Real stories about the dead. Death will not separate us - scary stories from life


Cemetery - a section of the territory specially designed for the burial of the dead or their ashes after cremation. There are many mystical stories associated with this place. scary stories, legends and horror stories. Some are pure water fiction and designed to scare children at night, but many of the stories are taken from real life, or based on real events and shrouded terrible secrets from which the blood runs cold. This section contains a variety of cases related to the cemetery. Read and enjoy!

This story happened to me 10 years ago. Just now I decided to write it. It so happened that I was in late time at the cemetery. Why so, you ask? The fact is that my deceased relative had exactly a year since ...

20.01.2019 20.01.2019

28.12.2018 28.12.2018

This story is not very scary. But she is disturbing. It was even more so at my house and I don’t know whether it still lives at my house or not. Then we were all in the same room. And so it happened. Everyone was watching TV...

27.12.2018 27.12.2018

Good day, dear readers. I want to tell you a story from my life. Hope it's worth your attention. I will try to be as brief as possible, not to get carried away and not describe unnecessary details. It happened last spring in the cemetery where my grandparents are buried - ...

28.11.2018 28.11.2018

In my early youth, I worked as a hairdresser in a military hospital, - says Irina. - I was a talkative girl, and somehow in the winter after work I started talking with my friend at the checkpoint and did not notice that I had missed the last bus that was going to me ...

05.11.2018 05.11.2018

I told a friend with whom we studied together at the university. The boy was (and is) very devout and tense about stories of this kind - but one day he told us the following: his grandfather served in some tiny town as a watchman in a cemetery. The cemetery was old...

01.11.2018 01.11.2018

We used to go to the cemetery when we were in elementary school. Bottles were collected, bonfires were lit - in general, it was fun. Yes, here and not far away, right behind the garages, “Red Etna” is called, it was named after the plant of the same name. Here the plant was renamed after the war into Avtozavodskaya, Avtovaz, which means, well ...

01.11.2018 01.11.2018

Here real story from my childhood. When it happened, we were about ten years old. My friends and I all grew up in the countryside and walked a lot. What kind of games we didn’t have then: Cossack robbers, and hide and seek, and catch-up, ...

01.11.2018 01.11.2018

Young man, do you have cigarettes? - this phrase, uttered at half past eleven at night in the dense city outskirts, in itself makes you tense up. The situation was aggravated by the fact that this moment I walked past the cemetery fence and did not imagine ...

01.11.2018 01.11.2018

My mother and I live with my grandmother, but we are building a house on the other side of the city. I am 12 and have been living with my grandmother since birth. Her house is very close to the cemetery and the school. When I bring classmates to visit, they ...

01.11.2018 01.11.2018

When I was younger, I was always fascinated by death and the mystical dark side our life. She seemed to be beckoning me with her invisible hand. This scary story from real life about a cemetery and a dead person happened to me when I ...

01.11.2018 01.11.2018

This terrible story happened to me and my friend the day before yesterday. I am writing this now online, but my hands are shaking. Last night I believed in all the evil spirits. In our city there is an old cemetery, which almost everyone is afraid to go to ...

01.11.2018 01.11.2018

What happened in my life is not real creepy story. I was 12 years old and I lived with my grandmother in the village. It was boring there and the girls and I constantly came up with something. And then one day the three of us went to the cemetery .... I don't…

01.11.2018 01.11.2018

me this mystical story told my distant relative, it happened to her friend. I will start the story on behalf of my relative. One woman lives in our village with her husband (let's call her Zoya), her husband, in her old age, drank completely, in general ...

01.11.2018 01.11.2018

This story happened to me in the summer of 1991 - I then served in the army in Tallinn (then the name of the city was still written with two "n"). Some rank was supposed to come to our unit, and the company commander me and another ...

01.11.2018 01.11.2018

Everything happens in the life of each of us. There are also mysterious cases, which is simply impossible to explain from generally accepted positions. stand apart graveyard stories, because they are directly related to the other world, in which we all eventually find ourselves. Secrets of the graves - so ...

« life of the dead continues in the memory of the living,” said Cicero. But it happens that this “life” continues not only in memory, but right in front of your nose. How? We tell.

