Belarusian legend about a rooster that dispersed evil spirits. What does the image of a rooster look like in myths and legends around the world


Here is the history of the origin of the sign of the Chinese horoscope Rooster.

The legend of the Chinese horoscope - Rooster

A long time ago, when the world was just beginning, the Rooster and the Dragon were friends and were always together. They flew all day in the sky and chased each other. The Rooster was much larger than his cousin Peacock, but smaller than the majestic Phoenix, which was also a relative of the Rooster on the maternal side. These four friends traveled all over the world and flew over the land, the seas, and the mountains.

Then the Rooster, the Peacock and the Phoenix had simple brown plumage. Once the Dragon showed them how to fly to the end of the rainbow after spring rain and plunge into its colors. Since then, the feathers of the Rooster and his relatives have shone like gems, and shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow.

The Phoenix and the Peacock were prettier than the Rooster, but the Rooster then had a pair of magnificent horns and a wonderful voice. He could sing and take such high notes that his cousins ​​couldn't reach. The rooster was the soloist when the birds sang in chorus, and liked to announce the numbers. He really liked to conduct ceremonies.

The horns of the Rooster were not sharp and most of all looked like small deer antlers. Rooster was proud of his horns because they stood out in a crowd, especially when he was on stage. He has best friend, the Dragon, was a red comb given to him by the Heavenly Sovereign.

This comb was small for the Dragon, but it was made of rubies and the Dragon always wore it with pride wherever he went - it never hurts to show that you have connections in heaven.

The four friends liked to go to parties and the Dragon carried the Rooster and the Peacock on his back because they couldn't fly as fast as the Phoenix and the Dragon. They always had fun, because the Rooster entertained the whole company, told wonderful stories and sang ballads for them. They had many adventures; they were invited to best parties in heaven and in the Middle Kingdom, on both sides of the rainbow bridge.

One day, the Dragon was invited to a special party in heaven, and the invitation said that all guests must wear horns. The dragon was about to tell the others about this party, but then he realized that he did not have horns. Of the four, only Rooster had them. The more Dragon thought about it, the more he wanted to go to the party. But he understood that if the Rooster saw the invitation, he would go there himself.

Therefore, the Dragon kept silent about the party, but praised the Rooster's horns and asked for them for a few days. The rooster was flattered by this, but he was a smart bird and did not give his horns to anyone. However, he secretly liked the ruby ​​crest of the Dragon very much, and he considered that such an ornament was not enough for his friend - although no one had dared to tell the Dragon himself about it yet.

The Rooster offered to exchange hats for a few days, because it would be unfair if the Dragon put on both horns and a comb, and the Rooster was left without a hat. The dragon agreed, put on the horns of the Rooster and went to the party alone, says the legend of the Rooster of the Chinese horoscope.

Actually, the horns suited the Dragon much better than the Rooster, and the Dragon had a great time. Everyone talked about what wonderful horns he had and invited him to new parties. With horns, he looked more majestic, and now everyone remembered him.

At the same time, the crest sat much better on the small head of the Rooster than on the dragon's. The rooster was very proud and heard compliments from everywhere. He climbed to the top of the fence and even to the roof to show off his red crest. In addition, the crest stayed on his head better and did not fall on his side, like horns, when he sang a solo or just shook his head.

A week passed, then another and another ... The rooster began to worry about his horns and loudly asked himself: “Where is my friend Dragon? Why didn't he return my horns?"

Early in the morning he climbed to the highest place he could find and crowed, “Dragon, Dragon, give back my horns! Please return my horns!" The Chinese word for horns is similar to ku, so when the Rooster crows at dawn and dusk, it is actually calling for the Dragon to return the horns.

Time passed, and the horns grew into the Dragon's head above the eyebrows - it seemed that they had always been there. The dragon realized that these were now his horns, and decided not to part with them. He no longer thought about his ruby ​​comb and realized that it was probably too small for his big head anyway. From the point of view of the Dragon, he and the Rooster exchanged honestly and the crest was a worthy replacement for the horns.

But the Rooster missed his horns, although he also liked the comb. The comb also grew right into his head and even grew to his chin. Now the Rooster looked even more impressive and elegant.

But the Rooster was still thinking about his beautiful horns and could not believe that his friend the Dragon had not returned them. Every morning the Rooster woke up very early, flew up to the highest point he could find, and called the Dragon.

Of course, we know that his friend was high in the sky and couldn't hear him. The Heavenly Sovereign appointed the Dragon as the Minister of Rains, and now he had many duties, including attending court ceremonies.

The four friends never met again, and each went his own way. The rooster began to rule the chicken coop and did an excellent job with his duties - he was a bright personality, and even with a loud voice.

Some people believe that the Rooster wakes up so early in order to wake the Sun and complain to him about the Dragon that did not return the horns. But every morning the Sun only smiles at the Rooster and answers: “Have a nice day!”.

This is the legend of the Rooster of the Chinese horoscope.

I tried to pick up legends that are understandable for a second grader, which would be interesting to him and easy to remember.

Legends about pets.


In cosmogonic ideas and related myths, it often appears as a bird of chaos, but at the same time as the creator of the universe, who laid the golden egg - the sun (the image of the great Gogotun in Egyptian mythology).
In a number of languages, the concepts of the sun and the goose are conveyed by similar linguistic elements.
In China, the goose is associated with the sky, considered as a talisman that helps love in marriage. Among other peoples, the goose is the embodiment of the holy spirit, a symbol of foresight and vigilance.
During the Middle Ages in Europe, geese were believed to be the mounts of witches.
In a number Siberian traditions known so-called. "goose spirit", who was in charge of fate.

