Roman Eugene Onegin literary movement. To which literary direction should the novel Eugene Onegin be attributed?


By adding contacts to our phone book, we form a connection with our surroundings, our friends, colleagues and business partners. Phone numbers accumulate for a long time, for several years. And the simultaneous loss of all contacts leads to a feeling of confusion and confusion. How to restore contacts on Android and what is needed for this? Let's talk about it in our review. To restore contacts, we can use the following tools:

  • Google account;
  • Third party data recovery programs;
  • Basic import / export functions;
  • Basic functions of working with contact lists.

Let's take a closer look at these tools.

Recovery with Google

Smartphones and tablet PCs based on operating Android systems, are able to save some data on Google servers - it is enough for the user to have an account there. And since almost all users have Google accounts, there is nothing complicated in restoring contacts. If they are deleted for some reason, turn on synchronization and make sure that contacts are downloaded from Google servers.

If for some reason the contacts are not loading, try to go to the Gmail service website from a computer and find the "Contacts" section there. This section stores all phone records saved from the smartphone. Once you have verified that you have contacts, do one of the following:

  • Reboot your phone and try to force sync;
  • Try to install another application for working with contacts;
  • Reset your phone to factory settings, enter your account information and wait for the data to sync to an empty device.

The last method, if there are still contacts on Google servers, helps in 100% of cases.

If you still don't have a Google account, and you store all your contacts on your SIM card or in your phone's memory, create an account immediately, copy your contacts to it, and set up synchronization. All these steps will help you quickly restore contacts from Google to Android in case they are lost locally.

Recovery using third-party programs

Contacts disappeared on Android - how to restore them using third-party programs? To do this, you need to find the appropriate software in the Playmarket application catalog. There are a lot of applications here - these are MobileDev360, Restore Contacts, Deleted Contacts and many others.

note that some of these applications are focused on finding deleted and damaged contacts, and the other part performs the function of preliminary saving contacts in a backup copy with their subsequent restoration.

In our case, since the contacts disappeared for unknown reasons, we need applications to recover deleted contacts, since we do not have any backup copy. By the way, the idea of ​​storing a backup copy is good enough - pay special attention to it.

Restoring contacts by import/export

Please note that in almost all applications focused on working with contacts, there are functions for importing/exporting phone book entries. If you really value your contacts, make periodic copies and store them on a memory card or built-in memory. Also, almost all applications have the function of sending contacts by e-mail.

If you suddenly want to restore contacts on Android in case they are damaged or accidentally deleted, all you have to do is import the saved files. By the way, if you saved contacts as a vCard, then applications for bulk importing them may come in handy.

Restoring the correct display of lists

We already know how to recover deleted contacts on Android using third-party apps and backups. But sometimes situations arise when contacts remain on the phone, but we simply cannot see them. This happens when the phone book settings fail, as a result of which it tries to show us contacts from the SIM card or from the internal memory of the phone. And if the memory of the phone and the SIM card are empty, then we will not see anything.

In order to restore the display of the phone book and return access to phone records, you need to go to the settings of the application for working with contacts. Here we need to find the item "Show contacts", "View", "Source of contacts", etc. (the name of the item differs depending on the program used).

By visiting this item, you need to select the storage location for your current phone book - if it is stored in Google account, choose to display contacts from your account. Here you can also choose to display data from the following sources:

  • SIM card (sometimes more than one);
  • phone memory;
  • Contacts in applications (Skype, Viber, etc.);
  • Contacts in email;
  • Contacts in social networks.

If you select an empty source, then the contact list will be empty. Thus, failures in applications often lead to the absence of displayed contacts - you just need to figure out their settings.

The need to restore contacts from the phone book may arise after a virus attack, reset, memory formatting, rash actions of the user himself or when buying a new device. Whatever the reason for the disappearance of the list of numbers, they can be returned intact and safe. To do this, there are both features built into the phone's OS and special programs.