Chichikov & Co.

The plot described in famous poem Gogol, as you know, was suggested to the author by Pushkin. Buying and selling business dead souls in those days it was not uncommon, but it acquired a particularly wide scope in the Moldavian city of Bendery. Alexander Sergeevich learned about him during his exile in Chisinau in 1820-1824.
In the aforementioned city, from the moment it was annexed to Russia and over the next few years, people suddenly stopped dying. At first it didn't bother anyone. But when the guardians of law and order began an investigation, it turned out that after joining Moldova, fugitive peasants from the central Russian provinces poured in. In order not to be recognized, they took the names of dead people, that is, the documents of the dead were simply sold to the living. A similar plot, perhaps creatively embellished, was told by Pushkin to Gogol.

Corpse Synod

IX-X centuries. Roman papacy going through a spiritual and political crisis. In less than a hundred years, 24 pontiffs have been replaced on the holy throne. Everyone pulled the church blanket over himself, strove to denigrate his predecessor and canceled his decrees. Our story is about how the struggle for power touched even the dead. Thus, Pope Formosus, elected in 891, actively intervened in the affairs of Constantinople, intrigued with regard to the French throne and cleared a place near the papal throne. There was enough energy for five years, after which dad rested in a Bose at unclear circumstances. Nine months later, another successor, Pope Stephen VI, decided to get even with the deceased.
They dug up the half-decomposed corpse, tied it to a chair and began interrogation. The deacon, who was hiding behind a chair, was responsible for the deceased. Formosa, of course, was condemned on all counts and sentenced to punishment: they cut off three fingers with which the pontiff committed sign of the cross, tore off papal clothes and dragged through the streets of Rome, and then buried in mass grave for foreigners. Later, black diggers removed the body and threw it into the Tiber, from where a certain monk fished it out and, finally, buried it in the ground. Subsequent pontiffs either canceled the sentence of Formosus, then again condemned him.

tomb raiders

In the 18th and 19th centuries, there was a very peculiar business in Britain: digging up recently buried bodies from graves for sale. These guys were called resurrectionists. Who needed a dead man? Yes, at least for doctors - for scientific activity. In addition, an entire industry for "recycling" dead bodies began the manufacture of all kinds of medicinal potions from them - from ointments to powders and tinctures.
Finally, in 1752, the British Parliament passed the Murder Act, allowing judges to replace the public display of the bodies of executed criminals with dissection (this was regarded as a "terrible" posthumous fate). But the “biological material” was still not enough, and the doctors had to cooperate with the body snatchers.
Surprisingly, the resurrectors acted almost legally, because the corpses were not anyone's property! Relatives had to take care of the safety of expensive bodies. Cage graves (mortseifs), tombstones made of heavy stone slabs, and “safe” coffins for the rich began to appear in cemeteries.
Only after the resurrectors moved from simply digging up the dead to strangling the living - from that social stratum that they say "god forgotten" - did the authorities finally pass a bill that allowed medical universities to dissect the bodies of the dead inhabitants of the so-called workhouses, which contained petty criminals and beggars.

Love before and after the grave

One of the most striking historical figures with a craving for "afterlife" passion was the Queen of Castile Juan I. She adored her husband Philip the Handsome with the passion of a woman who had lost her mind (she was nicknamed Juana the Mad). At first, the young husband treated his wife with warmth and tenderness, but he got tired very quickly and turned his attention to others. Juana was furiously jealous: she screamed, fought in hysterics, and once cut off one of the king's mistresses her luxurious hair. And when in 1506 Philip suddenly died, she became completely insane. For several years she carried her husband’s coffin with her everywhere, not wanting to part with him at all, and periodically opened the lid to hug the remains of her beloved. However, the queen's necrophilia is debatable - they say that the idea of ​​not burying the faithful was suggested to her by some monks who claimed that he could be resurrected. This did not happen, and about a year after his death, Philip was buried.

