Belly dance for children 5 years old. Ballroom dancing for children


The Trinity Dance School of Dance conducts belly dance courses in Moscow: inexpensive, convenient and in a comfortable environment, you will be able to master the unsurpassed art of oriental dance step by step.

Flying movements of the arms, enticing "shudders" of the shoulders... A bewitching "gait", soft "throws" of the stomach... Alluring vibration of the hips and buttocks... This is the dream of any real woman!

Features of oriental dance

Belly dancing is a special direction, it requires a special sensuality. This is a separate culture, identity, you need to comprehend it gradually, movement by movement, step by step. This is a completely different approach than club dances or Latin.

Oriental dance, as we know it today, has gathered a mixture of a number of cultures, but to this day, it differs from other types of dance, primarily in its unforgettable relaxed and sensual rhythm.

Temperament, femininity and emancipation are at the heart of Arabic belly dance. Oriental dances are called by some the measure of a woman's seductiveness. Indeed, while mastering these magnetic dances, many girls said that they began to feel the power of their feminine charms.

It is safe to say that the philosophy of this dance is the possession of the body and soul, love and respect for oneself, and of course, self-expression. Bellydance is not just an amazing performance technique, it's also sensuality, it's artistry and musicality.

A dancer needs to be able to present bellydance as a game, as a kind of flirting, and virtuosity and a perfect performance technique will help in this - we teach all this from the first lessons and try to improve every day.

Benefit for health

  • Health promotion;
  • Improving vitality;
  • Excellent remedy for depression;
  • Remedy for a number of gynecological diseases;
  • Almost all muscle groups work, and what is important, even those that are not involved in everyday life;
  • And such an element as shaking perfectly helps to get rid of cellulite!

Every mother wants her daughter to grow up not only graceful, beautiful and smart, but also healthy. Every little girl is a future woman and future mom their children. Therefore, already from childhood, it is necessary to take care of the future health of a little woman, about the time when she will not only begin to conquer the hearts of men, but also give birth to a child herself. Classes in belly dancing in childhood help the body of a girl and a girl to develop harmoniously. Bellydance not only forms a harmonious feminine figure, but also contributes to proper development all female organs.

Children's bellydance training is fun, playful, and relaxed. Lessons are held in a creative environment where children get acquainted with oriental rhythms and learn dance moves. While studying dance, the girls learn to be a woman, love themselves and their bodies, listen carefully to their own feelings, and at the same time dance in a team, listen and hear the teacher. At the same time, bellydance is a great way to prevent chronic fatigue syndrome for schoolgirls and effective remedy combating the constant school stress in which modern urban children live.

Belly dancing develops plasticity, flexibility and dexterity, ingenuity and musicality, forms the correct posture, which is especially important for schoolchildren, and is a good prevention of scoliosis and flat feet.

Bellydance classes for children in our oriental dance school have their own specifics. First of all, we make sure that these are wellness classes. Not all belly dance dance moves are allowed for a child.

The special children's bellydance program includes beautiful, but physically simple dance movements, exercises that help warm up the muscles and form the correct positioning of various parts of the body.

The basis of belly dance for children is small waves and plasticity, from the age of 8 we carefully add eights and light blows, but shaking in the bellydance children's group is strictly prohibited.

We study the basics of Eastern and classical choreography, we train the vestibular apparatus, we improve flexibility, we pay a lot of attention to setting the back, feet, hands, developing different groups muscles, as well as turns, light jumps. As bellydance is mastered, children develop stamina, physical strength manifests emotional activity. When practicing oriental dance, the muscles of the so-called “corset” work to the maximum, and you can develop these muscles only by dancing belly dance, because no physical education and fitness can do this. In addition to the development of the whole body, the cardiovascular system is perfectly strengthened.

But the "sensuality" of belly dancing is only for an adult group, for children, dance is primarily a game, movement to cheerful music. But great attention in the classes of children's bellydance, they study various folklore directions of oriental dances, such as saidi, baladi, khaliji, nubia, bandari, and others. The performance of various folk oriental dances allows the girls not to get bored in the classroom, and the change of rhythms and colorful costumes creates high spirits among young students and gives them the opportunity to be a little bit of an oriental princess.

Dancing is a natural and joyful state and children dance with pleasure, they feel the most beautiful at such moments! We help girls develop them Creative skills fully, carefully preserving the individuality of each and helping her
successfully adapt both in the group of their peers and in adult society.

Belly dance classes at our school are for girls aged 7-13. From the age of 13, it is already possible to attend an adult group in agreement with the teacher.

Children's belly dancing is one of the common hobbies for children. Parents with great pleasure help their children to discover talents through dance. Belly dancing for children teaches from a young age internal concentration, the movement of individual parts of the body, the correct stretching of the muscles using a special technique.

Age groups of belly dance for children

Belly dance lessons for kids great opportunity be useful and interesting business. This hobby of the child will be extraordinary, as well as the time spent in the circle of peers. After all, groups are selected according to age, because in childhood the greatest result from dancing is achieved in their category.

Belly dance for children 5-7 years old.

At this age, children do not get to work hard for a long time. The program includes smooth exercises, movements of the shoulders, arms, hips. Stretching for warming up, strengthening and elasticity of muscles. They focus on beautiful dance movements, posing the body and hands. Already, children are learning to improvise and combine figures on their own.

