Basic tones are the first colors that. Tips for Beginners: Primary and Secondary Colors


We have already discussed what "base" colors . This colors that go with everything else, creating relatively calm combinations . For each type, these can be their own colors, you can see them in more detail in the wardrobe for colors chapter in the table of contents.

There are basic colors for the season, according to 6 characteristics: and beyond. Each of the 12 colors also has its own base colors - mostly neutral soft colors and dark colors+ shades of light gray and white. (different shades of the palette can be viewed in the same chapter - analysis of palettes. Here, for example, cold summer)

Mostly, the base colors are
1) achromatic colors (white, black, and all shades of neutral grey)

3) Shades of brown and beige (Taupe Taupe, Taupe, Neutral Beige, Golden Beige, Camel Camel, Nude, Rose Beige, Brown, Coffee, Chocolate, Rose Brown, etc.)

4) dark shades cold part of the spectrum(this does not mean that it is necessary with a cold undertone)- green, blue, purple:
Blue: (navy, jeans color, royal blue)
Dark color sea ​​wave
Green: (evergreen, forest green, dark olive, moss color
dark purple

There are not so few of them. They are usually used in the basic wardrobe - this is the base with which brighter and richer colors will be combined.

However, Just because a color is basic doesn't mean it will suit everyone. . There are basic colors that few people go for - for example, pure white or pure black. Basic colors for each color (See the links at the top of the post for more details.)

Is there "universal" colors ,which can be worn by almost everyone . Of course, they suit some types more, some less, but they don’t spoil anyone. They sometimes match with neutral colors, but not always.

This is first of all off-white And off-black - the color of the white of the eyes, grayish-white and gray-black or wet asphalt color (pewter) And ivory color (ivory ), for most colors these 4 colors are a substitute for white and black.

From gray-brown tones medium gray , neutral beige , gray brown (taupe) And stone (light grayish beige)

Of the brighter and interesting colors This celadon (teal) , dark neutral pink (blush pink ),slightly softened purple without distortions in blue and red, jade (jade).

As you can see, universal colors are similar to the palette of mild seasons, especially mild summers. This is very well explained - mild seasons, especially mild summers, are a mixture of everything - dark and light, warm and cold. Therefore, some of their colors, in principle, are suitable for almost everyone. While other colors of the mild seasons will give gray shadow on the face of other colors, especially bright ones.

So, briefly for reference: initially light, as electromagnetic radiation with a certain wavelength, is white. But when passing it through a prism, it decomposes into the following components of it visible colors (visible spectrum): To red, O range, and yellow, h green, G blue, With blue, f purple ( To every O hotnik and does h nat G de With goes f azan).

Why did I single out visible"? Structural features human eye allow us to distinguish only these colors, leaving ultraviolet and infrared radiation out of our field of vision. The ability of the human eye to perceive color directly depends on the ability of the matter of the world around us to absorb some light waves and reflect others. Why is a red apple red? Because the surface of an apple, having a certain bio-chemical composition, absorbs all waves of the visible spectrum, with the exception of red, which is reflected from the surface and, getting into our eyes in the form of electromagnetic radiation of a certain frequency, is perceived by receptors and is recognized by the brain as red. With a green apple or an orange orange, the situation is similar, as with all the matter that surrounds us.

The receptors of the human eye are most sensitive to the blue, green and red colors of the visible spectrum. Today there are about 150,000 color tones and shades. At the same time, a person can distinguish about 100 shades by color tone, about 500 shades of gray. Naturally, artists, designers, etc. have a wider range of color perception. All colors located in the visible spectrum are called chromatic.

visible spectrum of chromatic colors

Along with this, it is also obvious that in addition to "color" colors, we also recognize "non-color", "black and white" colors. So here are the shades. gray color in the range "white - black" are called achromatic (colorless) due to the absence of a specific color tone (shade of the visible spectrum) in them. The brightest achromatic color is white, the darkest is black.

achromatic colors

Further, for a correct understanding of the terminology and the competent use of theoretical knowledge in practice, it is necessary to find differences in the concepts of "tone" and "shade". So here it is Color tone- a characteristic of a color that determines its position in the spectrum. Blue color is a tone, red is also a tone. A shade- this is a variety of one color, which differs from it both in brightness, lightness and saturation, and in the presence of an additional color that appears against the background of the main one. Light blue and dark blue are shades of blue in terms of saturation, and bluish-green (turquoise) is due to the presence of an additional green color in blue.

What's happened color brightness? This is a color characteristic that directly depends on the degree of illumination of the object and characterizes the density of the light flux directed towards the observer. Simply put, if, under all other conditions being equal, the same object is successively illuminated by light sources of different powers, the light reflected from the object will also be of different powers in proportion to the incoming light. As a result, the same red apple in bright light will look bright red, and in the absence of light we will not see it at all. The peculiarity of the brightness of the color is that when it is reduced, any color tends to black.

