What or who was the prototype of the minion. Who are the minions: the story of funny minions of villains


For the first time minions were presented to the audience in the summer of 2010. It was then that he went out big screens animated picture Pierre Soffin and Chris Renault"Despicable Me ". Since then, the creators of the cartoon could not get enough of the delight caused by auditorium tricks of yellow-headed mischief-makers.

After the first and very successful experience of working together, the producers offered the screenwriter Brian Lynch write a script for a short film Despicable Me: Minion Trouble 3D". The picture aroused such genuine interest that, according to its plot, themed attractions were opened in the amusement parks of Universal Studios Orlando and Universal Studios Hollywood. While creating the world of the minions, Brian Lynch (who has years of comic book experience under his belt) imagined himself in the place of each of the characters. When he created attractions in amusement parks, he constantly recalled all the scenes with the minions from the films Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2. To do this, he reviewed full-length films many times, as well as short films about minions that were released on DVD.

“The voices of minions sounding in my head can scare someone, but in my case they only helped,” Lynch laughs. “Fortunately, Pierre was the voice of the minions, so when I had a question about how the minions would act in a given situation, he had an answer.”

It was much more difficult to work on the dialogue of the characters than to describe their adventures. “The difficulty was that the three main characters do not speak English at all,” the screenwriter continues. “Despite this, Pierre exhaustively described what they were trying to say.”

Given the popularity of the rides, the producers suggested that Lynch write an independent story about the minions, which would take its rightful place among other films of the Despicable Me franchise. This is how the Minions prequel appeared, which, in fact, tells where the minions came from and what path they went through before starting to serve Gru.

In coming up with an original story that could happen to the minions, Lynch started from what has been bothering the audience since the moment they first met the yellow-headed babies: where did they come from and how did they live before they met Gru?

"It's breathtaking when you think about what the minions have to go through in this huge, cruel world," says the screenwriter. - In the first two films, Gru took care and protected them in every possible way, reminding them more of a father than an owner. The minions are looking not only for an insidious ruler who would inspire them to various dirty tricks, but also for a family, of which they could become a part. In our film, they don’t have such a family yet, and the minions are just trying to figure out what they really want.”

Screenwriter Brian Lynch explained what attracted him to this project and why he decided that the events of the prequel should unfold in 1969.

“A little minion lives in each of us,” the screenwriter believes. - In some, his presence is visible to the naked eye. The audience so often asked us questions from the series “who are the minions” and “where did they come from”, that we decided to answer them in a rather unusual format - by making an independent film about these cute heroes.”

Minions emerge from Gru's shadow

“While working on this prequel, we asked ourselves a question that has been bugging us for a long time: “Where did the minions come from?” - the producer of the cartoon admits Chris Meledandri.

“We didn't want to make a film about the minions, the minions themselves demanded it,” the producer laughs. - Hundreds of professionals worked on the Despicable Me franchise, and I am proud that fate brought me together with such talented people. When work on Despicable Me 2 was completed, we were surprised to find that many animators simply could not stop and drew more and more stories about minions.

Janet Healy, with whom Meledandri worked on all the films released by Illumination, explains why minions are so loved all over the world: “All viewers, regardless of nationality and age, are touched by how unusual, infantile, sincere, expressive and invulnerable minions are. In addition, they do not age and do not speak any well-known dialect. Many viewers wanted to see them in their own film, and we eagerly took on the Despicable Me prequel, which tells about who the minions are and where they came from.

Minion character

According to Meledandri, the minions were worthy of their own picture not only because they were liked by the audience, but also because of the duality of their nature. "They're not just adorable," explains the producer. - They are attracted by the fact that they are overwhelmed by diametrically opposed feelings. On the one hand, they strive to serve evil, and on the other hand, their true nature makes them kind and sympathetic. In each of us there is a similar struggle between Good and Evil.

The minions are eager to serve the villain. “The concept of “home” for minions is not a specific place,” says the director of the cartoon. - It's Gru! In all the films of the Despicable Me franchise, we have seen that Gru is the unstoppable master of Evil, and the minions are enthusiastically ready to fulfill any order of their master. He trusts them, Gru and the minions are getting along very well. warm relationship. Ultimately, their goal, which they pursue in the Minions movie, is to find Gru and get a job with him.

