The Russians are calling for a boycott of the film with Zelensky, who calls the inhabitants of Donbass scum. Video


Premiere of Marius Weisberg's new film "8 best dates”became the worst date with the audience of the lead actor Vladimir Zelensky. Guests at the entrance were met by young people and girls with posters: “Zelensky is a sponsor of the murders of children in Donbass”, “I went to the movie“ 8 Best Dates ”- I paid for the murder of Russians.”

The fact is that Volodymyr Zelensky supports the military operations that Ukraine is conducting in the Donbass and regularly transfers funds for the military needs of Kyiv. At the same time, the actor does not hesitate to act in Russia for the sake of earning money. However, Zelensky's Russian colleagues mostly do not believe that the film "8 Best Dates" should be boycotted because of the political views of the actor.
- I don't care what he does and thinks, I'm friends with Volodya, he good guy, I am an artist and do not get into politics, this is a dirty business. Whom to trust - bandits? All politicians are bandits, murderers, and we are all essentially murderers, we must kill and eat meat, you will come home and eat sausage, - said Vladimir Epifantsev, who played in the film the role of a firefighter and maniac Ilya, with whom, according to the plot, he and Zelensky share the heroine of Vera Brezhneva.
- On the set, I became friends with Vera Brezhneva and Vova Zelensky, we communicate outside the set, about him political views I do not know anything. I love it very much, I’m from Kiev, his parents live there, we recently went to see them with a child, ”says actress Maria Gorban, who played an employee of a veterinary clinic with whom Zelensky’s hero is trying to cheat on his wife.

Guests at the entrance were met by young people and girls with posters: “Zelensky is a sponsor of the murders of children in Donbass”, “I went to the movie“ 8 Best Dates ”- I paid for the murder of Russians.”

- I am delighted with the film, I am so pleased that my countrymen from the 95th quarter Zhenya Koshevoy and Vova Zelensky starred in this film, I love them, what they did in this is wonderful. I am overwhelmed with emotions that my fellow Ukrainians are so wonderful,” says actress Ekaterina Kuznetsova.
- What do you think about the action before the cinema?
I don't pay attention to such things, we creative people and should not get involved in politics.
- I read that you divorced your husband Yevgeny Pronin due to political differences.
- This is complete nonsense! Absolutely not because of this. I am apolitical, I just worry about my people, I love them very much, I don’t presume to judge who is right, who is wrong, I am engaged in creativity. I express my opinion only at home, in the kitchen, with my parents and friends. I respect Zelensky as an artist, as a person; if he does so, it means that he considers it necessary.
– I understand why Zelensky opposes Russia, he is a hostage of the situation, he lives in Ukraine, he is forced to behave this way, he has relatives there. I'm out of politics and I can't blame my colleague, he's a good artist, - said Anna Churina.
Zelensky, of course, did not come to the premiere, but he commented to reporters:
“I don't care who says what. All these boycotts... We were creating a comedy. If you want, look. If you don't want to - don't! There are many other films at the box office that you can go and enjoy.
What else can he say? Whether to watch the movie or not, it's up to you.

Vera Brezhneva

We are about to celebrate February 23 and before we blink an eye, we will have to meet March 8. And there, not only are there gifts, flowers of all sorts and different, but also some kind of romance needs to be created for your beloved girl or woman. Russian distributors, not very taught by past experience, have prepared for us another premiere - a picture directed by Marius Weisberg(he is also one of the producers) with Vera Brezhneva and Vladimir Zelensky in the lead roles. Already the third picture on about the same storyline- 8 Best Dates.

Yes, yes, with the same Zelensky, who, together with his Kvartal-95 group, went on tour to the ATO zone, thanked those same “heroes” who fired on civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk, killed women and children.

It also became known that Zelensky and company transferred one million hryvnias Ukrainian punishers . And it is hard to forget how Zelensky called the residents of Donetsk and Luhansk scum and creatures and bowed to the “warriors of the ATO” for the “protection” of Ukraine.

Zelensky at a concert for the Ukrainian military, summer 2014.

