Features of criminal activity of representatives of different psychotypes. Psychological characteristics of criminal behavior. legal psychology


The personality of a criminal is a set of socio-psychological properties and qualities of a person that are the causes and conditions for committing crimes.

The personality of a criminal differs from the personality of a law-abiding person by social danger, it is characterized by criminal needs and motivations, emotional-volitional deformations and negative social interests. The problem of the offender's personality is one of the central ones for the sciences related to crime, and above all for criminology.

Therapy, based on the principles of operant treatment, aims to achieve specific behavioral changes. This is called behavior modification. This involves rewarding "appropriate" behavior and withholding rewards for "inappropriate" behavior.

This approach is usually best for children or in settings such as mental hospitals, schools, and prisons. For example, children may be observed and supervised by parents and teachers working with therapists. As a result, their behavior can be consistently and systematically reinforced.

Activity, including criminal activity, is largely due to the psychological characteristics of the person himself. The criminal procedure law, determining the subject of proof, requires clarification of the circumstances affecting the degree and nature of the responsibility of the accused, as well as other circumstances characterizing the personality of the accused. However, to date, in practice, the circumstances that characterize the personality of the accused with sufficient completeness have not been established*. Only in relation to minors, the law indicates a somewhat more detailed circle of circumstances that need to be clarified. Therefore, the development of personality traits of a criminal to be established is an important task of legal psychology.
In criminological study in practice, it is important to analyze the personality in interaction with the social environment, since criminal behavior does not give rise to a personality or environment in itself, but precisely their interaction. The influence of the social environment on criminal behavior is complex. In other words, socio-economic, political and cultural aspects life of society have an external impact on the formation of the modeled mechanism of the crime, while the psychological and mental characteristics of the modeled criminal form it from the inside, making up, as it were, the internal content. Such a gradation of factors, of course, is very arbitrary, and yet this indicates the need for their integrated use.
The identity of the offender is of independent interest for criminology, because it not only reflects certain external conditions, but is an active side of interaction. It is characterized by conscious, purposeful activity. The relationship of social conditions to criminal behavior is complex and always social conditions manifest themselves in crime, refracting through personality. In some cases, they are in the process of a long social interaction impose a relatively stable imprint on the personality and give rise not to individual criminal acts, but to a stable illegal orientation, which manifests itself in a complex of specific offenses.
The difference between criminal behavior and lawful, in our opinion, is rooted in the system of value orientations, attitudes and social attitudes, that is, in the content side of consciousness. It is generally recognized that it is in the coordinates of the value-normative system of the individual and the social environment, their interaction that one must look for the direct causes of criminal behavior*.
An analysis of forensic literature shows that the issue of studying the psychology of a criminal has been and is being given great attention(Ratinov A.R., Igoshev K.E., Glazyrin V.V., Dulov A.V., Vasiliev V.L. and others). Almost every work on forensic tactics and methodology includes certain psychological aspects. However, as practice shows, theoretical studies psychological characteristics of offenders do not quite fully illuminate the picture criminal activity. Many questions remain behind the scenes due to the narrow scope of the subjects of general and legal psychology. So, for example, the choice of the method of committing a crime is often carried out not only taking into account the psychological characteristics of the criminal, but also his mental specifics. The latter, as is well known, is not the subject of psychology*.
Psychological personality typification is one of the methods for understanding the phenomenon under consideration, but it is necessary to study the personalities of specific criminals with an appropriate theoretical generalization of the data obtained.
The mechanism of social determination of crime requires a combination of two approaches in the study of personality: socio-typological and socio-role. With the socio-typological approach, first of all, the social position of the individual, the social norms corresponding to it, their perception and implementation are analyzed. In the second case, a person is considered as an active figure, a subject public relations. The social-role approach allows us to see positions and functions that are objectively criminogenic, since they impose duties on the individual that are contrary to the law in force, and she can fulfill them only at the cost of an offense; make mutually exclusive demands on it, which leads to social and legal conflicts, remove the personality from the totality of positive influences necessary for it, etc.
In criminal psychology, one of the main issues is the allocation of internal personal prerequisites, which, in interaction, primarily, the motivational sphere of the personality with certain factors external environment can create a criminal situation for this person.
