Master class “Dance-rhythmic gymnastics for children of senior preschool age in physical education classes. Gymnastic dances for children. Pros and cons of rhythmic gymnastics


Wellness and development program in dance and game gymnastics is aimed at creative development children preschool age.

Availability based on general developmental exercises.

Emotionality is achieved by musical accompaniment and dance elements included in the exercises of dance-rhythmic gymnastics, but also figurative exercises, plot compositions that meet age characteristics preschoolers who are prone to imitate, copy the actions of humans and animals.

Target: to promote the creative development of the personality of a preschooler by means of dance and game gymnastics. Create the necessary motor mode, a positive psychological attitude.


1. Health promotion:

  • to help optimize the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system;
  • develop correct posture.

2. Improving the psychomotor abilities of preschoolers:

  • develop muscle strength, flexibility, endurance, speed-strength and coordination abilities;
  • help develop a sense of rhythm musical ear, memory, attention, ability to coordinate movements with music;
  • to form the skills of expressiveness, plasticity, grace and grace dance moves and dances.

3. Development of creative abilities:

  • develop thinking, imagination, resourcefulness and cognitive activity, broaden horizons;
  • to form skills of independent expression of movements to music;
  • to cultivate the skills of emotional expression, emancipation and creativity in movements;
  • develop leadership, initiative, a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance.

Expected result: performance in front of children of younger, middle age; at a concert in front of my parents.

Perspective work plan for children of senior preschool age.

Month fun training Dance Outdoor games
  • Rocking chair.
  • Heron.
  • Seahorse riding.
  • The Steadfast Tin Soldier.
  • Take a handkerchief!
  • Creep silently.
  • Sly Fox.
  • Guess the voice.
  • Seahorse riding.
  • The Steadfast Tin Soldier.
  • Clever little devil.
  • Leg stretch.
"Lambada with sultans".
  • Collect the balls.
  • Fishing rod.
  • Empty place.
  • Snake.
  • Clever little devil.
  • Leg stretch.
  • Ah, palms.
  • Carousel.
  • Frost-Red Nose.
  • Expand the circle.
  • Mousetrap.
  • Good words.
  • Ah, palms.
  • Carousel.
  • Little bridge.
  • Train.
"Rubber Hedgehog".
  • Take it fast!
  • Who left?
  • Ball to neighbor.
  • Quiet-loud.
  • Little bridge.
  • Train.
  • Boat.
  • Pump.
  • Boat.
  • Pump.
  • Rocket.
  • Excavator.
  • Carousel.
  • Pike.
  • Bouncers.
  • Better run out.
  • Rocket.
  • Excavator.
  • Crocodile.
  • Caterpillar.
  • Accurate shooter.
  • Birder.
  • Two in a hoop.
  • Unusual artist.
  • Crocodile.
  • Caterpillar.
  • Kolobok.
  • Get the ball.
  • Tick-tock!
  • In places.
  • Amusement park.
  • Firework.



  1. Teach basic movements.
  2. Develop coordination, orientation in space, endurance, learn to follow the rules of the game.

Entertaining workout.

1-2 weeks. Walking on toes, hands on the belt. Walking on heels, arms bent at the elbows. Jumps. Walk one foot on the heel, the other on the toe. Lateral gallop right and left side. Walking "spiders" (belly up), Move your feet forward. Fast run (2-3 circles). Breathing exercises. Walking "monkey" (arms and legs bent), move quickly with each step. Jumping on two legs, moving forward. Walking with hand exercises: arms forward, arms up, arms to the sides, clenching the fingers into a fist. Final walk and speech:

One, two! - left!
We walk boldly.
We should go to the parade now.
Everyone will be very happy!

3-4 weeks. Walking on toes, arms up. Walking on heels backwards. Walk one foot on the heel, the other on the toe. Easy run. Walking with the heel of one foot in front of the toes of the other. Walking "crayfish" (walking on all fours - I.p.: sitting on the floor, hands on the side of the palms. 1-move the torso to the soles of the feet; 2- I.p.). Lateral gallop right and left. Walking "Elephants" (legs and arms are straight - high all fours). Running with strong bending of the legs from behind. Walking, heels together, socks apart. Walking, socks together, heels apart (clubfoot). Walking in a semi-squat, arms forward. Run, bringing your legs forward. Walk backwards. Easy run. Final walk.

Fun training.

  • "Swinging chair" on flexibility - for the muscles of the back, legs.

Bear cubs were playing in the forest clearing, swaying funny on their backs. Let's try and we will also swing! Lie on your back, legs together. Bending your legs, bring your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around your knees. Swing back and forth on your back. When you're tired, take a rest. Repeat 3 times

  • "Heron" for coordination - for the muscles of the legs.

Standing on your right leg, bend your left leg at the knee, arms slightly to the sides, and stay like this for a little while. And then on the left leg.

When the heron sleeps at night
It stands on one leg.
Would you like to know:
Is it difficult for a heron to stand like that?
And for this we are together
You need to do this pose.
  • "Seahorse Riding"
  • "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

Dance gymnastics.

Rhythmic dance "Gypsy".

Perform each exercise 8 times.

  1. Standing, clasp your shoulders with your hands, head to the right. Rise high on your toes.
  2. Standing, hands down. Large circles with hands, in front of you.
  3. Standing, hands down. Raise your shoulders up.
  4. Standing, on my knees. Tilts back lifting alternately, arms back.
  5. "Lanterns". Stand up, hands up. Step to the right, rotate brushes.
  6. Stand up, hands up. Right foot back - slap the left hand on the heel. The same with the other leg.
  7. Standing, arms to the sides. Hug yourself by the shoulders, head - on the chest.
  8. Standing, hands down. 4 steps forward, arms straight; 4 steps back, arms back.
  9. Standing, arms at sides, fingers apart. Turns in place around you, shaking your hands.
  10. Jumping up. Alternately put your foot on the heel in front of you.
  11. Standing, hands behind the head. Jumping in place with a turn around you, bending your legs back.
  12. Hug yourself by the shoulders and say: "That's it!"

Outdoor games.

  • "Take a handkerchief!"

