Hungry godmother has bread on his mind. Hungry girl's meals


There is also a Ukrainian version of this proverb: "to whom sho, and curtsi - millet."
Why did you remember Ukrainian? So, this is especially for the most famous Ukrainian Jura, who will not fail to try to shove his own pan-Ukrainian ideas into any gap that has formed.
And the speech, you understand, is not at all about such furious verbal turns as: “I think I deserve them”; and even more poignant: "the junta would be doomed to a quick collapse". This is, I emphasize, not surzhik. This is generally not clear. Perhaps, a reflection of the state of mind of the Author, at the moment when he wrote his article, which was so important and, as I understood, programmatic for that day. What's in the program, you want to ask? - As a matter of fact, nothing. - On the arena - all the same. That's why I'm posting it for a leisurely discussion over morning coffee.
With all the dull expectation of the content, there are several passages in the text that, for all their shabbiness from their constant and merciless exploitation over the past years (due to the constant and systematic dragging from one article to another), still could not leave me indifferent.

So let's get started.
“If it were not for the obstinacy of the Donetsk and Luhansk authorities, all this would have happened three years ago. And then Donbass would have forgotten about the shelling and the junta.”
This is, in what way, let me inquire?
It follows from the text that Yura sees the way in reconciliation. And allegedly (I will clarify later) welcomes the idea of ​​Little Russia. But he sees reconciliation, it seems, precisely and only from the Donbass. Then, according to this thread of logic, is it even worth asking a question of this kind - does he remember who started this war? What demands did the Donbass make? And the fact that the referendum took place almost a month after Ukraine announced its ATO and began fighting? Is it worth recalling the demonstrative cynical air bombardments?
What then is the above obstinacy? The fact that you did not bow before the junta? But then Donbass would be the same galloping Ukraine, no more. True, naturally, the region is the most repressed. Over which one could shed endless tears. By the way, in this situation, the “fiery fighter against the junta” would have to leave his native land in the same way and move to places, albeit not so remote, but much safer. But, there is another thread, which we will talk about below.

Although, if you read about “the predominance of common sense and logic”, then the picture is diametrically opposite.
True, here already Yurina's logic obviously jumps from side to side, like a hare that has been painfully bitten by the undertail. He repeatedly contradicts himself. Although, all this is clear - simplest way let in clever mystery and cover your tracks - write each paragraph for separate group readers. So that in the end everyone finds his own. And thanks precisely to vague (in the style of the ever-memorable LR) statements, then independently turn them in the direction that is convenient at this particular moment.
Let's get back to the text. That is, it already turns out that in August the fourteenth it was necessary to tear forward and ahead, regardless of anything? The multilevel nature of the sad consequences of such a breakthrough was described an infinite number of times, so I don’t want to dwell on them again. In this case, again a question for Yura - what about elementary contact with reality? Or, at the cost of Russia already at that time (I'm just silent about tens of thousands of lives of our guys), it was necessary to urgently free Sumy, beloved by some, from the junta? Or, is it just in our completely justified unwillingness to disperse to an atomic state and go too far in battles (including for the same Sumy) that the same above-mentioned “stubbornness” is expressed?

I want to ask the stubborn part, but on our part, why was it all not to be recognized and repelled for three years? Why was it necessary to drag the Donbass through a sea of ​​blood and tears in order to come to a solution that was found and logically justified three years ago?
I will interrupt the quote a little for the sake of a simply enchanting phrase:
ambition? Then what, you are better than the same avak and powder. They are also not convinced Nazis. They just have ambitions, which they realized by dragging Ukraine through war, blood and tears.
How was it necessary to bend so subtly in order to bow in a jump (I simply don’t want to give such an action more juicy and relevant to the realities), in order to issue such a “gesture of understanding and reconciliation” to outright killers and scoundrels complete in all respects? Then the question arises - when will the definition of "moderate junta" appear in Yura's texts now? After all, before that, judging by this turnover, at hand!

