A real wolf from Wall Street. The real "wolf" from Wall Street Jordan Belfort: the real story of a broker


Back in the 1990s, Jordan Belfort was on a roll. Together with his partner and friend Danny Porush, he ran a Long Island-based Stratton-Oakmont pump and dump company. Jordan pulled money from strangers and led excessively luxurious image life, including drugs, expensive cars, yachts and much more. He even helped famous shoe designer, Steve Madden, make his company's shares available for public sale.

Unfortunately, it all fell apart and Belfort lost his fortune, wife, and over two years of his life as he had to serve time in prison for his crimes.
After his release from prison, he wrote a book called The Wolf of Wall Street, a fascinating account of his life while managing Stratton-Oakmont. To date, the continuation of the story of how he betrayed his colleagues and served a prison term has already been released - the book "Catch the Wolf of Wall Street."

Who is Jordan Belfort?

Jordan Belfort grew up on Long Island, New York, in Jewish family and received a good upbringing. Before starting a brokerage firm, he sold popsicles to regular beachgoers at an incredibly inflated price. Shortly thereafter, he entered college at American University and then attended dental college for only one day, deciding that this path would not lead him to prosperity.

Instead, he started a meat-selling business with his friend Kenny Green (whom Belfort affectionately referred to as "Dump" in two of his books). Becoming a first-class salesman, he began trading small stocks in a place known as the Investor Center. Having achieved success in this business, he acquired a small company Stratton Securities, and you probably already know the rest from a movie or a book.


In his first book, The Wolf of Wall Street, Belfort describes his insane drug addiction in unbearable detail. All drugs - from cocaine to ecstasy, marijuana and quaalude - were an integral part of his life. And to such an extent that, ultimately, they led him to collapse.

Jordan favored the Quaalud. Several times, he was close to death, making decisions under the influence of a drug. Recall, for example, the situation when he, after a fight with his wife Nadine, grabbed his daughter Chandler, ran down with her to the garage where his Mercedes was parked, and drove out in reverse without fastening his seat belts.

Belfort has been abstaining from drugs since the mid-2000s and appears to be very proud of the work he has done at the rehab center. It was certainly better for him to be there than to put his children's lives in danger.

Swindling money

If you have money, then you have the right to spend it. Is not it?
Luxury has come naturally to Belfort. The Wolf had it all: from high-rise apartments in Manhattan to a luxurious mansion on Long Island. The 256-foot superyacht he subsequently damaged on the coast of Italy, the Ferrari Testarossa car, the house in the Hamptons are just some of his toys, which he described in the smallest details. Not to mention expensive curtains, glassware and garments, among other things.

Of course, do not forget about restaurants. No four-star restaurant within New York City could handle his habit of exorbitant spending. Today, Belfort can only dream of the dinners and parties he hosted for his employees.

lovely wife

Nadine Belfort, Jordan's second wife, whom he married after divorcing his first wife, Denise, was incredible. A model with a delightful figure and luxurious blond hair is, in general, the dream of any man. She was completely devoted to him. Nadine supported Jordan even when he was partying, drinking and abusing drugs. But she left him after he threw her down a flight of stairs in their house while intoxicated. Ultimately, Nadine married a lawyer and moved to California with two children from Jordan.

Good deeds

Believe it or not, there are positives to this story as well. Belfort wasn't just pumping and dumping stocks and defrauding investors. He also helped make one of today's most iconic fashion companies, Steve Madden, publicly tradeable. In addition, he made sure that his friends were treated properly and sponsored their own brokerage companies when the time was right. Of course, this cannot make up for all the bad things he did. However, it would be an exaggeration to call Belfort the devil in the flesh.

Corporate culture

The people who worked at Stratton were like mad dogs ready to do anything for the sake of quick earnings. Belfort claims he did not hire employees who were already brokers or had a good education because they knew too much. Instead, he hired people with high school diplomas and teenagers who wanted to earn huge amounts of money. After all, it was obvious that they would be betrayed by the "golden calf." A cult of sorts has formed around the company. Its employees were even nicknamed "Strattonites" (in honor of the Stratton company).

The Strattonites had fun full program. Dwarf tossing parties were commonplace in the office, as were prostitutes, drugs, and feasts that left the restaurants in ruins. By comparison, employees at companies like Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns looked more like devout Mormons.

