Father of Diana Shurygina: “Sergey Semyonov sat down as a rapist and freed himself as a rapist. Diana Shurygina and Sergey Semyonov: an expert's own investigation into lies


“Most of all in this story I was surprised by the injustice”

Last week, the news about the release of the rapist Diana Shurygina caused a wide public outcry. Soon Sergei Semenov flew to Moscow for a television talk show. Now he has decided to publicly give an answer to the one who put him behind bars. We contacted Ilya Anishchenko, an expert on lies and sign language, who led his own investigation into this scandalous case. He came to the defense of Semyonov. He personally met a guy from the colony.

Why did you decide to take up the case of Diana Shurygina? Was it your initiative or did Sergey Semenov's parents ask?

Before this case became known throughout the country, I kept a blog in which I exposed the criminals in other high-profile criminal cases. For example, brought to clean water glamor photographer from Yekaterinburg Dmitry Loshagin, who killed his wife and did not admit it. I noticed from his first public interview that he was lying. Then he proved it for two years on social networks. I examined the case of Victor Cohen from Vladivostok, who also killed his wife, and did not admit it.

- But the story with Shurygina ended not so tragically. Nobody killed anyone.

After the release of the first program on the Shurygina case, subscribers began to write to me, asking me to study Diana's behavior. I watched several programs, and it became obvious to me that the girl was lying. Consented sex is not violent. I released several videos in which I exposed Diana and her parents. But I didn’t calm down on this, I wanted to help Sergey. Eventually, I managed to contact his friend from the village, who invited me to stay with him during the investigation.

- Did Sergey's parents also agree?

I phoned Sergei's mother and asked for permission to come and try to help somehow. She didn't refuse. As a result, after 2 weeks I was already in the Ulyanovsk region. It was entirely my initiative, I went at my own expense.

- Did you also talk to Shurygina's friends?

I personally talked with my friend Shurygina, who was in that very cottage. By the way, it was this girl who was invited to that “record”, and Diana imposed herself on her. As for Shurygina's acquaintances, in Ulyanovsk, many spoke badly about her, including classmates. According to rumors, she was constantly brought to expensive cars to the hostel where she lived with her parents.

- Is it true that Shurygina did not return to Ulyanovsk, because her countrymen looked askance at her?

Exactly. Diana now lives with her husband in Moscow in his apartment. He contains it, it does not work. Of course, the Shurygina family in Ulyanovsk looked askance. Now her parents can't even get a job because of notoriety.

- Does Diana often come to her homeland? Did she still have friends there, or did she break off relations with everyone?

She practically does not come to Ulyanovsk. Nobody is happy there. Understand that her communication skills are impaired - all psychologists talk about this.

- Shurygina made good money on this whole story. Where did all the money go?

- They paid her a lot. I know that she had an exclusive contract with one TV channel, which at first supported her in Moscow. I personally know what last broadcast in the popular program, she received 300 thousand rubles. She could get rich. She even had her own producers.

But in the end, she quarreled with everyone. The producer from YouTube, as far as I know, left her, because he was tired of her constant scandals. Another producer thought of making her a singer. It didn't work either. At that time, many people wanted to make money on it.

Shurygina herself abandoned her video channel. A couple of times she made an advertisement on social networks, but in the end everyone forgot about her. The scandalous fame quickly ended.

- Did Diana have a young man whom she was waiting for from the army?

She didn't have a boyfriend. She did not expect anyone from the army. This, according to my information, was invented by my mother to whitewash her daughter.

- What did Semyonov look like to you?

Good, humble, kind and honest guy. I saw that he was telling the truth, I realized that I needed to help him. And I was not mistaken in it. He turned out to be like that when I finally got to know him, when he was released. Only now I have noticed that he is cheerful and cheerful. The soul of the company, constantly joking, telling stories from life, everyone laughs. Prison didn't break him.

- Did he like Diana?

No. In general, he saw her for the first time in that cottage, in fact, they did not even know each other closely.

Did they communicate after release?

- Why was Shurygina surprised at the imminent release of Semenov, she was not warned about this?

Shurygins themselves are to blame. They did not write a statement to be notified if there is a trial on Sergey's parole. They didn't do it due to their stupidity. So it’s their own fault that on December 25 the court passed without them. And now they're screaming that they weren't even told anything.

- Is Semenov able to take revenge on Shurygina?

No, he won't do it.

As far as I know, Sergei has now also begun to earn on his popularity. According to rumors, for a 10-minute interview he asks for 40 thousand rubles.

I do not know this. But of course he needs money. Sergei should pay another 200 thousand rubles to Diana as compensation.

What surprised you the most about this story?

Injustice. Sergey said that so many innocent people were imprisoned with him precisely for rape. Some didn't even know their "victims". I was surprised how you can plant a guy just from the words of a woman. How imperfect is the evidence base for Articles 131 and 132. How acute is the topic of violence, and how difficult it is to prove it, if it really was. After all, there are even more cases when women are silent about rape, because they are afraid of publicity or simply admit it. Therefore, real rape may not be investigated.