And one more thing: under the same lighting conditions, the same color can differ in brightness due to the ability to reflect (or absorb) incoming light. Glossy black will be brighter than matte black precisely because gloss reflects incoming light more, while matte black absorbs more.

Lightness, lightness ... As a characteristic of color - it exists. How precise definition- probably not. According to one source, lightness- the degree of closeness of color to white. According to other sources - the subjective brightness of an area of ​​the image, related to the subjective brightness of the surface, perceived by a person as white. Third sources refer the concepts of color brightness and lightness to synonyms, which is not without logic: if the color tends to black (becomes darker) when the brightness decreases, then when the brightness increases, the color will tend to white (becomes lighter).

In practice, this is what happens. During photo or video shooting, underexposed (not enough light) objects in the frame become a black spot, and overexposed (too much light) - white.

A similar situation applies to the terms "saturation" and "intensity" of color, when some sources say that "color saturation is intensity .... etc. etc." In fact it is absolutely different characteristics. Saturation- "depth" of color, expressed in the degree of difference between a chromatic color and a gray color that is identical with it in lightness. As saturation decreases, each chromatic color approaches gray.

Intensity- the predominance of any tone in comparison with others (in the landscape autumn forest orange tone will be predominant).

Such a "substitution" of concepts occurs, most likely, for one reason: the line between brightness and lightness, saturation and intensity of color is as thin as the concept of color itself is subjective.

From the definitions of the main characteristics of color, the following pattern can be distinguished: the color rendering (and, accordingly, color perception) of chromatic colors is greatly influenced by achromatic colors. They not only help to form shades, but also make the color light or dark, saturated or faded.

How can this knowledge help a photographer or videographer? Well, firstly, no camera or video camera is capable of conveying color in the way a person perceives it. And in order to achieve harmony in the image or bring the image closer to reality during post-processing of photo or video material, it is necessary to skillfully manipulate the brightness, lightness and color saturation so that the result satisfies either you, as an artist, or those around you, as viewers. It is not for nothing that the profession of colorist exists in film production (in photography, this function is usually performed by the photographer himself). A person with knowledge of color, through color correction, brings the filmed and edited material to such a state when color scheme The film simply makes the viewer wonder and admire at the same time. Secondly, in coloristics, all these color features are intertwined quite thinly and in various sequences, allowing not only to expand the possibilities of color rendering, but also to achieve some individual results. If these tools are used illiterately, it will be difficult to find fans of your work.

And on this positive note, we finally approached the color scheme.

Coloristics, as the science of color, in its laws relies precisely on the spectrum of visible radiation, which, by the works of researchers of the 17th-20th centuries. from a linear representation (illustration above) was transformed into a chromatic circle shape.

What allows us to understand the chromatic circle?

1. There are only 3 primary (basic, primary, pure) colors:




2. Composite colors of the second order (secondary) are also 3:




Not only are they located opposite the primary colors in the chromatic circle, but they are also obtained by mixing the primary colors with each other (green = blue + yellow, orange = yellow + red, violet = red + blue).

3. Composite colors of the third order (tertiary) 6:



Red purple

blue purple

blue green

yellow green

Composite colors of the third order are obtained by mixing primary colors with secondary colors of the second order.

It is the location of the color in the twelve-part color wheel that allows you to understand which colors and how can be combined with each other.


Primary colors are tones with which you can get all other shades.

This is RED YELLOW BLUE (for printing it is MAGENTA, YELLOW, CYAN, BLACK see below)

If you mix red, blue and yellow light waves together, you get white light. However, such a fusion will not work with paints. For artists, there is a separate mixing table that intersects with the combination of waves, but follows its own rules.

Yellow, red, blue - different, in which at its peak. If you translate them into black and white format, you will clearly see.

It is difficult to imagine a bright dark yellow tone, as well as a bright light red. Due to the brightness in different ranges of lightness, a huge range of intermediate saturated colors is created: orange, red-orange, light green, emerald green, blue-green, lilac, red-violet, violet, etc. These three colors form almost the entire palette, with the exception of black, white, grey. Taking them as the primary basis of color construction, it is worth imagining that the secondary colors are still less bright than their parents, and the shades formed from the second circle using black, white or shades produced from the primary circle are even duller.

Building Hues from Primary Colors

Pairs from the "team" of primary colors form the following paints second round:



If you mix the secondary colors, that is, orange, purple and green, with the primary ones (which are already present in the composition of the color), then their order will not change, they will also remain in the second circle, since we are currently changing the amount of content, not quality:



PURPLE BLUE ___________ BLUE GREEN ___________ LIME ___


Adding primary tones to secondary tones, but which are not already present in it, lead to a mixture of all three primary colors. The result is brown. Such pairs are called complementary.


