Reviews about: Space adventures of Belka and Strelka. Flight to Mars (Museum of Cosmonautics)


When my daughter is from the masses Christmas trees chose the tree Memorial Museum Astronautics called " New Year's adventures Squirrels and Strelki", I was delighted.

The fact is that, like most Soviet children, I was, as they say, "turned" in space for a good reason. I still have this hobby now, and I was glad to have the opportunity to introduce my Veronica to this.

Moreover, I have never been to the Museum of Cosmonautics after its reconstruction, but here a great opportunity presented itself.

The announcement of the show said:

"New Year's Adventures of Belka and Strelka

Labeled "SECRET"

From December 25, 2009 to January 7, 2010, the tailed heroes of Belka and Strelka. star dogs"will accept the most courageous and courageous children as astronauts. During the interactive NEW YEAR performance our little spectators themselves will become participants in an EXCITING SPACE JOURNEY and will be part of a fearless squad of young astronauts!
Going in search of a starry Christmas tree and a stolen planet of gifts, our heroes will have to conduct an intergalactic investigation, solve secret tasks and overcome alien obstacles. On the way of a detachment of young astronauts, they will meet Martian magicians, alien acrobats and other mysterious inhabitants of the magical space of the Universe. With this new year's meeting the story of the CONQUERATION OF OUTER SPACE by CHILDREN will begin.

The most interactive program, during which children and adults, being in the same team with actors and animators, travel (on foot) through the museum exposition ( total area 4500 sq. m) according to the principle of the game "Cossacks robbers". Teams face obstacles and riddles, overcoming and solving which they find the lost New Year's Space Tree (made in the form of a laser show) and the stolen Gift Planet. All participants receive passports for young cosmonauts.

For all this pleasure, 750 rubles were charged per person. Plus 250 rubles - additional payment for video filming of this show.

At the entrance, the organizers, having learned that my daughter was 6 years old, handed us yellow ties, which, as it turned out, meant belonging to the preschool team.

Already at the entrance, the first troubles began: since the number of children in the group was not limited by anything other than the imagination of the organizers, hustle and crush immediately began. At the same time, the parents strove to push their child closer forward, which is why a squabble began in the ranks of adults, which threatened to develop into something more.

Then, finally, four animators appeared: Professor Sputnik, flight engineer Shurupov, a certain Zvezdochkina, whose occupation remained a mystery, and a medical girl.

The professor told the children what a colorful journey they would now make, after which the children were asked to measure their height and weight in order to get permission to fly.

It looked like this - the children were driven onto the scales, after which they were told something like: "Your weight is 5 cosmic kilograms. This is an excellent weight for an astronaut. You are allowed to fly!" At the same time, another animator waved a centimeter over the children, depicting some kind of measurement.

More than 20 minutes passed from the start of the performance to the end of these procedures. That is, almost half of the declared performance time was killed for such an introduction.

Further, the professor tried to tell something about the Museum, but since we were already being pushed in the back next group(simultaneously through the Museum in chaotic order moved either 4 or 5 similar groups), then we ran further.

From the entire Museum, the children were shown by the animators alone with the guided logic:

Cosmonaut's lodgement (roughly speaking, the silhouette of a figure put into the chair, which helps to endure overloads during launch and landing);

Astronaut's suit for going out outer space;

- "space garden" (a model of planting plants that astronauts did in orbit);

Model of the orbital station "Mir" in full size.

The participation of Belka and Strelka in all this action was limited to the fact that they allegedly gave orders for such movements. Neither the mock-up of the rocket, on which, in fact, the dogs flew, nor anything related to the pioneers of space exploration, were even going to be shown to the children.

Special mention should be made of the visit to the mock-up of the Mir station. Since it is quite large, it is, as it were, suspended in the air, and the entrance to it is made through special ladders - one for the entrance, the other for the exit. And the entire inspection of the layout consisted in the fact that the children were literally shoved into one entrance, and pushed out of the other. The time spent by one child in the layout did not exceed one and a half seconds. What can be seen and understood during this time is known only to the organizers of the performance.

After that, a group of preschoolers were shoved into a local cafe, where they offered to draw postcards to Santa Claus. There was no talk of space topics - draw what you want.

It seems that preschoolers were pushed out of the Museum hall so that they would not get in the way of other groups.

The next 10-15 minutes the children spent drawing, and the parents through gritted teeth rewarding the authors of the show with obscene epithets.

Then the children were told Santa Claus on the big screen ( New Year after all), who said that he would send an SMS hint to find the Christmas tree. But this will happen only after the children recite poems about the New Year.

Nobody began to tell anything, the children, together with their parents, were simply pushed back into the hall, where they had the opportunity to observe from the second floor how the rest of the groups were gathering below. Then the children were shown Laser show- perhaps the only bright sight in this swamp of longing.

True, even here there were some oddities: for some reason, the Christmas tree ended up in a spacesuit, and besides, she announced that she was leaving immediately, as they were waiting for her "in another Galaxy."

After that, Belka and Strelka finally appeared in the hall - two full-length figures who began to shake hands with the children. All those present were asked to go to the exit "for gifts and passports for young cosmonauts." This passport was a postcard of medium quality, where you could enter the name of the child.

At the exit, the ties that determined belonging to a particular team were taken away, after which parents and children fell into the realm of chaos in the wardrobe.

The fact is that no one thought to close the Museum of Cosmonautics for the period of Christmas trees for ordinary visitors, so that immediately after the end of the Christmas tree, adults poured into the hall. A real chaos began in the wardrobe, some of the people working there were frankly drunk, as a result of which they simply confused things.

