What does coworking mean. Coworking - what is it, in simple words


The twenty-first century is clearly a time of great opportunity. Including a high probability of realizing oneself in the profession. Every year the active people there are more and more opportunities to go beyond the usual framework of the “employer-employee” scheme and implement their own ideas for business.

significant impact on employment and modern technologies. The fact that most people have a computer with Internet access gave rise to the development of Internet business, remote work, made programming, advertising and website promotion services in demand, created excellent conditions for working in various areas of freelance.

One of the difficulties that a novice entrepreneur or freelancer may face is organizing a full-fledged workplace for maximum efficiency. What to do if there is no financial opportunity to rent a decent office yet, and organizing a workplace at home is impossible for one reason or another? For such cases, there is coworking. What is it, the pros and cons of such centers as it will help organize the work of a freelancer or a novice businessman - we will consider all this in the article.

general information

Like most concepts that come from of English language, quite accurately reflects the essence of the concept of "coworking" definition. The meaning of the word co-working in literal translation from English is “working together”. In this case, we are talking about a large room equipped with everything necessary for a full-fledged office work, in which a place can be provided on lease to a freelancer or a group of start-up entrepreneurs. You might think, when faced with the concept of "coworking" for the first time, that it is no different from a regular office. However, it is not. The main difference is that people who work in coworking spaces are in no way connected with each other. common work, organization or management.

Renting workplace in a coworking center, a person continues to be an independent “free worker” with a convenient individual schedule, while acquiring all the advantages of working in an office: necessary equipment, comfortable workplace, access to fast Internet, calm working environment, and most importantly - live communication, often impossible in the conditions of work at home.

The history of the idea of ​​"collaboration"

The first coworking center appeared more than ten years ago. The author of the idea to unite best qualities freelance and work in an equipped office was a young American Brad Newberg, a programmer by profession. Initially, he simply offered a group of freelancers low-cost jobs in a rented building. With the development of this direction, with the help of a study of the needs of customers using coworking services, it became possible to optimize working conditions as much as possible. In addition to simply renting a desktop, coworking centers have a lot of additional features.

What services do coworking centers provide?

Among the proposals are the following:

  • The first and main service, of course, is the provision of a workplace with all the necessary office furniture, office equipment and communications. Also included in the rent are consumables: paint and paper for printer and fax, water in the cooler, and more.
  • Receptionist and (or) secretary.
  • Storage area. A small lockable individual wardrobe that allows you to get rid of the daily transportation of necessary things from home to coworking center and back. May be included in the terms of the lease.
  • Conference hall, meeting room. The reason why businessmen of any level are actively renting large premises. In this perspective, coworking - what is it? An indispensable place to work with clients. Seminars, master classes, presentations and other events are held in coworking centers. Also, these premises are often rented by representatives of out-of-town or foreign companies that do not have a representative office in the city.
  • Common areas. Standard set coworking center - a kitchen, a lounge and a so-called loud zone where you can, for example, talk on the phone without causing inconvenience to roommates. Additionally, various coworking centers can have showers, laundry, gym and much more.
  • Children's room. A room in which the child will stay under the supervision of a teacher and animators while mom or dad is working. This service is incredibly in demand, given the large number of freelancers among parents who do not have the opportunity to go to full time because of the need to take care of children.
  • Services of experts and specialists. Lawyers, finance or tax professionals, experts in a particular industry often constantly collaborate with a coworking center. Their services are in most cases provided for a fee. The convenience is that coworking participants do not need to spend time on their own looking for the right specialist.
  • Seminars, master classes, trainings for coworking participants, including free ones.

These services are the most common, they are present in most centers. However, it can be said, by examining the advertising sites of coworking centers, that this is far from a complete list of what is included in the rent. For example: in some centers there are workshops that provide tools and equipment for manual labor, and in Europe “car-sharing” is quite popular, that is, a client can “borrow” his own car for money to other participants of the coworking center while it is working .

