Vocabulary of rock communication. Rock is a musical style based on a challenge to traditional culture.

About 3 years ago, our studio decided to collect all the interesting expressions (slang) of musicians related to creativity, music, studio, recording, etc.

For today - such a collection of expressions has turned out (see below) It would be interesting to replenish the dictionary with knowledge of such folklore of forum users. Wish Have a good mood. Join plz!!!

S L A B A R b


KACHUM - pause, i.e. a place in a musical work where a musician can and even needs to rock; (musicians of the Arsenal group, Noyabrsk).
SHMURDYAK - 1. Very a sad song, 2. Bad, unprofessional song; (Group "Arsenal").
PATCH - make a soundtrack from pieces in a computer; (musicians of the quartet "Phoenix", Yekaterinburg).
DO GUITARISM - play the guitar; (guitarist Alexander Kulaev, Yekaterinburg).
COMB - 1. Mismatch of voices on parallel audio tracks in the sequencer; (singer Lilya Saetgaleeva, Yekaterinburg). 2. Suspended (on a belt) keyboard instrument; (A.Kulaev).
BARDIE - the same as bards, songwriters with a guitar; (singer Evgeny Buntov, Yekaterinburg).
BARDOVETS - a northern version of a bard, usually a native of Timur, Gaidar, Budyonov and other "tsa"); (bard Margarita Tkach, p. Pangody).
AUTUMNIZM - a moment of insight for some musicians, poets and individual bards (not associated with autumn and other seasons); (M. Tkach).
SHUSHLAIKA - a simple synthesizer with auto accompaniment; (Honored Artist of Tatarstan Khaidar Gilfanov, Yekaterinburg).
VOLUME - piano-piano; ((author-performer Alexander Damaskin, Yekaterinburg)
LAUGHTER - a place where some people's voice should pour out; (A. Gazaliev).
BERLAT - take food from the musicians; (Group "Arsenal").
SURLY - to walk "small" with the musicians; (Alexander Damaskin).
VIRZAT - walk "in a big way" with musicians; (Alexander Damaskin).
DRUSHLYAT - sleep; (Alexander Damaskin).
SHOVEL - electric guitar of the company "Ural" and the like; (A. Gazaliev).
SAVE (derived from "beka'r" - cancel) - a bad action, which consists in refusing the musicians to perform; (guitarist Volodya Kovalev, Omsk).
BOBZiLA - long unreceived song; (Author-performer Alexander Zakharenko, Yekaterinburg).
DRAMATIZE (derived from the English "drum" - drum) - "hammer" the party in the arrangement percussion instruments(not to be confused with slaughtering a goat); (sound engineer KC Alexander Kulaev).
SANDUGACHIT (derived from the Tatar "sandugach" - nightingale) - to sing a song in the Tatar language; (producer of the KC studio Evgeny Buntov).
ZASANDUGACHIT - the same as rattling, zafigachit (in Russian);
to bard (not to be confused with "bard") - try to survive by the bard's craft, act as a bard; (E. Buntov).

