Who wrote the fairy tale Ivanushka the fool is the author. Ivan the Fool


There was an old man with an old woman; they had three sons: two were smart, the third was Ivanushka the Fool. The smart ones grazed the sheep in the field, but the fool did nothing, he sat on the stove and caught flies. At one time, an old woman cooked arzhan dumplings and said to the fool: "Come on, take these dumplings to the brothers; let them eat." She poured out a full pot and gave it to him; he went to his brothers. The day was sunny; As soon as Ivanushka came out of the village, he saw his shadow on the side and thought: “What kind of person is walking next to me, not a step behind? Surely he wanted dumplings?” And he began to throw dumplings at his shadow, and so he threw them all away; looks, and the shadow goes all the way. "Eka insatiable womb!" - said a fool with a heart and let a pot at her - shards scattered in different directions.

Here comes empty-handed to the brothers; they ask him: "You fool, why?" - "Dinner brought you." - "Where's lunch? Come on." - "Yes, you see, brothers, I don't know what kind of person became attached to me along the way, but he ate everything!" - "What kind of person?" - "Here he is! And now he is standing nearby!" Brothers, well, scold him, beat him, beat him; beat them off and forced the sheep to graze, while they themselves went to the village to dine.

The fool began to graze: he sees that the sheep have scattered across the field, let's catch them and tear out their eyes; He caught everyone, gouged out everyone’s eyes, gathered the herd into one heap and sits radekhonek to himself, as if he had done the job. The brothers had lunch and returned to the field. "What have you done, you fool? Why is the herd blind?" - "But what are their eyes for? How did you leave, brothers, the sheep scattered apart; I thought of it: I began to catch them, collect them in a heap, tear out their eyes; how tired I was!" - "Wait, you're not so smart yet!" - the brothers say and let's treat him with fists; the order did get the fool for nuts!

Neither more nor less time has passed; the old people sent Ivanushka the Fool to the city to buy housework for the holiday. Ivanushka bought everything: he bought a table, and spoons, and cups, and salt; a whole cart heaped all sorts of things. He goes home, and the horse was such, to know, unsuccessful, lucky - no luck! “But what,” Ivanushka thinks to himself, “after all, the horse has four legs, and the table also has four; so the table will run away by itself.” He took the table and put it on the road. He rides, rides, whether close or far, and the crows hover over him and croak all the time. "Know, the sisters want to eat, eat hunting, that they shouted so!" - thought the fool; put dishes with food on the ground and began to regale: "Sisters, doves, eat to your health!" And he keeps moving forward and forward.

Ivanushka rides through the copse; along the way, all the stumps are burnt. "Oh, - he thinks, - the guys are without hats; after all, they will get cold, hearty ones!" I took pots and pots on them. Here Ivanushka drove to the river, let's water the horse, but she does not drink. "Know, he doesn't want to be without salt!" - and well, salt the water. He poured out a full bag of salt, the horse still does not drink. "Why don't you drink, wolf meat! Did I pour out a bag of salt for nothing?" He grabbed her with a log, but right in the head, and killed on the spot. Ivanushka had only one purse with spoons left, and he carried it on himself. Goes; spoons back and rattle like that: rumble, rumble, rattle! And he thinks that the spoons say: "Ivanushka is a fool!" - threw them and, well, stomp and say: "Here's Ivanushka the fool! Here's Ivanushka the fool! They also decided to tease, useless ones!"

He returned home and said to the brothers: "I redeemed everything, brothers!" - "Thank you, fool, but where are your purchases?" - "And the table is running away, yes, you know, lagged behind, the sisters eat from the dishes, I put pots and pots on the heads of the guys in the forest, I salted the horse's water with salt, and the spoons tease - so I left them on the road." - "Go, fool, quickly, collect everything that you have scattered along the road." Ivanushka went into the woods, removed the troughs from the burnt stumps, knocked out the bottoms and put a dozen troughs on the batog - all sorts: both large and small. Carries home. His brothers broke him off; we went to the city ourselves for shopping, and left the fool to housekeeping. The fool listens, but the beer in the tub ferments and ferments. "Beer, don't wander, don't tease the fool!" Ivanushka says. No, beer does not obey; he took it and let it all out of the tub, sat down in the trough himself, drove around the hut and sang songs.