The legend of how the geese saved Rome.

Rome was attacked many times by enemies. In 390 there was a war with the Gauls. Having crossed the Alps, the Gauls moved deep into Italy and soon laid siege to Rome. The defenders of the city courageously repulsed the attacks of the enemy. But food supplies soon ran out, and famine began in the city. Everything that was edible was eaten. Only the sacred geese remained that lived in the temple of the goddess Juno on Capitol Hill. Many times the hungry defenders of the city thought about these geese, but they were afraid of the wrath of the great goddess - the patroness of Rome.

One day, in the middle of the night, a noise woke one of the warriors. Waking up, Mark Manlius (that was his name) listened: on the top of the hill the geese were cackling. Mark Manlius quickly climbed the city wall and literally came face to face with the Gaul. That night, the enemy secretly attempted to storm the city. Mark Manlius threw the Gaul off the wall. Falling, the enemy screamed. Other Gauls also began to fall. From the scream and noise, the geese cackled even louder. The defenders of Rome instantly awakened and began to defend the city. The Gauls were left with nothing. How to get away from the walls of the city. The Romans won.

Why is the cow a sacred animal in India?

In India, it is believed that every cow has something sacred. Despite the fact that many people in this country are starving, none of their Hindus has the idea of ​​slaughtering and eating a cow. In the Indian religious book Mahabharata it is said that a cow, due to its purity, bestowed upon it higher powers, has the ability to endow a person with happiness and protect him from the darkness of hell. The Vedic texts say that the place where the cow is located has clean energy, so these animals are allowed to walk even on city roads.


A mythological character who, according to the beliefs of many peoples, supernatural powers. The rooster is the herald of the sun, heralding the beginning of a new day. The red rooster is a symbol of fire, hence the expression "set a red rooster", that is, make a fire. The black rooster was associated with the other world. It was believed that the cock's cry drives away " evil spirit", which can be outrageous only up to the" first roosters ".

IN Greek mythology the rooster is an attribute of the goddess Athena, the patroness of crafts, since with her singing he raises people to work in the early morning. In symbolism and heraldry, the rooster is very common as a symbol of militancy, independence, and insight. The image of a rooster - a vigilant guardian - was often placed on the roofs of houses, on spiers and towers in the form of a weather vane.


In Ukraine, one of the legends says that the dog is the boy's werewolf. They say that when the Savior walked the earth, then in one village some boy especially pursued him, ran after him and barked. The Savior cursed him and turned him into a dog.

In Belarusian legends, the appearance of a dog is connected with the fact that “once a man was the guardian of paradise, when he once stole something, and in addition he lied, locking himself up, God turned him into a dog, which now guards the yard and breshet.”

Many legends say that the dog descended from a man who was turned by the Almighty for sins.

But there is also a direct Opposite opinion. Some tribes of Alaska Indians, for example, considered local huskies to be their ancestors. It seems that in connection with this, they treated their four-legged "relatives" very courteously.

How dogs saved Corinth.

Greek legend

According to legend, ancient Greek dogs saved the city of Corinth from enemies. Fifty dogs guarded the citadel. One night, when the internal garrison was asleep, an enemy flotilla sailed up, and on the outskirts of the city a battle broke out with dogs, loyal guards. The help of people arrived in time when only one dog named Soter survived. The enemy was defeated, and the citadel was saved, while Soter received a silver collar with the inscription "Soter is the protector and savior of Corinth" as a reward for his bravery. A marble monument was erected in his honor.


IN Ancient Egypt the cat was revered not only as useful, but also as a sacred animal, " good genius dwellings, keeper hearth and was taken under the protection of the law. Due to the mystery, nocturnal lifestyle, eyes glowing in the darkness, rare fertility and femininity, this graceful animal was dedicated to the goddess of the Moon, fertility and childbirth Bast, or Bastet, depicted with a cat's head. For the murder of a cat, the death penalty was due, sometimes a finger or hand was cut off. At the natural death of a cat, mourning was declared in the house, all its inhabitants cut off their hair and plucked their eyebrows, and the cat itself was often embalmed and buried with honors in a special cemetery. A large number of mummies of cats found in the tombs of the pharaohs.

How Siamese cats guarded valuable vases in Buddhist temples.

Siamese cats lived in temples where they guarded valuable vases. To complete this task, the cats wrapped their tails around the vases and looked at them intently, without looking up. Because of this posture, they developed a curled tail and slanting eyes.

Legends about wild animals.


Eastern parable

One day a frog from the ocean came and jumped into the well. There she was met by a frog, who had lived in this well all her life. She asked:
"Interesting, where did you come from?"
— I came from the ocean.
The well frog asked:
“Is it bigger than this well?”
Of course, there was disbelief in her eyes, doubt in her mind: how could anything be bigger than this well where I live? The ocean frog laughed and replied:
— It is very difficult to say anything, because there is no measure.
The well frog said:
“Then I will give you a measure so that you can do it.”
She dived a quarter of the depth of the well, one fourth of the way, and asked:
— Is that enough?
The ocean frog laughed and said:
- No.
Then she dived half the depth of the well and asked:
— Is that enough?
The ocean frog said again:
- No!
Then she dived to the very bottom of the well and triumphantly said:
Now you can't say no.
ocean frog said:
“You may be offended, and I don’t want to be impolite, but the answer is still the same: no!!!
Then the well frog said:
"Get out of here, you liar!" Nothing can be bigger than this well!

wood pigeon

Mayan legend

There lived on earth one brave and strong warrior. He loved hunting and often hunted animals in the dense forests. Once, while hunting, he found himself at some forest lake and, to his great surprise, saw beautiful girl floating in a boat. The brave warrior fell in love with her so much that at every opportunity he returned to the shore of that lake, hoping to at least see the girl. But it was all in vain; all he saw was only the surface of the water, reflecting the light of the sun.

