It's not that scary that it will kill you. The Mystery of the Waving Arms


The ninth phenomenon

Katerina And Barbara.

Katerina. Oh, how she frightened me! I tremble all over, as if she were prophesying something to me.

Barbara. On your own head, old hag!

Katerina. What did she say, huh? What she said?

Barbara. All nonsense. You really need to listen to what she is talking about. She prophesies to everyone. I have sinned all my life since I was young. Ask what they say about her! That's why he's afraid to die. What she fears, scares others. Even all the boys in the city are hiding from her, threatening them with a stick and shouting (mimicking): "You will all burn in fire!"

Katerina(squinting). Ah, ah, stop it! My heart sank.

Barbara. There is something to fear! Fool old...

Katerina. I'm afraid, I'm scared to death. She is all in my eyes.


Barbara(looking around). That this brother is not coming, out, no way, the storm is coming.

Katerina(with fear). Storm! Let's run home! Hurry!

Barbara. What, are you out of your mind? How can you show yourself home without a brother?

Katerina. No, home, home! God bless him!

Barbara. What are you really afraid of: the storm is still far away.

Katerina. And if it's far away, then perhaps we'll wait a little; but it would be better to go. Let's go better!

Barbara. Why, if anything happens, you can’t hide at home.

Katerina. But all the same, it’s better, everything is calmer: at home I go to the images and pray to God!

Barbara. I didn't know you were so afraid of thunderstorms. I'm not afraid here.

Katerina. How, girl, do not be afraid! Everyone should be afraid. It’s not so terrible that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts. I'm not afraid to die, but when I think that suddenly I will appear before God the way I am here with you, after this conversation, that's what's scary. What's on my mind! What a sin! Terrible to say! Oh!

Thunder. Kabanov is included.

Barbara. Here comes the brother. (Kabanov.) Run quickly!


Katerina. Oh! Hurry, hurry!

Remember where the most famous play Ostrovsky? If you have read The Thunderstorm for a long time, and have seen it on stage recently, then it is unlikely. Writer and critic Tatyana Moskvina once noted that in modern productions, Ostrovsky's most famous play can begin in any way, but not in the same way as the playwright himself. However, the recent "Thunderstorm" directed by Andrei Moguchy on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater begins after all with Merzlyakov's song.. Ostrovsky's text begins with the song:

"K u l and g and n (sings). “In the midst of a flat valley, at a smooth height…”

“In the midst of a flat valley ...” - a song to the words of the poet Alexei Merzlyakov, which, judging by the songbooks of Ostrovsky's time, was well known to the vast majority of the audience sitting in the hall. The main message of this sad song is that even wealth and honor cannot replace love for a person, and we see how one of the main themes of the whole play is revealed already in the first line. Another important message of Merzlyakov's song is loneliness "in a strange side". It would seem that the characters of "Thunderstorm" live in their native places, but the feelings of the hero of the song clearly determine their emotional condition: in the play it is difficult to find a character who would be in harmony with the surrounding people and the world.

2. The secret of the faith of the heroes of the "Thunderstorm"

Sketch of the scenery by Alexander Golovin "Ruins of the Church" for the drama "Thunderstorm". 1916 State central theater museum them. A. A. Bakhrushina /

Here the wanderer Feklusha tells Kabanova about the horrors of life in other cities, especially in Moscow, and sums up:

“F e k l u sha. Hard times, mother Marfa Ignatievna, heavy. Time has already begun to diminish.”

What does it mean "time began to diminish"? To answer this question, let us first ask ourselves a more general one: what do the heroes of The Thunderstorm generally believe in? It is clear that these are believers, but their faith is quite specific. The writer, official and researcher of the schism, Pavel Melnikov-Pechersky, was sure that the Old Believers were depicted in The Thunderstorm. Whether this is so, we do not know, but Melnikov-Pechersky caught the general feeling that the Kalinovites fundamentally do not want to have anything to do with the new time. The wanderer Feklusha is one of the main channels connecting Kalinov with other cities, and, in her opinion, the whole the world, devoid of "piety", quickly perishes:

“You also have paradise and silence in your city, but in other cities it’s so simple sodom, mother: noise, running around, incessant driving! The people are just scurrying about, one there, the other here.