Complete self-destruction

IN recent months Before the FBI caught Belfort, his life was in total chaos. One of the craziest stories in the original book tells how he obtained several doses of "pure" quaalud from Switzerland. He took one dose, but it didn't work right away, so he swallowed a few more. He got into his car and pulled up to a pay phone to talk to one of his many accomplices. And then he felt that the drug began to act.

Further, he remembered only that he had parked near his house. Going inside, he ran into his wife, who asked why his car was full of dents. Belfort soon realized that he had crashed his Mercedes into other cars several times on his way home from the payphone. Like Tiger Woods, he swept away everything in his path until his car came to a complete stop right in front of his house. He was arrested and then sent to a rehabilitation center.


At the time, Belfort frequently laundered money into Switzerland through several intermediaries. The arrest of one of them was the beginning of the end for Belfort. FBI agents showed up at his doorstep and took him to jail.

After being released from prison and awaiting trial and sentencing, Belfort proved himself to be an informer by tape-recording the speeches of several friends and former colleagues, in the hope of reducing the sentence. FBI Agent Coleman and Assistant U.S. Attorney Joel Coen were very grateful to him for this.

The role of the whistleblower

What a vile scammer he was!
Belfort denounced his accountant, known as "Chief", who kept black books and laundered money at every opportunity, committing malfeasance in the process. All those involved in the crimes were listed on a list of nearly 100 names that was compiled as Belfort detailed his past mistakes to the FBI and U.S. Attorney.

Do not commit a crime if you are unable to serve time in prison
Despite the fact that Belfort managed to stretch the period of cooperation with the FBI for several years, in the end, he was sentenced to four years in prison, like his business partner and friend Danny Porush. However, due to good behavior, consultations with a narcologist and stay in a hostel for persons released from places of detention, he actually served in prison for just over 2.5 years.

The court also ordered him to pay a $110 million fine and his gross monthly income would be reduced by 50% until he paid the full amount of the fine. Oh, he's out of luck!

Like many other Wall Street criminals, Belfort did not have to deal with the usual "prison population". After a week in solitary confinement, he was placed in a general-security labor camp, which had tennis courts, a library, and various physical activity which he could enjoy. It was at this time that he lived in the same room with the scandalously famous actor and drug addict Tonny Chong, who encouraged him to write a book about his life. Needless to say, Belfort took Chong's advice and began to learn the craft of writing. His writing style was greatly influenced by the novels of Tom Wolfe and Hunter S. Thompson.


Now Jordan Belfort is a completely different person. At least he himself claims so. Currently, he lives in Los Angeles to be closer to his two children. After being released from prison, Belfort began writing the book The Wolf of Wall Street, based on which a film was made (released in theaters on December 25, 2013) directed by Martin Scorsese. Paradoxically, the plot of the film "Boiler", released in 2000, partly echoes the life of Belfort.

Although not as wealthy as he used to be, Belfort is doing his best to pay his fine, he is a living example of the excess that once existed and still exists in secret world finance.

Movie "The wolf of Wall Street" lasts three hours, so be patient if you decide to watch it, although, as it seems to me, this film is watched in one breath.

The film was released in 2013, its director is legendary Martin Scorsese- A lover of gangster stories, the greatest personality in the field of cinematography of our time, every actor dreams of starring in his films. Who is lucky to live a rich and bright life in this movie?

Actors starring in The Wolf of Wall Street

Leonardo DiCaprioJordan Belfort, broker

This Oscar-winning guy needs no introduction, I think this is the third movie Scorsese in which he starred Leonardo, the first two were "Aviator" And "Gangs of New York". To be honest, I would give for this role DiCaprio Oscar, and already in 2014 he would have stood on his bedside table. At the time of filming The Wolf of Wall Street by Leonardo DiCaprio was 39 years old, and he played a 22-27 year old guy. Certainly, Leo no longer as fresh and ruddy as in his thirties, but still handsome and attractive.

Jonah Hill - Donnie Azoff, merchant, financial partner Jordan.

For a role in a film The Wolf of Wall Street by John was nominated for an award Oscar and this was his second nomination. But the actor agreed to a fee of just that $60,000 For comparison, the fee DiCaprio made up $25,000,000. Jonah Hill was willing to work for free for filming Martina Scorsese and also together with Leonardo DiCaprio. He certainly succeeded in the role. Silly, vulgar, cheeky, but at the same time funny Donnie performed Hilla won the hearts of the audience.

Margot Robbie - Naomi LaPaglia, second wife Jordan.

