Mystical monsters of the world. Dead spirits that harm people. Lake monsters: how many of them


Mankind strives with all its might to know solar system and then the entire universe. It seems to people that somewhere there are the most important secrets and riddles that must be unraveled without fail. But how much do we know about our own planet? She is still able to surprise not only ordinary people, but also famous scientists, presenting various surprises. After all, stories appear every now and then, where monsters unknown to science appear, terrifying and awe of the entire population of the planet. They seem to have entered our world from another reality. But is it really so? What is he animal world our planet? And is there a place for various monsters in it?

Kraken is a giant legendary sea monster. The origin of the Kraken myth dates back to the 13th century, but it is not until the 18th and 19th centuries that sailor stories about the Kraken really start to multiply! The stories told of attacks and destruction of ships by a creature with tentacles over a kilometer long. One of the most enchanting entries highlights the tiny, mischievous creature from Irish folklore, the Gremlin, returning to the popular imagination of beloved children's book writer Roald Dahl. A mechanical failure on one of his flights resulted in a forced landing, after which Dahl took it upon himself to inform the unsuspecting public that the Gremlins had been terrorizing the RAF for months - the pilots created their own folklore, accusing the legendary creatures of high level failures.

The real monsters of the world - who are they?

Human civilization has populated the planet so densely that it has forced out many representatives of the animal world to the most remote corners of the Earth. Some of them simply disappeared from the face of the planet, while others are threatened with extinction. Animal rights activists are doing their best to preserve rare species of animals, but monsters that mankind has been talking about for many centuries do not appear in any official list.

The myth, of course, was just a sandbox for Dahl's imagination as a storyteller—he published the first children's book, Gremlins, the following year. Some suspect it was the offspring of genetic experiments, while others give up all attempts at plausibility and say it came from outer space. The Chupacabra is believed to possess several paranormal superpowers, such as the ability to change color and hypnotize its prey through telepathy.

Long-horned sabertooth - the most terrifying monster of the deep sea

Monsters and Legends are bound to tickle the imagination and poke a friendly stick at superstition, all of which captivate us with irresistibly magnificent illustrations. For another octave of the siren song of the mythical, complete it with Eco and the most bizarre and beautiful encyclopedia of history imaginable.

If you carefully study all the eyewitness accounts, you may get the impression that monster animals have always existed. People have seen them different professions And social status, and each such meeting was accompanied by fear of contact with something unknown. Only at the end of the nineteenth century, scientists began to take evidence of encounters with monsters seriously and even tried to take photos and videos of these extraordinary creatures. Every documented evidence of the existence of monsters issued to the society was carefully studied, but most often it was classified as a falsification. Still scientific world I could not get real confirmation of the fact that we do not know everything about the creatures that live on the planet. But this does not bother adventurers who are ready to spend a lot of time on expeditions to take one good shot and give the world the truth.

Mystical, mythical or legendary creature - a creature from mythology or folklore. Examples of legendary creatures can be found in medieval bestsellers. Many mythical creatures There is supernatural powers, forces that even today have no physical explanation. In these cases, the beings are more like spiritual beings such as angels in religious thought. Often the legendary creatures came to symbolize vices or virtues, or the power of good or evil. In many cases, their actual existence was secondary to the moral of the tale in which they featured.

Monster classification

The most famous monsters in the world have long had their own classification. Seekers of the unknown have divided them into the following three categories:

  • underwater;
  • ground;
  • anthropoid.

Of course, these categories are very conditional, but still give some idea of ​​​​how they look and where the most scary monsters peace. We have collected information about those monsters that were seen by people and repeatedly invaded them. habitual life. You should start with underwater creatures, which are considered the most common.

Legendary creatures were often included in heraldry and architectural design. This is especially true for those who symbolize great strength or other strength. In modern times, many legendary creatures figure prominently in fantasy fiction. These creatures often claimed to have supernatural abilities or knowledge, or guard some object of great value.

