Picture of the battle on the sandpiper field. A brief description of the painting by Avilov "Duel on the Kulikovo field"


Leaned back and Peresvet. The central place is occupied by mighty horses rearing up, with Peresvet sitting on them on the left and Chelubey on the right. The fight between Peresvet and Chelubey exists in history AS A MYTH. And this means that it is not so important whether the duel itself was and in what form, it is important what the myth says, what it symbolizes.

The duel of Peresvet with Chelubey on the Kulikovo field "(1943) - the most famous picture Soviet artist Mikhail Ivanovich Avilov. They are depicted very large and suppress the rest depicted in the picture. The motley blanket of Chelubey's horse and the painted round shield pierced by the spear of the Russian hero stand out brightly, fluttering in the wind. At Peresvet, a steel helmet and chain mail gleam brightly in the sun. Chelubey flies off the saddle of the horse from the blow of the spear of the Russian hero.

In battle, he will receive a shell shock, but will remain alive. The bright, colorful colors of the Tatar-Mongolian army convey their anxiety and uncertainty about the outcome of the duel. Some sources indicate that Peresvet was born in Bryansk and was a boyar before being tonsured a monk. Perhaps he participated in a number of campaigns and battles. There is a legend that Peresvet took monastic vows in the Rostov Borisoglebsky Monastery.

It is only known for certain that in 1380 both of them were already schemamonks of the monastery. According to another version, Peresvet became a novice of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery after he moved to Pereslavl-Zalessky.

On the part of Mamai's army, he was opposed by the hero Chelubey (according to other versions - Chelibey, Temir-Mirza or Tavrul). There is also another version of the duel, the only one that existed in pre-revolutionary Russia. After the battle, the body of Peresvet, along with the body of Oslyaby, was taken to Moscow and buried next to the Church of the Nativity. Holy Mother of God in Stary Simonov (then still wooden) in a "stone tent".

The truth about the fight between Peresvet and Chelubey

In toponymy, the name of Alexander Peresvet is also found. Also, a street in Bryansk and one of the Moscow lanes not far from the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Stary Simonov (Peresvetov Lane) are named in honor of Peresvet. In 2010, the animated film "Peresvet and Oslyabya" was released. In February 2011, the film "Peresvet and Oslyabya" was presented at the VI International Orthodox Sretensky Film Festival "Meeting" and received a prize in the nomination "Audience Award".

This picture is one of the most significant in the work of M.A. Avilov. The artist worked on the creation of the canvas with great inspiration and care. In the description for own picture Avilov noted that the composition of the work is quite simple.

The main characters are depicted close-up and suppress secondary images in the picture. The extraordinary growth and strength of the heroes who collided in a duel are deliberately exaggerated by the artist, brought to a pretentious, epic sound.

Description of the artwork «The duel of Peresvet with Chelubey on the Kulikovo field» M. Avilova

Powerful figures of two warriors are pushed to the sides across them, emphasizing the hostility of the duel. Highlighted against the general background painting canvas the painted shield of Chelubey and the motley blanket of his horse. The steel armor of Peresvet gleams in the sun.

Red malachai falls from his head. The strict gray color scheme on the left side of the picture personifies endurance and confidence in the superiority and victory of the Russian army. The Russians are anxiously watching the duel, but they stand calmly and confidently, like a granite rock. No movement is imperceptible in their camp.

Description and analysis

In a fierce duel, Peresvet was able to deceive Chelubey, however, at the cost own life. Chelubey's trick was that he had a spear longer than that of his opponents. Thanks to this, he was able to pierce his opponent faster, and stay alive himself. However, before the start of the fight, Peresvet took off his chain mail. As early as 1917, the artist exhibited the work “Departure of the Tatar Cheli-Bey to single combat with Peresvet”, which did not satisfy him and was later destroyed by him.

In the autumn of 1942, Avilov returned from evacuation to Moscow, where he received a large workshop, which made it possible to begin work on a large canvas. Already in the first, and the only remaining, sketch of the "Duel" Avilov found the right compositional solution plot. In December 1942, the artist began to execute the painting and painted it in just six months.

In 1367 Grand Duke Moskovsky and Vladimirsky Dmitry Ivanovich (later nicknamed Donskoy) began the construction of a stone Kremlin and, in general, stone construction in Moscow. Today it is difficult for us to understand some points why, for example, Rus' and the Horde were, from time to time, in allied relations. So, here, Dmitry Ivanovich became the senior prince in a difficult political struggle with the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan and Tver principalities.