The brothers arrived, became very angry, took Ivanushka, sewed him into a sack and dragged him to the river. They put a sack on the shore, and they themselves went to inspect the hole. At that time, some gentleman rode past in a troika of browns; Ivanushka and shout: "They put me in the voivodeship to judge and dress, but I can neither judge nor dress!" - "Wait, fool," said the master, "I know how to judge and dress; get out of the sack!" Ivanushka got out of the sack, sewed up the master there, and he himself got into his cart and drove out of sight. The brothers came, lowered the sack under the ice and listened, but in the water it gurgles. "Know, cloak catches!" - said the brothers and wandered home. Out of nowhere, Ivanushka rides towards them in a troika, rides and boasts: "That's what a hundred horses I caught! And there was also a Sivko - so glorious!" The brothers became envious; they say to the fool: "Now sew us up in a sack and let us down as soon as possible into the hole! Sivko will not leave us ..." Ivanushka the Fool lowered them into the hole and drove home to finish drinking beer and remember brothers. Ivanushka had a well, there was dace fish in the well, and my fairy tale is over.

Name: Ivan the Fool (Ivanushka the Fool)

Country: Russia

Creator: Slavic folklore

Activity: peasant son

Family status: married

Ivan the Fool: Character Story

Only a lazy Russian peasant, lying on the stove, is able to suddenly achieve fame, have a beautiful wife and half a kingdom in addition. This is how the Russians joke, remembering their favorite hero of fairy tales - Ivan the Fool. But the character is not as simple as it seems. The peasant guy is dexterous and savvy, and wears the nickname "to avert eyes."

History of creation and image

The origin of the hero of Russian fairy tales is still a mystery. Researchers folk art are of the opinion that the image migrated from mythology, and there are many reasons for this. In legends different peoples The world has its own Ivan the Fool: a lucky but narrow-minded comical hero is found in African, European, North American and even Chinese fairy tales. True, he received such grandiose fame and recognition only on Russian soil - in Slavic fairy tales Ivan is almost always in charge acting character.

The reasons folk love simple and understandable. Ivan the Fool plays the role of a buffoon, entertaining the audience with ridiculous behavior. In his arsenal are magical things designed to make the image even funnier: the stove itself travels around the village, buckets walk, even a club has intelligence and will - it itself beats the messengers of the king. Grotesque situations centered on the fool are a typical story in folk culture of laughter.

Researchers also attribute the quality of a priest to the character. Ivan the Fool is the youngest of three brothers, but he is the only one of the fabulous trinity who speaks in riddles and puzzles over them. To a young man help totem animals. Yes, and the stove on which the fool lies is a symbolic object: the center of the house, the family hearth, the “portal” to the spirits of the dead. All this suggests that the origins of the character lie in the festive rituals that were performed by the priests in Russia. Ivan is considered a person who easily communicates with higher and otherworldly forces, receives support from them.

The character is referred to the so-called tricksters - pranksters, deceivers and jokers, carrying people useful (for example, fire, moral values, new skills), but at the same time doing a bunch of stupid things that promise nothing but trouble.

Fool in literally Ivan's words are hard to name. On the contrary, the actions of the character are accompanied by exceptional cunning and ingenuity. In any test, he emerges victorious, rises to the top of fame, marries a maiden of royal blood, due to which he grows rich. There are also versions about the origin of the epithet. According to one of them, "fool" is explained family traditions those times when the hero arose: the younger offspring were not supposed to inherit, that is, they were left with a nose.

Perhaps the prefix to the name serves as a talisman, which in ancient times was given to newborns in order to protect them from the evil eye and dark forces(It was believed that evil spirits simply would not find a person who had a “fake” name).

The image of a savvy guy is not hindered by his ability in versification and music: in fairy tales, Ivan the Fool often sings excellently, plays the harp and pipe, skillfully knows how to distort words, compose jokes and jokes.

Biography and plot

Ivan the Fool was born in peasant family, but, as fairy tales tell, the hero was not lucky with his mind. The youngest of the three brothers is a useless person, "neither steal nor guard", he also did not make a homely owner. The character spends his days on the stove. However, it is he who manages to find happiness and fortune due to the ability to deftly get out of the alterations and achieve his goals.

