Five things a new rock band shouldn't do. Don't wave your hands


Buying a ticket for something concert show, on the back you can invariably read that a concert is a dangerous event and the visitor of it takes all the possible risk.

Many do not pay attention to the small letters on the back, but they can scare someone (for example, parents of teenage children who decide to go to a concert of their favorite team).

So how do you make sure that this most possible risk is minimized and you can fully enjoy the live performance of your favorite band? We will try to reveal some little secrets of attending rock concerts here.

But before we continue our story, we need to make a small digression-remark. Everyone who buys a treasured piece of paper must first know why he is going to this concert. It would seem that the answer to this question is obvious, but practice shows that the goals of attending a concert are far from being the same for all of its visitors. You can conditionally divide the audience into two groups: the first comes first of all to listen to the performance of their idols, and the second sets itself the goal of “burning” as much as possible. The concept of "anchor" includes the entire list of those very actions that make the concert "an event associated with a risk to health." So, if you, dear reader, consider yourself to that very second category, then further narration will obviously not be interesting to you, because your favorite argument is: “This is a rock concert, not a visit to the conservatory.” But with the first "focus group" of concert listeners, we will have a further conversation.

So, you go to a concert to listen and feel the creativity of your favorite artist and want to do it in more or less comfortable conditions. The easiest option is to buy seats. But this is far from being suitable for everyone, and far from always this will be the right approach. So, in clubs, seats are classified as VIP, and the price of such tickets is much higher than in the so-called “dance grounds”, and in stadiums, not all seats will provide the viewer with maximum visibility and good audibility, and, of course, the most comfortable seats. in stadiums they also stand higher than the standing stalls. In addition, it is known that the most powerful in terms of energy is the very “dance floor”, and for many it is a matter of honor to buy a ticket there. And here the concert visitor is faced with the second problem of attending a concert - a good view, because everyone wants to see the stage and what happens on it, but the very definition of “dance partner” speaks for itself. Of course, the most good review can be obtained from the first "rows" of ten, then - the will of chance. Of course, every self-respecting fan considers it his duty to get into a few coveted rows in front of the stage. This state of affairs leads to the fact that sometimes real battles for a “place in the sun” unfold during a concert. Therefore, it is traditionally believed that the most dangerous place for a fan is the front row in front of the stage. However, this view is somewhat exaggerated. The first row is the safest place for a number of reasons.

So, the center of the first row of the stalls can be considered conditionally “dangerous”, since it is there that the majority of fans strive and it is there that the most fierce “struggle” takes place. But you did not come to fight, but to listen. Therefore, you should not rush to the coveted center, most musicians move quite dynamically around the stage, and you will have the opportunity to see your idol up close. Actually, the side “seats” of the first row can be considered the safest and most comfortable. From these places, the maximum view of the stage opens up, and the risk of being involved in a slam is reduced to almost zero. The only inconvenience of such an arrangement can be considered speakers that are quite close, the sound of which at first “deafens”. But you quickly get used to it, and it does not create any particular inconvenience (unless, of course, you are at a Manowar concert). And here there is one little "trick", a number of concert venues the entrance to the hall is often open alone, and where the entrance is located relative to the stage often affects the location of the public near the latter. So, in CDK MAI, the audience usually accumulates closer to the entrance to the hall, and it seems that there is no way to get to the stage, but if you are not too lazy and go through the hall, you will find that it is quite free near the opposite edge of the stage.

If for a number of reasons you could not even take comfortable seats near the side of the stage, then the main thing is not to stand in the next 3-5 rows of stalls - they will be the most dangerous and will turn your concert visit into a kind of bullfight. These rows themselves are unstable "constructions", stage diving, slam, waves that blow away the audience are often born there, and if you add not quite sober fans who strive to get as close to the stage as possible at all costs, then the chances of getting even minor injury only increases. Your deployment in the center of a dense crowd of fans will also be a mistake. Often so-called circles of mosh are formed in the center or signal lights are burned, popularly referred to as fires (or false fires). Being close to the epicenter of these actions for an unprepared viewer can also become quite dangerous. It is better to observe the well-adjusted actions of mosh lovers and the fires from a considerable distance. So in order to avoid potential “adventures”, unless, of course, you are looking for them yourself, you should stay a little to the side of the main crowd.

While at concerts, remember a few more immutable rules. It is worth going to a concert in the most comfortable and comfortable clothes, girls who can’t imagine themselves without minis and stilettos automatically fall into the “risk group”. Try to stay away from heavily drunk fans, although this is not always feasible. And remember: security is your ally, especially if you are quite close to the stage, you should not hone your wits on them or show your coolness.