But modern "slaves of love" will surpass even the historical ones. In the 1930s, the story of the German microbiologist and immigrant Karl Tanzler von Kosel, who worked in one of the marine hospitals in Florida, spread around the world. There, this elderly man met a beautiful Cuban woman who had a romantic long name Maria Elena Milagro de Hoyos and the tender age of 22. Helen, as Karl affectionately called the girl, was 32 years younger than him, suffered from tuberculosis and, despite the best efforts of the man, died a few months after they met. But Carl's love lived on. He built a mausoleum for his beloved, which he visited every evening, and after a couple of years he simply stole the girl’s body from there and “settled” it in his bedroom. The beloved was literally not the first freshness, so Karl had to fasten the crumbling bones with wire, stick a silk cloth soaked in wax instead of decayed skin, and glue a wig from the hair of the deceased on her head. He filled the chest cavity of the corpse with rags, and put on a dress and gloves on top.
In 1940 - about nine years after the girl's death - Dancer's cohabitation with the corpse was revealed. It became known that he put him next to him in bed every night and performed his "marital duty" (a paper tube was found in Helen's vagina, which allowed Karl to have an intimate relationship with the dead). The corpse was taken away from the Dancer (for some reason they put it on public display in one of the morgues), and he himself was placed under arrest. But not for long. Soon after his release, he built himself a life-size effigy of Helen and attached her death mask to it. So he lived with him until his death in 1952.

it real story written from words real person. However, my interlocutor asked to keep the name and some details secret. He is a medical worker, he went through two wars: Patriotic and Korean. We are sitting in a small, cozy living room, and he tells exciting, interesting stories, and he had many of them in his seventy-eight years of life.

His sparkle in his eyes and oratory take us far, far back. However, now, as he told this story, his face was filled with sadness, and a wave of pain splashed in his eyes.

“It happened just before the war. I had just received my degree in surgery, and I was sent to work in the south, in the Kazakh steppes. He worked in a small district center as a surgeon in the emergency room, but sometimes replaced the pathologist.

That hot summer day was deeply engraved in my memory, there were many patients and I did not have a minute to rest. An orderly was sent to me with a request to stop the reception and urgently deal with the autopsy of the body of a man brought by relatives on a cart, he was struck and killed by lightning. My colleagues examined him and pronounced him dead. Relatives were in a hurry, it was far and long to go home. One hundred kilometers in these places was not considered a long distance. Just at that moment I opened the boil and could not leave the patient. I answered that I would be able to come in a few minutes, asking my sister to apply a bandage. As soon as I headed for the exit, I heard a quiet, female voice- "do not go". I turned around, looked around, there was no one in the office, the nurse was in the dressing room. Then they brought a patient with an open fracture of the femur, I began to provide emergency assistance. The orderly came for me again, but I was busy. When I finished helping, again a woman's voice said very clearly - "do not go." Then there was a patient with acute bleeding, and I was delayed.

An orderly came into the office and said that the head physician was angry. I replied that I would come soon. Having finished with the patient, and already approaching the door, I again heard a female voice - "do not go." And I decided - they stopped me three times, I won’t go, period! Stayed in the office and resumed the reception. The chief came - angry, beside himself: "Why are you not following my order?" To which I calmly say: “I have a lot of patients, but the therapist sits and is not busy with anything (I also boiled over and was rude), let him go, he also went through it like me. The head physician, furious, went after him.

The autopsy began twenty minutes later. And a terrible thing happened, a colleague sawed chest and began to dissect the lungs, when suddenly the dead man jumped up and spattering blood, began to scream, rushed at the doctor. A frightened colleague flew out of the anatomical room, covered in blood and with crazy eyes, ran into my office and shouted: “Faster, faster! He is alive!" I examined the patient and skeptically answered: “Who? Dead person? "Yes, he is alive, take the tool and save him." I didn't believe it, but I took the tool case, talked to my sister, and followed him. Having caught up with him, I saw that my colleague had become completely gray-haired.

A half-dead man lay on the floor of the anatomist. He was bleeding, it was too late to do anything, life was leaving him. A few minutes later he died for real. A colleague received a long sentence for premeditated murder. During the war, he was released, and he died during the liberation of Warsaw. And to this day I don’t know who called me and stopped me, saved me from big trouble. Maybe a guardian angel, or maybe a premonition and intuition? .. ”He finished the story without touching the cold tea. And I sat and thought about how thin the line between life and death is, how much is mysterious and incomprehensible around.