Children stand in a column in pairs, holding hands. In front of them, at a distance of 5-6m, there is a leader with a handkerchief in his hand. He says the words: “Who will be able to run and take the handkerchief first? One, two, three - run!" After the word: run!

The children, standing last in the column, drop their hands and run to take a handkerchief. The one who took the handkerchief first becomes the leader. The new couple is in front of the column.

  • "Sly Fox"

Children become in a circle. The driver is selected, he has a small rubber toy in his hands - a fox. Children have their hands behind their backs and their eyes closed. The driver goes around the circle, puts a toy in someone's hands and stands in place in the circle. Children open their eyes and ask 3 times (quietly at the beginning, and then louder): “Cunning fox, where are you?”. The child, who has a toy in his hand, goes to the center of the circle, lifts the toy up and says: “I am here!”. Children run away, and the fox catches them, touching them with a toy. Those touched by the fox sit on the bench. After the fox catches 2-3 children, the teacher says: “One, two, three - run in a circle!” and the game starts again.

  • "Sneak silently"- a game of low mobility.

Children sit on the floor in a circle, in the center - blindfolded driver. One of the players (as directed by the teacher) tries to silently sneak up to the driver. If the driver hears a noise, he points the appropriate direction with his hand. If the direction is indicated incorrectly, the driver is untied, and the winner takes his place.

  • "Guess by voice"

In the middle of the circle is a child eyes closed. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle with the words: “We are walking in a circle, we are calling a fox.” Stop. the teacher points with his hand at some child, and he asks: “Cunning fox, where am I?”. The driver with his eyes closed should go up to the child who called him and say: “Here, where are you!” and say a name.



  1. Develop coordination of movements, develop small muscles of the hands, form figurative-spatial thinking.
  2. Practice balance.

Entertaining workout.

1-2 weeks. Walking on toes, arms outstretched. Walking on heels backwards. Easy run. Walking in a squat. Lateral gallop. Walking "spiders" (belly up). Walking with a cross step forward. Fast run (1-2 circles). Breathing exercises. Jumping on the right and left foot moving forward. Walking "elephants" (legs and arms straight - high all fours) feet forward. Running with the task (the teacher raises the tambourine up, and the children should jump up and reach the tambourine 2-3 times while running). Walking in full squat. Breathing exercises.

3-4 weeks. Walking on toes, arms up. Walking on heels, hands behind, shelf. Jumps. Walking one foot on the heel, the other on the toe. Easy run. Walking, putting the heel of one foot to the toes of the other. Walking "crayfish" (walking on all fours - I.p.: sitting on the floor, hands on the side of the palms. 1-move the torso to the soles of the feet; 2- I.p.). Lateral gallop. Half squat, arms straight. Fast run (2-3 circles). Final walk.

Fun training.

  • "Seahorse Riding" on flexibility - for the muscles of the abdomen, legs.

Children, lie on your back. Imagine the flat water surface of the sea. Suddenly, the head of a skate and a rider appears above the water. Sit in the "corner" with the simultaneous counter movement of arms and legs, clasp your knees with your hands. Our legs are seahorses, and we are riders. We swept a little and plunged into the water: lay on our backs and relaxed. Repeat 3-4 times

  • "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"- for the muscles of the back, abdomen, legs.

A boat floats on the river, and in it is a tin soldier. Suddenly a sharp wind blew, and pitching began. But nothing is scary for a brave soldier. Do you want to become as persistent and strong as a tin soldier? To do this, kneel down, press your hands tightly to your body. Strong wind blows. Lean back as low as possible, keep your back straight, and then straighten up. Repeat 3 times. And now you can sit on your heels and relax. Well done!

  • "Cunning little devil"- for leg muscles; coordination.
  • "Leg Stretch"

Dance gymnastics.

Rhythmic dance with sultans "Lambada".

Each exercise is performed 4 times.

  1. Standing, hands down.
    1. Hands to chest.
  2. Raise your hands up one by one. Look at the sultans.
  3. Standing, hands forward. Hit a stick on a stick.
  4. Twists in place on toes, arms up.
  5. Standing, on your knees, hands up. Sit on your heels, chest on your knees, arms back.
  6. Sitting, legs apart. Hands to chest. Tilt forward. Knock the sultans on the floor.
  7. Standing, arms to the sides. Sit down, hide the sultans behind your back.
  8. Standing, arms bent at the elbows. Circular rotations of the hands. "Started the engine."
  9. Standing, hands down. Leaning forward. "Show me the sultans."
  10. Standing, hands to chest. Sit down while twisting the body.
  11. Jump up. Sit down, turn your knees to the right, to the left.
  12. Standing, hands down. Big swings in front of you.
  13. Sitting on the floor, hands down. Raise your legs up. Hands to the side. Wave sultans.

Outdoor games.

  • "Collect the balls"

There is a big basket with balls in the center of the hall. Children are standing near the basket. On a signal, the teacher throws the balls out of the basket, and the children collect them. The game lasts 1 minute. At the signal "Stop!" the game stops. If there are 7-8 balls in the basket, then the children won.

  • "Fishing rod"

The players stand in a large circle, in the center is a teacher with a rope, at the end of which a bag of sand is sewn. He spins the rope so that the bag touches the floor, and the children jump on two legs, trying not to hit the bag. Having described 2-3 circles with a bag, the teacher pauses, during which he counts the number of children who hit the bag - “caught by the bait” and gives the necessary instructions for performing jumps.

  • "Empty place"- a game of low mobility.

Children become in a circle. Driver outside the circle. He goes around the circle, touches the shoulder of one of the players and says: “Run!”, causing him to run a race. Then they run to different sides trying to take empty place. The one left without a seat drives, and the game starts again.

  • "Snake"

Children stand in a circle. The teacher says the words: “I am a snake without a tail. Approaches one of the children and asks: “Sasha, do you want to be my tail?”. If the child answers in the affirmative, the teacher invites you to crawl on all fours between his legs and stand behind him, legs wide apart. The teacher is holding his hands. And so on with each child. Children crawl on all fours between the legs of the teacher and the legs of the children, putting their hands on the shoulders of the previous child. Then the teacher with a long "tail" walks around the room - this is a "snake" crawling.