So, he decided to seek help from the witch, who told him:
“You will never see that girl unless you turn into a dove.
“I just want to see her!”
“Once you turn into a dove, you will never be able to return to human form again.
“I just want to see her!”
If that's all you want, then let your wish come true.

And the witch stuck a thorn in the neck of a brave warrior. And as soon as she did, the young man turned into a dove. He shot up and flew to the forest lake, where he sat on a branch and waited. A little time passed, and he saw the same girl, and then he flew up to her and began to caress. The girl took him in her hands and, stroking, pulled the thorn from his neck. She shouldn't have done this! The dove died with its head down. Seeing this, the girl, in deep sadness, stuck the same thorn in her neck and immediately turned into a dove. From that day on, she began to mourn for her dove and mourn for him.

snake bride

Chroniclers of past years tell of magical creatures, which could appear in various terrifying images: as monstrous snakes or clawed animals covered with scales. They were called lamia, and they were most dangerous in the form beautiful woman. Although they were amorous by nature and sought the love of mortals, the lamia were the most dark side magical kingdom.

Once, in the vicinity of Corinth, a young man named Lucius met a woman of such sparkling beauty and exciting charm that love seized his heart at that very moment. She answered him with a kind look and became his lover. Their meetings were filled with such joy and happiness that Lucius decided to marry her.

He prepared a luxurious wedding feast, but in the midst of the festivities he noticed that the bride turned pale and was ready to faint. She was trembling, and her breathing was more like heavy sighs. When the young man tried to help her, she silently pointed to an elderly man standing among the guests. This man was an educator, a devoted mentor to the young man. He looked at the bride with a gloomy expression.
“I don’t want you to become a victim of a snake and die in its suffocating embrace,” said the wise mentor.

A cry of pain resounded in the crowded hall. The woman began to squirm, and in this place where she had just stood, everyone saw the flickering of sapphires, gold and emeralds - the scales of a coiled snake shimmered. A moment later, the bride was gone.

The mentor, however, recognized the threat too late, and, deprived of his beloved, Lucius died of anguish, and his wedding robe became his shroud.

star dipper

Greek legend

Long ago, in time immemorial, King Lycaon ruled the country of Arcadia (a mountainous region in the center of the Peloponnesian Peninsula). And he had a daughter - the beautiful Callisto. Callisto fell in love with the beautiful and powerful god Zeus and gave birth to his son Arcadus. But the cruel and jealous Hera, the wife of Zeus, turned the young Callisto into a Bear.

While the unfortunate wandered through the forests, her son Arkad grew up, became a shepherd and an excellent hunter. Once on a hunt, seeing the Bear, Arkad raised his weapon to kill her. But then the messenger of Zeus appeared in time and took them both to heaven, turning them into constellations.
Callisto has become the constellation Ursa Major. The constellation of the Shepherd (Boötes) is located nearby in the sky. brightest star it is called Arcturus (Arkad).
Ursa Minor, according to one of the legends, is a maid who accompanies Callisto on her eternal journey.

Like a lion once sneezed

Posted Sun, 06/02/2011 - 09:43 by Cap

Surely, not many readers and tourists were on the Kerebelaksky mountains, except that they were passing by along the Morkinskoe highway. But many had the opportunity to admire the view of these mountains from the neighboring mountain - Maple Hills! To do this, just walk to the observation deck on Shungaldan, which is located half a kilometer from sanatorium Klenovaya Gora. And from there the gaze of the observer will open: the boundless distances of the Mari taiga, the bends Ileti and huge hills on the horizon. These distant forested mountains are the Kerebelak Highlands, about which this tale will be!

(to the left of the birch Katai mountain, and on the right - Cock Mountain = all together Kerebelyak Highlands!!!)

The observer will immediately notice that the Highland consists of two humps and an intermountain saddle: to the west - Katai mountain(which we already wrote about), to the east - Agytan-kuryk (Cock Mountain). All together - the Kerebelak Highlands, although the locals say whatever they want. Those who live further west Yushuta- everyone calls Katai-gora (Katayka), and those who live to the east (and on it) can call everything Kerebelaksky mountain, and only a steep descent on the Morkinskoe highway that leads from Kerebelak towards Oktyabrsky is called Petushina mountain. In the press and literature, both mountains are usually connected to the Kerebelak highlands, and they do not separate them in any way, which is partly true, since in some places they cannot be distinguished.

(view of the Kerebelak Highlands from maple mountain- from the roof of the Sanatorium)

Very beautiful view on the Kerebelyak Highlands opens from the roof sanatorium Klenovaya Gora If anyone is lucky enough to visit this unique Sanatorium, then be sure to climb onto the roof and admire one of the impressive panoramas of the Mari Region! From the top floor of the Sanatorium there is access to the former Solarium, which is located on the roof - and from it a staircase leads to the upper platform, it is worth a visit!

I spent several hours on this roof, admiring the valleys Ileti And Yushuta, taking pictures of the surroundings, watching sunsets and moonrise - the view of the Kerebelyak mountains from here is simply amazing! In the west, on a clear day, it is quite possible to distinguish the banks of the Volga! Far spurs visible to the east Sotnur highlands, and in the north-east - Yurdurskaya and Korkatovskaya mountains! One can only advise the administration of the Sanatorium to conduct walks for vacationers on the roof of their own building - it will be just a super excursion tour, and without any special expenses for time, transport and road!