According to Feklusha, big cities vain people do not even have time for themselves. Speaking about the time, which "began to come to belittlement", Feklusha, in his specific language, describes a completely understandable process of accelerating the pace of life inherent in the new time - with its rationalistic attitude to time as a resource that can be measured and which can not be enough.

Sketch of scenery by Boris Kustodiev "Festivities on the banks of the Volga" for the play "Thunderstorm". 1918 State Russian Museum / "Arthive"

Other heroes of the drama also talk about time, and from their words it becomes clear that in fact the inhabitants of Kalinovo have problems with time. Kuligin remarks:

“The poor, sir, have no time to walk, they have care day and night. And they only sleep three hours a day. And what do the rich do? Well, what would it seem, they do not walk, do not breathe fresh air? So no. Everyone’s gates, sir, have been locked for a long time and the dogs have been lowered.”

Sketch of scenery by Boris Kustodiev "Gate of the House of Kabanovs" for the play "Thunderstorm". 1918

The city of Kalinov, as it were, fell out of the normal course of time: it was here that it actually came "to belittlement."

3. The secret of arm waving

Kuligin sees Wild in the distance:

"K u l and g and n (points to the side). Look, brother Curly, who is waving his arms like that?
K u d r i sh. This? This is Wild nephew scolding.

This is the first mention of Wild in the play: he swears and waves his arms. For a Russian merchant 19th century such behavior is especially significant. Many school textbooks say that the inhabitants of Kalinov live according to the house-building rules. However, according to Domostroy, it’s just supposed to “not wash dirty linen from outside”, including not swearing in public (for example, a wife needs to be “in private, not pro-teach”, but it’s not worth beating in public). The swearer on Dikaya Street, of course, behaves completely wrong from the point of view of traditional merchant ideas of morality: the whole city knows with whom he is “fighting” today - and this is a rather striking characterization of the character.

4. The secret of the Kabanikhi's age

Sketch of the Kabanikhi costume. Drawing by Alexander Golovin. 1916 State Central Theater Museum. A. A. Bakhrushina /

Kabanova complains about her age:

“Mother is old, stupid; well, and you, young people, smart, should not exact from us fools.

You should not believe the grumbling Kabanikha: the play does not say how old she is, and this is an atypical case for Ostrovsky, who usually accurately indicates the age of his characters. And yet you can guess what the age of this hero is. Katerina's mother-in-law on stage for a long time it was customary to portray a deep old woman. However, this is hardly true. Tikhon, the son of Kabanikha, is still a young man. Merchants' daughters got married very early: in one of Ostrovsky's first plays " family picture The merchant's wife recalls how she got married at the age of 13. After 1830, such early marriages were prohibited, however, even if Kabanikha married at 16, she may well be less than 40 years old.

5. Intimate secrets of the city of Kalinov

Curly describes local love customs:

“We are loose about this. Girls walk around as they want, father and mother do not care. Only women are locked up.”

Why is it important that “girls walk around as they want, father and mother don’t care”? Most often Russian classic literature contacted noble life, where the fall of a girl was perceived as a catastrophe, and the reader, accustomed to this picture of the world, may be surprised by the words of Curly. The fact is that noble and merchant ideas about the norms of female sexual behavior in the 19th century differed greatly: the latter were much freer. In the play, even Kabanikha can do nothing with her daughter Varvara, who almost openly meets with the same Kudryash.

Costume design for Barbara. Drawing by Boris Kustodiev. 1920State Tretyakov Gallery/ "Arthive"

Costume design for Barbara. Drawing by Alexander Golovin. 1916

In this sense main character Katerina is an exception: as a girl, she, apparently, did not “walk”, but cheated on her husband, and this was a much more serious offense for the merchants, which is revealed in the following remarks:

“K u d r i sh. So did you really love a married woman?
B o r and s. Married, Curly.
K u d r i sh. Eh, Boris Grigoryevich, quit the sting!