  1. To consolidate the main types of movements at a fast pace (walking, running).

Entertaining workout.

1-2 weeks. Walking on toes, hands on the belt. Jumps. Walk one foot on the heel, the other on the toe. Easy run. Walking heels together, toes apart (clubfoot). Lateral gallop right and left side. Walking "spiders" (belly up). Fast run (2-3 circles). Breathing exercises. Walking "monkey" (arms and legs bent), move quickly with each step. Walking step by step. Jumping on two legs moving forward, hands on the belt. Running, raising knees high (horses). Walking with arm exercises: arms forward, up, to the sides, clenching fingers into fists with each step. Running with a change in direction of movement on a whistle signal. Final walk. Breathing exercises.

3-4 weeks. Walking on heels backwards. Easy run. Walking in a semi-squat. Fast run (2-3 circles). Jumping on the right and left foot. Walking "elephants"" (legs and arms straight - high all fours) feet forward. Running with the task: jump up from a run and reach the tambourine held by the teacher with your hand in a jump, continue to run (2-3 times). Final walk. Breathing exercises.

Fun training.

  • "Cunning little devil"- for leg muscles; coordination.

In a small box sits an imp, cross-legged. It is worth opening the lid, as he deftly rises to his full height without the help of his hands, quickly lifting them up. Let's try to stand up like him. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Now stand up without the help of your hands a few times.

  • "Leg Stretch" on flexibility - for the muscles of the back, legs.

Sitting, bend your right leg and grab your foot with your hands. Try to straighten your leg completely without losing your balance. Repeat the same with the left leg, or with both legs.

  • "Oh, palms, you, palms!"- Posture exercise.

“Oh, palms, you, palms! We'll hide you behind your back!

  • "Carousel"

Dance gymnastics.

Rhythmic dance "Letka-enka".

Exercises are performed four times.

1 measure - jumping on two legs moving forward: two large, three small.
2 beat - put the heel forward, hands free.
3 beat - three jumps forward and clap, three jumps back and clap.
4 measure - the exercise "Charleston" is performed with a turn of 180 º.
5 measure - hands on top, go with your back in a circle, at the same time putting a “point” with your foot, step point and so on three times, forward the same.

Outdoor games.

  • "Frost-Red Nose"

The players stand in a circle. The driver is selected - “Frost-Red Nose”.

He stands in the center of the circle and says the words:

“I am Frost-Red Nose. Which one of you decides
To go on a path-path?
The choir players respond:
"We are not afraid of threats,
And we are not afraid of frost.

After the word “Frost”, the children scatter around the hall, and the driver catches up with them, trying to touch them with his hand - “freeze”. "Frozen" stop at the place where the driver touched them, and until the end of the game they stand without moving.

  • "Mousetrap"

The players are divided into two groups. Children of one group form a circle - a “mousetrap”, the rest depict mice and are outside the circle. Children, depicting a mousetrap, hold hands and begin to walk in a circle either to the left or to the right with words.

“Oh, how tired the mice are!
Divorced them - just a passion,
Everyone ate, everyone ate
Everywhere they climb - what a misfortune!
Beware, cheaters
We will get to you.
Here we put mousetraps
Let's catch everyone now!"

At the end of the poem, the children stop and raise their clasped hands up. Mice run in and out of the mousetrap. At the teacher’s signal “Clap!”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap is slammed. Mice that do not have time to run out of the circle are considered to be caught. They sit down on the bench. Then the children change places.

  • "Turn the Circle"- a game of low mobility.

Children, holding hands, walk in a circle with the words:

"Circle-circle, small step,
One, two, three - turn around, Olya, you!

The named child releases his hand and begins to lead all the children backwards in order to connect with the hand with the child with whom he held hands at the beginning of the game. The children stop, look over their shoulders to make sure that the circle turned out to be even. After that, the driver must again bring the children to their original position. A new leader is chosen and the game continues.

  • "Good words"

Children sit on the floor in a circle. One of the players sits in the center. The teacher says: “Today we will talk good words o (calls the name of the person sitting in the center). What is he?” Children in order say kind words about him (smart, wonderful, modest, etc.)



  1. Exercise in balance (walking with a side step, walking straight on the rope, arms to the sides).
  2. Learn to jump on two legs over objects.

Entertaining workout.

1-2 weeks. Walking on toes, hands up. Rope walking straight Walking on heels. Jumps. Walking: one foot on the heel, the other on the toe. Easy run. Walking "crayfish" (walking on all fours - I.p.: sitting on the floor, hands on the side of the palms. 1-move the torso to the soles of the feet; 2- I.p.). Lateral gallop right and left side. Walking in a semi-squat. Run lifting your legs forward. Walk backwards. Breathing exercises.

3-4 weeks. Walking on heels, arms bent at the elbows. Jumps. Walking heels together with legs apart. Walking "spiders" (belly up), fast running (2-3 circles). Breathing exercises. Walking "monkey" (arms and legs bent), move quickly with each step. Walking step by step. Jumping on two legs moving forward through objects. Running, changing the direction of movement at the signal of the teacher. Final walk.

Fun training.

  • "Oh, palms, you, palms!"- Posture exercise.

Do you want to be slim and have a beautiful posture?

Then stand up straight and, putting your hands behind your back, join your palms. Then, turning your folded hands with your fingers up, position your hands so that the little fingers touch the spine along their entire length. Raise your elbows, straighten your back, take your shoulders back. Hold the pose and repeat:

“Oh, palms, you, palms! We'll hide you behind your back!
It's for posture, that's for sure! No embellishments!"

Slowly lower your arms down, shake your hands and breathe calmly.

  • "Carousel"- for the muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks; coordination.

Shall we play carousel? Sit on the floor, lift straight legs up. Leaning your hands on the floor, begin to turn around with your hands. The carousel is spinning!

  • "Little Bridge"- for the muscles of the arms, abdomen, legs; flexibility.
  • "Engine"

Dance gymnastics.

Rhythmic dance "Rubber Hedgehog".