Coworking visa

There is an international program that brings together individual centers that provide coworking. What it is? More than two hundred coworking centers around the world are united in the Coworking Visa program. It allows tenants of one participating center to work for free for three days in another. Participation in this program automatically increases the rating of the coworking center. Centers united in Coworking Visa can be found in 36 countries.

Advantages of such a lease

So, we know about coworking, that this is a place where a person pays for the opportunity to work, that is, to use the workplace and everything that is included in the rental price. Why do so many people prefer to rent a workplace, and not sit, for example, at home, at their own desk? The fact is that coworking has a number of advantages:

  • Many participants admit that the business atmosphere increases the efficiency of work, helps to tune in to work. Being at home, it is more difficult not to be distracted by other things, and if a person does not live alone, then it is simply impossible to achieve complete silence and concentration while working.
  • Availability of the necessary equipment. Coworking spaces are fully equipped with comfortable furniture, office equipment that you may need, among other things, the cost of electricity, communications, consumables are already included in the rent and are much more profitable.
  • Communication with other people. It's not just about simple human communication, although that's important. In a coworking environment, it is easier to establish business connections, look for clients or recruit a team, attend seminars and trainings, learn the necessary experience or get advice.
  • Possibility to carry out business meetings with potential partners or clients.

Disadvantages of renting a workplace in a coworking center

The disadvantages of working in such a center are:

  • the cost of renting a workplace;
  • fare;
  • the time it takes to travel.

Coworking centers operating in Moscow

It is quite logical that a considerable number of coworking centers operate in Russian capital. Today in Moscow there are more than 20 centers providing coworking services. According to a study conducted by N&F magazine, the "Best Coworking Centers in Moscow" rating includes:

  • KC VAO, address: Srednyaya Pervomaiskaya street, house 3.
  • KC Les, address: Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 10/7.
  • KC "Good Republic", address: st. Myasnitskaya, house 13.
  • KC "Working Station", address: Leninsky Prospekt, 30A.
  • KC Start NuB, address: Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, 36/12.
  • CC "Club Nagatino", address: Varshavskoe shosse, 28A.
  • CC Flacon Coworking, address: Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, 36, 2.
  • KC To-do-club, address: Bersenevskaya embankment, 6.
  • KC Cabinet Lounge, address: New Square, 7.
  • CC "Fabrika", address: Perevedenovsky per., 18.
  • KC Union Place, address: st. Tverskaya, 12/9.
  • KC TimeOffice, address: pl. Bolshaya Sukharevskaya, 16/18.

Prices in the capital

Permanently operating co-working centers in Moscow are distinguished by rather low prices for renting a workplace compared to office space and service centers. The cost depends on several conditions:

  1. The cheapest thing is to rent a "floating" place. In this case, the client occupies the table that is currently free. A workplace assigned to a person permanently, for the entire rental period, is much more convenient, but the price will also be much higher. The most expensive thing is to rent a separate office for work.
  2. Rental time. It’s not hard to guess: if you pay for coworking right away in a month (which we discussed above), it will turn out to be much more profitable than depositing money every day. Depending on how long and how often the client is going to use the services of the coworking center, you can determine the tariff that will be most beneficial.
  3. Location and list of services provided by the coworking center.

Payment can be made not only per hour, day or month of rent, but even per minute. average price, which will have to be paid per month - 4000-13000 rubles. A minute of rent will cost an average of 2 rubles.

Coworking centers in St. Petersburg

The second Russian city in terms of the number of currently operating co-working centers is the Northern capital. Despite fewer places offering coworking, St. Petersburg was the first city to have a center participating in international program Coworking Visa. There are five permanently functioning centers that provide rental of individual workplaces.

Addresses where coworking centers are located (St. Petersburg):

  • Ligovsky prospect, house 74;
  • Obukhovskoy Oborony Ave., 70;
  • st. Marata, d. 36-38;
  • st. Red cadet, house 25ZH;
  • st. Plutalova, house 23.

Have a productive work!

