Statement of a fairy tale to Chukovsky. Game - staging based on Chukovsky's fairy tales for children of the senior group of kindergarten


Svetlana Demidova

Target: Through theatrical play to develop Creative skills children.

Tasks: develop in children creative thinking, imagination, creativity.

Teach children to transform into roles, to improvise.

To develop in children the creative expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions, movements.

Enrich and expand vocabulary children;

Arouse interest in the work of K. I. Chukovsky;

Cultivate a sense of friendship and teamwork.

Suits: animal costumes (elephant, crocodile, hare, monkey, heron, pig, gazelles, kangaroo, rhinoceros, hippopotamus). Ticket costumes.

Scenery: box office, poster, table with two telephones, two armchairs, sofa; Africa (palms, mat); Forest (spruce, fern, mat); Swamp (mat, reeds, pillows with water lilies, frog); an armchair and a table for a pig, notes, a microphone; walrus on an ice floe; homemade Stuffed Toys animals - characters; Lifebuoy; a stand with collective children's work on the topics: "North", "Africa", "Swamp", "Forest", "Garden", "Sky"; stand with creative works children on the fairy tale "Telephone".

Music: audio recordings (Appendix No. 2)

Actors and performers: Ticket attendants, presenter, elephant, crocodile, 3 bunnies, 2 monkeys, 2 herons, pig, 2 gazelles, kangaroo, rhinoceros, hippopotamus - children middle group No. 2 "Fire is a bird" (18 people)

The course of the theatrical action

The teacher comes out

Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our holiday. Today the guys have prepared for you a performance based on the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “The Telephone”. Do you love fairy tales? Then, make yourself comfortable, we begin.


Music sounds (“Fairy tales walk around the world” (minus) E. Ptichkin.) All participants in the performance enter the hall to the music and sing a verse of the song (“ simple fairy tale"(minus) from m / f. "Plasticine crow" E. Uspensky, G. Gladkov)

"One simple tale,

Or maybe not a fairy tale

Or maybe not simple

We want to tell you.

We remember her from childhood

Or maybe not since childhood,

Or maybe we don't remember

But we will remember!

Children take out letters from behind their backs and show them to the audience, the word “PHONE” is formed from the letters.

After the performance of the song, the children go behind the screen.

The leader comes out and sits down at the table, on which there are 2 telephones.

Music sounds (John Powell Horton Suite from the movie "Horton"). The Elephant comes out to the music and goes to the table with the phone.

Leading:- My phone rang (the phone rings).

Who is speaking?

Elephant:- Elephant.

Leading:- Where?

Elephant:- From a camel.

Leading:- What do you need?

Elephant:- Chocolate.

Leading:- For whom?

Elephant:- For my son.

Leading:- How much to send?

Elephant:- Yes, five or six pounds that way:

He won't eat anymore

He's still small!

The elephant hangs up the phone and goes to Africa to the music (John Powell Horton Suit from the movie "Horton").

Music (tam-toms) sounds. Crocodile comes out to the music.

Leading:- And then the crocodile called (the phone rings)

And with tears he asked:

Crocodile:- My dear, good,

Send me galoshes

And me, and my wife, and Totosha.

Leading:- Wait, aren't you

Last week

I sent two pairs

Excellent galoshes?

Leading:- Oh, those that you sent

Last week,

We have already eaten

And wait, don't wait

When will you send again

For our dinner, a dozen

New and sweet galoshes!

The crocodile hangs up the phone and goes to Africa to the music (tam-toms). Music sounds (“Kind Beetle” (minus) from the movie “Cinderella”). Bunnies jump out to the music.

After jumping around the hall, they approach the phone.

Leading:- And then the hares called: (the phone rings).

Hares: Can you send gloves?

To the music (“Good Beetle” (minus) from the movie “Cinderella”), the Bunnies jumped into the Forest.

Music sounds (“Chunga-Changa” Spanish Pierre Narcisse and Zhanna Friske)

The Monkeys run out to the music, dance, and then approach the table with the phone.

Leading:- And then the monkeys called: (the phone rings).

Monkeys:- Send me some books, please!

To the music (“Chunga-Changa” by Pierre Narcisse and Zhanna Friske), the Monkeys run away to Africa.

Music sounds (music from the m / f. "Masha and the Bear"). Bear comes out to the music and goes to the table with the phone.

Leading:- And then the bear called (the phone rings)

Yes, as he began, as he began to roar.

Bear: Roaring into the phone...

Leading:- Wait, bear, don't cry,

Explain what you want?

But he is only “mu” yes “mu”,

And why, why - I do not understand!

Please hang up the phone!

The bear hangs up the phone and to the music (music from the film "Masha and the Bear") goes into the Forest. (Children's song "Kashalot" (minus) R. Pauls) Herons come out to the music and come to the table with the phone.