There is Alexei Gorbunov, who clearly said that he was for Kyiv, and stopped filming in Russia. There is Pashinin, who played Soviet and Russian officers, and then left for Ukraine and is now delivering toilet rolls along the trenches. And there are Zelensky and his ilk, who, having received a summons to the ATO, immediately rushed to filming, touring, to business, for anything - but get out of Ukraine. And many - to the Russia they are scolding.

Actor Alexei Gorbunov is no longer acting in Russian films.

Actor Anatoly Pashinin took the "Ukrainian" side in the conflict and will not soon appear in Russian cinema.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" then already wrote about the strange phenomenon of "Ukrainian show patriots." On the territory of Ukraine, they salivate in hatred for Russia and the DPR with the LPR. However, everyone goes to the same “Moskal Katsapia” to earn money. And here they are invariably paid good money, which they then transfer to the needs of punishers. For shells and rockets to fly to Donetsk and kill local children and women. So there is a strange phenomenon not only with them there, but also with us here. In relation to them.

Last year, before the premiere of 8 New Dates, you and I managed to almost fail the rental of that film. Its creators only managed to recoup the shooting and get a very small plus. And if it wasn't for TV, they'd suck their thumbs. Our channels, by the way, still love Zelensky. Not so long ago, he hosted a TV show on one of federal channels: either “I want to go to VIA GRU”, or “I want to go to Meladze”.

And so - new premiere. With a Russophobe showman in the title role. The networks are already starting to move “I went to Zelensky’s film and killed the child of Donbass!”. I don’t know if it’s worth being so categorical, but here’s what I know for sure - you need to hit producers who sponsor people who hate Russia in their most painful place - in their pocket.

Better another bouquet than a ticket to this movie. Better is a walk, a light dinner with candles, whatever you take - everything is better than listening and watching it. Only a tough boycott will be able to reason with those who are ready to make money on anything and anyone.

There's just one thing I don't understand. There is such an actor Vladimir Epifantsev, who all the time plays Russian officers, intelligence officers, special agents, Russian special forces, etc. Well, here is our Rambo. And it is clear that he enjoys playing such roles. I want to ask him - how was he filming with Zelensky, constantly Russophobic behind the scenes?

"Evening Quarter" visited the ATO zone.

It's time to organize a new boycott of the film, which starred the showman Zelensky, who called the inhabitants of Donbass scum.

We are about to celebrate February 23 and before we blink an eye, we will have to meet March 8. And there, not only are there gifts, flowers of all sorts and different, but also some kind of romance needs to be created for your beloved girl or woman. Russian distributors, not very taught by past experience, have prepared for us another premiere - a picture directed by Marius Weisberg(he is also one of the producers) with Vera Brezhneva and Vladimir Zelensky in the lead roles. Already the third picture on approximately the same storyline - "8 Best Dates".

Yes, yes, with the same Zelensky, who, together with his Kvartal-95 group, went on tour to the ATO zone, thanked those same “heroes” who fired on civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk, killed women and children.

It also became known that Zelensky and the company transferred a million hryvnias to Ukrainian punishers. And it is hard to forget how Zelensky called the residents of Donetsk and Luhansk scum and creatures and bowed to the “warriors of the ATO” for the “protection” of Ukraine.

Zelensky at a concert for the Ukrainian military, summer 2014.

There is Alexei Gorbunov, who clearly said that he was for Kyiv, and stopped filming in Russia. There is Pashinin, who played Soviet and Russian officers, and then went to Ukraine and is now delivering toilet rolls through the trenches. And there are Zelensky and his ilk, who, having received a summons to the ATO, immediately rushed to filming, touring, to business, for anything - but get out of Ukraine. And many - to the Russia they are scolding.

Actor Alexei Gorbunov is no longer acting in Russian films.

Actor Anatoly Pashinin took the "Ukrainian" side in the conflict and will not soon appear in Russian cinema.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" then already wrote about the strange phenomenon of "Ukrainian show patriots." On the territory of Ukraine, they salivate in hatred for Russia and the DPR with the LPR. However, everyone goes to the same “Moskal Katsapia” to earn money. And here they are invariably paid good money, which they then transfer to the needs of punishers. For shells and rockets to fly to Donetsk and kill local children and women. So there is a strange phenomenon not only with them there, but also with us here. In relation to them.