Moreover, from the roof of the Sanatorium great view on her own maple mountain! And as you yourself know, dear reader, the Klenogorsk region is one of the most beautiful places in Mari El!!!

On Cock mountain(Agytan-kuryk) are located Kerebelak villages, Dubrovka and philip sola. The Kerebelak forestry is located, part of the mountain is included in GPNP Mariy Chodra, and the eastern slopes of the mountain are about lakes Shut-er And Kuzh-er are included in the protected area of ​​Mari Chodry.

Unlike Cock Mountain - Katai mountain has no settlements, and is completely covered with forest. There are two apiaries on it, and one apiary stands in a very picturesque place, where there is a beautiful mountain slope, mixed forest and a spring.

(Katay-mountain, the village of Oshutyaly and the Yushut valley - the western part of the Kerebelak highlands)

From the west, the Kerebelak Highlands flows around the legendary tourist Yushut river, into which flows into these places Tyumsha river, and on the picturesque bank of the Yushut there is the village of Oshutyaly, where from its central part the road leads to a ford and a pedestrian bridge across the Yushut. Along it, the road leads to the dense slopes of Katai Mountain, and also further - to Kerebelak. In front of the bridge, almost in the village, there is a beautiful and steep river cliff - Yar, from which the panorama of the interfluve of the Ileti and Yushut is viewed, and the slopes of the Maple and Katai mountains are also visible.

From the north, the Mountain is limited by the Morkinskoye Highway, coming from Shelanger (as well as the Tyumsha River). From the south of the Kerebelak highland, there is tract Kugu-kup, about which we have already written, and which is again overgrown with forest and waterlogged.

Tyumsha is a kind of geographical limiter of the Kerebelak highlands. passing through the villages Kerebelyak And Philip Sola, the river from the north and from the north-west goes around the Kerebelak highlands, first the Petushina mountain (Agytan-Kuryk), and then the Katai mountain.

(spurs of Petushina and katai mountains, intermountain saddle, on the left you can see maple mountain)

Katai Gora connects with Petushina Gora by a kind of saddle, where a dense and diverse forest is located, also in these places there are large karst ravines, approximately here the border of the reserve passes " Mariy Chodra", and also here from the sources is born Arbayka river that flows through the system lakes Maly And Big Tot-er, where many beaver dams, make their way through koogoo kup, flows past the Tatar mill, and then flows into Ilet in the Berezovaya Griva area.

In the east, the Kerebelak highland is limited by steep slopes, which is especially visible if you drive along the highway from Kerebelak towards Oktyabrsky. These slopes are lakes Ergesh-er, Kuzh-er, Jester. And on the southeastern slopes of the Mountains are located Lake Big And Small Tot-er. Also, the natural limiter of the Highlands on the eastern side is the Uba River, which is connected by channels with Kuzh-er and Shut-er, and is the right tributary of the Ileti (and also the second cleanest after Wonci). It should also be added that almost all of the Nagorye is located in the Zvenigovsky district, but its eastern slopes with the indicated lakes already belong to the Morkinsky district of the RME.

(ascent to the Kerebelak mountain along the Lashman-Korno road)

According to its physical and geological characteristics, the Kerebelak Upland is an outlier hill located in the south of Mari El (Zvenigovsky district), in the northern part national park « Mariy Chodra».

The area is about 8.5 thousand hectares. The maximum height is 154 meters (Katay Gora), and 152 meters (Petushina Gora).

Kerebelyak Highlands is the southern part Mariysko-Vyatka rampart, dissected in these parts into spherical hills ( maple mountain, Kerebelyak Highlands, Karman-Kuryk, Sotnur Highlands, etc.). On it and around it, karst landforms are widely developed (failure funnels, karst lakes and swamps, underground springs, etc.).

It should be noted that the southern part Vyatsky Uval crosses the entire Mari region. Mariysko-Vyatsky Uval begins at Kirov region, runs in the meridional direction along the RME and ends in the Tatar Republic. It received the greatest development in the Morkinsky district ( mountain Chuksha) - its length here is about 130 km, width up to 40 km, highest altitude 284 m a.s.l. seas. The river valleys cutting through the rampart are deeply incised and in some places resemble mountain gorges. To the south, Uval goes down and breaks up into separate wide hills.

(view from the slope of the Kerebelak Highlands to Lake Shut-er)

Geologically, the Kerebelak Upland (and the Mariysko-Vyatka Uval) is part of the eastern part of the Russian platform. Its foundation is crystalline rocks (granites, gneisses, etc.), covered with a layer of sedimentary deposits. The most ancient rocks that come to the surface belong to the Permian period and are represented by the Ufa, Kazan and Tatar stages. Outcrops of the Ufa, the most ancient, stage are very rare. Deposits of the Kazanian and overlying Tatarian stages are more common on the surface.

The rocks of the Kazanian stage - limestones, dolomites, marls, sandstones, gray clays and gypsum - are characterized by greater porosity and resistance to erosion processes than the layers of the Tatarian stage. Therefore, the Kazanian stage creates a more dissected relief, with steep slopes and karst formations (failure landforms), which is especially typical for uplifts. Mariysko-Vyatka rampart: Stone Mountain, Katai Mountain, Petushina Mountain, B. and M. Karman-Kuryk, Maple Mountain, etc.

(diverse forest and areas of raised bog in the Highlands)

The name of the Highlands comes from Kerebelak villages, which, in turn, was named after the first settler in these places - Kerey. The following legend tells about the origin of the village of Kerebelyak. Three brothers - Kerey, Karai and Shigak - crossed the Volga River. Then, in order to determine where they should live, blindfolded, turning around themselves three times, they shot from a bow. And in the direction of the flight of arrows, they chose convenient places to live. Karai began to live closer to the city of Kazan on the territory of the present Volzhsky region of the republic.

