Legend and tradition of difference. Traditions and legends


Of the 39 city social pharmacies that serve beneficiaries, they disappeared again test strips and syringes for patients diabetes . "NV" constantly writes about the ugly supply of sick people with free medicines. Alas, this is not news for St. Petersburg. True, now the situation is not the same as usual: there are test strips for federal beneficiaries, but not for regional ones. How it happened and in general, why sick people were divided into two categories, the NV correspondent found out.

Another flurry of calls hit the editorial office of NV. People who receive discounted prescription drugs cannot find test strips and syringes in pharmacies.

Every two months I get prescriptions from a doctor for free test strips and syringes, - complains diabetic Grigory Mikhailov. - There have been no syringes since the beginning of the year, but I'm already used to it and I buy them myself for 600 rubles 100 pieces. At the very least, I received test strips earlier, and a couple of days ago they killed me in the benefits department, saying that they are, but only for federal benefit recipients, and, as it turned out, I am regional! Where does this division come from?

It turns out that when the 122nd law was adopted, all citizens entitled to benefits were divided. And they indicated who provides the federals with what kind of medicines, and who provides the locals with the regionals.

So, the federal benefits include:

disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War, veterans of military operations, persons awarded the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad", members of the families of war invalids, disabled people. Medications and medical products they can receive at the expense of the federal budget. The state spends as much as 870 rubles a month on one federal beneficiary.

Now about regional beneficiaries.

These include people who suffer from certain diseases but do not have a degree of disability. These beneficiaries are entitled to free prescription drugs at the expense of the city. How much the city is ready to spend on a regional beneficiary is unknown. In the committee for social policy we were only told that this amount is an order of magnitude less than the federal one.

The size of subventions of the city budget depends on the number of regional beneficiaries and the volume of their provision with medicines and medical products, - such a vague answer was given in the department.

Another thing is more interesting: as it turned out, it is more profitable to be a federal beneficiary than a regional one. The feds have more benefits (if, of course, they are fulfilled). For example, a social package, which, in addition to free medicines, includes spa treatment and travel to and from the place of rest.

Now about the main thing. Since there are no medicines in pharmacies today, federal beneficiaries refuse the social package and take it in cash (750 rubles a month - this is provided for by law). According to the St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, 63 percent of federal beneficiaries, or 360,000 (!) people, refused the social package.

Federal beneficiaries really refuse medicines, since they are not available in pharmacies, - the pharmacist-pharmacist of one of the beneficiary pharmacies commented on the situation, - therefore, there are fewer people with prescriptions, and drugs in pharmacies for the federals, respectively, appear more and more often, as demand falls. The situation with regional beneficiaries does not change - their number is the same (since it is unprofitable for them to refuse medicines - compensation is not provided for by law), but there are still not enough medicines.

The local authorities, they say in the health committee, gave money to the regionals for their part of the medicines. But at the beginning of the year, there was a shortage of discounted test strips for diabetics, drugs for patients with cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, asthma ... These interruptions continue to this day. The Health Committee has explanations for everything: either a change in supplier, or a sudden collapse of the information base, or protracted auctions to select suppliers of subsidized medicines... This department is so accustomed to problems with subsidized medicines that they are no longer surprised by anything. And they have been trying to reassure the beneficiaries for six months already, and with the same words.

- test strips for the sick diabetes and syringes will arrive in the near future, all documents have been signed, medicines are at the Central Pharmaceutical Base, - says Evgenia Semenova, an official representative of the city committee of health.

Sofia Prokosheva, deputy editor of the NV city information department.

Photo by Evgeny Luchinsky

Currently, approximately 26 percent of Russians are entitled to some kind of benefits and compensation. However, practice shows that a lot of citizens do not know exactly what preferences are granted to them by law, and meanwhile, knowledge would allow them to significantly save money.

However, in reality, this kind of assistance is of two types:

  • provided to specific social categories;
  • subsidies for low-income families.

Meanwhile, in Russia there are federal and regional benefits.

What is the difference between regional and federal registers of beneficiaries

The only difference here is funding. That is, if the existing register of beneficiaries is provided at the expense of the state budget, then it is federal, but when money is attracted from the treasury of the subject, then we are talking about regional.

In particular, federal benefits are listed in regulations published by the top leadership of the country. They, in fact, are closed for editing, and changes are made there only by order of the center.

At the same time, the privileges granted at the regional level are established by the authorities of the subjects of the federation without the obligatory coordination with Moscow. Thus, in a situation where certain assistance to a citizen comes directly from the local budget, he is deprived of the opportunity to receive benefits of a similar order at the expense of the federal treasury.