The danger here is not for Boris, but for Katerina herself: in Kalinovo married woman betrayal will not be forgiven.

6. The secret of Katerina's past life

State Central Theater Museum. A. A. Bakhrushina / Arthive

Sketch of Katerina's costume. Drawing by Alexander Golovin. 1916State Central Theater Museum. A. A. Bakhrushina / Arthive

Sketch of Katerina's costume. Drawing by Alexander Golovin. 1916State Central Theater Museum. A. A. Bakhrushina / Arthive

Here is how Katerina recalls life before marriage:

“Then we’ll go to church with my mother, all of them are wanderers - our house was full of wanderers and pilgrims. And we’ll come from the church, sit down for some work, more like gold velvet, and the wanderers will begin to tell: where they were, what they saw, different lives, or they sing poetry. So before lunch, the time will pass.

What does this memory mean? Judging by her own stories, as a girl, Katerina did exactly what the Kabanikha requires from her household: that is, she lived according to traditional way merchants. At that time, it was the merchants who consistently and consciously tried to observe the traditions within the class. This is exactly what Katerina does - and not “out of captivity”, but from the heart, sincerely.

Oddly enough, it is precisely these heroines, Katerina and Kabanikha, who are usually opposed! - the closest outlook on life. The difference between them is not moral standards, but in relation to them: Kabanikha wants people to follow the “Kalinovsky” life code out of necessity, and Katerina believes that this should come from the heart.

7. The mystery of the storm

The main character Katerina is afraid of an approaching thunderstorm:

"K a terina (with fear). Storm! Let's run home! Hurry!<…>At home, I go to images and pray to God!

To understand why she is afraid, let's see what other meanings the image of a thunderstorm takes on in the play. For Tikhon Kabanov, this is a constant fear of his mother; leaving, he says: "There will be no thunderstorm over me for two weeks." A self-taught mechanic, a kind of "enlightener" from the people, Kuligin is sure that thunder is "electricity", and wants to build a lightning rod. The uneducated Dikoy scolds Kuligin, explaining to him that a thunderstorm is God's punishment, which, according to the inhabitants of Kalinov, can befall almost anyone: if there was a person, there would be a misdemeanor.

Maybe Katerina is afraid, because, like Dikoy, she is simply not educated enough and her ideas are actually superstitions? But the fact is that a thunderstorm for Katerina is not scientific explainable phenomenon nature, but a state of mind, fear for one's own sins It is no coincidence that in Oblomov, full text which was published in the same year, the description of the thunderstorm is just as ambivalent, it contains both a “rational” and a “traditional” point of view: “Thunderstorms are not terrible, but only beneficial there: they are constantly in the same mouth - renewed time, almost never forgetting Ilyin's day, as if in order to support a well-known tradition among the people. And the number and strength of the blows, it seems, are the same every year, just as if a certain measure of electricity was released from the treasury for a year to the whole region.. Katerina is not afraid of death, but of herself:

“It’s not terrible that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all evil thoughts. I’m not afraid to die, but when I think that all of a sudden I will appear before God the way I am here with you ... that’s what’s scary.

However, Katerina will not be punished by an impersonal thunderstorm - on the contrary, the heroine will punish herself. For the play, this is fundamental: even a heroine who sincerely wants to live according to Kalinov's domostroy rules will have to decide her own fate. Time traditional society in Ostrovsky's play it came to an end - in the words of Feklusha, "it came to belittlement."

Images: Stage design sketch by Boris Kustodiev “Under the vault of an old church” for Alexander Ostrovsky’s drama “Thunderstorm”. 1918
State Central Theater Museum. A. A. Bakhrushina /


  • Zhuravleva A. I. Russian drama and literary process XIX century.
  • Moskvina T.V. In disputes about Russia: A. N. Ostrovsky.
  • Sverdlov M.I. Why did Katherine die? Thunderstorm: yesterday and today.
  • Russian tragedy: A. N. Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" in Russian criticism and literary criticism.