We hope that this story will be useful to some of you. Remember: how the concert will be for you personally, depends primarily on you, your aspirations and actions!

Natalia Stupnikova

The danger of slam varies by genre performed music. If more positive style, then metal and punk sound much harder and provoke listeners to more aggressive dances. It doesn't hurt to know the structure musical compositions: in the lyrical pieces the crowd calms down, and on the crescendo abruptly breaks into a furious slam. Therefore, after concerts, fans with dissected eyebrows and lips turn to doctors. Dmitry Zubkov, traumatologist-orthopedist, member of the Presidium of the Association of Traumatologists-Orthopedists of Moscow, explains: “Everyone jumps, hits their heads, runs into exposed elbows, hence the nose fractures, and bruised injuries of the lips, eyebrows, and fractures of the ribs.” In a particularly energetic mix, it’s not far from concussions and even closed abdominal injuries, which are much more serious.

2. Pick the right clothes

At extreme concerts, you should wear those things that you don’t mind “killing”: two hours in a wild slam with a crowd of lathered and sometimes bloodied guys will not pass without a trace for your costume. In addition, Dmitry Zubkov warns: "There are three harsh components of heat stroke: high temperature, high humidity, lack of oxygen, and at any concert they are all present." Therefore, the doctor advises to periodically go to Fresh air, drink plenty of mineral water and wear loose-fitting clothes made from natural cotton. The ideal option will be lazy. Make sure your shoes are securely laced up, otherwise you run the risk of being left without them, and even with crushed feet. As for girls, they should never wear high heels. “Studs often break metatarsal bones or toes when they step on a neighbor’s foot,” Dmitry explains. Remove all spiked bracelets, chains, earrings and even piercings, as this can injure not only others, but also you.

3. Leave your phone and wallet at home

Valuable things can be lost both through negligence and malicious intent. The drummer of the "Montezuma's Revenge" group Vladimir Yurchenko at the Anthrax concert was personally convinced of this. “I didn’t immediately realize that it was a pincher, just some strange comrade very intensively pushed me on the shoulder,” the musician recalls. - And in the pause between the compositions, I realized that I no longer have an iPhone, but the thief had already managed to escape. Several phones were stolen that day, it is logical to assume that a criminal group is operating in the mosh pits. If you can see more or less well without glasses, go without them. Based on his own experience, Dmitry Zubkov explains that the glasses will fly off before the guy reaches someone, but if their owner manages to stick his face into someone's strong shoulder, then he cannot avoid a broken nose or a cut in the bridge of the nose.

4. Be careful with alcohol

Dmitry sighs: “Almost everyone I saw unconscious at concerts clearly leaned on strong alcohol.”

5. Don't fall and lift others

At any concert, several people rush to the fallen at once in order to raise them and save them from severe injuries. This rule saved the life of our ex-editor Dmitry Bykov .. “Memories begin with some flashes. When we were at the stage, where hellish rubil was already going on, I said that we needed to get to the very center of the batch near the stage as soon as possible, and Sirotkin agreed with me, - says Dima Bykov. - Well, we ran, broke into the very mess, for some time I was still on my feet, with pleasure watching the masks spin past my eyes, all these faces, and then I was dragged somewhere and knocked down. For me, of course, some legs ran. It was uncomfortable at first, and then it hurt.” Fortunately, Dmitry was quickly picked up and pushed out of the mosh pit, and even returned the bag and jacket, which he managed to lose. However, not everyone is so lucky. Suffice it to recall the two fans who died in a horrendous stampede at a Guns N' Roses concert on August 20, 1988 at Castle Donington, Britain.

6. If you fall - fall forward

According to Dmitry Zubkov, in order not to break the coccyx, you should fall forward - like roller skates and skaters. And girls in general need to be doubly careful: “In the event of a fracture and displacement of the coccyx, the exit from the pelvis can be blocked, through which the fetus comes out during childbirth, this is first. Secondly, bruises of the mammary gland can lead to a hematoma, which in turn can eventually turn into a node, a thickening of the breast tissue. A blunt trauma to the abdomen can cause problems with the uterus - it can move relative to its bed, which subsequently threatens with cicatricial processes in it and, as a result, infertility.

7. Don't get into a fight

If you accidentally hit someone in the face, then you should immediately shake the guy’s hand or pat on the shoulder, because no one will hear your apologies anyway because of the loud music. Did you get it yourself? Be patient and be careful. Remember: if you start a fight, you will immediately be surrounded and defeated, because your opponent's friends are always ready to help him.