SINGING BETWEEN CHAIRS - it is wrong to form a sound (a mistake of a novice vocalist); (Honored Artist of Russia Irina Naumova, Yekaterinburg).
BREAD CUTTER - the mouth of the vocalist. "Don't open the bread slicer!" - good wishes to the expressive diligent singer; (I. Naumova).
TRY - try to record a double in the studio (and at the same time sing, play out, etc.); (soloist Olga Naumova, duet "Kamerton", Yekaterinburg).
BORMOTOGRAPH - a portable cassette tape recorder; (music lover Mikhail Yurin).
PINALKA - drum barrel drum set; (musician, arranger, composer Rafil Mineev, Nizhnyaya Salda).
BOAT - button accordion ( musical instrument); (Rafil Mineev).
VACUUM CLEANER - the same button accordion, only from the other side; (guitarist Leonid Marakov, Moscow).
PIN - the work of a musician on the street, resp. to pin - to earn a street game; (Music worker Svetlana Mineeva, Nizhnyaya Salda - Murlyndiya).
ROLL VATU - play out of business, without thought, without soul, without understanding piece of music(the same applies to any other case); (guitarist Alexander Chinenov, Yekaterinburg).
DANDRUFF - an unpleasant, untimely feeling of sore throat when you need to sing (dandruff shampoo is useless); (soloist of folk ans. "Sylyshki" Yura Zhbankov, Yekaterinburg).
HARCHEVNYA - a device for protecting a studio microphone from spitting (grubs) and gusts of voice (wind protection, usually in the form of a round screen with a stretched black female stocking); (Singer-songwriter Sergei Dolgopolov, V. Pyshma).
MAKE MODULATION - change the location of your body in the space of the tone studio; (Rafil Mineev).
MANGAL (aka vibromangal) - vibraphone, (pedal - for blowing);
CRUSH SLEEPERS - play keyboard instruments (sound engineer A. Kulaev).
SPALTER - pianist-arranger.
PODOKONNIK - keyboard instrument (musician S. Burundukov).
A DISABLED BY IMPROVISATION (not to be confused "by sight") - a musician who is not able to play anything but notes (A. Kulaev).


CHEREN - guitar neck; (master folk instruments Eduard Sokolov, Yekaterinburg).
HAILO - voice box (sound window) for stringed instruments; (E. Sokolov).
zapriduh - capo; (E. Sokolov).
TCHEKOTUN - mediator (plectrum); (E. Sokolov).


“If you are not a master at playing, you buy a capo.
If you’re still not a master, buy a Stratocaster!”

"When good man bad is the blues.
When it’s good for the bad, it’s pop!”

P.S. Attached is a full color version of a formatted Word document.
dictionary set. The same thing, only more colorful!

The surnames given in brackets of the dictionary do not necessarily mean that these people are the authors of the expressions. Sometimes it is just the surname of the person who remembered this or that phrase, word. But there are, of course, pioneers as well.

Underground (English) - literally, underground music. Until 1980, virtually all of our rock was underground. Until 1985 - all "non-philharmonic" rock. Since all bands got the right to legal performances, underground rock, in the strict sense of the word, does not exist with us. Now the most radical punk and avant-garde groups are called the underground - which, in general, corresponds to the international understanding of this term.

A blank is a preliminary, basic version of a multi-channel sound recording. As a rule, percussion instruments, bass and rhythm guitar are recorded on the disc. Then the overlay of vocal parts and instrumental solos is carried out, and at the end - the final mixing (or "mix") of all recorded sound tracks.

Bootleg (English) - cassettes or records, replicated without the knowledge and consent of the musicians. As a rule, the bootleg includes unauthorized recordings from concerts.

Knitting (screwing), knitting - a frequent finale of underground events: a ban or forced termination of a concert, accompanied by the detention of musicians, organizers and part of the public.

Jam (English) - joint informal music-making of performers from different groups. Occurs sometimes after big concerts and festivals. Almost exclusively traditional rock and roll and blues sound.

Drive (English) - intensity, the degree of energy return in the game.

Drams (drams), drumsist (English) - percussion instruments, drummer.

Plant is about the same as drive, but in a somewhat broader sense: the ability of musicians to stir up, turn on listeners.

Image (English) - the stage image of the soloist or the whole group. It is created with the help of clothes, makeup, hairstyles, a special manner of holding on stage, facial expressions.

Kabak - in the narrow musical sense - cheap, restaurant style, manner of performance.

Kantsik, - a, m. (music) concert.

Apartment, - -a, m. (informal) meaning: a home concert, a performance by a rock band at someone's flat, accompanied by the use of alcoholic beverages.

Carpet - -ra, m. (music) cover for a CD or DVD disc.

Cyboard (English) - a keyboard instrument, usually electronic.