65 tests cover the entire content of the drama "Thunderstorm" by A.N. Ostrovsky. Each test (question, task) is accompanied by 5 - 6 answer options, among which the subject must choose one correct one. The quizzes will help to determine students' knowledge of the text.



Tests based on the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

1. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" is

1) comedy 4) tragicomedy

2) drama 5) farce

3) tragedy 6) vaudeville

2. "Thunderstorm" wrote

1) A.N. Ostrovsky 3) A.N. Tolstoy

2) N.A. Ostrovsky 4) L.N. Tolstoy

3. "Thunderstorm" is dramatic work V

1) one action 4) four actions

2) two steps 5) five steps

3) three steps 6) six actions

4. The action takes place in the city

1) Torzhok 4) Kineshma

2) Tver 5) Kalinov

3) Kalyazin 6) Kostroma

5. All persons, except for ..., are dressed in Russian

1) Boris 4) Kuligin

2) Katerina 5) ladies

3) Barbarians 6) Wild

6. Lady (8), Boris (5), Varvara (6), Glasha (1), Wild (2), Kabanova (3), Katerina (11), Kudryash (10), Kuligin (4), Tikhon (9 ), Feklusha(12), Shapkin(7)

Wealthy widow (f), girl in the house (l), her son (h), his wife (c), office

shchik (e), merchant (d), tradesman (b), his nephew (s), sister Tikhon (a), old woman

70 years old (j), wanderer (e), self-taught watchmaker (e).

Determine who each actor is.

1) 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d, 5d, 6e, 7e, 8g, 9z, 10i, 11k, 12l

2) 7d, 9i, 8g, 5z, 1c, 11a, 2d, 4e, 10b, 3e, 12k, 6k

3) 8g, 1a, 12k, 7d, 10i, 4e, 6c, 11e, 9z, 3k, 5d, 2b

4) 2d, 5i, 3g, 9z, 11c, 6a, 4d, 10e, 7b, 12e, 1l, 8k

7. The action takes place on the shore

1) Neva 4) Volga

2) Oka 5) Yenisei

3) Kamy 6) Irtysh

8. Kuligin

1) 33 years old 4) 49 years old

2) 37 years old 5) 50 years old

3) 44 years old 6) 57 years old

9. Boris Grigorievich's grandmother's name was

1) Pulcheria Alexandrovna 4) Tatyana Yurievna

2) Anna Sergeevna 5) Lyubov Andreevna

3) Anfisa Mikhailovna 6) Marfa Ignatievna

10. At the Wild

1) two sons 4) one son

2) son and daughter 5) teenage daughters

3) a son and a married daughter 6) three sons

11. “It hurts dashing for girls!” - declares

1) Boris 4) Wild

2) Curly 5) Kuligin

3) Shapkin 6) Tikhon

12. “Honest work will never earn us more daily bread

ba,” says

1) Boris 4) Shapkin

2) Katerina 5) Curly

3) Kuligin 6) Glasha

13. “Whoever has money, he tries to enslave the poor, so that for his free labors more money make money," he says

1) Feklusha 4) Kuligin

2) Glasha 5) Barbara

3) Boris 6) Curly

14. “I have been sinning all my life from a young age ... That’s why I’m afraid to die. Why sa-

he is afraid of something, he scares others with it, ”says

1) Varvara about Kabanikh 4) Kuligin about Varvara

2) Shapkin about Feklusha 5) Barbara about the mistress

3) Curly about Kabanova 6) Tikhon about Kabanova

15. "It's not terrible that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all evil thoughts."

To whom do these words belong? What and who is he/she afraid of?