For Margo Robbie role Naomi in film "The wolf of Wall Street" became the first significant Hollywood, perhaps this film was a turning point in the acting fate of the actress. Naomi performed Margot Robbie simply gorgeous, it is not possible to take your eyes off of her, neither men nor women. She really looks like a beauty, at the sight of which men lose their heads, win and give gifts, marry and love for years. She plays temptation, love, rage, resentment, disappointment. Margot Robbie not easy Nice picture she is a great actress.

Christine Milioti - Teresa Petrillo, first wife Jordan.

A sweet, brown-eyed girl, but still the wife of a millionaire, a sexaholic drug addict, who takes from life everything that can be carried on her not too strong shoulders, should not be like that.

Matthew McConaughey - Mark Hanna, broker.

Another Oscar-winning actor who took part in the filming of the film "The wolf of Wall Street". Role Matthew small, he plays the first mentor of the protagonist, it is he who advises him to get high from life: drugs and handjob are the key to the success of any broker.

And now about the film "The Wolf of Wall Street".

Jordan Belfortformer representative middle-class, he grew up in a poor family of accountants, lived in a small apartment, and at the age of 22 he was already married to Teresa, brown-eyed curly brunette. But the thought of getting rich never let go Jordan and so he went to Wall Street New York's financial district. There he began his career as a connector - a person who must make at least 500 calls to clients per day.

At my first job Jordan gets acquainted with Mark Hanna who gets him hooked on drugs and whores. The fact is that Hannah believes that since the broker's brain works 24 hours a day, it is necessary periodically not to let your gray matter stagnate. Jordan very quickly mastered the profession of a broker, a year later he already received a brokerage license, but on his first job as a broker Jordan saw how financial world The US has failed. October 19, 1987 there was a day that went into world history economy as "Black Monday", on this day there was the biggest drop Dow Jones industrial index throughout its history. Thousands of brokers were out of work. Jordan began to fall into despair, but the dodger will always find where to profit. The future millionaire gets a job in a petty Sharashkin's office, which sells cheap shares for half a dollar a share, but with a huge commission of 50%. On the first day of work, in just five minutes George manages to earn two thousand dollars.

And so Jordan Belfort felt the taste of money, he suffered, he sold shares with extraordinary lightness, he did it masterfully, masterfully. One day when Jordan sat in a cafe, a strange guy approached him and began to wonder where Jordan works and how much he earns, they say we live in the same house - I see you with a bubble, and I make ends meet, I want to work for you. After Jordan shows him the check he received for this month - and the amount is rather big - 72 thousand bucks new acquaintance - and call him Donnie Azoff, immediately calls his superiors at the children's furniture store to inform him that he is quitting. Donnie starts working with Jordan. They have a lot in common, both are drug addicts and want sweet life. Donnie married to his cousin and has such white teeth that he illuminates everything around him with the light of his radiant smile.

Soon Jordan And Donnie understand that it is time for them to go on a free voyage. They find an office space, hire their comrades, train them in the art of selling cheap worthless stocks and start rowing the loot - not even with shovels, but with a dump truck! Jordan Belfort decides to rebrand his company, henceforth it is called « Stratton Oakmont » , employees polish themselves and lo and behold! $28 million monthly net income. Money is pouring in like a river, complete debauchery reigns in the company: cocaine, whores - cheap for a hundred and expensive for 500, the drug frenzy is gaining momentum, and the feds are starting to look closely at the company Jordan Belfort.

At this time published in the magazine Forbes article about Jordan and it was in it that he was first called Wolf of Wall Street, he is given an unflattering description - "takes away from the rich and gives to himself and his gay gang of brokers." Jordan furious, but as it turned out, this anti-advertising benefited the company, the office was full of brokers by the next day job seekers and striving for financial independence. The company has doubled. debauchery and cocaine new force stirred up the ranks of workers of a prosperous firm.

At that time Jordan hires his father as a sheriff, he keeps order, keeps his eyes open and this only person, who was not blown away by the amount of money that fell on his head. Papa Jordan noisy, but tactful, once he and his son were talking at the expense Teresa-wives Jordan, And Jordan admitted that he lost interest in his wife, she has bushes between her legs - and this does not turn him on, all the whores with whom he spends time - and there are many of them - are all clean-shaven.

New idea Jordan Belfort- attract customers directly - without intermediaries and place their shares themselves. Money is pouring in, but I want even more.

Jordan throws another carbon monoxide party at his house, and now she appears for the first time in his life! Naomi LaPaglia!