The psychological dependence of criminals differs in nature from a similar feature that is inherent in most people. Already in force social character its development and upbringing, each person is characterized by the desire to unite with other people to meet their needs, achieve personal and joint goals. In these associations, a person inevitably takes a certain position, including a dependent, subordinate one. However, unlike murderers, right-abiding people, under unfavorable circumstances, are able to leave the group, get away from unsatisfactory contact, or try to change their internal position to such circumstances.
Practice shows that for various kinds crimes (mercenary, violent, careless) are characterized by various distortions in the motivational sphere of the offender. The performance of this particular act by the subject is determined both by the external situation (objective factor) and by the subject's attitudes, one of which at the level of consciousness turns into intent (subjective factor). These attitudes accumulate the past life experience of the subject, are the result of his upbringing, the influence of the family, a certain social group, etc.
One of the essential components of the causal complex of crime is the dissatisfaction with the needs of people as participants in the sphere of consumption, due to the backlog of production from the effective demand of the population. To date, it is generally recognized that the gap between the needs for material values ​​and services and the possibilities for their implementation leads to the emergence of social negative consequences. At least two variants of the formation of criminal behavior should be distinguished here.
It occurs similarly to the effect we have already considered. social contradiction in the spheres of labor and distribution, that is, the shortage of consumer goods and services affects the psychology of the population, giving rise to negative social attitudes, which affects the level of criminal activity of the population. The lack of services affects the state of violent crime: the poor development of consumer services leads to increased tension in relations between people, the formation of a conflict socio-psychological climate. According to the results of studies in a region with less developed domestic services, the number of conflicts in this area is greater than in others*.
Note that the deficit is one of the conditions for engaging in criminal activity. The imbalance between supply and demand is actively used by various businessmen who increase their own solvency through illegal operations. The consumer shortage contributes to the spread of speculation, fraud, bribery, private enterprise, and commercial mediation.
The personality of a violent criminal is characterized, as a rule, by low level socialization, reflecting the gaps and shortcomings of the main areas of education: family, school, vocational school, production team. The motivational sphere of this personality is characterized by egocentrism, a persistent conflict with some of the representatives environment, justifying themselves. Alcohol here is in most cases a catalyst that activates the criminal installation.
When elucidating the mechanism of formation of criminal intent, it is necessary to combine knowledge of the general laws of crime with a deep study of the personality of the offender. The latter is largely facilitated by familiarity with the social groups of which the individual is a member. The study of the structures of relationships that exist in the immediate environment of this person, knowledge of psychology social groups, of which this person is a member, are necessary to reveal the connection between the individual and society, the connection between the individual and public consciousness. The public face of any person is largely determined by the content of his microcosm, psychological structure which serves as a powerful catalyst for individual behavior. Very often, the nature of behavior depends on the content of the relevant norms of behavior of the environment.
Crime can be viewed as a deviation from the norm in the interaction of the individual with the surrounding social environment. When violent crimes are committed, the disruption of normal interaction with the social environment is associated with acute conflict situation. Often there is an “infection” with a conflict situation and participation in group hooligan actions and riots large groups persons. This type of conflict is typical for people with an unstable psyche, low sense of justice, a weak level of common culture, easily excitable, prone to conformism with persons in the crowd. Hooligan manifestations of one person can serve as an emotional signal and an example for others to follow.
The psychology of the persons who committed the murders reveals their strong dependence on another person. Murderers generally belong to a category of people for whom free and independent adaptation to life is always a difficult problem. The fact of the crime shows that getting out of contact with the victim for others is practically impossible way behavior. It should be borne in mind that this dependence can be realized not only in contact with the victim, but also with someone else, then the crime turns out to be mediated by dependence on a third person.
Murder arises as an action aimed at preserving the autonomous viability of the offender, as if breaking the connection with a life-supporting factor that has ceased to fulfill this function attributed to it. The main factor in the origin of murders is the ontogenetic factor - the blocking of the ability to autonomy as a result of the rejection of a potential criminal by other persons*. The vast majority of murders are committed with direct intent, a third of them, as practice shows, are thought out in advance.
