How to get blue green. How to mix paints to get the right color? Creating a classic shade


How to get an orange color and its shades in 10 photos + a table of all possible derivatives. How to get coral, peach, terracotta and red colors? Influence of white, black and brown in color composition.
Orange color is obtained by mixing red and yellow, but you can get a shade of this color (soft and light enough) by adding pink to yellow paint. Subsequently, all the main saturated shades of orange are somehow associated with red, yellow, pink, white. More complex and darker tones are obtained with the participation of purple, brown and black.

How to get an orange color by mixing paints: red and yellow of the desired tone?

Everyone knows that the main orange gradient lies between red-orange and yellow-orange. Since the color is obtained or two colors, then, depending on the percentage of each colors goes shift in one direction or another.
Of course, all the resulting shades from the primary colors (in our case, red and yellow) will be paler. However, orange is made up of 2 warm tones, the waves of which are not very different (the opposite would be blue and yellow to create green), and even in the second order it looks quite catchy.

Mixing acrylic paints for painting:

How to get yellow-orange and red-orange?

It is believed that to get a classic orange, you need to take 1 part of yellow and 1 part of red. However, in practice it turns out that you have to take more yellow than red. In the palette, you can always choose the right tone by adding yellow or red to the mixture.

How to get a light orange color?

This tone has a wide range of pastel shades. They are built with white color, but there is also Alternative option: mix pink and yellow, the resulting shade is a soft orange tone related to the light range:

Another option would be to add yellow and white.
Usually in a palette of 12 colors there is already an orange tint, which is much brighter than the color obtained by mixing, so when building shades, we will use the existing one.
There is a bright red-orange tone in my palette of glossy acrylic paints. To get light orange tones from it, I need to mix red-orange, yellow and white:

How to get coral color?

Although this shade is closer to pink, its construction is completely tied to orange color, and there are 2 scenarios for getting it:
1) Complicated: we take red-orange, pink and white in approximately equal parts (when you mix, adjust the shade by eye, the main thing is to mix the paint thoroughly).

2) Red-orange is close to scarlet, and scarlet is a shade of red. Red mixed with white gives pink, and coral can be called a light shade of pink with an orange undertone.

In this case, the coral will lean closer to orange, but still remain a luxurious tropical shade.

How to get peach color?

Another light and subtle shade of the base color. Peach belongs to the soft pastel scale., standing out from it with its sophistication, it has long been loved and entrenched in our imagination. Its construction consists of 4 colors:
1) Red+yellow+pink+white
2) Orange+yellow+pink+white
3) Coral + yellow + white

How to get terracotta color?

Let's move on to dark shades orange. One of interesting options- this is terracotta: a medium-dark, but rich complex red-orange hue is obtained by mixing purple and red-orange:

To make the shade lighter, adding a drop of white will help.

How to get red color?

The red color has an orange undertone. If you take Brown color and mix it with red-orange, then the resulting shades will be dark, but saturated. You can adjust the tone by adding yellow.

How to get a dark orange color?

You can adjust the brightness of orange shades using black: either to completely darken it, or simply dim the brightness. This is necessary to create contrast.
If you want to dim light shades: mix white with black to a gray mass and bring it into the working tone.

Table for obtaining orange shades when mixing colors:

Practice in color science is indispensable, but theory can give you an understanding of how this or that tone is built.

In the center - the main color from which the color is built. The first circle of colors is the shades with which the color is mixed in the proportion indicated below. The third circle is formed by tones that are the result of mixing the primary color and the first circle in a smaller proportion than the third. On the sides of the color at the end of the beam, the same color with the addition of black (darker) and white (lighter).

How to get other colors and their shades: theory and practice. Click on the icon.

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purple when mixing colors">

Not always available desired paint, but there are a couple of others? Let's use the magic available in everyday life and find out how to get purple by mixing other colors.The editors of the online magazine site offers to plunge into artistic realities and get the necessary shade.

So different purple

Our eye sees short-wavelength monochromatic radiation with a wavelength of 380-440 nm as a violet color.Since this tone is obtained mainly by combining blue and red, it means that it has absorbed hot passion and deep serenity. A person who is in a room with a lavender hue begins to philosophize, hear himself better, and take problems more calmly.

What colors need to be mixed to get purple

How to get purple? What colors should be mixed to enjoy shades of lilac and lavender?It all depends on what tone we want to get: light, dark or saturated.

What colors to mix to get a dark purple color

How to get dark purple color? Only by adding dark colors to the tone.

If the desired shade is not at all, then we will go a long way. First, mix red and blue in equal proportions, or 100% of one color, 50% of another. Using more blue will result in a cooler tone, while using 100% red will result in a warmer tone.We will gradually add black or green to the resulting shade. Keyword- little by little!

