Therefore, good is stronger than evil. Good must come with fists


Why do young people burn alive in discos and trains go downhill?

There is no arguing about tastes: some like watermelon, some like pork cartilage. I'm talking about literature, more precisely - modern Russian literature detective genre.

...I grew up in the left bank Novo-Kommunalny village. Here, on the ruins and benches, in the early sixties, comrades and friends of my childhood gathered - the first post-war generation: Shurka, Bala, Vovka, nicknamed Swede, Vovka Shramko, Valka Rykov... They are seven or eight years older than me, but they accepted me unconditionally into your circle.

In the evenings, on a bench near the “headquarters” at 114 Furmanov Street, they told countless stories about detectives, Major Pronin, and vampire ghouls. Then all young people read it, and, naturally, they “swallowed” light detective literature. We were drawn to adventures and exploits, the exoticism of the southern seas and pirates. They were reading Mine Reid and Fenimore Cooper, who were “getting” from a ruble to three rubles apiece at the Bazarnaya Gora flea market of the eleventh section. A miniature “Library of Military Adventures” was circulating around the hands, or rather in the pockets. It is still in front of me on the shelf, without beginning or end, but lovingly bound into incredible covers.

One day, my student Marcel gave his father’s favorite book “Above Tissa”, “dressed” in the binding... of materials from some party congress. There was no need to talk about the popularity of the “master of the spy novel” from Magnitogorsk Alexander Avdeenko. I remember even the newspaper published his “Danube Legs” Pioneer truth", and we cut out chapters of this novel from issue to issue and carefully stored them.

In the second half of the sixties, the most readable edition of the numbered "Feats" began to appear - a supplement to the magazine "Rural Youth". Conceived as heroic and patriotic, “Feat” met a wide variety of interests: “Report with a noose around the neck” by Fuchik, “Land on demand” by Magnitogorsk author Vorobiev, “Green Van” by Kozachinsky, “Don Stories” by Sholokhov...

The fates of my Zavalinka comrades turned out differently, but we were all united and are united by the love of books. I meet Shurka, now the honored builder of the country, Alexander Sirotin. He still reads voraciously, but has just begun to give preference to historical literature.

Time and society have changed, and the very concept of achievement takes on a new meaning. Now, as Anton Chekhov said, new forms are needed. What are they - these heroes and the exploits of the heroes of our time?

The editors of my once beloved “Feat” honestly warn: “Although there is often shooting and fighting on the pages of our publication, solving problems in this way is dangerous to health. Listen to the poet’s irony:

At the dawn of the century he took and overthrew

an evil person is a good person.

From a grenade launcher - slap him, the goat!

Still good stronger than evil!"

It seems that here we are, of course, talking about “goodness with fists,” a clearly incompatible concept.

So, I will analyze individual issues of the current edition of “Feat” over the past five years. I will selectively name the most flashy of them: “The Exodus of the Beast”, “Love is Sexy”, “The Hangover”, “If You Were Hanged Yesterday”, “Fool”... Blood, mafia showdowns, stupid martinets with officer shoulder straps, gangs of teenagers, women's gladiator fights. In short, "Feat" is delayed by full program, and the heroism of romance is clearly at rest. I note that Andrei Dyshev’s novel with strawberries and profanity became the winner all-Russian competition"Thank you, soldier!", organized by the United Russia party.

The plots of such detective writers are idiotically sophisticated and unique. I will quote the most remarkable: “An old hunter finds a man hanged upside down in the forest, and with him problems for the mafia clan” - this is from Sviridov’s story “If You Were Hanged Yesterday.” Or this: "B private school The brides are double murdered. Where will all the threads of the investigation close? At women's gladiator fights? In the Chinese diaspora? Or on the family of a fickle oligarch" - "Shadows of Sins" by Vadchenko. And for a snack: "Typical bad luck of a realtor - to sell something that could not have been sold, and get into money... The cherished, unfairly sold house is overtaken even after a year. The host of young gladiators inhabiting it becomes the nightmare of the culprit of the deal" - "Boomerang" by Menshikov.

It’s a paradox, but these “Feats” have found their reader - they are in demand by the middle and older generations. Apparently, they are trying to figure out what is happening in our sick society: why are young people burning alive in discos and peaceful trains are derailed?