The legislation indicates that if this or that support is in both lists, then the citizen will need to decide which funding to prefer.

Federal Benefits

  • persons with the title of Hero of the Russian Federation or the Soviet Union;
  • awarded with all degrees of the Order of Glory (or Labor Glory);
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
  • participants in the war;
  • war veterans.

In the event that a citizen who had one of the above statuses dies, his privileges are allowed to be used by disabled next of kin.

Among other benefits are also provided to citizens of Russia:

  • living in besieged Leningrad;
  • prisoners of Nazi concentration camps;
  • Chernobyl victims;
  • victims of an accident that occurred in 1957 at the Mayak production association;
  • those who got sick as a result of exposure to radiation at the Semipalatinsk test site;
  • belonging to the families of those who died in the line of military duty.

The federal list also includes disabled people, including children and families where they are brought up. It should be emphasized that the provision of benefits to the above categories of citizens does not depend on living conditions and certain norms for the consumption of gas, electricity, water, etc.

In addition, they can also free of charge:

  • receive certain medicines from a government-approved list;
  • ride in public transport;
  • take tickets for travel to any point in the Russian Federation, etc.

At the same time, the level of assistance to the disabled directly depends on how many people live with them. Thus, for single citizens classified in this category, the state fully compensates for both rent and communal expenses. In a situation where a disabled person lives with relatives, the amount of contributions is divided among all members of his family, and compensation is issued only in the form of one share, attributable specifically to the beneficiary.

In general, citizens of the categories listed in the federal list, without exception, can all count on receiving compensation in the amount of at least 50 percent of general expenses on public utilities. At the same time, such assistance is issued only for one apartment. In particular, persons with a second disability group are given the opportunity to receive a discount on housing and communal services for only one dwelling.

If you are entitled to a benefit for several reasons at once, it will be provided only for one of them. These are the requirements of Russian legislation.

Regional beneficiaries

  • labor veterans;
  • minor orphans;
  • children deprived of parental care;
  • large families;
  • persons with the title of honorary donor;
  • employees in the education system;
  • medical workers;

Moreover, in relation to the last two groups, benefits are provided only if they live and work in the countryside.

In addition to all of the above, certain benefits at the subject level are often provided by:

  • single citizens whose age has exceeded 80 years;
  • children under 18 months.

The list can be significantly expanded, but only after the relevant decision of the local authorities. They also determine the amount of compensation paid to each group of beneficiaries.

Social support in the regions is provided in various forms:

  • free firewood for heating the house;
  • discounts on utilities;
  • monetary compensation for certain expenses.

Who is eligible for subsidies for utility bills?

This right is acquired by those Russians who are forced to spend at least 22 percent of their total family income on a communal apartment. At the same time, regional authorities can reduce this figure at their discretion.

For example, for residents of Moscow, a subsidy is assigned if from the total earnings of all family members you have to give from 11 percent to pay utility bills. That is, when the income is, for example, 40 thousand, then you cannot pay more than 4.4 for an apartment. Otherwise, you must contact the social protection authorities at the place of residence with a corresponding request.

At the same time, fixed cash payments are practiced in Chelyabinsk, the amounts of which depend on belonging to one category or another. For example, a labor veteran in this city receives compensation in the amount of up to 1,027 rubles every month.

Other nuances

It is worth knowing that all socially vulnerable categories from the federal list only need to confirm their status once. They are required to provide proof that they are entitled to the requested privileges.

At the same time, most regional beneficiaries will need to find out at their place of residence what documents they need to collect in order to receive preferences. The thing is that in different subjects the rules are different.

If, for example, the reason for receiving benefits was low income, then the right to it will have to be confirmed in court. In this case, the procedure will need to be carried out annually. Among other things, you will also need to present:

  • certificate of income of each person living in the apartment;
  • extracts from the house book.

Documents for registration of benefits for housing and communal services

If we are talking about obtaining a subsidy, then the following documents will be required:

  • blueprints of passports of all people living in the apartment;
  • papers confirming the right to housing;
  • certificate from the inventory bureau;
  • marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc.
  • certificate of absence of debts for housing and communal services;
  • a document of form 2-NDFL for each person receiving income.

Who are federal beneficiaries?

These are disabled people of groups I, II, III, disabled children, participants and invalids of the war, combat veterans, family members of dead military personnel, citizens affected by radiation and man-made disasters. The main category of federal beneficiaries is disabled people of groups I, II, III.

Why are these categories of citizens called federal beneficiaries and how do they differ from regional beneficiaries?

They are called "federal" because the funds for the provision of state measures social support for them come directly from the federal budget.