Leading:- BUT

Music sounds then the herons called. (phone rings)

Herons:- Please send drops:

We have eaten frogs today,

And our stomachs hurt!

Herons hang up the phone and to the music (children's song "Kashalot" (minus) R. Pauls) go to the Swamp.

Music sounds (song "My Nightingale, Nightingale" A. Alyabyev, A. Delvig)

The Pig comes out to the music.

Leading:- And then the pig called. (Phone rings)

Pig:- Could you send a nightingale?

Today we are together with the nightingale

Let's sing a wonderful song.

Leading:- No no! Nightingale

Doesn't sing for pigs!

Call a better crow!

To the music (song "My nightingale, nightingale" A. Alyabyev, A. Delvig)

The pig hangs up the phone, goes and sits in a chair.

Music sounds (music from the m / f. "Masha and the Bear") To the music, the Bear comes out of the Forest, approaches the walrus (a toy, shakes his head and goes to the table with the phone.

Leading: - And again the bear. (The phone rings.)

Bear:- Oh, save the walrus!

Yesterday he swallowed a sea urchin!

The bear hangs up the phone and goes to the Forest to the music (music from the m / f. "Masha and the Bear").

Leading:- And such rubbish

All day:

Ding de laziness

Ding de laziness

Ding de laziness

The seal will call, then the deer.

And recently, two gazelles ...

Music sounds (Children's song "Pony" (minus) by T. and S. Nikitin) Gazelles jump out to the music, jump around the stage, and then come up to the table with the phone.

Leading:- They called and sang: (The phone rings)

Gazelle 1:- Really


Have all the carousels burned down?

Leading:- Oh, are you in your mind, gazelles?

Carousels didn't burn

And the swing survived!

You wouldn’t rumble, gazelles,

And next week

Would jump and sit

On the swings!

But they did not listen to the gazelles

And still roared:

Gazelle 2:- Really


Are all the swings on fire?

Leading:- What stupid gazelles!

The gazelles hang up the phone and to the music (Children's song "Pony" (minus) by T. and S. Nikitin) run away to Africa.

Music sounds (song "Sing, Vasya" (minus) G. Gladkov). Kangaroo jumps out to the music, jumps around the stage, and then goes to the table with the phone.

Leading:- And yesterday in the morning a kangaroo. (The phone rings.)

Kangaroo:- Isn't this Moidodyr's apartment?

Leading:- I was angry, but how to yell:

Not! This is a different apartment!

Kangaroo:- Where is Moidodyr?

Leading:- I can't tell you...

Call the number

One hundred twenty five.

The kangaroo hangs up the phone and jumps to Africa to the music (song "Sing, Vasya" (minus) by G. Gladkov).

Leading: I haven't slept for three nights, I'm tired...

Stretching, the leader lies down on the sofa.

Leading:- I would like to sleep, rest ...

Music sounds (Children's song "Rhinoceros" (minus). Rhinoceros runs out to the stage to the music, runs around the stage, runs up to the swamp where the Hippo got stuck, shakes his head, and then runs up to the phone.

Leading:- But as soon as I lay down - a call! (The phone rings) The host gets up from the couch, goes to the phone and picks up the phone.

Leading:– Who is speaking?

Rhinoceros:- Rhino.

Leading:- What?

Rhinoceros:- Trouble! Trouble!

Run here quickly!

Leading:- What's the matter?

Rhinoceros:- Save!

Leading:- Whom?

Rhinoceros:- Behemoth!

Our hippo fell into the swamp...

Leading:- Fallen into the swamp!

Rhinoceros:- Yes! And neither here nor there!

Oh if you don't come

He will drown, drown in the swamp,

The Behemoth dies, the Behemoth dies!

Leading:- Okay! I'm running! I'm running!

If I can, I will help!

Rhino hangs up the phone. Music sounds (Children's song "Rhino" (minus).

The host takes a life buoy and, together with the Rhino, go around the Forest, Africa, collect all the animals and all together approach the swamp.

Behemoth sits in a swamp. All the animals stand around the Behemoth and shrug their shoulders in bewilderment and shake their heads, not knowing what to do. The host throws a life buoy on the Hippopotamus, all animals to the music (Russian folk song"Dubinushka") begin to drag him out of the swamp. After the Behemoth was pulled out of the swamp, the animals, wiping sweat from their foreheads, say in unison:

Beasts:- Oh! This is not an easy job:

Drag Behemoth out of the swamp!

Music sounds (Music from the movie "Mustache nannies"). To the music, all the artists come forward and stand in front of the audience.

Child 1:- Girls and boys!

Always read books.

Always love books

Girls and boys!

Child 2:- We are Chukovsky's fairy tales

We love and know.

We enjoy reading these stories.

To make our life more fun

came up with them

Chorus: Grandpa Roots!

The artists bow and to the music, (Music from the movie "Mustached Nanny") go behind the screen.

