Under the heading "secret". Who was the Kyshtym dwarf Aleshenka really? Didn't find the way back? Was there a boy


According to legend, seventeen years ago, a pensioner from the distant Ural village of Kaolinovy ​​near the town of Kyshtym adopted mysterious creature, allegedly not belonging to any species known on Earth. It died, the corpse disappeared, and the mystery of its origin still haunts researchers...

In a cemetery near her home, Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina stumbled upon a tiny creature about 20 centimeters tall. The foundling looked rather ugly. The large pointed head seemed to consist of four lobes. The crease in the middle of the face turned into a small nose. The eyes were devoid of pupils and iris. In addition, they did not close for centuries, but tumbled somewhere inside the head. Ears replaced tiny holes, instead of a mouth - a gap with two small teeth inside. Skin - unnatural white color and shiny. The umbilicus was missing. Limbs with flexible, movable joints ended in small claws.

Soon the neighbors noticed that something was wrong with Prosvirina. She started acting weird and talking. It can be seen that communication with the adopted child has done its job: how much does an old person need to make his psyche upset?

In the end, the woman ended up in a psychiatric hospital. She told the doctors that she had “Alyoshenka” left at home, who needed to be fed, but no one listened to her - everyone thought that the patient was just delusional ...

From hunger and thirst, the creature quietly died and turned into a mummy. Found it by chance. Hearing that the house was empty, a local thief climbed in, planning to profit from someone else's ownerless property. Having stumbled upon a mummified curiosity, he took it with him, dried it in the sun and put it in the refrigerator. Since this man had more than one robbery, one fine day the police came to him. During a search in the refrigerator, a stolen mummy was found ...

The investigation put forward several versions. According to one of them, the corpse was a premature human fetus.

The case was entrusted to the investigator of the Kyshtym GUVD, Vladimir Bendlin. He handed over the remains for examination to the local pathologist Stanislav Samoshkin. At the same time, a gynecologist I. Ermolaeva was involved in the investigation as an independent expert. And both came to an unexpected conclusion: this is not a man! So a new hypothesis was born: "Alyoshenka" is an alien humanoid!

Then the mummy came to ufologists, and, in the end, her trail was lost. Only photographs and videos remained. But in recent times The "alien" version of the origin of "Alyoshenka" was greatly shaken. Experts have found a much more mundane explanation for it appearance. The disease of premature aging, or childhood progeria, is officially referred to as Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome. At first, the child grows up very quickly, then age spots appear on the abdomen, the skin becomes wrinkled, hair and teeth fall out, numerous ailments appear, which people usually suffer from old age such as cardiovascular disease. In a year, the human body wears out for 10 years. As a rule, those affected by this scourge do not live up to 20 years. It is impossible to stop this process, you can only slow it down a little with the help of special preparations - after all, the anomaly has a genetic origin.

There are dozens of patients with progeria all over the world. So, one Belarusian woman began to age at the age of 5, and by the age of 26 she was no different from an 80-year-old old woman. The girl was diagnosed with calcification of the heart, which occurs only in extreme old age.

Remember how space aliens are usually portrayed in films? Little men with a bony skinny body and a disproportionately large head, similar to the skin-covered skull from a horror movie. Now let's imagine a child with an old man's face: wrinkled folds, a sunken toothless mouth, the absence of hair on the head ... And at the same time - tiny arms and legs, because the baby did not have time to grow up! Why not a humanoid?

If we compare the images of the legendary "Alyoshenka" presented on the Internet with photographs of children with progeria, then it is easy to notice a clear similarity.

Initially, one of the versions of the origin of "Alyoshenka" was a genetic mutation. Kyshtym is located in the zone of radioactive contamination that arose after the accident in Chelyabinsk-40 in 1957. The birth of freaks in these places is not uncommon.

- the story of a dead creature found in Kyshtym. After 20 years of controversy, researchers have not come to a consensus. The answers to the questions of interest are quite contradictory, and the story itself is exciting and mysterious. Let's remember what happened at the end of the last century, and what versions are put forward today.

Appearance of a mysterious creature

It all started with Tamara Prosvirina, a lonely pensioner, whom acquaintances described as a strange and somewhat unsociable woman. The woman was seen by a psychiatrist. One of Tamara's oddities was her habit of walking around the cemetery and picking flowers there. On one of these trips, the pensioner's treasure, in addition to flowers, was a small bundle, in which something living was swarming and squeaking subtly. An incomprehensible animal settled in the woman's apartment, and was named Aleshenka.

