Scenario of the concert "my music album". Scenario of the concert program of creative talents "wider circle


Arkady Ostrovsky's song "The song remains with the person" sounds.

Leaders come out.

Good evening! Hello!

“Today, the hall of our Center hospitably opened its doors, meeting everyone who wants to plunge into the beautiful world, the world of Music! Excited faces of teachers, more than ever responsible children, parents, many guests - all this, of course, gives a special solemnity to the festive evening.

Today, children's groups and soloists of the music department of the Rodnik Center are participating in our concert.

- Joint, collective performance called chorus is one of the most interesting forms, one of the most beautiful inventions of mankind.

Singing together gives a person a feeling of happiness. Well and baby singing- this is one of real ways formation of a physically and spiritually healthy young generation.

- In the song, and especially in the choir, there is in general not only something that enlivens and refreshes a person, but also something that organizes work, disposing the singers to a friendly cause.

And, finally, the choir - as the participants of this creative community themselves admit - it's just fun!

We invite the junior choir to the stage:

  1. Joseph Haydn, Russian text by P. Sinyavsky "The good old harpsichord"
  2. Estonian folk song "Cuckoo"
  3. E. Vevrik, folk words "There were two cats"

- The song is the most ancient and most widespread musical genre today. They say about the song that she was born together with a person. Song different from others artistic compositions does not sound long: only 2-3 minutes. But in this short moment, she fulfills the mission that falls to the share of a work of art.

- Three people participate in the creation of the song - a poet, a composer, a performer. The birth of a song usually begins with poetic lines. However, it also happens that the text is written after the music has been composed.

- I hope that our today's performers will be able to deliver you many pleasant minutes.

  1. Kalinnikov "Mishka", performed by Sofia Kononova
  2. Sinenko "Vova and the Cow", performed by Romadina Sofia
  3. V. Boyko "Dreams", performed by Lyubashova Ulyana

- Except poetic text, great importance for the fate of the song has a melody.

What is a good tune? It is not very easy to answer this question.

- The music of the song should be original, memorable, emotional.

- In all vocal works music enhances the expressiveness of speech. Many songwriters turn in their work to intonations that embody certain aspects national culture.

- Who does not know such composers of children's songs as Evgeny Krylatov, Vladimir Shainsky, Gennady Gladkov, Alexander Morozov, Maxim Dunaevsky Alexander Minkov and many others. We will hear their melodies more than once today.

  1. Listen to the song of Alexander Morozov, the words of Y. Mantsinkevich "Cat Purr", performed by the ensemble "Constellation", the younger group.

Good song– this is not necessarily the one that many people sing. The fate of a song largely depends on the performer, on those who carry the work to millions of listeners. A lot depends on the vocalist. He can find in the work such colors, such subtext, which will significantly enrich the song. And I think the following performers will be able to earn our applause…

Listen to the song of Maxim Dunayevsky "Colored Dreams" performed by Chumakova Yulia

Lyrical songs, as a rule, are devoted to love, friendship, fidelity, events in a person's life are noteworthy. They sing about the birth of tenderness about meetings and partings, about distant roads. They also talk about disappointment, sadness, anxiety about memories.

Budashkin "Nastenka's Song" will be performed by Selezneva Anastasia

- In addition to the choir, there is a small composition of collective performance, called the ensemble.

- Ensemble, from the French word "ensemble" means "together". Play together, sing together, dance together.

Ensembles are very different:

  1. The vocal ensemble is a community of singers
  2. An instrumental ensemble is a community of musical instruments
  3. Vocal-instrumental - together singers and instruments.

- Singing in an ensemble expands the horizons of pupils, forms positive attitude children to the art of music, stimulates the development of interest in music and musical pursuits.

- Classes in the ensemble arouse the children's interest in vocal art, which makes it possible, based on the sympathies of the child, to develop his musical culture. Without proper vocal and choral training, it is impossible to appreciate the vocal culture, imbued with love for vocal and choral music.

And how many people can be in the ensemble, what do you think - 2, 3,4,5, or more?

Does each number of performers have their own name?

Two performers are a DUET (duo-two),

- three - TRIO or tercet (third - three),

- four - QUARTET (quart-four),

- five - QUINTET (quint-five),

- six - SEXTET,

- seven - SEPTET,

- eight - octet,

- nine - NONET.

Listen to the songs performed by a trio or a tercet….

  1. Lyudmila Marchenko "Behemoth" performed by Ibragimova Evelina, Ibragimova Ariana, Kononova Sofia.
  2. Merab Parkhaladze "The Frog" is performed by Sofia Romadina, Sofia Kononova, Violetta Matsakova.
  3. Raymond Pauls "Kashalotik" performed by Romadina Sofia, Kononova Sofia, Matsakova Violetta.