Loud applause from the audience!

Attachment 1

Audio recordings

"Tales walk around the world" (minus) E. Ptichkin

"A Simple Fairy Tale" (minus) from the m / f "Plasticine Crow" E. Uspensky, G. Gladkov

Horton Suite from m / f "Horton" John Powell

Children's song "Good beetle" (minus) from the movie "Cinderella"

Children's song "Chunga - Changa" Spanish. Pierre Narcisse, Zhanna Friske

Music from m / f “Masha and the Bear. About jam"

Children's song "Kashalot" (minus) R. Pauls

Russian song "My Nightingale, Nightingale" A. Alyabyev, A. Delvig

Children's song "Pony" (minus) by T. and S. Nikitin

Children's song "Sing, Vasya" (minus) G. Gladkov

Children's song "Rhino"

Russian folk song "Dubinushka"

Music from the movie "Mustached Nyan"

(For older children preschool age)


  • Formation in children of an emotional attitude to the works of K.I. Chukovsky;
  • Introduction to moral culture;
  • Development of creative abilities in preschoolers;

Equipment: character costumes: Fedora, Aibolit, Jackal, Moidodyr.

(Children with the leader to the music of Y. Levitin “Exit of the moidrodyr”)

Host: Hello dear children and adults. Today we have a holiday dedicated to the work of our beloved and dear writer, a meeting with the heroes of our favorite books K.I. Chukovsky.

Children, do you like the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky?

Host: What fairy tales do you know???

Children: "Moydodyr", "Fly-Tsokotuha", "Cockroach", "Fedorino grief", "Barmaley", "Telephone", "Stolen Sun", "Confusion", "Doctor Aibolit", "Crocodile".

Host: Do you want to go on a journey through the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky?

Children: Yes, we do.

Host: Today we will go on an amazing journey through the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. You have to overcome many trials, and if you cope with most of them, you will be able to receive an award at the end of the journey as "Expert on Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky's fairy tales." Do you agree? Then go. First, we will sail on a ship, and Gleb will be the captain of our ship.

(The host chooses the captain (child), puts him at the helm.)

Captain: Full speed ahead!

(The soundtrack “the sound of the sea” sounds. Children read poetry, performing movements.)

Ⅰ child:

Seagulls circling over the waves

Let's follow them together.

Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf,

And over the sea we are with you.

Ⅱ child:

We are now sailing on the sea

And frolic in space!

More fun rake

And chase the dolphins!

(Children make alternate swimming movements with their hands: turns to the right, sipping, arms forward.)

Ⅲ child:

How nice it is to swim in the sea,

Beach on the left, beach on the right!

Sea, sea ahead

Above the bridge, look!

Ⅳ child:

To swim faster

We need to row faster!

We work with our hands

Who will follow us?

(Children make the “rowing” movement.)

Leading: Therefore, we will get there by boat.

Relay "Boats (boats)" (dishes and Fedora runs backstage to change clothes)

Two teams line up. The child takes a picture of the boat, and runs to a certain line, then runs back and passes the boat next participant. The leader reports on whose team completed the task faster. Children sit on chairs.

Host: Children, sit on the chairs. And what fairy tale we got into, we will now find out with you.

(Cheerful music sounds, “Fedora's Exit.”)

Hello honest people!

I don't like peace.

Though I am old and weak,

But young at heart.

I don't like to clean

I would like to sing, joke, dance!

Why is it so sad all around

Is the house boring, dusty, empty?

(Music sounds, “Funny exercise” by T. Suvorova. Fedora runs for “dishes”) (Fedora sits on a chair tired.)

The sieve jumps across the fields,

And a trough in the meadows,

Behind the shovel broom

Walked down the street.

What? Why?

I don't understand anything?

This is a fairy tale about

How the miracle happened

Run away from Fedora

Dirty dishes.

Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

Come back home!

Hey you stupid cymbals

What are you jumping like squirrels?

Better get lost in the field

Let's not go to Fedora!

Host: But the kettle whispered to the iron:

Host: And the saucers cried:

Saucers: Wouldn't it be better to come back?

Frying pan:

Look who's toiling there?

Sitting, crying, sad?

Crockery (children in chorus):

Yes, it's on the fence.

Our hostess is Fedora!

But a miracle happened to her

Fedor became kinder.

Oh, you, my poor orphans,

My irons and frying pans,

You go home unwashed,

I will wash you with water!

I won't!

I won't!

I offend the dishes

I will, I will do the dishes

And love and respect

Pots laughed

The samovar winked.

Well, Fedora, so be it,

We are glad to forgive you!

And saucers rejoiced



And dance and laugh



(Dishes and Fyodor perform the samovar dance “Oh, you canopy ...”.)

Well, it's time to say goodbye

You had fun.


Good time!

(Fedora says goodbye and leaves backstage with the dishes.)