(village Kerebelyak, further philip sola and Morkinskoe highway - view from the tower)

Shigak chose the place right side rivers Yushut. He was tall, his name was Kugu Shigak, the name of the village Big Shigakovo appeared from his name.

And Kerey crossed the Yushut River and began to live near the village of Kerebelak. The founder of Mari literature tells about this in his story "Yylanda" Sergei Grigorievich Chavain.

Kerey settled on the edge of the forest, where it is now located Philippsola village. To the remark that the land here was sandy and barren, Kerey replied that he could also live by hunting, that it was possible to shoot capercaillie sitting on trees even from the window of the house. This once again testifies to the place that hunting occupied in the life of the Mari of the village of Kerebelak. The territory of the current village council at that time was covered with a dense forest. There were many small and large game in it.

(the slope of the Kerebelak Highlands on Lashman-Korno - there is a hazel tree around)

The family of Kerey has grown. This is where the name of the settlement comes from - the village of Kerebelak, in Mari Kereivlak tukym. Kerey-vlak was subsequently transformed into Kerebelyak, that is, the genus Kerey. From the name of the village came the name of the Kerebelak Highlands!

Gradually, people began to cut down forests in these places, uproot stumps, engage in agriculture and cattle breeding. Together with Kerey, other Maris also came to the territory of the village of Kerebelak. We can learn about them from the surviving names of fields, meadows and locations of individual yards. For example, near the village of Pamashsola (that was the name of the village of Kerebelak before the opening of the church), the names of fields and meadows have been preserved: Yashtyk peche - Yashtyk lived, Kyndygan olyk - Kyndygan meadows, Senlan peche - Senlan lived.

(lake Big Tot-er near the uplands)

And Cock Mountain (Agytan - from Mar: rooster) got its name for this reason. Kerebelak lands were located in real dense forests, and were connected with the world by three forest roads. The highway went west towards Shigakovo and Ozerok.South (towards Kazan tract) Lashman left Korno - he led to Ilet, where the Kerebelak bridge used to be, and connected with the Kazan (Galician) tract near the Sushinsky forestry (Lake Dolgoe). And to the east - along the steep slope of the Mountain - the road led to Kuzher (Red Glassware), this road (Kuzher Korno) passed by Lake Ergesh-er (Round), and then led through swamps and forest rivers (Uba, Woncha, Malonmash) towards Kuzher. This eastern road - was the most difficult of all roads, moreover, in the spring or during the rainy season - this road was generally impassable. So, along this road with great difficulty they got to Kerebelak, for this reason the travelers listened: would a cock crow be heard in the silence of the forest?

IN Kerebelak there were a lot of geese, ducks and roosters (hens), so the cock crow was heard far from the village. And if the travelers who were walking along this road finally heard the rooster's singing, then they knew for sure that the end of the path would soon be, and, as a rule, after that they approached the slope of the Mountain on which Kerebelak stood. According to this sign, they called this mountain - Petushina, they say, the approach to it is always foreshadowed by a cock's cry!

It should be added that the Kuzherskaya road was actively used until the 70s of the last century, when active logging was carried out in these places (it was covered with gravel and equipped with bridges). Even after the construction of the Shelanger-Morki highway (late 60s), local residents preferred to drive along it towards Kuzher. Now the road passes through the territory of the reserve Mariy Chodra and is used only for the needs of forestry.

(Kuzherskaya road - a site next to Lake Ergesh-er)

Interestingly, at the foot of the Petushina Mountain there is its own anomalous zone, the so-called "damned place" by the locals! It is located at the end of the descent along the Morkinskoe highway from the mountain itself, accidents very often occur in this place, often with a tragic outcome. And, indeed, almost every year something happens in this place: motorcyclists crash, cars overturn, engines stall, which is not at all surprising. In this place, a steep descent from the mountain is combined with a turn, and the one who starts moving from above does not see the end of the descent! And if we add to this a wet road, fog or ice, then the danger of this place becomes clear. Only in my memory there were several major accidents, so, in 1987, a truck crashed here (the driver died), in 1991 a motorcycle fell under a KAMAZ (all three died), in the 90s, even a tractor somehow turned over here. There were many such cases here, but, most likely, it is not the “cursed place” that should be blamed, but a special combination of circumstances on the highway and the carelessness of people!

About the title Katai mountains we have already written, but I repeat, since this also applies to the entire Kerebelak Uplands, this name is partly associated with logging on Katai Gora (and throughout the Highlands), I must say that they have been going on since Catherine’s times (and according to some archival data from Peter the Great, when the Admiralty was opened near Kazan on the banks of the Volga).

The forest was cut down mainly in winter, at this time it was convenient to transport heavy logs, there were no mosquitoes, the swamps froze, and the peasants were not engaged in agricultural work. The whole Katayka (Kerebelak Uplands) was covered with virgin dense forests, slender and tall pines, spruces and firs were especially valued. There is historical evidence that there were fir trees up to 50 meters high. And in the Forest Encyclopedia, I somehow read that on the territory of Russia there were firs up to 70 meters!

So, since there was no technology in those days, the felled logs were rolled down the western slope of the Katai Mountain to the banks of the Yushut. For this, wide clearings were made in winter, snow rolled, and the log was already pushed down along the coast. Further, the logs were dragged with the help of draft power (which was also convenient to do only in winter, because snow contributed to this), stacked in piles near Yushut and waited for spring. In the spring, the timber was floated along the hollow water to the Ilet, and then to the Volga.