AT recent times The number of small companies is constantly growing. Often they occupy several rooms in modern office centers. If a team of specialists different profile, have to work in the same room, then a well-thought-out way of organizing their work is required. One of the most popular is coworking.

What is coworking?

Nowadays, many people know thatwhat is coworking(coworker) zone. His translation is coworking. This word means English version organization of labor of people who perform miscellaneous work, in the common area. This plan is characterized by the desire to create harmonious communities of residents.

Notable examples are Philadelphia's Tribe Commons, iHub, Washington's Hera Hub, Paragraph, and La Ruche's Parisian co-working space. The reasons for coworking are economic factors. This approach is applied as a product of knowledge in the field of economics, which is complemented by non-profit initiatives.

Coworking centers

Individual lease of entire buildings is not economically viable. In this regard, coworking is increasingly used to organize the workflow, which is based on the mutual assistance of employees and the constant exchange of knowledge between people of different specialties.

Modern coworking centers- Offices consisting of one to three large rooms. They equip the required number of jobs with a pronounced zoning of space into separate "corners" depending on the specialty of the organization's employees.

coworking space

coworking spaceis a place where every freelancer who wishes has the opportunity to find a permanent location for work, and not just for one month. This area is fully equipped with all the necessary office equipment and all sorts of little things that help make work more efficient. The layout of the premises involves the separation of the working area from the meeting room, a relaxation room with a cafe and special areas for training. It has to work together with specialists from several areas.

Coworking as a business

Now less and less people are asking the question “coworking – what is it?”.Coworking as a business- model, brings a good profit. Coworking centers are not opened for a separate niche activity. With skillful management, one room turns into a source of income for people working in different directions. It is necessary to find the premises and conclude a lease agreement with the owner. Investments Money small ones are required, so sponsorship is not mandatory. The main thing is to assemble a team of professionals who love what they do.

Pros and cons of coworking

O pros and cons of coworkingyou can talk for a long time. Key benefits of this popular workspace approach include:

  • Convenience for receiving clients (the office looks solid);
  • Savings (for freelancers);
  • The co-working center supports the efficiency and productivity of the workflow on high level;
  • For third-party organizers, a coworking zone is an opportunity to gather all employees in one place;
  • Tenant payments are small;
  • A freelancer can work for a couple of months or a year or longer;
  • High business profit;
  • Timely payment for work;
  • Provided accounting services;
  • Legal services;
  • Employees receive useful knowledge at trainings and seminars, the plan of which involves a joint exchange the right information, optimal for the business model;
  • In such offices there is a friend and colleague.

Freeform workspace when the group is absolutely different people performs its work in a certain space, rooms or halls.

What is coworking in simple words?

All these people can work independently of each other, although they are in the same place, or vice versa, they can come together to discuss common project issues and tasks. Coworking only provides a comfortable and equipped space or space necessary for work. In most cases, coworking centers are visited by freelancers and startups, in other words, free and independent individuals.

Only in such a relaxed atmosphere can the whole creative potential person.
It is worth noting that co-working centers were first formed in America in 2005, and in Russia they began to develop only in 2008 in Yekaterinburg. The first co-working center in Russia was called the Tower, but it only lasted a year. The following centers opened only a few years later, but already in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and their activities were enshrined at the level of legislation.

As a rule, coworking areas, equipped with everything you need from furniture to a coffee machine, are rented out for the required period and outwardly resemble an ordinary office with workplaces, meeting rooms and recreation areas.

Pros and cons of coworking

Coworking centers are not permanent place employment, however, allow, if necessary, to obtain the planned income.

After all, a special atmosphere, a sense of freedom bring to work those factors that contribute to greater efficiency, unlike work in the office or at home. This is especially suitable for people with creative professions, designers, artists, poets and musicians, since no one distracts them with everyday issues and various trifles. But here you can also meet people in strict business suits who make appointments and perform important tasks in places that require an informal setting.

After all, in the process of working in coworking zones, it is possible to make new acquaintances, borrow ideas, discuss issues that you doubt, put your ideas for consideration by people from completely different professional fields in order to get an objective assessment.