(Doctor Aibolit and the jackal leave to change clothes.)

Let's fly - we're on an airplane.

(Soundtrack "Airplane noise" sounds.)

(Aibolit sits under a tree and sits.)

Host: Here we are. Let's see what kind of a fairy tale is this?

(The child comes out and reads.)

Good Doctor Aibolit,

He sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment.

Both the cow and the wolf

And a bug, and a worm,

And a bear.

Heal everyone, heal

Good doctor Aibolit.

Suddenly from somewhere a jackal

Rode on a mare.

(A phonogram sounds, “A horse is galloping.”)

Here is a telegram for you

From a hippo.

(Aibolit reads the telegram.)

Come doctor

To Africa soon

And save me doctor

Our babies!

What? Really?

Are your kids sick?

Yes Yes Yes! They have angina

scarlet fever, cholera,

diphtheria, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis.

Come soon

Good Doctor Aibolit!

(The jackal leaves on a horse, Aibolit takes a suitcase and walks along a palm tree and begins to treat the animals.)

Leading: And all the kids are happy and happy.

I arrived! I arrived! Hooray! Hooray! (Children in chorus.)

Ten nights Aibolit

He doesn't eat, drink or sleep.

ten nights in a row

He heals the unfortunate animals.

And puts, and puts them thermometers.

Guys, let's help the little animals get to the aibolite.

Relay "Carry the animal to the cone and go around it."

So he cured them

Here he cured the sick,

And they went laughing

And dance and play!

(Children take colorful sultans and dance with Kukarella-sha-la-la-la.)

Children: (in chorus)

Glory! Glory to Aibolit!

Glory to good doctors!

(A phonogram sounds, “Train”) a dirty boy runs out to the music of “Dirty” at the choice of the music director.


The blanket ran away

The sheet has flown

And a pillow like a frog

Ran away from me.

I'm for a candle, a cut in the stove.

I'm for a book, she run

And skipping - under the bed.

I want to drink tea

I run to the samovar,

But pot-bellied from me

Run away like fire!

Child: (runs out)

God, God, what happened?

Why is it all around

twirled, twirled

And rushed somersault.

Suddenly out of my mother's bedroom

Bow-legged and lame

Washbasin runs out

And shakes his head.

(To the music of Y. Levitin "Exit of Moidodyr")


Oh you ugly, oh you dirty

Unwashed pig!

You're blacker than a chimney sweep

Love yourself.

You have wax on your neck

You have a blob on your nose,

You have such hands

That even trousers ran away

Even trousers, even trousers ran away from you!

Early in the morning at dawn

The mice are washing

Both kittens and ducklings

And bugs and spiders.


You alone did not wash

And remained dirty

And ran away from dirty

And stockings and boots.


And now brushes, brushes

They crackled like rattles

And let me rub, sentence.

My, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

Will be, will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!


Here the soap jumped (soap comes out)

And clung to the hair

And wilted, and lathered,

And bit like a wasp.


Long live scented soap,

And a fluffy towel

And tooth powder

And thick scallop.

Let's wash, splash,

Swim, dive, tumble.

In a tub, in a trough, in a tub,

In the river, in the stream, in the ocean.

And in the bath, and in the bath, always and everywhere!

Children: (in chorus.) Eternal glory to the water!

(Music at the choice of the music director sounds, the characters leave).

Host: So our journey through the fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky has come to an end. You know very well the fairy tales and poems of this wonderful author. This is where our journey comes to an end. Look, the native coast is already visible in the distance. Finally, I wish all of us to visit Peredelkino, the Chukovsky Museum. There you will learn more about it. amazing person, visit his amazing house, where you can sit on a crocodile, see the "barking cup", Moidodyr, the very phone that the Elephant called and many other interesting things. And don't forget to take with you old shoes-boots, from which you have already grown, as there really is a Wonder Tree at the gate. And for participating in such a wonderful holiday, you guys get medals “Connoisseur of fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky”, and children who participated in the drawing competition of Uncle Korney's fairy tales receive certificates for participation.


Development of children's speech skills through theatrical activities.

In a playful way, recall, repeat and consolidate the content of the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky.


To consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky, to show the children wonderful world fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky, their wisdom and beauty.

To inspire in children the joy of meeting loved ones fairy tale characters to learn to understand the humor of his works.

Improve dialogical speech, intonation expressiveness.

To develop memory, attention, the ability to expressively, emotionally read poetry, works.

To cultivate faith in goodness, friendship and love, in triumph over evil, to participate in literary dramatization.

Material: costumes - fox, dog, aibolit, butterfly, bee, grandmother, moidodyr; hats - a cat, a mouse, a bear, a crocodile, a grasshopper, an ant, a cockroach, an elephant, a jackal, a rolling pin, a cup, irons, a sparrow, the sun, a hare, monkeys; a toy - a hare, an ax, a stove, dishes, a samovar, a washcloth, a jar of honey, jam, money, 2 telephones, an envelope, a flashlight, 2 tables, firewood, a stump, a house.