Brian Lynch had to select only three minions who would become the main characters new history. The screenwriter describes how he saw the characters' characters: “Despite the fact that they often give each other cuffs and cuffs, any of the trio is always ready to stand up for a friend. Kevin is a big brother, and if he wasn't around, the other two would have been gone a long time ago. The spirit of youthful rebellion lives in Stewart. By by and large he does not care about the goals of the mission: the main thing is to hang out, listen to music and flirt with the girls. Bob represents innocence with childlike wide eyes. He is always ready to help, although at any moment he can be distracted by bright light, a TV screen or a teddy bear lying on the ground.

However, it cannot be said that brotherly love binds the heroes. “They had to constantly argue and quarrel. Each of the characters has their own thoughts and ideas, not similar to the thoughts of others. Everyone had to prove himself in one way or another.

Lynch can rightfully be considered an expert in the field of "minionology". However, given that the main characters of the film spoke mainly with gestures, he understood that he would have to rely on the talented animators Soffin and Balda for everything. It depended only on them whether the audience could understand what Kevin, Stuart and Bob were talking about.

“A lot of the jokes in the movie are buffoonery,” Lynch explains. - Minions perfectly convey their emotions with eye movements ... well, or eyes, if we are talking about Stuart. Therefore, it helped me a lot in my work that I could call Pierre and ask him: “How will the minions react to this or that? What word would they use when they were scared? We learned a lot by trial and error. Often I wrote something like in the script: “If we understood what they were saying, they would say ...” Then Pierre took his place in the recording studio and spoke a word in the minion dialect.

The Pierre that Lynch is talking about, the cinematographer who knows the best about minions, is director Pierre Soffin. Together with Chris Reno, he worked on the films Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2. The sequel earned Illumination an Oscar nomination. Soffin has always strived to ensure that we take the minions seriously, but at the same time laugh heartily at their antics. The director says, “This film has no specific audience. It will be of interest to literally everyone, without exception. Accordingly, we tried to make it funny for everyone - the jokes had to be ambiguous. This is the magic of animation. You can express anything you want through the character's body movements."

For Soffin, minions were identified with silent film characters. The director says: “If you look at the history of cinema, the first films were completely silent, and such masters of comedy as Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton played on the screen. They were the best storytellers imaginable. I showed my kids The Gold Rush movie and they literally fell in love with it. For all 80 minutes of the film, the actors did not utter a word, but the visuals attracted attention. Everything was measured down to a tenth of a second and understood without words. Minions are somewhat similar to the heroes of films of those years. "Minions" will become a worthy legacy of silent films, except for the gibberish with which the minions communicate.

Most of the film is devoted to three worthy representatives of the minion community. Therefore, the fact that the whole trinity was voiced by one of the directors of the film helped a lot in working on the picture. Minions speak in an incomprehensible dialect, consisting of words various languages, but coupled with very eloquent gestures, they can easily be explained to each other, and the meaning of "said" will be clear to the audience. Directed by Pierre Soffin set himself the only goal - the audience should have been clear intention of a speaker. An important role was played by the melodiousness of the phrase and the intonation of the voice, the meaning of what was said faded into the background.

minion language

Since minions have lived on the planet since time immemorial and wandered around the world a lot, the etymology of the minion language is a mixture of almost all other languages. Why is that? Because they served the most various villains and tyrants of the Earth. The minions also have basic Egyptian in their language, which they adopted from the pharaoh; and the refined French they learned from Napoleon; and the Transylvanian dialect learned while serving Count Dracula; and the simplest cries and roars, which were used by the first Homo sapiens. Soffin had to choose his words and tone of voice very carefully so that Kevin, Stuart and Bob could be easily distinguished from each other.

Soffin spoke about his role in creating a language that would be understood by all viewers, including the youngest ones: menu. In addition, I know some Spanish, Italian, Indonesian and Japanese languages. So I had plenty of inspiration to invent new words. I just chose another word that didn’t fit the meaning at all, but it sounded very melodious and corresponded to the situation.”

Meledandri had his own vision of the director's unique approach to work: "Pierre, probably, will say that the language he invented is complete gibberish, but I have own theory. I've watched him work over the course of three films and I'm beginning to pick up on a linguistic pattern. I sincerely believe that he creates new language. He, of course, will deny everything, but I am sure that this is actually the case. This language will eventually begin to be understood by all viewers who have watched the film.