She is wearing a blue dress, the men turn their necks staring at her, and the friend of the protagonist - Donnie, so he generally takes out a dick from his pants and starts to masturbate on Naomi right in front of his dumbfounded wife.

Margot Robbie in The Wolf of Wall Street as Naomi Lapaglia

Shouts are heard: “I would even get AIDS from her!”, "I would blow her even if she were my sister!".

Margot Robbie in The Wolf of Wall Street as Naomi Lapaglia

Jordan captivated by beauty Naomi, he is speechless and talks all sorts of nonsense, the party ends, but Jordan there is a coveted phone number of the girl, by the way, she was with her boyfriend at the party.

Margot Robbie in The Wolf of Wall Street as Naomi Lapaglia

And these two go on their first date. Candlelight dinner, romance, u Jordan jaw dropped and drooling, Naomi charming - he calls her the countess, after dinner they go to her, Jordan all she does is think about how to stay at her place for the night, but Naomi not so modest, she asks him to kindle a fireplace in the living room, and she herself retires for a while to her room.

Margot Robbie nude in The Wolf of Wall Street as Naomi Lapaglia

Jordan with grief on the floors kindles a fireplace, then the doors open and she enters! She is wearing only black stockings and high heels.

Margot Robbie and Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street Nude

Jordan took possession of her, but this happiness lasted only 11 seconds, but they did it again and again.Jordan And Naomi they began to meet often, the guy was literally obsessed with her, and it was not only about sex, they were on the same wavelength, the same interests plus cocaine. One day their wife caught themJordan Theresa . The wife was furious, but it was already impossible to change the course of events,Jordan was head over heels in love and soon didNaomi proposal to marry him.

Margot Robbie and Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street movie marital sex scene

Bachelor party in Vegas cost Jordan in two million dollars, the bacchanalia was such that after all this shobla moved out of the hotel, the entire 28th floor had to be restored from ruins.

Margot Robbie and Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street

Bala gorgeous wedding, wedding gift For Naomi became a yacht named after her, the couple bought a house on the island, they lived happily, but Jordan continued to have sex on the side, and now in Once again when he said the name of another woman at night, Naomi threw him the usual scandal in the morning, the couple already had a little daughter by that time, and after Naomi splashed in the face Jordan three glasses cold water, she decides to take revenge on her unfaithful husband in a peculiar way, from now on she will not have any sex with a harlot, and she will walk around the house only in short dresses and without underwear. Naomi shows her husband all the beauty of her ... spreading her legs, and not suspecting that there is a camera in the eye of a child's toy, and that two guards see everything that happens in the nursery.

One day Donnie got into a fight with one of the dough carriers Switzerland, and because of this situation, the entire financial pyramid that he built Jordan.Fearing for your skin, Donnie decides to appease Jordan addictive drug. Jordan does not yet know that Donnie naughty, together they are going to have a great evening, throwing drugs on the wheel. But 35 minutes pass - no action, friends eat pills again and again - but the effect is zero. Jordan his father calls and asks him to call him from the phone located in the nearest bar, which Jordan and does. There, in the bar, he begins to get drugged, and he bypasses the stage of euphoria and immediately feels the stage of a motionless vegetable on himself. At this time, he learns that his home phone is tapped, and he urgently needs to go home - because there is a half-wit Donnie talking on the phone with a Swiss lawyer laundering millions Jordan. The way the semi-paralyzed got there Jordan to your home - it's enchanting! This scene is worth watching the movie for. "Wolf of Wall Street".

On this gloomy evening Donnie nearly died choking on a ham roll and Jordan I had to do artificial mouth-to-mouth breathing. Perhaps already at this stage of married life, the wife Jordana Naomi her nerves begin to falter, and she begins to seriously think about divorce. At the same time, my aunt dies Emma- a figurehead, on which all accounts in a Swiss bank are issued. Jordan decides to urgently swim closer to Switzerland, the whole wonderful company ( Jordan, Naomi, Donnie) fall into a terrible storm, and only miraculously remain alive, the waves reached a height of 6 meters. In general, after all this madhouse, Jordan decides to give up extreme sports, he stops using drugs and behaves like a good boy, but it wasn’t there, the mechanism of the punitive machine was already launched, and it took only one small oversight of a Swiss lawyer who was not even caught in practice Jordan to make it all go to waste. The lawyer betrayed everyone. Naomi leaves her husband Jordan threatens 20 years in prison, but if he surrenders everyone, then his sentence will be knocked off. Jordan warns Donnie about drying, but surrenders the rest. Conditions in the prison were excellent Jordan rich, which means he can afford a lot.