(children enter the hall to the music)

Presenter: Hello guys, dear guests!

For the holiday to turn out, all the guys need to know:

You can stomp, have fun, dance and laugh!

And you can clap your hands, you can jump and jump.

Pamper? No, it's not worth it! And no need to talk in vain!

We'll clap, we'll stomp! We'll jump! And we will dance!

Raise the handles higher, higher, higher to the sky.

And shake a little - you get a whole forest!

And now let's sit down together, hide not Dasha ....

Adults will say: - wait! Where is our kids?

Presenter: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Would you like to go with us to fabulous journey based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky? Or maybe you know what fairy tales K.I. Chukovsky wrote?

enters to the music of Barmaley:

"I am bloodthirsty, I am merciless, I am the evil robber Barmaley!

And I don’t need any marmalade or chocolate, but only small children!”

Barmaley: How beautiful, elegant, joyful you are, where are you going?

presenter: We are going on a journey through the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky.

Barmaley: I won’t let you into a fairy tale until you guess my riddles!

  • bears rode on a bicycle, followed by a cat backwards:

and behind him mosquitoes in a balloon,

and behind them crayfish on a lame dog (cockroach)

  • the sun walked in the sky and ran away behind a cloud,

Hare looked out the window, it became dark for Hare (stolen sun)

  • and the chanterelles took matches, went to the blue sea, lit the blue sea,

the sea is on fire, a whale ran out of the sea (confusion)

  • cockroaches came running, they drank all the glasses,

and insects in three cups, with milk and a pretzel (fly - tsokotuha)

  • and then the herons called: - please send drops:

we ate too many frogs today, and our stomachs ached! (telephone)

  • the blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, and the pillow, like a frog. jumped away from me (moydodyr)
  • kittens mewed: "We're tired of meowing! We want to grunt like piglets! (confusion)
  • and nearby hippos clutching their tummies: they, hippos, have tummies aching (aibolit)

Presenter: Dear, kind Barmaley, let us pass quickly.

Barmaley: Well guys, well done! All riddles solved.

I will, I will be better! I'll bake pies and pretzels for the children!

I will give out pies for free, treat the kids with krendles, rolls.

Lovely children in a fairy tale skip!

Well, it's time for me. goodbye friends!

Presenter: Thank you. Barmaley! And we are going on a fabulous journey. K.I. Chukovsky wrote not only fairy tales. but very interesting, funny, unusual poems. In one poem by K.I. Chukovsky there are incomprehensible words. this poem is called "Kotausi and Mausi"

Dramatization of the poem "Kotausi and Mausi"

Reader: Lived - there was a mouse Mausi (a mouse runs out)

And suddenly she saw Kotausi.

Kotausi has evil eyes, and evil - evil teeth (the cat shows its claws, gets up, creeps up to the mouse)

Kotausi ran up to Mausi and waved his tail:

Kotausi: Ah, Mousey, Mousey, Mousey.

Come to me, dear, Mausi,

I will sing you a song. Mousey, wonderful song, Mousey!

Reader: But clever Mousey answered:

Mousey: You can't fool me, Kotausi!

I see your evil eyes and evil - evil teeth!

Reader: That's what smart Mousey said. and rather run from Katausi! (runs away from the cat)

Dramatization of the poem "A fly in the bath"

Presenter: There lived a fly in the world and she decided one day to take a bath.

Reader: A fly flew into the bathhouse, wanted to take a steam bath (a fly flies)

The cockroach chopped firewood, flooded the bathhouse for the fly (chopping firewood, drowning the bathhouse)

And the shaggy bee brought her a washcloth (a bee arrives with a washcloth)

The fly washed, the fly washed. the fly was steamed (washed)

Yes, fell down, rolled, and hit (falls)

Rib dislocated, shoulder twisted.

"Hey, goosebump - ant, call -ka healers!"

Grasshoppers came and gave the fly drops to drink.

The fly became, as it was, good and cheerful.

And rushed again along the street to fly (flies away)

Presenter: Good Doctor Aibolit! (doctor enters)

He sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And a cow. and wolves, and a bug, and a worm and a bear!

Heal everyone, heal kind doctor Aibolit!

And the fox came to Aibolit.

Fox:"Oh, I got bitten by a wasp!" (doctor treats the fox) Thank you, Aibolit! (leaves)

Presenter: And the watchdog came to Aibolit:

Watchdog:"A chicken pecked on my nose!" (treats watchdog). Thank you, Aibolit! (leaves)

Presenter: And the hare came running and screamed (the hare comes running)

Bunny: Hey, hey! My bunny, my boy got hit by a tram!

He ran down the path, and his legs were cut.