If then prevailed common sense and logic, including the author’s, then in August-September 2014 Mariupol, and after him the entire Donbass, is convinced that Kharkov would have been liberated from the junta. By the end of the year, the font line in the south would run along the Dnieper, and the junta would be doomed to a quick collapse. (...) The same reality as the fact that the Donbass went the wrong way for three years. I hope it's clear to everyone now. No?

This has been discussed above. In addition, it's over, "Donbass went the wrong way" ... Donbass went its own way, defending its own interests, its own elementary right to exist. And, alas, I forgot to consult with some well-known in narrow circles about the correctness of my own choice.

What else should be noted ... - I don’t believe in the numerous repetitions of “I’m glad, I’m glad” ... Or rather, somewhere Yura, of course, is glad, because any Little Russia is much closer to his worldview than the ruins of 404 through self-digestion of it and complete ignoring this process, both on the part of the Republics and on the part of Russia. The light at the end of the tunnel flickered. But, in the end, Yura will not be satisfied with this. Compromise is not for him: « until Little Russia comes up ... And then we'll see. And in the end, according to the Old Testament rule, it comes out like this:
"... the idea of ​​Little Russia will sooner or later be shoved under the cloth and returned to some kind of new Ukraine."
- Mantra! Mantra, ladies and gentlemen! The same worn-out and a hundred times overused to vomit mantra! But, look, what a beauty! Yura once again independently confirms that Little Russia does not suit him personally! That is, in fact, a re-established Ukraine. It would seem - live and rejoice! But, no... So, give him only that old Ukraine, with its small-town stupidity, caveman malice and hatred for those who are higher and stronger than it. And its individual representatives. Other options are not considered.
- Then, all this is nothing more than an itchy annoying mosquito attempt to project one's own psychology of an inveterate and convinced slave onto everything that happens around. Plus, stubborn, purely national - for the fourth year in a row, everything that happens has been trying to bend to the level of its slavish psychology. Moreover, having already convinced a hundred times of the impossibility of such an action, all the same, beat, beat and beat against the wall with your forehead and taldy, taldy, taldy your greasy and for this reason already foul-smelling mantra, mantra, mantra ...

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47. The land, in the seven years of abundance, brought a handful of grain. 48. And he gathered all the grain of the seven years that were (fertile) in the land of Egypt, and laid bread in the cities; in every city he laid the bread of the fields surrounding it. 49. And Joseph stored up a lot of bread, like the sand of the sea, so that he stopped

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47. The land, in the seven years of abundance, brought a handful of grain. 48. And he gathered all the grain of the seven years that were (fertile) in the land of Egypt, and laid bread in the cities; in every city he laid the bread of the fields surrounding it. 49. And Joseph stored up a lot of bread, like sand

Hungry kume bread on my mind.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989

See what "Hungry godmother has bread on his mind." in other dictionaries:

    A hungry chicken dreams of millet. Wed If she danced in a long dress, she would at least sweep the yard for me, said ... the janitor: the dog dreams of bread, and the fisherman dreams of fish. Leskov. Islanders. Introduction. Wed Finally nine o'clock. Put on... ...

    Hungry godmother has bread on his mind. A hungry hen dreams of millet. Wed If she danced in a long dress, she would at least sweep the yard for me, said ... the janitor: the dog dreams of bread, and the fish to the fisherman. Leskov. Islanders. Introduction. Wed… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Husband. cereal plants with mealy grains, on which a person feeds and of which sowing and reaping are the basis Agriculture; bread in the field, in the field, bread on the vine, hops, etc. Winter grains are worth well, spring grains are bad. Hop has not been removed yet, not compressed. Nomads… … Dictionary Dalia

    Hungry godmother has bread on his mind. People for bread, so I'm not blind. See FOOD…