— Have you ever wondered what a composer thinks about before starting to create his masterpiece? Maybe music is born with these words:

- A blank sheet of paper, a musical line ...

- the sounds of the entire universe in my thoughts ...

Give me strength, God, to hold it.

To convey the beauty of consonances to people!

Today you are given a song by an ensemble consisting of four people (quartet):

Alexander Minkov, the words of D. Ivanov "The Old Piano" from the film "We are from Jazz" are performed by Lyubashova Uliana, Shkobareva Tatyana, Romazanova Amina, Popova Liza.

- Listening to a beautiful melody, people become closer friend to friend. Music has great power convergence.

Scientists have proven that music can make a person happy, it is necessary for a person.

- Music should be enjoyed, it should be listened to and understood, then life will become easier, and people will become kinder.

An ensemble of five people (quintet) is on stage.

Tikhon Khrennikov, the words of Matusovsky "Moscow Windows" are performed by Sergey Rodyukov, Angelina Komarova, Svetlana Kachkova, Olga Tuboltseva, Anastasia Solntseva.

- Interesting sound mixed ensembles where performers are present different ages. Today at our concert you will hear them

Valery Gavrilin, words by A Shulgina "Mother".

Music and lyrics by E. Ryazanov "Hymn of Youth"

“Music has great power. There are few people in the world who are indifferent to music.

Music does not age, it will live as long as a person exists.

- Remember - she will always accompany you and your loved ones through life.

Senior choir on stage

  1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Russian text by A. Leykina, chorus from the opera "The Magic Flute", "Listen how the sounds are crystal clear"
  2. Japanese folk song. Arranged by V. Loktev. Russian text by A. Tverkovsky "Among the Flowers"
  3. Medvedkovsky "The Miracle Dance of Rock and Roll"

- You put your hands on the keys,

The magic happens all of a sudden

And pure sounds are born

Silver scattered around.

  1. Alexander Ermolov, words by M. Zagot "Royal".

I can't live a day without music! She is in me. She is around me.

And in the singing of birds, in the noise of cities, In the silence of grasses and in a rainbow of flowers,

And in the glow of dawn above the earth ... She is everywhere and forever my companion.

Everything is subject to her: joy and longing, In her - just a moment and long centuries.

And he knows how to resurrect and kill, make you love and stop loving.

But how can she live without us? At least a day, half a day? At least an hour!

Without our thoughts and earthly joys, without trifles funny and not funny? ..

We are for everything - "thank you!" we speak, and, believing in its triumph, we create!

A good song, a beautiful melody has an amazing property: the years go by, but it does not age, retaining the ability to touch the strings human heart to evoke awe in the audience. Our today's concert was held under the motto "The song gathers friends", and I'm sure we will meet again in this hall to remember our favorite songs.

Our meeting with bands and soloists has come to an end!

Our concert was prepared and held by:

Choir teacher Golovchenko Marina Borisovna, concertmaster Dineeva Valentina Alexandrovna.

Russian vocal teacher Irina Sergeevna, concertmaster Pechenko Irina Fridrikhovna, as well as teachers Skripnikova Marina Borisovna, Dragunkina Natalya Alekseevna, sound engineer Vikulova Kristina Evgenievna, as well as pupils of the music department of the Rodnik Center conducted a concert by Lyubashova Ulyana, Shkobareva Tatyana, Rodyukov Sergey and Komarova Angelina.

Thank you for your attention!

See you soon!

Department of Education Dobryansky municipal district

Municipal educational institution additional education children

"Dobryansk children's art school"

Concert script« MUSICAL GLADE"

compiled by the teacher of the second qualification category Kayukova Galina Leonidovna

Dobryanka 2009

Quietly, quietly sit next to -

Music enters our house

In an amazing outfit

Multicolored, painted.

And suddenly the walls will move apart -

The whole earth is visible around:

The waves of the foamy river are splashing,

The forest and meadow are lightly dormant.

Steppe paths run into the distance,

Melting in a haze of blue ...

This music is rushing

And leads us along.

Hello our young friends! Today is an amazing day - the day of Music! You know that there is a holiday, Mom's Day - March 8, Dad's Day - February 23. And today, October 1, is Music Day. Hello Music! we say. Music is songs and dances. This world is amazingly kind and friendly. I would like you to make friends with music, and we will try to help you with this, and I invite you to look at our musical meadow, that's how we called our today's concert, see how many musicians came to you from the children's art school, both big and small. Big musicians are our teachers, and the little ones are our students. “And this meadow is wonderful, there will be a lot of interesting things on it.”