Meet the main minions - Kevin, Stuart and Bob

Kevin, Stuart and Bob are similar to their fellow minions in many ways. Therefore, filmmakers had to emphasize the individuality of the main characters not only in their appearance, but also in the style of their communication. According to Healy, unique character traits and other distinctive features(aside from subtle visual differences) minions only started to acquire when creative Group Studio Illumination started work on the film.

“At first, it was difficult for us, because the minions always kept as a group, and among the qualities of character, only obvious ones could be distinguished: impatience, infantilism and inertia,” the producer explains. - Only when we singled out three characters from the crowd and tried to follow them did we understand how to make our characters unique, how to show what each of them thinks. Pantomime and various sounds helped us a lot in this.”

Meledandri describes the characters: “Kevin is the eldest of three brothers and he desperately wants to be a hero. Bob is the youngest of them, you can draw an analogy with Agnes from the Despicable Me films. He loves everyone and everything - a very happy baby. Stewart has a rebellious nature, reminiscent of adolescence of adolescence. By the end of the film, you might get the feeling that the three characters represent a small family."

Kevin is a kind of elder of a minion tribe. He is filled with exceptionally noble intentions. There is responsibility in his voice, and sometimes even intransigence. He is always able to reason with his younger comrades and return them to the right track if they have gone astray. the right way or grappled over a trifling matter. Stuart doesn't seem to care at all, his usual reaction to any initiative is “Yeah…” He goes with the flow and does not want to get involved in any kind of mess (unless, of course, he himself arranged it). Bob's voice is more like baby talk. He is cheerful, energetic, but he is clearly frightened by the upcoming adventure - he often sighs and groans.

According to director Kyle Balda, three bright representative minions were opened to animators from new sides directly while working on them. “Flipping through the storyboard sheets, you begin to understand who Kevin, Stuart and Bob are,” he says. - Enough to connect the imagination and you can imagine how, say, Bob acted in a given situation. It remains to let him do what already seems obvious, and watch what happens next. It is not necessary to always control the characters, to force them to do what they need to do according to the script. Sometimes it's good to experiment, to improvise, to give the characters freedom of action - something interesting can turn out.

Balda, with a smile on his face, remarks that if the minions could comment on the work on the film, he knows exactly what they would say: “Stuart would definitely want more big plans with you, beloved. He would constantly climb right into the lens, steal lines from other characters, in a word, pull the blanket over himself. Bob would happily run around the site, never tired of being surprised at everything he saw, from lighting fixtures to crackers. Most time he would not understand what was going on. And Kevin? Well, Kevin would take the job very, very seriously."

It was very important to filmmakers that the journey of Kevin, Stuart and Bob would be not only funny, but also international. Meledandri notes: “In the course of the development of the plot, not only eras change, but also geographical locations. The plot throws characters from New York, Orlando and Australia to China, India and London. There are a lot of things going on in the capital of Great Britain.”

Back to the 60s

Directors Kyle Balda and Pierre Soffin understood that since the film is set in the 1960s, there must be appropriate visual confirmation of this. For the film "Minions" he developed a unique style of animation, reminiscent of the cinema of the 60s. So viewers can prepare themselves to see something on screen that they haven't seen in any other cartoon.

Soffin and Balda emphasize that they have never tried to copy previous films in the Despicable Me franchise. Instead, directors drew inspiration from them. From the color palette and lighting to the locations, the Minions movie is unlike any other. The charm of the picture was given by the era in which the action takes place. The directors especially liked the style of architecture and fashion of the 60s, as well as the general atmosphere of the time in which Kevin, Stuart and Bob find themselves. For the minions, another life began - the era of a new mistress, as stylish as insidious.

According to Balda, the fact that the minions find themselves in New York and London in the 1960s inspired the entire film crew: “We liked for so many reasons that the film is set in the 60s. We could experiment with musical accompaniment and color palette characteristic of that time. The Minions spent decades in isolation at the South Pole. So New York for them seems to be some incredible metropolis. They have never seen skyscrapers, they have never met so many people, they have no idea what a crush and a crowd are. When we started working on London in the 60s, we aimed to make the city more fantastic - from the design of private cars to the infamous double-decker buses. Perhaps it turned out even more modern than the real London. As a result, the animated film "Minions" itself resembles a feature film from the middle of the last century.