And now he is sick and lame, my little hare!

Presenter: And Aibolit said:

Aibolit:"It doesn't matter! Bring it here!" (heals a bunny)

I will sew him new legs, he will run along the path again!

Bunny:"Well, thank you, Aibolit!" (runs away)

Presenter: Suddenly, from somewhere, a jackal galloped on a kabyl:

Jackal:"Here's a telegram from Hippo! Come, doctor, to Africa as soon as possible.

And save, doctor, our babies!"

Aibolit:"What is it? Are your children sick?"

Scale:"Yes - yes - yes! They have a sore throat. Scarlet fever, cholera, diphtheria, appendicitis, malaria and bronchitis!"

Come soon, good doctor Aibolit!"

Aibolit: "Okay, okay, I'll run, I'll help your children!"

presenter: An old woman - a dirty woman lived in a hut, did not wash pots, did not chalk the floors (Fedora enters)

Fedora: "Oh, you, my poor orphans. My irons and pans!

You go home, unwashed, I will wash you with the key water.

I will clean you with sand, I will douse you with boiling water,

And you will again, like the sun, shine,

And I will bring out the filthy cockroaches, I will raise the Prussians and spiders!

presenter: And the rolling pin said:

rolling pin: "I feel sorry for Fedor."

presenter: And the cup said:

A cup: "Oh, she's a poor thing!"

presenter: And the irons said:

irons: "We are not Fedor's enemies!"

Fedora: "I won't, I won't offend the dishes,

I will, I will cook dishes, and love, and respect!" (hugs, leaves).

presenter: Suddenly from my mother's bedroom, bow-legged and lame,

Washbasin runs out and shakes his head (dirty boy runs out)

Moidodyr: "Oh, you ugly, oh, you dirty, unwashed pig!

You are blacker than a chimney sweep, admire yourself:

You have a wax on your neck, you have a blot under your nose,

You have such hands that even your trousers have fled,

Even trousers, even trousers ran away from you.

I am the great Washbasin, the famous Moidodyr,

Washbasin chief and washcloths commander!

Presenter: He hit the copper basin and cried out:

Moidodyr: "Kara - baras!" (includes crocodile)

Crocodile: "Go away - go home, but wash your face,

And not how I will lay down, trample and swallow!

presenter: It is necessary, it is necessary to wash in the mornings and evenings.

And shame and disgrace to not clean chimney sweeps! (leave)

presenter: Fly, Fly - Tsokotuha, gilded belly (fly arrives)

The fly went across the field, the fly found the money.

The fly went to the market and bought a samovar!

Fly:"Come, guests, I'll treat you to tea!"

Presenter: A grandmother came to the fly - a bee. Fly - Tsokotukha brought honey!

Fly: Butterfly is beautiful, eat jam or do you not like our treat?

presenter: Suddenly some old spider (spider runs out)

They dragged our fly into a corner.

Wants to kill the poor, destroy Tsokotukha!

Fly: "Dear guests, help! Kill the spider - the villain!

And I fed you, and I watered you,

Leave me not in my last hour!"

presenter: Suddenly, a small mosquito flies from somewhere,

And in his hand is a small flashlight.

Mosquito: "Where is the killer? Where is the villain? I'm not afraid of his claws!"

presenter: He flies up to the spider, takes out his saber, and cuts off his head at full gallop!

He takes the fly by the hand and leads him to the window.

Mosquito: "I killed the villain, I freed you.

And now, my soul is a girl, I want to marry you! (fly away)

Elephant: Chocolate

Elephant: Yes, five or six pounds that way: he can’t eat more, he’s still small with me!

presenter: And then the crocodile called and asked with tears:

Crocodile: My dear, good, send me galoshes, and me, and my wife, and Totosha.

I sent two pairs of excellent galoshes?

Crocodile: Ah, the ones you sent last week,

We have already eaten for a long time and are waiting, we will not wait,

When will you send a dozen new and sweet galoshes to our dinner again!

presenter: And then the hares called:

hare: Is it possible to send gloves?

presenter: And then the monkeys called:

Monkeys: Send, please, books!

presenter: Darkness has come, do not go outside the gate:

Whoever got on the street got lost and disappeared.

Crying gray sparrow!

Sparrow: "Come out, sun, hurry!"

It’s a shame for us without the sun - we can’t see a grain in the field!

presenter: Then the hare came out and said to the bear:

hare: "It's a shame for the old to roar - you are not a hare, but a bear.

You go - ka, clubfoot, scratch the crocodile,

Tear it apart, tear the sun out of its mouth!"

presenter: The bear came up quietly, pushed him lightly

Bear: "I tell you, villain, spit out the sun soon!

Otherwise, look, I'll catch it, I'll break it in half.

You, ignoramus, will steal our sun!"

presenter: But the unscrupulous laughs, so that the tree shakes!

