Stripping movements for beginners. Video: strip plastic - movements


Any man, without exception, will be happy to see a striptease, especially if it is performed by his beloved girlfriend or wife. Yes, and any girl does not mind to please her man, but not everyone knows how to do it right. And those who know are simply afraid to put it into practice.

So, if you want to become a striptease star for your beloved man, then this article is for you.

A good striptease consists of a stunning image and elegant and sexy movements and plasticity.

And another point that should not be overlooked is your shyness. If you are shy, then the image of the sex goddess will only be in your head. In fact, you will look like a frightened girl who has no idea what she is doing.

Therefore, the first step on the road to success is get rid of shyness.

The next thing you should pay attention to is your image. It is unlikely that a striptease in jeans and a T-shirt will be successful.

The main thing in your image - underwear. You can choose any at your discretion, but lace is most suitable for striptease. And don't forget the stockings. They will make your look even sexier.

As for the image itself, it is worth choose clothes that can be easily removed. Never wear anything that needs to be taken off over your head. It doesn't look erotic at all.

It would be preferable short skirt and elegant shirt.

Choose an outfit so that you can take it off while looking the guy in the eye. The image should not contain details that will interfere or distract you.

And the finishing touch - high heels. They will make your image of a seductress even more effective.

Next level training, the study of movements and the development of plasticity.

Remember, if you decide to show your lover a striptease without any preparation and training, you are definitely in for a complete failure.

Strip plastic lessons

If you do not have the proper preparation, then you will have at least practice for a couple of days for your muscles to get used to.

Now that you can do a few exercises without being out of breath and still not ruin your appearance are you ready for execution passionate dance.

The last thing you have to do - choose the right moves that will drive your man crazy.

You shouldn't have any problems with this part of the task.

You can learn a couple of movements with the help of online lessons which are very easy to find on the internet. You should not choose the movements of professional strippers.

To start choose something faster. This will not make your striptease worse. Find the right music and you're done.

And as a final workout, dance a striptease for yourself in front of a mirror, at the same time put on the chosen outfit to make sure of the proper effect. If you liked your dance, then do not hesitate, your loved one will like it too.

Video lessons: how to learn to dance striptease at home?

Strip plastic is a modern method of owning your body, a kind of mixture of aerobics, gymnastic stretches and seductive dance. This is a sensual dance that combines sharp and fast, fiery movements with smoothness, slowness and grace.

The benefits of strip plastic

Most often, shyness does not allow you to study this type of dance in a group: the movements are quite frank and therefore you cannot open up completely when strangers are looking at you. Therefore, many people prefer to switch to strip plastic at home in order to gain emancipation and get rid of complexes.

Strip plastic teaches you to perfectly control your body and is suitable for women and girls different ages and builds. In addition, strip plastic will help:

  • Gain confidence in yourself. Classes will help you relax, feel your body, overcome all complexes and make you open up for yourself and your man.
  • relieve stress With. Strip plastic helps to relax and relieve tension after a working day, as well as tune in a positive way.
  • hone the figure . Strip plastic is not only a sensual dance, but also a set of sports exercises aimed at parting with overweight, strengthen muscles, make the figure more flexible and plastic.

After 2-3 months of classes, you will feel that you have begun to move differently, gain self-confidence and an ideal figure.

What you need to do strip plastic surgery

There are a few things you need to get started:

  • Mirror in full height. Do not spare the money and be sure to get yourself a full-length mirror - the only way you can see yourself completely and control your own movements.
  • Room. The place where you are going to practice should be spacious enough and isolated from others (that is, a room where outsiders are not allowed to enter without your consent).
  • Cloth. There are no special clothes for strip plastic. You can, of course, practice at any home clothes. But don't forget that strip of plastic implies the creation of an image of a seductress, a vamp. Therefore, tight leggings and a short T-shirt will be preferable for classes. And to fully integrate into the image passionate woman, use sensual and delicate make-up.

Perhaps the most important thing for doing strip plastic is desire - without enthusiasm and a “glitter in the eyes” you will not be able to achieve a positive result.

Strip plastic exercises

Striplasty at home is a set of exercises consisting of warming up, learning ligaments and stretching-hitching.