Along the viburnum grove (Children step from foot to foot, hands on their belts. They jump in a circle.)
Through the aspen grove
For the puppy's name day
In a crimson hat
There was a rubber hedgehog,
With a hole in the right side.
Had a hedgehog (They put the right foot on the heel and put it back - 4 times.)
rain umbrella,
A hat and a pair of galoshes. (Put the left foot on the heel - 4 times.)
flower head
The hedgehog bowed affectionately.

Losing. (They shift from one foot to the other, shaking their head, Spinning in a hurry.)

2. Hello Christmas trees! (Tilt head forward - 2 times.)
What do you need needles for?
Are we wolves around? (They shrug their shoulders. They threaten with the index finger of their right hand.)
Shame on you!
It hurts,
When a friend bristled. (Threaten with the finger of the left hand.)
The sky is radiant (Having lifted right hand up draw the sun in the air.)
The cloud is clear. ("Draw the sun" with the left hand.)
For the puppy's name day (“They draw the sun” with their right and left hands.)
Hedgehog rubber. (They walk in place.)

Outdoor games.

  • "Take it fast"

A circle is formed from the cubes, but there are two fewer cubes than the number of players. Children stand in a circle. The teacher gives the task: running (galloping, jumping, running backwards, jumping on one leg, etc.) The teacher says: “Quickly take it!” Each player must take one cube. The one who is left without an item is considered the loser.

  • "Ball to the neighbor"

The players stand in a circle at arm's length from each other. One of the players holds the ball, the driver takes a place outside the circle, behind the player with the ball. At the signal of the teacher, the children begin to throw the ball to each other, and the driver, running around the circle, tries to touch the ball on the fly. If he succeeds, then he becomes the new leader. If the driver fails to touch the ball or catch it for a long time, then another driver is appointed.

  • "Who left?"- a game of low mobility.

Children stand in a circle. The driver becomes the center, he is offered to remember the players, and then he closes his eyes. The teacher touches one of the children, and he leaves the room. After that, the driver is offered to open his eyes and guess which of the children left. If he guesses, then he chooses another driver. If not, then the teacher chooses again.

  • "Quiet-loud"

The players form a circle. With the help of a counting rhyme, the driver is selected, he stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. The teacher gives one of the children a small toy or ribbon that can be hidden. All children, except the driver, know who has the toy. When the driver approaches him, the children begin to clap their hands loudly, when they move away - quieter. The game continues until the driver finds the item.



  1. Learn to jump through hoops on two legs.
  2. Exercise in balance (rope walking, crawling on all fours).
  3. To develop the child's small muscles of the hands, orientation in space.

Entertaining workout.

1-2 weeks. Walking on heels backwards. Tightrope walking Easy running. Walking in a semi-squat, hands on the belt. Crawling on all fours. Straight gallop with right and left foot. Walking "elephants" (legs and arms straight - high all fours) feet forward. Fast run (2-3 circles) Walking with a roll from heel to toe. Running with a task: take a cube from the basket, run one circle with it and put it back in the basket. Final walk.

3-4 weeks. Walking on toes, hands on the belt. Walking on heels, hands behind the "shelf". Jumps. Walk one foot on the heel, the other on the toe. Easy run. Walking, putting the heel of one foot to the toes of the other. Walking "crayfish" (walking on all fours - I.p.: sitting on the floor, hands on the side of the palms. 1-move the torso to the soles of the feet; 2- I.p.) facing forward. Running with a strong bend of the legs back. Jumping through hoops on two legs. Running with straight legs forward. Final walk.

Fun training.

  • "Little Bridge"- for the muscles of the arms, abdomen, legs; flexibility.

They walked through the woods. In front of them is a stream. How can they get through it? Let's help them: build bridges across the stream. Lie on your back. Without lifting your shoulders and feet off the floor, lift your torso. With the palms of your hands bent at the elbows, support your back. Hold, hold your back until the hedgehogs run across to the other side. So the hedgehogs have moved, and we will rest. Repeat 3 times.

  • "Engine"- for the muscles of the back, legs, buttocks.

Sitting, legs slightly bent, at the knees, and arms at the elbows, pressing them to the body. Go! We move forward along the floor, helping only with our feet. We make circular movements with our hands, imitating the movement of wheels. We stopped and drove back as well.

  • "Boat"
  • "Pump"

How does the pump work?
It's not a question at all.
Everyone squatted down
It's like the birds have flown.
And then on the account "One",
The legs were straightened out.

And so it is necessary repeatedly.

Dance gymnastics.

Rhythmic dance "Apple".

I option.

To the music of the introduction, eight boys in sailor uniforms line up facing the audience in the center of the hall. On the last chord of the introduction, they make a clear turn behind their commander (leader) to the right.

1st movement. Marching in a circle. Having gone around the circle, they again return to the line and, in turn, put their hands on each other's shoulders.

2nd movement. They walk in a line forward towards the viewer, hands on each other's shoulders. Odd measure - three steps forward with the right foot, one jump in place; even measure - three steps back from the left foot, one jump in place. Repeat twice. For the last two measures, the line returns to its original position, and two soloist boys come forward, hands on their belts.

3rd movement. Two soloist boys squat eight times, the rest clap. For the last two measures, the soloists do jumps with their backs, returning to the line. At the same time, the next two soloists will replace them.

4th movement. Two soloist boys, leaning their hands on the floor behind their backs, alternately throw their legs forward eight times. The rest are clapping. The last two measures, as in the 3rd movement.

5th movement. Two soloist boys squat down, resting their hands on the floor in front of them, clearly throw both Legs together to the right and left (four flips in one beat). The last two measures are the change of soloists.

6th movement. Two soloist boys perform a "knee": on strong Share- lifting the right knee and hitting the knee with the right hand, on the second beat - lifting the left knee and hitting the knee with the left palm, on the third beat throw the right leg from the knee back and to the side, at the same time hit the heel of this leg with the right palm, on the fourth beat - the same with the left leg. Repeat the "knee" four times. For the last two measures, the soloists jump back into line.

7th movement. The 1st movement of the dance is repeated. On the last chord, everyone unanimously salutes with their right hand.

II option.

1st movement. Under the march, the children stand in a checkerboard pattern.

2nd movement. They go back and forth on the heel, hands are brought forward.

3rd movement. Jumps forward and backward, showing “pulling up on a rope” with hands, making two lines.