On the contrary, some creatures downplayed as mere storytelling have been rediscovered and found to be real in Lately such as the giant squid. Cryptozoology is the search for animals believed to exist, but for which there is a lack of conclusive evidence. Among them are some of the legendary creatures. The field also includes a search for known animals that are thought to be extinct. While cryptozoologists strive for legitimacy - some of them are respected scientists in other fields - and discoveries of previously unknown animals often receive a lot of attention, however, cryptozoology has not been fully embraced by the scientific community.

Behind last century enough references have accumulated about various pangolins that live in lakes. Characteristic is the fact that they are found only in freshwater reservoirs. But experts say that in sea ​​water lizards will feel great.

References to underwater lizards are found in different peoples. Scots, Yakuts, Canadians, Kazakhs and Chinese have similar evidence. This suggests that the legend of the monsters living in the lakes has a real basis.

Most criticism from the scientific mainstream is directed at proponents of the existence of better known "cryptids", the existence of which remains unproven despite numerous alleged sightings, and is considered very unlikely by scientists, biologists and zoologists. In fact, many of the sightings of such creatures have been deemed hoaxes, further discrediting cryptozoology.

There are many types of mythical creatures, the following are the main sections with some examples of each. Phoenix from Aberdeen Bestiary. As a rule, it is considered that they do not exist in ordinary zoological and related sciences and are mainly the subject of research by the followers of cryptozoology. The sightings are often like some sea monsters.

Scientists, after analyzing the sketches of monsters and video footage provided by eyewitnesses, came to the conclusion that they can be attributed to the last dinosaurs on Earth. They resemble ancient plesiosaurs, which lived in large numbers in the waters of our planet. These creatures had a long, elongated body with small limbs in the form of flippers and a small head. The neck of such lizards was similar in length to the body of a monster.

Loch Ness monster. Other notable lake monsters include. IN Greek mythology a chimera is a monstrous creature made up of several different animals. Pegasus and Bellerophon, from Hamilton Wright Maby, ed. Myths every child should know.

Vegetable Lamb from Tataria Vegetable Lamb from Tataria - a mythical plant Central Asia, which is believed to raise sheep as its fruit. Sheep were connected to the plant by an umbilical cord and grazed the ground around the plant. When all the grazing material was gone, both the plants and the sheep died. During the medieval period, the plant was said to explain the existence of cotton.

This structure of the monster explains why many eyewitnesses called him a snake. After all, the body and head of the monster usually appear on the surface, really resembling a huge snake.

Loch Ness Monster

If you are interested in the most famous monsters, then you have probably heard of the Scottish Loch Ness. The monster that lives in its waters is known to the whole world. The lake itself is quite picturesque, it has a depth of more than two hundred meters and is the largest in the UK.

Marble Sphinx on a grave in Metairy Cemetery, New Orleans. At that moment it was changed by magic into a wonderful little tale by John Bauer. "Puss in Boots" outwitted Ogre by Gustav Dore. Are you ready for the unknown? For a new experience that might challenge everything you think you know?

The secret series has always had a certain fascination for me. While between the mid 60s and the late 80s the mystery genre tended to come into its own, it has experienced a renaissance since the early 90s which, thankfully, continues to the present day.

The Loch Ness monster was discovered at the beginning of the last century. Then it alarmed the company resting on the shore, leaning out of the water. From that moment on, crowds of adventurers rushed to the lake, dreaming of capturing a mysterious monster.

Four years later, Wilson managed to photograph the monster, and these photographs alarmed the public. They were published in all newspapers and magazines, and the scientific community tried to explain the presence of a strange creature in the waters of the lake. Almost thirty years later, the Loch Ness monster fell into the lens of a movie camera, where it was clear how fast it moves under water.

When it comes to the subject matter of the mystery series, no one is passing by. However, director David Lynch and writer Mark Frost can also create mystery and horror elements in the story. The series was very innovative in its design and quickly achieved cult status in the early 1990s. It didn't change the fact that Lynch and Frost once revealed that they never intended to reveal the killer.

Twilight Zone. The points of the respective stories, which were kind of extremely, sarcastic and psychologically ambiguous, and also in a certain way public, were startling. For example, Robert Redford, William Shatner, Peter Falk and Charles Bronson took the stage. external restrictions.