In the midst of summer holidays In 2010, the cartoon "Despicable Me" was released. The picture told young viewers about a supervillain who […]

In the midst of the summer holidays of 2010, the cartoon "Despicable Me" was released on the screens. The picture told young viewers about a supervillain who had to become a foster father for a while, which made him change and become kind. The main idea of ​​the cartoon, however, was the funny assistants of the main villain - "minions" (from English - servants).

A million little yellow men, speaking in an incomprehensible language and behaving rather strangely, immediately attracted the attention of the audience. As a result, Despicable Me got a sequel, the minions became a brand, and on July 9, 2015, the spin-off of Despicable Me, dedicated to the minions themselves, hits the screens of Russian cinemas.

It would seem that what could be harmful in little funny men? But if you think about it, the very brand of "minions" and their history is full of very ambiguous hints and meanings. Let's figure it out.


If in the first cartoons it was not yet clear who the minions were and where they came from, then the trailer for the new feature film gives answers to these questions: according to legend, minions have been on earth since time immemorial, starting at least from the era of dinosaurs. Since the Despicable Me trio also participated in the events of the 17th century, it becomes clear that they are immortal. Wherein, they live only for one purpose - to serve the villains. Without submission to the villain, the minions become depressed. They find the most evil one and entrust themselves to him for guidance, serving him faithfully until he dies, then they look for the next one. They cannot be called a people, because the minions do not have children, old people, women. And now we invite you to watch the trailer for the new cartoon.

The trailer is very telling. In addition to what we already know about the minions, they also showed us in three minutes: several deaths in a row (0:50-1:20); dressing the minions as a woman with a prominent bust, which she showed to a passerby (2:29); minion wearing a women's swimsuit (0:36); the mustachioed father of the family in a bright red dress and make-up (1:50); mockery of a sick person and a blow in the groin (2:19); a colorful demonstration of the torture chamber and, in the same place, a game with the gallows (2:56); a minion in a thong (3:13) and a minion kissing in a jacuzzi what he perceives to be two women (3;16).

But the most impressive thing is not even that the main characters children's cartoon they depict either boys or girls and consciously serve evil, but the fact that they are shown as positive, cheerful and funny characters, from whom children will certainly want to follow an example.

From previous cartoons, it is already known that minions not only do evil, but also do good. All their existence they helped the villains of all eras, but accidentally served as the reason that the villains most often died: they burned Dracula, shot Napoleon. They fight, and then they perform cutely at the wedding, eat ice cream funny and go to steal the moon. They obeyed the villain and showed great delight in his villainous plans, and later with the same enthusiasm admired his plans to save the world. Try reading this to-do list to a child, and then ask a question that often torments children when watching movies and cartoons: are minions good or bad, good or evil?

The child will not be able to give you an answer, and it will also be difficult for an adult to decide on this issue. Thus, in the child's psyche, and the cartoon is intended for an audience of "6+", the concepts of good and evil will be blurred. You can be nice, but fight for a banana with someone you've known for many years, take someone else's and help the villains.

And one more thing - the minions, as already mentioned, come from the word "servant", and their unquestioning obedience to the villain, who in one situation may well be engaged in the production of murder weapons, and in another - ice cream, only confirms this name. They are servants made to serve, they wear working uniforms, they don't think about orders and only in the evening allow themselves to go about their business, which is most often fights, bad jokes and bullying each other. Isn't this the image typical representative consumer society, which is actively imposed on us by modern Mass culture coming from the West? Identical creatures that have neither own opinion, neither the meaning of life, nor any moral qualities and who only want to serve.


Judging by the names, the main characters - Stuart, Bob and Kevin - are clearly men, to a greater extent they also have male character traits. Sometimes they even “fall in love”: in Despicable Me 2, the minion Stewart fell in love with a woman. However, the authors deliberately often focus on the fact that, if desired, the minions can be a girl.

In the new trailer, the minion comes out of the water and, seeing that everyone is in swimming trunks, but he is not, in fear, he rushes into the water and comes out of it - in a bra (0:36). Having received a blow to the groin area (2:23), the minion is at first surprised, and then simply laughs, demonstrating that he is not in pain at all.

The authors clearly make it clear that the minions are bisexual, if desired, they can be both a boy and a girl, as they wish, as it will be beneficial for them. Recall again that the main the target audience such cartoons are children, and it is in their minds through such images that the idea is laid not only of tolerance for perversions, but also that it is absolutely normal to change one's gender.