Mixing additional shades such as purple + yellow, red + green, blue + orange gives a medium dark reddish brown. If you mix not paint, but light rays, you should get the effect of gray light. But since the paint only reflects the wave, there will be no 100% replacement.

Primary ink colors for printing

It is very important to get the maximum tones from the minimum ink set for color printing. Today there are 4 necessary paints to implement the entire spectrum:


Where magenta is a shade of fuchsia, cyan is a bright blue color, and white is the tone of the printed material.


The emergence of the concept of primary colors is associated with the need to reproduce colors for which there was no exact color equivalent in the artist's palette. The development of color reproduction technology required the minimization of the number of such colors, in connection with which conceptually complementary methods were developed for obtaining mixed colors: mixing of colored rays (from light sources with a certain spectral composition), and mixing of colors (reflecting light, and having their own characteristic reflection spectra).

Various options for choosing "primary colors"

Color mixing depends on the color model. There are additive and subtractive mixing models.

additive model

In the additive blending model, colors are obtained as ray blending. In the absence of rays, there is no color - black white. An example of an additive color model is RGB.

Subtractive color synthesis

A method using light reflection and appropriate dyes. In the subtractive mixing model, colors are obtained as mixing paints. In the absence of paint, there is no color - white, the maximum mixing gives black. An example of a subtractive color model is CMYK.

According to Johannes Itten, there are only 3 primary colors: red, yellow and blue. The remaining colors of the color wheel are formed by mixing these three in various proportions.

Biophysical background

Primary colors are not a property of light, their choice is determined by the properties of the human eye and the technical properties of color reproduction systems.

Four "pure" colors

Psychophysiological studies have led to the assumption of the existence of some "pure" and unique colors: - red, yellow, green and blue, with red and green forming one color-contrast axis, and yellow and blue - another.

Technical options for implementing the “primary colors” model



  • Handprint: do "primary" colors exist? - a comprehensive site on color primaries, color perception, color psychology, color theory and color mixing.
  • Color mixing online - Web service for color modeling when mixing original colors in any proportions.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Primary colors" are in other dictionaries:

    Three colors, optical addition (mixing) to ryh in def. counting, you can get a color that is completely indistinguishable to the eye from any given color. The limiting condition for O. of c. yavl. their linear independence, that is, none of them can be ... ... Physical Encyclopedia

    primary colors- Primary colors on which they are based color models. In the additive RGB model, these are red, green, and blue, and in the subtractive CMY model, they are cyan, magenta, and yellow. Primary colors Primary colors in ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Primary colors- cyan, magenta and yellow colors, with which you can synthesize all the colors of a multi-color original. See tricolor reproduction... Publishing Dictionary

    Modern Encyclopedia

    Three colors that are mixed in different proportions you can get any color. The number of possible primary color systems is infinite. Often the primary colors are red, green and blue… Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Primary colors- BASIC COLORS, three independent colors, which can be mixed in different proportions to get any color. The number of possible primary color systems is very large, but usually in colorimetry they use a primary color system consisting of red, ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Astronomer, writer, chemist, physicist, philosopher - Isaac Newton. And he once set up an experiment with a prism through which an ordinary sunlight. Imagine the surprise of the naturalist when he saw white light- a real rainbow. And then, in the course of further experiments, other scientists realized that in fact there are only three primary colors.

Every hunter wants to know...

Everyone is Red

Hunter - Orange

Wish - Yellow

Know - Green

Where - Blue

Sitting - Blue

Pheasant - Purple

In this well-known mnemonic, all the primary colors of the spectrum are encrypted. Observant people have already noticed that there is no black and white here. But such states are usually not considered in the spectrum, and therefore they did not fall into the proverb.

However, from all this variety, scientists have identified only three primary colors - blue, red and yellow. And all other colors, tones, semitones and shades are obtained by mixing these three colors. As is well known, for example, to artists who are familiar with the palette and who know how to achieve the desired shade.

Man and colors

The human eye is able to perceive colors because there are three types of special cones in the retina that work independently. They contain various pigments that respond to certain colors, red, green, and so on.

In fact, each cone responds to all light waves (except ultraviolet and infrared), but the “own color” is felt by the pigment better. Further, the received signals are transmitted to the brain and it analyzes the received information and gives us an understanding of one or another shade.

Interestingly, the primary colors cannot be called a property of the color itself, rather they are due to the ability of the human to distinguish them. In addition, this is influenced by various technical ones that reproduce color.

From the point of view of psychophysiology, scientists believe that there are actually four "clean" ones - red, green, yellow and blue. Among them, yellow and blue form one axis in color contrast, and red and green form another. However, there are people who cannot distinguish between primary colors or some individual shades. They are called colorblind. Contrary to popular belief, they do not see the world as a black and white photograph, but simply cannot perceive specific colors well.

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