All operating systems for mobile devices are equipped with their own specific procedure for returning data erased from the gadget's memory. Therefore, we will consider how to restore contacts after resetting parameters or formatting devices running operating system:

  • android;
  • Windows phone;

Restoring the contents of the phone book on Android

Android is actively working with Google and uses its cloud storage to store all the important information stored in the phone's memory. This allows, if necessary, to quickly restore user data, whether it be SMS, notes, contact list, etc., when they are deleted for one reason or another.

To use cloud storage, two conditions must be met:

  1. You must be logged into the Google system.
  2. The option to sync data with Google must be active on your device.

To restore deleted contacts, for example, after resetting your phone, you need to:

You can also restore contacts using a computer:

  1. In the browser, open the page and sign in to your Google profile.
  2. In the "More" tab, activate the "Restore contacts" line.
  3. Specify when the backup copy of the phone book was created and click "Restore".

There is also special software that allows you to quickly copy the existing phone book to a computer or memory card, and then restore it if necessary. The most popular programs for Android are:

  • Android Data Recovery;
  • EaseUS Mobisaver;
  • Super Backup Pro.

Restoring Contact List on Windows Phone

In Windows Phone OS, you can recover all the information lost after resetting the settings using Microsoft's OneDrive cloud storage. For the success of this method of resuscitation, it is necessary that one or more “fingerprints” (backups) of the phone be in the cloud. To create them you should:

How to restore contacts after buying a new device or resetting the old one? To do this, you need to activate your Microsoft account. The activation procedure starts automatically after turning on the gadget and setting up Wi-Fi access.

After entering into account a search for previously saved system backups will begin, after which all available copies will be displayed in front of you. You only need to choose suitable option and click Next.

Phone book recovery on iPhone

Considering how to recover a deleted phone number on iPhone, it should be noted that this can be done in several ways, of which the most effective are.

Happen various situations and sometimes it is necessary to completely restore contacts and other information on a device running on the Android platform after resetting the settings, that is, the so-called hard reset. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then you should not panic. Just take a couple of minutes of your time and read the article, repeating all the steps presented. IN end result all your data will be restored to your device.

There are several methods by which it is possible to recover data. Next, we will look at the most effective ways and the required programs.

I decided to describe this method as the very first in the list presented. True, it is suitable only for those users who, when setting up their phone, connected their Google account and made and now you have access to it. If you have not done this, then I advise you to immediately go to any of the methods below.

So, the procedure for restoring contacts in this case is not difficult and they can be completely restored.

  1. To do this, log in to your Gmail account and go to the phone book. Or just go to .
  2. If the contact details were previously synced, you will see them in the list. Next, we find the "import / export contacts" button, then select your account, if you have several of them, and click continue.
  3. We will be prompted to choose a place where we want to save contacts, and here we indicate our phone number. We are waiting for a message about the successful saving of data, and now all contacts will appear in your notebook on the phone.

Lost contacts can also be restored using special program, which also allows you to restore other information (photos, videos and other data that were) after resetting the settings.

I note that this software is paid, but it is very good that the developer also provides a free trial version for 30 days. This is exactly what we need. You can download the program to your PC from the official website.

So let's get started:

  1. Download from the link, as usual, install the software on your computer.
  2. Turn on USB debugging. To do this, on Android version 2.3 and even older, go to applications, go to the "developer" menu and turn on "USB debugging". On versions from 3.0 to 4.1, go to the "developer" menu and turn on debugging. If you have a version starting from 4.2 and higher, then you need to go to the “device information” item and click on the “build number” menu until information appears that you are a developer. Then go to developer options and enable USB debugging.
  3. Connect your phone via USB. We wait until the program detects the phone, and then we wait for the drivers to finish downloading (be sure to confirm your consent to the installation, both on the computer and on the phone).
  4. Wait for data recovery on your phone and now you can enjoy the recovered information.
    This method is quite laborious and does not always help, especially if you have latest model phone. On older models, the data recovery program does an excellent job.

Recover contacts using 7-Data Android Recovery

This program allows you to recover deleted data very quickly and besides, it is distributed free of charge.

It may not be possible to recover the data in full, but a significant part of it can still be saved.

