master dreamed of one thing, to return there, to the basement, where they felt so good.


Woland (Satan) was able to fulfill his wishes. The other world will become for the Master and Margarita the place where he will find eternal rest.

Master The unnamed protagonist of the novel. In the Stravinsky clinic, after the disappearance of M., only his “dead nickname: “Number one hundred and eighteenth from the first building” remains. The nickname "master" was given to the hero Margarita and is similar to the traditional names "master", "maestro"; it correlates the character as with a medieval literary tradition, and with the Masonic ritual. Associations with Goethe's Faust (by analogy with Woland - "Mephistopheles" and Margaret - "Gretchen") are insignificant. At the same time, the peculiar "doubleness" of M. and Woland (the symmetry of the letters and "M", the authenticity of Woland's narrative and M.'s novel, etc.) is important. The hero is given a portrait resemblance to Gogol, they are also related by the motif of the burnt manuscript. At the same time, M. is clearly an autobiographical hero; he is 38 years old - the same age as Bulgakov himself was in the year he began work on the novel and met E. S. Shilovskaya (later Bulgakova). Apparently, it is no coincidence that the hero appears for the first time in the 13th chapter. In the Stravinsky clinic, having made his way to the ward of Ivan Bezdomny, he tells that once, being a historian by training, he worked in one of the Moscow museums, and was married. Having won one hundred thousand rubles in the lottery, he quits his service in the museum, hires two-room apartment in an Arbat cellar and begins to write a novel about Pontius Pilate. During this period, M. meets Margarita. However, attempts to publish the novel trigger a campaign of harassment by literary critics, which leads M. to a severe nervous breakdown. "Friend" M. Aloisy Mogarych, wanting to occupy his rooms, writes a denunciation against him, and M. is arrested. After leaving prison a few weeks later, he realizes himself as a complete outcast and himself comes to the Stravinsky clinic, and considers himself incurable. The hero is intimidated, exhausted and morally broken, ready to give up all past life including Margarita. Being, at her request, "extracted" by Woland from the clinic, M. says that he is "bored" and wants to "go to the basement", expresses the hope that Margarita will "come to her senses" and leave him, for he does not want to ruin her life along with his own. The heroes are returned to the Arbat basement. After Azazello poisons them, M. and Margarita join Woland's retinue. Saying goodbye to Ivan Bezdomny, M. calls him a "student" and asks him to write a continuation of the novel for him. Having visited the place in the mountains where Pilate is languishing, M. releases his hero to freedom. During the last flight, M. takes on the appearance of a man of the 18th century. (cf. Woland's appeal: "thrice romantic master"). According to Levi Matthew, M. “did not deserve the light, he deserved peace”; That's why " eternal shelter», « eternal home”, bestowed on the hero, looks like an ambivalent “reward / punishment”: M. finds peace, forgets about everything and is himself forgotten. He remains only in the memory of Ivan, who annually appears in a dream on the night of the spring full moon.

Bulgakov's novel shows the tragedy of a real writer, deprived of the opportunity to write about what he thinks, without censorship from critics. The image and characterization of the Master in the novel "The Master and Margarita" will help to better know this unfortunate person who fell under the yoke of circumstances. A novel about love, self-sacrifice, freedom.

The master is the main character of the work. Writer, creator, who wrote a novel about Pontius Pilate.


Age not determined. Approximately close to 38 years old.

"... A man about thirty-eight years old ...".

A person without a name, surname. Abandoned them voluntarily.

“I no longer have a surname - I abandoned it, as well as everything in life in general ...”.

He received the nickname Master from Margarita, his beloved. She was able to appreciate his writing talent at its true worth. Sincerely believing that the time will come and they will talk about it.

Brown hair with the first glimpses of gray hair at the temples. Sharp facial features. The eyes are hazel, restless, alarmed. Kind of sickly, strange.
The Master did not attach importance to clothes. Despite the abundance of suits hanging idle in the closet, he preferred to go around in the same one.

Character. Biography.

Lonely and unhappy. No family, no relatives. A beggar, without a livelihood.

Smart, educated. He is a historian by profession, having worked in the museum for several years. Polyglot who knows five languages: Greek, Latin, German, French, English.

Closed, characterized by excessive suspicion, nervous. He has a hard time getting along with people.

“In general, I am not inclined to get along with people, I have a damn strangeness: I get along with people tight, distrustful, suspicious…”.

Romantic and book lover. Margarita, putting things in order in his closet, noted for herself his love of reading.

He was married, but remembers this reluctantly. Clearly making it clear that he did not attach importance to a failed marriage. Even the name of the ex-wife the Master does not remember or pretends.