Labukh is a disparaging nickname for restaurant musicians or musicians who play in a tavern style.

Crap, crap - in a broad sense: a mistake, a nuisance; do something wrong. In musical practice, respectively, - a false note, an unrhythmic game, an incorrect text, etc.

Master (abbreviated from the English "master tape") - the original, "zero copy" of the tape with studio sound recording.

Manager (English) - in the practice of the underground, the organizers of concerts. Now it is increasingly used in its true meaning - "managing director" of an artist, ensemble.

Mouzon is music. The word has a rough-handicraft connotation and is used mainly by professional musicians.

Mainstream (English) - literally, the "mainstream" of any musical direction (rock, jazz, pop variety), the totality of its most popular characteristics at the moment.

Detachment, untie - behave on stage in the most relaxed manner, give heat, no matter what. Particularly outrageous concerts often end in scandals.

Gadgets - a generalized name for all kinds of sound effects and processors - "fuzz", "crossover", "chorus", etc.

Unwind, promotion - an active propaganda campaign to introduce a new song, album or group into the minds of the audience. As a rule, "their" channels on TV, radio and in the press are used for this.

Riff (English) - a short repetitive musical phrase played in unison by a guitar and bass guitar. Very often - especially in hard and heavy - whole songs are built on one riff.

Rocker (from the word "rock") - the same as a rock musician. True, in Lately they began to be confused with "informal" motorcyclists.

Rap (English) - literally, "chatter". A style that has become popular since the mid-1980s is to quickly pronounce the lyrics rhythmically instead of singing them. It is practiced not only by rock singers, but also by some disc jockeys.

Saigon is the legendary cafeteria at the Moskva restaurant, the habitat of the heroes of the Soviet underground.

Samopal - a home-made musical instrument, a piece of sound equipment.

Sound (eng.) - sound, the sound of the group both in concert and on the record. It consists of several components: arrangement, sound balance, playing style, manner of sound production, quality of equipment (or recording). Along with the composition, text and skill of the performers, it is the most important characteristic of any rock work.

Single (English) - a small disc (45 rpm), usually contains two songs.

Session (English) - the "old-hippy" name of a rock concert that still exists today.

Shoot - copy, reproduce famous (usually Western) samples. Shooting "zero" or "one to one" means close enough to the original. Previously, entire songs were filmed, including the vocal part in the original language. Now they shoot separate favorite fragments (an instrumental solo, an arrangement technique, a piece of a melody) and organically use them.

Scoop, soviet - something close, of low quality and reeking of officialdom. For example, the characteristic "Soviet festival" would, apparently, mean that the rock festival was poorly organized or took place in a formal setting. The title "scoop" can also be awarded to people.

Banter, banter (leningr.) - to fool, sneer, mock, while maintaining an innocent look. During the years of stagnation (they are also the heyday of the Aesopian language), banter was the safest way for rock authors to express their attitude to reality. Now it is gradually going out of fashion.

Stryom, dumb - risky, on the verge of what is permitted. As a rule, lyrics that are dubious in ideological and artistic terms are considered the dumbest. However, there is also a dark image, dark music. As a matter of fact, all Soviet rock until some time was a solid strem.

Sampling (eng.) - entering sounds by digital recording into the timbre memory of a musical computer. The tool that allows you to do this is called a sampler.

Top (English) - top, elite. To get to the top, to be in the top - to be successful, to be popular.

Fenka (less often - a chip) - a highlight, a successful find in music, image.

Firm, firm - foreign. A self-propelled gun for a company is a locally made tool, but with all foreign labels. The stress in the word "firm" can be placed on any syllable.

Freebie (for free, freebie) - for nothing. In a figurative sense - hacky, cheap, small. For example, the expression "free concert" can be understood in two ways: a concert for which the musicians were not paid anything, or, on the contrary, a light hack that they themselves "gave for free". Very often, however, these two meanings coincide.