1) Catherine. Thunderstorms and God

2) Barbara. mother's anger

3) Wild. Lightning rod and god

4) Kuligin. Perpetuum Mobile and Wild

5) Feklushe. Human rumor and God

16. "You, ordinary people, each one enemy (unclean spirit) confuses, but to us, to ... people, to whom there are six, to whom twelve are assigned, ”says


1) saint, mistress 4) holy fool, Glasha

2) rich, Kabanova 5) church, Katerina

3) strange, Feklusha 6) domineering, Wild

17. What is the name of Boris Grigorievich.

1) Kabanov 4) Shapkin

2) Wild 5) Derzhavin

3) Kuligin 6) Lomonosov

18. Where did Boris Grigorievich study?

1) at the gymnasium 4) at the Commercial Academy

2) at the university 5) at the lyceum

3) in a real school 6) in a church school

19. How many children did Boris Grigorievich's parents have?

1) one 4) four

2) two 5) five

3) three 6) six

20. What is the last name, first name and patronymic of Father Boris.

1) Lomonosov Grigory Vasilievich

2) Derzhavin Grigory Romanovich

3) Dikoy Grigory Prokofievich

4) Kabanov Grigory Petrovich

5) Shapkin Grigory Dementievich

21. Where did Boris come from in the city of Kalinov?

1) from Tver 4) from Moscow

2) from Nizhny Novgorod 5) from Kyakhta

3) from St. Petersburg 6) from Saratov

22. Boris' parents

1) burned down in their house 4) disappeared abroad

2) drowned in the river 5) died of typhus

3) died of cholera 6) poisoned by mushrooms

23. Boris fell in love with

1) Varvara 4) Katerina

2) I call 5) Martha

3) Feklusha 6) Anfisa

24. “I have one sin,” says Feklusha. Which? She

1) loves to eat sweets

2) likes to pick up what lies badly

3) likes to be sad for no reason

4) likes to gossip

5) hates his relatives

25. “And then there is the land,” says Feklusha, “where all the people with ...


1) camel 4) goat

2) dog 5) donkey

3) snake 6) horse

26. Offended Katerina with something at home, it was already dark; she ran out to the Vol-

gu, got into the boat and pushed it away from the shore. The next morning they already found it, ten miles away! She was then years old

1) fifteen 4) nine

2) thirteen 5) six

3) eleven 6) five

27. “I don’t know how to deceive, I can’t hide anything,” declares

1) Varvara 4) Kuligin

2) Boris 5) Glasha

3) Katerina 6) Tikhon

28. “And in my opinion: do what you want, if only it was sewn and covered,”–


1) Curly 4) Barbara

2) Wild 5) Shapkin

3) Tikhon 6) Glasha

29. “She sharpens it now, like rusty iron,” says Varvara. Who sharpens who?

1) the wife of her husband Wild

2) an old woman of seventy years of her old man

3) the mistress of her husband

4) Boar of her son

5) sister of her brother Boris

30. “What will happen, how the old people will die, how the light will stand, no longer

I know,” says

1) wild 4) mistress

2) Kuligin 5) Kabanova

3) Shapkin 6) Tikhon

31. “If I loved,” Kabanikha finds fault with her daughter-in-law, “so I would have learned ...”.

1) cook deliciously 4) howl

2) to please the mother-in-law 5) to endure

3) pray 6) housekeeping

32. “Quit…! No, not for anything! He is mine now, ”- resolutely

Katerina is stealing. Instead of an ellipsis, write the desired word.

1) Boris 4) Tikhon

2) an envelope with a letter 5) a key

3) knife 6) gift

33. “Why, mother Marfa Ignatievna,” says Feklusha, “fiery

They began to harness a lot of snakes: everything, you see, for the sake of speed.

The fire serpent is

1) comet 4) airplane

2) train 5) car

3) steamer 6) dragon

34. “On a high-high house, on the roof, someone is standing, his face is black,–

tells Feklusha about what he saw in Moscow. - And he makes with his hands, as

as if pouring something, but nothing is pouring.

Who and what, according to Feklusha, is pouring from the roof?

1) The janitor is throwing snow off the roof.

2) The boy pours grits for pigeons.

3) The chimney sweep pours soot.

4) The devil scatters tares.

5) The painter is painting the roof.

35. “I scolded, so scolded that I almost nailed it. After asking for forgiveness,

feet bowed. Here in the yard, in the mud, he bowed to him; bowed to him in front of everyone."

Who bowed to whom?