Changes in life

The change in the Master's life began with his winning the lottery. One hundred thousand is a lot. He decided to dispose of her in his own way.

Having cashed out the amount won, he quits his job at the museum, rents an apartment and moves. The small basement became his new home. It was in the basement that he began work on a novel about Pontius Pilate.

The novel was not accepted by the publisher. Criticized, condemned, censored. This attitude greatly undermined the psyche of the Master.

He became nervous, irritated. He was afraid of trams and the dark, which he had not noticed before. Fear crept into the soul, completely subduing itself. He was disturbed by visions, hallucinations.

He considered his novel to be the culprit of what was happening. In a fit of rage, the Master throws him into the fire, destroying many years of work before his eyes.

Residential psychiatric facility

A severe mental condition led him to a hospital bed. He voluntarily surrendered to the doctors, realizing that not everything was in order with him. Ward 118 became the second home that sheltered him for four months. He was imbued with a fierce hatred for the novel, considering him the culprit of all the troubles that happen to him. Only Margarita had a calming effect on him. With her, he shared experiences, inner feelings. The master dreamed of one thing, to return there, to the basement, where they felt so good.


Woland (Satan) was able to fulfill his wishes. The other world will become for the Master and Margarita the place where he will find eternal rest.

One of the most enigmatic figures in the novel is definitely the Master. The hero, whose name is given to the novel, appears only in the 13th chapter. In the description of appearance there is something reminiscent of the author of the novel himself: "a clean-shaven, dark-haired, sharp-nosed man of about thirty-eight." The same can be said about the whole history of the life of the master, his fate, in which one can guess a lot of personal, suffered by the author. The master survived non-recognition, persecution in the literary environment. The master, in his unexpected, sincere, bold novel about Pilate and Yeshua, expressed the author's understanding of the truth. The Master's novel, the meaning of his whole life, is not accepted by society. Moreover, it is strongly rejected by critics, even when unpublished. The master wanted to convey to people the need for faith, the need to search for the truth. But she, like him, is rejected. Society is alien to thinking about the truth, about the truth - about those higher categories, the significance of which everyone must realize for himself. People are busy satisfying petty needs, they do not struggle with their weaknesses and shortcomings, they easily succumb to temptations, which the session of black magic so eloquently speaks of. It is not surprising that in such a society a creative, thinking person is lonely, does not find understanding, feedback.

Master's initial reaction to critical articles about myself - laughter - was replaced by surprise, and then fear. Loss of faith in yourself and, even worse, in your creation. Margarita feels the fear and confusion of her lover, but she is powerless to help him. No, he didn't get scared. Cowardice is fear multiplied by meanness. Bulgakov's hero did not compromise his conscience and honor. But fear has a destructive effect on the artist's soul.

Whatever the experiences of the Master, no matter how bitter his fate, but one thing is indisputable - “ literary society» fails to kill the talent. The proof of the aphorism “manuscripts do not burn” is the novel The Master and Margarita itself, burned by Bulgakov himself and restored by him, because what was created by a genius cannot be killed.

The master is not worthy of the light that Yeshua personifies, because he retreated from his task to serve pure, divine art, showed weakness and burned the novel, and from hopelessness he himself came to the house of sorrow. But the world of the devil has no power over him - the Master is worthy of peace, an eternal home - only there, broken by mental suffering, the Master can regain romance and unite with his romantic beloved Margarita. For the peace bestowed upon the master is creative peace. moral ideal, laid down in the Master's novel, is not subject to decay, and is beyond the power of otherworldly forces.

It is peace as a counterweight to the former hectic life the soul of a true artist yearns. There is no return to the modern Moscow world for the Master: by depriving him of the opportunity to create, the opportunity to see his beloved, the enemies deprived him of the meaning of life in this world. The master gets rid of fear of life and alienation, remains with his beloved woman, alone with his work and surrounded by his heroes: “You will fall asleep, putting on your greasy and eternal cap, you will fall asleep with a smile on your lips. Sleep will strengthen you, you will reason wisely. And you won't be able to drive me away. I will take care of your sleep, ”Margarita said to the Master, and the sand rustled under her bare feet» .

Margarita - g the main heroine of the novel, the beloved of the Master. For the sake of love is ready for anything. She plays in the novel very important role. With the help of Margarita Bulgakov showed us perfect image wife of a genius.