Most often, the guest of the pensioner's apartment was her relative, Tamara Alferova, which helped in everyday life - cooked food, put things in order, washed, made the necessary purchases. When the daughter-in-law was at work, and she worked in shifts, Prosvirina was taken care of by her mother-in-law, who took Vladimir Nurdinov, who rented a room from her, as her assistant.

In this way, Aleshenka saw (and confirmed this fact) three mentally healthy people - Vladimir Nurdinov, Tamara Alferova and Galina Alferova.

Also, witnesses of living in the apartment of an incomprehensible creature were her neighbor, son and other random people. Considering that their testimony given in different time, have many coincidences, it was possible to draw up a real portrait of Aleshenka.

Aleshenka - who or what?

In the history of the dwarf is listed as a humanoid, about 30 cm tall. Its entire small body is covered with fur, in place of the mouth there is only a small slit in which a pair of teeth can be seen. The fingers end in coarse claws, and the eyes do not have eyelids. The shape of the head is similar to an onion, the ears are missing, instead of them there are only tiny holes.

All witnesses noted large eyes with "cat" pupils. Attempts to determine the sex were unsuccessful - in the right place everything was smooth and without the slightest sign of the rudiments of organs.

Also, everyone kept saying that there was no navel - this once again confirmed the mystery Aleshenka.

The dwarf could not walk, talk and eat on his own, the pensioner carefully gave him sweet water from a small spoon and fed him with baby cottage cheese. At sudden movements or turning on the light, the creature squeaked, squealed. Sometimes the sounds they made sounded like a whistle. How did relatives treat Alyoshenka and acquaintances of Prosvirina? They definitely didn’t consider him a person, in their eyes he was more like an outlandish animal.


Aleshenka's death was really ridiculous. When the pensioner began to share her joy in the yard about the miraculous appearance of the “son”, the neighbors called the orderlies. Despite the tears and pleas of the old woman, she was closed for compulsory treatment, and all the stories were taken as manifestations of the disease. The corpse of the Kyshtym dwarf was discovered a few days later by Galina Alferova and her tenant. They just found out too late that Tamara was in the hospital, leaving the "son" alone ...

What is known today

Exactly Vladimir Nurdinov and did not let this story become just a painful fiction of a madwoman - he dried the body of an unknown creature and after a while handed it over to the investigator. The pathologist who took part in the investigation concluded that the corpse was not human.

For many years people have been discussing the topic “Who was the Kyshtym Alyosha?”. A creature from another planet or just a clever fake? It's time to find out the truth about the true origin of this mysterious find.


The world learned about the existence of the Kyshtym dwarf Aleshenka thanks to the investigator Evgeny Mokichev. Investigating the theft of a copper wire, he contacted the suspect and summoned Vladimir Nurtdinov for questioning. After a long conversation local told the investigator that the body of a real alien was kept in his garage. Mokichev could not believe in such a wild story, but nevertheless turned to his superiors with a request to verify this fact. Having received permission, he went to specified place and with my own eyes I saw this mysterious alien.

Nurtdinov said that in order to preserve the creature, he had to remove all the insides from the body and dry it to the state of a mummy. The man did not hide the fact that he simply stole the Kyshtym Alyosha from the house of his neighbor, an elderly woman with a mental disorder. The investigator took the incredible find with him to show to professional experts. At that moment, he no longer doubted that the dwarf was of extraterrestrial origin. It looked too unusual and had a specific smell. An experienced policeman knew how the mummified human body smells.

Appearance of the Kyshtym Alyosha

The mummy of the dwarf was like a small mutilated calf with a disproportionately large head. It is worth noting that the skull itself had only 4 plates, and not 6, as in normal person. Outwardly, he resembled a premature baby, but the pathologist Samoshkin immediately rejected this version. First, the creature had strong bones, not cartilage like embryos. Second, he had a full set of teeth. There was no navel on the body, which indicated that he was not born of a woman. The expert did not find any hint of the genitals and organs of secretions. It seems that Kyshtym Alyosha excreted all waste products through the skin. The dwarf's head resembled an onion and was crushed.

Who and when found the Kyshtym dwarf?

Pensioner Tamara Prosvirina in the late May evening began to experience a feeling of anxiety and a desire to go outside. An unknown call pulled her by the gate, into the forest. There she saw a creature that lay on the ground and made mournful sounds. The woman picked it up and took it to her home. She gave him a name in honor of her recently deceased grandson - Aleshenka.