Last year, before the premiere of 8 New Dates, you and I managed to almost fail the rental of that film. Its creators only managed to recoup the shooting and get a very small plus. And if it wasn't for TV, they'd suck their thumbs. Our channels, by the way, still love Zelensky. Not so long ago, he hosted a TV show on one of the federal channels: either “I want to VIA GRU”, or “I want to Meladze”.

And here is the new premiere. With a Russophobe showman in the title role. The networks are already starting to move “I went to Zelensky’s film and killed the child of Donbass!”. I don’t know if it’s worth being so categorical, but here’s what I know for sure - you need to hit producers who sponsor people who hate Russia in their most painful place - in their pocket.

Better another bouquet than a ticket to this movie. Better is a walk, a light dinner with candles, whatever you take - everything is better than listening and watching it. Only a tough boycott will be able to reason with those who are ready to make money on anything and anyone.

There's just one thing I don't understand. There is such an actor Vladimir Epifantsev, who all the time plays Russian officers, intelligence officers, special agents, Russian special forces, etc. Well, here is our Rambo. And it is clear that he enjoys playing such roles. I want to ask him - how was he filming with Zelensky, constantly Russophobic behind the scenes?

"Evening Quarter" visited the ATO zone.

“I went to Zelensky’s film and killed the child of Donbass.” Such statements in social networks were the result of a scandal surrounding the Russian rental comedy, where leading role played by Ukrainian actor Vladimir Zelensky. Previously, he was seen in anti-Russian statements and support for the so-called ATO. The film was asked to boycott - but is it worth it?

The scandal around the Ukrainian actor Vladimir Zelensky, who played the main role in the film "8 Best Dates", on Wednesday before the Kremlin. True, the press secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov, declined to comment on the situation. “Let's ask this question to Vladimir Medinsky (Russian Minister of Culture),” he said, answering the question why people with an anti-Russian position continue to earn big money in Russia.

"Zelensky's level is not the level of Russia"

“In the case of Zelensky, I would also advise you to simply ignore him, because the level of Zelensky is not the level of Russia”

First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, information technology and communications Vadim Dengin told the VZGLYAD newspaper that Zelensky's behavior did not surprise him. “This is show business, where everyone moves to where it is warmer. And I saw Zelensky's interview in front of the Ukrainian troops, where he thanked them for "wetting" the Donbass. I am not opposed to someone glorifying their country, for example, I support Russia. But when you act like this in a strange way like him, you allow provocative statements, the question arises: for whom do you work? If you work in Russia, how can you scold the hand that feeds you? If you're a man, then make a choice. If you hate Russia, then don't come here again. And then he settled down very well ... ”the deputy commented on the situation.

At the same time, the parliamentarian does not believe that the behavior of the actor should be discussed in person. high level and apply some measures to him on the part of the state, thereby becoming like Ukraine, which makes black lists of representatives Russian stage. "Russia is such great country, which basically does not even respond to foreign sanctions. They are introduced abroad, but at least we have something. And in the case of Zelensky, I would also advise you to simply ignore him. True, if his actions eventually become criminal, if it comes to inciting extremism and terrorism, then it’s another question,” the deputy concluded.

Another Russian parliamentarian, Sergei Obukhov, has already suspected the actor of criminal acts and sent a request to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation with a request to give a legal assessment of the situation around the “8 Best Dates”.

"Why Prosecutor General's Office? Because she exercises general supervision over us. And only then, if there are grounds for initiating a case, they can be dealt with and investigative committee, and MIA. So far, I have only asked the supervisory authority to determine whether or not there is a violation of the law in Zelensky's actions, ”Obukhov told the VZGLYAD newspaper.

The deputy explained that he suspects Zelensky of financing terrorism. “From the information we receive, we can judge that this person works, let’s say, for the Kyiv junta,” he concluded.

Film boycott

A number of Russian actors spoke out against Zelensky and the film with his participation. Alexander Inshakov, on the air of the Russian News Service, said that the producers who brought this tape to Russia are also to blame for the current situation. “It surprises me, to say the least, outrages. It is necessary to treat them (producers) in the same way as they treated traitors, scoundrels in their time. I do not understand the opinion of our producers, who allow these scoundrels to do what they do here. They don't belong here,” he said.