A study of persons convicted of murder (500 people) shows that about half of those convicted of murder began to drink alcohol with early age. Alcohol several times increased the manifestation of aggression and made it heavier. Aggressive actions were mainly manifested in threats, beatings, insults and fights, that is, they were directed against the person and public order. If men predominated among the persons, then, as a rule, more than half of the victims were women.
In a third of cases, the killer and the victim were strangers to each other or met immediately before the crime. In 30% they were relatives, and in 8.6% they were spouses; in other cases - acquaintances, colleagues, neighbors. The majority of murders are committed between 20 and 30 years of age.
The entire group of those convicted of especially serious murders was characterized by cruelty, manifested in the treatment of animals, children, the elderly, women,
An analysis of the conditions of upbringing showed that those convicted of murder were one and a half times more likely to be brought up in disadvantaged conditions than in favorable ones. AT childhood about 20% grew up without both parents. The third part was brought up in incomplete family, while 9% - without a mother, 75% - without a father. In every fifth case, the incompleteness of the family was associated with a criminal record of the parents. The most criminogenic factor is the mother's criminal record.
Analysis of the materials revealed overgrowth aggressive behavior in childhood to illegal and criminal in adolescence and youth. A third of the surveyed were convicted for the first time at the age of 16-17. These persons treated their work in bad faith, maliciously violated labor discipline, drank, constantly created conflict situations,
Of the 500 convicted of particularly serious murders, 380 underwent a forensic psychiatric examination. In 180 cases, almost every second person who passed the examination had various anomalies that did not exclude sanity: chronic alcoholism, psychopathy, organic brain diseases, mental retardation, etc.
Note that in the Special Section, legal psychology considers the psychological aspects of careless crime, while exploring household and professional negligence.
In connection with the rapid development of technology and the penetration of powerful energy sources into many spheres of life, the social danger of careless crimes has sharply increased. Therefore, the most important task is to reveal the psychological mechanism of a careless crime, which makes it possible to link careless behavior with the individual characteristics of a person.
Although when describing the psychological source of negligence, such expressions as “neglect”, “frivolity”, “carelessness”, “laxity” and so on are often used, such expressions, however, suggest a socio-ethical rather than a psychological characteristic of the processes, the mechanism of which remains unrecognized. . Therefore, the most important task is to reveal the psychological mechanism of a careless crime, to connect careless behavior with the inner world of the subject and the system of values ​​to which he is oriented.
A complete and in-depth study by the investigator and the court of the psychological characteristics of the personality of the accused contributes to the solution of a number of urgent problems.
1. Correct qualification of the committed crime.
2. The choice of tactics that most contribute to success in the production of investigative actions, especially when interrogating a person under investigation.
3. The educational impact on the personality of the offender with the aim of his re-socialization should begin at the first interrogation and be based on sufficient deep knowledge investigator and judge individual features and the dynamics of the development of this personality.
4. Work to identify the causes and conditions of the crime is carried out more deeply and comprehensively if the investigator has studied psychological features the identity of the accused.
In criminal psychology great importance has a program for studying the identity of the criminal, in which it is necessary to highlight following groups signs.
1. Socio-demographic. This group includes: gender, age, education, party membership, social status, specialty, scale of roles, etc.
2. Socio-psychological. This group includes: intellectual, strong-willed, moral qualities, character traits, etc.
3. Psychophysiological. This group includes: temperament (strength, mobility and balance nervous activity), special type higher nervous activity, as well as information about pathological deviations of the personality*.
The psychological study of the personality of the accused, and then the defendant, includes the study of his inner world, needs, motives underlying actions, emotional-volitional sphere, abilities, individual characteristics of intellectual activity (thinking, perception, memory and other cognitive processes).
It should be noted that within the framework of the criminal process, not all the psychological characteristics of the person under investigation can be studied, but only those that are of fundamental importance for the criminal case. The study of the psychological characteristics of the accused should be integral part investigation of a crime, and in each specific case, the range of this information should be specified depending on the category and nature of the criminal case and on the characteristics of the personality of the accused. The psychology of the personality of the accused should be studied in such a way that the investigator can provide a solution to criminal law, criminal procedure, criminological and corrective labor problems in a particular case. A wide range of information about the personality involves the use of a large number of sources of information about the psychology of the accused of a procedural and non-procedural nature.