A little later, another video of the monster hit everyone major TV channels Britain, and the people again rushed to Scotland in search of a sensation. Over the past hundred years, more than four thousand people have claimed to have seen the Nessie monster (as the Scots affectionately call it) with their own eyes.

Kind of like a little sister. Also an anthology in which each episode tells a complete story. However, compared to the proportion of sci-fi elements, the episodes are half an hour longer than they are about 50 minutes long. The fascination is undoubtedly due to the concept of the series, that the viewer rarely knew how the episode would end, main character can die, it is humanity that has gone to ruin, and sometimes the story ends well too. As is the case with many stars.

Charlton Heston, Leonard Nimoy, Alyssa Milano, Kirsten Dunst, Kim Cattral or Meatloaf for a rendezvous. Carter and Fox Mulder Starring David Duchovny, chances are good for a third film. In addition to the two main actors Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, who achieved their international breakthrough, have always been famous actors with a camera. Tony Shalhoub, Tobin Bell, Jack Black, Ryan Reynolds and Lucy Liu in various episodes. Like a combination of elements of horror and mystery, the theme of aliens does not play any role, but is used in many episodes of modern legends and myths of different religions.

Scientists believe that the monster is completely harmless and lives in a pond with its own big family. By official version, it got into the lake as a result of the movement of tectonic plates and could not get out of the trap. During their existence, many generations of monsters have adapted to the changed habitat and food.

Many of the episodes are completed stories, but certain aspects of the series are a common thread across all episodes. IN adulthood The Winchesters follow in the footsteps of their fathers and begin to track, hunt, and kill monsters, demons, and spirits. That being said, getting to know so many familiar surface creatures, among other things. also Lucifer himself. In fact, creator Eric Kripke's series was set to run for 5 seasons, but due to its high popularity, Kripke is giving great attention series that the individual elements that appear in the series also exist in reality.

Lake Champlain - fellow Nessie

In Canada, there is the famous Lake Champlain, which has added to the list of places where famous monsters peace. At the end of the nineteenth century, information appeared that the sheriff saw a fifty-meter snake with humps on its back in the waters of the lake. This testimony only confirmed the numerous words of eyewitnesses that have accumulated since the beginning of the seventeenth century in large numbers.

This allows the viewer to call a handy Dean Winchester number seen on the show and hear actors Dean Jensen Ackles break the news. In addition, the creators cannot accept episodic serials and films by two lead actors Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki in a humorous way in a secret series. Warehouse 13 is best described as a mixture of Indiana Jones. These two agents must not only ensure that no one enters Warehouse 13, but that none of the strange objects leave the building.

In addition, they travel the world to find further mystical artifacts and supernatural phenomena and bring them to the warehouse. But it must be clear that this is not always easy, because sometimes very dangerous objects often lead to extremely surprising active life. The charm of Warehouse 13 is not only the mystical elements, but also the whimsical, kind of humorous humor.

The monster was named Champ, it appeared annually on the surface of the reservoir, allowing people to record new details about themselves. Thanks to this, it turned out that the monster has dark skin, a very large body and an elongated head with bumps and growths.

Scientists could not ignore this a large number of information about the monster, and in the seventies of the last century an initiative group was formed to study Champa. Seven years later, one of the local residents managed to photograph the monster, and the authenticity of the picture was proven in the laboratories of the Smithsonian Institute. Thanks to the availability of special technologies, scientists suggested the size of the animal, which seemed simply incredible - from five to seventeen meters.

In many cases, the former experiments of Walter Bishop, exceptional, seem to be connected to these mysteries. It doesn't always have to be extraterrestrial beings or strange creatures, man is already a great mystery. Dead zone. Also no aliens or monsters or other mystical creatures. In the series about the Stephen King novel, it is about teacher Johnny Smith, who is in a coma after an autoudent for six years, and after his resurrection receives a special gift: if he touches another person, he can see his future.