Let's get started:

  1. Download the program from the official website at the link and install it on your computer.
  2. Connect your phone and computer using a USB cable.
  3. A connection message and a list of memory cards will appear on the screen, you need to select the one you need and click "next".
  4. Auto-recovery of data will start and when the process is over, you will be able to see what exactly was recovered.
  5. You can choose from the list what needs to be restored, and what can be deleted or saved to a computer disk.

This is how you can easily and quickly recover a significant part of your data, including contacts after resetting your phone. If nothing works out by the methods presented, I recommend that you read the articles in which . One of them will definitely help in your case.

Use any method and continue to prevent the complete deletion of data, because no matter how good the programs are, you still cannot completely restore all the data.

Final control work

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

1. What literary direction does this work belong to?

a) classicism b) sentimentalism c) romanticism d) realism

2. According to the generic affiliation, "novel in verse" refers to the genre:

a) lyrical b) epic c) lyric-epic d) dramatic

3. How poetic size work written:

a) iambic b) trochee c) amphibrach d) anapaest

4. Eugene Onegin is a hero:

a) positive b) negative c) it is impossible to say unambiguously

5. Specify which type literary heroes can be attributed to Eugene Onegin.

A) " small man» b) «humiliated and insulted» c) «an extra person»

6. What word is most often pronounced by Onegin?

a) interesting; b) sad; c) boring.

7. Why does "Eugene Onegin" continue to be relevant?

a) reflects character traits the era of the early 19th century, the reader will learn more about history;

b) allows different interpretations of the meaning;

c) poses universal human problems, topical at all times.

8. Tatyana Larina for Pushkin:

A) mysterious image; b) a typical village young lady; c) the ideal of a Russian woman.

9. Determine which of the heroes correspond to the characteristic:

1. "Smart and very nice", "like women he left books"

A. Tatiana

2. "Like the life of a poet, simple-hearted, like a kiss of love, sweet"

B. Lensky

3. "... once a brawler, an ataman of a gambling gang, the head of a rake, a tribune of a tavern"

V. Onegin

4. "A fan of glory and freedom", "the spirit is ardent and rather strange"

G. Olga

5. "She was slow, not cold, not talkative..."

D. Zaretsky

10. Identify the characters by their reading circle

11. Indicate whose words these are

12. What artistic technique underlies the characteristics of friendly relations between Onegin and Lensky?
They agreed. Water and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire,
Not so different from each other.

13 .Why does Onegin accept Vladimir Lensky's challenge to a duel and kill him?
a) cannot forgive the reckless insolence of Lensky, who challenged his friend to a duel;

b) envious of Vladimir's happiness against the background of his own personal disorder;

c) afraid to break the laws of the world, according to which, in case of refusal to duel, they will be declared a coward.

14. Why does Tatyana reject Onegin at the end of the novel, although she continues to love him?

A) moral principles for Tatyana above all;

B) to punish him for his harsh coldness

C) she remembers the insult inflicted by Onegin once.

15. Insert a word to complete the line from the novel:

Illness whose cause

It's high time to find

Like an English spin

In short: Russian[...]

16. Why Pushkin introduces into the novel mirror composition(two loves, two letters, two rebukes, etc.)
a) to humiliate Onegin and exalt Tatyana;
b) to show that all people are subject to the same psychological laws;
c) to show the spiritual revival of Onegin.

17. Give a detailed answer:

"What is the meaning for Onegin had a meeting with Tatyana in St. Petersburg?"

Sample answers

Final control work

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

1 point

1 - B

2 - G

3 - D

4 - B

5 - A

1 point

1 - B

2 - A

3 - B

1 - B

2 - A

3 - B



Criteria for evaluation:

Total 16 points

"5" - 0 - 2 errors

"4" - 3 - 4 errors

"3" - 5 - 7 errors

"2" - 8 or more errors


17. Estimated additionally

Onegin's meeting with Tatyana in Petersburg is new stage V spiritual development Onegin.

Having met Tatiana in St. Petersburg, Onegin was completely transformed. There was nothing left of the former, cold and rational person in him. Before us is an ardent lover. Onegin experienced a real feeling for the first time, but it turned into love drama: now Tatyana could not answer his belated love.

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