4th movement. Swing to the sides left and right, throwing the leg to the side alternately.

5th movement. Swing to the sides to the left and right, putting the hand to the forehead.

6th movement. Turn in different directions and disperse.

Outdoor games.

  • "The Snow Queen"

From among the players, the driver is selected - the Snow Queen. Children run around the playground, and the Snow Queen tries to touch them. The one whom she touched turns into an ice floe and must go to her kingdom (sit on a bench).

  • "Traps with a Ribbon"

The players attach colored ribbons to the back. The leader is chosen. Children say in chorus: “One, two, three - catch!” and scatter, and the driver, running after the children, tries to pull the ribbon from someone. The one who lost the ribbon steps aside. "One, two, three, run faster in a circle!" - the teacher says, all the players must quickly stand in a circle. The leader counts the ribbons and returns them to the children. The game is repeated with another driver.

  • "Push the ball"- a game of low mobility.

The players sit in a circle, cross-legged (facing the middle), and begin to roll a large ball across the floor to each other in a certain direction. The one to whom the ball rolls up tries to push it away from himself with his hands. The one who failed to push the ball away (the ball touches some part of his body) turns his back to the middle of the circle. The game ends when half of the players break the rules.



  1. Exercise in balance (walking on a rope, putting the heel to one foot to the toes of the other).
  2. Develop coordination of movements.
  3. Develop small muscles of the hands, exercise in balance.
  4. Form figurative-spatial thinking.
  5. To consolidate the main types of movements at a fast pace (walking, running).

Entertaining workout.

1-2 weeks. Walking on toes, hands on the belt. Walking on a rope, putting the heel to one foot to the toes of the other). Easy run. Walking heels together, toes apart. Walking heels apart, socks together (clubfoot). Lateral gallop right and left side. Walking "spiders" (belly up). Fast run (1.5-2min). Walking "monkey" (arms and legs bent), move quickly with each step, run at a fast pace. Running backwards. Walking on heels, arms bent at the elbows. Jumping on the right and left foot alternately. Walking in a semi-squat, arms extended forward. Straight gallop. Final walk.

3-4 weeks. Walking on toes, arms outstretched. Walking on heels backwards. Easy run. Walking in a semi-squat, hands on the belt. Lateral gallop right and left side. Walking "spiders" (belly up). Fast run (1.5-2min). Jumping on the right and left foot. Running with the task: jump high from a run, reach the tambourine held by the teacher (2-3 times). Walking on one heel, the other on the toe. Easy run. Breathing exercises.

Fun training.

  • "Boat"- muscles of the abdomen, back, legs, arms; flexibility.

I suggest going on a sea voyage. But first, let's build the "boats". Lie on your stomach, arms and legs slightly apart. Raise your head, arms and legs up. Here you are - different boats. Ride the waves.

  • "Pump"- for the muscles of the legs, back; flexibility.

How does the pump work?
It's not a question at all.
Everyone squatted down
It's like the birds have flown.
And then on the account "One",
The legs were straightened out.
On the count of "Two" - hurry back.
And so it is necessary repeatedly.

  • "Rocket"

Three, two, one - go! We go down: lie down on your back and rest before the next launch. Repeat 3 times.

  • "Excavator"

Dance gymnastics.

Rhythmic dance "Russian".

  1. Standing, hands on the belt. Extend your arms to the sides.
  2. The same starting position. Spread your arms to the sides, alternately, put your foot on the heel.
  3. Standing, arms bent at the elbows, lie on top of each other in front of the chest (shelf). Half squat with raising the elbows alternately.
  4. Sitting, knees bent, palms on the floor. Alternately raise your legs up.
  5. Ref. floor. Same. Put your feet on the floor: right-left.
  6. Standing, hands down, palms up horizontally. "Topotushki" - turns around yourself in place with stomps.
  7. Standing, hands in front of the chest. Step to the left, clap near the left ear. The same to the right.
  8. Standing, arms up. Stomp 6 times with the left foot, the same with the right.
  9. "Oath". Standing, hands on the belt. Sit down, standing up - put your left foot on the heel. The same with the right foot.
  10. Standing, arms to the sides. Spin in one direction, then the other.
  11. "Kovyryalochka". Standing, hands on the belt. Foot on the heel, on the toe, stomp.
  12. Standing, hands down. Raise your hands up, stomp one foot 6 times, then the other.
  13. "Hammers". Standing, hands down. Hit from behind with your toes, and in front with your heel.
  14. Carousel". Sitting, bend your legs. Turns in place, helping hands on the floor.
  15. Standing, hands on the belt. We open our arms with a turn to the sides.

Outdoor games.

  • "Hurry to run away"

Children form a circle. In the middle of the circle, one half of the players. Standing in a circle, holding hands, walk (or run). Those standing in the center of the circle clap their hands to the beat of walking (or running). At the signal of the teacher “Stop!” Walking in a circle stop and raise their clasped hands up. The teacher counts to three. During this time, those in the middle must run out of the circle. After the count of three, the children quickly lower their hands. Those who did not have time to run out are considered losers.

  • "Bouncers"

The driver is chosen - "bouncer". He stands in the center of the hall on a certain mark (for example, on a flat ring), on which he must be at the time of throwing the ball. Children stand freely around the hall. At the signal of the driver: “One, two, three - run!”, The children scatter around the hall, the driver tries to hit them with the ball (on the legs). Those who are hit by the ball sit on the bench. When learning the rules of this game, it is better if the teacher is the driver. Children learn the rules well, they have a steady interest in the game.

  • "Pike"- a game of low mobility.

Children become in a circle. "Pike" is selected. She goes to the middle of the circle. For the first two lines of the text proposed below, for each word, the children roll the ball to each other through the center past the “pike”. On the words of the third line, the ball rolls to the "pike". She takes it in her hands and says the text, looking at the ball. Then he hits the ball several times on the floor and passes it to the children, who continue to roll each other to the last three lines.

After the words "You drive!" - the child who had the ball goes to the middle. He becomes a "pike".

Past the forest, past the cottages
A red ball floated down the river.
I saw a pike: “What is this thing?”
Grab, grab, don't catch.
The ball popped up again.
He started swimming on
Come out, you lead!