Although producers Michael and Sean Piller were focused on the King's novel, they also used the help of the Internet for their novels, launching an Internet portal where interested hobby writers could make suggestions for further development of the series. It looks like Robinson Crusoe or Castaway, but stuffed with numerous mystical plot points, J. From the plot of many survivors and the drama that takes place in the struggle for naked survival, it was undoubtedly possible to develop exciting evening entertainment, mysterious incidents on the mysterious island as an additional component put the whole thing afterwards, but still the icing on the cake.

Twelve years ago, a fisherman managed to capture the monster on video, and FBI analysts proved the authenticity of the recording. Now scientists from all over the world are trying to figure out which class of the animal kingdom Champa can be attributed to.

Ogopogo is Canada's most famous "resident"

Scientists believe that if underwater monsters can live anywhere, then it is in Canada. Numerous lakes on the territory of this country were once formed as a result of the movement of tectonic plates, and it is quite possible that some ancient monsters could remain in these reservoirs. The most famous Canadian pangolin is Ogopogo from Okanagan Lake.

mysterious monsters, strange places and the existence of a mysterious other group of people, Lost offers a lot of excitement and goosebumps, but they must be reproached with numerous parallel strings of action and numerous mystical objections without immediately dissolving somewhere the viewer has lost sight of the viewer. Sanctuary - Watch the creatures.

As Sanctuary already says, Sancturai are unusual creatures. Years, but still young Dr. Helen Magnus, with the help of her team of scientists and other specialists, discovers unusual creatures such as monsters, witches, werewolves and mutants to kill, capture, study or protect them from the dangers of the world after a successful hunt and peace In front of them. And so it was at the beginning of eight 15-minute webisodes that could be bought for as little as two dollars. In the meantime, four relays have already been removed, there is no end yet.

This monster, according to eyewitnesses, resembles Nessie and Champa - the same long body with fins and a small head. The Indians said that one day a monster capsized their leader's boat and destroyed him. Since that time, the tribes have tried to negotiate with Ogopogo, sacrificing animals to him and refusing to fish in some parts of the lake.

It is worth noting that this monster was seen quite often. Especially numerous are the testimonies of eyewitnesses who crossed the lake by ferry at the beginning of the twentieth century. During this period, the monster constantly rose to the surface, and more than two hundred people spoke about it. At the end of the last century, video filming appeared, where a monster is clearly visible swimming under water. Until now, information about the next appearance of a monster periodically comes from the shores of the lake, but science cannot provide a justification for its existence.

Lake monsters: how many are there?

Today, the scientific world knows about seven lakes located in different parts of the world, where various monsters live. Three lakes belong to Ireland, where locals often see underwater monsters. For example, in Loch Ree, a large animal of an unknown species was seen even by three priests in the middle of the last century. Scientists took their testimonies seriously and at the beginning of the 2000s they assembled a real expedition to the shores of an ancient reservoir. But, unfortunately, they failed to capture the monster.

In our country, Lake Labynkyr in Yakutia became the home for the monster. There have always been legends among the locals about an extraordinary creature that lives in the depths of the lake and, in the rarest cases, looks out to the surface. In the nineteenth century, eyewitnesses called it the Labynkyr Devil, but so far no one has been able to photograph the creature.

Long-horned sabertooth - the most terrifying monster of the deep sea

In addition to monsters unknown to science, there are those that have long been studied. For example, in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, there is a saber-toothed fish, the appearance of which can terrify any inhabitant of the planet.

Usually this monster does not grow in length more than forty centimeters, but has a dark color and a very menacing appearance. The fact is that huge fangs grow in the mouth of the fish, which do not even allow an adult to fully close its jaws. Scientists have found that the brain of this fish has two pockets that contain the tips of the fangs. This predator lives at a depth of more than five hundred meters, met him at more significant depths - he feels quite comfortable, having descended to five thousand meters.

It should be noted that this predator is very vulnerable to big fish. They eat it with pleasure, so the sabertooth prefers to hide in the water column and hunt only small fish.

Bigfoot - fact or fiction?

Yeti (as Bigfoot is also called) is a humanoid creature covered with wool and living in the mountainous regions of the planet. Yeti is especially common in North America. The tribes of local Indians know a lot of legends about creatures of unprecedented power that lived high in the mountains and tried to avoid human eyes.