I'm in a hurry to the meadow

Children, if you want

Hurry up after me.

Let's go along the path

Let's find a Russian song.

Russian folk song "Kalinka" Spanish Radosteva Dasha

“I am the mistress of all the fun,

Comfortable and light"

The balalaika tells us.

"I'm alone in the whole country

I can do it so well

Touch the Russian string.

Russian folk song "There was a birch in the field" Spanish Kursin Egor Now try to solve riddles about tools.

1. We are very surprised

And we greatly admire

When baby Phillipka

Plays us on ... (violin)

2. Pleasure for Vasya -

Play the double bass

And for Sanya and for Vanya

Knock on ... (drum)

And for Dashenka Vorontsova pleasure to perform on the piano.

Knipper "Polyushko - field"

Allow me to brag:

I am a famous singer.

Not a trumpet and not a flute

It's me cello.

Czech folk song "Rich Bridegroom" Spanish Shayakhmetova Tanya And now, guys, I want to check you, do you know polite words. I will start and you will complete the sentences.
    Even an ice block will melt, from a warm word:
a/ please b/ hello c/ thank you
    The old stump turns green when it hears:
a/ rubbish, b/ good afternoon, c/ deer
    A polite and developed child says at a meeting:
a/ goodbye, b/ bye, c/ hello
    And in Russia and Denmark they say goodbye:
a/ hello b/ goodbye c/ how are you

Quietly the leaf rustles in the grass,

Quietly the brook murmurs

Mom wakes up quietly in the morning

The Italian will say "piano".

Maykapar "Prelude" Spanish Silantieva Alena Somewhere in fairyland snakes lived - were,Their musical names were:Dolly, reli, milli, fally, salt, lally, silli.They lived very well, they loved music.

Struve. "Music is always with you." Khromushin. "Ecological song". Spanish Vocal Ensemble "Zvonochki"

And more riddles

1. We all love to listen,

How Tamara sings with us,

And obedient in her hands
Six-string … (guitar)

2 . Performed at concerts

Our dear Tatyana
Like a star she played

whole hour on.. (piano)

Czech folk song. "Annushka" Spanish Belyaeva Masha

I am your friend, I am your travel companion

On the road without me, nothing will work.

With me, friends, you are always interested.

Know who I am?

Well, of course… the song.

"Shor song". Spanish Busyreva Nastya And now, guys, we'll have a little rest. We do like me.

Clap your hands, stomp your feet!

Head to and fro!

And now stronger elbows

Let's work, friends!

Now stop

And all turn into cats!

(And turn into dogs)

Oh, how nice it turned out

The whole clearing revived!

And again, riddles.

    Immediately pulls on

To ditties and to the dance,

If fun Earring

Will play on ... (accordion)

    Sting on the keys Anton,

Sting on the buttons Ivan,

And the accordion sounded

And played ... (button accordion)

"Slovak polka". Spanish Egor Kursin

    Grandfather Egor is not old yet

He made a gift to his grandson.

And now we have Vanyutka

All day blowing on ... (pipe)

    Very fond of music

Two sisters, Natasha and Nina,

And so we bought

They are big ... (piano)

Zone. "Recttime". Spanish Matalasova Valentina Ivanovna and Katya Shcherbak

And from sadness, and from boredom

Can heal us all

Naughty melodies sounds:

Songs, dances, jokes, laughter.

Ensemble "Zadorinka" Spanish. Dance "Young Sailors"

It lifts our spirits

Music is always good

We look forward to meeting her.

We need music like air.

On this, dear guys, we say goodbye to you. Thank you for your attention, see you soon.


    Khrebtyugov A.A. Children's riddles about musical instruments. M; Children's Literature, 1988

MOU DOD "Children's School of Arts in Mamadysh

named after composers Yarullins"

Thematic concert dedicated to International Day music

"Give Music"

Scenario and selection of poems by Kvasnikova M.N.

Leading: Hello dear children, dear adults!

Today, October 1, all music world celebrates a wonderful holiday - the Day of Music. And we dedicate our today's concert to this great event - International Music Day.

1 –

The whole world is beautiful and inviting

It contains music.

In it the roar of the waves on the shore beating

And the flutter of September leaves.

Music excites, disturbs,

Reawakening beauty.

And no one can ever

Compare with her by magic ... (V. Stepanov)

We are starting our holiday concert.

  • On the stage - an instrumental ensemble of teachers of the art school "Musical Kaleidoscope".

"Ural souvenir"

  • The ensemble performs the play "Banjo"

2 –

Music is transmitted from heart to heart and has a huge impact on a person.

“I would be very sorry if my music only entertained my listeners, I tried to make them better,” said Handel.