Hit, hit (English) - a particularly popular song. There may be one or two of these in the current repertoire of the ensemble. As a rule, there are also old hits, beloved by the public, performed as an encore. Sometimes the whole group is also called a hit, meaning that big success provided for her.

Happening (English) - an eccentric theatrical performance. Most often unfolds spontaneously and covers part of the audience.

Ches - hacky tours (usually in the provinces), when up to three concerts are given per day. Once this word existed only among the musicians of the philharmonic.


m. app. year, summer.

Star. time, fixed, time, time, doba. Priiti .... to the doomed rock. And the Jews did not become that rock.

Now, fate, predestination, fate, inevitable, narrowed. Muslims believe in rock, Christians in providence. Do not miss rock. You can't go against rock. He is killed, oppressed by fate. No one will leave their fate. Rock heads looking. The fate of the guilty (the fate of the doomed) will find. Fast marriage visible rock. Be afraid, don't be afraid, and without fate there is no death. The fateful day, the anniversary of the fateful affair; urgent, urgent, when something should be done, decided; when fate decides, fate decided, or an important event. Happy for dinner, fatal under the butt.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


rock, pl. no, m. (book). Fate (obsolete poet.). Rock envious misfortune threatens me again. Pushkin. And what is taken once in life, fate cannot take away from us. Nekrasov. And on the brow left fate in the midst of young days the seal of passions. Lermontov.

In Greek mythology and mystical ideas - the otherworldly power or the will of a deity, which predetermines the events of human and earthly life in general.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


A, m, (high). Unfortunate fate (in 1 value). By the will of fate. Evil r. gravitates over kvm-n.


    A, m. Usually eccentric pop music, saturated with socio-dramatic expression, performed in fast rhythms, more often on electronic instruments, with voice(s). Electronic r. Heavy r. (with amplified sound, especially energetic, hard and dynamic, causing aggressive excitement of the listeners).

    Ah, m. The same as rock and roll (colloquial).

    unchangeable Related to rock music. Dance in the style of r. Jazz-r.

    adj. also rbkovy, -th, -th. Rock music.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Rock (Calvados)

Rock- a commune in France, located in the Lower Normandy region. Department of the commune - Calvados. It is part of the canton of Lisieux 1st canton. District of the commune - Lisieux.

The INSEE code of the commune is 14540.

Rock (album)

"Rock"- the sixth album of the group "Naive". Also, this disc is the first live CD, recorded on the 12th anniversary of the band at the SDK MAI on December 2, 2000. The album was re-released in 2004 new version album, instead of a live recording of the song "Rock", a studio recording appeared.

Rock (lake)

Lake Rock- a lake in southeastern Wisconsin, USA. The lake lies 20 miles east of Madison, Wisconsin.

Rock (county, Minnesota)

Rock is a county in the state of Minnesota, USA. Capital and The largest city- Luverne. As of the 2009 census estimate, the county has a population of 9,483. The area is 1251 km², of which 1250.4 km² is land and 0.63 km² is water. The population density is 8 people/km².

Rock (county, Nebraska)

Rock County- a county located in the state of Nebraska, USA with a population of 1526 people according to the 2010 census. There are two communities in the county - the city of Basset, which is the county seat of the county, and the village of Newport.

Rock (county seat)

There are three counties in the United States of America named Rock :

  • Rock is a county in the state of Wisconsin.
  • Rock is a county in the state of Minnesota.
  • Rock is a county in the state of Nebraska.

Rock (film)

« Rock» - a documentary film by Alexei Uchitel, dedicated to Soviet rock 1980s. According to critics, this was the first film covering the theme of Russian rock, shot by domestic experts. The filming took place in the places of work of rock musicians, including in "Kamchatka", which is now the place of memory of Viktor Tsoi, and on the street. Rubinstein, 13, in the Leningrad rock club (V rock festival). A bonus to the DVD, released in the late 1990s, was a report on the funeral of the poet A. Bashlachev, one of the most prominent figures in rock culture of those years.