    It smokes on the poor man and the censer. It is better to file through the threshold than to stand at the threshold. It is better to file through the window than to stand under the window. God forbid to give, God forbid to take (i.e. alms). God forbid to submit, God forbid to accept! The rich old age, and the poor ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Wherever you sit, sit down, it would be something to eat. Though sieve (sieve), yes every day; and the sitny is insatiable. Whoever loves honor should sit in the front corner; and hungry, even beyond the threshold, just give me a pie. Do not work without bread, do not dance without wine. The rest... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Husband. common name the cognitive and concluding ability of a person, the ability to think; this is one half of his spirit, and the other is his temper, morality, desire, love, passions; in a close sense, mind or meaning, reason, is applied, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Ask (Seek), as they ask for bread (seek). Demand is not a sin, refusal is not a problem. The request does not fit into the pocket (or: does not go). The request will not hit the snout. The refusal is not swollen, there will be no bumps on the forehead. Asking for beer, you won’t get drunk (if they don’t give it). Asking not to get drunk, but they will not give ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Wed You have no desires and a lot of money, but I have the opposite!.. You can’t talk about what hurts!.. Yesterday, damn it, without money, tomorrow too, and so the endless prospect of idem per idem. Pisemsky. Masons. 1, 3. Cf. Οπου τις αλγει κεισε… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

Why did Soviet (now Russian) citizens who sent to the Great Patriotic War 27 million lives, which liberated from the Nazis not only their own, but also other peoples, lagged behind in life from many countries of the world? I will name only a few reasons that led to sad consequences.

First of all, I would like to draw the reader's attention to historical facts related to the dollar exchange rate against the ruble and world prices for oil and oil products. I. V. Stalin long years led the policy of freeing the country's economy from crises and the influence of the world market. Therefore, the situation on the world market could not affect the economy of the USSR, its budget. In 1947, when the monetary reform, Minister of Finance of the USSR A. Zverev and Deputy Prime Minister M. Saburov turned to I. V. Stalin with a proposal to make the dollar exchange rate 14 rubles.

And Stalin, disagreeing with them, demanded that 1 dollar be no more than 4 rubles, and this rate was preserved until the second monetary reform of 1961. Stalin considered oil a strategic product and it accounted for only 4 percent of all exports. For comparison: today more than 50 percent state budget Russian Federation replenished with funds received from the sale of oil and gas abroad. This situation has been preserved since the time of N. S. Khrushchev.

He led the strategy of peaceful coexistence with the capitalist countries, development and strengthening of economic ties. Seeing that world oil prices rose sharply, it began to be sold to other countries in large quantities. The dollar exchange rate rose from 4 to 9 rubles, which was facilitated by the monetary reform of 1961. Selling oil abroad is easy money making. In addition, due to the "oil crisis" that erupted in 1973 as a result of the Israeli-Arab war, the demand and prices for this product increased. As a result, from 1973 to 1983, many billions of dollars of “easy” production settled in the state treasury of the USSR. But this money was not directed to the production of goods necessary for the population, to the improvement living conditions. Large amounts wasted on fortification socialist camp to provide assistance to countries embarking on the path of building socialism. This attitude of the authorities towards their people became main reason collapse of the USSR.

After the collapse of the powerful country, Boris N. Yeltsin, who headed the Government of Russia, and his successors set a course for the development of the economy in accordance with the requirements of the world market. The reforms were carried out at the prompting of experts from the United States. Among other things, with the help of a voucher offered by Chubais, a handful of monopolists took over the plants, factories and the fuel and energy complex built by the people and owned by them.

Moreover, being sure that the easy extraction of money from the sale of natural wealth would drag on for many more years, the Russian Government agreed not to return the money that the USSR lent to other countries. Over the past 10 years, the volume of generously distributed money has reached 140 billion rubles. Of these, Cuba accounts for 31.7 billion, Iraq - 12 billion, Mongolia - 11.1 billion, North Korea- 11 billion, Syria - 9.8 billion, Vietnam - 9.5 billion dollars, Angola, Algeria, Libya, Ethiopia and other countries - more than one billion dollars each.

For example, 2.4 trillion rubles of Cuban debt, translated into our money, would make it possible to index pensions in 2016-18 not by 4, but by 12.7 percent. (The given figures are taken from the newspaper "Arguments and Facts", No. 6, 2016). They also complain that there is no money in the state treasury to develop the country's most important industries. Of course, in order to replenish it, it is easier to withdraw money from common people. Despite the fact that the prices for gasoline and diesel fuel are already high, the Government of the country decided to raise them again from April 2016. The same situation is in the transport and housing and communal sectors.