It is worth noting that coworking areas are often rented by organizations for their employees. This allows all employees to be in a single information space and discuss work issues in a relaxed, free manner.

In addition, such joint work, first of all, is a team-building event, which should be attributed to one of the important components of a successful business. Companies that care about their employees and are interested in their development personal qualities and skills often resort to such forms of organization of the work process.

Of course, it is worth noting the disadvantages of the coworking system. One of these disadvantages is territorial accessibility. Since while coworking is not very common within walking distance, you need to spend time on transport to get to it.

At the same time, the lack of a fixed workplace creates a new environment for work every day, which will not always be familiar and comfortable. You need to be vigilant about your belongings, since coworking is mostly a public place, which distracts from the main activity.

But despite the above disadvantages, coworking areas are in demand.

Coworking as a business structure

The main condition for the development of coworking zones as a business area is the demand of customers for this species services. For the successful development of a business, it is undoubtedly necessary to take into account the needs of customers, focus on their wishes, make changes to the conditions for the provision of services in the presence of claims and complaints, and analyze the services of competitors from this area.

Thanks to this, it is possible to create coworking areas with an ideal working atmosphere, which also provides for the presence of additional functions, such as lounges, meeting rooms, sports complexes, food areas and other vital conditions.

Each workplace corresponds to its price gradation, depending on its equipment and business platform model. When building a business, it is also worth considering socially-oriented services that provide affordable jobs for low-income segments of the population, such as pensioners and students.

For the opportunity to work in these zones, the client can pay both 1,500 and 25,000 rubles, taking into account tariffs for Additional services. Legal and accounting assistance and even a personal assistant can also be provided. Everything depends on the wishes of the client.

Coworking starts with planning

Any organizational project activity starts with business planning and creating coworking spaces is no exception.

It is important to take into account the main aspects of this activity so that the business brings not only income, but also becomes a kind of hobby.

One of the decisive roles is the choice of premises. It should be located in a crowded area, not far from the transport hub, have a convenient layout, business style and best meet the requirements of customers.

To do this, at the initial stage it is possible to rent a room for the provision of coworking services. It is important to consider that the premises must be relatively new and with high-quality repairs. It is also worth paying attention to the colors of the walls. The tone of the room should be neutral and not distract from the main activities of customers.

An important role is played by the equipment of space. Tables, chairs, clothes hangers, cabinets with locks, chargers, partitions. A significant part of the money will be spent only on the initial arrangement of space. How additional functions it is possible to organize recreation areas, meeting rooms, dining rooms, a gym.

The purchase of stationery, paper and office supplies are also included in the expense item.
It is worth paying special attention to fixed costs such as paying rent, electricity, telephone, mobile communications open access, cleaning services, as well as payment wages employees.

Competent planning of expenses and income will allow you to create coworking zones of both budgetary and prestigious types, depending on your wishes.

Possible profit

Undoubtedly, profit depends on many indicators, including the economic situation in the country, but by correctly calculating all expenses and income, you can achieve desired result. Of course, this takes a lot of effort. But this investment will undoubtedly be returned in the near future.

Of course, it is possible to make a big profit by attracting organizations and enterprises by organizing places for their employees in coworking areas. This will increase the volume of services provided and profit accordingly.

It is worth noting that it is quite difficult for one person to organize a coworking center. This requires the efforts of a whole team, including an administrator, sales manager, development manager, designer, marketer, demand researcher and competitive environment analyst. As a rule, it is 5-8 people.

It is also desirable to have personal friends who will help you promote your business at no cost. new business. It is also possible to attract volunteers.

The profit reference point will begin approximately after six months of doing business. Therefore, it is necessary to secure in advance the reserved funds for paying the first expenses, including the payment of wages.

Franchise Coworking

For those who are planning to start developing a service business in coworking areas for the first time and are afraid of possible failures, you can purchase a franchise from official German companies.
This service is now developing dynamically, and the proposed concept and a well-developed development plan will create all the conditions for the development and profitability of your undertaking.