Rock (studio)

Creative and production association "Rock" is a Russian film company engaged in the production of feature and documentaries. CEO- Alexey Uchitel. Producer - Kira Saksaganskaya.

Rock (Big Su tributary)

Rock- a river in the United States, in southwestern Minnesota and northwestern Iowa.

It originates in the territory of Pipestone County, Minnesota, 21 km northeast of the city of Pipestone. It flows predominantly in a southerly direction, flowing through the territory of Rock County and Lyon County. It then turns southwest and flows through Su County. It flows into the Big Su River about 10 km north of the city of Howarden. The length of the river is about 232 km.

In the lower reaches, it receives a large tributary, Little Rock (about 120 km). On the banks of the river are the following settlements: Holland, Edgerton, Luverne, Rock Rapids, Doon and Rock Valley.

Rock (county, Wisconsin)

Rock County is located in Wisconsin, USA. Officially formed in 1836. As of 2010, the population was 160,331.

Rock (Haute Garonne)

Rock(, Also Roque-sur-Garon listen)) is a commune in France, located in the Midi-Pyrenees region. Department - Upper Garonne. It is part of the canton of Porte-sur-Garon. District of the commune - Muret.

The INSEE code for the commune is 31458.

Examples of the use of the word rock in the literature.

It was this morning that her childhood friend, Helen de Rock, abbess of Montglan.

As paradoxical as it may seem, rock more willingly accepted the ideas of fret-modal and avant-garde jazz, ignoring earlier harmonic traditions.

It included Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Planning, one of the authors of the Cuban reforms, Jose Luis Rodriguez, Deputy Foreign Minister Isabel Allende and members of the State Council Felipe Perez Roque and Jose R.

most shi rock about mid 80s domestic rock was presented at the underground level, where many interesting and highly professional bands were formed, which did not set themselves the task of entering the official stage.

It's just yours rock brought his father to Holland where he met the woman, Anneke van Drost, who became his wife, and he saw Spanish Catholics, priests and the Inquisition for the first time.

Nobody changed the story rock in just one year the way the Beatles did in 1963.

The hero fights rock, the hero struggles with fate, the hero struggles with chance: here are three parallel formulations of the struggle with death in three genres, varying the same thing depending on the nature of the comprehension that creates them.

To heighten the effect, he could calmly withstand any blow with a pole, but jokes are bad with a mace: a blow to the head, heartily slapped Rock, could easily deprive him of his feelings.

A minivan with a running engine is standing on the side of the road, the driver's door is open, blue smoke flies out of the exhaust pipe, rock comes from the cockpit.

That way I could end up in Castle Roque, kill Homer Gamache and print your fingers all over his car.

You are beautiful, like a miracle, you are fate, eternal rock

For your wondrous gaze, all people - all in a row - are ready to fall, Even all the steppe deer are ready to fall for your look, All for your single lock, they say, they are ready to fall, For the outfit you put on, Rum, Baghdad are ready to fall, And confusion before you I am embraced, ready to fall - You are beautiful, like a miracle, you are fate, eternal rock: No matter how you torment me with anger, I have neither grief nor anxiety.

endure anger rock And we will wait for change: Fate, cruel goddess, Yesterday a flower, today a corpse, Changing, our destiny will change With a smile of capricious lips.

It seemed to her that she was far from Mr. Gaunt, from Necessary Things, from Castle Rock, even from.

By rock music is meant a synthesis of Negro rhythm and blues and country music. A peculiar rhythmic pattern was borrowed from the first direction (reverse beat: emphasis on the second and fourth beats), from the second - the completeness of the compositions and improvisation simplified compared to the blues. Rock is a protest against the political situation in the country, the values ​​of the older generation, a way of self-expression and the declaration of one's own views on life. The confrontation occurs due to the lyrics and the aggressive manner of performance.


