Does a cat have its own chest. Nude Yana Koshkina: hot photos for the magazines "Maxim", "Playboy"


Modern beauty standards have become the reason that hobbies plastic surgery has become widespread. Few girls and women naturally get plump lips, but today this is easily solved by introducing hyaluronic fillers under the skin. As for the figure, the trend for voluminous hips and buttocks has replaced the fashion for lush breasts. However, not everyone believes that a large bust is no longer relevant. It was an outstanding part of the body that helped some media personalities to build a career. Many attributed Yana Koshkina to this category of celebrities, whose popularity has been growing rapidly in recent years.

Photos of Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery

As an actress, Yana made her debut at the age of 10 in the youth series OBZH, which was broadcast on television from 2000 to 2005. Teenage photos show that even then the lips of the actress looked expressive.

It should be noted that Yana was seriously engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and swimming. It is unlikely that she turned to specialists for waist correction, having such a sports past. You can not get past the fact that in the early pictures the actress has an average chest size, which bears little resemblance to the current forms.

Filming in episodic roles did not bring Yana much popularity, although her filmography is impressive: “Streets of Broken Lights-11”, “Interns”, “Youth”, “Cop in Law”, “Forester”, “Studio-17”, “UGRO. Simple Guys”, “Kitchen”, etc.

But even the main role in the series "Second Chance" did not bring her much success.

Most likely, the actress decided to change her appearance in order to attract the attention of directors and producers. And she didn't have to wait long.

How Yana Koshkina began to look after plastic surgery

Popularity came to Yana after the role of Snezhana in the TV series "CHOP" in 2015. On the TNT channel, the actress appeared in a new image: her breasts noticeably increased, her lips became plumper, her makeup, hairstyle and style in general changed.

In a short period of time, Koshkina managed to take the place of the host of the “Kings of Plywood” project and even won the title of “the sexiest presenter on Channel One”.

A little later, Yana starred in candid photoshoot for MAXIM magazine.

Immediately there were spiteful critics who accused the actress of exploiting the image of a seductress and owing her career to a wealthy patron. Yana herself treats such comments with irony, stating that she is already accustomed to stereotypes. But the model denies any plastic surgery. She claims that she got the fifth breast size by nature, and is proud of it, not embarrassed to emphasize the merits of a deep neckline.

But when comparing photographs from different times, there are big doubts that Yana is telling the truth. With such a physique, a magnificent bust looks somewhat disproportionate and unnatural. Therefore, with a high degree of probability, it can be argued that it could not have done without plastic surgery.

It is difficult to say about other operations. It is obvious that Koshkina enlarged her lips, as their contour became a little blurry, and the surface became perfectly smooth. Also, in some pictures, you can see that the lips have become slightly everted, which is one of the main signs of subcutaneous injections in this area.

A few months ago, the show "Kings of Plywood" started on Channel One. Despite the advertising, the charismatic presenter Pavel Priluchny and eminent guests, the project has not yet gained much popularity among the audience. And even the magnificent breasts of the co-host of the Major star Yana Koshkina could not raise the ratings of the program high.

Everything changed after Yana Koshkina got into the game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire". The girl did not even imagine that after her appearance in the intellectual show of Dmitry Dibrov, she would become a heroine latest news MASS MEDIA. And not even because of his intellect.

It should have happened that at that moment the TV was turned on by the Olympic judo champion Dmitry Nosov.

The athlete, seeing the busty Yana, did not inflame with a virtual passion for the beauty, but called her a transvestite, posting a scandalous post on his Twitter:

Yana Koshkina assures that she has natural breasts

Of course, Yana Koshkina was offended by Dmitry Nosov's statement, but in just a few days this story made her popular not only among fans of the "Kings of Plywood" but also in the vast expanses of Russian media. The journalists seemed to have just examined the TV star's magnificent breasts and lined up to interview the artist.

Everyone was interested in two main questions: what kind of breasts does Yana Koshkina have - natural or implants, and who promotes Yana Koshkina on television?