For example, instead of a child’s jacket, they tried to give me an adult’s coat by number. Nearby were people whose things simply could not be found. And the mittens or gloves that fell out of the pocket were simply not looked for in the wardrobe.

Well, one more thing about the performance: the notorious Professor Sputnikov showed complete ignorance of the subject, openly lying to the children at least twice.

So, he reported that "cosmonauts fly to the space station for three days, chained to a chair in the fetal position." In fact, for more than 40 years our cosmonauts have been flying into space on Soyuz vehicles that have a utility compartment, so that they are in their seats only during takeoff, landing and docking.

Professor Sputnikov further stated that the rockets go into orbit at a speed of 11 km/s. I don’t know where this animator came from, but in general it has always been believed that ships go into orbit at the first cosmic speed - 8 km / s, and at 11 km / s, which is the second cosmic speed, they fly to other planets of the solar system .

So, let's sum up: for all this hack I had to pay 750 rubles per person, not counting the payment for video filming. Even if we assume that a modest gift with sweets costs 300 rubles (this is the maximum), it turns out that the performance costs 450 rubles. For this money, they run you around the hall, they talk frank nonsense, plus you have the pleasure of bumping into other parents and quarreling in the wardrobe.

Meanwhile, an ordinary adult admission ticket the museum costs 100 rubles. And for 400 rubles you can buy a family ticket without queuing, according to which you can walk slowly and without pushing through the hall with a guide who will answer all your questions.

To summarize: nothing else but a brazen attempt to "cut down the easy dough" "New Year's Adventures of Belka and Strelka" cannot be considered. Such ideas can discourage a child's interest in astronautics once and for all.

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics has clearly tarnished its reputation with such hack work.

A story familiar from childhood about brave dogs who made a space flight will come to life on the stage of the Museum of Cosmonautics on the eve of the New Year.

« space adventure Squirrels and Strelki. Flight to Mars” is the second series of a play about the adventures of Belka and Strelka, which is loved by many children. The tale will be of interest to those who watched the first series and to new viewers. This year, brave travelers Belka and Strelka are going to the mysterious and distant Mars. A planet where sunsets blue color, and in winter, instead of Christmas trees, completely different trees are dressed up - apple trees. On New Year's Eve, the heroes will help Santa Claus save the world and bring the most cherished holiday closer. On the way to the goal, Belka and Strelka will face difficult trials, but thanks to friends, good intentions and magic, they will be able to perform a real miracle.

Informative and captivating story great gift for children on New Year's Eve.

The director of the production is the Honored Artist of Russia, film and theater actor. Evgenia Vakhtangov - Vladislav Demchenko.

*The ticket price includes a visit to the exposition of the Museum of Cosmonautics before or after the performance and a tube of space food as a gift. Tickets for the performance of the entrance to the museum - out of turn.

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Reviews about Space Adventures of Belka and Strelka

January 5 visited with a child. The theater itself takes place in the building of the Museum of Cosmonautics, which has become an added bonus because it was the first time there. Another plus is that there is no queue entry for tickets, which saved a lot of time. They start letting people into the room where the performance itself takes place 15 minutes before the start, the hall itself is small, which makes it comfortable to watch from anywhere - we sat from the very edge and everything that happened on the stage was visible. The performance itself is a continuation of Belka and Strelka, nevertheless it was interesting to watch, because. had its own story line. With a child watched with great pleasure!

first new

Today, my children aged 3 and 5 opened the season of Christmas trees, visited the Space Adventures of Belka and Strelka at the Museum of Cosmonautics.

I'll start with the positives.
For one ticket (1500-1600), you can come with a child up to 4 years old inclusive.

Small, cozy, nicely decorated room.

Each ticket comes with a gift - a tube of space food.
Before or after the performance, you can walk around the museum. The renovation at the main entrance is over and now there is much more space!

And now for the cons.

On the other hand, the formulas of Newton's law are shown on the screen. Talk about antigravity! And after the phrase "gravity in space is much weaker than on Earth", I decided to completely turn off my ears and just look at the picture.

Flashing lights (like in a disco). Too often and too long. Although this is an amateur, I guess. They sing to the soundtrack. And sometimes they speak under it.

The seats are not equipped for children, and there are no pillows, so you have to keep the child on your lap, or he looks while standing. Especially if a tall adult is sitting in front of you. The ascent starts from the 5th row. We sat on the last, 9th row. An adult will be clearly visible from any place.
The tube food reminded me of food in kindergarten. But the children ate it, because this is the food of astronauts!

Also, if your baby is active and not afraid of actors, take seats on the edge! Several times Belka and Strelka, as well as Santa Claus, pass by and shake hands with the audience and give "five".

At the end of the performance, which lasts only 1 hour, many children under 6 years old began to act up and ask to go home, which is significant.
Well, the first pancake turned out to be lumpy, but I believe that other Christmas trees will please us!

P.S. Bonus for those who read to the end :-). Let me explain why I did not like the phrase "gravity in space is much weaker than on Earth."
Attraction does not depend on whether you are in space or not. It depends on the mass of the body and the distance to it. Those. if there is nothing nearby in space, then there will be no attraction at all. If you are on the moon, for example, then the gravity will be less (the moon weighs smaller than Earth). And if you are on Jupiter (it is the heaviest in solar system), then the attraction will be greater than on Earth.
Of course, I guess that the screenwriter meant that Belka and Strelka are on some kind of "light" planet :-), but still, since you are taking up the topic of physics, you should try to speak correctly.

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