Benefits for certain categories, such as labor veterans, rehabilitated, home front workers and some others, are financed from the local regional budget, therefore such beneficiaries are called "regional".

So the difference is in the source of funding.

This division took place in 2005, when the powers for social support measures were distributed between the federation and the subjects.

The monthly cash payment is the result of the so-called benefit monetization. Why is the Pension Fund doing this, because these benefits have nothing to do with pensions?

Indeed, the monthly cash payment that is made to federal beneficiaries is the result of the so-called monetization that has been carried out since 2005.

The Pension Fund in this process is defined by the Government of the Russian Federation as a body authorized to keep records of citizens who are entitled to measures of state social support at the expense of the federal budget. He appoints monthly cash payments and organizes their delivery to the recipient along with the pension. The provision of in-kind benefits, for which this format is possible at the beneficiary's choice (medication provision, sanatorium treatment and travel to the place of treatment), is carried out by other authorized bodies: health care, the social insurance fund.

What kind of benefits were monetized for federal beneficiaries?

Cash compensation replaced all the benefits that were previously provided in kind. Take, for example, the disabled. Until 2005, they could travel in public transport for free, receive a 50% discount when paying for a telephone, install dentures or go to a sanatorium for free, in order of priority, etc. So, from January 1, 2005, all these benefits were replaced by a monthly a cash payment, having received which the beneficiary must independently pay for the services.

But here it is important to note that some of the benefits are irrevocably replaced by monetary compensation, that is, the beneficiary cannot choose whether to receive these services in kind or in cash. These include, in particular, benefits for paying for a telephone, a collective antenna, travel in public urban transport and dental prosthetics. And part of the benefits at the choice of the recipient can be provided either in kind or in cash. This is the so-called set of social services (NSI), which includes drug provision, sanatorium treatment, travel by suburban railway transport, as well as travel to and from the place of treatment. Moreover, it is for these benefits that the legislator has determined monetary equivalent. Why? So that in the case when a citizen refuses to receive these benefits in kind, to know how much to compensate him in money.

It turns out that it is impossible to get benefits in kind for dental prosthetics, paying for a telephone, an antenna, and for traveling in public transport?

No, these benefits are monetized, and their replacement with a natural form is not provided for by law.

How much in the monthly cash payment is for travel in public transport?

Only now it is impossible to give a direct and unambiguous answer to it, since the legislation does not define the monetary equivalent of those benefits that are unambiguously replaced by a cash payment. As I said, the money equivalent is established by law only for those benefits that can be provided either in kind or in cash. But for those that are only money, the legislator does not decipher.

But, knowing what benefits are monetized, it is possible to approximately (conditionally, approximately) distribute this amount.

For example, let's take a disabled person of group II. For this category, the monthly cash payment from February 1, 2018 is provided in the amount of 2701.67 rubles, it is distributed as follows:

The table shows that four benefits (uniquely replaced by money) account for 1580.26 rubles. If we subtract from this amount the cost of benefits by telephone and antenna (50% telephone, maximum 206 rubles, this is if the tariff is unlimited for 516 rubles, the antenna is about 100 rubles), 1172.09 rubles remain. (1478.09 - 206 - 100) for travel and dental prosthetics. Dental prosthetics is difficult to calculate and deduct, the service, of course, is expensive, but it is not used every month or even every year.

Here is an approximate (conditional) calculation.

It turns out that those citizens who are federal beneficiaries have been receiving monetary compensation for travel in public transport since 2005, while this monetization was carried out for regional beneficiaries only in November 2015?

It turns out that way. The public transport fare benefit for federal beneficiaries has been monetized and is provided as a monthly cash payment.

Can a person receive benefits both federal and regional?

It is impossible at the same time. If a citizen is entitled to benefits for several reasons, for example, as a disabled person and as a labor veteran, then, at his choice, benefits are provided only on one basis, which is more profitable for a person.

A citizen cannot take part of the benefits as a disabled person, and part as a labor veteran, he chooses a category and uses the whole range of measures provided for this category.

Why is it possible to apply for a change in the form of receiving a set of social services only once a year until October 1, and why this decision will be implemented only from next year?

The monthly cash payment, including a set of social services, is financed from the federal budget. Work on its formation for the next financial year begins by October 1. Data on federal beneficiaries, on those who chose the in-kind form, or, conversely, refused it, are needed by the Government of the Russian Federation in order to correctly allocate funds to the budget. That is why the choice is made before October 1, and begins to operate only from next year, after the federal budget has been approved and funds have been allocated to the relevant departments.