“Music is the mediator between the life of the mind and the life of the senses,” these are the words of Beethoven.

Two guitars ringing

Mournfully whined…

From childhood, a memorable tune,

My old friend, are you?

Quints rattle sharply,

Sounds are pouring out…

Sounds whine and squeal

Like groans of flour.

Here is the bass walkthrough

With careless daring,

And behind her ringing and din

Violent and rebellious.

Bust ... and a fifth again


Rushing blood to the heart

The head is on fire.

Music is one of the earliest art forms. Since ancient times musical genres were directly woven into working life and life of people. Both then and now all the most significant events in a person's life were reflected in songs; songs rejoiced, worried and sad together with the person.

Rasul Gamzatov said this wonderfully:

There are three cherished songs among people,

And in them human grief and fun.

One of the songs of all the others is brighter -

It is composed by the mother over the cradle.

The second is also a song of mothers.

Hand stroking icy cheeks,

It is sung over the coffin of sons ...

And the third - the rest of the songs.

Yes, the song accompanies us throughout our lives.

In the song you can tell about everything, it is an expression of our feelings and thoughts.

When sadness touches your soul

When separation burns the heart,

You click the song, the song will respond,

And the song suddenly, like a dear friend, will come ... (Valentin Tikhonov)

  • Arrangement of Kashapov's song "Tuy, җyry"

4 –

Dances originated in ancient times. They were part of the rituals. Their main purpose is to organize movements dancing people. Folk dances were born from the character of the people, their life and way of doing things. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol drew attention to national identity folk dances. Each of them has its own unique pace, rhythm, character of movements.

  • And now we bring to your attention "Tatar dance" performed by students of the 3rd grade of choreography.

5 –

Even the great Russian writer Ivan Turgenev noted that “Music is the mind embodied in beautiful sounds”, and Longfellow called music “the universal language of mankind”.

Exactly seven colors in the rainbow

And music has seven notes.

On earth for our joy

Music lives forever.

  • The song “Seven Notes” is performed by the young vocalist

6 –

Music is the best medicine, and, as Martin Luther said, "the best solace for a sad person."

Sounds are pouring, deep sadness,

Full of endless longing:

Then they will scatter in a high trill,

That will freeze with a quiet splash of a wave.

Sounds, sounds! What are you crying about

What makes you burning sadness?

Or in happiness you lose faith

Are you passionately sorry for the past? (Vyacheslav Ivanov)

7 –

And these wonderful sounds are floating and growing,

The wave took me...

Rose, rose, and unknown torment

And full of bliss…”

These lines were dedicated to P.I. Tchaikovsky by the poet Ya. P. Polonsky.

Everything that cannot be expressed in words, music can express.

"Music is a higher revelation than wisdom and philosophy." (L. Beethoven)

Speak to my soul;

What can not be expressed in words -

Sound on the soul. (A. Fet)

I I remember the waltz sound charming -

Spring night, at a late hour,

And the song was wonderful.

Yes, it was a waltz, lovely languid,

Yes, it was a marvelous waltz.

  • The quartet of teachers performs "White Waltz"

Dmitry Shostakovich, great composer 20th century, so said about the power of impact musical art: “It's hard to imagine a person's life without music. Without the sounds of music, it would be incomplete, deaf and poor ... "

And here are the lines of the poet Onegin Gadzhikasimov:

I can't live a day without music!

She is in me. She is around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities,

In the silence of grasses and in a rainbow of flowers,

And in the glow of dawn above the earth ...

She is always and forever my companion.

Everything is subject to her: joy and longing,

In it - just a moment and long centuries.

And knows how to resurrect and kill,

Makes you fall in love and fall in love.

But how can she live without us

At least a day, half a day? At least an hour!

Without our thoughts and earthly joys,

Without trifles funny and not funny? ..

We thank her for everything! talking

And, believing in its triumph, we create! (Onegin Gadzhikasimov)

  • Artur Sadykov's play "The Joke" will be performed by a chamber ensemble.
  • "Tatar dance". Performed by students of grade 2 choreography.

10 -

Still ringing in my ears

The seventh waltz is an easy step,

Like a spring breeze

Like the flutter of bird wings

Like the world that I discovered

In the interweaving of musical lines.

That waltz still sounds in me

Like a blue cloud

Like a spring in the grass

Like a dream that I see in reality

Like the news that I live

In relationship with nature. (Lev Ozerov)

  • On the stage - the vocal ensemble "Sketch".