AT fairy tales initially there were two storylines. In the first, after the death of his father, the hero receives a magical horse, which he is forced to hide from his brothers. On horseback, the guy goes through a string of trials, solves riddles and marries a princess. After the marriage, Ivan is waiting for another portion of exploits. He gets living water, rejuvenating apples, a pig with a golden bristle and eventually ascends to the throne.

In the second plot, Ivan the Fool tries to track down a thief who visits the garden every night and tramples the grass. The prankster appears in the face of a mare or a Firebird. Ivan pities the captured animal, granting him freedom, and in return receives a reward - a wonderful horse or a feather. In the case of the Firebird, the tsar sends Ivan in search of a magical feathered bird, promising the hand and heart of his own daughter as a reward.

These two storylines have gone through various interpretations over time, turning into new works. AT modern versions even a pike appears, which Ivan allegedly caught (it is not clear how the fish migrated from the fairy tale about Emelya). AT everyday fairy tales Ivan the Fool acts as an independent character, looking for, meets with and.

To the most popular Russian folk tales introducing this resourceful hero, relate:

  • "Horse, tablecloth and horn"
  • "Sivka-Burka"
  • "Ivan - a peasant son and Miracle Yudo"

Folklore stylization of a fairy tale with Ivan in leading role presented in 1834. They say, after reading the work of the Tobolsk writer, he exclaimed:

“Now this kind of writing can be left to me!”

Ershovsky Ivan the Fool is lazy, simple, but brave and smart. With the help of animals, including, the young man catches the Firebird, delivers the Tsar Maiden to the royal court, finds her ring at the bottom of the sea. And at the end reaches dizzying success- marries a girl and becomes king himself.

Screen adaptations

Ivan the Fool often appears in films. In 1941, he presented a fairy tale based on the work of Yershov to Soviet children. The main role was played by the actor Pyotr Aleinikov.

And a year earlier, the film "Vasilisa the Beautiful" by the same director was successfully shown in the cinemas of the country. In Ivan there reincarnated.

Another Russian film "How Ivan the Fool went for a miracle" became a brilliant adaptation of folk tales. In a color picture produced in 1977, the hero fights for the love of the merchant's daughter Nastya.

Director Nadezhda Kosheverova in her work involved famous actors- (Nastenka), (grandmother Barbara), ().

Relatively recently, another film adaptation with Ivan the Fool in the title role saw the light - “ Real fairy tale» (2011). fabulous image tried on .

A character close to Ivan the Fool lives in Russian folk art -. The hero is also the third son in the family, the lack of intelligence is replaced by harassment from the brothers. Ivan Tsarevich has to look for rejuvenating apples, living water and the Firebird. The young man also passes the test and eventually takes the throne. AT fairy world modern children are fascinated by the cartoon "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf", which was filmed in three parts, the last one was released in 2016.

Until now, the image of Ivan the Fool continues to be exploited by directors, writers and poets, as well as homegrown authors. Modern interpretation plots of folk art theatrical performance“The Tale of Ivan the Fool, Baba Yaga and the Flying Boots”, and at adult corporate parties they like to play a scene called “How Ivan the Fool Decided to Get Married”.

In the creativity of every nation there is a fool. The French analogue of Ivan the Fool, Jean the simpleton, communicates with the statue of the saint; in the Netherlands, the narrow-minded hero of fairy tales bargains with a crucifix. In the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, a character appears who argues with frogs over money.


“Hut, hut, stand back to the forest, front to me!”
"Run away Gray wolves, flock, black crows, you are King Geston fresh meat sent."
“I have this apple tree not for sale, but cherished, and this is the covenant: if you chop off a finger on your hand and give them to me, then I will give you the apple trees.”
“They put me in the voivodeship to judge and dress, but I don’t know how to judge or dress!”
“Yes, you see, brothers, I don’t know what kind of person became attached to me along the way and ate everything!”
“But what, after all, the horse has four legs and the table also has four, so the table will run by itself.”
"Cook, stew, and I'll go look after the children!"

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman and they had three sons: two are smart, and the third is Ivanushka the Fool. The smart ones grazed the sheep in the field, but the fool did nothing, he sat on the stove and caught flies.

At one time, an old woman boiled rye dumplings and said to the fool:

- Na-ko, take these dumplings to the brothers, let them eat.