What is not written in the lives

Be that as it may, hundreds of thousands of warriors from both sides came together in battle on the morning of September 8, 1380. From the very beginning, the Tatars attacked successfully. And now “Demetrius, with the greatest attention noticing all the movements of both armies, suddenly drew his sword and said: “Now is our time.” Suzdal, Vladimir, Rostov, Pskov, went to fight on the Kulikovo field as representatives of their principalities, but returned from there as Russians, although living in different cities.

Yes, at Soviet power most of the story was edited and we had no idea who Peresvet and Oslyabya were. Rummaging slowly in the details, I recently thought: how exactly did it happen that before the start of the Battle of Kulikovo, both combatants died in a duel at once? Some sources indicate that Chelubey was an invincible duel warrior, whom the Tatar troops hired specifically for such duels. There is also another version of the duel, according to which Peresvet and Chelubey pierced each other with spears.

There is something in his opinion. He even claims that it was on the Kulikovo field that Russia was born. According to the most common version, before the start of the battle, Peresvet participated in the traditional "duel of heroes".

"Duel of Peresvet with Chelubey on the Kulikovo field"(1943) - one of the most famous paintings by Mikhail Ivanovich Avilov. The canvas of the picture depicts the historical battle of the Russian hero Peresvet with the Tatar warrior Chelubey, which preceded the Battle of Kulikovo. In this duel, both warriors died, but the victory remained with Peresvet. The horse was able to take him to the Russian troops, while Chelubey was knocked out of the saddle.

Description of the picture

Spears of opponents hit each other's shields. Shields and chain mail do not withstand the blow and the spears pierce them, piercing the bodies of the heroes. Chelubey flies off the saddle of the horse from the blow of the spear of the Russian hero. A red malachai flies from his shaved head. Leaned back and Peresvet. His figure is extremely tense, his eyes glare with fierce hatred at the defeated enemy.

In the background, along the edges of the picture, there are troops leaving into the distance. With a play of colors, Avilov conveys the condition of the troops before the battle. Modest, strict, grayish tones on the left side of the picture characterize endurance, calmness and confidence in the victory of the Russian army. Ahead of building on a white horse, the Grand Duke