“And the king is naked!” - I remember catchphrase, as well as Nikolai Ozerov’s comment: “We don’t need this kind of hockey!” Only now they are applied to the lightness of the detective genre, “Feat,” which corrupts the reader.

At the end of the century he took and overthrew
An evil person is a good person.
The grenade launcher hit him, the goat.
Apparently, good is stronger than evil!
E. Lukin

Has it ever happened in history that the victors gave way to the vanquished? In history, as we know, anything has happened...

When the Japanese, having won the Far East(in the war of 1905), began to rub their palms in anticipation of the desired dividends; they did not yet know what kind of negotiator the insidious Russian Tsar Nicholas had prepared for them. Because the king had an impassable headache: the obnoxious Sergei Yulievich Witte, who had a quarrelsome disposition, a scandalous character and was a real nuisance to everyone.

However, in all delicate government affairs It was impossible to imagine a better solver than Witte. So he went, on Nikolai’s orders, to negotiate with the Japanese, because the matter could not have been more delicate! And, let’s face it, Sergei Yulievich did not disappoint. Although it was too much - they say that he began to mock the unfortunate winners in the most natural way. In response to the demand for indemnities, in particular, he stated with exceptional cynicism that even Napoleon, having occupied Moscow, was not so impudent, did not ask for money for way back and left Russia for absolutely nothing. The Japanese haven’t taken Moscow yet, but they demand indemnities...

The Japanese, estimating that it would be nine thousand miles to walk straight through the taiga, through bear shit, to Moscow, cooled down slightly and became more modest in their demands. In short, the Japanese did not receive any money and even had to give up half of the conquered Sakhalin...

However, it should be noted that this is almost the only case in history when the vanquished so brazenly abandoned the winners.

So, Putin won the elections. He won unconditionally, deafeningly and triumphantly... What next? And then, as the politically repressed say, “divorces” begin. When we increasingly hear mantras: “We need to respect the people who go to rallies... They have the right to their opinion... We need to negotiate with them... We need to look for compromises that will suit them.”

Respect creative people beautiful people, with honest open faces, probably worth it. But with their wish lists, it’s a little more difficult, and even to negotiate with them...

Judge for yourself what these gentlemen want: the cancellation of the presidential election results, the resignation of Putin, and further, according to the list, the crown of which will be triumphant return Boris Abramovich and the public flogging of “nashists” in the stables... And all this requires very little - Putin needs to accept the street troublemakers and listen to their demands...

The Prime Minister simply has to meet with them and discuss his resignation... Cool! Witte would be jealous!

However, as it turned out on last meeting with journalists, Putin has not been infected with the liberal plague for four years, complicated by Russia’s permanent sense of guilt for all the bullshit that takes place in this best of all worlds. This is the same Putin as four years ago, great and terrible. He sets the rules and others follow them. And nothing else!

And let the loser cry. Let him cry and grieve, but only at home! There is no point in throwing out your grief either into the fountain on Pushkinskaya or onto the Kremlin wall! Mouse drivers infected with the snow fever bacillus are ordered to immediately recover and return to work.

The opposition's message has been given: there will be no negotiations, just as there will be no more pandering by the authorities to the ugly street antics of the revolutionaries...

And don’t point out a rotten tooth!!!

First, let's remember three popular contemporary works about good and evil.

So, the first poem by Dmitry Bagretsov:

“Good must be with fists,
With a tail and sharp horns,
With hooves and a beard.
Covered with prickly fur,
Breathing fire, beating with a hoof,
It will come for you too!
Do you hear - here it is walking,
Poison flows from the fangs to the ground,
The tail lashes angrily at the sides.
Good, howling ominously,
Touching the clouds with their horns,
It's creeping closer and closer to us!

Well, for you, my capricious reader,
Bearer of the spirit of humanism,
I wish Good - and let
When you meet him, you will remember my verse,
And then the dead of midnight
A terrible cry will cut through: “Help!”
And then - slurping and crunching..."

The second, even more famous, poem by Evgeny Lukin:

"At the end of the century
Took and overthrew
Angry man
Kind person.

From a grenade launcher
Slap him, you goat!
So it’s good
Stronger than evil."

“Good will definitely defeat evil. He will bring you to your knees and brutally kill you.”