The peoples of Russia want one thing - that the country has a powerful army and navy capable of ensuring the freedom and independence of the country and protecting its national interests, so that its multinational population lives in peace, friendship and harmony. To ensure that food and consumer goods are of high quality, affordable and produced in our country. To take the necessary measures to improve the health and living conditions of the population, the development of education. Only in this case it will be possible to talk about cultivating the spirit of patriotism in people. Do not forget the Russian proverb: "A hungry godfather - bread on his mind."

Hungry kume bread on my mind

A hungry chicken dreams of millet.

Wed If she danced in a long dress, she would at least sweep the yard for me, - said ... the janitor: - the dog dreams of bread, and the fish - the fisherman.

Leskov. Islanders. Introduction.

Wed Finally nine o'clock. They will put empty cabbage soup on the table, and there, by prayer, and sleep. In a dream, he (the priest) sees that a commission on improving the life of the clergy is being arranged ... "B I saw in a dream that our salaries were increased, - he informs his wife: - what if it's a prophetic dream?

Saltykov. Little nothings of life. In the bosom of nature. 2.

Wed Il lupo sogna le pecore.

Wed La volpa sogna le galline.

Wed Sogna il guerrier le schiere,

Le selve il cacciator;

E sogna il pescator

Le reti e l "amo.

metastasio. Artaserse. 16.

Wed Canis panes somnians.

A dog that sees bread in a dream.

Paul. Manut. Adagia. 1603 cp. Theocrit. in Piscat.

Cm. what hurts who.

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotations, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what "hungry godfather has bread on his mind" in other dictionaries:

    Hungry godmother has bread on his mind. See SUFFICIENCY SURRENDER A hungry godfather has bread on his mind. People for bread, so I'm not blind. See FOOD What is asked is what will be said. Hungry godmother has bread on his mind. See REQUEST CONSENT DISCLAIMER (D) Hungry godmother(s) have bread on their minds. Cm.… …

    Hungry godmother has bread on his mind. A hungry hen dreams of millet. Wed If she danced in a long dress, she would at least sweep the yard for me, said ... the janitor: the dog dreams of bread, and the fish to the fisherman. Leskov. Islanders. Introduction. Wed… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Husband. spiked plants with floury grains, on which a person eats and of which sowing and reaping are the basis of agriculture; bread in the field, in the field, bread on the vine, hops, etc. Winter grains are worth well, spring grains are bad. Hop has not been removed yet, not compressed. Nomads… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Hungry godmother has bread on his mind. People for bread, so I'm not blind. See FOOD… IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    It smokes on the poor man and the censer. It is better to file through the threshold than to stand at the threshold. It is better to file through the window than to stand under the window. God forbid to give, God forbid to take (i.e. alms). God forbid to submit, God forbid to accept! The rich old age, and the poor ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Wherever you sit, sit down, it would be something to eat. Though sieve (sieve), yes every day; and the sitny is insatiable. Whoever loves honor should sit in the front corner; and hungry, even beyond the threshold, just give me a pie. Do not work without bread, do not dance without wine. The rest... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Husband. the general name of the cognitive and final ability of a person, the ability to think; this is one half of his spirit, and the other is his temper, morality, desire, love, passions; in a close sense, mind or meaning, reason, is applied, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Ask (Seek), as they ask for bread (seek). Demand is not a sin, refusal is not a problem. The request does not fit into the pocket (or: does not go). The request will not hit the snout. The refusal is not swollen, there will be no bumps on the forehead. Asking for beer, you won’t get drunk (if they don’t give it). Asking not to get drunk, but they will not give ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Wed You have no desires and a lot of money, but I have the opposite!.. You can’t talk about what hurts!.. Yesterday, damn it, without money, tomorrow too, and so the endless prospect of idem per idem. Pisemsky. Masons. 1, 3. Cf. Οπου τις αλγει κεισε… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

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