How to get a light purple color

What colors can make light purple?

Whitewash will turn the usual tone into a light lavender or pale lilac. If we take the colors in half, we get a shade of average saturation. The more white, the lighter the final result will be.

What colors need to be mixed to get a bright purple hue

If you don’t have all the possible palette available, but there is pink, cornflower blue or blue, you can experiment and get a beautiful juicy shade.

How to correct the shade of purple

With a combination of red and blue sorted out. But if you change the proportions, then the shade will change: when mixing paints, be sure to notice what and in what quantities is added.

  • to make the tone closer to burgundy, add more red;
  • excess blue will give purple;
  • scarlet and blue will give a beautiful purple tone;
  • adding a little yellow, brown or green, you can get original shades.

When mixing, the type of paints is taken into account: correcting a defect when working with gouache is much easier than correcting watercolor stains.

How to make purple: working with different types of paints

How can you get a purple color, we learned. It's time to move on to the nuances.

Oil paint

The most important thing in mixing oil paints- the quality of the material itself. If it turned out to be of poor quality, then you should not complain about the fact that not a wonderful purple tone fell on the canvas, but a dirty mess.

There are three mixing options: full, glazing, and completely original, when the colors do not mix, but are simply drawn in strokes close to each other. To get purple, you can use the first method if you do not have skills in the other two.

Acrylic paint and gouache

Principles of work with acrylic paints and gouache are the same. Therefore, tips on how to get a purple color when mixing acrylic gouache are the same.

To get purple, lilac or lavender shades, take a blue base and add either pink or red to it. If you also include a little black or white, then the tone will become darker or lighter.

Violet can be easily achieved by mixing paints of other colors. This color does not apply to basic colors, so it is often missing from your paint set. By adding white or black, you will get all sorts of shades of purple, from transparent light to deep dark.

How to get purple when mixing oil paints

In order to get purple, you should combine two basic ones, namely red and blue. If you use non-pure colors when mixing, then you will not get the desired shade of purple as a result. It is also necessary to adjust the proportions of the combined paints, they directly affect the brightness and color depth.

How to get purple when mixing paints - shades

The shade of purple depends on the ratio of blue and red colors, as well as when white or black paint is added. At different ratio paints you can get all sorts of shades of noble color.

  • To get a dark purple color, you need to combine blue and red paint, and then add a little black paint. You need to add black paint with special care so as not to add too much, otherwise the color will be close to black and cannot be saved.
  • To get a light purple color, you need to mix blue and red paint, and then add white. The color will become much lighter. Also, light purple can be obtained by mixing pink and blue.
  • To obtain a purple tint, you need to add red paint in a larger ratio. To get saturated bright color, should be in the ratio of red and blue, add more blue paint.

How to get purple when mixing paints - features

When combining paints, you should pay special attention to their appearance. Most often gouache, watercolor or oil paints are used.

  • When painting with gouache, you need to pay special attention to the fact that when it dries, it brightens by several tones. Therefore, when mixing red and blue flowers this factor should be taken into account.
  • When painting with watercolors, you are faced with the fact that with this paint you cannot achieve a saturated color, and it is translucent.

When mixing paints, follow the main rule - do not rush! Mix the colors carefully and then you can easily get a “pure” purple color, as well as adjust the desired shade of this noble color.

Consider the already known color wheel

All colors are divided into:

The main ones (yellow, red, blue) - the inner part of the circle - from these colors we get the rest.

Secondary colors (purple, orange, green) - middle part circle.

Tertiary (complex) colors - the outer circle and combinations of shades from different parts circle.

The components will be indicated on sectors within the required color.

When mixing colors opposite each other in equal proportions, we get a dirty dark grey colour. Such pairs of colors are called complementary.

This effect is used when it is necessary to "mute" the hue by "dirtying" it.

For example, to make blue darker - drop a little orange into it, brown - "muffled" by light green. The main thing is to understand the principle of working with the color wheel, and finding a more complex and convenient version of it on the net and downloading it is not difficult.