The history of financiers-fraudsters mixed sex, drugs and money. The plot is based on Jordan Belfort's memoir of his turbulent career at the brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont. And while Scorsese and DiCaprio are not so much interested in the details of securities fraud as in demonstrating shameless hedonism, the tape faithfully depicts one of Belfort's first public exposures on the pages of Forbes. Author Rowla Khalaf, now Financial Times international editor, didn't coin the phrase "the wolf of Wall Street" but called Belfort "a spoiled Robin Hood who takes from the rich and gives to himself and his merry band of brokers." Here is what the described events looked like in 1991.

When Jordan Belfort was twenty-three years old, he went from one house to another selling meat and seafood on New York's Long Island and dreamed of becoming rich. A few months later he had his own network freight traffic, he delivered 5,000 pounds of beef and fish a week. But Belfort expanded too quickly, and he simply did not have enough capital. At twenty-five, he declared personal bankruptcy.
“I was pretty talented,” shrugs the eloquent Belfort, now 29. “But the profits were small.”

He began to look for more liquid goods - and found stocks. Steaks, stocks - from the point of view of this assertive businessman, there is not much difference. Today, Belfort has owned Lake Success, New York-based Stratton Oakmont, a brokerage firm for two years that specializes in forcing dubious securities on gullible investors. And although this product can "rotten" in the same way as meat and fish, it seems to bring good profit. Stratton's commission income is set to reach $30 million this year. The firm boasts nearly 150 brokers. Belfort, which owns more than 50% of Stratton, only Last year earned $3 million.

However, he has not yet shared this wealth with his clients. A year ago, before customers started complaining, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) began investigating Stratton's sales and trading activities. Some of the firm's former brokers received subpoenas. Belfort confirmed the fact of the investigation - according to him, Stratton provides full cooperation to law enforcement agencies. The future Wall Street bigwig was born in Queens in a family of accountants and received a degree in biology from American University. After his meat business collapsed, he studied brokerage at several companies: L.F. Rothshild, D.H. Blair and F.D. Roberts Securities. Belfort's graduate school was already at the Investors Center, a firm with a staff of 850 that worked with penny stocks (securities with a very low market price). He came to work there in 1988, and a year later the Investors Center was closed by decision of the SEC regulator.

In 1989, Belfort joined forces with twenty-three-year-old Kenneth Green, another Investors Center graduate who had once driven meat trucks for Belfort. In early 1989, aspiring entrepreneurs opened an office in a friend's car dealership in Queens, and then created a Stratton Securities franchise - a small company that combined the functions of a broker and a dealer. Within five months, Belfort and Greene had earned so much from commissions that they were able to buy out all of Stratton's financial operations for about $250,000. Greene, right hand Belfort, today owns 20% of Stratton.

To promote his stock to customers, Belfort hired the same motivated young salespeople as his refrigerated truck drivers. He taught them a proven cold-calling technique, code-named "Kodak Advertisement." This meant that the first thing the customer was being offered was not some obscure item pulled from under the counter, but first-class stocks, often Eastman Kodak stocks. Only after an investor takes the blue-chip bait do Belfort's brokers begin to advertise the quick-profit junk to him. The former Stratton broker recalls Belfort's motto: "Grab 'em by the throat and don't let them hang up." For brokers from this "gang of tomboys" Jordan quickly became a real idol.

One 28-year-old Stratton employee is said to have been a carpet-layer, but earned $100,000 in his first month with the firm and $800,000 in his first year. Half of that money stayed with the broker. On average, Belfort's employees earn about $85,000 a year. Like a fledgling version of the great New Jersey penny seller Robert Brennan, the Stratton founder says he helps clients invest in America's future. “The most important thing for me is to be associated with the stocks of fundamentally healthy companies, companies that generate income,” he assures. An excellent example of companies whose shares are traded by Stratton is the Ventura Entertainment Group. Ventura, based in North Hollywood, California, produces content for television. Legally, the company came into existence after a partnership with limited liability issued shares on the stock exchange. Belfort has been pushing Ventura's papers on everyone since day one and guaranteed a second share issue last year. Just at the time of the offering, Ventura posted a $455,000 loss on $3 million in revenue.

Ventura is owned by 52-year-old Harvey Bibikoff, who previously owned Discovery Associates, a retail electronic equipment. Under his leadership, the company, which today bears the name Leo's Industries, also suffered heavy losses.

