Fate helps the brave.


1. To be utterly devoid of courage, one must be utterly devoid of desire.
Claude Adrian Helvetius

2. In battle, those are most exposed to danger who are most obsessed with fear; courage is like a wall.

3. Fate helps the brave.

4. Want to talk about courage? Anyone can commit suicide or scream in front of the camera. You know what really takes courage? To remain silent despite all your feelings, to control yourself when the stakes are too high.
Francis Underwood

5. Courage is the ability to overcome fear. To be afraid, but, in spite of everything, to go forward. And when, instead of looking into the eyes of his fear and defeating it, a person turns into an aggressive being who is afraid of everything and everything ...
Alex Kosh

6. There are many ways in the world to be brave. Sometimes courage means giving up your life for another. And sometimes - the rejection of everything that you loved.
Veronica Roth

7. If you pretend that you are not afraid of anything for a very long time, courage can become a useful habit, something like sleeping with an open window or taking a contrast shower.
Max Fry

8. Have a soft heart modern world It's courage, not weakness.
Michel Mercier

9. Courage allows you to overcome fear, because it is stronger than it.
Mark Levy

10. Even the most incredible things happen in life. You just need to be bolder.
Ryu Murakami

11. Have the clarity of mind to accept what you cannot change, the courage to change what you can, and the wisdom to see the difference between the first and second.
Mark Levy

12. When a person has nothing to lose, he involuntarily becomes bold.
Sergey Skorin

13. Happiness belongs to the fearless.
Erich Maria Remarque

14. If your dreams are devoid of courage, audacity and fantasy, they become only a tool that your enemies use against you.
Randy Gage

15. The brave can die only once, but the coward dies for a lifetime.
Horatio Nelson

16. Nothing is impossible in the world - it's just a matter of whether you have enough courage.
Joanne Rowling

17. Courage is a ladder on the steps of which all other virtues are placed.
Claire Booth Luce

18. Courage doesn't always scream. Sometimes courage says in a low voice at the end of the day, "I'll try again tomorrow."
Mary Ann Redmacher

19. Life shrinks and expands in proportion to your courage.
Anais Nin

20. This is the only way it makes sense to live in the world. Do not be afraid to make plans for eternity ahead, as if death did not exist at all.
Boris Akunin

21. Courage is resistance to fear and control over fear, not the absence of fear.
Mark Twain

Is this statement correct? I think yes. After all, it is not for nothing that there are sayings among the people: “the courage of the city takes”; “The bullet is afraid of the bold, the bayonet does not take the bold”; "Where there is courage, there is victory." There are many works in literature confirming that brave people are lucky and fate protects them from troubles.

An illustration of the reliability of this statement can serve as the story of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". True, the text of the work does not use the word "fate", that is, not a simple coincidence of circumstances, but the word "providence", meaning the highest divine power that guides the fate of people and the whole world for the good.

A.S. Pushkin describes situations in the story when Pyotr Grinev shows courage. But the writer draws our attention to the fact that main character performs bold deeds not for the sake of thoughtless bragging and narcissism, and not even for his own benefit, but with truly noble goals.

Let's think about what prompts the seventeen-year-old Petrusha to challenge Shvabrin to a duel? After all, he knows that Shvabrin ended up in Belogorsk fortress, killing the lieutenant in the same duel.

Despite this, Peter bravely rushes to defend the honorable name of the captain's daughter Masha Mironova! So, Grinev's courage is driven by real nobility!

The author of the story many times puts his hero before a choice: to be cowardly in order to stay alive, or to be faithful to the oath, duty, honor, risking death. Pyotr Grinev is not a coward even in the face of death. He, unlike Shvabrin, does not go over to the side of Pugachev, directly answering him that he cannot go against his honor and Christian conscience. And Pugachev, struck by Grinev's sincerity, not only lets him go, but also assists in freeing Masha from Shvabrin's hands.

Truly, fate favors the brave!

Pushkin gives many examples proving that fate keeps the main characters of the story. For example, when the hussars detain Peter and Masha, mistaking them for Pugachev's henchmen, Providence intervenes again: the lovers get to the familiar Major Zurin, and everything ends happily.

It is impossible not to recall the courage of Masha Mironova. In the Belogorsk fortress captain's daughter consider a coward: she faints when she hears a cannon salvo, shy and blushes during a conversation. But what strength of mind she shows, not succumbing to the threats and bullying of Shvabrin, forcing her to marry him! And realizing that Pyotr Grinev could end up in hard labor, she dares to seek intercession from the Empress herself, rushing to protect her beloved! And, of course, providence favors it.

Thus, it is safe to say that fate helps the brave. After all, the brave are not inactive, do not sit in their mink, like a fabulous wise gudgeon who "lived - trembled and died - trembled." The brave face the dangers resolutely and overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. The main thing to remember is that courage must be shown for the sake of a noble goal. And then fate will surely help.

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Updated: 2018-04-03

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Fate helps the brave

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Latin-Russian and Russian-Latin dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: Russian Language. N.T. Babichev, Ya.M. Borovskoy. 1982 .

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