The first music of this style appeared in 1954. Bill Haley sang the song Rock round the clock in the movie Chalkboard Jungle. At the same time, Elvis Presley records were released. A little later, the Beatles appeared on the musical arena, Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan.

Gradually, the music of the fatal direction begins to be performed as a protest against the Vietnam War, organizations are created whose members do not welcome armed conflicts and racism.

With the advent in the United States, the underground develops ( The Doors, Steppenwolf, Blood, Sweet & Tears), and in the UK, musicians try to preserve the features of traditional culture ( Led Zeppelin, deep purple, Pink Floyd). At the same time it appears new form presentation of compositions - music album: several melodies united by one idea.

Gradually, rock style gains popularity in other countries, develops and breaks up into various directions.

Jazz, hard, folk...

The style is based classic rock. Musicians (Elton John, Sting, The Who) play electric guitar, bass guitar, drums and do not use stylistic features other directions.

Psychedelic rock is music that is composed under the influence of progressive rock in other forms. musical construction, complexity and depth of the material being fed. Progressive rockers include Blood, Sweat & Tears, Gong and others. The creativity of musicians who want to go beyond the style is called experimental rock. The most famous experimenters are The Fugs, The Godz, Red Crayola and others.

Another direction combines the features of rock and jazz. It appeared not only due to the fact that jazzmen became cramped in their style, but also as a result of the fusion of "white" and "black" music as part of the fight against racism. Notable musicians synthetic style - Georgie Fame, The Soft Machine, The Mahavishnu Orchestra, etc. Folk rock is a synthesis of rock and folk music(Bob Dylan, Joan Boez, fairport convention), while hard rock is characterized by specific guitar rhythms, a heavy rhythm section and excessive sound volume. Notable Representatives directions - Jimi Hendrix, Iron Butterfly, Vanilla Fudge.

Also music critics highlight glam, gothic, etc. Definition style varieties somewhat arbitrary, as bands are constantly experimenting, changing the way they play or inventing new ways of performing.

Rock opera

It is typical for all types of art, including music. An example of this is the synthesis of rock and drama called rock opera. This includes episodes in which the plot is revealed. Arias are performed in the style of rock. Unlike classical opera, a keyboard player, guitarist, and other musicians may be present on stage. Most often, the performance is accompanied by the sound of a classical orchestra.

The manner of singing is assertive and aggressive, which is typical for rock music. Sometimes parts contain elements of other musical directions(jazz, folk, baroque, etc.). In addition to arias, the musicians perform recitatives and plastic numbers.

Examples of works of this genre are "Hair" by G. McDermot, "Godspel" by S. Schuortz, "Juno and Avos" by A. L. Rybnikov, etc.

rock culture

Over time, the music of rockers became so popular that elements of the style penetrated other layers of culture, a kind of rock style arose. This is how a special language (slang) appeared, in which style adherents and fans speak. Slang is used for writing lyrics, but becomes more important at concerts (sessions) non-verbal communication. The unity of music, words, stage movements and images affects the subconscious of a person, causing certain sensations and emotional reactions.

Rockers are fond of Buddhism, other religious teachings that are contrary to the psychology of the West. In their free time from concerts, musicians and fans attend so-called happenings (meetings), where they communicate, play music, and express their opinion about everything that happens in their lives.

The trends of rock culture are manifested in clothing (indelible stains of dirt on hippies), the manner of holding oneself (rock is a denial of everything and everything, therefore aggression is characteristic of adherents of the style), rejection of traditional values, moral and aesthetic attitudes.

Rock and Christianity

The Christian religion does not recognize the right to exist rock, considering adherence to rock culture impossible for believers in God. Reinforced rhythms, increased frequencies, penetrating texts affect the subconscious of people, awaken deep instincts.