"Blue spring"

11 –

People have long believed that music has miraculous powers. They admired musicians-creators, created legends about them. The name of the ancient Greek singer Orpheus has been known for over two thousand years. According to the legend, he had no equal in the art of singing and playing the golden lyre. When Orpheus sang, all nature fell silent, listening to the divine voice of the singer ... Today, the name of Orpheus has become a symbol of the artist-creator, a symbol of the immortality of art. And his golden lyre is the emblem of music.

  • Music from the movie "Black Orpheus" is performed by a trio of teachers.

12 -

The divine sounds of the music were silenced,

Captivating me for a moment with his heavenly dream.

Following my dream, I stretch out my hands, -

Let the song flow like a silver rain again:

Like a scorched steppe waiting for rain and coolness,

I passionately wait for sounds filled with joy!

O genius of music! The wave of longing is growing!

Send me a living combination of consonances:

I have not drained your fresh cup to the bottom.

I did not kill the boundless suffering in my heart!

More, more please! Like a noisy waterfall

send me voiced strings brilliant cascade! (K. Balmont)

  • Piazzollo "Libertango". Performed by a duet of accordionists.

13 -

There is an inner music of the soul...

She is like a memory of a half-forgotten

It's like a distant noise.

Don't drown out

Her over the years everyday life and life!

She lurks in the depths, shining

Sometimes in a random word, in a weak gesture.

Many have it.


Only possesses it in perfection.

Each of us has that sincere and direct, that pure and bright, which is called the music of the soul. I would like to wish all of us that the ability to share warmth, the music of his soul would be preserved for many years.

So that the ray of hope does not go out,

You every single day and hour

Give the music of the soul

It resounds in your hearts!

  • Vocal ensemble "Delta"

Muses. Sokolskaya, sl. V. Stepanova "Give music."

“I would like with all the strength of my soul that my music spread, that the number of people who love it, find consolation and support in it” increases with these words of the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky , appreciated, and were able to hear music in everything that surrounds you.

See you soon! Give the Music of your soul!

Department of Education of the Dobryansky Municipal District

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Dobryansk children's art school"

Concert script

"My music album»

piano teacher,

highest qualification category

Panina Natalia Anatolievna


Good evening, Dear friends!

Today I am pleased to introduce to you a student of my class, a graduate of the piano department, Yulia Pikuleva.

She will present you her "Music Album", which consists of works different eras, styles and genres.

The first page of the music album is dedicated to early music"Baroque"

Baroque music appeared at the end of the Renaissance and preceded the music of classicism. The most famous representatives of this period are composers Antonio Vivaldi, Alessandro and Domenico Scarlatti, Georg Friedrich Handel, Johann Sebastian Bach and others.

The legacy of J.S. Bach is enormous. He was not only a brilliant composer of music, but also an excellent performer on many musical instruments, first of all, on the organ and clavier. Word " bang" in German means "stream". If we talk about the work of the master, then his music is not a stream, but rather a mighty ocean!

Many students of the art school are familiar with some of the works of this composer. This and polyphonic pieces from Notebook Anna Magdalena Bach, Little Preludes and Fugues, and of course the Inventions.

Invention(from Latin inventio - invention, invention) - the designation of a small play, indicating the role of musical ingenuity, invention in it. J.S. Bach created a whole collection of such two and three-part inventions - inventions.

In addition to polyphony, one of the obligatory components of the graduation program for pianists is large form. These are sonatas, rondos or variations. The name "sonata" comes from the Italian verb "sonare", which translates as "to sound ».

Therefore, the next page of the music album is devoted to sonatas.

The formation of the classical sonata form is most associated with the work of the so-called Viennese classics. Of course, you know their names - these are Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven.

sonata form - musical form, consisting of three main sections, where in the first section (exposition) the main and side party, in the second (development) these themes are developed, in the third (reprise) the exposition is repeated with tonal (and, possibly, other) changes. I would call it kind of - " musical performance", Where characters have their musical theme. And what exactly happens to them - the music will tell. So:

    J. Haydn Sonata C sharp minor 1 movement

Next page of the album. After classical period in development classical music the romantic period began.

In music, the direction of romanticism took shape in the 1820s, its development took the entire 19th century. Romantic composers tried with the help of musical means express depth and richness inner world person. Music becomes more embossed, individual.

prominent representatives romanticism in music are:

Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms, Frederic Chopin, Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, A. A. Alyabiev, M. I. Glinka, A. Dargomyzhsky, M. Balakirev, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. Mussorgsky, A. Borodin, P. I. Chaikovsky.

The play is now German composer Robert Schumann "Remembrance". The author wrote this piece on November 4, 1847 in memory of his friend, also an outstanding musician Felix Mendelssohn.

