Presentation on the topic we are children of different nations. We are children of different nations, we are one people


Purpose: To form in children the concept of friendship between people different nationalities.



  • introduce children to different peoples inhabiting the planet;
  • get to know the elements different culture these peoples;
  • build tolerance (tolerance) in relation to people of other nationalities;
  • to consolidate the conceptual apparatus: people, country, friendship, etc.

Educational: to teach children to see, understand, evaluate the feelings and actions of others;

  • to cultivate respect for the customs and culture of other peoples inhabiting our planet;
  • develop the need to communicate with peers.

Developing: enrich feelings, as well as ideas about the world; develop game communication skills; enrich the vocabulary by reinforcing new words.


Preliminary work:

Lesson progress

Introductory part.

To the song "Solar Circle" children gather around the teacher.

The game "Solar Circle" . (slide)

Guys, Earth common Home for many people who live in different countries and on different continents. People have a lot in common and of course people differ from each other in many ways.

What do the people of the whole planet have in common?

Children's answers: Body structure (legs, arms, head)-all people can speak

How else do people differ from each other?

Children's answers: They speak different languages, differ in skin color (there are dark-skinned and light-skinned, there are people with a narrow slit of eyes, and there are people with a wide one, big and small, young and old.

Educator: Look at the map - how much different peoples lives on our planet! (Slide Map of the World) Let's go on a journey around the globe in search of new friends. The journey will be extraordinary. Close your eyes for a moment and don't peek. Now there will be a small transformation.

The sounds of the airport, planes taking off.

On the projector screen is a slide of an airplane flying around the Earth.

The teacher puts on a cap and a stewardess' scarf.

Teacher: Now you can open your eyes. Well, guys. Now you are not just children, but passengers of our airliner, departing along the route "Russia-Africa-transit" .

On the slide is the cabin of the airliner.

Educator: Dear passengers, please take your seats in the cabin and fasten your seat belts. Children take their places "Aircraft cabin" (sit on chairs). Our plane took off. The temperature outside the plane is -25 degrees. We are flying over the Atlantic Ocean and will be there very soon. (on the slide is the Atlantic Ocean).

Once again, the roar of engines sounds and the stewardess announces: our flight is over and we are with you in Africa (slide).

Look, guys, we are met here by African children! (Slide)

Guys, these children look different from us. With what? we will find out with you now.

The game is being played "Find the difference" . Children take turns calling distinctive features children of a different race. (dark skin, short and curly black hair, full lips, strong white teeth).

Guys, all people living on the African continent are called NEGROIDs or NEGROID race. They are also called blacks.

Guys, despite the differences in appearance, Negroid children, just like you love to play, they know how to make friends. They do not differ from you in anything other than appearance. However, the peoples of Africa have their own traditions and customs: they like to wear various masks and dance intricate dances. (Slide)

The people in Africa are not rich, but kind, helpful and hospitable. People live in modest houses, eat simple food. (slide at home).

So how did you guys like Africa? (children's answers). Let's be friends with the black guys? Yes!

But we have to go to the airport again. Children go to their seats.

The sound of an airplane taking off is heard again.

Educator: it's time for us to go on a further journey around the globe. We take places. Let's go.

Where did we land? (children's guesses). Guys! Yes. We really ended up in Japan! (slide) What are the people of Japan called? (children's answers). That's right, the Japanese.

Look, we are met by Japanese children. (Slide).

Guys let's play the game again "Find differences" . A game is played, and the children name the distinctive features of the children of the Mongoloid race.

Teacher: That's right guys. And these children are different from you in appearance. People with this type of face and skin color are called Mongoloids or the Mongoloid race. What is the shape of the eyes of such people? what color is the skin? (children's answers).

In Japan, beautiful mountains and unusual multi-tiered temples, houses (slide show: Buddhist temple, house). One of the symbols of Japan is the beautiful pink tree - Sakura. (slide).

Another important symbol of Japan is the Japanese lantern, which adorns all Japanese holidays. (slide).

Would you like to have your own Japanese flashlight? why? (children's answers).

Now we will try to make such lanterns and then present them to our African and Japanese friends. (on slide step-by-step instruction making lanterns).

Educator: Guys, what good fellows you are! So many lanterns made! Now many of your friends from different continents will receive your gifts, which we will send them by mail already from Russia.

Educator: well, guys, it's time for us to return to Russia ... take a seat in the cabin of our airliner (airplane noise). Well, here we are flying home ... you can close your eyes and remember how the oceans washing Africa and Japan are noisy (sounds of the ocean 30-40 seconds), (slide ocean).

Guys, let's see who meets us in Russia? (children's answers).

On the slide is a photo of Russian children.

Educator: Yes, they are Russian (Russians) children. They are also very friendly, they love to play, dance, they can sing and draw. But Russian children, after all, also differ from Negro and Japanese children ... In what way? (light hair, light eyes and skin). People with such outward signs are called Caucasians or the European race. Repeat.