This picture is one of the most significant in the work of M.A. Avilov. The plot of the canvas is a historical battle between the Russian hero Peresvet and the Tatar warrior Chelubey, which preceded the beginning of the Battle of Kulikovo.
The warriors who fought in this duel died, but Peresvet is considered the winner - since his horse was able to take his master to the Russian troops, while Chelubey was knocked out of the saddle.
History of creation
monumental historical painting was written by Avilov during the Great Patriotic War, during the period of events related to the defense of Stalingrad and the battles on Kursk Bulge. The artist conceived the idea of ​​the work long before that. Back in 1917, Avilov exhibited his painting “Departure of the Tatar Cheli-Bey to single combat with Peresvet” for the viewer’s judgment. However, then the artist was dissatisfied with his creation. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Avilov was almost sixty years old. However, the artist resolutely went to the draft board. True, there he was told that it was his duty as an artist not to fight with weapons in his hands, but to maintain a patriotic spirit Soviet soldiers through his creative talent and brush.
In the autumn of 1942 the artist returned to Moscow from evacuation. Here he was presented with a spacious workshop in which he could work on a large canvas. In December, hard work began on what later became a well-known painting. The artist worked on the creation of the canvas with great inspiration and care. In order to make the work historically reliable, Avilov made a large number of sketches of weapons and costumes stored in the Central Historical Museum. In the process of working on the painting, he also made several large sketches on the theme of the Battle of Kulikovo. The famous monumental canvas was painted in six months.
Description and analysis
In the description of his own painting, Avilov noted that the composition of the work is quite simple. The central place in it is occupied by the powerful figures of horses rearing up. Peresvet (left) and Chelubey (right) are sitting on them.
The main characters are shown in close-up and suppress secondary images in the picture. The extraordinary growth and strength of the heroes who collided in a duel are deliberately exaggerated by the artist, brought to a pretentious, epic sound. Rearing figures of horses are raised above the plain like a pyramid. Powerful figures of two warriors are pushed to the sides across them, emphasizing the hostility of the duel.
The intensity of the painting peaks in the image central figures, while the opposing armies are written in the background in a deliberately pale way. Fluttering manes and baring mouths make the horses intimidating. The painted shield of Chelubey and the motley blanket of his horse are emphasized against the general background of the picturesque canvas. The steel armor of Peresvet gleams in the sun.
Opponents at great speed hit each other with spears. The armor does not withstand the force of blows, and the spears, piercing them, pierce the bodies of the heroes. Chelubey flies out of the saddle from the blow of the Russian hero. Red malachai falls from his head. Peresvet also leaned back a little. His posture indicates extreme tension, and his eyes are fixed with hatred on the defeated enemy.
The state of the soldiers of the opposing armies to the right and left of the center of the composition Avilov conveys with a play of colors. The strict gray color scheme on the left side of the picture personifies endurance and confidence in the superiority and victory of the Russian army. The Russians are anxiously watching the duel, but they stand calmly and confidently, like a granite rock. No movement is imperceptible in their camp.
Ahead is Prince Dmitry Donskoy on a white horse. During the Kulikovo battle, he will be shell-shocked, but will remain alive.
Variegated and bright colors, which depict the Tatar-Mongolian army, emphasize the uncertainty of the enemy and his anxiety about the end of the duel. Avilov's painting is full of expression and tense expectation of a denouement: mighty horses soared, riders hit each other with sharp spears - the author convincingly conveyed the feeling highest voltage in a duel between two warriors.
Historical reference
The battle on the Kulikovo field is a battle of the Russian regiments, led by Prince Dmitry, with the Horde army, led by Khan Mamai. This event was a turning point in the confrontation between the Russian people and the Golden Horde. As a result of the battle, a decisive blow was dealt to the strength of the Golden Horde, which later led to its collapse. In the summer of 1380, the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich learned about the advance of the Horde army. He appealed to the Russian militias with an appeal to gather to provide a decisive rebuff to the enemy. In Kolomna, about two hundred thousand militiamen gathered in response to his call. On September 8, 1380, the opponents met in a deadly battle on the Kulikovo field. famous painting Mikhail Avilova tells the viewer not only about the fateful historical event, which received two names from historians - the Battle of the Don and Mamaevo massacre, but about a specific episode - the duel between Peresvet and Chelubey, which served as the beginning of the whole battle and became its symbolic personification.
In this story, the personality of the warrior Peresvet, the legendary monk-warrior, is amazing. Peresvet - warrior monk, monk of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Russian Orthodox Church ranked him among the saints.
Chelubey (Chelibey) - a Turkic hero from the troops of Mamai. The name Chelubey has Turkic origin. According to giving Chelubey was different incredible strength and high skill of military training.
In a fierce duel, Peresvet was able to deceive Chelubey, however, at the cost of his own life. Chelubey's trick was that he had a spear longer than that of his opponents. Thanks to this, he was able to pierce his opponent faster, and stay alive himself. However, before the start of the fight, Peresvet took off his chain mail. Because of this, the spear of the Turkic hero pierced deep into his chest, but could not knock him out of the saddle. Having reduced the distance between himself and the enemy in this way, the mortally wounded Peresvet was able to reach the insidious enemy with his spear ...
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Mikhail Ivanovich Avilov Duel of Peresvet with Chelubey on the Kulikovo field. 1943 Canvas, oil . 327 × 557 cm State Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg

"Duel of Peresvet with Chelubey on the Kulikovo field"(1943) is the most famous painting by the Soviet artist Mikhail Ivanovich Avilov. The canvas of the picture depicts the battle of the Russian hero Peresvet with the Tatar warrior Chelubey, according to legend, preceded the Battle of Kulikovo. In this duel, both warriors died, but the victory remained with Peresvet. The horse was able to take him to the Russian troops, while Chelubey was knocked out of the saddle.

Description of the picture[ | ]

Spears of opponents hit each other's shields. Shields and chain mail do not withstand the blow and the spears pierce them, piercing the bodies of the heroes. Chelubey flies off the saddle of the horse from the blow of the spear of the Russian hero. A red malachai flies from his shaved head. Leaned back and Peresvet. His figure is extremely tense, his eyes glare with fierce hatred at the defeated enemy.

In the background, along the edges of the picture, there are troops leaving into the distance. With a play of colors, Avilov conveys the condition of the troops before the battle. Modest, strict, grayish tones on the left side of the picture characterize endurance, calmness and confidence in the victory of the Russian army. Ahead of the formation on a white horse, Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. In battle, he will receive a shell shock, but will remain alive. The bright, colorful colors of the Tatar-Mongolian army convey their anxiety and uncertainty about the outcome of the duel.

The picture was painted by the artist during the Great Patriotic War (in 1943). This year is tragic and turning point for our country. The duel between Chelubey and Peresvet was also important in the outcome. This battle strengthened the spirit of the Russian regiments. Both warriors died in the battle, but the victory was won by our hero. Peresvet managed to ride on the surviving horse to the Russian troops standing behind. And Chelubey, after a powerful blow with a spear, fell off his horse and remained lying, bleeding.