Before meeting the Master, Margarita was married, did not love her husband and was completely unhappy. Having met the Master, I realized that I had found my destiny. She became his "secret wife". It was Margarita who called the hero the Master after reading his novel. The heroes were happy together until the Master published an excerpt from his novel. Rained down critical articles ridiculing the author, and a strong persecution that began against the Master in literary circles poisoned their lives. M swore that she would poison the offenders of her lover, especially the critic Latunsky. On a short time Margarita leaves the Master alone, he burns the novel and escapes to a psychiatric hospital. For a long time Margarita reproaches herself for leaving her beloved alone at the most difficult moment for him. She cries and suffers greatly until she meets Azazello. He hints to Margarita that he knows where the Master is. For this information, she agrees to be the queen at the great ball of Satan. Margarita becomes a witch. By selling her soul, she gets a Master. At the end of the novel, she, like her lover, deserves rest. Many believe that the writer's wife, Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova, served as the prototype for this image.

From the text of the novel, only her name and patronymic are known - Margarita Nikolaevna. Beautiful Muscovite. A very strong and courageous woman. By occupation, she is a housewife, lives in the center of Moscow, is married to a famous and wealthy military engineer, whom she does not love at all, they have no children. Wealthy, lives in a rich apartment with servants. At the time of the main events of the novel, she is 30 years old. In the course of the plot of the novel, she falls in love with the writer, whom she calls the master, plays the role of the queen and hostess of Satan's ball, and at the end leaves the world in the form of a witch and leaves with the master to the place of his last refuge.

According to Bulgakov scholars, the prototype of Margarita's character - according to one version - was the famous Russian actress of the early 20th century Maria Fedorovna Andreeva, according to another, more likely version - Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova, the third and last wife writer, which he called: "My Margarita". The book about the love of the main characters says this: “Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and struck us both at once! Finnish knife! She, however, later claimed that this was not so, that we loved each other, of course, a long time ago, not knowing each other ... "It is possible that the first meeting of the master and Margarita in the lane near Tverskaya reproduces the first meeting of Mikhail Bulgakov and Elena after almost twenty months of separation. On March 14, 1933, Bulgakov gave Elena a power of attorney to conclude agreements with publishers and theaters regarding his works, as well as to receive royalties. Elena Sergeevna printed all the works of the writer of the 30s from dictation, she was his muse, his secretary..

Master- Muscovite, by profession former historian, a highly educated person who knows several foreign languages. By winning the lottery a large sum money, he was able to devote all his time to writing a novel about Pontius Pilate and the history last days life of Yeshua Ha-Nozri..

MASTER - the hero of the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" (1928-1940). In the crowded collection of persons inhabiting the novel, the role of this character is indicated with all certainty. The chapter in which the reader meets him is called "The Appearance of the Hero." Meanwhile, in the space of the plot, M. takes up little space. He appears in the 13th chapter, when all the main persons (except Margarita) have entered into action, and some have already left him. Then M. disappears from the narrative for a long time, only to reappear only in the 24th chapter. And finally, he participates in the three final chapters (30th, 31st, 32nd). In world literature, it is difficult to find another work in which the hero would be "behind the scenes" of the plot for so long, waiting for his "exit". These “exits” themselves do not correspond much to the function of the hero. They essentially lack any action, which is especially noticeable in comparison with the active heroine of the novel, who, in the name of love for M., decided to take risky and desperate actions. M.'s first "exit" results in a story-confession about what happened to him earlier: about the novel, composed and burned, about his beloved, found and lost, about imprisonment, first violent (arrest), and then voluntary (in a clinic for the mentally ill). The further vicissitudes of the hero are entirely determined by other persons. Woland "extracts" him from the hospital ward to connect him with Margarita; Azazello “liberates” by poisoning him, and the liberated hero, together with his beloved, who has also become free, go to where eternal shelter awaits them. Almost all events happen to M, but are not produced by him. However, he is the protagonist of the novel. The fate of M. and Margarita connects the disparate "episodes" of the narrative, holding them together in a plot-event and / or symbolically. master margarita bulgakov image

Bulgakov's hero is a man without a name. He renounces his real name twice: first, taking the nickname of the Master, which Margarita called him, and then, being in the clinic of Professor Stravinsky, where he stays as "number one hundred and eighteenth from the first building." The latter is associated, presumably, with literary reminiscence: a reference to another "prisoner" of modern Bulgakov novelism - D-503, the hero of the novel "We" by E.I. Zamyatin, whose fate has a number of coincidences with the fate of M. (Both are engaged in writing, not considering themselves writers; each has a beloved capable of courageous deeds.) The semantics of the name M. is difficult to understand and cannot be read unambiguously. Leaving aside dark question about the origin of this name, it can be noted that in Bulgakov's texts it occurs several times, it is always endowed with an emphatic meaning and at the same time it is used at least inconsistently. "Poor and bloody master" Bulgakov calls the hero of "The Life of Monsieur de Molière"; among the variants of the name of the play about Stalin (later "Batum") appears "Master".