Guys, you are all Russians... do you know any symbols of Russia? (on the slide Russian nesting dolls, accordion, balalaika).

In what houses do Russians live? (children's answers).

Educator: Of course, Russian people live in different houses, from different material: wood, concrete, brick and others. (on the slide various houses).

Guys, what national dances you know? Lady (dance), Beryozka (round dance), Kalinka. (slide of Russian dances and round dance).

Educator: well, guys, you already know national characteristics not only of their own people, but also of the Japanese and Africans. Repeat, please, the main ones. (children list briefly). We also know now that people come in 3 races. What? How do we define race? (children's answers). (for a hint, we show a slide with three types of eyes, hands, etc.).

So, guys, there are many people and nationalities, but all people want to live in peace, enjoy life and be friends with each other.

I would like to end with the words of Yana Dubenskaya:


Together they live on a huge planet
Different adults, different children.
Appearance different and skin color,
But, of course, we are somewhat similar!

We all want to be happy
Open new stars in the sky
Years will pass and we will grow up
Taller, wiser in life,

And the whole world will change around
But a devoted friend will remain nearby!

"The composition of the population of Russia" - Language - hallmark ethnos. Ethnic composition. Russia is a multinational country. 1. The most numerous language family in Russia: -Altai -Indo-European -North Caucasian -Ural 2. The most numerous people in Russia: -Chuvash -Russian -Tatars 3.People professing Orthodoxy: -Tatars -Ossetians -Yakuts -Komi.

"Population Census" - *The result is presented in % of the number of people who took part in the 2010 All-Russian Population Census. 3.57% of respondents did not give an exact answer to the question about their participation in the population census. The result is presented as % of the number of people familiar with the preliminary census results. *The result is presented as a percentage of those who did not take part in the 2010 All-Russian Population Census.

"Multinational people" - A. To elect. Z. Protect the Fatherland. What does the word "citizen" mean? Multinational culture. Recall from what you have learned. K. Deal with statements and complaints. Lesson plan. Faith. Stages of formation Russian people. Culture. B. Respect the Constitution. We are children of different peoples, we are one people. What is the name of the main law of our country?

"Peoples of Russia" - In the North Caucasus. Occurs during contacts of ethnically diverse groups of the population, mixed marriages. Territories of the European North, Northwest to central regions Russia. by the most numerous people in Russia are Russians. Originally Russian regions of the country. Separate areas in the East. North Caucasus.

"Russia and its people" - Russia is one of the most multinational states peace. Object of study. Conclusions: The peoples inhabiting Russia. Russia is for russians? Plan of work on the project: Homeland is where you feel free. There are several hypotheses about the origin and ethnic background Russ:

"Gypsies" - Gypsy cuisine. At present, there is a tendency in the diet of gypsies to expand the diet. Food was served in a shared bowl. Hence the kitchen was simplified, designed for cooking over a fire. traditional clothing consists of the following parts: Shoulder shawl. In Russia, there were no laws for the expulsion of gypsies.

In total there are 5 presentations in the topic

It is not surprising that people of many nationalities live in Russia. K The Constitution of the Russian Federation begins with the words: “We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation…” A And this means that we are people of different nationalities, and the people are one – the Russians. The peoples of Russia national costumes Russian Tatars Aleuts Bashkirs Circassians Chukchi Ukrainians Belarusians

To “people” “nation” Each of the words “people” and “nation” is used in 2 meanings. C Firstly, these are groups of people living in the same territory, united by economic ties, differing from others in their language and culture. A And secondly, they are all citizens of the same country.

We are the children of different peoples, we are one people And Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Tatars, Karelians, Jews, Armenians and many, many other peoples have long lived on the territory of Russia together with Russians. P Based on the 2010 population census results in our The country is inhabited by representatives of about 200 numerous and small nationalities and peoples.

3 Over the long centuries, the territory of Russia has expanded and a multinational family of peoples has grown. But the Russian people still today form the basis of Russia, its very soul. O Special meaning Great Russian culture – language, science, literature, music, painting, architecture – plays a role in uniting the peoples of our country.

Multinational culture of Russia D Even the most small people has its own culture. In Together with Russian culture, the national cultures of the peoples of Russia constitute the inexhaustible spiritual wealth of our Motherland. We have common motherland, common land, common destiny.

What is nationality P nationality A person's belonging to a particular nation is called nationality. People of the same nationality usually have mutual language, culture. And most importantly, people of the same nationality are aware of their unity. H Nationality is determined by the person himself, his parents. H Nationality is neither a merit, nor a virtue, nor a disadvantage.

P Solve the problem: N The peoples of Russia are united by: 1. Culture 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________ 4. ________________________________ o W o What do the words: people, nation, nationality mean? Let's repeat the main language, the historical fate of the land, Motherland

§ §14, ss, 3 Assignments in workbook: 1-3, 7, ss P Prepare for retelling folk tale any people of Russia, except their own. Find out about this people and tell your classmates. Homework:

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