How to determine the character of a person by the color of clothes. Character by the color of the clothes. primary colors from dark shades


It is enough for specialists in the field of style to cast a cursory glance at a person in order to determine with great certainty who is in front of him. "Clothes make people" is a fair statement when we are talking about the relationship between personality and clothing. Like manners, gestures, facial expressions, gait, our wardrobe testifies to its owner.

In rare cases, when choosing clothes, people are first guided by their perception from the outside, they calculate their image, trying to achieve a 100% match with the ideal perception of themselves.

In the same way, it can be difficult for a person from the earth to leave the house. The people of Earth are the ones whose friends dragged them to parties because otherwise they would "stay in every night". Their life can become an endless rut. The people of Earth also have an unfortunate tendency towards obesity. Although some of them do exercise and admit it in the main physical activity, many do not find "Fire in exercise." Probably the unhealthy people of Earth are those who find themselves in terrible, even abusive situations because they are afraid of change.

Blue and cyan - the color of depth and infinity

Agoraphobia - literally afraid of open spaces, but really closer to the fear of leaving the house - is a debilitating disorder in the ground. The Earth person can choose to become balanced by adding "Fire, Water" and "Air" make-up for a happier and healthy life. The water man feels first. "Thinking has never solved anything - only our hearts should be our guides!" She has an excellent remedy with feeling; she is compassionate, caring and a great listener. Water people can be great therapists.

The artificial creation of an alien image through clothing will lead to an increase in internal tension, and a person will feel “out of his element”. Often we buy clothes “according to the mood” and “on the occasion”, when you can give a “misfire”, but such a purchase usually hangs in the closet, not in demand, under the heading “not mine”. In varying degrees of awareness, and most often intuitively, we wear what suits us in character, temperament, taste, reflects mood, is consistent with our ideas about aesthetics, rules good manners, finally, corresponds to the social status. And material possibilities at the same time play minor role, because we are talking about the compatibility of our character and style of clothing, and not its price characteristics.

They "go with the flow" but don't go off like air people. Their movements have a certain path, although often unexpected. Open heart The Water person makes her generous, and her empathy can become quite social, although not all Water people are "champagne". She is often very strange and can be mystical. Among magical people Water people can meditate, get along easily, take steam baths, wear consecrated herbs, etc. water people are often also artistic, and are especially common among artists and musicians.

Aquatic people often move with a sensuous grace that is reminiscent of one of their elements, and often have broad, open eyes, a look that looks deep and fluid. They may have a strange quality that is irresistible to those around them. Some people of the water darken, meditate and perhaps even remain silent, internal, not outward manifestation water. Romance comes naturally to the Waters of men; they easily and easily receive love. Someshares themselves are effusive and some are very secretive, hiding information by being open with excitement.

So, what can his “clothes”, or rather, her style preference, tell about a person?

Many adhere to the classics or its individual elements, but its strict version, of course, betrays a person focused on a business approach to life, self-confident, able to concentrate on important issues who values ​​his time, held. He does not need to strive to stand out from the crowd, he has other goals, other serious tasks. Here everything is in order with self-esteem and the style harmonizes rather with internal state rather than for the reason "statute obliges". Typically, people who choose classic style, adhere to patriarchal views, established traditions, are somewhat conservative, their word can be trusted, they are constant, not inclined to change decisions. In communication, they rarely allow familiarity, are not drawn into skirmishes, are polite and correct.

Black is the absence of color

Perhaps surprisingly, not all romantic types the waters are especially sexy; many see physical sexuality as a distraction from the emotional and spiritual nature of a person. All this feeling can lead to his involvement in problems. Depression and addiction are numerous illnesses and flow with dark negative feelings which can make some people folk or even psychotic. Most likely, the water person will simply be an epiphany, often needing to "get serious" at times when others would rather look into the eyes.

If in front of you is a person whose clothes are dominated by black and white, this is a champion of a solemn style. The color preference in this case is complemented by excessive tact, to some extent distrust, such people often keep to themselves, if they do not prefer “proud loneliness” at all.

The black color betrays those who like to observe from the outside, perhaps without initiative, somewhat unbalanced, tense, not without pessimism. The presence of white indicates a person analytical mind, but with its own idyllic view of the world and life. The black and red gamma may appear in his toilet if he experiences a crisis in his universe.

They can be as inconsistent as the tides, changing their minds the way the people of Earth change their socks. Their remarkable sensitivity can go overboard, and they take every uttered remark as an important emotional statement. The researchers had certain people wearing formal business attire and completing a series of five experiments that challenged their cognitive processing abilities.

Your clothes can make you a better thinker

Those who were dressed felt significantly more powerful and in control than their underdressed peers. In addition to feeling more powerful, the study also showed that subjects wearing business formal attire were able to think faster on their feet and had more creative ideas. Scientists have suggested that the way you dress can change the way you perceive objects, people, and events around you - sparking fresh ideas and new point vision.