Caring Tamara went with the find to the hospital to find out why this baby looks so strange. In the clinic, she was shown to the door and complained that doctors had nothing to treat people, and she brought them an alien for examination. Sounds a little crazy, but don't forget that this was 1996. The restless woman went to the police, but even there they gave her a turn from the gate. No one was interested in a strange-looking baby in diapers.

New house

The pensioner returned home and began to care for the creature as if it were a child. She fed him food from her table and later claimed that the alien was very fond of chewing toffee. He could not speak, but he whistled to express his emotions or needs. Mucus, which Alyoshenka secreted through the pores of the skin, she wiped with a wet cloth. The new tenant lived in the house for a little over two weeks.

The woman went out with him for a walk more than once and showed her neighbors this strange humanoid. People were horrified, but looked at the funny stranger with interest. In one of the conversations with her neighbors, she mentioned that she wanted to register Alyosha in the apartment. This rumor quickly reached the ears of the direct heirs, and they hurried to fix this problem. The orderlies took the woman to a psychiatric hospital, and after some time the alien died at the hands of local alcoholics. They crushed his head. After Tamara was taken to the hospital, unreliable personalities filled her house. They did not like the strange neighbor, and they simply killed him. Then Nurtdinov found him.

Further developments

After it was established that the creature does not belong to the human race, the criminal case on his murder was closed. The Kyshtym dwarf Alyoshenka himself was taken home by the investigator and placed in a freezer. However, the wife began to resent the fact that there was a corpse in her refrigerator, and the man had to give the body to muddy personalities who introduced themselves as researchers of paranormal beings.

A few years later, the woman found out how many thousands of dollars foreigners were offering for a dwarf, and she was very sorry about her behavior. Further fate the alien is covered in darkness. It was not possible to find those people, and one can only guess where the Kyshtym dwarf Alyosha is now. The mystery of its origin is still of interest to millions of people.


Thanks to the video filming, which was conducted by the investigator, the story received a lot of publicity on the Internet. People began to wonder where the Kyshtym dwarf had gone and who he really was. The pieces of cloth on which Alyoshenka lay were subjected to multiple examinations, and all researchers came to ambiguous conclusions. According to some, it turned out that the creature was a premature baby with numerous developmental disabilities, female. Others claimed that it was a real alien and no resemblance to human DNA was found. Perhaps in the future there will be technologies that will be able to highly likely establish the origin of the dwarf. On the this moment this is one of the most mysterious riddles in history, and interest in it will not fade for many years to come.

In 1996, Russian scientists faced a very serious problem, which was never solved, remaining a mystery with seven seals. It was necessary to find out what kind of inexplicable creature was presented to them for study, where it came from on our planet. Many assumptions have been put forward regarding its origin, which have not been confirmed by the facts. Therefore, we can only accept this or that version or come up with our own.

The legend of the little alien

One day summer night(namely, on August 13, 1996) in the village of Kaolinovy, not far from the city of Kyshtym in the Chelyabinsk region, a terrible thunderstorm began, accompanied by hail. Resident of this locality, pensioner Prosvirina Tamara Vasilievna, was concerned about the voices that urged her to go to the cemetery. Without thinking twice, she packed up and went to the call. It should be noted that the old woman often visited the cemetery, collecting flowers and photographs from the graves there. Everything she found, she brought to her apartment. The explanation for her behavior was that the pensioner suffered mental disorder and has been treated in a hospital for the mentally retarded more than once.

So, making her way through the cemetery, she suddenly saw a small creature under a tree. It lay upside down and made some incomprehensible plaintive sounds. The woman, deciding that this was a gift sent to her from above, wrapped the foundling in a scarf and took it with her. When she returned home, she immediately fed him and swaddled him. From that moment on, this creature began to be called "son" and acquired the name Aleshenka.

Thus began the history of the Kyshtym dwarf, which spread all over the world and gave rise to a lot of versions about its origin. Soviet scientists for a long time investigated the "alien" and tried to find a reasonable explanation for what happened. What conclusions they made and what they came to, read on.

The short life of Aleshenka

My short life on Earth, the Kyshtym dwarf spent in a small apartment. Surrounded by the care and attention of a pensioner, he ate non-solid food and drank water from a spoon. Tamara Vasilievna was very kind to her "son", treated him to toffee and wiped the discharge from his small body with a rag. The creature that took her care reacted to light and movement with whistling sounds. Sometimes it raised its tiny legs, as if stretching.