Warm up

There are several basic movements used in the warm-up, similar to aerobics, but related to strip plastic:

  • Starting with the right foot, take 4 steps forward and backward alternately, while adding circular movements with the right and left shoulder.
  • Make a “figure eight” with your hips: move them alternately left and right, up and down.
  • Raise your knees one by one. At the same time, with both palms, slowly move up from the knee to the thigh for each leg.
  • Perform inclinations: put your feet shoulder-width apart, at the count of times - grab the calf muscle of your left leg with your left hand, at the count of two - the same with your right foot, at the count of three - smoothly lower your head, looking between your legs, at the count of four - straighten up.
  • Spread straight arms to the sides, and then slowly cross them over your chest, as if hugging yourself. At the same time, bend your legs a little at the knees and gently sway your hips.

Perform any of the proposed exercises at least 8 times.

Link learning

The exercises are designed for beginners, later it is recommended to complicate the set of exercises.

  • In a standing position. Spread your legs at a width of at least 1 m from each other (toes of the feet look forward). Gently bend over. Run your fingers along the inside of your legs from bottom to top. When you touch your hips, slowly lift your torso, arching your lower back.
  • In a standing position. Put your feet together and concentrate your body weight on your left leg. Bend your right leg slightly at the knee, placing the foot on the toe. At the same time, slowly bend at the waist and pull back the hips. Slowly raise your hands up: at the same time, slide them along the waist, chest and entire body, as if outlining its contours. Then, raising your elbows up, take your palms away from your chest and put them behind your neck from behind, as if creating the illusion of picking up hair. From there, gently raise your hands up.
  • In a sitting position. Spread your knees to the sides, the back is round. Slowly straighten your back, at the same time running your palms along the body from the knees to the waist.
  • In a sitting position on the hip. Sit on your left thigh, while keeping your knees together, and focus behind your back on your hands. Slowly straighten your right leg and make a full circle vertically up with it. Then we raise left leg synchronously up right. Slowly lower yourself onto your right thigh, lowering the toe of your left foot near your right knee. Lower the elbow of the left hand on the knee, and gently pull the right hand back.

These exercises are aimed at mastering the basic movements of strip plastics and the development of numerous muscle groups that contribute to the smoothness of movements.


The exercises are designed to consolidate the results of the main classes.

  • Stand up straight with your knees against a wall or closet. Starting to perform wave-like movements with the whole body, so that every centimeter from the knees to the shoulder comes into contact with the surface. Without stopping, perform a reverse undulating movement from the shoulder to the knees. Repeat the movements several times, gradually increasing the pace.
  • Stand straight, pressing against a hard surface, first with your right, then with your left side. Repeat the movements as in the previous exercise.

Strengthening classes will help you strengthen your abs, get rid of your stomach and hone your waist.

  • Conduct strip plastic classes to music. This will help you begin to feel the music and learn how to move to the rhythm.
  • Improvise with exercises, apply the basic elements of strip plasticity: use the movements “peeped” in the film and your own imagination.
  • Do exercises for at least 20-30 minutes a day: for starters, you can do it every other day.

Remember that the main thing in strip plastic is constancy. Give exercise enough time every day, and soon you will turn into a real seductress.

Attention: before using any methods that can affect your health, consult a doctor. The information presented on the site is not intended for self-treatment, but is placed for educational purposes.

A good way to lose weight can be strip plastic.

This direction of fitness is less popular than, say, dance aerobics - many girls are scared off by its defiant name.

However, there is no need to be afraid of the name.

Strip plastic workouts (especially those designed for beginners) are just intense exercises to develop flexibility and strengthen the muscles responsible for female beauty.

Regularly attending such classes, you will surely reduce the volume of your hips, buttocks, abdomen, defeat cellulite, and at the same time learn how to dance seductively.

Here is a standard warm-up made up of basic elements.

Try to complete it. If you like it, feel free to buy a subscription to this type of group program at the nearest fitness club.

Read more:

A set of exercises for strip plastic

We warn you that the warm-up is quite long - about 25 minutes. Its purpose is not only warming up the body, but also direct work on the muscles.

Each movement is performed slowly at first, and then, if possible, at a fast pace.

Initial position - feet shoulder width apart. It is relevant for the entire complex.