  • "Carousel"

Children form a circle, holding with one hand the rope, the ends of which are tied. They walk in a circle, slowly at first, then faster. Movements are performed in accordance with the text:

Barely, barely, barely
The carousels circled
And then around, around, around,
All run-m, run-m, run-m.

Hush, hush, don't rush!
Stop the carousel!
One-two, one-two.
So the game is over!



  1. Develop coordination of movements.
  2. Develop small muscles of the hands, exercise in balance.
  3. Form figurative-spatial thinking.
  4. To consolidate the main types of movements at a fast pace (walking, running).

Entertaining workout.

1-2 weeks. Walking on toes, hands on the belt. Easy run. Walking heels together, toes apart. Walking heels apart, socks together (clubfoot). Lateral gallop right and left side. Walking "Spiders" (belly up). Fast run (1.5-2 min.). Breathing exercises. Walking "Monkey" (arms and legs bent), move quickly with each step, run at a fast pace, run at a fast pace. Running backwards. Walking step by step. Jumping on two legs, hands on the belt. Walking in a semi-squat, stretch your arms forward. Running with knees high. Walking with arm exercises: arms forward; hands up; hands at sides, clenching fingers into fists with each step. Running with a change of direction on the whistle; two whistles - turn around and keep running. Final walk.

3-4 weeks. Walking on toes, hands to the sides. Walking on heels backwards. Easy run. Walking in a semi-squat, hands on the belt. Lateral gallop right and left side. Walking "Spiders" (belly up). Walking with a cross step forward. Fast run (1.5-2 min.). Breathing exercises. Jumping on the right and left foot. Walking "Elephants" legs and arms are straight - high all fours) feet forward. Running backwards. Running with the task: jump high from a run, reach the tambourine held by the teacher with a hand (2-3 times). Walking from heel to toe. Running with a task: without stopping, take 1 cube from the basket, run one circle with it and put it back in the basket. Walking. Breathing exercises.

Fun training.

  • "Rocket"- for the muscles of the arms, back, abdomen, legs; coordination.

Now we will prepare the rocket for flight. Lying on your back, gently raise your legs up. Resting hands on the lower back, raise the lower part of the body. Legs pull up, straightening them. The rocket is ready to launch!

Three, two, one - start! We go down: lie down on your back and rest before the next launch. Repeat 3 times.

  • "Excavator"- for the muscles of the back, abdomen, legs; flexibility.

Let's play excavator. Lie on your back, arms along the body, palms on the floor, legs bent at the knees.

The excavator is ready to go! We begin to raise our legs behind our heads, gradually straightening them. We hold the pose until the earth pours out of the "bucket" into the back of the car. And so several times.

  • "Crocodile"- for the muscles of the arms, back, legs.
  • "Caterpillar"- for the muscles of the arms, legs.

Dance gymnastics.

Rhythmic dance "Antoshka"(to the song "Antoshka").

Introduction. Children become scattered, legs shoulder-width apart, hands on their belts, shake their heads left and right.

1st couplet. On account 1 - a slight forward tilt with straight arms extended forward; on 2 - straighten up, hands on the belt. Repeat 5 times.

Chorus. On 1 - torso tilt to the right; on 2 - straighten up; on 3 - tilt to the left; 4 - straighten up. Repeat the movements until the end of the chorus.

2nd couplet. On 1 - stretch your right hand forward; on 2 - put it on your belt; 3 - stretch forward left hand; on 4 - put it on your belt. Repeat 2 times.

Losing. Stand straight, feet together, hands clenched into fists. Perform half squats, imitating playing the harmonica.

Chorus. Repeat the chorus movements after the 1st verse.

3rd couplet. Perform a “squat”, straightening up, put the right foot on the heel, then the left and spread your arms to the sides.

Chorus. Step in place, shaking your head left and right. At the end - jumps: legs to the sides, legs together with claps above the head. On the last sound - sit on the floor.

Outdoor games.

  • "Accurate shooter"

The players form a circle, standing apart from each other. arms outstretched. The driver becomes in the center of the circle. At his feet are 3-4 balls. The driver performs exercises with the ball (beats the floor with his hand, throws it up, rotates his fingers, rolls his foot, etc.), the players perform these movements without the ball. After the words of the driver “One, two, three - run!”, The children begin to run in a circle. The driver, without leaving the place, throws balls at the players one after the other. Then, at the signal of the teacher, “One, two, three - run into the circle!”, The children again form a circle. The teacher announces the number of children that the driver hit, a new driver is selected, and the game resumes.

  • "Two in One Hoop"

(Performed with musical accompaniment.)

The hoops lie on the floor in a circle. Each hoop contains two children. The teacher gives the task: an easy run (or jumps, or a side gallop) and turns on the music. Children perform movements around the hoops big circle as long as the music is playing. As soon as the music stops playing, the children should run to take any hoop in pairs. The one who did not have time becomes the loser. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

  • "Birdman"- a game of low mobility.

Children stand in a circle. At the signal of the educator, the children silently must choose for themselves the name of any bird. Blindfolded birders in the center. Birds - children, holding hands, walk around the bird catcher with the words:

In the forest, in the woods
On the ground, on the oak tree
The birds sing merrily.

The teacher says:

“Ai! The birder is coming.
He will take the pass into captivity.
Birds, fly away!

The children run around the room. The birder claps his hands, the children freeze. He starts looking. The one he found mimics the call of the bird he has chosen. The birder guesses the name of the bird and the name of the child.

  • "Extraordinary Artist"

Each child has a skipping rope. At the signal of the teacher, they lay out any figure from the rope on the floor. The teacher determines the winner.



  1. Develop coordination of movements.
  2. Develop small muscles of the hands, exercise in balance.
  3. Form figurative-spatial thinking.
  4. To consolidate the main types of movements at a fast pace (walking, running).

Entertaining workout.

1-2 weeks. Walking on toes, hands to the sides. Walking on heels backwards. Easy run. Walking in a semi-squat, hands on the belt. Lateral gallop right and left side. Walking with a cross step forward. Fast run (1.5-2 min.). Breathing exercises. Jumping on the right and left foot. Walking "Elephants" feet forward. Running backwards. Running with the task: jump high from a run, reach the tambourine held by the teacher with a hand (2-3 times). Walking from heel to toe. Running with a task: without stopping, take 1 cube from the basket, run one circle with it and put it back in the basket. Walking and breathing exercises.