Alyoshenka lived, carefully wrapped in a rag, without getting up. His gaze was meaningful and, according to witnesses, suffering. It looked like the creature was in pain. He had practically no discharge, except for transparent perspiration, odorless, after eating. He often lay and stretched his lips with a tube, as if trying to say something. Or maybe he wanted to say “thank you” to his “adoptive mother” in this way?

It would be possible to write off this story as a schizophrenic delirium of a sick pensioner, if not for the sensible witnesses who saw Alyoshenka alive. And if it were not for the materials of the case, which was conducted by the investigator, accompanying him with photographs of the dead Kyshtym dwarf.

Perhaps the Kyshtym dwarf would still be alive now, but he suffered terrible death from hunger and thirst. It happened when his "adoptive mother" was hidden in a mental hospital. The pensioner could not hide her happiness and talked about her beloved "stepson" to all the neighbors. And those, in turn, turned to medical specialists, because they decided that the grandmother had an exacerbation of mental illness.

Prosvirina Tamara Vasilievna

An elderly woman who found an unknown animal has long suffered from psychological disorders. All the neighbors knew about it. And when she began to tell them that she had a baby, no one, of course, believed her. And she continued to groom and cherish her Alyoshenka. None of the inhabitants of the village was surprised by the behavior of Tamara Vasilievna. She never acted aggressively. But when the aggravation of the disease began, she heard voices and raved. Her speech became incoherent, and then the old woman was placed in a special institution. But for harmlessness they soon let go home.

She spoke with great enthusiasm about the fact that Aleshenka, a Kyshtym dwarf, lives in her apartment. And she always spoke of him with special kindness and tenderness. The news soon spread throughout the region. And the grandmother was placed in mental asylum, assuming that she had an exacerbation of the disease. Tamara Vasilievna tried long and hard to convey to the doctors that she needed to go home, because she had a son there and needed to feed him. However, the doctors remained adamant, considering her words to be ordinary nonsense in such an illness. No amount of begging or pleading helped convince the people in white coats to let her go home.

Death of a humanoid adoptive mother

After some time, investigators came to Tamara Vasilyevna at the hospital and filmed her testimony on a video camera. When she asked about what happened to Alyoshenka, she was told that he had died. Presumably, from hunger and thirst, because during the absence of the hostess no one cared for him, and he could not eat on his own.

The elderly woman wept bitter tears, lamenting that she had told the doctors about her little son left in the apartment. The pain that she experienced cannot be expressed in words, because for her the Kyshtym dwarf became native. For a long time she suffered her loss.

On August 5, 1999, Tamara Vasilievna left the house wearing only socks. Presumably, unknown voices were calling her again. She, as if spellbound, went out onto the track. Witnesses wanted to take her away, but did not have time. At that moment, two cars appeared, which closed like scissors, knocking down an elderly woman, and fled the scene. The old woman's death was instantaneous. The cars that hit the pensioner were not found (disappeared without a trace). New rumors spread around the village about mysterious death compassionate lover of humanoids.

What did the son look like?

Aleshenka - the Kyshtym dwarf, whose photo you can see above - was a humanoid creature unknown to science, whose height was about 20 centimeters. He had two legs, two arms, a head, a torso. His appearance at first glance, he resembled little man. However, he had his own characteristics that are unacceptable to people.

So, for example, he was missing a navel, which suggests that he could not be a human cub. In addition, the Kyshtym dwarf did not have genitals either. The photos presented in the article demonstrate this. His head was Brown color, and the jelly-like body had a gray-green hue. In life, he looked quite well-fed. His skull was tower-shaped and consisted of four lobes. Big eyes without pupils and iris had no eyelids. There was a crease in the middle of the face, turning into a small nose. Instead of a mouth, there was a thin slit in which there were two teeth. Aleshenka could not eat solid food, so Tamara Vasilievna fed him liquid food. Instead of ears - tiny holes. At the end of the joints were long claws. This is what the Kyshtym dwarf looked like. Photo live Aleshenka, unfortunately, does not exist.

After death

When Alyoshenka died, his story did not end. There are several versions of what happened to him next. One source reports that when Tamara Vasilievna found herself in a psychiatric clinic, a thief made his way into her apartment. Seeing the ugly creature, he cut out all the internal organs from it, and then put the corpse in the refrigerator. There he was found by the investigating authorities.