Funny? Without a doubt! Witty? Certainly! Vital? But this is an interesting question. If you try to derive a philosophy of good and evil solely from these and similar works, then you can very easily come to completely delusional conclusions. In order to correctly and fully understand all the humor, all the depth of these works, you must first understand what good and evil really are.

Good is the harmony of the world and its harmonious development. Evil is the destruction of the harmony of the world and obstruction of the harmonious development of the world. The simplest analogy: the human body and its health are good, a disease that affects a person and tries to kill him is evil.

Naturally, all three cited works have nothing to do with these true concepts of good and evil. To judge real good and evil by them is the same as examining the teachings of the great Pythagoras according to nursery rhyme: “Pythagorean pants are equal in all directions...” And to conclude that Pythagoras was engaged in sewing pants (which, by the way, in his time in Ancient Greece were not worn).

And then what happens, that these works are false, meaningless, empty chatter? No, they're just talking about something completely different. They talk about our ideas, prejudices, about what we mistakenly declare to be good and evil. And also that very often we try to unconditionally classify some people as good, and others as evil. The principle of division can be different: by race, nationality, faith, profession, place of residence, etc. But in reality, the overwhelming majority of people, although essentially good, are defiled by evil, that is, they are subject to temptation, obsessed with sins and vices, and are not immune from mistakes. And every person can at any moment go over to the side of evil, begin to act using evil methods, and become a destroyer of the harmony of the world and its parts.

For example, if a policeman (called to serve good) begins to torture, rob, kill, rape people, this does not mean at all that this is how good acts. If a doctor, instead of treating (serving good), extorts bribes, prescribes harmful drugs, forgets tweezers in the patient’s stomach, this does not mean that he serves good, that he is good. If soldiers fighting in a just war begin to destroy and humiliate innocent civilians, they themselves turn to the side of evil. If the ruler of a country does not fight against criminals, destroys education, medicine, the police, the army, and does not care about the elderly and children, such a ruler cannot in any way be considered the personification of good.

And one last thing. Should goodness really be “with fists”, should it be able to stand up for itself? Certainly! If good is defenseless against evil, then evil will simply destroy, destroy the world, and there will be no good left. It’s like a person’s lack of immunity: any disease easily kills him. Good must actively fight evil, and we are precisely called upon to help it in this. For which, in fact, life was given to us.

As for poetry, Mikhail Nozhkin probably spoke out best on the topic of goodness with his fists:

“Since the universe suddenly began to spin,
Good and evil fight day and night.
Since then, our concern has been constant -
Well, how good, how can I help good?

Evil, we know, has big fists
And the nerves are strong, like a steel rope.
And all the evil ones are, as a rule, miserable,
And the kind ones are usually timid.

Good people, clench your fists!

And evil is damned, tenacious,
An envious, insidious, vile enemy.
Everything points at the back of the bright one, and the best one,
Pushes us into ignorance and darkness.

Yes, with a dirty paw rummaging through our souls,
Steals our good hopes.
And without goodness the planet will stop,
And without goodness the sun will not rise!

Humanity has tested for centuries:
WITH dark power the battles are not easy.
And goodness - it must be with fists, with fists.
Good people, clench your fists!
And goodness - it must certainly come with fists.
Good people, clench your fists!

The planet is shaking with multi-ton steps -
Evil walks in its duplicity.
Crawling around the world like a fifth column,
Circles above us like a black crow.

But the kind ones are usually fearless.
It's high time we stood shoulder to shoulder!
It's time to go forward, friends, to attack hand-to-hand
To the darkness under the bright banner of goodness!

Humanity has tested for centuries:
Fighting with dark power is not easy.
And goodness - it must be with fists, with fists.
Good people, clench your fists!
And goodness - it must certainly come with fists.
Good people, clench your fists!”

Extended version of the article - on video

First, let's remember three popular modern works about good and evil.

So, the first poem by Dmitry Bagretsov:

“Good must be with fists,
With a tail and sharp horns,
With hooves and a beard.
Covered with prickly fur,
Breathing fire, beating with a hoof,
It will come for you too!
Do you hear - here it is walking,
Poison flows from the fangs to the ground,
The tail lashes angrily at the sides.
Good, howling ominously,
Touching the clouds with their horns,
It's creeping closer and closer to us!