1) Wild Boris 4) Shapkin to his son

2) Curly Kuligin 5) Wild peasant

3) Wild Kuligin 6) Hussar Wild

36. “The poor have no time to walk, they have work day and night. And they sleep only three hours a day, ”says

1) Katerina 4) Kuligin

2) Curly 5) Tikhon

3) Barbara 6) Glasha

37. On what musical instrument plays Kudryash?

1) guitar 4) mandolin

2) on the balalaika 5) on the violin

3) on the accordion 6) on the flute

38. Like a Don Cossack, a Cossack led a horse to water,

Good fellow, he is already standing at the gate.

Standing at the gate, he thinks himself

Duma thinks how he will destroy his wife.

Like a wife, a wife prayed to her husband,

In a hurry, she bowed to him:

You, father, are you a dear friend of the heart!

Don't beat me, don't kill me...

Who from actors Drama sings this song and what asks the same

on your husband?

1) Katerina. Do not kill her 4) Barbara. forgive her

2) Tikhon. Beat her 5) Glasha. lock up

3) Curly. Kill her 6) Kuligin. Send home

39. “Some girl stopped me on the street and told me to name-

but he came here, behind the Kabanovs' garden, where the path is, ”says Boris.

What is the name of this stranger?

1) Barbara 4) Anfisa

2) Glasha 5) Feklusha

3) Katerina 6) Martha

40. What is the middle name of Katerina.

1) Ivanovna 4) Petrovna

2) Vasilievna 5) Egorovna

3) Semyonovna 6) Nikolaevna

41. “We are loose about this. Girls walk themselves as they want, father and mother

there is no loss, ”says

1) Curly 4) Barbara

2) Kuligin 5) Tikhon

3) Shapkin 6) Glasha

42. “Let’s say, even though her husband is a fool, but her mother-in-law is painfully fierce,” go-


1) Kuligin 4) Wild

2) Boris 5) Shapkin

3) Curly 6) Feklusha

43. Barbara (yawning). How would you know what time it is?

Curly. First.

Barbara. How much do you know?

Curly. …

How did Kudryash determine the time? What did he answer?

1) Twelve have already struck on the bell tower

2) But look at my silver

3) You see, the fishermen went ashore, and they always

throwing nets

4) The watchman beat the board

5) The sentinel twisted the ratchet

6) The buoy worker passed with a lantern, and he always goes out at the first hour

To the shore

44. 2nd. And people of all ranks go there.

1st. Yes, yes, I understand now.

2nd. And every rank.

1st. And arap?

2nd. And araps.

Where are these people going?

1) to Jerusalem 4) to Moscow

2) to paradise 5) to a country where all people have dog heads

3) to Rome 6) to hellfire

45. 1st. And they say, my brother, she fell on us from the sky.

What fell from the sky?

1) manna from heaven 4) Lithuania

2) punishment of God 5) black locust

3) bloody cloud 6) grace of God

46. ​​How did Kuligin call the Wild?

1) your degree 4) your majesty

2) your excellency 5) your honor

3) your excellency 6) your holiness

47. “So you know that you are a worm. If I want - I will have mercy, if I want - I will crush, ”says

1) Boar Tikhon 4) Wild Curly

2) Kabanova to Katerina 5) Wild Boris

3) Marfa Ignatievna Glasha 6) Wild Kuligin

48. Kuligin asks Diky for ten rubles “for the common good” and agrees

sen "put your labors for nothing" so that on the boulevard

1) erect a monument to Lomonosov 4) build a lightning rod

2) hang a bell 5) build a fire tower

3) set the clock 6) put the urns

49. “Yes, a thunderstorm, what do you think it is?” asks Wild Kuligina and he answers:

1) Thunderstorm is electricity

2) Thunderstorm is sent to us as punishment

3) Thunderstorm is God's punishment

4) A thunderstorm is a reminder of God's greatness

5) The storm is the wrath of God

50. Whom does Dikoy call a "false little man"?

1) Boris 4) Tikhon

2) Curly 5) Shapkina

3) Kuligin 6) Savel Prokofievich

51. How many days did Tikhon leave for Moscow?

1) for five days 4) for twelve days

2) for a week 5) for two weeks

3) for ten days 6) for twenty days

52. How long did Boris and Katerina meet in the absence of her husband?

1) five days 4) ten days

2) a week 5) two weeks

3) nine days 6) seventeen days

53. “Repent better, if you are sinful in something. After all, you can’t hide from me; no, sha-

only! I know everything!" says Katherine

1) husband 4) sister-in-law

2) mother-in-law 5) brother-in-law

3) father-in-law 6) uncle

54. “Helicopters go out to fights, stab each other with swords. Weight-

lo! - says the lady. - The old, pious people forget about death, they are tempted to ...!

1) ladies 4) gold

2) beauties 5) money

3) girls 6) beauty

55. For adultery Katerina Kabanikha offers her

1) burn at the stake 4) bury the living in the ground

2) beat to death 5) starve to death

3) hang upside down 6) drive naked out of the house

56. Tikhon for betraying his wife

1) beat a little 4) dragged by the hair

2) drowned in the Volga 5) almost killed

3) whipped with a chaise longue 6) threw it into the basement

57. After cheating on her husband Katerina

1) continued to secretly meet with her lover

2) started walking with Curly

3) confessed in public to infidelity

4) went with Boris Grigorievich to Kyakhta

5) repented in the church

58. How does Kuligin suggest to Tikhon to deal with sinful Katerina?

1) You would kick her out of the house and forget forever

2) You would forgive her and never remember

3) You would take her back to her parents' house without swearing

4) Would you help her to leave with Boris Grigorievich for Kyakhta

5) Would you go to church with your wife and consult with the priest


59. After the betrayal of the daughter-in-law Kabanova "began to lock up"

1) Katerina 4) Varvara

2) I call 5) Feklusha

3) Tikhon 6) all the maids

60. Who helped Katerina secretly meet with Boris?

1) Kuligin 4) Varvara

2) Shapkin 5) Curly

3) Glasha 6) Tikhon

61. What did Varvara do when “mother sharpened, sharpened” her for secret help to Katerina?

1) scolded the mother 4) blamed the mother for everything

2) asked her mother for forgiveness 5) ran away from home with Vanya

3) apologized to her and her brother 6) set mother's chest on fire

62. What was the name of Kabanikhi's late husband?

1) Peter 4) Cyril

2) Sergey 5) Vasily

3) Ivan 6) Semyon

63. Katerina, unable to endure mental anguish, confessed to adultery and

1) hanged herself in her mother-in-law's bedroom 4) threw herself into the Volga

2) drank poison 5) poisoned her husband and mother-in-law

3) set fire to the house and burned herself 6) went crazy

64. “You ruined her! You! You!" - Tikhon desperately shouts, rushing to the dead -

howl to wife.

"You" is

1) Boris Grigorievich 4) indifferent Kalinovites

2) Varvara 5) Marfa Ignatievna

3) a crowd on the banks of the Volga 6) Kudryash with Varvara

65. At the dead Katerina’s temple, they found “a small wound and a drop

ku blood" because

1) Boris hit her with a rock and she fell into the water

2) she hit the anchor and hurt herself

3) Tikhon beat her half an hour before the death of his wife

4) an hour before her death, locked up, she beat her head against the wall and bunk

5) Kuligin carelessly pulled the drowned woman out of the water

Keys to tests

1. 2) 14. 5) 27. 3) 40. 4) 53. 1)

2. 1) 15. 1) 28. 4) 41. 1) 54. 6)

3. 5) 16. 3) 29. 4) 42. 3) 55. 4)

4. 5) 17. 2) 30. 5) 43. 4) 56. 1)

5. 1) 18. 4) 31. 4) 44. 6) 57. 3)

6. 4) 19. 2) 32. 5) 45. 4) 58. 2)

7. 4) 20. 3) 33. 2) 46. 1) 59. 1),4)

8. 5) 21. 4) 34. 4) 47. 6) 60. 4)

9. 3) 22. 3) 35. 5) 48. 3) 61. 5)

10. 5) 23. 4) 36. 4) 49. 2) 62. 3)

11. 2) 24. 1) 37. 1) 50. 3) 63. 4)

12. 3) 25. 2) 38. 2) 51. 5) 64. 5)

13. 4) 26. 5) 39. 1) 52. 4) 65. 2)

What, are you out of your mind? How can you show yourself home without a brother?