    R. Schumann "Remembrance"

And now I propose to scroll through our music album a few years ago, and remember Yulia's performance at the 1st International Competition for Young Pianists "In the World of Talent" and look at archival materials.

Video from the 1st competition "In the world of talent"

Another romantic composer - Stefan Geller - outstanding Hungarian talented pianist and teacher. At one time, he even studied in Vienna with the famous teacher Karl Czerny, whose etudes are in the repertoire of almost everyone. young pianist.

Geller's etudes are valuable material for the development of melodic phrasing, and some of them are included in repertoire collections for high school students of the Children's School of Art.

    Stefan Geller Etude in C minor

As you know, etudes and scales contribute to the formation of piano technique, which is very important for developing the ability to perform one or another piece of music. But no less important for young musician to learn to sing on an instrument, to master the so-called art of cantilena.

One of the characteristic genres of romantic art - Nocturne translated from French - "night song". In the 19th century, nocturne - dreamy, melodious piano piece, inspired by the image of the night, night silence, night thoughts.

For the first time, piano nocturnes began to be written by the Irish composer and pianist, John Field. This Irish musician, who spent many years in Russia and created his numerous nocturnes exactly here. “The romantics for the first time showed a deep artistic interest to this genre of "night music". Paintings of night nature, scenes of love dates in the background moonlit night, various moods of a lonely romantic artist - either suppressed by the elemental power of a night thunderstorm, or dreaming on the river bank ... of a vague and distant happiness ... - all this ... romantic images, well known not only in music, but also in poetry, and in painting,” wrote V. Ferman.

    J. Field "Nocturne" in B flat major

Piano miniature is one of the favorite genres of another representative of romanticism, the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg, which captures his personal life observations, impressions of the world around him, nature, thoughts and feelings, thoughts about the Motherland. These are kind of " diary entries» composer. Grieg often refers to folk music, folk dances, folk Norwegian epic. In ego works there are such names as "In the cave of the mountain king", "Dance of the elves", "Kobold" - a mountain spirit, a dwarf.

A wonderful estate in the suburbs of the city of Bergen, Grieg called "Trollhaugen" - "Troll Hill". He loved his home very much and left only for the sake of the tour. Edward and his wife Nina gave concerts in Paris, Vienna, London, Prague, Warsaw. During each performance, a clay frog lay in the pocket of Grieg's jacket. Before the start of each concert, he always took it out and stroked its back. The talisman worked: at the concerts every time there was an unimaginable success.

    E. Grieg "Poetic Picture" in E minor

Musical traditions are remembered and honored in Norway. Folk dances and music are still very popular, during weddings, religious and other holidays, rural folk dances are performed.

And now, if you listen carefully, you will hear in the music how the inhabitants gather for the holiday, go to the main square, hear an invitation to dance, bell ringing and even festive fireworks.

    E. Grieg "Dance from Yolster"

And now I would like to tell you a little about Yulia. From the first grades, Yulia has been studying music with pleasure, comprehending the intricacies of the piano art. Yulia was awarded the Future of Russia Prize by the Head of the Dobryansky Municipal District. She is actively involved in concert activity schools, Laureate and Diploma of competitions different levels from school to international. There is a short film about this.

Video - film "My music album"

Yulia's repertoire includes not only classical works. And the following pages of the music album are dedicated to popular music 20th century.

“I am happy that my songs bring joy to people,” said Joe Dassin french singer and composer American descent.

One of his songs is called "Indian Summer". In fact, "Indian summer" is a purely American concept and is equivalent to our "Indian summer" - a farewell burst of heat before the onset of winter cold.

    D. Dassin "Indian Summer" (synthesizer)

reggae- direction contemporary music, which was formed in Jamaica in the late 1960s and has become widespread since the early 1970s. Reggae can be both dance, relaxation and protest music at the same time, which follows from the traditions of African culture, in which rhythm, dance and music coexist with other phenomena and events. The acknowledged king of reggae is singer-songwriter Bob Marley. The play by the modern German composer Manfred Schmitz "Memory Reg" also has features of this style.

    M. Schmitz "Memory reg"

In 2008, the film-saga "Twilight" was released. Many people like the music for this film, they play it with pleasure. Listen to the melody of a South Korean composer performed by Yulia And RumaRiverflowsinYou» from this movie.

    ANDRuma"River Flows in You"

Another page of the music album is dedicated to the work of the Swedish band ABBA. at the premiere movie Mamma Mia! in Stockholm in 2008 for the first time in almost 20 years, all four participants of the famous in the 60-80s of the 20th century Swedish group ABBA gathered at the same time in one place. In this film, the music of ABBA received a new birth.

On May 7, 2013, a museum dedicated to the work of ABBA was opened in Sweden. Their music still sounds in the 21st century.