Clothing of a person who prefers business style and at the same time not bound by the dress code, emphasizes the theoretical mindset, consistency of character, commitment, a tendency to conservative beliefs, the ability to take a balanced and deliberate approach to resolving issues and controversial issues. He does not cut "from the shoulder" and does not act "in the heat of the moment." Fashion for a "business" person is something of a parallel orbit. His suit, unobtrusive but solid, is always brand new. Behind impeccable accuracy, you can see a person who is not devoid of his own complexes: excessive closeness, up to deliberate coldness, often because of the fear of being misunderstood. high intelligence, unfortunately, not protection from loneliness, but building a wall between yourself and others is not the best way out. Perhaps such a position is the result of erroneous conclusions, and in order to realize this, such a type needs to take a fresh look at its past.

Your clothes can make you work hard

Your clothes can make you smarter

The researchers gave lab coats to doctors for the items and then asked them to complete a series of challenging tasks. Those in white coats made significantly fewer mistakes than people in their street clothes. The scientists then repeated the experiment, but this time gave lab coats to all participants. However, they told half of the people they were doctor's coats and the other half were told they were paints.

Your clothes can improve your focus

Again, people in the "doctor's coat" performed better on tests that show that it's not just what you wear, but what you think about what you wear that matters. Being able to focus on a task, especially when it's boring, is half the battle when it comes to many tasks. In the same lab study, it was found that people wearing smart doctor lab coats were able to focus more and more than those who thought they were wearing only a painter's coat.

The sports style of clothing is now very popular, especially among young people: T-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, baseball caps ... For active, mobile, relaxed people, it is comfortable, practical, gives freedom of movement, does not require the daily presence of an iron on the table. As a rule, the "carriers" of the sports style do not suffer from a lack of sociability, they are sociable and friendly. But a person who gravitates towards sporty style in clothes, can be an "athlete" and in essence. He may have a competitive spirit in his blood, a desire for superiority, an inner attitude to fight for high results. He will not be satisfied with "participation", he only needs a "victory", perhaps at any cost. He perceives failures and failures as a personal defeat, and the anticipation of a “duel” with a fictional opponent often thins his strength even before the start.

The authors explained this by saying that we know doctors "tend to be careful, strict and good to handle" and so when we act as a doctor we embody some of these qualities - almost as if we were trying to live up to the expectations of the outfit.

Your clothes can help you get your way

This is for those who hate haggling over the price of a car or negotiating a home contract. The subjects were divided into three groups: they were wearing a suit, a pair of sweats, or they were allowed to wear own clothes. They were then put into a scenario where they had to negotiate. People who were dressed usually scolded those who were dressed.

The good old denim style has a lot of fans. It combines the comfort of natural fabrics and always fashionable, timeless and ageless clothing line. This versatile type of clothing has its own niche in everyday wardrobe, so it is appropriate to go out. It is believed that people with a controversial character opt for a denim wardrobe. On the one hand, they like the familiar and practical, and on the other hand, they are not averse to trying on something new.

Your clothes can make you more honest

Even more interestingly, men in sweats actually showed more low levels testosterone, which further reduced their aggression. According to a Harvard study published in " Psychological Science", may be hidden by-effect wearing knockouts. The researchers gave people new sunglasses, telling half of the group they were the designer and the other half saying they were fake. Those who wore knockouts were more likely to cheat during the subsequent game and express more suspicion of other players.

If one of your acquaintances wears knitwear with constancy, then he clearly lacks communication with kind, understanding, sensitive people. His natural vulnerability needs to be soothed, he seeks to surround himself with warmth and comfort due to fabric that is pleasant to the touch. The softness and elasticity of knitwear, on the one hand, makes up for the lack of attention and care, and on the other hand, it protects from the harsh realities of the outside world.

Your clothes can make you work

Wearing fake clothes, it turns out, can make you feel like a fake - and can make you assume that others are fake as well. So you want to exercise but can't muster the motivation? Try to change clothes, tell the researchers. Wearing early shorts and sneakers at a glance in the morning is not easy convenient way execution of orders; seeing yourself in athletic glasses can motivate you to hit the gym on your way home from the store. "It's all about symbolic meaning, which you associate with a certain piece of clothing,” said Hadjo Adam, Ph.D., researcher at Northwestern University and author of the famous lab study. "I think it would make sense that when you wear sportswear, you become more active and more likely to go to the gym and work out."

Not everyone will fill their wardrobe with extravagant, avant-garde, exotic toilet items. This style is chosen by individuals in order to assert themselves and attract maximum attention to the person. If not intentionally, then on a subconscious level. They don't deal with questions of self-embodiment, they crave applause. “Moth gray” - such a characteristic of a “usually” dressed lady is very in their spirit. Their desire for exclusivity leaves an imprint on the character: snobbery, egocentrism, intolerance, aplomb, ambition. They are not alien to the spirit of adventurism, they are prone to extraordinary actions. The framework of public morality for many representatives of this style is very arbitrary. But in their aspirations for freedom and independence, supporters of the avant-garde style sometimes become hostages of their own high standards and claims to be chosen, often without thinking that in an attempt to always be at the peak of the star and dress in the latest fashion, they, in fact, remain eternal slaves .