Crocodile: "If I only want to, and I will swallow the moon!"

presenter: "The bear could not stand it, the bear roared,

And on evil enemy a bear flew.

Already he crushed it and broke it!

Bear: "Give here our sun!"

presenter: The crocodile was frightened, yelled, wailed.

And from the mouth of the toothy sun fell out, rolled out into the sky!

All: "Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky!"

presenter: Fairy tales began to have fun and dance on the lawn, joyfully meet the sun!

Dance: " colorful game" (everyone is dancing)

presenter: And our journey through the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky has come to an end. Thank you all for your attention, thank you very much!

Scenario of the holiday "Visiting a fairy tale", dedicated to the works of K.I. Chukovsky

Design: On the stage, a silhouette of a tree was made from a large sheet of paper, on which drawings depicting objects based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky (samovar, candle, thermometer, shovel, socks, washcloth, telephone) hang. There are children's toys in front of the stage. There are two on the stage balloons with the letters "K" and "H". An exhibition of books by K. I. Chukovsky and children's drawings based on his works was arranged. Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky, exhibition of children's drawings for the works of K.I. Chukovsky, an exhibition of books "The Miracle Tree", a poster "Chukovsky's talent is inexhaustible, smart, brilliant, cheerful, festive."

Progress of an extracurricular activity

Dear guys, guests! We invite you to the Literary Lounge, dedicated to creativity Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky - storyteller, critic, translator.

We feel sorry for grandfather Korney:

Compared to us, he lagged behind,

Since in childhood "Barmaley"

And "Crocodile" did not read,

Did not admire the "Telephone"

And I didn’t delve into the “Cockroach”.

How did he grow up to be such a scientist,

Not knowing the most important books?

Presenter: Here is a playful poem dedicated to Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky by the poet Valentin Berestov.

High growth, Long hands with big brushes large features faces, a large curious nose, a brush mustache, a naughty strand of hair hanging over the forehead, laughing bright eyes and a surprisingly easy gait. Such is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Korney Ivanovich lived in one of the most beautiful corners of the Moscow region, in the village of Peredelkino, among birches and pines, in a small house. He was known not only by all the children of the village, but also by all the small inhabitants of our country and abroad. He seemed like a giant to them, to these little two-to-five friends of his, a real good magician from a fairytale.

There are many fairy tales in the world

sad and funny

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.

Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead.

A fairy tale is knocking at the door to us,

Let's say a fairy tale: "come in"!

Chukovsky was often a guest at the school where his children studied, prepared performances, invited his literary friends to perform in front of the children.

Now we will also see a staging of a fairy tale ...... ... Staging

Host: Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by chance. And it turned out like this. His little son got sick. Korney Ivanovich was taking him on the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to tell him a fairy tale: "There once was a crocodile, he walked along the Nevsky." The boy suddenly fell silent and began to listen. The next morning, waking up, he asked his father to tell him yesterday's tale again. It turned out that he remembered it all, word for word. And here is the second case. Here is how Korney Ivanovich himself recalls this: “Once, while working in my office, I heard a loud cry. It was my cry youngest daughter. She roared into three streams, violently expressing her unwillingness to wash. I left the office, took the girl in my arms and, quite unexpectedly for myself, said quietly:

Gotta, gotta wash

Mornings and evenings.

And unclean chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

This is how “Moydodyr” was born.

Pies and pancakes

And dried mushrooms. ("Confusion")

poor crocodile

Toad swallowed. ("Cockroach")

Suddenly towards my good,

My favorite crocodile.

He is with Totosha and Kokosha

Walking along the alley ... ("Moydodyr")

Host: Korney Ivanovich said: “I often had bursts of joy and fun. You walk down the street and senselessly rejoice at everything you see: trams, sparrows. Ready to kiss everyone you meet. One such day K.I. Chukovsky especially remembered - August 29, 1923: “Feeling like a person who can work miracles, I did not run, but took off, as if on wings, into our apartment. Grabbing some dusty piece of paper, finding a pencil with difficulty, he began to write a merry poem about Mukhina's wedding, and felt like a groom at this wedding. There are two holidays in this tale: name day and wedding. I wholeheartedly celebrated both."

The guys stage an excerpt from the fairy tale "Fly-sokotuha".

Host: Chukovsky recalled:

“And once inspiration came to me in the Caucasus, while swimming in the sea. I swam quite far, and suddenly, under the influence of the sun, the wind and the Black Sea waves, the verses formed by themselves:

Oh if I drown

If I go to the bottom, etc.

I ran naked along the rocky shore and, hiding behind the nearest rock, began to write down verses with wet hands on a wet cigarette box, lying right there, by the very wave. I immediately wrote 20 lines. The fairy tale had neither beginning nor end ”

The guys stage an excerpt from the fairy tale "Aibolit".

What word did Aibolit repeat on the way to Africa?