In the symbolism of the novel, the name M. appears in opposition to the craft of writing. The famous answer to Ivan Bezdomny's question: "Are you a writer?" -- "I am a master". If we take into account that before these words there was a conversation about the novel about Pontius Pilate, composed by the hero, then the semantic, value modulation is obvious. The hero became M. because his literary pursuit has gone beyond its borders, turned into a deed that he is called to fulfill, to which he is crowned, like a king to a kingdom. M. even has a crown - a black cap sewn by Margarita with a yellow letter "M". Then the word "master" means "initiate."

The image of M. is a development lyrical hero Bulgakov, connected with his creator by intimate relations and a common literary pedigree, on family tree which the names of Hoffmann and Gogol stand out in particular. From the first, Bulgakov's hero inherited the title of "thrice romantic master", from the second - portrait features (a sharp nose, a tuft of hair hanging over his forehead) and the fatal circumstance of his fate. In a moment of despair, M. burns the novel he created, like Gogol, who destroyed the second volume " dead souls", like Bulgakov himself, who threw the manuscript of the novel about the devil into the fire. According to I.L. Galinskaya, the hypothetical prototype of M. is the Ukrainian philosopher XVIII" Shv. G.S. Skovoroda, who, like the hero of Bulgakov, did not publish any of his works during his lifetime and in certain circumstances had to pretend to be crazy. Besides philosophical problems The novel can be regarded as a reflection of Skovoroda's philosophy in some of its important points.

In the work of Bulgakov, the image of M. correlates with such characters endowed with autobiographical features, such as the hero of the "Notes of a Young Doctor", Turbin (" white guard"), Moliere (the novel and the play "The Cabal of the Hypocrites"), Maksudov ("Notes of a Dead Man"). The plot parallels with the latter are the most obvious. (Bulgakov's commentators pay attention to them first of all.) Both heroes are petty employees (one - - editions, the other - of the museum), unremarkable in everyday life. In both, writing talent suddenly awakens. Both compose a novel that brings them happiness and sorrow. Like Maksudov, M., faced with "brothers in literature", becomes the object of persecution. Both "in the wide field of literature" are destined to be " literary wolves"(Bulgakov's words, spoken by him about himself). Meanwhile, Maksudov's work has been published, it is being staged by the Independent Theater. M.'s novel did not reach the readers and spiritually broke him. Hounded and persecuted, M. renounces his creation, throwing the manuscript into the fire.

Maksudov composes modern novel, describing in it the events of which he was an eyewitness. M. is endowed with the gift of insight, the ability to see the history of two thousand years ago as it really was. “Oh, how I guessed! Oh, how I guessed everything,” M. exclaims, when, thanks to Ivan Bezdomny, who remembered the conversation with Woland, he gets the opportunity to compare what is described in the novel with the story of a living witness.

In the image of M., the author put his understanding of the writer and his life purpose. For Bulgakov, writing is theurgy, but not in the interpretation of Vl.S. Solovyov and the Russian symbolists, which meant "ascent" to the "transcendental thrones" and the reverse life-building action produced from there. Bulgakov's theurgy is the epiphany of the truth sent down from above, which the writer must "guess" and about which he must tell people "so that they know ...". ("In order to know" - last words dying Bulgakov, which his wife heard.) The concept of the writer, personified in the image of M., is fundamentally different from the doctrine of the symbolists, according to which an artistic gift provided its bearer with a kind of indulgence. In a poem by F.K. Sologub "I experienced the vicissitudes of fate", a poet who sinned a lot in life, was allowed by the Apostle Peter to "listen to holy rejoicing" only on the grounds that he was a poet. For Bulgakov, being a poet or prose writer in itself does not mean anything. It's all about how the artist disposed of his talent. Berlioz, for example, exchanged his talent for worldly comfort, and for this he must go into oblivion. M. fulfilled his duty, but only half. He wrote a novel. However, he could not bear his burden, he preferred flight, and thereby violated the second part of his destiny: so that they know - what he learned. (In this section, it is essential to compare the fates of M. and Yeshua Ha-Notsri, who had the opportunity to avoid the cross, but did not use it.) That is why M. "did not deserve the light, he deserved peace."

The tragic image of M., discovered by the Russian reader in the late 60s, when the novel by M.A. Bulgakov was first published, became for the domestic intelligentsia the personification of the dilemma of escapism and heroism, a symbol of the choice between these two existential possibilities.

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