Rock is a serious impact on the psyche. After listening to such music, a person loses the ability to self-control. The content of many songs is devoted to the theme of death, depressive states of a person, self-destruction. In many cases, passion for rock is closely related to the use of drugs, manifestations of violence, which also does not correspond to the way of life of a Christian.

Art historians and culturologists consider rock music and everything related to it as a confrontation traditional culture.


Chapter 1. Theoretical basis descriptions of the jargon of Severodvinsk rock musicians

§ 2. On the types of articulation of the language and the forms of its existence

§ 3. Jargon, slang, slang: on terminological redundancy and homonymy in the metalanguage of sociolinguistics

§ 4. About jargon as a secondary communication system national language and jargon functions

Conclusions on the first chapter

Chapter 2. Linguistic description of the jargon of Severodvinsk rock musicians

§ 1. Rock culture and language

§ 2. Extralinguistic basis of the concept of "jargon of Severodvinsk rock musicians"

§ 3. Lexico-semantic features of the jargon of Severodvinsk rock musicians

§ 4. Borrowings in the jargon of Severodvinsk rock musicians

§ 5. Phraseological units in the jargon of Severodvinsk rock musicians

§ 6. Lexico-semantic groups in the jargon of Severodvinsk rock musicians

§ 7. Features of the morphemic structure of a slang word and ways of forming slang units

§ 8. Semantic transfer as a way of forming the jargon of Severodvinsk rock musicians

Conclusions on the second chapter


List of used literature

List of lexicographic sources

Annex 1. Materials for the jargon dictionary of Severodvinsk rock musicians

Annex 2. List of respondents


The Russian national language is a historically established linguistic community and unites the entire set of linguistic means of the Russian people, including all Russian dialects and dialects, as well as social jargons. Supreme form The national Russian language is the Russian literary language. Until recently philological science, studying the dynamics of Russian speech, she paid special attention to the positive - verbal creativity in its highest sense: bookish literary language, literary texts, poetic speech, worthy manifestations of national folklore - and much less engaged in the elements of mass urban speech, an organic part of which are professional sublanguages, social jargons, and slang. Meanwhile, urban speech, as a living organism that exists relatively independently, is part of the general Russian linguistic and cultural space, with which, through many factors, the actual literary language is also connected.

Due to the geographical remoteness from other Russian cities, as well as a number of objective social causes(occupation of residents, influence of local dialects, living conditions, natural and climatic conditions, remoteness from major centers), the urban speech of Severodvinsk has its own personality traits. Within the framework of this speech, jargons take their place, including the jargon of musicians - a relatively small social group, which, according to our observations, are not characterized by close contacts with their own kind from other cities.

The study of social dialects is associated with certain difficulties. Subsystems are very mobile, they have an uncodified character and obey the laws, first of all, the sociolinguistic norm, which is much less stable than the linguistic one. The main form of realization of social dialects is oral. In written texts, elements of non-literary language are encountered sporadically, performing various kinds of stylistic functions. The collection of samples of oral speech is always a more time-consuming and painstaking task than the analysis of written texts, since this material very clearly shows correlations between linguistic and social phenomena. However, the subject of research itself does not necessarily predetermine the sociolinguistic nature of its description. In principle, each social dialect can be studied from purely structural positions - its vocabulary is described, sources of its replenishment are identified (of course, a sociolinguistic interpretation can be given to these facts, but they can also be illuminated exclusively lexicologically), the most frequent morphological models are identified , features of phonetics and syntax (if any). Thus, the appeal to such a dynamically developing and changing idiom of Russian speech as the jargon of musicians, and in a territorially marked form (Severodvinsk), is, presumably, relevant and scientifically promising. The fact that the slang vocabulary of Severodvinsk has not been studied by anyone determines the scientific novelty of the study.

The material of the study was lexical units representing the jargon of Severodvinsk rock musicians, collected by the author.

The purpose of the diploma research is to describe the linguistic features of the jargon of Severodvinsk rock musicians.