And Aibolit got up, Aibolit ran.
He runs through the fields, but through the forests, through the meadows.
And only one word repeats Aibolit:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

Host: Many more times we will meet Chukovsky's works. We will get acquainted with his memories of the writer Boris Zhitkov, with whom he studied in the same class, we will get acquainted with Chukovsky the translator. He translated from English The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Little Rag, The Prince and the Pauper, Rikki-Tiki-Tavi, and many others.

Host: Once Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky recorded a lyrical confession:

I never knew it was so joyful to be an old man

Whatever the day - my thoughts are kinder and brighter.

Near dear Pushkin, here, on the autumn Tverskoy,

With farewell greed I look at the children for a long time.

I. tired, old, amuses me

Their endless running and fuss.

Yes, why would we live on this planet,

In the cycle of bloody centuries,

If not for them, not for these

Big-eyed, sonorous children...

Host: This is how grandfather Chukovsky remains in the memory of generations. Irakli Andronikov wrote: “Chukovsky's talent is inexhaustible, intelligent, brilliant, cheerful, festive. Never part with such a writer for the rest of your life.”

Viewing a fragment of a film about K.I. Chukovsky

Quiz for older children

Game - staging based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky for children of senior preschool age

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, educator of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Purpose: This material may be useful to educators preschool institutions when familiarizing older preschoolers with the work of the storyteller Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.
Target: Continue to acquaint children with the work of K.I. Chukovsky.
- Develop intonation expressiveness of speech
- Cultivate love for fiction, especially to fairy tales, to interest children in reading fairy tales.
Preliminary work: Reading and listening to fairy tales on disks, looking at illustrations, organizing an exhibition of books by K.I. Chukovsky, presentation, artistic creativity on this topic.
Materials and equipment: costume and attributes for staging a fairy tale.
Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky.
Exhibition of books by K.I. Chukovsky.
Exhibition of drawings based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky.

Event progress:

Educator: Guys, hello. Sit comfortably, prepare your ears to listen carefully and clearly and quickly answer questions.
(Knock on the door)
Educator: Someone is knocking on our door, let's see who it is who has come to us. Opens the door. The guys are our guests, what a beautiful guest - a fairy tale has come to us.

Story: Hello guys. I was passing by here, I heard that you have a fairy tale holiday here, I decided to visit you. Let's go on a journey, and our journey will not be easy. Listen to the titles of the pieces; "Telephone", "Doctor Aibolit", "The Stolen Sun", "Confusion", "Fedorino Woe" and tell me who wrote these works? A little hint for you is a photo. Look carefully.

Children's answers: Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.
Educator: Guys, do you know the real name of Korney Chukovsky.
Answers: Nikolay Ivanovich Korneichukov.
Educator: That's right, and today we will go on a trip to magical works this wonderful writer. Listen and respond.
Answer the questions:
- Why did the tummies of the poor herons hurt? (They ate too many frogs)
- In which fairy tale is everything mixed up? (Confusion)
-What did the crocodile ask for in the fairy tale "Telephone"? (galoshes)
- The mosquito's weapon in the fairy tale "Fly - Tsokotuha"? (Saber)
- What did the Fly - Tsokotukha treat the grandmother bee to? (Jam)

Educator: Next task: "Continue the phrase":
“Bears rode - ... on a bicycle”
“The blanket ran away - ... the sheet flew away”
“And now the brushes, brushes - ... crackled like rattles”
“A sieve jumps through the fields - ... and a trough through the meadows”
“It’s a shame for the old to roar - you are not a hare, but ... a bear”

Educator: And now guys, attention to the screen. I show you pictures, and you name the work. Begin…

Answer: Moidodyr.

Answer: Fly Tsokotukha.

Answer: Aibolit.

Answer: Telephone.

Answer: Stolen sun.

Answer: Fedorino grief.
Educator: Well done, they remembered the fairy tales well. And now, I will read an excerpt from the fairy tale, and you continue.
Fly - fly ... (Tsokotuha)
Gilded ... (belly)
A fly across the field ... (went)
Fly money ... (found)
The fly went to ... (bazaar)
And I bought ... (samovar).
Who came to the Fly ... (fleas, grandmother bee)
Goodies. Did a great job and got the job done quickly. And now we will play. I suggest you stage the fairy tale “Fly - Tsokotuha”, and our guest will look. I have prepared costumes for you, dress and play.
Children put on costumes and play a skit.

Educator: Well done boys. Let's ask the fairy tale, how did she like it?
Story: Guys, you are smart. I really liked it, but I also came to you not empty-handed, but brought you small gifts - souvenirs, these are masks for staging many fairy tales. Look how beautiful they are. (Children dress up)

Story: Guys, thank you for the holiday that you gave me, but I have to go. I wish you good luck and love fairy tales and books.
Educator: Thanks Fairy. Well, we guys will play with you further.

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