Features and conditions of work on a franchise

The main feature of franchising is the implementation of most of the organizational issues at the expense of the company:

  • providing a working space with the presence of office furniture, office equipment with installed automated systems necessary for work, communications;
  • provision of stationery, paper supplies and other office material;
  • provision of services of an assistant or assistant;
  • providing an organized storage area, a box with a locking device in which it is possible to store personal items, including outside the working day;
  • organization of Halls for conferences, meetings, seminars, master classes, meeting rooms;
  • provision of space foreign organizations who do not have an official representation in the city;
  • organization of public places, kitchen service, lounges and rooms for conversations that are not related to work issues, a personal plan;
  • organization of showers, dry cleaning, gym, drinks and food vending machines, play areas and much more;
  • organization of a children's room with the presence of animators and security, to organize an uninterrupted workflow;
  • organization of legal and legal services, including lawyers, lawyers, accountants, tax agents and specialists in other financial professions;
  • organization of marketing support, including coverage of the coworking area in the media as a well-known brand.

At the same time, partner companies can offer franchise packages in various modifications, both initial and complete. The range of services provided and, accordingly, the cost depends on this.

The experience and knowledge of franchise companies will help novice entrepreneurs to get comfortable in the coworking services market and develop their business under reliable protection.

In contact with

Coworking is a free office space where you can rent a workplace or a meeting room. A significant difference from the office is that people from different companies gather here, independent of each other on work issues.

Modern co-working spaces are equipped with everything you need to work: office furniture, fast internet, office equipment and much more. This format is convenient for freelancers and employees of small companies.

Coworking: the history of the emergence of space

The first free workspace opened in 2005 in San Francisco. Its founders wanted to create something between the working atmosphere of the office and the ease home furnishings. From each of the options they took only pluses: to work in a coworking space means to be immersed in your business, but at the same time not to feel office constraint and constantly expand your circle of acquaintances.

Many people quickly became interested in this format: owners of small startups, musicians, designers and programmers began to live in coworking spaces. For many freelancers, such centers have become a way out - it is not always possible to work productively at home, and very few can afford to rent a separate office.

The first Russian coworking space opened in Yekaterinburg in 2008. Soon such centers appeared in all major cities, and in April 2016, the largest co-working space in the country, Plaza Workstation, opened.

Coworking: types and main characteristics

Conventionally, coworking spaces can be divided into several groups:

  • office coworking

The most common type designed for office work. It has everything you need: fast internet, office equipment and meeting rooms. For a fee, you can use the services of an accountant or a lawyer.

  • production coworking

This is a clearly specialized space, equipped specifically for the manufacture of any product. In Russia, co-working spaces focused on carpentry and furniture are very popular.

  • creative workshop

The place where representatives meet creative professions. Such centers are more a way of organizing leisure than a working area. Here pass creative evenings, master classes, lectures, open readings and other events.

  • street coworking

In terms of direction, it can be any of the formats mentioned above, but with one caveat: the action takes place on the street. Most often, such coworking spaces are used for events.

Coworking as a business: how to organize a coworking area

Coworking is a relatively new, but at the same time quite popular format. The number of startups and freelancers is steadily growing, the demand for the services of such centers is increasing, which means that opening your own workspace is a good idea.

What is the first thing to pay attention to?

  1. Think carefully about who will visit your coworking space. It’s quite difficult to please all potential customers at once, so it’s better to immediately decide what audience you are counting on.
  2. Decide on a place. Coworking must be within walking distance of the metro. The ideal option is the city center: the more convenient it is to get there, the more likely it is that the client will choose you.
  3. Pay attention to the little things. Who are your visitors and what do they want? Think over the interior, the list of services and the necessary equipment.
  4. Get ready for change. On average, it takes about 4 months for a coworking space to reach an operating payback, and about two years to reach a profit. During this time, a lot can change: the direction, programs, and sometimes the audience are sometimes formed already in the course of the work of the space.