  1. We do a semi-squat, the hands in it cross in front of the chest and rise up with the straightening of the body. After the arms slowly cross lower and the exercise is repeated.
  2. Hands stretch up, one palm props up the other from the back. From the previous position on the toes, stretch up the whole body and lower into a deep slope. chat below with a relaxed neck and relaxed arms from side to side. Rise through the round back.
  3. Feet together, on toes. Rhythmically and alternately knees back and forth. The arms are bent at the elbows, they also walk back and forth.
  4. The same thing, only with each knee make two short forward movements in a row.
  5. Movement of the head to the sides to the shoulders.
  6. Moving the head back and forth.
  7. Head movements in a circle.
  8. Raise your right shoulder. Raise left. Lower the right shoulder, lower the left. Right shoulder forward and up, left shoulder forward and up. Same back.
  9. Alternately for one-two-three with the right-left right shoulder up and freeze for a second in an oblique position.
  10. Hands rise up and interlock. The "loop" goes down to the right and left - one arm goes down with the elbow, and the other is thrown behind the head.
  11. Straight arms are spread apart, palms at an angle of 90 degrees to the floor. Palms move up and down.
  12. The arms are also straight, spread out to the sides, but the palms are turned forward. Starting with the little finger, the fingers alternately and smoothly gather into a fist and similarly unbend back.
  13. Hands - as in the previous exercise. The forearms draw circles (first forward, then back), while the shoulders remain motionless.
  14. The same, but the forearms work alternately.
  15. Left hand straight pressed against the chest, the right supports the left with the back of the hand. Vice versa.
  16. Slow squats on the legs apart (until the legs are bent at 90 degrees), in the lower position, the hands fall to the knees, and when they rise up, they move up along the front side of the hips. “Descent” - when the body bends forward, “rise” - slowly with a round back.
  17. We remain in a squat, both hands rest with palms on the outer side of the hips, the left shoulder stretches to the right knee. Then the weight of the body is similarly transferred to the other side.
  18. Legs and arms are slightly bent. The back bends first back, then forward.
  19. Straight arms are spread out to the sides. The body stretches first to the left behind the hand, then to the right. At the end points you need to wiggle a little.
  20. Body deflections forward - backward - right - left, then in a circle in one direction and in the other.
  21. Hands are connected above the head. Deep tilt to the right. From the slope, the upper body reaches for the hands to the left, sways.
  22. Hands drop to the floor. It is important not to bend your legs. Swing at the elbows.
  23. Close - put the back foot to the front. Swing, raising and lowering your socks, while continuing to keep your palms on the floor.
  24. Without rising, turn around straight and continue to sway, leaning on your palms. Several times freely shake the inclined body and lowered hands in the direction from the left toe to the right.
  25. Finishing the previous exercise, grab the left leg as low as possible. sway. Repeat this to the right. Rise, holding straight arms up.
  26. Clasp your hands and make a deep tilt to the left. Repeat exercises 26 and 27.
  27. Place your hands on the floor and do a slow squat.
  28. From the position indicated in the previous exercise, straighten your legs, lifting your tailbone up, and return to the squat. Do not take your palms off the floor.
  29. Freeze in a squat, spread your arms to the sides and hold on as long as you can. Slowly, through a round back, straighten up.
  30. The pelvis moves rhythmically to the right and to the left.
  31. Feet shoulder-width apart, buttocks draw an arc to the right and left, dropping down.
  32. Sit slightly on the bent right leg, put the left - also bent - on the toe. Shift your weight to the other side.
  33. Hands on the belt, legs - standard, shoulder width apart, the pelvis moves back and forth.
  34. The pelvis moves left and right.
  35. The pelvis moves in a circle.
  36. Raise the left leg bent at the knee and press it with both hands to the chest. Maintain balance for a few seconds. Take the knee to the side (to maintain balance, you can point one hand in the opposite direction). Place your ankle on your right thigh and squat. Repeat for the right leg. Shake your legs, relax them.
  37. Right leg bent and put forward, "sit" on the left leg. Left hand on the belt. The right thigh goes up, straightening the leg. The same to the left.
  38. Hands go up. Buttocks draw a figure eight.
  39. The legs are alternately placed on the toe, transferring the weight of the body in the opposite direction.

Here is such a strip-plastic. Whoever succeeded, well done!