Eyewitnesses claim to have even seen entire families of Bigfoot, which allows us to draw conclusions about the abundance of this species. But, unfortunately, science has not yet received documentary evidence of the existence of these monsters.

In the middle of the last century, a short film was shot, where unusual creature moving through the forest. Specialists carefully studied the film and remained in deep doubts about its authenticity. To date, no one has been able to photograph the yeti or find its remains.

A vampire monster that lives in South America

Puerto Ricans scare naughty children with stories about the Chupacabra. It is believed that this monster lives near human settlements and destroys livestock. Chupacabra usually steals goats and drinks all the blood from them, which is the basis of his daily diet. Sometimes the monster completely tears its prey apart, but does not eat it. locals They claim that the Chupacabra feeds on the blood of rabbits, chickens, and can even steal a child.

It has not yet been possible to film the Chupacabra with a camera or video camera, but eyewitnesses describe it as a large creature with large claws and fangs. Absolutely everyone celebrates huge and glowing eyes monsters with which he can see perfectly in the dark.

Inhabitants South America believe that this monster was the result of secret experiments by the US military. But the United States is in no hurry to confirm or deny this fact.

Sculpture monsters

The most famous monsters in the world can also be objects of art. Many European cities have various sculptural groups depicting devils and monsters. Some of them are historical monuments.

All the inhabitants of the planet know the monsters at the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. These terrifying chimeras sit on the facade of the building and represent winged creatures with bared muzzles and fangs. Parisians consider these monsters one of the most striking symbols of the city. According to some polls, they are more popular than the Eiffel Tower.

In Norway, in the city of Torheim, a cathedral was built, which with its sculptures resembles the Parisian "brother". Its facade is covered with images of various evil spirits; according to legend, it was supposed to scare away real evil spirits. Tourists say that many of the figures on the cathedral look extremely ominous.

In Brest, on Gogol Street, there is a sculpture of the devil. This unclean spirit is made extremely believable and is a symbol of the city, attracting crowds of tourists here.

Mankind has always lived side by side with various monsters. Some of them are dangerous to people, while others have done nothing wrong to them, but still strike terror into the hearts of one of their kind. Scientists are trying to capture monsters in order to finally get proof of their existence and study how the new kind representatives of the animal world. However, the monsters are not in a hurry to become a world sensation, they continue to lead their solitary lifestyle, established for thousands of years.

Our world is not entirely harmless. And we are not talking about maniacs, perverts, terrorists and other antisocial personalities. Our ancestors believed that somewhere in the dark corner of our house, in forests isolated from the eyes, in deep reservoirs, mystical creatures live - both good and evil. Their appearance is unexpected, as well as their disappearance. And the frightened witnesses of all this cannot really say anything about what they saw. Naturally, there is no evidence of their existence. However, this does not mean that the modern world there is no place for a wide variety of mythical monsters. Eyewitnesses do not disappear anywhere, although they cannot prove anything. Let's trust our imagination and consider 5 mystical creatures that may be near us. Let's take the Russian evil spirits as a basis.

The king of the forest can be very dangerous to people

Many people know such a character as a goblin. He often appears in fairy tales. This is the forest spirit. What does he represent?

Goblin - mystical creatures that are present only in Slavic myths. They may have the most different names. For example, quite often they are called Lesoviki.

What did Leshy do in fairy tales? Usually the King of the forest protects his possessions from everything bad. In addition, he simply has to output good people who got lost. But the bad threatens walking in a circle. This Leshy could provide them quite easily.

In each region, Lesovik has a different purpose. Some argue that such mystical creatures are the product of the devil. And they are created, of course, in order to bring harm. Appearance this fairy tale character may also differ. But there is also common features. Usually this is a shaggy monster with huge horns. Often Leshy appears in the form of a decrepit old man. It is believed that he is able to turn into any beast located on the territory of his possessions. Although Lesovik is tenacious, he can die from a shot from a gun.

Leshy live in the forests. Someone is alone, and someone manages to create a family. There is also a belief that when goblin quarrels with each other, they uproot trees and bludgeon their opponent with them.