Token economies illustrate the application of adult operant principles in institutional settings. Tokens, such as plastic discs, are given as rewards for "desired" behavior. The tokens can then be exchanged for privileges. Theoretically, tokens reinforce “appropriate” behavior. Schools also use home loans.

Hobbs and Holt presented an economy marker program with young offenders in three behavioral units, the fourth being control. They observed a significant improvement in positive behavior as a result of the introduction of the symbolic economy. Allelon found similar effects in an adult prison.

Legal psychology. Cribs Solovieva Maria Aleksandrovna

43. Psychotypes of criminals

43. Psychotypes of criminals

In legal psychology, it is customary to distinguish two types of criminal personality: a socially adaptive type and a socially maladaptive type.

Socially adaptive type According to V. V. Romanov, the criminal’s personality is distinguished by a high level of neuropsychic, emotional and volitional stability, resistance (tolerance) to stress, to long-term psychophysical overload, a sthenic type of response in complex, critical situations, developed adaptive properties nervous system: strength, mobility of nervous processes.

Tokens are easy to implement and do not require special education or expenses, as with other treatments such as anger management. But all employees must follow them consistently if they are to work. The effects they seem to produce may not be primarily due to saving tokens. Patients may respond to increased attention, a planned course of action, and improved monitoring, rather than a desire to receive tokens.

Token countries may not change behavior - people may simply imitate or fake "desired" behavior in order to get tokens. Upon release, the prisoners will return to their former criminal behavior. Marketing countries raise ethical issues. Human rights are threatened when staff can control their access to food and freedom of movement?

Such criminals have a sufficiently developed intellect, flexible thinking, they are quick-witted and pragmatic, able to plan a crime and behavior after it has been committed. They have a broad outlook, good memory, imagination, they are attentive, have a heightened perception. Some criminals have a bright personality and high entrepreneurial spirit. However, due to high level claims are capable of making mistakes. Largest number such criminals are classified as professional crime, malicious and especially dangerous criminal types.

Clinton Field found that in order to have the maximum impact on rewards and their frequency, it must be individually tailored to the prisoner. Consider loans at home, while they work well with Year 7 students, a school mug or pen is unlikely to motivate a Year 11 student!

Anger management programs are a form of cognitive behavioral therapy that aim to change the way the prisoner thinks and therefore the way they act. There are three stages in anger management. The therapist works with them to show them that their response is not rational and helps them redefine situations as non-threatening. They are taught to recognize their own triggers for anger.

Socially maladaptive type The personality of the offender is characterized by low emotional and volitional stability, reduced resistance to stress, neurotic symptoms, pronounced accentuated character traits for hyperthymic-unstable, epileptoid and some other types, mental anomalies, psychotic disorders, psychopathic personality traits. Such criminals do not have developed socially adaptive qualities, the threshold of neuropsychic stability is lowered, often low intelligence, and the prognostic sphere is underdeveloped.

They may need to be prepared to assert themselves and communicate effectively. They are taught to control own emotions and not be controlled by them. The therapist deliberately provokes them to see how they react. The therapist will positively reinforce successful strategies.

Ireland Study on whether anger management courses work. Conclusions: - Treatment has been effective in the short term, but there is no evidence of recurrence. Anger management is an eclectic approach in which he uses a cognitive approach in the first stage, a behavioral approach in the second stage, and a social approach in the stage. This recognizes that abusive behavior is a complex interplay between social and psychological factors.

They usually differ in primitive needs, interests, value orientations, primitive ideas about the world. They are focused on meeting immediate needs, easily fall into states of frustration and increased aggressiveness, showing unjustified cruelty when committing crimes. Most often refer to unstable and situational types of criminals.

Anger management is more likely to result in permanent behavior change than behavior modification programs because it focuses on changing how the perpetrator thinks and behaves. This is very different role-playing game anger control for anger control once outside the prison. Anger management is limited in its application because not all crime is motivated by anger.

Restorative justice programs

Anger management is very expensive and time consuming as it requires highly trained therapists. Restorative justice typically involves a supervised mediation meeting between victim and offender with a trained mediator. The victim is given the opportunity to confront the perpetrator and explain the impact the crime had on their lives. The perpetrator must face the consequences of his actions, and this begins the process of rehabilitation.

Between these opposing types, there are many mixed types, which are characterized by compensatory personality traits formed to varying degrees, which make it possible to maintain a certain level of social adaptation.