Belfort does not just collect commissions and guarantee the placement of securities. Look at Ventura's second share issue, for example. Last year, Stratton sold 400,000 Ventura lots (consisting of one share and one stock purchase certificate) for $12 each. Shares jumped to $15, and Belfort ordered brokers to quickly buy certificates from happy investors at $1 each while continuing to circulate the paper. A few months later, Belfort sold most of the certificates to investors at $10, making a 900% profit. Ventura's current share price (after a 2-for-1 split) is 63 cents.
Belfort cynically admits that the Ventura deal was good, but "every story comes to an end."

Then came the turn of Nova Capital (now called Visual Equities), investment company, controlled by Alvin Abrams, 56-year-old president of First Philadelphia Corp. Since the 1960s, this investor has been trailed by numerous bans and fines imposed by the SEC and National Association stock dealers. In 1989, Belfort purchased a large batch of Nova certificates for $1 each. He used most of the certificates priced between $2.50 and $2.75 and sold them to investors for $5. Stratton brokers continued to promote these stocks. The price has increased to $9. As the shares rose in price, Belfort used the remaining certificates and sold the paper. (They have since dropped to $3). By one estimate, this and similar certificate deals have brought Stratton up to $10 million over the past two years.

In recent months, since word of the SEC investigation circulated, many of Stratton's stocks - including DVI Financial and Ropak Laboratories - have plummeted. But Belfort, who has made huge profits on certificate transactions, seems completely unwilling to use the firm's capital to support shares. He looks like a corrupted Robin Hood who takes from the rich and gives everything to himself and his merry gang of brokers, justifying what is happening as follows: “We are talking to wealthy investors. I couldn't be at peace with myself if I called people who make $50,000 a year and took the money they need for their children's education."

It seems that by the age of thirty Belfort had achieved success. He drives a $175,000 Ferrari Testarossa.
The broker says he can handle adversity easily and plans to diversify Stratton into other areas of the business. Recently, for example, he acquired a pre-emptive right to buy 15% of Judicate, a Philadelphia-based publicly traded arbitrage firm. Judicate, which had $1.9 million in revenue and an $814,000 loss in 1990, garnered headlines last summer when it landed a contract with the National Stock Dealers Association to resolve disputes between brokers and clients. As things are going, Belfort will need all the help he can to deal with long list burned-out Stratton clients.

Jordan Belfort is a man who has been among the financial elite of the world, quickly flew out of it and, no less unexpectedly for everyone, found himself at the very top of the notion of material success. Much is known about his life thanks to the Oscar-winning film The Wolf of Wall Street. But not everyone knows that this stock broker became the prototype for the brilliant game of Leonardo DiCaprio. Thirst for money, wild life and shady schemes - this is the essence of the old wolf. But now it's a completely different person. He overestimated his life so dramatically that now he is the idol of many thousands of people around the world as a business coach and just strong personality. I wonder how Jordan lives and how he developed further fate? Find out from our article.

The Beginning of Jordan's Journey

Jordan Ross Belfort was born in New York to a Jewish family. His father Max and mother Leah were ordinary accountants. Their only son already in early childhood aspired to have his own capital. Apparently, his parents laid in his mind the ability to handle money. So, as a child, he realized that he wanted to become rich.

Since the age of eight, Jordan has always had pocket money. At the age of ten, he earned money by clearing snow. And at the age of 12, a smart young man arranged magic shows, where he demonstrated various tricks to the public. As a teenager, he mastered the basics of trade - he sold ice cream on the beach at a greatly inflated price, and most importantly, that it was bought. The gift of persuasion, artistry and determination are the qualities that helped him in later life achieve financial success.

How did Jordan Belfort make his first million? The biography says that this person with early childhood loved money, and money loved him. But this did not happen immediately and not entirely honestly. And before he experienced both need and disappointment.

How the stock exchange appeared in his life

Jordan Belfort approached the choice of profession consciously, because he wanted to master the specialty of money. So he ended up at the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. However, after the dean's speech that its heyday had long passed and it would not work to get rich quickly, Jordan dropped out of school.

Since then, Belfort has been involved in the meat and seafood trade and has been very successful in this business. At 23, he owned a freight delivery network with a weekly turnover of about 5 tons. Then the start-up businessman went bankrupt after 2 years due to lack of personal capital and insufficient investment.

Having drank the experience of running his own business, Belfort learns about the possibility of selling shares of other companies. Here the risks and investments seemed to him minimal at that time. And in 1987, he began to intensively master the brokerage business.