Actor Mikhail Porechenkov, who was previously blacklisted by the Ukrainian authorities, thereby banning films with his participation, believes that everyone should decide individually whether he will watch the film with Vladimir Zelensky or not. Porechenkov himself and his family members decided to boycott the film.

In your opinion

Is it necessary in any way to oppose the Ukrainian actor Vladimir Zelensky, on the set of Russian films and allowed himself extremely anti-Russian statements?

In turn, journalist Arkady Mamontov told the Russian News Service that if Ukrainian actors criticize Russia, then they should earn money not here, but in the West.

The media actively recall how the actor Zelensky went on tour to the ATO zone, thanked the “heroes” there who fired on civilians in Donetsk and Luhansk, and even named the opposing Ukrainian army scum people. In addition, it was reported that Zelensky and his comrades transferred a million hryvnias to those fighting in the ATO.

As Komsomolskaya Pravda emphasizes in this regard, the crisis in relations between Russia and Ukraine has passed to the acting fraternity for a long time. So, famous artist Alexey Gorbunov (originally from Ukraine) stopped acting in Russian films. Supports the Ukrainian army and another native of Ukraine - Russian actor Anatoly Pashinin.

Following the media, the Runet also began to seethe. In connection with the premiere of the film "8 Best Dates", the Old Soldier's LiveJournal reads: "Muscovites, hurry up, don't miss the chance to watch a film with an accomplice of child killers." Good uncle Au echoes: “Moscow is preparing to meet the sponsor of the punishers – the Ukrainian actor Zelensky.” And blogger Sergei Kolyasnikov previously filed an application with the FSB, the Investigative Committee and the Border Guard Service with a request to detain Zelensky at the pre-screening of "8 Best Dates" in a Moscow cinema.

Many critical posts can also be found on the VKontakte social network. However, some wonder why the attention to the actor arose "like that all of a sudden." “I didn’t understand something, but what kind of wave has risen around Vladimir Zelensky and the red light district? Did he surprise anyone with his behavior? For example, I don't exist at all. I will say more, I did not even expect anything else from him. This is already a behavioral pattern, or something, a stereotype characteristic of modern territory, known to us earlier as Ukraine. In a sense, poke blows of various sizes towards Russia, but at the same time earn money there. Shout that Donbass is Ukraine, and inspire to wipe it off the face of the earth, ”writes user Sad crest.


At the same time, the following phrase is circulating on Twitter and Facebook: “I went to Zelensky’s film and killed a child of Donbass.” She posted it on
Showman and leader of Kvartal 95 Volodymyr Zelensky, who supports the punitive operation in Donbass, was outraged by the SBU's message about the ban Russian actor"Matchmakers" Fyodor Dobronravov to enter Ukraine.

Zelensky recorded the corresponding video message and posted it on Facebook.

“The media is discussing such an important issue for our country – to ban the TV series “Matchmakers”. Without it, the economy does not grow. This show is loved by millions. If now the task of the SBU and all our committees is to take this series away from people, well, just say so, and don’t come up with various reasons,” Zelensky said.

At the same time, the “quarterly man” did not stand up for Dobronravov himself, but rather even disowned him.

“There is no connection between Dobronravov and the thousand people who have been working on this project for the past 15 years. If someone does not like the word "matchmakers" - the word "godfathers" is closer to you - you will first overcome your nepotism, and then you will fight with our "Matchmakers"," Zelensky added.

The SBU declined to answer, emphasizing that they do not have the authority to ban films or series.

It is also noteworthy that the actors of the series "Matchmakers" have long begun to replenish Ukrainian list persona non grata. A year ago, Nikolai Dobrynin and Lyudmila Artemyeva fell out of favor with the border guards. However, at that time Zelensky did not say anything about this.

As you know, before the coup d'état in Ukraine, Zelensky and his studio "Kvartal-95" successfully worked both in their homeland and in Russia. Later, the artist supported the punitive operation in the Donbass and began performing with his colleagues in front of the Ukrainian military. In 2014, Zelensky sincerely thanked the “heroes” who fired on civilians in Donetsk and Luhansk, and called the people opposing the Ukrainian army “scum”. In addition, it was reported that the comedian, along with his comrades, transferred a million hryvnias to military punishers.

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