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The state provides social assistance to citizens belonging to one or another category of federal beneficiaries, directly regulated by the norms of legislative acts. Benefits are the most common method at all levels. Not everyone enjoys the right to receive, due to personal legal ignorance.

The legal basis for the separation of persons requiring state social support in the form of benefits is a number of government laws governing the main provisions and important aspects legal relations in this area.

Federal benefits are financed from the government treasury. steward Money the Pension Fund became from the budget of the Russian Federation, taking care of its citizens who are on the following list:

  1. Veterans of military operations (without restrictions in time and territoriality of the war).
  2. Family members of a war veteran who has died.
  3. Persons who took part in the liquidation of the emergency at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, suffered the consequences.
  4. Persons who endured bullying by supporters of fascism.
  5. People who received distinctive signs, orders for special, including labor, services to the Motherland.
  6. Former military, who were in the rear, contributed to the increase in the combat strength of the Soviet army.
  7. Children with an appropriate disability group.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and residents of besieged Leningrad

Participants of the Great Patriotic War and residents of besieged Leningrad - federal beneficiaries,
belonging to the same group. Mostly people old age entitled to benefits in:

  • housing industry (there is an opportunity to receive housing for free in compliance with regional norms, standards and features);
  • pension provision (the federal beneficiary has the authority to choose the type of pension and the right to receive material compensation in monetary terms is not excluded);
  • sphere social character These are federal benefits, which include:
  1. Providing a discount (up to 50%) when making payment for the provided housing and communal services.
  2. Installation and connection of a local home connection in the form of a fixed telephone.
  3. Free medical care in health care institutions belonging to the municipal form of ownership.
  4. Dental services subject to certain procedures.
  5. Benefits in formal employment in the process of obtaining a vacation.
  6. Possibility of outlier.
  7. Economic assistance from social workers of specially created institutions.
  8. Accelerated procedure for settling in nursing homes.

It should be noted that depending on the place of residence, regional benefits may imply a number of features in the taxation process.

Disabled people and children with disabilities

We will talk about adult citizens who have 1-3 disability groups received from childhood and the children themselves. Compensation payments are not limited in their regulation by one regulatory legal act. There is a whole system.

The main document for issuing a federal benefit is a conclusion issued by an authorized medical commission specially created for this purpose.

Liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Persons who have received a dose of radiation exposure as a result of the catastrophe-explosion of the reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant have the right to rely on the provision of federal assistance. This:

  1. Financial support given to individuals and their young generation every month for the purpose of purchasing essential goods.
  2. One-time compensation due to radiation exposure.
  3. Payment once a year for harm to health.
  4. When establishing the fact of disability - receiving the amount of money once.
  5. Financial assistance in the amount of up to 50% of the cost of services provided by housing and communal services enterprises.
  6. Improvement of living conditions through the provision of new premises.
  7. Privileges in the field of labor law.
  8. One hundred percent payment by the employer of the sick period.
  9. Advantages when reducing the working staff.
  10. Out of order.
  11. Fixing the level of wages.

Other beneficiaries

The list of privileged categories includes citizens who took an active part in the battlefield not only in 1941-1945, but also in militarized actions in other time periods. Social assistance is provided in the following form:

  1. Housing:
    • provision of housing;
    • extraordinary installation of stationary telephone equipment;
    • a system of privileges when paying for the received services of public utilities.
  2. Medical:
    • no queue for service;
    • free treatment in municipal health resorts, preferential prosthetics procedure.
  3. Compensatory:
    • one-time cash support (CLS);
    • a certain set of social services (NSS);
    • payments in the event of a disability group.

What is the difference between a federal beneficiary and a regional beneficiary?

Different types of preferential categories have a number of similarities and differences. Which of the citizens belongs to them, we will consider in more detail.

A similar feature is the ability of some persons of the state to simultaneously use two types of assistance.

The differences are as follows:

  1. Source of financing.
  2. Design individuality.
  3. Legislative body, the procedure for agreeing and adopting a rule-making document.

Main types of benefits: social, EDV, DEMO

State aid
Social Material
1. Free medical drug treatment.

2. Providing food.

3. Resort recovery.

4. Free travel by municipal public transport.

The cash payment is intended for persons related to actions of a paramilitary nature, services to the Fatherland, the Chernobyl disaster. If there are signs of several categories, the finances are not summed up, the principle of the greatest benefit is applied. The choice of normative regulation is determined by the beneficiary. The size of the social program can reach from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. Additional material is intended for a certain circle of people.
500 Russian rubles 1000 Russian rubles
1. Soldiers of the rear in the 41-45s.

2. Wives of those who died in the Finnish, Japanese, IN wars.

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