The loss loved one- this is great sorrow and irreparable loss. Here are 8 shocking stories about people who could not come to terms with the loss and part with a dead person. They somehow continued to live with their loved ones, but people who left them. Not for the faint of heart!

The man who spent all his days at his wife's grave for 20 years

When Rocky Abalsamo's wife died in 1993, a part of him died with her. In sorrow and longing, Rocky spent 20 years every day at her grave in St. Joseph's cemetery in Roxbury. He hardly ate or drank while he was there, and came to the grave in spite of the cold or bad weather.

On January 22, 2013, Rocky died at Stonehenge Health Center in Roxbury after prolonged illness He was 97 at the time of his death. He was buried in the same cemetery as his wife Julia. Their graves are very close - Rocky does not part with her even after his death.

Vietnamese man sleeps in the same bed with his dead wife

In 2009, Le Van, a Vietnamese citizen, hit all the local newspapers: it became known that he had slept in the same bed with his dead wife for five years. Two years later, reporters from the newspaper Nguoi Lao Dong contacted Le Van again, and he confirmed that he continued to sleep next to the body of his beloved. The government can't do anything about it, of course.

Le Van sleeps in the same bed as a plaster statue containing the remains of his late wife. During the funeral, the man realized that he could not live without his beloved, so he dug up the grave, removed the remains from there, placed them in a plaster statue and continues to share a bed with her.

The 57-year-old Vietnamese explains that by doing so he hopes to increase the chances of their reunion in the next life.

Georgian woman takes care of her son who died 18 years ago

Joni Bakaradze died 18 years ago when he was 22 years old. But instead of burying him in the cemetery, the family decided to keep the body intact so that the two-year-old son could someday see his father's face.

For the first four years after Joni's death, his mother Tsiuri Kvaratskhelia used embalming fluid to preserve Joni's body, but then she had a dream in which someone told her to use vodka instead. So she did: Tsiuri made a vodka poultice every night to prevent her body from turning black and starting to decompose.

For the first ten years after her son's death, Tsiuri dressed him up for every birthday. But the older she got, the more difficult it was for her to take care of her son in the way she used to. She says that the lack of care quickly became noticeable and her son's face turned black, but as soon as she used her alcohol tincture again, the face turned white again.

Currently, Joni's body is kept in a wooden coffin with a window in front of her face. Tsiuri says her grandson, now 20, saw his father's preserved body and believes his grandmother made the right decision.

An Argentinian widow sleeps in her late husband's mausoleum to keep him company

A widow from Argentina named Adriana Villarreal sleeps in the small mausoleum where her husband is buried so that he won't get bored. A 43-year-old widow from Buenos Aires came to the attention of the media in 2012 when she admitted that she spends several nights a year in this mausoleum.

Dos de Mayo Police Commissioner Gustavo Braganza said his colleagues decided to take a look at the San Lazaro Cemetery as several people complained that loud music was playing there. They knocked on the door of the mausoleum, and the door was opened by Adriana Villarreal in pajamas. It was evident that she lived for some time next to the coffin and the embalmed body.

The police examined the tomb: it turned out that the woman even equipped the mausoleum - she brought a bed, a radio, a computer with Internet access, and even a small stove.

Adriana's husband, Sergio Yede, committed suicide in 2010, when he was 28 years old. Adriana built a mausoleum for him with the money he saved to buy a house.

Widow slept with her husband's decaying body for a year after his death

Woman whole year slept with her husband's decomposing body until the horrifying fact came to the attention of the authorities in November 2013.

Marcel H., 79, from Liege, Belgium, died in November 2012 from an asthma attack. The grief of the wife was so strong that she did not find the strength to announce the death of her husband and continued to sleep with the body in the same bed until the authorities intervened.

They came to the widow only because the owner of the apartment complained about the evasion of this family from paying rent for a year. The body was not mummified, but, surprisingly, the neighbors never complained about an unpleasant smell.

Man lived with mother's mummified body for more than ten years, and it was only revealed when he himself was found dead

Claudio Alfieri, 58, was found lying in a chair in his Buenos Aires apartment next to the woman's remains. Her body was wrapped plastic bags, on her feet were slippers, and the body was sitting on a chair at the kitchen table.