Well, for you, my capricious reader,
Bearer of the spirit of humanism,
I wish Good - and let
When you meet him, you will remember my verse,
And then the dead of midnight
A terrible cry will cut through: “Help!”
And then - slurping and crunching..."

The second, even more famous, poem by Evgeny Lukin:

"At the end of the century
Took and overthrew
Angry man
Kind person.

From a grenade launcher
Slap him, you goat!
So it’s good
Stronger than evil."

“Good will definitely defeat evil. He will bring you to your knees and brutally kill you.”

Funny? Without a doubt! Witty? Certainly! Vital? But this is an interesting question. If you try to derive a philosophy of good and evil solely from these and similar works, then you can very easily come to completely delusional conclusions. In order to correctly and fully understand all the humor, all the depth of these works, you must first understand what good and evil really are.

Good is the harmony of the world and its harmonious development. Evil is the destruction of the harmony of the world and obstruction of the harmonious development of the world. The simplest analogy: the human body and its health are good, a disease that affects a person and tries to kill him is evil.

Naturally, all three cited works have nothing to do with these true concepts of good and evil. Judging real good and evil by them is the same as exploring the teachings of the great Pythagoras from the children's rhyme: “Pythagoras’ pants are equal in all directions...”. And to conclude that Pythagoras was engaged in sewing pants (which, by the way, were not worn in Ancient Greece in his time).

And then what happens, that these works are false, meaningless, empty chatter? No, they're just talking about something completely different. They talk about our ideas, prejudices, about what we mistakenly declare to be good and evil. And also about the fact that very often we try to unconditionally classify some people as good, and others as evil. The principle of division can be different: by race, nationality, faith, profession, place of residence, etc. But in reality, the overwhelming majority of people, although essentially good, are defiled by evil, that is, they are subject to temptation, obsessed with sins and vices, and are not immune from mistakes. And every person can at any moment go over to the side of evil, begin to act using evil methods, and become a destroyer of the harmony of the world and its parts.

For example, if a policeman (called to serve good) begins to torture, rob, kill, rape people, this does not mean at all that this is how good acts. If a doctor, instead of treating (serving good), extorts bribes, prescribes harmful drugs, forgets tweezers in the patient’s stomach, this does not mean that he serves good, that he is good. If soldiers fighting in a just war begin to destroy and humiliate innocent civilians, they themselves turn to the side of evil. If the ruler of a country does not fight against criminals, destroys education, medicine, the police, the army, and does not care about the elderly and children, such a ruler cannot in any way be considered the personification of good.

And one last thing. Should goodness really be “with fists”, should it be able to stand up for itself? Certainly! If good is defenseless against evil, then evil will simply destroy, destroy the world, and there will be no good left. It’s like a person’s lack of immunity: any disease easily kills him. Good must actively fight evil, and we are precisely called upon to help it in this. For which, in fact, life was given to us.

As for poetry, Mikhail Nozhkin probably spoke out best on the topic of goodness with his fists:

“Since the universe suddenly began to spin,
Good and evil fight day and night.
Since then, our concern has been constant -
Well, how good, how can I help good?

Evil, we know, has big fists
And the nerves are strong, like a steel rope.
And all the evil ones are, as a rule, miserable,
And the kind ones are usually timid.

Good people, clench your fists!

And evil is damned, tenacious,
An envious, insidious, vile enemy.
Everything points at the back of the bright one, and the best one,
Pushes us into ignorance and darkness.

Yes, with a dirty paw rummaging through our souls,
Steals our good hopes.
And without goodness the planet will stop,
And without goodness the sun will not rise!

Humanity has tested for centuries:
Fighting with dark power is not easy.
And goodness - it must be with fists, with fists.
Good people, clench your fists!
And goodness - it must certainly come with fists.
Good people, clench your fists!

The planet is shaking with multi-ton steps -
Evil walks in its duplicity.
Crawling around the world like a fifth column,
Circles above us like a black crow.

But the kind ones are usually fearless.
It's high time we stood shoulder to shoulder!
It's time to go forward, friends, to attack hand-to-hand
To the darkness under the bright banner of goodness!

Humanity has tested for centuries:
Fighting with dark power is not easy.
And goodness - it must be with fists, with fists.
Good people, clench your fists!
And goodness - it must certainly come with fists.
Good people, clench your fists!”

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