The painting "Duel on the Kulikovo Field" is in the State Russian Museum, which you can see in the photo above.

Artist biography

M.I. Avilov - folk artist RSFSR, has many awards, his paintings participated in exhibitions at the Academy of Arts of the Society. A.I. Kuindzhi. Most famous painting, which was written by the artist Avilov, is called "Duel on the Kulikovo field." The painting brought the painter big success, thanks to her he became a laureate of the I degree.

Avilov taught at the Institute. I.E. Repin (Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, at that time - in Leningrad), created posters and illustrations for Russian classical literature.

Each painting by this artist is filled with a special atmosphere. Avilov worked in battle genres(battle - a scene of battles), mainly depicted on his canvases significant historical events of Rus' and the USSR (times civil war). The artist drew inspiration for his paintings from his own time, and now, in our time, these paintings are used as illustrations for history books.

Artist Avilov, "Duel on the Kulikovo field": description of the painting

In the picture, at first glance, we recognize the legendary Russian hero Peresvet (the artist depicted him on the left). He is dressed in the equipment of a Russian warrior: a helmet gleaming in the sun, and over it is wearing chain mail with metal plates that were attached as additional protection. But this will not save the hero. Peresvet will perish along with his opponent Chelubey. We also see that the Russian warrior is wearing not sandals, but leather boots. This tells us that Peresvet is a rich or noble person.

What else did Avilov portray? "Duel on the Kulikovo field" (picture) presents to our eyes and villain"story" - the Tatar hero Chelubey. The artist painted in detail all the evil (for us it is Tatar-Mongol yoke) in one person of a Tatar warrior. In the picture of this warrior we will see on the right. A red malachai on a shaved head already tells us that this is not a Russian warrior, but a Tatar, our enemy. Both figures (Peresvet and Chelubey) are depicted in the very center of the canvas. They are dynamic, depicted large, and all this makes them stand out. general plan. Talented artist- M. Avilov. “Duel on the Kulikovo Field” (a description of the painting is presented in our article) is a historically significant work.

Description of actions

In the center of the picture, Peresvet strikes with the tip of a spear, a counter blow comes from Chelubey. The weapons of both warriors cut into the shields, but pierce through them and pierce into the bodies, breaking through the chain mail. The furious horses reared up. Red Malachai flies off Chelubey's head. This is where he falls down. Wounded Peresvet continues to ride.

A wonderful work was created by M. Avilov - "Duel on the Kulikovo field." The picture we are describing is striking in its reality.


The colors with which the artist painted the heroes of the canvas are brighter and more saturated than the background. The description of the Tatar troops looks like this: the regiments are located on the right, from the side of Chelubey, and they express concern. The Tatars are already predicting the outcome of the fight. It will definitely not be in their favor. A warrior who stands closer to us cannot stand still and observe calmly, he closely follows everything that happens in a duel. And now, seeing how the spear pierces Chelubey, he leans forward with anxiety.

The Russian army is less excited. Our warriors are confident in the forces of Peresvet, but they are no less worried about the outcome of the battle. Avilov portrayed everything to the smallest detail. “Duel on the Kulikovo Field” is a picture (its description has not yet been completed), which cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Ahead on a white horse sits Prince Dmitry Donskoy. Our warriors are depicted in the background and in small figures, so it is impossible to see the emotions on their faces.

This is how Avilov presented the duel on the Kulikovo field. The description of the event to which the picture is dedicated will allow you to learn more about the Battle of Kulikovo. The battle between Peresvet and Chelubey is known to most people largely thanks to the artist M.I. Avilov.

Article notes

We should be proud that our artist, M.I., created this canvas. Avilov. “Duel on the Kulikovo Field” (the description of the picture refers us to distant events) is an amazing work.

The painter depicted on his canvas the legendary historical event Rus'. Doing detailed description, we involuntarily begin to delve into history, trying to talk about the canvas that Avilov wrote - “The duel on the Kulikovo field”. A description of a painting could fill an entire chapter in a history textbook.


We reviewed the work created by M.I. Avilov - "Duel on the Kulikovo field." The description of this picture expands knowledge about our country, about its heroes and their exploits. In all its grandeur, the spirit of the Russian people is represented here, which overthrows the yoke of the Tatar-Mongols. One powerful blow with a spear decides the fate of all Rus'. Now there will be no more oppression ordinary people they will continue their peaceful life, not being afraid that at any time Tatar warriors may come and destroy their families. The hero Peresvet dies in the battle with Chelubey, but leaves an eternal memory of himself.

The photo above shows a monument dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo.

Thanks to the painting by the artist Avilov, many of us know what a feat Peresvet accomplished and what actually happened


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