8. Don't wave your arms

According to traumatologist Dmitry Zubkov, it is best to jump with your elbows pressed to your sides - this way you yourself will not injure anyone, and you will save your ribs from other people's elbows.

9. Don't let the mosh slam shut

Especially on big concerts there is such a tendency: the surrounding crowd covers the mosh pit more and more densely, and it gradually collapses. To prevent this from happening, experienced moshers have special strategies:

1) "crack back" - this is when several people with outstretched arms rush backwards into the surrounding crowd,

2) "slingshot" - when you use the momentum of another person to rush at the crowd and push it back,

3) "circle pit" - running in a circle that does not allow the crowd to crush the mosh pit.

10. And be careful with this

Stage diving (stage diving) best advice to a person about to jump head first off the stage: don't do it. If you still decide, make sure that the musicians do not mind, and the audience is ready to catch you. Ignorance of this rule turned out to be very sad for the 19-year-old fan of Lamb of God. At one of the group's concerts, the guy climbed onto the stage, vocalist Randy Blythe pushed him back into the crowd, but the young man fell to the concrete floor and died two weeks later from his injuries. “You can die from a chair if you are too lucky,” warns traumatologist Zubkov, “and a fall from the stage can result in such consequences as a traumatic brain injury, leading to an intracranial hematoma, or a blunt abdominal trauma with a possible rupture of the capsule liver or rupture of the spleen or mesentery. If you still decide to dive from the stage, try to do it not gracefully as a “fish”, but as a “toad” - that is, spread out in the air, so as not to fall to the floor.

Crowdsurfing (sliding on the hands of the crowd) You can do it either after stage diving, or by asking to be thrown into the arms of your neighbors. And expose yourself to the same dangers as stage diving.

Headbanging (shaking your head to the beat of the music) It looks especially impressive if you have at least a bang, not to mention long hair. But be careful. A couple of years ago, a 50-year-old Motorhead fan went to the doctors about a headache that didn't stop after attending a concert of his favorite band. The examination showed the presence of a thrombus and hematoma in the right hemisphere of the brain. The music lover had to go under the surgeon's knife, and his doctor Aryan Pirayesh Islamian concluded: "The brain experiences a significant load during headbanging - simply put, it hits the skull, which is extremely harmful for it." In some cases, this can lead to a stroke, which happened in 2005 with a guitarist Evanescence bands Terry Balsamo. Due to the active head shaking, the musician suffered an injury to the cervical artery, which led to a stroke and paralysis of the entire left half of the body. He even had to learn to play the guitar again. Fortunately, as doctors note, the risk of “shaking” such an injury is negligible. But nonetheless.

A huge hello to everyone! In the previous article, I gave a few small recommendations to novice musicians, and today, as if in continuation of this topic, we will talk about 8 rules of a real rock band. This article is also small, but I think that it will be of some use to many of you.

So, think carefully about whether you can lead an existence without hope and help for who knows how long, get up, and then fall again, lose your friends and your new luck? In this case, will you be able to go to that end, which is constantly moving away, to go to your goal?

There are more disappointments in the way of rock music than success, and much more effort must be put in than in other areas of life. And real achievements in rock music are made only by those people who have been 100% sure of themselves for more than one year. These are maniacs who have forgotten everything except their music and songs. Look into your soul and answer honestly: are you such a maniac or not? Do you have strength, stubbornness and perseverance? Do you have faith? If not, then it's best to get it over with right away. From here it follows….

A few basic rules of a real rock band:

  1. Your group cannot exist without it. You don't see yourself as anything other than a rock musician and love your music more than anything else on this planet.
  2. Something is constantly waking up in you that you want to tell the whole world. With the help of words, their music or stage image.
  3. You absorb great joy from the group participation process. You give her everything you have. If you are deprived of this opportunity, then you will become unhappy.
  4. You spend everything you have: money, time, energy, life itself just to be in your rock band. And if you stop doing this, then you will become an unhappy person.
  5. You no longer understand how to work in factories, banks, shops, trembling in front of your boss, having only two days off a week, and thinking only about career growth. The people who do this seem very unhappy to you.
  6. Money, apartments, children, wives - everything is like with people, but not for you. If rock music is with you, then you are already complete and happy.
  7. You are the most talented, cool and sexy. If this is not true, then you are unhappy.
  8. Group play and communication with all the ensuing consequences makes your life complete.

People don't understand everything you do. The public doesn't like you, your songs don't get on the radio, the reviewers just laugh at you. But we all know who the most happy people On the Earth.