From the word “roll” the name Katai-mountain came from, they say, a forest is rolled from it.

Given the paucity and smallness of land plots, logging and the sale of timber was a very important help in the life of the Kerebelyak peasants. Such workers were called here lashmans (that is, logging workers). From Kerebelak to Ileti (to the Old Kerebelaksky Bridge) there is a leading road along which timber was also transported - it is still called by the Mari: Lashman-korno (Lashman road). As we have already pointed out, there was a bridge on Ileti, along which the road went to the Kazansky tract, and behind the bridge there was a pit - the Black Pool. In this pool they accumulated, sorted and drove wood further along the Ileti. For this purpose, mole dams were created there, even at present, the remains of mole dams and tree blockages are found on Ileti in the area Mariy Chodry. Water tourists, most likely, have seen their remains more than once on Ileti between Kuzher and Maple Mountain.

Note that the Black Pool is very popular with local fishermen, as there were a lot of fish there. Pike and perch were especially taken on the lure!

(Cock Mountain - the eastern part of the Highlands and the Ileti valley - - view from the Sotnur Highlands)

By historical evidence- for shipbuilding in the area of ​​the Mari village of Kerebelak, they also cut oak and took it out with whips on the way to lakes. Large oak forests were in the area of ​​the village of Dubovka, which is west of Kerebelak (which is why it got its name). Also, mighty oak forests grew in the floodplain of the Tyumsha River, and allegedly, the name of the river came from this word. According to one version Tyumsha It used to be called Tumsha, and this word comes from "tumo" - oak.

Since the oak could not be floated on the water, it was taken to the Volga by land - through the villages of Oshutyaly and lakes, Kuzhmaru and the village of Krasny Yar (this road was also sometimes called Lashman Korno). To transport trees, the lashmans had special large, durable and specially designed sledges - firewood, in which the horses were harnessed in pairs. The strongest and most enduring peasants were selected to transport the forest. Cutting down a mighty oak and harnessing up to 25 horses to it, the lashmans pulled the tree along the road to the banks of the Yushut River. And then through Ozerki they carried a tree to the Volga shores (by the way, along this road he retreated to the Volga and Pugachev with his squad). But this was done only with huge oaks. And medium-sized oaks were brought from Ozerki to mouth of Yushuta, where there was a Lushmorsky bridge and special stacks. It was in this place that the boom (raft) rafting of the forest along the Ileti began, since the river after the Merge became wide and deep, and during the spring flood it was possible to drive rafts along it to the Volga.

The brought oaks were tied into booms together with “light” trees, usually with pine, as a rule: one oak per raft, therefore, although the oak is heavier than water, it was possible to float the oak forest with this technique, since it was transported on horseback up to Volga was very expensive!

(reference tree - high quality ship pine)

But let's return from Ileti to the Kerebelak Highlands - its special pride and beauty are forests, lakes, berry and mushroom places! There were many swamps in this area - cranberries, lingonberries grew there, in the forest - blueberries, raspberries, nuts and mushrooms. Since ancient times, people in free time they collected the gifts of the forest, some for themselves, and some were taken away for sale in the city of Kazan. Natural wealth created conditions for living on this land.

(picturesque slopes and cliffs of the Highlands on Lake Shut-er)

The lakes are of particular beauty. Jester And Kuzh-er- these are real taiga lakes, being in a protected area only emphasizes their beauty and uniqueness. Next to them there are also polyberry and mushroom places, various and unique forests grow around them, along the banks of these lakes an Ecological trail has been laid: from forestry to lakes Tot-er. In several places, fenced areas of the reference and experimental forests were identified. Red Book plants are protected in these places!

Of particular interest are the giant trees growing in these parts, for example, a huge pine tree grows not far from Lake Kuzh-er! It is three human girths in thickness (as Oak Pugachev), and much higher than Oak, about 40 meters high! This is a real monument of nature, which should be protected!

(slopes of the Highlands - Lake Kuzh-er)

But the nearby lake Ergesh-er bad luck. According to the stories, this lake used to be clean and transparent, many springs beat in it, and a stream came out of it. But then it swamped and became unsuitable for drinking and bathing.

There is a legend about it:

So, my mother told me that before it was a very clean and ungrown lake, even after the war - the water there was suitable for swimming and drinking, the lake was flowing - there were fish there. And this story happened a long time ago. Then the youth from the village went for a walk to this lake, since Yergezh-Er lay close to Kerebelak, and one day, out of a feeling unrequited love drowned in the lake at night. It was not known whether her body was found or not, but supposedly after that the drowned woman began to come out of the lake at night, and tried to find her lover, they say, she also wanted to lure him into the abyss of water. And allegedly after this accident, the lake began to overgrow and swamp, and now no one dares to swim in it.

A similar story was told by an acquaintance of his father - Boris, originally from Kerebelak, then moved to live in Krasnogorsk. According to his version, a girl who secretly became pregnant drowned herself in the lake, but was rejected by the guy, so she, fearing a common shame, threw herself into the lake. Past the lake used to be a road leading from Kerebelak to Krasny Steklovar, and from there to Kazan (Kuzher-Korno). There was no Morkinskoye highway yet, so traffic along old road was active. The people of Kerebelyak went along the same road to work in logging. So, allegedly at night, this drowned woman stood near the lake with a child in her arms and called someone.

Katai-mountain is inhabited by real wild bees. The presence of honey plants such as willow, willow, linden, and hazel on clearings and in the Yushut floodplain made it possible to collect honey here in large quantities. It is also known that at the moment of “blooming” of pine and spruce, wild bees also collect this pollen and produce special taiga honey! This honey is bitter, but has very beneficial properties for health. It is for this reason that Bashkir honey collected in the Ural taiga has always been valued in Russia for its quality, it was considered very healing and life-giving!