Stratton Oakmont era

Jordan Belfort began his trading career in a semi-legal firm. The company was engaged in unpromising start-ups that were not of interest to investors. The share price fluctuated between $2 and $5. But the seller's commission was 50%. Very quickly he reached high income. At the same time, deceived depositors remained with broken trough because these shares were worthless. Very soon became interested in the company public service USA - SEC regulator.

So at the age of 27, the young broker abandoned the search for a new job, and he himself became the founder of a company selling cheap shares. Along with a friend, Kenneth Green, Jordan bought a franchise from Stratton Securities. His first office was in a warehouse. For 5 months of trading, Belfort and his friend achieved unthinkable results - the dealers completely bought out the company for 250 thousand dollars. Later, they created the Stratton Oakmont brand and moved to the level of more solvent customers.

The company began recruiting and training more and more new employees. The firm grew, and zeros in the average check of transactions were added. Jordan invited to the state only those people who had no previous idea about stock trading. These were people with secondary education, who were united by the desire to earn good money. He himself made successful brokers out of them, teaching them effective sales techniques.

Thanks to the crazy conversion of such aggressive trading, the number of employees of the company reached 1000 people. The median earnings of a broker at Stratton Oakmont was $85,000 per year.

The failure of trading activities

Very soon, Jordan Belfort found himself under the scrutiny of the public, big businessmen and investigating authorities. An article appeared in Forbes magazine in which he was dubbed the stock exchange Robin Hood, who takes money from the rich and divides it between himself and his employees.

The activities of Stratton Oakmont were carefully checked by employees of the SEC regulator, but no serious violations were identified. But the Securities Commissioner continued to receive complaints from the company's ruined investors. Then the FBI agents were involved in the investigation. Interrogations of employees and surveillance began.

1998 was a fatal year for Belfort. All fraudulent schemes were uncovered, and he was charged with 27 counts of fraud. The FBI located more than 1,500 victims of his activities and calculated more than $110 million in damages.

Jordan faced 20 years in prison. He posted a $20 million bail to remain under house arrest during the trial. The broker made a deal with the authorities and denounced most of his colleagues. Then they went to commute the sentence - 4 years, of which he actually spent less than 2 years in prison. He was also obliged to pay huge compensation to all the victims.

Jordan Ross Belfort: personal life

Little is known about Jordan's first wife. Married to Denise Lombardo, no heirs appeared. The couple went through financial hardship together initial stage Belfort's career. Later Denise did not accept wild image life, and on the basis of these differences they parted.

A luxurious life in all the madness was shared with him by his second wife, model Nadine Caridi. In 1991, they get married, and from this marriage, Jordan has two children - daughter Chandler and son Carter James. She was purchased by Jordan Belfort, a luxurious three-deck yacht. The wife became the owner of the ship, once built for Coco Chanel. During this period, the family bathes in money and does not deny itself anything.

The beginning of the end happened in 1998, when Nadine was also threatened with indictment from the FBI. The wife decided to put a fat point in their relationship after the incident with her little daughter - Jordan tried to take her in a state of drug intoxication from home and crashed into a pole. Fortunately, the baby was not injured, and Belfort was sent to rehab. Finally, their painful divorce ended in 2005.

Today Belfort supports wholeheartedly warm relationship with kids. His heirs are educated at the most prestigious educational institutions USA. Jordan's motivation for writing his autobiography was a desire to tell his children his life story first.

Set free as a new man

After serving his sentence, Belfort totally overestimated his whole life. He realized that money is not the main thing. Also, don't give up. For 22 months Belfort lived in captivity, but did not despair. In prison, he met actor Tommy Chong. It was Tommy who came up with the idea for Jordan Belfort to have books about his rich life written and published for a wide audience. He mercilessly tore many drafts of his autobiography while in the cell. But when Jordan was released, several publishers were interested in these books. They were the first step towards starting a new life.

Who is the Wolf of Wall Street

"Wolf" moved to an ethical method of sales. He built all his knowledge into a system and now travels the world with trainings. The former broker has become a successful coach and earns even more honestly than in the days of dirty deals.

Film by Martin Scorsese

Based on Jordan Belfort's autobiography, The Wolf of Wall Street, Scorsese made a film of the same name. This picture collected huge box office and received many film awards. main role played by Leonardo DiCaprio. To get used to the role, the actor needed to communicate very closely with Belfort. Outside of filming, they remained good friends.