Here are some recipes for mixing colors:

yellow + brown = ocher

red + yellow = Orange
red + ocher + white = apricot
red + green = brown
red + blue = violet
red + blue + green = black
yellow + white + green = citric
yellow + cyan or blue = green
yellow + green + white + red = tobacco
blue + green = sea ​​wave
orange + brown = terracotta
red + white = coffee with milk
brown + white + yellow = beige

light green=(green+yellow, more yellow)+white= light green

lilac=(blue+red+white, more red and white) +white= light lilac
lilac= red with blue, with red predominating

black= brown + blue + red in equal proportions
black= brown + blue.
gray and black\u003d blue, green, red and yellow are mixed in equal proportions, and then one or the other is added to the eye. it turns out you need more blue and red
black= you can mix red, blue and brown
black= red, green and blue. You can also add brown.
bodily= red and yellow paint.... little bit. After kneading, if it turns yellow, then add a little red, if it turns pink, a little yellow paint. If the color is very saturated, add a piece of white mastic and knead again
dark cherry= red + brown + some blue (cyan)
strawberry\u003d 3 parts pink + 1 hour red
Turkish\u003d 6 hours sky blue + 1 hour yellow
silver gray= 1 hour black + 1 hour blue
dark red= 1 hour red + a little black
rust color\u003d 8 hours orange + 2 hours red + 1 hour brown
greenish\u003d 9 hours sky blue + a little yellow
dark green= green + some black
lavender\u003d 5 hours pink + 1 hour lilac
nautical=5h blue + 1 hour green
peach=2h. orange + 1h. dark yellow
dark pink=2h. red + 1 hour brown
Navy blue=1h. blue+1h Lilac
avocado= 4 hours yellow + 1 hour green + a little black
coral\u003d 3 hours pink + 2 hours yellow
gold\u003d 10 hours yellow + 3 hours orange + 1 hour red
plum = 1 hour purple + a little red
light green= 2 hours purple + 3 hours yellow

And this table contains classic flower recipes

Pink White + add some red
Chestnut Red + add black or brown
royal red Red + add blue
Red Red + White for lightening, yellow for orange red
Orange Yellow + add red
Gold Yellow + a drop of red or brown
Yellow Yellow + white for lightening, red or brown for a darker shade
pale green Yellow + add blue/black for depth
grassy green Yellow + add blue and green
Olive Green + add yellow
light green Green + add white / yellow
Turquoise green Green + add blue
bottle green Yellow + add blue
Coniferous Green + add yellow and black
Turquoise blue Blue + add some green
White-blue White + add blue
Wedgwood blue White + add blue and a drop of black
royal blue
Navy blue Blue + add black and a drop of green
Grey White + Add some black
Pearl gray White + Add black, some blue
medium brown Yellow + Add red and blue, white for lighter, black for darker.
Red-brown Red & yellow + Add blue and white to brighten
golden brown Yellow + Add red, blue, white. More yellow for contrast
Mustard Yellow + Add red, black and some green
Beige Take brown and gradually add white until you get a beige color. Add yellow for brightness.
Off-white White + Add brown or black
Rose gray White + Drop of red or black
Grey-blue White + Add light gray plus a drop of blue
Green gray White + Add light gray plus a dash of green
gray coal White + add black
lemon yellow Yellow + add white, some green
Light brown Yellow + add white, black, brown
Fern green color White + add green, black and white
forest green color Green + add black
emerald green Yellow + add green and white
light green Yellow + add white and green
Aquamarine White + add green and black
Avocado Yellow + add brown and black
royal purple Red + add blue and yellow
dark purple Red + add blue and black
tomato red Red + add yellow and brown
Mandarin, orange Yellow + add red and brown
Reddish chestnut Red + add brown and black
Orange White + add orange and brown
red burgundy color Red + add brown, black and yellow
Crimson Blue + add white, red and brown
Plum Red + add white, blue and black
honey color White, yellow and dark brown
Dark brown Yellow + red, black and white
copper gray Black + add white and red
eggshell color White + yellow, a little brown

We use

As you understood from the tables, the darker and dirtier the color, the more recipe options there are. Perhaps not everything will work out right away, a certain skill is needed, but it is developed very quickly and you yourself will have your favorite and unloved combinations and recipes. It seems to me that the most economical way to get acquainted with mixing colors without fear of spoiling something is to practice with ordinary watercolors.

As soon as you have confidence in what will turn out in the end, you can try enamel with acrylic. In any case, if you are not sure of the result - try first on watercolors or gouache.

I recommend starting small - using purchased shades, with simple additions, learn how to make gradients of camouflage shades for color modulation, for example, for panel highlighting.

As your skill grows, you will be able to buy a ready-made color and make a dye, as it is spent, to prepare the colors yourself.

Always prepare a color with a small margin - if necessary, it will be a difficult task to repeat it.

I do not argue that buying ready-made shades is often easier and faster, but I prepare the color myself when:

1. The color I need is not available in the store - there is no desire and time to wait for deliveries.

2. It often happens that I do not agree with one or another interpretation of the shade by the paint manufacturer.

3. Manufacturers do not produce the required color (as an example, Polish khaki, moreover, 4 shades of paint were used during the pre-war years of 1938-1939.)