According to another source of information, Tamara Vasilievna's daughter-in-law, having learned that the old woman was being treated, went to her house together with her tenant Nurdinov. She knew very well who lived there. And when they entered the apartment, the Kyshtym dwarf Aleshenka appeared before their eyes. Was he alive? No, without his "adoptive mother" he did not live very long.

Its rotting body was covered with larvae and exhaled an unpleasant, nauseating odor. However, according to the woman, this spirit resembled more the smell of synthetic resins than a decaying creature. Nurdinov decided to dry the alien in the sun in order to profitably sell it later. However, his plans were not destined to come true, because the investigator Vladimir Bendlin became interested in this case, who took the mummified corpse for investigation.

It is in the dried form that Aleshenka, the Kyshtym dwarf, is captured in photographs and videos. So he appeared before scientists for research. The story of a small alien creature swept across the Earth. And soon based real events that occurred in the Kyshtym region, the film "Extraterrestrial" was shot.

Was it a boy?

Vladimir Bendlin was very interested in this creature and tried to investigate. To begin with, he took the mummified body to the pathologist and gynecologist for examination. Doctors, having examined the corpse, came to the conclusion that the mummy is not a human embryo or a miscarriage. Kyshtym dwarf had proportions corresponding to the folded adult organism. In children, the head is much larger in comparison with the size of the body. In addition, the mummy completely lacked a navel: in its place was a smooth, even surface of the skin. Therefore, the doctors concluded that this creature has no human origin.

However, the investigator could not stop without knowing exactly what kind of creature it was and where it came from on Earth. For a more accurate answer to his questions, an expensive DNA examination was needed. But, unfortunately, at that time it was not possible to conduct this study. And then Bendlin decided to turn to ufologists. Having handed over Aleshenka to them, he called for a long time and tried to find out how things were going with the study of the mummy. Soon he was informed that the corpse had disappeared without a trace, and no one knows how this happened. They put forward the version that he was taken by a UFO.

Gene mutation version

Unknown sources report that a DNA examination was nevertheless carried out. According to the results of this study, it became known that Aleshenka, the Kyshtym dwarf (whose photo you can see in the article), is actually a mutated human embryo. As it turned out, only female chromosomes are present in its DNA. And this means that Alyoshenka is not a boy at all, but a girl. The fact that this creature is significantly different from humans, scientists attributed to radiation, which is increased in the area where it was found. The cause of radiation contamination was the Chelyabinsk accident, which happened in 1957. Therefore, experts do not deny the possibility of a gene mutation that the Kyshtym dwarf could have suffered.

Aleshenka in the "Battle of Psychics"

“The Secret of the Kyshtym Dwarf” - this was the theme in the 9th episode of the 15th season famous TV show on the TNT channel. Psychics had to, standing with their backs to the screen, talk about what is shown on the film. They were shown the investigative video material, in which close-up the mummy of Aleshenka was taken.

But even when the “battle” took place, the Kyshtym dwarf remained a mystery with many questions. Because the opinions of people psychic abilities divided. Someone said that it was a sick child, and someone suggested that it was a mutated corpse of an unborn man. But the most interesting versions were expressed the strongest psychics this season.

Tatyana Larina felt that a mystical film about something otherworldly was shot on the frames. When she saw the film, she said with confidence that it showed the skeleton of a small alien that her parents had forgotten on Earth. Julia Wang, on the other hand, saw the mummy and decided that it was a different form of life, not a person or an animal. She said that this creature does not have a soul and it came from another world through a portal. During the transition, Aleshenka received severe injuries that were incompatible with life.

According to psychics, the Kyshtym dwarf is not alone on our planet. In other states there are exactly the same creatures.

Indeed, Julia Wang turned out to be right: there are such creatures as Aleshenka in other countries. So, in Puerto Rico, a second such humanoid found its death. It happened almost 20 years ago.

A young man was walking at the foot of the mountains, looking for Indian antiquities, when he suddenly saw small creatures. They were about 30 centimeters high. One of them tried to make contact with the man by grabbing him by the trouser leg. The guy reacted to this action instantly - he grabbed a baton and killed the unfortunate with one blow. The rest of his gathering hid in the bushes. When the young man realized that in front of him was some very rare creature of unknown origin, he put the corpse in a container and filled it with alcohol. But the body did not stop decomposing, and then the guy turned to the professor, who transferred the dead creature to formalin.

From that day on, life young man turned into a nightmare. He woke up at night from strange and incomprehensible sounds, it seemed to him that someone was peeping through the windows and trying to get into his house. Unable to stand it, he turned to the police, and the body of the creature was handed over to the authorities.

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