And now about how the minions communicate with each other. Despite the fact that the main characters have known each other for a thousand years without exaggeration, their relationship cannot be called friendly. They constantly argue, mock each other, laugh at any oversight or failure of their comrade.

This passage shows, how one wants to hit the second with a club, then one laughs at the other, then they fight, but in the final scene, while one is kidnapped by unknown evil, the other lets him go and escorts him into the unknown with a malicious grin.

How will the child behave after watching such a scene? What is she teaching? Obviously not friendship, care or mutual assistance. Although these yellow characters may join forces in certain situations, for example, when they need to commit some kind of villainy, we are not talking about teamwork, because even here it is not complete without attempts to set up a friend and stand out from the rest. During one cartoon, they fight for the helm of the aircraft, for the computer, and the rest, seeing the conflict that has flared up, pick up the call “fight-fight” (fight-fight) and watch with pleasure. During the fight, the minions can not only bludgeon each other with thin handles, but also beat their heads on the table, use improvised items.

Such words as honor, conscience or dignity are simply not included in the circle of their concepts. Minions are devoted only to the evil master and their ego and are more like a ball of rats ready to devour each other for a bonus and any handout from the owners. These are the models of behavior brought up by this cartoon.


Blurring the concepts of good and evil: minions are villains and help villains - this is the meaning of their immortal existence, however, they are depicted as cute and funny, do both good and bad deeds, thereby blurring in the minds of the young viewer the concepts of what is “good” and what is “bad”.

Perversion propaganda- minions can be both boys and girls at will or mood.

Cultivating Unquestioning and Thoughtless Obedience. The minions themselves are just servants, and, as noted above, they don't care what ideals they serve. It turns out that the brand of new idols for children, which is being promoted around the world, is a “fun servant” without any moral guidelines.

Education in the viewer of individualism and rivalry for the sake of petty goals. Minions are very cocky and boastful, they fight with each other just to show off in front of the owner or for fun. Despite the fact that the minions have known each other for thousands of years, they do not have friendly relations.

Propaganda of vulgarity. Minions are extremely immoral guys, in the frame they hint at things that do not fit into the "6+" rating.

Do not take your child to this cartoon, tell your loved ones about its harmfulness to the child's psyche and get involved in the work to revive morality in the media!

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In contact with

Everyone who watched the Despicable Me cartoon remembers well the unusual little men who helped Dr. Gru become the most despicable villain in the world. At the word “minions”, many cartoon fans imagine funny yellow creatures speaking an incomprehensible language and eating ice cream amusingly.

But few people know that minions once existed in real life and even were the heroes of the works of Alexandre Dumas. Who are the minions really?

What does the word "minion" mean?

Term "minion" came into Russian speech from France. Translated from French mignon means "cute, baby" . The concept became widespread in the 16th century - during the reign of King Henry III, who was known as a big and wicked man.

In addition, the term was used at the court of Francois de Valois (Duke of Anjou) and surrounded by Henry I of Lorraine (Duke de Guise), who was one of the instigators Bartholomew night. The word became known to the modern public thanks to Dumas, who dedicated the pages of his novels Forty-Five and The Countess de Monsoro to the minions.

Who are minions?

During the time of the French monarchs, the term "minion" was synonymous with "favorite" and was used in relation to the favorites of kings and high-ranking persons. It is believed that the system of favoritism in France was invented by Philip III the Bold, who lived in the 13th century. It was he who first began to welcome individual courtiers and show them his favor.

Since then, favorites have become commonplace in the royal court and regularly served their rulers. But only under Henry III they began to be called minions, using the unflattering expression "baby" in connection with the peculiar cut of clothes and some of the duties of royal favorites.

What were the minions doing?

Being favorites of monarchs, minions served as a cross between the royal retinue, guards and advisers to their ruler. Depending on the king's whim, they could be his lovers. In particular, in the old days at the court there were many rumors about love affair minions with Henry III, although this information is not documented.

Due to their closeness to the monarch, the minions were arrogant and arrogant, while always being the object of ridicule of the courtiers, because they wore clothes that looked more like women's. They were wearing wide breeches, and their heads were decorated with long wigs or hairstyles with curled hair.

In addition, they powdered their faces and sprayed themselves with violet-scented perfumes. The favorites were distinguished by constant daring tricks, they loved noisy feasts and were famous for their amorous adventures.