By rock music is meant a synthesis of Negro rhythm and blues and country music. A peculiar rhythmic pattern was borrowed from the first direction (reverse beat: emphasis on the second and fourth beats), from the second - the completeness of the compositions and improvisation simplified compared to the blues. Rock is a protest against the political situation in the country, the values ​​of the older generation, a way of self-expression and the declaration of one's own views on life. The confrontation occurs due to the lyrics and the aggressive manner of performance.


The first music of this style appeared in 1954. Bill Haley sang the song Rock round the clock in the movie Chalkboard Jungle. At the same time, Elvis Presley records were released. A little later, the Beatles appeared on the musical arena, Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan.

Gradually, the music of the fatal direction begins to be performed as a protest against the Vietnam War, organizations are created whose members do not welcome armed conflicts and racism.

With the advent in the United States, the underground develops ( The Doors, Steppenwolf, Blood, Sweet & Tears), and in the UK, musicians are trying to preserve the features traditional culture (Led Zeppelin, deep purple, Pink Floyd). At the same time it appears new form presentation of compositions - music album: several melodies united by one idea.

Gradually, rock style gains popularity in other countries, develops and breaks up into various directions.

Jazz, hard, folk...

The style is based classic rock. Musicians (Elton John, Sting, The Who) play electric guitar, bass guitar, drums and do not use stylistic features other directions.

Psychedelic rock is music that is composed under the influence of progressive rock in other forms. musical construction, complexity and depth of the material being fed. Progressive rockers include Blood, Sweat & Tears, Gong and others. The creativity of musicians who want to go beyond the style is called experimental rock. The most famous experimenters are The Fugs, The Godz, Red Crayola and others.

Another direction combines the features of rock and jazz. It appeared not only due to the fact that jazzmen became cramped in their style, but also as a result of the fusion of "white" and "black" music as part of the fight against racism. Notable musicians synthetic style - Georgie Fame, The Soft Machine, The Mahavishnu Orchestra, etc. Folk rock is a synthesis of rock and folk music(Bob Dylan, Joan Boez, fairport convention), while hard rock is characterized by specific guitar rhythms, a heavy rhythm section and excessive sound volume. Notable Representatives directions - Jimi Hendrix, Iron Butterfly, Vanilla Fudge.

Also music critics highlight glam, gothic, etc. Definition style varieties somewhat arbitrary, as bands are constantly experimenting, changing the way they play or inventing new ways of performing.

Rock opera

It is typical for all types of art, including music. An example of this is the synthesis of rock and drama called rock opera. This includes episodes in which the plot is revealed. Arias are performed in the style of rock. Unlike classical opera, a keyboard player, guitarist, and other musicians may be present on stage. Most often, the performance is accompanied by the sound of a classical orchestra.

The manner of singing is assertive and aggressive, which is typical for rock music. Sometimes parts contain elements of other musical directions(jazz, folk, baroque, etc.). In addition to arias, the musicians perform recitatives and plastic numbers.

Examples of works of this genre are "Hair" by G. McDermot, "Godspel" by S. Schuortz, "Juno and Avos" by A. L. Rybnikov, etc.

rock culture

Over time, the music of rockers became so popular that elements of the style penetrated other layers of culture, a kind of rock style arose. This is how a special language (slang) appeared, in which style adherents and fans speak. Slang is used for writing lyrics, but becomes more important at concerts (sessions) non-verbal communication. The unity of music, words, stage movements and images affects the subconscious of a person, causing certain sensations and emotional reactions.

Rockers are fond of Buddhism, other religious teachings that are contrary to the psychology of the West. In their free time from concerts, musicians and fans attend so-called happenings (meetings), where they communicate, play music, and express their opinion about everything that happens in their lives.

The trends of rock culture are manifested in clothing (indelible stains of dirt on hippies), the manner of holding oneself (rock is a denial of everything and everything, therefore aggression is characteristic of adherents of the style), rejection of traditional values, moral and aesthetic attitudes.

Rock and Christianity

The Christian religion does not recognize the right to exist rock, considering adherence to rock culture impossible for believers in God. Reinforced rhythms, increased frequencies, penetrating texts affect the subconscious of people, awaken deep instincts.

Rock is a serious impact on the psyche. After listening to such music, a person loses the ability to self-control. The content of many songs is devoted to the theme of death, depressive states of a person, self-destruction. In many cases, passion for rock is closely related to the use of drugs, manifestations of violence, which also does not correspond to the way of life of a Christian.

Art critics and culturologists consider rock music and everything related to it as an opposition to traditional culture.

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