In connection with the designated goal, the following tasks were set:

– study scientific literature on the research topic;

- to characterize the place of slang vocabulary in the system of the modern Russian national language;

- identify and characterize the sources of slang vocabulary;

- to reveal the concept of "jargon of musicians" and its place in the Russian language space (in the system of forms of existence of the modern Russian language);

– to collect and systematize examples of slang speech of Severodvinsk rock musicians;

- to identify signs of the systemic organization of jargon;

– to describe the main methods (techniques) for the formation of slang units, to identify among them the dominant jargons in the formation, which are part of the jargon of Severodvinsk musicians;

– to present a description of the lexical-semantic groups of jargon (actually jargon and professional jargon) vocabulary of Severodvinsk rock musicians.

On different stages In our work, we used various methods and techniques of analysis. The method of linguistic description with all its techniques was chosen as the main one; as well as private methods: the included observation method, the comparative method. The included observation method allows you to draw certain conclusions about the speech behavior of the studied reference group, correct the results of specific language material obtained through interviews and questionnaires. In a number of cases, slang was recorded without the knowledge of the informants. Self-observation was also used. In the recordings of the speech of the informants, as well as their own speech, the use of lexical units in natural conditions is recorded. When qualifying the semantics of slang units, the methods of component analysis turned out to be productive; when characterizing the word-formation features of the studied vocabulary, formal connections within the chains, a promising word-formation analysis was used, in cases where attention was paid to some compatibility properties of the LSW, the methods of distributive analysis were used.

Chapter 1

§ 1. The concept of the Russian language space and the space of Russian culture

The modern language situation in Russia is characterized by great dynamics, especially in the field of non-codified speech. Understanding and analyzing the current situation is one of the pressing problems facing modern linguistics.

The works of many scientists are devoted to the study of social dialects from various positions [Schweitzer, Nikolsky 1976; Krysin 1989; Lisovsky 1996; Grachev 1997; Khimik 2000 and others]. At present, a number of dictionaries of various jargons and argots have been published [Bykov 1994; Elistratov 2000; Big Dictionary Russian jargon 2000; Kveselevich 2003; Dictionary of the modern Russian city 2003, etc.].

According to many linguists, Russian speech is the use of the Russian language in its main functions: communication, messages, influence, etc. However, from this statement we can conclude that speaking, or the Russian language in action, is a diverse, multifaceted process that, according to V.V. Chemist, from the one who says what he communicates, with whom he communicates, for what purpose and under what conditions [Khimik 2000: 3]. Russian speech is diverse. And this "diversity of the speech element as a whole is the Russian language space" Lotman 1993: 15].

Language space is a condition for the generation and development of cultural space and a means of its formation and existence. In other words, "language is a mirror of culture, the main source of the history of the people and its spirit" [Khimik 2000: 8].

Your view on the concepts of Russian language and cultural space N.K. Frolov: “the concept of “space”, which has become recent decades fashionable, super-common in the field of science, culture, education, is a synonym for the concept of "field", "environment", "field of activity". For example, we can cite words and expressions such as spiritual, national, linguistic, political, legal, geographical space and even moral space.<…>. Beliefs, morals, convictions, certain knowledge, ways of obtaining means of subsistence, socio-political organization, etc. are fixed in oral folk traditions, fixed language means. The totality of all these sensory-cognitive, motivating-communicative factors is precisely the form of spatial being - spiritual culture.<…>. The cultural and linguistic environment includes a number of linguistic and non-linguistic components: a) Orthnic language as a ready-made system of signs and meanings known to writers, language creators (verbal-significative component; b) material objects (denotative component); c) cognitive ethnic component, i.e. a complex of knowledge, beliefs, ideas and cognitive stereotypes; d) a psychological component, which is a factor in the ethnic consciousness of its linguistic orientations. Language space is objectified in speech activity» .

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