- Whole armies of fans of Semenov and Shurygina appeared - who are these people?

Sergey's fans are those who believed in his innocence, people of all ages. The number of Shurygina's fans after the release of Semenov has sharply decreased. Basically, these are the same girls who want scandalous fame. Many of her fans are fake pages on social networks. I think that these are sociopaths or ardent feminists who do not want to understand the details of the case. Or just people who are very easy to deceive.

- As for the fact that Semyonov is innocent - you can’t say so, because the court proved his guilt.

For sex mutual agreement We don't have criminal penalties. She was 16, which is the age of consent. Guilt of rape and actions sexual in nature in relation to Diana, in my opinion, he has not.

- In all this history there was one person involved in the case. What's wrong with him now?

Diana changed her testimony slightly. At first she said that her two boyfriends had raped her, but then she admitted that the second one only tried, but she refused him, and he left. So he became a witness. His name is Alexander Rukhlin. Immediately after this scandal, he went into the army.

It seems to me that Diana would not have inflated the conflict if she had not been afraid of the anger of her parents, who found her at the "reception" ...

That evening, Diana's mother took her daughter outside, the father, as I know, hit her and threw her into the car. Of course, Diana was afraid of parental anger.

- Diana's friend, who brought her to the cottage, now communicates with Shurygina?

No one else from that company communicates with Diana and does not want to know her.

- You were visiting Semyonov. How is his family doing?

His mother - school teacher dad is disabled. They are from the village. Sergei was met rather modestly, but he was full house friends and relatives. Now he has a lot of fans, he started accounts in social networks. In a couple of days, several tens of thousands of subscribers have already accumulated, and he is also going to run a YouTube channel. Tell about yourself. When we arrived in Moscow with him, we went to shopping mall People recognized him, turned around, asked to be photographed. They took an autograph.

Meanwhile, Diana Shurygina decided to put an end to the topic of the release of Sergei Semenov. About what she wrote on her page on the social network.

Semenov (left) and Anishchenko (center)

“What are the authorities themselves thinking about, releasing the rapist of an underage girl home after more than a year and inviting him to television in Moscow, what are they calling for? Come on, guys, rape youngsters, if they can prove their guilt, then sit for a year, and also become famous. Where is this world heading?

If I had a face-to-face meeting with Semyonov, without cameras, I would ask if he repented, did they realize the mistake? I really, I hope that I have realized, but among the masses, of course, he says that there is nothing to realize, because then everyone will turn away from him, perhaps even his own mother.

Diana Shurygina was born on June 12, 1999 in Ulyanovsk, now she is a student of the Ulyanovsk Vocational Pedagogical College.

At the age of 16 she joined intimacy with a previously unfamiliar 21-year-old Sergei Semenov. According to a minor girl, he forcibly forced her into sexual acts.

The incident occurred on March 31, 2016 at the birthday party of Semenov's friend. Diana Shurygina admitted that she drank vodka at the check-in, but she did not give consent to enter into intimacy.

In December 2016, on the fact of raping a minor, Semyonov was sentenced to eight years in a strict regime colony, but later this period was reduced to three years and three months. general regime. The young man himself categorically denies the allegations against him. According to him, he entered into an intimate relationship with Diana Shurygina by mutual consent.

Relatives of Sergei Semenov turned to Andrey Malakhov's program "Let them talk" in order to publicly look into this matter and help the convicted young man. The program aired on January 31, 2017. The story turned out to be so scandalous that Diana Shurygina and her family came to the TV project twice more.

According to the raped girl, after the incident she went to the police, and the doctors recorded traces of coercion to sexual acts. She also said that on the same day another young man abused her, but she did not specify why he escaped criminal prosecution.

Most of the guests of the TV show were opposed to Diana Shurygina. The girl allegedly did not worry too much about the rape and spoke too openly about what happened. She was also reminded of the story of Diana's ex-boyfriend Vladislav Troshin, who was sentenced to a year of probation under the same article as Sergei Semenov.

Many groups have appeared on social networks in support of both Diana Shurygina and Sergei Semenov. Some argue that the girl's parents extorted money from the suspect's family under the threat of a criminal case. Others demand an end to the unreasonable harassment of a rape victim.

However, the girl herself benefited from such "black PR" - she became a popular blogger. On February 26, 2017, the girl took part in a charity event organized in the office social network"In contact with". At the event, the top bloggers of the country supported Diana and gladly took a lot of joint photos with her.

The story of Diana Shurygina, who accused Sergei Semenov of rape, has become one of the most high-profile scandals last year. Young man sentenced to eight years, later appealed the term to three years and three months in a penal colony. As a result, the convict spent only a year in prison and was released on parole.