"Sex, money, drugs" - this vicious kaleidoscope was brought to life on the screen by the director. Jordan himself highly appreciated his work and noted the plausibility of the scenes, especially the reckless drinking. Despite this, its popularity in wide circles only increased. For many, he became the idol of our time. Scorsese himself did not give value judgments of his past, he simply showed how such a lifestyle could end.

Jordan Belfort in Moscow with training

Belfort's fame also spread to Russia. The coach visited the capital in October 2015. This sales guru held an author's seminar in Luzhniki. The average ticket price was 17,500 rubles. And the first rows did fork out for 180,000 rubles. But at the exit, all participants were promised to be given a sales technique with which to convince the Eskimos to buy snow. While this system works for the benefit of the millionaire himself, so there is no doubt about its effectiveness.

Basics of selling from the "wolf"

Briefly describe what the Jordan Belfort system is, then this is the client's persuasion in two directions. First, when selling a product, you need to logically and consistently present its characteristics. For example, you trade "Ferrari". Make the client fall in love with your product and prove that this car is the perfect combination of price and quality. Then you need to connect your feelings - take a test drive and let the client dream up how he will ride in this car with beauties along the ocean coast. In this case, the seller must follow the rules of the game:

  1. Grow success in your head. It is necessary not only to set goals, but also to visualize your future.
  2. You need to believe that your product is the best.
  3. Become an expert and behave accordingly.

This is only a small part of the ideas for which Belfort fell in love with the public. However, other experts are skeptical that all this can be read in any book on sales, and there is nothing sensational in his training.

Success despite criticism

Every successful person has critics, and Jordan Belfort himself was no exception in this regard. Quotes from his books "The Wolf of Wall Street" and "Catching the Wolf of Wall Street" became popular expressions despite all the negativity towards him. "No one can be too rich or too thin," he writes in his memoirs. Or: "People don't buy stocks, people sell stocks."

For skeptics significant role plays Jordan's past. He received his first millions not in the most honest way, for which he was responsible in prison. From the film, people know about his drug addiction and cynical entertainment. Therefore, many treat this person with a share of irony and do not take it seriously. Be that as it may, Jordan Belfort is a human brand that has thousands of followers around the world.

Six bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spa, a solarium, a sauna and bulletproof glass, a garage-workshop, a 230-meter roof terrace and a small garden - in such a “humble” house in Manhattan lives the prototype of one of the “not the most fortunate” secondary characters Hollywood movie The Wolf of Wall Street - Alan Wilzig He has it in real life main character of this black comedy - former New York broker Jordan Belfort - recaptured the girl. See how the real hero of the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" lives.


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1. The 700-meter house, which is located on Hubert Street in Manhattan in New York, is “squeezed” between two high-rise buildings. The owner of the house - Alan Wilzig - put it up for sale for a considerable amount - 43.5 million dollars. (Photo: zillow.com).
2. At night, the house looks amazing. Colorful lighting creates the impression that this is not a two-story residential building, but a nightclub. Even the garage lights up. (Photo: zillow.com).
3. Bright spacious living room, with an aquarium that immediately catches the eye with its neon colors, and of course a motorcycle is the passion of the owner of the house. (Photo: zillow.com).
4. This is a garage that also has a video game space and a small workplace- a table with a computer. (Photo: zillow.com).
5. This is what the garage looks like when the car is in it. (Photo: zillow.com).
6. And here is Alan Wilzig - the owner of the apartment. (Photo: zillow.com).
7. This is the master bedroom with a large double bed and a modest interior. (Photo: zillow.com).
8. This is the kitchen. On the left side of the photo you will see a special wall on which you can make notes or notes. The end of the era of sticky cards on the refrigerator. (Photo: zillow.com).
9. It is very roomy Walk-in closet that any lady would envy. (Photo: zillow.com).
10. These are two interconnected guest rooms. (Photo: zillow.com).
11. A corridor with a staircase that leads to the second floor, as well as the whole house, can be lit in a variety of colors. (Photo: zillow.com).
12. 230-meter roof terrace with a dining table for 10 people. (Photo: zillow.com).
13. Near the house in a small garden there is a spa for 8 people. (Photo: zillow.com).
14. This is a living room with a fireplace, in which, like most rooms in this house, the walls are painted in White color. (Photo: zillow.com).
15. This is one of several bathrooms in the house. (Photo: zillow.com).
16. On the ground floor of the house there is a media room where you can watch movies, TV shows or play video games on the big screen. (Photo: zillow.com).

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