She poured a full pot and gave it to him. He went to his brothers. The day was sunny. As soon as Ivanushka went out of the village, he saw his shadow on the side and thinks:

“What kind of person is this? He walks beside me, not a step behind: is it true that he wanted dumplings? And he began to throw dumplings at his shadow, and so he threw them all away; looks, and the shadow goes all the way.

- Eka insatiable womb! - said a fool with a heart and let a pot at her - shards scattered in different directions.

Here comes empty-handed to the brothers; they ask him:

“You fool, why?

- I brought you lunch.

- Where is lunch? Come on live.

- Yes, you see, brothers, I don’t know what kind of person became attached to me along the way and ate everything!

- What kind of person?

- Here he is! And now it's standing right next to it!

Brothers, well, scold him, beat him, beat him. They beat and forced the sheep to graze, and they themselves went to the village to have dinner.

The fool began to graze. He sees that the sheep have scattered across the field, let's catch them and tear out their eyes. He caught everyone, gouged out everyone’s eyes, gathered the herd into one heap and sits radёhonek for himself, as if he had done the job. The brothers had lunch and returned to the field.

What have you done, you fool? Why is the herd blind?

- Yes, what about their eyes? As soon as you left, brothers, the sheep scattered apart, and I came up with an idea: I began to catch them, gather them in a heap, tear out my eyes - how tired I was!

"Wait, you're not so smart yet!" - the brothers say and let's treat him with fists; the order did get the fool for nuts!

Neither more nor less time passed, the old people sent Ivanushka the Fool to the city to buy housework for the holiday. Ivanushka bought everything: he bought a table, and spoons, and cups, and salt. A whole wagon piled all sorts of things. He goes home, and the horse is so, you know, unsuccessful: lucky - no luck!

“But what,” Ivanushka thinks to himself, “after all, the horse has four legs and the table also has four, so the table will run by itself.”

He took the table and put it on the road. He rides and rides, whether close or far, and the crows hover over him and all croak.

“Know, the sisters want to eat and eat, because they shouted so!” thought the fool. He put the dishes with dishes on the ground and began to regale:

- Dove sisters! Eat for health.

Ivanushka rides through the copse; along the way, all the stumps are burnt.

“Eh,” he thinks, the guys are without hats; after all, they will be cold, hearty!

I took pots and pots on them. Here Ivanushka drove to the river, let's water the horse, but she still does not drink.

“Know, he doesn’t want to be without salt!” - and well, salt the water. He poured out a full bag of salt, the horse still does not drink.

Why don't you drink wolf meat? Did I pour out a bag of salt for nothing?

He grabbed her with a log, but right in the head - and killed on the spot. Ivanushka had one purse with spoons left, and he carried it on himself. It’s coming - the spoons from behind rattle like that: rumble, rumble, rattle! And he thinks that the spoons are saying: “Ivanushka is a fool!” - threw them and, well, stomp and say:

- Here's Ivanushka the Fool! Here's Ivanushka the Fool! They even thought of teasing, useless! He returned home and said to his brothers:

- I bought everything, brothers!

- Thank you, fool, but where are your purchases?

- And the table is running away, yes, you know, lagged behind, the sisters eat from the dishes, pots and pots put on the heads of the guys in the forest, salted the swill of the horse with salt; and spoons tease - so I threw them on the road.

"Go, fool, hurry up!" Pick up everything you've scattered along the way!

Ivanushka went into the woods, removed the troughs from the burnt stumps, raised the bottoms, and put on a batog a dozen different troughs, both large and small. Carries home. His brothers broke him off; we went to the city ourselves for shopping, and left the fool to housekeeping. The fool listens, but the beer in the tub ferments and ferments.

- Beer, don't wander! Don't tease the fool! Ivanushka says.

No, beer does not obey; he took it and let it all out of the tub, sat down in the trough himself, drove around the hut and sang songs.

The brothers arrived, became very angry, took Ivanushka, sewed him into a sack and dragged him to the river. They put a sack on the shore, and they themselves went to inspect the hole.

At that time, some gentleman rode past in a troika of browns; Ivanushka and well shout:

- They put me in the voivodship to judge and dress, but I can neither judge nor dress!