Katerina. No, home, home! God bless him!

Barbara. What are you really afraid of: the storm is still far away.

Katerina. And if it's far away, then perhaps we'll wait a little; but it would be better to go. Let's go better!

Barbara. Why, if anything happens, you can’t hide at home.

Katerina. But all the same, it’s better, everything is calmer: at home I go to the images and pray to God!

Barbara. I didn't know you were so afraid of thunderstorms. I'm not afraid here.

Katerina. How, girl, do not be afraid! Everyone should be afraid. It’s not so terrible that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts. I'm not afraid to die, but when I think that suddenly I will appear before God the way I am here with you, after this conversation, that's what's scary. What's on my mind! What a sin! Terrible to say! Oh!

Thunder. Kabanov enters.

Barbara. Here comes the brother. (To Kabanov.) Run quickly!

Katerina. Oh! Hurry, hurry!

Action two

A room in the Kabanovs' house.

The first phenomenon

Glasha (gathers the dress into knots) and Feklusha (enters).

Feklush. Dear girl, you are still at work! What are you doing sweetie?

Glasha. I collect the owner on the road.

Feklush. Al is going where is our light?

Glasha. Rides.

Feklush. How long, honey, is it going?

Glasha. No, not for long.

Feklush. Well, the tablecloth is dear to him! And what, the hostess will howl or not?

Glasha. I don't know how to tell you.

Feklush. Yes, she howls when?

Glasha. Don't hear something.

Feklush. Painfully I love, dear girl, to listen, if someone howls well.


And you, girl, look after the wretched, you wouldn’t pull off anything.

Glasha. Whoever understands you, all of you are riveting each other. What's not good for you? It seems that you, strange, don’t have a life with us, but you all quarrel and change your mind. You are not afraid of sin.

Feklush. It is impossible, mother, without sin: we live in the world. Here's what I'll tell you, dear girl: you, ordinary people, each one embarrasses one enemy, but to us, to strange people, to whom there are six, to whom twelve are attached; That's what you need to overcome them all. Difficult, dear girl!

Glasha. Why do you have so many?

Feklush. This, mother, is an enemy out of hatred against us that we lead such a righteous life. And I, dear girl, am not absurd, I have no such sin. There is one sin for me for sure, I myself know what it is. I love sweet food. Well, so what! According to my weakness, the Lord sends.

Glasha. And you, Feklusha, did you go far?

Feklush. No, honey. I, due to my weakness, did not go far; and hear - heard a lot. They say that there are such countries, dear girl, where there are no Orthodox tsars, and the Saltans rule the earth. In one land, the Turkish Saltan Mahnut sits on the throne, and in the other, the Persian Saltan Mahnut; and they do judgment, dear girl, on all people, and whatever they judge, everything is wrong. And they, my dear, cannot judge a single case righteously, such is the limit set for them. We have a righteous law, and they, my dear, are unrighteous; that according to our law it turns out that way, but according to theirs everything is the other way around. And all their judges, in their countries, are also all unrighteous; so to them, dear girl, and in requests they write: “Judge me, unjust judge!”. And then there is the land where all the people with dog heads.

Glasha. Why is it so - with dogs?

Feklush. For infidelity. I'll go, dear girl, wander around the merchants: will there be something for poverty. Farewell for now!

Glasha. Goodbye!

Feklusha leaves.

Here are some other lands! There are no miracles in the world! And we're sitting here, we don't know anything. It's good that good people there is: no, no, yes, and you will hear what is happening in the world; otherwise they would die like fools.

Enter Katerina and Varvara.

The second phenomenon

Katerina and Barbara.

Barbara (Glashe). Drag the bundle into the wagon, the horses have arrived. (Katerina.

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