Relatively new format work space is getting more and more popular in our country. There are four types of coworking spaces: office, industrial, creative and street. The comfort of such a workplace lies not only in cost-effectiveness, but also in the opportunity to acquire business connections, which is especially important for start-up companies.

What are coworking offices? What is the economic rationale for the project when organizing co-working? What are the features of carpentry coworking?

My name is Denis Kuderin, I am an expert on economic topics and part-time editor of the HeatherBober magazine. I don't go to work in the office. I work at home, in the summer - in the country or in the park.

Sometimes I do business coworking center entitled Lift. Recently, I like it there more and more - close to home, convenient and inexpensive. If you don't know what is coworking and with what it is eaten, then this article is for you.

I'll tell you why more and more people choose to work specially designed space in the form of coworking and how to organize a highly profitable and promising coworking business.

We sit down comfortably and read to the end - in the final you will find an overview of the best office and production centers in the Russian Federation, plus a description of the main risks in organizing such a business.

Statistics show that approximately 2 million Russians prefer traditional office work remote employment. What is not surprising - freelance helps to distribute the workload the way you want it and save personal resources.

But there are some downsides to doing this as well. It’s hard to force yourself to work when you don’t have to get up at the alarm clock and there is no control over you in the form of superiors. Difficulties arise with the organization of the work process and motivation.

Yes and not everyone has the opportunity work calmly and productively at home, surrounded by constant distractions in the form of a working TV, noisy children, or an overly talkative spouse.

Finding a compromise solution will help coworking– a specially organized workspace for the same freelancers, how are you.

For entrepreneurs, organizing a coworking center is a promising way to earn money. By investing in coworking, you are creating a promising business that will be profitable for decades. is becoming an increasingly popular and relevant way of working, and therefore, there should be no difficulties with clients in the next 100 years.

- (from the English "co-working" - joint work) - organization of labor in the common space. Coworking is also called the space for work itself - collective office for freelancers.

Coworking is a California invention.

The first collective office was opened in San Francisco by a programmer Brad Newberg in 2005. The place was called The Hat Factory- it was community for people tired of offices. Then similar establishments multiplied all over the world.

The fashion for coworking reached Russia only a few years ago. There is every reason to believe that a real co-working boom should be expected in major cities of the Russian Federation in the near future. So this is a very promising niche for entrepreneurs who are looking for a fresh, fresh business idea.

The purpose of creating a coworking center is not just to provide everyone in need with a table and a chair for work, but also create a kind community is a community whose members exchange ideas, experiences and spend productive time together.

In co-working spaces, they not only work, but also take a break from righteous labors - of course, without alcohol and other stimulants.


In Novosibirsk, where I live, a few years ago no one even heard of any coworking spaces. Freelancers worked, as usual, at home, in the warm season - in secluded parks and public gardens.

Now there are several coworking spaces in my city at once. "Cloud" in Akademgorodok, Lift– cozy business-class co-working in the business part of the city, Be Happy- creative recreation club, "Secret place", "Like" and more communities different levels and different directions.

Coworking spaces include various "anticafe" and "non-cafe", in which people pay not for food and drinks, but for the time spent in the institution. There are already five of them in my city. I myself have not tried to work in “anti-cafes”, but I know those who do this, and quite successfully.

Coworking center interior

The essence of such institutions is the same - people who are free from office work come there for the purpose of creative work, business and friendly communication, rational organization workflow.

Man is a social being. Not everyone is a lone ranger. Many of them need to communicate with their own kind. In addition, coworking has a chance find new customers and gain experience colleagues in the shop.

As for the economic justification for launching such a business, in each case the calculation will be individual. The more creative ideas an entrepreneur has for their coworking space, the higher the expected return.

The centers earn not only on the rental of workplaces, but also on related serviceslearning, catering and leisure.

Who will be interested:

  • programmers;
  • copywriters and commercial writers;
  • designers;
  • marketers;
  • SEO specialists;
  • remote managers;
  • artists;
  • everyone who is not constrained by the framework of office and workshop work.