Police and firefighters broke into the apartment after neighbors complained about the disgusting smell. Forensic experts and neighbors identified the woman as Claudio's mother, Margherita Aimer de Alfieri. Neighbors said that last time saw this woman alive ten years ago, when she was 90 years old, but the son continued to claim that she was alive and well. An autopsy showed that both mother and son died of natural causes.

Husband kept his wife's death a secret for 35 days and treated her like she was alive

The contractor went to work and lived for 35 days ordinary life while the body of his 42-year-old wife decomposed in the bedroom of their two-story home in Damai Impan, Malaysia.

When family friends asked about her, her husband answered vaguely, never giving any reason to think anything was wrong. But his wife, Lim Ah Tee, died on September 2, 2013 after complaining of chest pain.

According to police, their 16-year-old son knew his mother had died but gave his father time to come to terms with the reality of her death. The heartbroken man reported the death of his wife to the police only when it became impossible to bear the stench.

The police were shocked - they found the body on the bed, clean and in fresh clothes - this indicated that her husband regularly washed and changed her clothes. The room also smelled strongly of perfume - probably her husband was spraying perfume everywhere to kill the smell of a decaying body.

The guy hid the dead body of his father for five months to receive benefits

In March 2012, a man was jailed for three years after police found the body of his 54-year-old father, Guy Blackburn, on the bed of his home in Lancashire, UK. The son did not report his father's death for almost five months because he wanted to receive benefits for him.

Christopher Blackburn, 29, lived in the house next to the body, but did not report the death of his father, who died of natural causes. It also turned out that Christopher's ten-year-old daughter lived in the house - she was told that her grandfather was just sleeping in his room.

Blackburn pleaded guilty to denying his father a decent burial from October 31, 2010 to March 22, 2011, and to embezzlement of £1,869, which he took on behalf of his father at the post office. Blackburn also lied to police, saying he talked to his father in November 2010 and had drinks with him on Christmas Day.

This story is more psychological than mystical.
Two families lived in the same village. In both families, by that time, the children had already grown up and dispersed. The men, who were previously friends, did not share something, quarreled and stopped communicating with each other. The women were supportive.
In the fall, Ivan (one of the neighbors) suddenly died of a heart attack.
The coffin with the deceased was placed in the living room. As expected, they curtained the mirrors, removed sharp objects, sent telegrams to relatives. And then the wife of the deceased had a need to leave for a neighboring village. She comes to a neighbor and, with tears in her eyes, asks for help: to feed the cattle and look after the house - they say, tomorrow I'll be back for dinner. There is nowhere to go - you need help.
Evening came, the neighbor was about to go to fulfill the promise, and her husband spoke up (he managed to get drunk by this time) - like “you won’t go, I forbid you.” But the woman went anyway, answering her husband that it would not be human.
Came. She put the pan with mixed fodder on the stove to cook, but she herself no-no, and even looks at the coffin with the dead - it’s creepy to be alone with the dead. But the deceased lies quietly.
Well, the pigs are fed, you can go home. She locked the door. Everything is no longer scary, but it was not there.
I came home, and my husband closed all the bolts and fell asleep drunk. She walked around the house, knocked on the windows, but did not get through. If it were summer, then it would be possible to sit out the night on the mound, but the puddles froze on the street. The time is already very late, and I don’t want to go door-to-door to wake up the neighbors. Here already Street lights turned off. It's completely dark.
I remembered the saying that you need to be afraid of the living, not the dead, and decided to return to the house with the dead. And so she did. She came, turned on the lights in the rooms, looked at the late Ivan (lies quietly), moved the chairs in the kitchen and lay down on them. And then, according to the law of meanness, the electricity was turned off ...
As she later said, she had never been so scared in her life. Darkness even if your eyes, someone else's house (where candles or a flashlight is unknown) and a pleasant neighborhood in dead human...
And then she hears the gates open and someone enters the courtyard. Some screams, laughter, flickering light in the window, someone knocking on the glass. The woman happily rushed out of the house (the relatives of the deceased arrived!), but the yard was empty, no one.
How she waited for the morning, she herself does not remember. Soon she left her husband, and could not forgive him for this nightmare.

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