(the road to Kugu kup along Katai Gora, Maple Mountain in the distance)

TO Katai-mountain also include recent mentions of beekeeping in our places! I remember that in the Krasnogorsk school in the 70s, faded black-and-white photographs of the pre-war period were still preserved, where two mari open such a board, fumigating it with rotten. Later, beekeeping grew into beekeeping, but many beekeepers always kept two or three families of wild bees in their household! Although they brought less honey than domestic bees, it was their honey that was a real “natural” elixir of health! In terms of its healing qualities, it far exceeded the honey of domestic bees and, as a rule, was not sold to the side, but was used in its family. And if it was sold, it was at a very high price. Accordingly, propolis, wax and pollen of wild bees were highly valued. Also, wild bees got sick less often, easily endured frosty winters and the vagaries of nature. Many beekeepers crossed domestic and wild bees, trying to develop a breed that would combine beneficial features both kinds.

On the Kerebelak highland itself is located Lake Ozhgar-er that lies in the village of Kerebelak. Presumably, the name comes from the word armor, probably, there used to be a forge where such items were forged. According to the second version, which is more likely, the name of the lake comes from the soaked sheepskin (goat) skin, most likely, the skins of livestock were dressed here.

You can see the historical information about the village of Kerebelyak here!

It should be added that at the beginning of the last century, the village of Kerebelak was the largest settlement in the Bolsheshigakovskaya volost, there were 109 households (618 people lived). And back in 1899, a church was built here in the name of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

Alexander Tamilin

01/09/2005 | Visitors: 24348

Here is another raid of the Earth around the Sun is preparing to become history. We didn’t have time to say in March: “Spring. Hurry up New Year! ”, as, looking at the disappearing autumn, it became clear that this very New Year was just around the corner. Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, go, they are already wearing with might and main, carrying, packing and wrapping. What is left for us? And all that remains for us is to prepare the sleigh in the summer, sum up the results and look ahead. Slowly waving a pen to the Monkey, with whom we will meet again in some 11 years.

The symbol of the next year, 2005, is a much less exotic inhabitant of our latitudes than its predecessor. Less exotic, but no less interesting and colorful. Who is he - Rooster?

Since each of us has seen this bird at least once in our lives, I will only note that this is a two-legged male chicken with a bright red crest and a multi-colored tail, which, like everything living (and inanimate) on this planet, has a Latin name - Gallus.

Since ancient times, the Rooster has not been deprived of the attention of people and has been a symbol of mostly good, bright and joyful. For example, among the ancient Greeks, who for some reason called him an electruon, the Rooster heralded the light, and also symbolized the eternal rebirth of life. At the same time, however, he worked for full time at Persephone, who most spent time in the kingdom of the dead.

The ancient Romans went further. They not only stopped lowering the Rooster to the other world, but also assigned him the status of a vigilant and all-seeing "sacred cow", which was forbidden to be used as a banal food. Violators of this law after punishment, apparently, ended up where they no longer needed food. True, the use of the Rooster was still found to be somewhat consumer - it was used in fortune-telling and in weather predictions. However, from the height of millennia it is easy to criticize people who did not have either the Hydrometeorological Center or the Department of Statistics ...

IN Ancient China our Cockerel went on a promotion, was not noticed in fortune-telling on coffee grounds, but instead accompanied not something, but the Sun itself on its thorny path according to the fifth and tenth houses of the Chinese zodiac. In addition, among the Chinese, the Rooster personified courage, dignity, loyalty and benevolence. Although the latter did not prevent him from becoming a symbol of the war and October. Here is the logic for you! Yes, and about the sacredness, options are possible, because if, according to the law, you cannot be eaten, this does not mean at all that you cannot be sacrificed. It seems that not all roosters lived to gray years, leaving a four-digit number of descendants. Well, God be with them, the Chinese. Let's take a look at the Japanese.

IN ancient japan The rooster not only called the faithful to prayer, but one day, as they say, called the sun goddess Amaterasu from the cave where she hid her light. It was the Rooster who did not allow the indicated higher being to succumb to narrow corporate (or personal) interests and, with his singing, helped her to take the right path. For which he received free movement on Shinto shrines, and also avoided getting into the consumer basket. And not at all because of the glaring discrepancy between the ancient Japanese minimum wage and the ancient Japanese subsistence minimum.

The Rooster was also sent to the defense by the ancient Jews, who entrusted him with the position of the third guard of the night, who kept the border locked every day of God from midnight to dawn. It is difficult to say what and how the Rooster did if the adversary began to brazenly and shamelessly show aggression precisely at that time, but complaints about the quality of his service have not reached our days.

Drawing a line under the pre-Christian period, we can summarize that in those distant times the Rooster did not just crow, decorated various religious ceremonies (including sacrifices!) And was a constant companion of all kinds of solar deities. The only exceptions here were the Scandinavians and the Celts, in whom our crested and loud-mouthed hero was found exclusively with underground, or rather, afterlife, gods.

Well, in our own way, the ancient Slavs solved the problem. Our immediate ancestors considered the Rooster the best amulet, but at the same time did not hesitate to use it (including in parts) for such global purposes as fighting the evil eye in adults and insomnia in children. In addition, I'm afraid, the Rooster was very much included in the diet of the ancient Slavs. This is how we acted with our talismans back in those ancient times when mentalities were formed!

The advent of Christianity, if it did not breathe new life into the image of the Rooster, then certainly refreshed the old one.