    Anderson"Happy New Year"synthesizer)

Now we are giving you another musical gift

    ABBA « Winner takes it all" (f- But + synthesizer)

I hope that the pages of Yulia's music album will be filled with new works and I want to wish her further creative success in the world of music, in the world of art.

And now I invite the parents of Yulia Nina Alexandrovna and Sergey Vladimirovich to the stage

I thank Yulia for her performance, for the opportunity to immerse herself in the world musical colors and harmonies. I thank the parents of Yulia Nina Aleksandrovna and Sergey Vladimirovich for their support and assistance in educating and developing her creativity.

The support group can go up on stage and congratulate Yulia on the Debut poster concert.

Dear friends, our concert is over. We thank you for your warm welcome. And we wish you many amazing meetings-acquaintances with piano music V concert hall, V classroom and in home music making!

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends, colleagues, students, guests. We are glad to meet you again. We called today's program " musical pictures about Russian folk instruments»
The Russian people have always surrounded their lives with songs and music flowing from Russian folk instruments ... .. then everything sings in the soul, and nothing is closer to a person than the sound of a native, familiar from childhood, instrument. This extraordinary palette of sounds will spread today in the hall performed by the Laureate of international and interregional competitions, the orchestra of folk instruments of the Krasnoyarsk College of Arts. P.I. Ivanov-Radkevich. Artistic director– Olga Grinberg

1). Host: We all know that music heals. And, no matter how good our lives are, we sometimes have to feel anxiety. To get rid of this feeling, we are advised to listen to the music of Chopin, Strauss Waltzes and specific work Anton Rubinstein - “Melody” If now in the hall, someone has even the slightest anxiety, it will pass as soon as we hear these enchanting sounds performed by Victoria Fedorova
Class of teacher Lilia Vladimirovna Tsvetkova, accompanist - student international competition Maria Ivanovna Morozova

2). Presenter: Megül "Sonata" 1-part. Performed by Stud, __ Course Galina Kulak. Class of the teacher Alexei Nikolaevich Nepomnyashchikh

3). Presenter: Guitarist John Richards expressed his love for the instrument through poetry.

The strings tremble
Fingers on the neck are worn,
In search of a harmonious fret,
pours legato,
Hitting the reefs
Stately chords of the major row.
The performer is hidden by consonant unity,
With my sweet-voiced guitar,
The heart is spinning like a wave,
Musical tango of the hymns of Orpheus.
Improvisation, wind, freedom,
In the fingers of the master awaken delight,
Hearing with the chime of harmonies,
Sowing appendages by word of mouth, like God.

Germal. "Baden Jazz Suite" part 1. Use Student _________ of the course Elizaveta Lavrentieva, Class of the teacher Natalia Yurievna Zamyatina

4). Rossini. Figaro's Cavatina from the opera " Barber of Seville". Performed by Stud, __ Course Ivan Ekimenko, Class of teacher Yuri Vasilyevich Dunaev

5). Presenter:

Domra, like a forgotten queen,
that once lived in Rus'.
Balalaikas older sister,
sound right in the blue sky.
Spread to the amusement of the world,
in mischievous hands
Folding songs sonorous satire,
in old fairy tales, fables and poems.
But the slander is insidious and spiteful,
wanted to get rid of the sounds of domra,
Like a pitiful and cowardly enemy,
that wants to forget his shame.
He is silence to those cherished strings,
prophesied with a bold hand,
To make their songs a stream of light,
flowed like a river of timelessness.
But the slander of the domra is not a barrier,
through the centuries its wonderful sound,
As a worthy reward of fate,
again pours joyful song.

On stage - Domra Trio: Student_4_ Course Alena Cherkova, 2nd year students - Anastasia Solomatina, Shonchalai Mizhit-Dorzhu. Class of the teacher Oksana Igorevna Strelchenko, accompanist - Olga Chernoyarova. Artemiev, "Romance"

6). Host: It's no secret that "Rumba" is a dance, a dance of LOVE. Rumba appeared in Havana in the 19th century in combination with the European country dance. In Spain, the word "rumbo" means "way", in Russian, the marine analogue of "rumba" is the direction.
Lucio "Rumba". Performed by Stud,_2_ Course Nachin Biche-ool, teacher's class Elena Vladimirovna Moderova

7). Presenter:
I'm not afraid of storms or reefs,
If in the string sound you can hear
Near the guitar reef pier
The cries of seagulls and the rustling of the waves.
I want the guitar to sound
Touching the soul with every string,
Like a life without end and beginning
And nothing will happen to me.