Talking about her magnificent breasts, Yana Koshkina said that nature had awarded her such a bust:

IN ordinary life I almost never wear a neckline, I try to cover everything. Even in summer, I dress in such a way that I don’t particularly provoke anyone, don’t excite anyone, don’t attract attention. But I definitely never had complexes because of the size of the bust. They can only occur in those who do not have breasts. And if you have already grown, then you should be proud of it!

The name of the patron of Yana Koshkina, thanks to which her career on television began, also became known. It turned out that the patronage of the curvy brunette was ... Alla Pugacheva's husband Maxim Galkin. Yana some time ago participated in the project of the humorist "MaximMaxim" and impressed him with her talents. Primadonna's husband decided to bring Koshkina with the right people, after which the beauty's career went up sharply.

Can't you take your eyes off Yana Koshkina's chest, too?

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Yana Koshkina became known to the general public after participating in the show "Kings of Plywood" and in the series "CHOP". On Channel One, she is called a new sex symbol, which is not surprising, because the girl has excellent external data.

Yana Koshkina before and after plastic surgery

Koshkina regularly adds new pictures to her Instagram page. Subscribers leave enthusiastic comments about her appearance, but many believe that the actress has changed significantly since she graduated. state academy theatrical art in St. Petersburg.

Yana Koshkina at the beginning of her career

This is what Yana Koshkina looked like before plastic surgery

Then she was blonde, had narrow eyebrows, did soft makeup. Now the girl is a spectacular busty brunette with noticeably enlarged lips.

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

Fans and journalists believe that such metamorphoses are associated with an appeal to a plastic surgeon. The girl inserted breast implants, tattooed her eyebrows, and enlarged her lips. Some are sure that it was not without rhinoplasty.

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

The actress herself vaguely answers questions about beauty injections and plastic surgery. Yana often wears dresses to parties and receptions that emphasize her curves.

Beauty secrets of Yana Koshkina

The actress often gives interviews to various publications about how she takes care of her appearance. She is actively involved in sports, paying special attention to gymnastics (in the past she was a master of sports).

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

However, Yana says that she sorely lacks time for long-term sports. She prefers to lead active image life, ignoring elevators, cars, making morning exercises. The girl tries to eat right, but because of busy schedule I don't always get to eat on time.

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

In addition, she loves chocolate and can never get past it. However, if she ate a large portion of dessert, then she would not eat anything else for the whole day. The actress advises to eat more greens, cereals and dairy products, which will energize and satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

The young actress, model and presenter believes that the path to beauty and perfection is regular physical exercise and moderate food intake. She does not talk about going to a plastic surgeon, but she can really be proud of her figure and face.

Yana Koshkina is a girl with a memorable appearance. The artist leads vigorous activity actresses and models. Yana zealously promotes healthy lifestyle life, plays a lot of sports and does not eat meat. Koshkina won interest in her person not only thanks to her acting skills, a huge share of attention went to the bright appearance beauties. But, looking at the early photos of the girl, we can conclude that Yana did not always have such parameters. In order to reach ideal forms she had to resort to the services of plastic surgeons.

Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery before and after photos: operations

New publications, photos and interviews continually stir up the interest of the viewer. Candid outfits of the model will shock even the most sophisticated public. Many people wonder if the girl always looked so amazing and what she had to change about herself.

Paying attention early photo Koshkina, we can conclude that for years younger than Jan had breasts of the third size. But, the actress decided to increase her parameters to the fifth, resorting to the services of plastic surgeons. The girl herself categorically refuses to recognize the help of doctors. If earlier the model had a taut, teardrop-shaped bust, now Koshkina's chest is heavy, tightly covered with skin and somewhat disproportionate to her figure.

Yana always had plump lips with a cute and interesting curve. To emphasize the image of the fatal beauty, Koshkina decided to work on this zone as well. Lipofilling of the lips came to the aid of her desire. The girl pumped her own fat into the area of ​​​​the lips, this significantly increased their volume.

Looking at the photos before and after the transformation, one cannot fail to notice a change in the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty made the nose smaller and more tidy. Yana denies the services of plastic surgeons, arguing that her beauty is the merit of mother nature, and not doctors. But the facts say otherwise, photos from two years ago show changes in this zone.

Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery before and after photos: experiments with appearance

Expressive cheekbones give Yana special sophistication. Presumably, the girl, in order to emphasize the relief of her face, the model called for the help of fillers, the site reports. Koshkina denies the correction of the cheekbones, attributing everything to the art of makeup. It is worth noting that even without cosmetics, this zone is clearly distinguished.

You can see that over time, the girl's eyebrows also underwent adjustments. Now Yana wears wide and thick, and years earlier she preferred a thin form.

Nature awarded Koshkina with light brown hair, but the actress wants to match the image of the fatal brunette. To do this, the model constantly tints her hair in a deep dark shade.

In order for her smile to be perfect, Yana inserted expensive veneers, which made it possible to change the shape of her teeth. Now the smile of a woman is simply gorgeous and flawless.

Young but already enough famous star popular series Yana Koshkina, surrounded by crowds of fans. The beauty is escorted by the admiring glances of men, full of envy- women. High growth, a magnificent body, the grace of a panther, a beautiful face allowed the girl to quickly make a film career, become a sought-after actress. She is filmed all the time: serials, sitcoms, feature films are busy all the time of a young TV star, but despite this, the sought-after actress is noticed at secular parties. Admiring the graceful girl, many reporters ask the question: how radically did she change her face with the help of plastic surgeons, compare pictures before and after plastic surgery.

Biography of Yana Koshkina

Yana Viktorovna - a native Petersburger was born on April 22, 1990. Actively engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming. The title of master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics allowed her to enter the Lesgaft Institute without exams, but the girl chose the acting path, enrolling after school at GITIS on the course of Arvid Zeland.

By the time she graduated from high school, the young student had several successful work. Multi-series projects "OBZH", "A word to a woman", "DamSovet. Office Chronicles" allowed the student to work with high-class professionals and in 2011, having received a diploma, she went to conquer the capital.

Actor career

attractive appearance, a good education, multiplied by the industriousness instilled in childhood, the ability to work, helped to quickly become a sought-after actress. Filmography rising star screen has almost 3 dozen sitcoms, serials. Among them are the popular "Interns", "Streets broken by lanterns", "Kitchen", "ChOP". Even episodic roles helped to grow professionally, gain confidence in own forces.

She worked with Ivan Yankovsky, Sergey Garmash, Ekaterina Vilkova, Svetlana Khodchenkova. Colleagues note that Yana is easy to work with. On the court, she is a kind, cheerful girl, but after the “motor” command, she transforms, becomes a collected, focused professional. Her career is on the rise, and the difference in appearance before and after the operation is noticed only by the ubiquitous paparazzi.

Appearance adjustment: if so, what kind?

Whether Mrs. Koshkina did plastic surgery or not, no one except herself has reliable information. Fans can only guess by comparing photos different years peering into the appearance of a prettier young woman.

From the point of view of professionals, the plasticity of the chest, lips, and a slight correction of the shape of the nose are noticeable. Whether intimate plastic- unknown, but for the rest of the points, see for yourself:

  • Children's wide nose "duck" (before plastic surgery) has become thinner, more correct.
  • Plump lips from birth last couple years added in size.
  • And finally, the part of the body that is most exciting male half audience: chest. It is noticeable in the photographs that student years, before plastic surgery, it was a full size 3, and now closer to the fifth.

Nevertheless, in all interviews, the famous TV presenter emphasizes that her beauty is natural, without the intervention of a scalpel.

Comparing photos, looking at the chest, lips before and after plastic surgery, the fans did not come to a consensus: it got worse or better. That's what beauty does not prevaricate, it's that luxurious body her merit.

Accustomed since childhood to an intense training regimen (try to get a master of sports by doing nothing), she maintains her shape to this day. He does gymnastics, Pilates, swims. Attends massage, cosmetic procedures. Thanks to constant efforts, the rising TV star looks great!

Looking at the pictures of the beauty on the beach, it is impossible to imagine that long legs, beautiful hips, not the fruits of the work of surgeons, but only sports!

Gastronomic tastes

Talking to reporters, the girl willingly shares recipes for beauty and harmony. She notes that in order to remain a popular fashion model, a serial star, you need to look good, be slim. The children's habit of eating little helps (gymnasts learn the word “diet” early), and calmly endure hunger.

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