After the release of Semyonov, the story of rape again became relevant. Diana wants Sergei to apologize publicly to her, but he himself is guilty. Now the young man is in his native village in the Ulyanovsk region, he is required to wear a special bracelet that tracks all his movements. In addition, Sergei is forbidden to travel more than 25 kilometers from home.

Early release Semenov outraged the father of Diana Alexei Shurygin. The man became the hero of Andrey Malakhov's program "Live". Alexey said that even before the conclusion, Semyonov knelt before Diana and asked for forgiveness for the rape.


“He is lying, his sister is lying. What should I tell him? As he sat down as a rapist, so he will be released in a year and a half as a rapist. I'm not afraid of exposure. There is nothing to expose!” Diana's father said.

Public figure Pavel Pyatnitsky took the side of Semenov, according to him, he intends to achieve a review of this case.

“I received a notarized power of attorney from Sergey to represent his interests. In Ulyanovsk, I talked to many people. As a result, not a single bad review about the Semenovs, but a lot of texture about the Shurygins. If Diana says that she lied about the rape out of fear of her parents, then she should be charged with the 306th for knowingly false denunciation. But the court can release her from this punishment. If you now do not find the courage to confess and tell how it was, then I will find everything up to the seventh generation. I’m collecting the invoice and preparing claims for libel, ”Pyatnitsky turned to Shurygina’s father.

Sergey himself got in touch with the studio via Skype. The young man said that he was reinstated at the university and allowed to visit the institution, despite the ban on leaving his native village for more than 25 kilometers. Semyonov also assures that he did not ask for forgiveness from Diana, but begged her to tell the truth.

The guests of the studio were again divided into two camps. Discussing the details of this scandalous story, it was again not possible to come to any conclusion, everyone remained unconvinced.

At the end of the program, Malakhov said that Diana decided to restore her virginity. “I don’t even know what to say here,” Semyonov commented.

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The story of Diana Shurygina, a 17-year-old resident of Ulyanovsk, continues: no sooner had the discussion of the new episodes of the “Let them talk” program with her participation subside, as it flared up new scandal. The girl attended a charity event organized by Mail.ru and the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation, where she was photographed with many popular video bloggers. An innocent photo shoot turned into the indignation of social media users and other YouTube stars.

February 26 public "VPSh" together with Mail.ru and the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation, he held a charity event with the participation of video bloggers EeOneGuy, Maryana Ro and other Russian-speaking YouTube celebrities. The purpose of the event was to raise funds for systemic rehabilitation courses for children with severe brain diseases.

Unexpectedly for many, Diana Shurygina turned out to be at the event. She published photos from the action in her Instagram, on many of them she poses with famous video bloggers.

Diana Shurygina and EeOneGuy

Mariana Ro and Diana Shurygina

The pictures became the cause of indignation of many other video bloggers. For example, Mikhail Sovergon on his Twitter called the public “VPSh” “bad *******” and wrote down video(carefully, obscene language), in which he criticized the appearance of Shurygina at the rally.

Another video blogger, Nikolai Sobolev, turned to EeOneGuy and stated that "all bloggers who film collaborations with Shurygina will be sentenced to life-long dislikes."

of the same opinion adheres to and blogger German Chernykh.

Another famous blogger, project participant little big Ilya Prusikin declared that "Russian video blogging is dead."

Public "Life YouTube" leads the opinions of several more well-known video bloggers who also criticized the photos with Shurygina.

The incident caused indignation not only of video bloggers, but also of ordinary users of social networks: they publish the hashtags #vpshdno, #vpshprobilodno and others on the social network, accusing the administrators of the VPSh public of hypocrisy - they allegedly initially favorably treated Shurygina, but after a wave of indignation they renounced her. For example, on the network you can find a video in which Shurygina sends greetings to VPSh subscribers. Some commentators claim that the video was originally published in the public itself, but after complaints from commentators it was deleted.

On February 28, he appeared at the VPSh fast, in which the administrators of the public emphasize that they did not invite "this person" to the event. Administrators do not specify the name, but, apparently, we are talking about Diana Shurygina.

Neither the VPSh nor the bloggers supported anyone dubious and will not support anyone, keep your head on your shoulders. No one called this person as a star guest or blogger, and no one was going to emphasize this in any way! Badges are issued to absolutely everyone at the entrance.

Diana Shurygina, a 17-year-old resident of Ulyanovsk, was raped in the spring of 2016. For the crime committed, 21-year-old Sergei Semenov was sentenced to three years in prison. At the end of January, Shurygina was invited to “Let them talk,” in which she told her story, but the guests of the program and users of social networks did not believe the girl: in their opinion, she was “to blame herself.” The result of the program was the mass persecution of the girl on the Internet.

Behind last month two more episodes of the program “Let them talk” were released with the participation of Shurygina. In social networks, you can find both support groups for the girl, and communities of those who do not believe in the justice of Semenov's sentence. Shurygina herself recently started YouTube blog, in which she called herself "an aspiring YouTuber." Now almost 230 thousand people have subscribed to it.

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