The most famous minions

Henry III had at least eight minions, including François Saint-Luc, known to the reader from the novel The Countess de Monsoro. He was one of the most beloved favorites of the monarch and enjoyed all sorts of privileges. Immediately after ascending the throne, the king gave Saint-Luc a luxurious castle, but a few years later, because of his talkativeness, the minion fell into disgrace and was forced to leave the court.

In the history of France tragic event called "Duel of the Minions", during which two royal favorites, Quelus and Mogiron, were killed in a battle with the supporters of the Duke of Guise.

The most famous minion of the Duke of Anjou was Joseph La Mole, who was supposedly loved by Queen Margot. Subsequently, along with another favorite, Annibal de Coconnas, he was accused of conspiracy and executed. It is believed that Margot bought his head from the executioner and kept it embalmed in her room.

Among the favorites of the Duke of Guise, Baron de Livaro became famous - one of the participants in the "Duel of the Minions", who managed to survive, but received a serious head injury.

Although cartoon "Minions" in cinemas has long died down, the growth in popularity of these cute creatures is still gaining momentum. They will be released on DVD and Blue-Ray in December. They have, in addition to own film, now has two mobile games of its own, one of which was released quite recently and gained more than 16 million downloads in the first month. The number of items with minions is incalculable. And the cartoon of the same name got into long list(Long list), from which 5 Oscar nominees will be selected. I'm not talking about the fact that a mother with a child dressed up as minions on Halloween,. In a word, minions- this is a real yellow madness that has swept the entire planet.

Who are minions

Minions are small yellow creatures that communicate in their own special language, reminiscent of muttering. The essence of their life is to serve the most disgusting villain they can find. They existed at the dawn of the formation of life, starting with unicellular organisms and ending with their own modern look formed during the age of the dinosaurs. Their favorite food is bananas, followed by apples and papaya. They can have 1 or 2 eyes and only 5 varieties of hairstyles. Let's dive deeper into the history of these amazing characters and learn some interesting facts:

  1. It is known that when creating minions, the authors were inspired by creatures from star wars- "Java" and "Oompa Loompa" from the movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".
  2. They were created in order to balance Gru so that he does not seem too scary as a villain. It looks like they've done their job.
  3. It was originally planned that the minions would look completely like people, but due to lack of budget they had to be greatly reduced and the concept changed.
  4. According to one of the directors of the film, Pierre Coffin, the number of minions is 899 and does not change.
  5. Despite this, they only have 5 hairstyle options, including Bob's lack of hair.
  6. Minion Bob has heterochromia. Different color of the iris of the eyes. It occurs both in humans and in animals, indicates a heterogeneous concentration and distribution of melanin in the shell of the eyes.
  7. In 2015, the minions became the official mascot of Universal Studios.
  8. includes words from English, French, Spanish, Italian, Korean, Indian, Japanese and some other languages.
  9. The minions have their own ride at the Universal Studios Amusement Park in Hollywood. There you can get trained and become a real minion.
  10. Minions grossed nearly $1.2 billion at the box office, setting several world records in the process.
  11. They also got into the long list, out of 16 cartoons from which 5 contenders for the Oscar will be selected.

As we can see, these heroes were carefully worked out. It is not surprising that they arouse such genuine interest in themselves. If you want to know more interesting facts about minions, you can go.

Now you know more about who are the minions, but, most likely, you continue to be tormented by the question of why they are so popular.

Minions from Despicable Me

For the first time, we saw these creatures in the first part of the cartoon "Despicable Me". From that moment on, they became on a par with the main characters, although, in fact, they are minor characters. The second part of this cartoon only developed its success, and the release of the Minions tape was already awaited with great impatience.

The main features for which we love minions are, of course, humor, an easy attitude to life, childish naivety and very cute appearance. These characters have won the hearts of millions of adults and children in almost all countries of the world. They are guaranteed to cheer up and will not let anyone get bored.

Minions from Despicable Me- it best friends for kids. Toddlers don't want to let out bright yellow Stuffed Toys from the hands, going to bed with them. And based on the cartoon "Minions", a lot of children's printed products have come out, such as coloring books, books with stickers, albums for applications and much more. Stores are filling up with products depicting these characters, and we, in turn, are looking forward to the release of the next part of Despicable Me to meet our favorite characters on the big screen again. The only question is how now to hold out until the summer of 2017, when the third part of Despicable Me appears on the screens?