4. It is assumed that the prototype, due to operating conditions, has greatly changed the color.

5. So that my collection of models does not look like one green-blue spot, I try to paint each next model with a slightly different shade. The difference will be visible only if you put two models in the same color side by side.

This knowledge is applicable and will be useful in everyday life - for example, you can’t wash colored items of additional colors at the same time - they will gradually acquire gray shades :))

Now, having studied the basics, it will be possible to return to modeling technologies and practice.

Color mixing table allows from 3 base colors create a huge palette bright colors. It is very exciting! The main thing is to choose the right colors according to the color mixing table.

Artist's Workshop: Magic Lessons

1. Combination of two neighboring flowers spectrum gives shades with different intensities of these colors. For example, yellow and orange, when superimposed, give yellow-orange or orange-yellow, depending on which of these 2 colors prevails. If, in equal proportions, you mix 3 shades located next to each other on the color wheel, for example, yellow, red and orange, you will get the same orange, but more dirty.

2. When white is added to any color, its pastel shades of different intensities are obtained.

3. Mixing in equal proportions 2 primary colors, which are separated by 1 shade on the color wheel, we get exactly the intermediate color that separates them. For example, red + blue = purple.

4. An equal combination of 2 contrasting colors (located opposite each other on the color wheel) always gives a gray with a hint of one of these colors. For example, red + green, blue + orange, etc. Interestingly, if you mix complementary colors in a ratio of 2/1, you get absolute gray (without additional shades).

5. 3 primary colors next to each other, when superimposed in equal proportions, also form gray, for example, green + yellow + orange. Pay attention to a striking pattern: harmonious color combinations (which you can get with color wheel) when mixing their constituent shades, they give a gray color - balancing, they absorb each other.

Create new colors according to the paint mixing table

As we already know, there are only 3 colors that cannot be obtained by mixing others. But from them you can create all the other shades. These magical colors are red, yellow and blue. By the way, mixing them with each other in equal proportions, you can get black. How to create all the other shades of the palette, see the table:

The color mixing table and the color wheel are used not only in painting, they are simply irreplaceable when tinting and mixing decorative plaster in construction, in perfumery and soap making, when dyeing fabrics, batik, etc.

The color spectrum: revealing the secrets of the rainbow

Isaac Newton, passing light through a prism, received a multi-colored beam, called the spectrum. For the convenience of color combinations, the continuous line of the spectrum with all its transitional tones was turned into a circle. As you know, three main shades are distinguished in the color spectrum (red, blue and yellow), when they are mixed in pairs with each other, three more secondary ones are obtained (green, orange and purple). It is these 6 shades that form the color wheel, and each of them has additional colors(blue and red-violet, yellow-green, purple, red-and yellow-orange, blue-and yellow-green). Newton, by the way, singled out 7 colors, adding blue to the spectrum, which, along with the six main ones, is considered the color of the rainbow. By mixing these shades, making them darker or lighter to varying degrees, you can get a full range of colors.

I would like to immediately make a reservation that the division of the spectrum is conditional and depends on the characteristics of our perception. A person can distinguish up to 1000 tones in the color spectrum. Interestingly, reptiles and birds do not distinguish blue shades, and some fish see everything around in red. It is believed that for cats surrounding us colorful world looks dimmer, but they distinguish a huge variety of shades of gray.

Color Spectrum Table

The colors of the spectrum are called chromatic as opposed to achromatic (from Latin "without color"): white, black, gray. The order of the hues in the spectrum is always the same, starting with red and ending with purple.

Shades on the color wheel from green-blue to blue-violet are considered cold, from yellow-green to red-violet - warm. This division is rather arbitrary and depends on what associations these colors evoke in us: red-orange fire, yellow sun, blue ice, blue ocean abyss. Did you notice that when separating the colors, we didn't mention green? And this is no coincidence. Pure green (which, by the way, is extremely rare) is considered neutral. A drop of yellow makes it warmer, blue - cools.

The color wheel is extremely important in the work of the designer. With its help, you can not only determine harmonious color combinations, create the right atmosphere in the room or an attractive image, but also influence perception by skillfully emphasizing the brightness, purity, beauty of color, enhance its intensity by adding complementary shades, balance cold tones with warm ones, etc. d. This magic is not difficult to learn even if you are not a designer, and you can apply it not only in interior design or clothing. With the help of the color wheel, anyone can create harmony in the apartment, correctly combine colors in clothes, manicure, makeup, etc. For example, Blue eyes orange-coral lipstick or peach shadows will emphasize, and a scarlet dress will refresh a green-turquoise scarf.

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