Record Dunno and his friends. Audio fairy tale dunno on the moon listen online


Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov came to literature in an unusual way. children's writer awakened him in him little son. The boy demanded that his father compose for him funny stories. He and his friends liked these stories very much. Nosov's story was first published in the Murzilka magazine in 1938. But Nikolai Nikolayevich firmly entered literature after the war, having worked as a film director for more than twenty years.

Schoolchildren often ask how books are written: "from life" or "from the head", and whether it is possible to believe what is written. To this, Nikolai Nikolaevich replies: "A writer must tell the truth." We love Nosov's books precisely for his wonderfully told truth. Remember, for example, if there is anything improbable in the story "Merry Family". You probably know such boys who are always doing something, like Mishka and Kolya. Do you remember their incubator, because he really could breed chickens?! There is such a fascinating and "infectious" truth in this book that, after reading it, you just want to build something yourself. The story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" tells about two comrades who did not study well, who later became good students. And, what is very important, Nosov shows how the guys correct their troubles; simple and universal "recipes" are given to those who need to "adjust" arithmetic or the Russian language.

Once a letter came to Nikolai Nikolaevich: a schoolboy asked to send him Mishka's address. Nosov found himself in a difficult situation: after all, Mishka, from whom he "written off" his hero, was not there. The writer from many guys he knew created "in his head" a new image, so similar to you and your friends. And it happens to everyone literary characters- be it Kostya, Vitka, Znayka, Dunno ...

In Nosov's childhood, and this was before the revolution, the guys were fond of a book with such a long title: "The Kingdom of Babies. The Adventures of Murzilka and the Forest Men." Now this book is forgotten, because it cannot interest modern boys and girls. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov, partly using the fabulous form of that book, wrote a completely new work for Soviet children about Dunno, his friends and their adventures. The writer Yuri Olesha spoke of her this way: "The book teaches you to respect knowledge, work, camaraderie, modesty." Later, the novel-fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" was staged for the puppet theater. The play was called "Dunno Traveler".

Nosov's books are extremely popular among readers, because all their kind heart and the "merry talent" the writer gives to children.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov came to literature in an unusual way. The children's writer in him was awakened by his little son. The boy wanted his father to make up funny stories for him. He and his friends liked these stories very much. For the first time, Nosov's story was published in the Murzilka magazine in 1938. But Nikolai Nikolayevich firmly entered literature much later, having worked as a film director for more than twenty years.
Schoolchildren often ask how books are written: “from life” or “from the head”, and whether it is possible to believe what is written. To this, Nikolai Nikolaevich replies: "A writer must tell the truth." We love the books of Nikolai Nosov precisely for his wonderfully told truth. Remember, for example, is there anything implausible in the story "Merry Family"? You probably know such boys who are always making something, similar to Mishka and Kolya. Do you remember their incubator, because he really could hatch chickens! There is such a fascinating and “infectious” truth in this book that, after reading it, you just want to build something yourself. The story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" tells about two comrades who did not study well, who later became good students. And, what is very important, Nosov shows how the guys correct their troubles; simple and universal "recipes" are given to those who need to "adjust" arithmetic or the Russian language.
When Nikolai Nosov himself was small, he and the guys were fond of a book with such a long title: “The kingdom of babies. Adventures of Murzilka and the forest men. Now this book is forgotten, because it cannot interest modern boys and girls. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov, partly using the fairy-tale form of that book, wrote a completely new work for children about Dunno, his friends and their adventures.

In a fabulous flower city live funny little men the size of a small cucumber. The city where the "shorty" live is amazingly beautiful - daisies, dandelions, and daisies grow around each house.
"Shorty" are very reminiscent of ordinary boys and girls. Each of them has his own business, they are all busy with useful work: the mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik repair stoves, pots, pans; Dr. Pilyulkin treats the sick; smart Znayka reads books from morning to evening; the poet Tsvetik composes poetry; Guslya plays on various musical instruments, and the artist Tubik draws portraits of "shorties".
And only Dunno wanders around the city for days on end and does nothing. He was tired of being idle. And he decided to find something to his liking. But Dunno can't do anything. After all, for this you need to study, and Dunno is too lazy to study ...
What came of it? You will learn about it by listening to records

N. Nosov. Adventures of Dunno

Music by J. Frenkel and I. Shakhov
Composition by G. Sinelnikov

Adventures of Dunno (fairy tale)
Dunno - I. Mazing
Guslya - S. Shepovalova
Shpuntik - V. Balde
Screw - A. Yants
Znayka - A. Kostyukova
Tube - E. Sinelnikova
Pilyulkin - O. Tarasova
Donut: V. Zhukova
Tsvetik - E. Nachalov
Siropchik - N. Obraztsova
Moderator - G. Sinelnikov

Instrumental Ensemble

Side A
Side B

Dunno-traveler (fairy tale)
Dunno - I. Mazing
Sineglazka, Grumpy - E. Sinelnikova
Znayka, Button - A. Kostyukova
Fly, Checkmark - V. Balde
Guslya, Squirrel: S. Shepovalova
Dr. Pilyulkin, Samotsvetik - O. Tarasova
Siropchik, Dr. Medunitsa - N. Obraztsova
Donut, Vintik - V. Zhukov
Shpuntik, Nanny - A. Yants
Moderator - G. Sinelnikov

Instrumental ensemble: G. Karas (flute), V. Konovalov (clarinet), T. Gevorkyan (saxophone), M. Podsvirov (baritone saxophone), V. Tartakovsky (trumpet), A. Kuznetsov (guitar), I. Livanov (double bass), V. Solovyov (drums)

Side C
Side D

1961 recording
Recording sound engineer - V. Skoblo

Editor - E. Rastegaeva
Remastering - M. Pilipov

arvato Entertainment Europe GmbH
Carl-Bertelsmann-Str. 161F
33332 Gutersloh

Audio fairy tale Dunno on the moon is the work of N. N. Nosov. The fairy tale can be listened to online or downloaded. The audiobook "Dunno on the Moon" is presented in mp3 format.

Audio fairy tale Dunno on the moon, content:

The audio tale Dunno on the Moon, which you turn on to listen online, is a story that took place a couple of years later from the adventures described by Nosov in the Sunny City.

During this time, Znayka with Herring and Fuchsia visited the Moon, published a scientific book and now intends to fly there on his own. He shared his dream with astronomer Steklyashkin and other colleagues.

Shorties discovered the law of weightlessness and began to design a real spaceship, and as a gift for the lunar inhabitants, seeds of giant plants were in store.

Dunno and Donut decided not to take with them, but they heard this and got into the rocket at night to hide and fly away with everyone. However, everything went against their expectations - they accidentally pressed the start button and rushed into space alone.

Finding himself on the moon, Dunno went through the tunnel into the moon, where he was arrested almost immediately. Then he began looking for money to build a new spaceship and go home, got any job, was again arrested and now exiled to Stupid Island.

Meanwhile, Znayka built another rocket and immediately rushed off in search of the missing. The online audio tale ended happily - all friends returned to Earth unharmed!!!

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