“Wait, fool,” said the master, “I know how to judge and dress up; get out of the hood!

Ivanushka got out of the sack, sewed up the master there, and he himself got into his cart and drove out of sight. The brothers came, lowered the sack under the ice and listened; and it gurgles in the water.

- Know, the cloak catches! - said the brothers and wandered home.

Towards them, out of nowhere, Ivanushka rides in a troika, rides and boasts:

- These are the horses I caught! And still there was a Sivko - so glorious!

The brothers became envious; say to the fool:

“Now sew us up in a sack and let us down into the hole as soon as possible!” Sivko will not leave us ...

Ivanushka the Fool lowered them into the hole and drove home.

Ivanushka had a well, there was dace fish in the well, and the tale was over.

THE TALE ABOUT IVAN THE FOOL for older preschoolers

Zhilyaeva Elizaveta, 8 years old, student of MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya secondary school", Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Supervisor: Kondratieva Alla Alekseevna, teacher primary school MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya secondary school", settlement Zolotukhino, Kursk region.
Description: We bring to your attention children's literary creativity, the first "test of the pen." Data literary works can be useful for kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, children of senior preschool and junior school age.
Target: Raising interest in literary creativity.
- develop imagination Creative skills, oral speech of children;
- cultivate a love for books, a desire to read and compose fairy tales on their own.


In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a peasant Fedot. He had three sons.

The first Vasily was smart, the second Nikolai was strong, and the third Ivan was very kind. Ivan did not look like his brothers: he loved to walk alone in the meadow, listened to the birds singing, picked flowers, sat near the river for a long time, looked at the water.

They called him for this "Ivan the simpleton, Ivan the fool."
Once the father sent his sons to the forest for firewood. The brothers went for firewood. They are walking through the forest and suddenly they hear a terrible roar of a bear. The brothers came up to see what had happened. They see that the paw of the teddy bear has been blocked by a tree, and he cannot get out in any way. It hurts him a lot.
Ivan the Fool says:
Let's help him!
The brothers answer:
-Are you completely crazy? He's not a man, he can bite us. Let's get out of here and say goodbye. Your life is more precious. Although he is small, he is a bear!
The brothers went further to collect firewood. And Ivan the Fool approached the bear and carefully released his paw. The bear stopped roaring.

And Ivan ran to catch up with the brothers, but only they had already gone far, they were nowhere to be found. Suddenly Ivan fell somewhere...

He woke up in a hole, he sees his brothers here. They told him how they got into the pit. Deep hole - can't get out of here. What to do? Suddenly they hear a rustle upstairs. They began to call for help.

The brothers froze in horror when they saw the bear. The bear roared and moved away from the pit. Sitting brothers, do not know what will happen next. How surprised they were when they saw that the bear dragged a tree to the pit and threw it into the pit. The brothers got out of the pit on a tree, ran home. They told about their adventure at home.

And then the father said:
- Well done, Ivan! You can be smart and strong. But the main thing is to have a kind and brave heart.

Ivan the Fool - the meaning of fairy tales and the strategy of Ivan the Fool!

- The meaning of the name "fool"
- An example of Ivan's actions (in fairy tales)
- Ivan always acts stupidly (and towards himself too)
— Alternative logic of Ivanushka the Fool
- The essence of the strategy is not in logic, but in intuition!
- The moral of the fairy tales about Ivanushka is a fool (why does he always win)?
- The secret is innocence
— Application in Everyday life tactics of Ivan the Fool

- The meaning of the name "fool"

There is different versions origin of this name:

1) Due to the fact that the third son does not receive an inheritance
When the time comes to divide the inheritance, it will go to the older brothers, and the younger one will be left with a nose, in the cold. If you stick to this version, it turns out that the nickname for Ivan is assigned not so much by the mind, but by the property status.

2) Name-amulet
Offensive nicknames were in use among the people: Ivan the Fool, or Mishka Oblique, or some other Crooked, and so on. Moreover, the parents themselves gave the child offensive nicknames, and not at all because they wanted to mock him. They had their own logic. According to her, an unsightly name helped to protect the child from evil spirits, which are much more likely to spoil everything beautiful and good. And what can be spoiled when the child is already a fool? And devilry switched to someone else.