Your clothes can lift your spirits

Do you wear clothes that reflect your mood, or do you wear clothes to change your mood? Researchers from the University of Queensland interviewed people and watched their clothing choices to find out. More often than not, we dress how we would like to feel and how we would like others to think we feel. In other words, we put on a happy sweater along with a happy smile, even if we feel down. And it works, especially if we wear clothes that have received compliments in the past or that bring back good memories.

And yet, it’s not worth judging a person only by “clothes”, it’s better to follow the people’s advice and get to know the person better ...

Today, no one will argue that color is one of the ways of self-expression. And according to color preferences in clothes, you can get an idea about a person and his condition. For centuries, people have used the properties that they attributed to a particular color in the coloring of a certain form and clothing. For example, at parades, brave military men traditionally wore red, while royalty and priests preferred purple. Each color has a certain symbolism.

Your clothes can make you lose weight

Wearing a tight-fitting pair of pants, pulling a belt up the notch, or even tying a band around your waist under your clothes can give you a subconscious signal to stop eating as soon as you're full. "Row French women wear the tape around their waist and under their clothes when they go out for dinner,” explains fitness guru Valerie Orsoni. "It keeps them tummy conscious, especially if the tape starts to feel tighter as the evening goes on!".

Do you often lack attention and concentration? Then maybe you should think about your clothes: according to a new study, wearing a white dress can increase our mental capacity. Once there was an apprentice tailor named Wenzel Strapinski. He had little money, and yet he always emphasized a neat appearance - including expensive clothes. Because of this, he was considered a nobleman. The daughter of a good family saw him and the two fell in love.

Today, many companies carefully choose the color of the uniform for their employees. He must determine the necessary qualities of personnel. The orange form speaks of energy and vitality, the red or yellow inspires clients with optimism and confidence, the green is associated with health, etc. But for school uniform in most cases, gray, brown or black material has always been selected. These colors "neutralize" individuality - they help to impose the same behavior. Therefore, if at work you are required to wear a gray suit, at home you will probably want to change into warm and light colors.

The story doesn't just sound like a fairy tale. Wenzel Strapinski - main character stories by the Swiss poet Gottfried Keller. Title: Clothes make people. The sentence is now not only part of the standard repertoire of any worthy proverb - its main statement is actually something for it.

Numerous studies over the past few decades have proven that clothing actually influences how others perceive us. The study is called "Conjured Knowledge", which means "attracted perception". An indication that clothing is at the center of the study. More precisely, white lab coats are a typical accessory for every doctor and scientist.

Fortunately, in Everyday life each of us is free to choose clothes of those colors that he likes. What can tell your color preferences?

The people who have the most light blues in their wardrobes - as a rule - creative personalities, they are sensitive, impressionable and dream of living in an atmosphere of tranquility. Such natures try to avoid conflicts and get along peacefully with everyone.

These professions generally enjoy a reputation for being attentive and careful. And research shows that this cliché also has an immediate effect on the wearer. Read the following words out loud and clear. Okay, that was pretty easy. Please say color now.

Just say the color in which the words are written. Let me guess: did it take you even longer now, or did you even stutter? Ultimately, this is due to an overstrain of feelings and a contradiction in the activity of the brain: reading simple words such as "red" or "black" is an automatic action that we can barely suppress.

Strong, smart and independent people with developed sense Responsibility most often wear clothes in dark blue tones. By the way, if you want to develop any qualities in yourself, color therapists advise you to wear clothes desired shades. Color changes the psycho-emotional state of a person.

If you want to become more active and sociable, choose yellow. Those who are not afraid to challenge life love this color. Such people strive for leadership and lead active image life.

Neutralize yellow maybe purple is the color of vulnerable and merciful people.

Orange color speaks of determination, impatience and a huge supply of energy. For sports, it is better to wear orange or red.

Red color gives out an ambitious, impulsive and easily excitable figure. Red is preferred by daredevils with leadership qualities.

If you increasingly began to buy new green clothes, this is evidence that you are sensitive and cautious - you prefer to observe rather than act.

White color is of interest to those who seek to please and wish to charm. This is the color of peaceful natures, striving for harmony with others. But if a person has too much white in his wardrobe, this is a sign developing feeling superiority.

Black color is a sign conflicting natures. If you wear black clothes from time to time, your choice indicates that you are striving to discipline yourself and create an image of an authoritative person. By the way, I noticed that if you manage with black and gray all the time - the mood - like it or not - falls.

Ideally, a person should be friends with all the colors of the rainbow. If you are embarrassed to wear bright colors, then you can find a compromise - choose some bright accessory - a scarf or belt. By the way, if you can’t imagine yourself in an expressively bright at all, then you can wear red underwear under your outerwear. Psychologists say that this way you will feel much more confident.

Is it true? The answer can only be found experimentally. There will be discoveries - write!

The interpretation of flowers is given according to the book "You and the Color" by Liz Schneider.

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