Belly dance children 8-10 years old

At early school age, the mental load at school exceeds the physical one. So this age is perfect for dance lessons for kids. Everyone dances in the classroom in an atmosphere of fun and music, moving under the strict control of a coach who has unquestioning authority. During this period, the program includes more serious elements of children's belly dance, such as figure eights and hip beats. In a group, the child gives vent to emotions, communicates and develops successfully.

Belly dance 11-15 years old

In adolescence, every child dreams of moving beautifully, looking attractive, and children's belly dances will help him fulfill his dream. Emancipation through dance, the ability to move and present yourself will solve age-related problems. Indeed, in this group, belly dance for children is studied in full, they teach all the dance elements of this extraordinary hobby.

Benefits of belly dancing for kids

Teaching belly dance to children has various benefits. Such as:

  • Leisure. Children enjoy spending free time learning dance steps in the company of like-minded people.
  • Communication. In groups, children dance around the same age, so they like to communicate with their peers in a beautiful musical atmosphere.
  • Musicality. Children learn to understand the rhythm and character of music, embody their mood in dance.
  • Physical development. Belly dance lessons for children develop plasticity, flexibility, and contribute to the formation of a graceful gait.
  • Love for art. The younger generation is rapidly developing an aesthetic perception of art, learning to understand it.
  • Memory training. The order of movements in belly dance for children improves memory and trains it.
  • Overcoming fears. Children get used to public speaking, there is an emancipation and discovery of their talents.
  • Creation. The manifestation of the feelings and emotions of the child is expressed in children's dance abdomen, develops the skill of improvisation.
  • Discipline. The child feels responsible and learns to order

Belly dancing for kids is a fun pastime combined with a great workout. Beautiful posture, gait, freedom of movement and confidence, such a gift will remain after belly dancing.

Every mother, before sending her child to dance, dreams that her daughter will grow up to be a beautiful, educated and elegant lady. Little girls, in turn, are future women and mothers. Very important from the very early years start taking care of women's health. After all, growing up, women sometimes do not have enough time for themselves, devoting most of it to their husband, children and work. Regularly practicing belly dancing at a children's dance school female half humanity is working to maintain the right level of energy, health and blood supply to the internal female organs. Such dance lessons for children affect the beauty and inner harmony of a woman.
Dances for preschoolers are held in a playful way, so children do not get tired at all and dance oriental dances with pleasure. The atmosphere of creativity fills the entire hall when studying oriental rhythms and elementary dance moves. In the process of learning dance game for children, the students try to love themselves and their bodies. These skills come with time, when girls learn to control their movements. At the lessons they will learn how to dance children's dances in a group, and also learn to hear and respect the teacher of the children's dance studio. Such lessons of oriental and modern dances for children are an excellent way to deal with daily chronic fatigue, the scourge of modern society.

Where can I send my child to dance? Benefits of belly dancing

If you sign him up for a belly dance, you end up with the following benefits:

1. Regularly visiting a dance studio for children, there is a constant development of plasticity and flexibility in girls.
2. Oriental dances for schoolchildren help in the formation of the necessary posture. This is an important factor. After all, frequent sitting at a desk and a desk negatively affects the development of back muscles.

The program of oriental classes in the children's dance studio is designed for children. It contains only beautiful and affordable dance elements. Exercise stress, as in modern dances for children, is carried out strictly in ascending order, so it will not be difficult for a girl to learn how to dance. Also, the teacher can offer dances for children individually for those who want to dance solo or participate in competitions.
The basic elements in children's bailey dance are considered to be:

● all kinds of waves and exercises aimed at developing plasticity;
● Older girls can perform some types of strokes and eights.

It is important for parents to know that all kinds of shaking are contraindicated for children under 10 years old. They can adversely affect the growing body of the girl. Eastern occupations as well as modern dance lessons for children are not expensive. The price of learning to dance for children in our school will pleasantly surprise you. Dancing for children individually costs a little more. However, here the teacher will work with your child one on one. Such classes significantly raise the technical level of the student.

Also, at the lessons of oriental dance in the dance studio for children, they:

● comprehend the bases of oriental choreography;
● train the vestibular apparatus;
● develop flexibility;
● work on the correct positioning of the arms, back, feet and head;

Children involved in this type of dance become more resilient, physically strong and emotionally active. Therefore, we invite children to belly dancing in our studio modern dance for children.
Belly dance classes in a children's dance center strengthen the muscle corset as much as possible. It includes the muscles of the back, the press, the oblique muscles of the abdomen and many other small muscles. Such a load is especially beneficial for the girl's health. It is very difficult to replace it with any other type of load. And also this discipline of the modern dance studio for children perfectly strengthens the cardiovascular system of a rapidly growing organism.

Older girls experiment with sensuality at oriental dance lessons for schoolchildren. But parents should know that belly dance classes are not only fashionable children's dances, but also, first of all, playing and learning choreography under beautiful music, working out the synchronicity of the team, participation in the filming of dance videos.
Also in the classes in the dance studio for children, they study the culture oriental dance, which includes a large number of styles and directions:

● Saidi;
● baladi;
● khilidzhi;
● bandari and others.

It is precisely because of this that each lesson in the children's dance studio is different from the other, and the children attend them with interest. Herself Eastern culture, elevating the feminine, helps the little girl feel like a princess.

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