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Part 3. Profiling: operational psychodiagnostics of a personality, or How different psychotypes lie From this part of the book, you will learn about how different psychotypes differ. And most importantly, understand how they

Restorative justice should be voluntary for all parties and achieve a positive outcome. He shows respect and does not humiliate either the perpetrator or the victim. Rehabilitation of offenders - Punishment is a passive process, restorative justice requires the offender to be an active participant in the process. It is cruel for the perpetrator that they must listen to the consequences of their crimes on the victim and take full responsibility for their actions. The experience should reduce the likelihood of them re-offending.

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Chapter 16 Each of them is characterized by a set of qualities and special reactions to the circumstances of life. You can talk a lot about psychotypes, because

Atonement for injustice - offenders may offer specific compensation or redeem themselves by showing sincere feelings guilt and remorse. Victim's Perspective - Restorative justice restores power to the victim. Many who have gone through this process report that it has reduced the feeling of "victim" and has helped them feel safe again.

Restorative justice is tough on victims and offenders alike. For offenders, they have to face the consequences of their actions, but for victims, they may be forced to endure a frightening and frustrating experience. Cost - Shapland concluded that every £1 spent on restorative justice would save the government £8 in reduced reoffending. However, there are costs associated with training facilitators and high dropout rates of offenders unable to confront their victims, so this may not always be cost effective.

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39. Classification of types of criminals There are many classifications of types of criminals, each of them is built on some specific basis. One of the most important is the classification according to the leading personal motive, since this classification with certainty

Interpretation - Offenders must feel genuine remorse. Therefore, restorative justice is not suitable for all criminals, nor for all crimes. It only works where there is an obvious victim. Soft option. Public opinion may be against restorative justice as it may be seen as "frivolous".

Feminist Criticism - Women's Aid called for a ban on the use of restorative justice in cases domestic violence because they think it's inappropriate. Initial Offenders - Restorative justice is most effective with young, first-time offenders. This gives a short, sharp shock and forces them to confront the consequences of their actions.

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Discuss the psychological consequences of sentencing. Discuss the use of anger management as a treatment for offenders. Deb Gajic is Head of Psychology at Paulesworth School, Associate Member of the British Psychological Society and a Chartered Psychologist.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of psychological concepts, theories, research, research methods and ethical issues. Apply psychological knowledge and understanding in different contexts. When processing qualitative data. When processing quantitative data.

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§ 6. Psychological characteristics of professional criminals Professional crime is associated with obtaining permanent illegal income. However, professional crime should be associated not only with the concept of "income", but also with the socio-psychological

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§ 7. Psychology of careless criminals The main feature of this category of criminals is defects in mental self-regulation. Careless criminal acts: violation of safety rules technical means, criminal negligence, violation of rules

At least 10% overall assessment psychology will contain math skills equivalent to level 2 or higher. Prepares students for further doctoral studies, licensing as a clinical psychologist, or a career in human services. Investigative psychology is a new branch of applied psychology that focuses on understanding and profiling criminals. The ultimate goal is to help resolve crime and provide empirical data for court cases.

What is Psychological Research?

The following explains what is new type applied psychology and why more and more students choose to study it. This newer branch of psychology is often associated with criminal profiling but is confused with forensic psychology. Forensic psychologists deal with issues of law and psychology and work within the legal system. They work as expert witnesses, forensic consultants, scientific researchers and consultants. law enforcement. They usually evaluate witnesses to judge their credibility, competence, and even sanity.

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HOW THE CRIMINALS ARE “POINTED” TO THEIR OWN APARTMENT No matter how regrettable it may sound, in the vast majority of burglaries and robberies, their owners themselves are primarily guilty. It is they who give the “order” to the criminals, and they only conscientiously fulfill it. What can

On the other hand, criminal profiling is a set of tools that help law enforcement officers identify offenders and predict criminal behavior. However, psychology researchers are focused on studying all forms of crime in order to facilitate the legal and law enforcement process.

What do psychologists do?

Research psychologists conduct both practical and abstract evidence-based research and analysis. They often study criminal styles and patterns to understand the thought processes and psychological characteristics of the criminal. As an example, they perform criminal profiling, which we hope will help with understanding the target criminal. They also conduct comprehensive reviews of legal and investigative decisions and processes. For example, they can interview victims, predict violence, and analyze the decision-making process in a detective way.

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