With the end of our era and, accordingly, the beginning of our era, the Rooster finally and irrevocably became a symbol of light, which welcomes the sunrise in the east and at the same time stampedes the forces of darkness and evil. In addition, it symbolized the resurrection and coming of Christ, and was also associated with the Apostle Paul, meaning human weakness and repentance.

St. George completely turned the Rooster into an allegory of the good shepherd, since he “beats his loins with his wings (repents), which raises his voice.” In The Denial of Peter, scenes from which were often depicted on early Christian coffins, the crow of the Rooster three times was a warning against arrogance.

Somehow, the division of the red-crested brethren by color appeared imperceptibly: if the colored Rooster had good success in the field of fighting evil spirit, then his black counterpart just represented this force. However, this unfortunate fact did not particularly affect the overall image of the proud bird.

The main activity of the Rooster was the triple morning singing (singing?! screaming!), Which not only, as mentioned above, dispersed a dense party consisting of Baba Yaga, HellRaisers and other Kuzey brownies, but also performed the combined functions of an alarm clock and alarm. Moreover, Rooster in this market segment was an absolute and complete monopolist. Fortunately, in the Middle Ages, there were not only alarm clocks, but also antitrust laws.

The exploits of the rooster in the field of expelling the undead have been repeatedly sung in folklore and in fiction. In order not to go far, you can take Gogol or Bulgakov, in famous works whom the Rooster saved more than one living soul. And it’s not in vain that the image of this bird as a guardian from devilish forces placed on the roofs of houses, weathervanes, chests. It is even surprising that this universal soldier with such a list of duties and merits did not receive government awards. The world is still unfair!

By the way, the cock's cry, judging by the legends, helped in the construction. For example, a legend recorded by Ivan Franko tells how seven brothers-princes before their death wanted to build a church in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. However, no matter how much it was built during the day, at night the masonry fell into the ground. Then the elder brother ordered to build a golden (!!, and if it didn’t help?!) ball, in which they placed a live rooster. When the ball was attached to the top of the tower, "the rooster crowed and she herself ascended from the ground right up to the sky." Here is such, as Baron Munchausen used to say, true story. Can our builders adopt?

In fairness, it should be noted that in the Middle Ages some less beautiful qualities "stuck" to the Rooster. Let's say, in some places in Europe, he was a symbol of lust and pugnacity, and our relatives folk tales glued to the Rooster a label of a boastful and not distinguished by the mind and quick wits of a bird. It's probably all jealousy. How many can boast that they were the emblem of France and with one of their voices dispersed the night “guests” to their “houses”? Many have become synonymous with dawn and rebirth? Or maybe someone has been waking us all up every morning since time immemorial? Or someone wants to take this post? That's it! The planet must know its heroes! Know and appreciate.

Now that, I hope, everyone has realized the responsibility and importance of the moment, it remains only to express confidence that an interesting, calm and cheerful year awaits us. We are waiting for you, Green Rooster!

When you walk in Lisbon through souvenir shops, pay attention to the many multi-colored roosters, very reminiscent of our Russian cockerels in coloring. This is one of the symbols of Portugal. Rooster Barcelos is not simple, but fried, so it is always black. And he's also fair. The old legend explains everything. Here she is.

Once upon a time, in the Middle Ages, pilgrims went to Santiago de Compostela and stopped for the night in a small town Barcelos in the north of Portugal. But then it was not just a town, but the capital of the first county of independent Portugal (1298) and the residence of the founder of the ducal dynasty Braganca - future kings Portugal (since 1640). Among the pilgrims was a certain young Galician , which the innkeeper liked very much, and she harassed him in every possible way. But the pilgrim stood his ground and refused the woman. The angry hostess decided to take revenge on the young man and threw her silverware to him, and in the morning she raised a cry: "They stole it, they stole it!". They began to check all the guests, and in a modest sum Galician missing was discovered. The youth was captured and the local judge sentenced him to death penalty(such harsh laws were in Barcelos while). Before the execution, the pilgrim asked for an audience with the man who sentenced him to death. last request prisoner respected. Galician was taken to the house of the servant of Themis, where at that moment a friendly feast was going on. Here the wanderer again insisted on his complete innocence. When he finally understood what to convince judge impossible, he pointed to a dish with a roasted rooster, and exclaimed in despair: "I am so innocent that when they hang me, this rooster will crow!" The judge dismissively pushed the dish with the bird aside and, as if nothing had happened, continued the meal. But, when the hour of execution came, the roasted rooster suddenly came to life and crowed. The shocked judge jumped up from the table and ran to the place of execution. There he saw that the executioner had tied the knot around the condemned man's neck badly and that the prisoner was still alive. The unfortunate man was immediately released from the noose and released in peace.
From here, by the way, the proverb went: “Until the roasted rooster pecks.”;)
A few years later the pilgrim returned to
Barcelos , where he installed a memorial cross dedicated to the Virgin Mary and St. Jacob. So Galician thanked his heavenly patrons for the "Miracle of Salvation" shown to him. His offering to the Holy Protectors is the "Cross of the Hero of the Rooster Legend" (Cruzeiro do Senhor do Galo ) - stored among the ruins of the Palace of the Counts Barcelos (Paco dos Condes de Barcelos).
A Rooster from Barcelos did not end his mortal existence at all on the table at judges . He was reborn. In the 1930s, a potter from a village near Barcelos named Dumingu For the sake of fun, I fashioned a rooster out of clay for the sake of the cat - in memory of that very fried screamer. The figurine turned out so-so, but brightly colored, it acquired a certain charm. Fellow villagers wanted to have the same cockerels, then residents of neighboring cities. And it ended with the fact that the painted rooster became a symbol of Portugal.

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