There are a lot of dance styles in the world different style and complexity. One of the fairly new areas is strip plastic. This direction is a type of aerobics that imitates a plastic sensual dance. Strip plastic teaches you to move beautifully, smoothly, showing female body and curves in all their charm.

Today on site website we will show video strip plastic lessons for beginners from the best coaches this type of dance.

Dance in this style is filled with sensual plasticity and femininity, which simply captivates the audience, especially men. The girl performing the dance is very attractive and seductive. Of course, this dance allows you to reveal yourself as a desirable woman.

Strip-plasty has a very good effect on the figure and state of health. Allows you to keep the body in good shape, and the mood at its best. The main secret of these dances is that any girl, regardless of age and physique, can feel desired and liberated, deliver aesthetic pleasure to her man.

Now strip plastic is very popular and in every city you can definitely find a school and a trainer who will teach plastic movements. But many trainers give the beginning tricks and share the secrets in videos for beginners who decide to first try at home, and then enroll in a school, to bring the enchanting movements to the highest skill.

After practicing strip plastic, the figure noticeably improves, excess weight, muscles are worked out and the overall appearance becomes even more feminine. The movements change, the gait becomes lighter and the girl feels more confident.

All the muscles of the body are involved in the dance: buttocks, legs, abs, muscles of the arms and legs, so after classes the figure becomes slim and toned.

A series of video lessons on strip plastic for beginners

Video lesson strip plastics for beginners. Breast

Video lesson on strip plastics. Hip movement

Video tutorial for beginners

Video lesson for beginners to strip

Video lesson. Dance

Stripplasty is a symbiosis of aerobics, gymnastic exercises and seductive dance. Beginners can learn the graceful and sensual art of stripping at home. To do this, you need to know the basics dance direction skillfully choose suitable clothes and shoes, as well as perform several simple recommendations for home workouts.

fashionable modern direction is a unique mix of movements professional choreography, plastics and fitness, with a drop of sensuality and the ability to control the body.

Striptease and striptease have very little in common common features:

Stripplasty is work on yourself, on your body and emotions. It is important not only to learn basic movements, technique, but also to find your individual style.

Benefits of stripping

Dance is not about age or social status but an inner feeling of harmony and freedom.

In addition to aesthetics, stripping for beginners at home has a lot of advantages:

In addition to the benefits for psychological health, classes improve blood circulation, have a beneficial effect on the joints, and the cardiovascular system.

How to choose a place in the room

For beginners, it is especially important to achieve an immersive atmosphere, the surroundings for stripping, even at home, should evoke sensuality, positive emotions.

When choosing or equipping a room, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements:

It is desirable that the study room be separate so as not to violate the intimacy of the process. The room should be well ventilated, and the surroundings and design should be conducive to stripping.

Choosing comfortable clothes and shoes

Stripplasty for beginners at home involves the choice of clothes and shoes.

Clothing requirements are as follows:

There are also a number of requirements for shoes:

  • For warm-up better fit comfortable shoes with flat soles, for example, Czech shoes.
  • The sole should not slip on the floor, this can lead to injury during training.
  • Having received the first experience, you can start dancing in shoes with a small heel. The foot must be well fixed.
  • Dance steps in strip plastic suggest emancipation. To fully demonstrate your skills, you can dance in shoes on high heels. The main thing at the same time to feel convenience and comfort.

Music selection

You can dance to any music. Traditionally, a playlist in the style of R'n'B is selected. The rhythm of rhythm and blues, juicy vocals, a special direction and a whole philosophy that conveys musical style, helps to demonstrate skills, to open up as much as possible. Under the tracks Britney Spears, Pussycat Dolls, Jessica Simpson or Rihanna can accurately convey the mood of the dance.

If the dance is stylized, you can pick up a movie soundtrack to create a beautiful performance. Music should correspond to mood, fantasies, but not principles. This is the only way to achieve the effect of complete emancipation.

To relax in the dance, surrender to the music, demonstrate plasticity and grace, you can choose slow relaxation compositions. The sensual rhythms of Enigma, the seductive voice of Mylene Farmer, the compositions of Touch And Go, Madonna or Christina Aguilera will help to open up emotionally.

Strip training program

Stripplasty for beginners at home is a step-by-step system program that includes the following classes:

Load and complexity depends on the level of the dancer. Because learning dance style is a lengthy process and should be approached with all seriousness. Important before starting classes emotional mood, a feeling of cheerfulness and a desire to comprehend new facets of a seductive dance.