3-4 weeks. Walking on toes, hands on the belt. Walking on heels, arms bent at the elbows. Jumps. Walk one foot on the heel and the other on the toe. Easy run. Walking heels together, toes apart. Walking heels apart, socks together (clubfoot). Lateral gallop right and left side. Move forward. Fast run (2-3 laps). Breathing exercises. Walking "Monkey" (arms and legs bent), move quickly. Running backwards. Walking step by step. Jumping on two legs, moving forward. Walking.

Fun training.

  • "Crocodile"- for the muscles of the arms, back, legs.

Lying on the stomach, legs together, arms bent at the elbows. Walk around the room like a crocodile on a sandy beach. Make stops to look around for danger nearby.

  • "Caterpillar"- for the muscles of the arms, legs.

Get on all fours. Pull your knees up to your hands without lifting your feet from the floor. And then move both hands at the same time forward as far as possible. This is how the caterpillar moves in search of food. And now you are all caterpillars. Crawled!

  • "Kolobok"- for the muscles of the neck, back, abdomen; flexibility.

What a strange gingerbread man appeared in the window: He stood quite a bit, took it and fell apart!

Lie on your back, and then sit with your arms around your legs and put your head on your knees. Bring your knees to your shoulders and look at your heels. Here you are and koloboks! One, two, three, four, five - you fell apart again. Stretch your legs and lie on your back.

  • "Get the ball"- for the muscles of the legs, back, flexibility.

Sit on the floor, legs apart, back straight. Imagine that you have a ball in your hands. "Play" with him. Suddenly the ball rolled away. Get it without moving, but only leaning forward. try not to bend your legs. Repeat 3-4 times.

Dance gymnastics.

Rhythmic dance "Chunga-changa".

Introduction. They cross their feet in place, alternately raising and lowering their arms bent at the elbows (the palms are open and turned towards each other, the fingers are spread apart).

1st verse:

Chunga-Changa - blue sky, (They jump around.)
Chunga-Changa - summer all year round.
Chunga-Changa - we live happily,
Chunga-Changa - let's sing a song!

Wonder Island, Wonder Island (Alternately put on the heel on the leg, while raising and lowering the arms bent at the elbows (the palms are open and turned forward).)
Living on it is easy and simple,
Living on it is easy and simple,

Our happiness is constant (Whirl on toes.)
Chew coconuts, eat bananas
Chew coconuts, eat bananas

2nd verse:

Chunga-Changa - there is no better place, (Lying on their stomach, they alternately raise and lower their legs, bending them at the knees, while shaking their heads to the right and left, supporting them with their hands resting on their elbows.)
Chunga-Changa - we do not know troubles.
Chunga-Changa, Chunga-Changa - who lived here for an hour, (Kneeling, swing arms bent at the elbows to the right and left (palms turned forward).)
Chunga-Changa will not leave us. (The movements are the same.)

Losing. (They walk with side steps to the right in a circle, at the same time crossing and spreading their arms bent at the elbows to the sides (palms turned forward).)

3rd verse (without words).

1st offer. They turn to the right and perform small steps from foot to foot, making small circular movements with their palms turned towards each other (arms bent at the elbows).)

2nd offer. (The same movements are repeated to the left side.)

Chorus. (The movements are the same. At the end, they alternately raise and lower the arms bent at the elbows (the palms are turned forward).)

Outdoor games.

  • "In places!"- relay game.

Children are built in two lines opposite each other. Task: remember your places. At the signal “Disperse!”, the children run, jump around the hall. At the command “Go to your places!”, the children should take their places in the line. Wins teams

  • "Firework"

For the game you need a large basket, with 150-200 plastic balls in two colors, and two smaller baskets to collect the balls. From a large basket, the balls are poured onto the floor. Children of both teams stand around their baskets in which they will collect balls, at the bottom of the baskets there is one ball of different colors. They indicate what color balls each team will collect. On a signal, the children collect the balls. Whose team will collect the balls faster and line up around their basket, that is the winner.

  • "Tick-tock"- a game of low mobility.

Children become in a circle, they are “numbers”. The driver is selected, he is the “hand for the clock”, he is blindfolded, he is in the center of the circle. The choir players pronounce the words and perform movements in accordance with the text.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock. (Walking in place.)
We always walk like this:
Step left, step right (Step left, step right.)
Arrow, arrow circle - (The leader stretches his hand forward, turns around himself.)
What time, show me. (After the word "show" - stops.)

  • "Amusement park"
We sat on the carousel (Holding hands, spinning.)
The carousels spun.
Moved to the swing. (Holding hands: one player is standing.)
They flew up and down. (Another player crouches.)
And now with you together (Holding hands, swing.)
We are sailing on a boat. (Right-left, front-back.)

We will go ashore from the boat,
And we'll run across the lawn
Like bunnies, like bunnies. (Jumping on two legs.)


  1. Firileva Zh.E., Saykina E.G. "SA-FI-DANCE". Dance and game gymnastics for children. Teaching aid for teachers of preschool and school institutions. - St. Petersburg; "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 352p.
  2. Utrobina K.K. Entertaining physical education in kindergarten for children 5-7 years old. Handbook for educators and physical education instructors. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2003. -128s.
  3. Kartushina M.Yu. We want to be healthy.

Rhythmic gymnastics - very beautiful, spectacular view sports. It is the performance of certain sports combinations to the music. Most often this happens in conjunction with some kind of subject. It can be a ribbon, a ball, a hoop, a jump rope and much more.

Despite the fact that gymnastic dances appeared not so long ago, this species sports a short time deserve world recognition. Many are wondering whether it is worth sending their children to the rhythmic gymnastics section. The pros and cons will be discussed in this article.


You can send your girls to this sport when they are 4-5 years old. This is already enough, because given age girls already have attention and concentration, so they can follow all the instructions of the coach. IN early age children are easy to stretch, because their muscles are still very elastic.