You can always negotiate with Lesovik if he does not harbor anger at people. He can lead out to a mushroom meadow, and drive game into snares.

What are houses?

What other mystical creatures are found in fairy tales and legends? Of course, brownies. It is necessary to understand what this "beast" is. It should be noted that brownies, although they are considered representatives of evil spirits, are often kind and quite nice. However, they can joke. Breaking a plate for a brownie is an easy task. Brownies can serve people for a long time.

If he loves his master, then the owner of the house may not be afraid of dirty tricks on his part. And the fire will not threaten him, and the thieves will not climb. But sometimes brownies in their pranks lose all boundaries.

Some people even specifically lure such helpers into their homes. The rituals are different. How to summon mystical creatures of this kind? This is done quite simply. They say to bring home a black rooster and cut off its head.

Legends say that conversations with brownies can become quite unpleasant. The owner of the house is able to become numb or start to stutter when he sees this "tenant". There are also legends that say that the owner of the house sees himself in the brownie, only in a more overgrown state.

If you are hardworking, love children, keep your home clean and tidy, then nothing threatens you. One has only to know that the brownie does not like cats. Although many sources say otherwise.

The monster that scared and continues to scare children

IN folk tales, legends, beliefs, mystical creatures are quite common. The list with their enumeration can get long. These are mermaids, and ghouls, and banniki, and water ones, and ... you can’t count everything. It is necessary to single out the “monster” from them, which frightened many in childhood. It's about about grandma. This monster, according to the legends, frightens him in the form of a shaggy old man.

This mysterious creature has no definite appearance. However, all legends say that his appearance in the house is undesirable and even dangerous. There are myths in which a babai roams the streets in the form of a lopsided old man. He must have a stick in his hands. And it is most dangerous for children to meet with him.

Even in the modern world, you can hear how mothers and grandmothers scare naughty tomboys with them, telling them that a babayka walks under the windows.

Terrible swamp kikimora

Scary mystical creatures have always been present in our lives in stories and fairy tales. And kikimora is known, if not to everyone, then to many. It can be marsh or home. In the first case, understand close friend Lesovik. She lives in a swamp, dresses up in moss furs. Her hair must be woven into her hair. What does a kikimora do? She frightens travelers, steals children, and drags especially careless people into the swamp. Kikimora rarely appears, preferring to remain invisible. Likes to scream from the quagmire.

Swamp Monster Sister

Home kikimora is also an evil spirit. Only she lives at home, unlike her sister. Usually she is represented as a tiny old woman or a small woman. Because of his vertically challenged she is afraid to go outside, because she can simply be blown away by the wind.

You can find out about the presence of kikimora in the house only at night. She begins to throw stones or improvised objects, run from room to room, stomp, knock, rattle dishes, etc. There are, of course, such beliefs in which the kikimora is presented as a caring and kind assistant. But there are very few of them.

What other harm can kikimora do? She must tangle the yarn. Sometimes steals children. Kikimors can even exchange phrases with the owners of the house, while remaining invisible. Able to turn into a cat.

Dead spirits that harm people

Navi - ancient mystical creatures. These are the spirits of death, dead people. It is believed that they are able to cause disease by sending it to a person or a pet. In some legends, they are the cause of natural disasters.

At night, the Navi run through the streets, harming absolutely everyone who went beyond the threshold of their home. As a result, people died from their wounds. Then there were legends in which the Navi were already harming during the day, suddenly appearing on horseback right on the streets. But they themselves remained invisible. In order to escape from them, it is enough just not to leave the house. To protect your home, you will need to purchase amulets with amulets.

It was possible to propitiate these creatures by offering them a bath or leaving food on the porch. They were represented in the form of birds or overgrown creatures with tails. Such notions have persisted to the present day.


This is only a small part of those mystical creatures that may be present in our lives, accompanying or avoiding people. However, it is very difficult to list all of them, especially within the framework of a small article. We were frightened by many in childhood, some are known only to a narrow circle of people. Believe in them or not? This is the choice of each individual.

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