The target audience, as you can see, is almost limitless. In some cities, there are even carpentry co-working spaces where people come to work not only with their brains, but also with their hands.

2. What are the types of coworking centers - TOP-4 main types

The key part of the word "coworking" - "work" (work). That is, people come here first of all to work, and only then to communicate, drink coffee and exchange ideas. Workspace turns into an ecosystem where everything is subject main goalcreate ideal conditions for productive work.

coworking center should be useful, comfortable, well equipped, clean and spacious. At the same time, expensive design and an abundance of newfangled technology do not guarantee that it will be convenient and easy to work in this place. Creativity is important and creation.

There are several types of coworking centers - let's look at the main ones.

View 1. Centers for industrial and office activities

The most common type of coworking. In such centers representatives of different professions– designers, copywriters, programmers, translators. It employs people who are not tied to a particular employer, or employees who work remotely.

In such centers, in addition to the main working space, there are rest rooms, conference rooms, rooms for telephone conversations and personal meetings, cafes.

Aspiring entrepreneurs who do not want to spend money on office rent or do not have the means to do so can run their business here (unless, of course, it is the production of seeds or ice cream).

It happens that large companies they rent places in such centers for specialists hired for one-time projects. This is more profitable than organizing jobs for them at the main office of the company.

Office centers are the easiest to organize. At first, the costs are minimal. Here is what the co-owner of one of the Novosibirsk centers told me: “ At first, we only had tables, chairs, internet and a toilet. Everything else we added in the process».

Payment in such offices is hourly , weekly or monthly . I was in a co-working space where it is cheaper to pay a special 10-day rate, then one working day will cost only 300 rubles.

View 2. Creative coworking centers

Gathering here creative personalities- artists, poets, musicians, writers. These centers focus on to communicate with people of interest, although for those who prefer solitary creativity, there is a comfortable corner here.

View 3. Craft centers

dialing growing popularity type of coworking open handmade workshops . Paradise for those who like to do something with their own hands. Such centers have all the necessary equipment, including specific ones, for example, 3D printers.

While a programmer or writer always has the choice of going to a co-working space or working from home, not all furniture or clothing designers can work in their studio. In such situations coworking is the only option do what you love.

And most importantly, here you get advice and guidance from more experienced craftsmen. Sometimes they even organize master classes or lead full-fledged Training courses.

Directions for do-it-yourself coworking- a great many. These are design, sewing, and carpentry workshops. Some centers organize in parallel online shopping in which they sell finished goods their clients.

Among the most sought-after areas - carpentry and furniture. The clients of carpentry co-working spaces are craftsmen who want to set up their own production, but do not yet have the funds to organize a workshop.

Example of carpentry coworking

Public carpentry workshop "Gift of Labor" in Moscow. 830 sq.m of production space. Daily audience - 43 people (on average). One of the first industrial co-workings in the Russian Federation. There is a carpentry, a training center and an order department, where those who wish can order furniture, laser engraving, milling, etc. for themselves.

An example of a craft coworking space is a carpentry workshop

Additional income for owners, in addition to renting a place and equipment, - sale of consumables and tools, consultations and training, a place for a warehouse of finished products.

View 4. Children's coworking centers

Specific type of coworking- something in between private kindergarten and center children's creativity . In the West, such establishments are in the order of things; in Russia, this is still a rare, but very promising line of business.

Children's coworking provides kids healthy eating , educational games, communication, while parents are next to their child and are in contact with other moms and dads. In fact, this is an organization of useful and pleasant leisure activities for children and their parents.