Standard warm-up - basic elements

Standard warm-up before doing stripplasty is necessary for both beginners and experienced dancers. In order to make it easier to perform complex ligaments at home, it is necessary to warm up the muscles.

For this there is a series simple exercises:

  1. Legs are shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist, circular movements of the head, rotation, and then turns back and forth, to the sides are performed. The exercise is performed in four counts.

    Start warming up with light exercises.

  2. Exercise for the shoulder girdle. The shoulders rise alternately, and then together, gradually increasing the amplitude.
  3. Chest workout. Rotation is performed along the points back and forth and to the sides, and then circular, connecting the points.
  4. Warm-up for the back. Standing position, hands along the waist. The shoulder blades are brought together, rounding and straightening the back. Effective exercise for stretching the back - "kitty".
  5. Charging for the spine. Bring your hands forward, and then perform inclinations, stretching for your hands. The position of the back is straight.
  6. Warm-up for thigh muscles. The body in the hip area moves alternately to the left and right, stretching the muscles as much as possible.

    Warm-up exercises before stripplasty are no different from warm-ups before any other workout.

  7. Exercise "eight" hips. They look like the hips are a pencil that draws the number 8 in the air.
  8. Leg exercises. Sumo squats are performed. The legs are wide apart, the socks are turned outward.
  9. Lunges with legs forward and to the sides. Take the leg forward or to the side, do a squat on the retracted leg, then raise and return the leg to its original position.
  10. Wave execution to prepare the body for the smooth execution of elements. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your feet hip-width apart. Stretch your arms, pressing your palms to the floor. As you exhale, draw in your stomach and lift your pelvis and back off the floor. While inhaling, straighten the body, forming a straight line from the shoulders to the knees. As you exhale, take the starting position.

    A good warm-up will help you avoid injury during your workout.

The duration of the warm-up is about 30 minutes. It is necessary not only to warm up the body, but also to give a load to the muscles.

Stretching exercises

Stretching helps to prepare the body for dance training, relieve muscle tension, restore flexibility and lightness. Preparation for the dance involves a warm-up, which includes stretching exercises to develop movement dynamics and statics.

Basic stretching classes:

Static exercises are workouts in which all the muscles of the body are activated, while parts of the body remain practically motionless.

A few exercises for statics for stripplasty:

Dynamic warm-up includes exercises that involve certain parts of the body:

Each time, stretching the muscles, the result must be fixed, gradually increasing the load.

Work on coordination

After the first step to success in stripping - stretching, you can go to the training of coordination:

The result of regular work on coordination will be complete control of the body in the dance: beautiful jumps with a confident landing, graceful gait of the dancer, the ability to balance, performing the steps in strip plastic.

To train coordination at home, it is enough to perform the following exercises daily:

  1. Standing with your feet moving, spread your arms to the sides. In this position, freeze for half a minute, closing your eyes.
  2. Rise as much as possible on your toes, close your eyes, throw your head back and stand for 30 seconds.
  3. Cat walk. Put a ribbon or rope on the floor, and walk along it, rearranging the feet in front of each other.

Development of plasticity

Amazing plasticity belongs to the striking skills of a strip dancer.

To develop it, you must regularly perform the following exercises:

How to learn to dance with video lessons

Stripping is stubborn physical work, you should not expect lightning miracles, but doing it regularly even at home, you can achieve amazing results. For beginners, there are manuals and training video tutorials.

Regularity of classes

To achieve a positive result, stripping exercises should be carried out regularly. Training should be carried out at least 2-3 times a week.

After a few workouts, there will be a feeling of smartness, complete control of the body. After 3-6 months, subject to the systematic implementation of the training program, you can perfectly learn how to dance strip plastic at home.

Stripplasty evenly involves all muscle groups

Like an artist painting a picture, the dancer creates a small performance, a celebration of grace and seduction. It is possible even for beginners to learn stripping at home without the help of a professional trainer. Beautiful music, smooth and precise movements, the flexibility of a cat, a romantic atmosphere - all this is a holiday beautiful dance in the style of seductive stripplasty.

Useful videos about stripping

A set of movements for stripplasty:

Stripping basics for beginners:

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