It turns out that the prefix "fool" could refer not to mental capacity Ivanushka the Fool, but simply protected him from the evil eye and damage. And then this custom was forgotten, and in the fairy tale everything remained as it is.

- An example of Ivan's actions (in fairy tales)

With the brains of Ivan, indeed, how to say, not very much. He is given some simple instructions, for example, to go to the fair and return with new clothes, and he takes and throws things on the road. Here is what is said about this in one of the tales:
“Ivanushka bought everything: he bought a table, and spoons, and cups, and salt; a whole cart heaped all sorts of things. He goes home, and the horse was such, to know, unsuccessful, lucky - no luck!

“But what,” Ivanushka thinks to himself, “after all, the horse has four legs, and the table also has four; so the table will run by itself.” He took the table and put it on the road.

He rides, rides, whether close or far, and the crows hover over him and all croak. “You know, the sisters want to eat and eat, because they shouted so!” thought the fool; put dishes with dishes on the ground and began to regale: “Sisters, doves, eat to your health!”.

- Ivan always acts stupidly (and towards himself too)

He does not only react to other people's orders. He treats his own interests the same way. In one of the tales, Ivan the Fool worked for the priest for three years, and when he offered him a payment to choose from, a bag of coins or a bag of sand, the fool took the sand. Well, who is he after that, you ask?

— Alternative logic of Ivanushka the Fool

On the other hand, the strange logic of the actions of Ivan the Fool strikes. The impression that the hero is not just stupid, but even completely out of his mind. And yet, at the end of the tale, this madman always wins: either he wants to be left alone, or he suddenly acquires a huge fortune, or marries a king's daughter or a sorceress.

This happened just in that fairy tale where Ivan the Fool took for his three years of work not a bag of money, but a bag of sand. When he was walking home with this ridiculous salary, he saw a fire in the forest in which a beautiful maiden was burning. Ivan covered the fire with sand, and the girl, who turned out to be a sorceress, married him and began to help in business.

How can it be that she chose not a hero, not a prince, but a complete fool? Because he's not that stupid. He simply acts, completely ignoring all existing rules.

- The essence of the strategy is not in logic, but in intuition!

The fool is guided not by logic, but by intuition, which a mere mortal, surrounded by hundreds of frames, does not have and will not have, the smart one who knows exactly what is what, and therefore miracles never happen to him.

Ivan is completely open to a miracle, and miracles happen to him all the time. Another Russian proverb - "God loves fools" (or "fools are lucky") - just about this. Fools give themselves up to chance and are not afraid of the consequences, because they simply do not think about them.

- The moral of the fairy tales about Ivanushka is a fool (why does he always win)?

The tale says: don't be afraid, just take a step forward, trust inner voice, even if he says stupid things, and everything will turn out better than you expect. Then it turns out that the fairy tale about the fool is a story about how you need to forget your excessive rationality if you want to win.

Then the explanation for the popularity of fairy tale fools is that they are actually sages in disguise. Some researchers compared Ivanushka the Fool with Socrates, who exclaimed: “I only know that I know nothing,” or with Lao Tzu who said: "Smart people are not scientists, scientists are not smart."

A fool is a philosophical figure, calling to give up any ideas about the world in order to freely get the experience of merging with it, to gain knowledge about it, but not from books, but in the process of playing.

- The secret is innocence

And finally last secret The popularity of fools is that they are extremely rarely consciously evil or cruel.

- Application in everyday life of the tactics of Ivan the Fool

This is very important question! By personal example, I was convinced of the great practical value actions in the style of "Ivanushka the Fool".

Action algorithm:
1) Arrange days for yourself when you will only do what you want to do (what your intuition tells you). Not mind, not logic, not personal gain, but INTUITION. On this day, you live with feelings!
2) Do mindless (illogical actions). For example, write with your left hand (if you are right-handed). Go for a walk (to the store) along the "stupid" route. Those. over a longer and longer route.
3) Walk "back to front" (at least a few steps).

What will it all give?
Mind and psyche calms down. New sensations and thoughts appear. Stupid actions suppress logic and sharpen our intuition (our subconscious).
I began to feel much better! Therefore, I always try to use the “Ivan the Fool strategy” on walks. And, from time to time I arrange days for myself that I completely spend like Ivan the Fool!

What do you advise!

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