As for health, this sport strengthens the entire body of the child. Girls develop correct posture from childhood. Dancing, in addition, is an excellent prevention of scoliosis, which many schoolchildren suffer from.

Also a plus is an increase in the elasticity of tissues. This will help to avoid many domestic injuries. Even in the process of training, the vegetative system of the child's body is strengthened.

It is also known that rhythmic gymnastics helps to form musical taste. The child feels the rhythm musical compositions at the speeches.


As you know, gymnastic dances are associated with very strong physical activity. The main focus is on stretching and flexibility. It takes a lot of patience and strength to stretch the muscles. Sometimes it comes to the fact that the child needs a massage therapist to relieve muscle tension.

Such a sport requires frequent training, so the child will have a limited amount of free time, which is why he will most likely try to sacrifice homework in order to spend time on more. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the studies of such children.

The mentality of a child involved in sports

There are teachers who get too carried away with aggressive and strict teaching. Because of this, children often experience stress, which leads to mental disorders. To prevent this from happening, you should carefully choose a teacher and listen to your child.

Gymnastic dances for girls - hard kind sports, and excessive pressure from the coach sometimes leads to the fact that the child simply closes in on himself. Yes, of course, criticism cannot be avoided, but it should be reasonable.

How much does rhythmic gymnastics cost

Gymnastic dances for children 10 years and older will cost a lot. If at first the cost of classes is not so impressive, then later such a hobby significantly hits the parents' wallet. Costumes, sports equipment, coach's instructions - all this costs quite a lot of money for the average citizen of the CIS countries. On average, you will have to spend 100-150 thousand rubles a year on a child's classes.


Rhythmic gymnastics - very useful and beautiful view sports for girls, which hardens the body from possible injuries and develops discipline. If you want to diversify the life of your child with sports, while making it elegant and beautiful, then you should choose gymnastic dances. Photos with beautiful will fill up your photo album. There is also a chance that the child will find his place in world sports and succeed. So pay attention to the sections rhythmic gymnastics.

Dance exercises to rhythmic music as a way to lose weight for girls are varieties of dance gymnastics. The type of fitness carries light movements that will be to everyone's liking, even those who have never had a connection with dance. Gymnastic exercise, which is called "aerobics", keeps all parts of the body in good shape, helps to burn body fat and uplifting.

What is dance gymnastics?

Dance gymnastics is a set of gymnastic exercises that are performed with a certain rhythm to the music. So dances with gymnastics are aimed at developing coordination, stretching, improving oxygen metabolism, which helps to improve health. Dances with gymnastics are used for preschool children in groups to develop coordination movements, flexibility, etc. The adult version carries the term "dance aerobics". Classes are more difficult, and other types of choreographic movements are used.

Classes in the "without respite" mode. No additional equipment is used other than comfortable clothes, free space and musical accompaniment. Dance aerobics exercises are performed under the account for 4 or 8 cycles. Each lesson repeats the previous one, so that the student can remember the order of execution and the essence of the movements quickly. In promoting classes, it is possible to accelerate the rhythm, add special elements to movements.

Many doctors advise this type of exercise to those who have excess weight and has no serious health problems (heart, blood pressure, etc.). Regular practice will help:

  • reduce weight (after pregnancy): remove excess volume from the hips, abdomen, buttocks, back;
  • support active image life (important for sedentary work);
  • increase the body's natural endurance;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthen the abdominal muscles, buttocks, legs and arms.

Modern dances for girls

Dance aerobics for weight loss (subject to dietary nutrition) can be interpreted as follows modern dance for girls:

How to dance, move to this or that music will be shown by the trainer in group classes or on video. Charging or warming up is required in each lesson. The load program should be combined with a diet, based on the characteristics of the body and the health of the girl (girl). The aerobics method gives a good result in losing weight, femininity and grace are manifested in movements, muscles are strengthened.

Fitness to music

Fitness is a concept that includes a large number of various directions of loads. Each of the directions carries exercises for healing the body and improving the figure. Fitness to music is not necessarily a dance, but more often - physical exercise, which are performed to energetic music and increase the intensity. Scientists have proven that music "dictates" the rhythm of the same run. The faster the rhythm, the more intense the athlete runs.

Dance gymnastics for children

Dance (choreographic) gymnastics for children is interpreted as a game aimed at developing the basic vital movements: jumping, running, walking, coordination, improving joint mobility, muscle flexibility (as far as normal development allows child's body). The age of children who attend this kind of classes is 4-8 years. Gymnastic dance (charging) for children includes the following types of exercises:

  • walking and running sports character;
  • exercises that develop muscle flexibility (simplified elements of yoga);
  • choreographic elements: swings, waves, racks, twine, bridge, "birch", somersaults;
  • all sorts of jumps: with claps, on a skipping rope, on one leg.

Dance gymnastics

Aerobics or gymnastics is considered to be not only wellness sports activities but also an effective way to lose weight. With the help of regular dance (choreographic) gymnastics and proper nutrition, you can tighten your body, lose weight (remove kilograms from the sides, abdomen, hips), which is more suitable for girls. But also aerobic exercise is designed to train the heart and cardiovascular system. In this regard, aerobic choreographic exercises have their own contraindications:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • history of any head injury in the last 3 years;
  • violations of the respiratory system;
  • diseases of the joints, spine.

dance exercises

Dance aerobics for girls (women) who want to lose weight through classes are based on medium-frequency exercises. This load level is suitable for healthy people. Low-frequency loads are suitable for pregnant women, beginners or those with limited mobility. High-frequency exercises involve classes for professional athletes or trained people (those involved in sports of any kind are not less than a year without interruption), increase the level of adrenaline.

Exercises to music can be either specific (the technique is taken from any style - jazz-funk, hip-hop, contemporary) or simple (usual bundles of several turns, stomps, etc.). The main thing is to support the dance, breathing rhythm or count (4-8). Calories are not counted here, however proper nutrition- an essential component of weight loss.

Dance steps in gymnastics

Aerobics carries a wide variety of movements, such as:

  • different flexion and extension of the arms and legs, movements separate parts bodies, turns, swings;
  • jumping, jumping, walking, running;
  • choreographic links.

Dance steps in gymnastics are varied. Among the steps are the most common ones.

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