Vinitsky "Merci". Performed by Stud, _2_ Course Mikhail Popov, class of teacher Ivan Nikolaevich Afanasiev

8). Presenter:

The balalaika was rasterlying:
So it pours - terli-terli ...
Come on, honey, play along
Yes, speak Russian!
Balalaika simple sounds,
Let not immediately, and not suddenly,
The memory of blood will be revealed to grandchildren,
To bring them to the circle.
The balalaika played out
Have fun and dance people!
Burn, darling, let's try
and the Orchestra - will not let you down!

Ermochenkov. Concerto for balalaika and orchestra, 1st movement. Performed by Stud, _4_ Kursa, Nikita Krasnov. Lecturer - Diploma winner of the international competition - Andrey Nikolaevich Shakorin. Concertmaster - Laureate of the All-Russian and Diploma of International Competitions - Yulia Balabanova

9). Bogoslovsky, sl. Rodionov "Song of the old cabman".
Performed by Elena Moderova. Accompanying - Galina Sharavina. Concertmaster class of Vladimir Viktorovich Shakhov.

10). Tsintsadze "Sachidao". Performed by Duet domra: Students, _2_ Course Elena Zhukova and Anna Katryuk. Class of the teacher Lilia Vladimirovna Tsvetkova, Concertmaster - diploma winner of the international competition, Maria Ivanovna Morozova
(The full composition of the orchestra is preparing, and, on the text of the presenter, enters the stage)

2nd part of the concert

eleven). Host: K late XIX century, art was inaccessible to the broad masses of the people. This situation could not be tolerated. advanced people that time. Among these people was Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev. One day, he heard the peasant Antipas playing an old balalaika. The sound of this instrument delighted Vasily Vasilyevich so much that he decided to create an ensemble of balalaika players and developed designs various kinds tools. A little later, Andreev decided to create an orchestra. Master Nalimov made musical instruments, with which everything sounded in a new way: bright, colorful.
The orchestra of Russian folk instruments has become a unique phenomenon not only in our country, but throughout the world. musical culture. Today, it is a special synthesis of Russian folklore and European academic art... at the same time, it has a unique characteristic timbre, which has become to a certain extent musical symbol Russian national culture.

Fog shrouded in a gray veil,
The earth is a fertile bed,
What are you singing about, clear-eyed Bayan?
Your voice disturbs my heart.
A song flows like a stream, the motive is so gentle,
So sweetly the gusli play,
What seems thin fingers your
Souls caress my strings.
And, as if waking up from long sleep,
They line up in front of me
Those distant, glorious times
Where everyone lived in peace with the Earth.

Russian folk song "At the dawn, at the dawn" arranged by Vera Gorodovskaya. The conductor is a 4th year student - Victoria Fedorova, class of the teacher Oksana Igorevna Strelchenko

12). Presenter: Grieg's music for Ibsen's drama "Peer Gynt" received the meaning of independent, works of art. The full score of "Peer Gynt" includes twenty-three numbers. Now one of them will sound - a bright and colorful dynamic play.
At the conductor's stand - Artistic director of the orchestra
— Olga Grinberg.

Edward Grieg. "In the Hall of the Mountain King"

13). Presenter: Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov said:
Sow reasonable, good, eternal. Sow!
The heartfelt Russian people will thank you..........

Sergei Rachmaninoff. "Russian song"

14). Host: Argentine musician and composer of the second half of the twentieth century, whose compositions revolutionized the traditional tango, presenting it in modern vein, which absorbed elements of jazz and classical music, is already known and recognizable by many.

Astor Piazzolla Tango "Mietro del Angel" soloist Anastasia Paramonova,

15). Presenter: Valenki, they are also felt boots, volnushki, antics, pimas, wire rod and chesanki - a relatively recent invention, it is only about two hundred years old. Figuratively speaking, people already drank champagne, but felt boots were not yet known. The homeland of real felt boots is considered to be the city of Myshkin, Yaroslavl province, whose craftsmen in the 18th century were the first to make full felt boots, with a top. From time immemorial, they have been an integral part of the Russian costume, the Russian way of life, the Russian winter and even the Russian character. “It’s as simple as a felt boot”, “Roly rolls”, “Don’t wash it like that by rolling” - these sayings have forever entered our language. And no one needs to explain what they mean: boots are rustic, like a Russian peasant, but also strong, solid and reliable, like him, they won’t let you down. Hard time!

At the end of the concert, Alexander Shirokov's variations on the theme of R.N.P. "Felt boots"
Encore number: (non-stop)
Presenter: (if necessary, say, after the performance) Yury Zatsarny's Kuban fantasy "Brynkovsky Cossack" sounded
Moderator: Thank you for your attention.
Our concert is over.

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