The table clearly shows the pros and cons of "communal offices":

Criteria for evaluation "Per" "Against"
1 Workspace organization Everything you need is always at hand, the centers are equipped with computers, printers, scanners and other modern equipment Some are annoyed by the classic office style, but there are centers with a more informal atmosphere.
2 Communication There is always an opportunity to communicate with colleagues Not all freelancers are ready to contact people
3 Convenience In large cities, you will always find the Center in the immediate vicinity of your home. In cities where there are few coworking centers, it is difficult for some visitors to get to them
4 Safety Some centers have lockers for storing personal items. You have to be careful - from visitors who have gone headlong into work, clever thieves can easily "steal" valuables

3. How you can make money coworking - 4 main sources of income

If you are an aspiring businessman looking for a promising idea, and your city does not yet have a coworking space, hurry up. Otherwise, someone will definitely outrun you. Investments here are minimal, payback is relatively fast, and profitability is unlimited.

Practice shows that with the right business organization, investments pay off in about 8-12 months. If you are the owner of the premises, then this period is reduced by 2 times.

That being said, there are several ways to make a profit through coworking. Use all the options, and your earnings will increase proportionally.

Source 1. Renting a workplace by the clients of the center

The classic way to generate income is to rent places for those who want to work. Each center has its own rates and rental rates. On average this 10-20 thousand per person per month if he visits the center daily. One-time visits will cost visitors more. In some coworking spaces, they charge workers up to 500 rubles. in hour .

Source 2. Leasing the center for corporate events

Rent out your center to those who want to spend corporate events – conferences, trainings, business meetings or meetings. This is not the main, but a profitable source of income, especially in large cities, where it is not always easy to find inexpensive premises for corporate events.

Source 3. Educational direction

Properly organized training programs in some centers account for almost half of the revenue.

In the first season of coworking, it is worth organizing inexpensive pilot training courses on different directions to select the most requested ones. So you "grope" target audience. After that, you can run full-fledged programs with the appropriate cost.

Source 4. Provision of additional services

Open a small cafe in the coworking space. It is much more convenient for visitors to buy coffee and buns here than to run to the nearest buffet. As a last resort, put on the sale of drinks and snacks.

4. How to open a coworking center - a step-by-step guide for aspiring entrepreneurs

AT major city– hundreds of microcultures and business communities. Making a place convenient for everyone will not work. That's why decide right away with a potential audience. Based on the contingent, organize everything else.

Act according to an expert scheme, this will reduce costs and save time.

Step 1. We draw up a business plan

Drawing up a competent plan is an obligatory preparatory stage for any business. Such a document will help calculate and optimize the initial costs, determine what steps you need to take to bring your ideas to life.

It will be difficult to keep 1000 and one trifle in your head - use Google docs and special programs for doing business.

The coworking space business plan includes building a team. It is not possible for one person to play the role of administrator, designer, marketer, consultant and commercial director at the same time.

Step 2. Choose a room

Room selection plays a decisive role in the coworking business. For the purpose of an office center, a space in the business part of the city is suitable.

The main requirements for the premises:

  • convenient location near the metro or major transport interchanges;
  • modern renovation;
  • unified style and business atmosphere;
  • a lot of free space;
  • the presence of a bathroom;
  • fast internet.

Some centers have several floors, but not every entrepreneur can afford such a luxury. For beginners, as a rule, there is only one option - renting an inexpensive commercial space with subsequent design.

Step 3. We purchase equipment

You will need tables, chairs, armchairs, clothes hangers, office partitions to divide space into zones, computers and other office equipment. plus some Appliances and necessary little things.

Step 4. Improving the layout

If the condition of the premises is far from ideal, you can not do without the cost of repairs, decoration and design. Work areas need to be separated from the recreation area. If you are going to earn income from education, you will need additional space.

high ceilings and panoramic windows with inspiring views work in a plus. If the room is easy to breathe and there is a feeling of space customers will want to spend as much time here as possible.

Having your own food outlet will increase income, but it will also require additional costs. Newcomers may not be able to immediately set up a cafe in a coworking center, but keep this perspective in mind.

Step 5. Attract visitors and earn income

7. Conclusion

– organizing a workspace for remote workers and freelancers. Quite a nice, profitable and promising business, if organized correctly.

Question for readers

Do you think coworking will be profitable in small towns, where the majority of the population has not heard of such a service?

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