In the twentieth century beloved cartoon characters there were characters from Disney fairy tales, for example, Mickey Mouse, Donald and others. In the twenty-first century, they were replaced by minions. The cartoon with their participation captivated the audience. They are not like anyone else. How did they appear and who created them?

"Parents" of minions

To understand who minions are, you should learn about their creation. The characters first appeared in 2010 in Despicable Me. Created by Pierre Soffin and Chris Renault. Unexpectedly for the filmmakers, the audience showed an incredible interest in the tricks of the yellow-headed creatures. They decided to make the main characters in several short animated films, and later released a full-length cartoon. The Minions prequel was written by Brian Lynch.

The most difficult task for the creators was writing the dialogues. The fact is that the characters are supposed to speak their own special language. It was created on the basis of languages different countries. It is possible to understand the characters with the help of intonation and gestures, which are actively used by the minions. Directly involved in voicing the main characters took the director of the picture.

What attracts viewers in yellow tadpoles? According to Janet Healy, who worked on the franchise, the minions are touching with their infantilism, sincerity, expressiveness and invulnerability. Who are the minions from a moral point of view?

Funny characters strive to serve evil all their lives. At the same time, they are kind and sympathetic by nature. This duality lies in almost every person. They find their ideal home at Gru's. Between villain and yellow pranksters sincere inseparable bond. But who were they before meeting Gru?

Minion legend

The minions of villains appeared on the planet millions of years ago. They came out to earth sea ​​depths as a result of evolution. Creatures cannot imagine their life without a master who must do evil. They help him in everything.

For the history of life on land, they have been in league with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, caveman, the pharaoh of Egypt, Dracula and Napoleon. Thanks to the "help" of the yellow creatures, all the villains faced defeat and death.

Having lost all their owners, they settle in ice cave. Minions live for their own pleasure, but gradually lose their meaning to life. In order not to wither completely, one of the minions decides to leave the shelter and find a new villain for his brothers. Two more minions go on a journey with him.

Once in New York in the sixties of the twentieth century, three friends find a suitable villain. Soon, all the minions find the meaning of life in serving the young Gru.

From the legend it becomes clear who the minions are. But what are they individually?


If you do not look closely, then the minions seem similar friend on a friend. They are all yellow and consist of a head and limbs. They also wear blue jumpsuits. Looking closely, you can see many differences. Some have hair, others are bald. Some have one eye, while others have two. They also differ in height and, of course, in character. To understand who the minions are, it is worth getting to know the main characters.

List of characters:

  • Stuart is a rebel and a tough guy. He dreams of becoming a rock musician and does not recognize the rules, so he can go against everyone. He's like a naughty teenager.
  • Kevin is a leader by nature. This Kevin decides on a journey to find the owner. He is smart and balanced, his decisions are always weighed. Kevin can be said to be Bob's guardian, who he takes care of.
  • Bob is the smallest minion, so he is considered a child. He always carries around with his toy. His teddy bear's name is Tim.
  • Dave - likes to play pranks with Stuart.
  • Phil - in one of the cartoons, he fired a bazooka and dressed as a maid. It was he who was kidnapped by Dr. Nefario, in order to make him evil.
  • Carl - he ran, howling a fire siren through Gru's house.
  • George - I remember from the episode with the copy machine. He sat on top and made copies of his "fifth point".

Whose voices do minions speak?

In total, more than ten people took part in voicing all the characters. However, the main characters, like all minions, were voiced by Pierre Coffin. To do this, he registered the image of each hero in his head and was able to show their characters with the help of the correct intonations.

When dubbing cartoons into other languages ​​of the world, the voices of the minions were left unchanged.

Where can the characters be found?

The minions, photos of which are presented above, are the heroes of the franchise about the global supervillain Gru.

List of animated films of the project:

  • "Despicable Me 1.2" (2010 and 2013);
  • "Minions" (2015).

In addition, there are short animated creations, such as the cartoon "Minions: Monster", as well as "Makeover of the house", "Banana fever", "Bombs", "In the cinema hall", "Argument", "Light bulbs", "Laughter out of the box" other.

In 2020, the second part of the feature film about yellow funny characters should appear. Work on the sequel has already begun.

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