Practical work on the theme "work with information and educational resources". Oral face-to-face interview


Another Dutchman. In general, I love the Dutch of the Renaissance and Baroque - somehow they are dearer to me than the Italians of the same time.

Jan Vermeer (1653 - 1675)

"Girl with a Pearl Earring" (circa 1665, 46.5 x 40 cm, Mauritshuis Royal Gallery in The Hague)

As for the name, of course, there are questions - the earring is too big and shiny to be pearl. But who cares? In my opinion, this is one of the most beautiful portraits of women throughout the history of painting.
If you wish, you can examine it almost under a microscope - on the museum's website it is laid out in such a size that you can see every craquelure: girl-with-a-pearl-earring-670/#
They like to call this picture "the northern Mona Lisa". A commonplace stamp, but in comparison of these two paintings, the difference between Renaissance and Baroque painting is clearly visible.

How static and motionless Gioconda is against the background of a completely living Vremeer girl, written a century and a half later. The vector of development is obvious - and in the end it will lead to impressionism.

But no matter how beautiful "Girl with a Pearl Earring" is, for me the typical Vermeer is somewhat different. Here's one.

"Music Lesson" (1662 - 1665, 64 x 73 cm, Royal Collection of Elizabeth II, London)

"A glass of wine" (1658 - 1660, 66 x 76 cm, Berlin Art Gallery)

"Love Letter" (1669, 38 x 44 cm, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Small household sketches. It is characteristic that the artist pushes the heroes into the depths of the picture, into the background, and even instructs some furniture in the foreground. It's like looking through a keyhole. By the way, there is an opinion that Vermeer used a camera obscura in his work. However, there is no evidence for this. I think that he built such a composition in order to emphasize the depth and his "non-presence" (if it were a photograph, I would say "non-staging") - quite in the logic of the baroque.

Interesting to see the interiors. Probably, the artist painted from life not only people, but also his own own house- from picture to picture, the details of the situation are repeated, albeit with variations.

Checkered floor and "plinth" of painted tiles:

Layout of stained-glass windows:

And, of course, chairs - with wallpaper nails and carved knobs on the back in the form of animal heads. They just wander from picture to picture:

The paintings on the walls also move from work to work, changing location and sometimes changing in size. They say that these are paintings from the collection of Vermeer's mother-in-law - Maria Thins.

But let's take a look at a few more.

"Artist's Studio" (another name is "Allegory of Painting", 1666 - 1668, 120 x 100 cm, Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna)

"Mistress and Servant" (1666-1667, 90 x 78 cm, Frick Collection, New York)

Remember, the hero of the film "What Men Talk About" lured girls with a collection of lute music XVI century? It is likely that in his collection there is also a melody performed by the heroine of the next picture.

"Woman with a Lute" (1662-1664, 51.4 x 45.7 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)

Well, I can’t help but mention the most successful (for the time being) counterfeiter of Vermeer - Khan van Meegeren. Almost detective story you can read about it here.

Computer science. Laboratory work "Working with information and educational resources"

Laboratory work

Topic: Working with information and educational resources

Purpose of work: Familiarize yourself with the main information and educational resources. Learn how to use Internet resources for the optimal search for educational and specialized information, taking into account the specifics of the tasks.

Used software: Internet Explorer browser (or equivalent), search engines, MS Word.


Informational resources Societies are resources accumulated in a form that allows their reproduction for society, man. These are resources that carry information: books, articles, dissertations, research and development documentation, various databases and knowledge bases, technical translations, museum collections, ancient manuscripts, archaeological finds, works of art, library funds and archives, film, photo, audio materials, including audio books, and, of course, materials from newspapers, magazines, TV shows, radio programs, etc.

Unlike all other types of resources (labor, energy, minerals, etc.), information resources grow the faster the more they are spent. Distinctive feature and value the bulk of information resources - their availability for ordinary users. Anyone can become a user of these resources.

Of course, to modern information resources include those stored in in electronic format.

Mankind seeks to preserve its information resources in digital form, then they can be used with the help of computers. All types of information resources, both in material and electronic form, can be called "long-term memory of mankind".

In a variety of information resources, a significant place is occupied by information educational resources. These include educational books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, maps, various manuals, etc.

However, in connection with the progress in the field of computer technology, new forms of representation have appeared. educational information. In addition to traditional educational products, bookstores are widely represented computer software used in educational process, various educational materials on CD containing training, monitoring and demonstration programs in almost all educational areas; e-books, translation dictionaries, electronic encyclopedias , the volume of which is hundreds of times larger than a paper encyclopedia, various legal guides (DB) on disks and on the Internet. These same resources on the Internet allow you to use the information from them in online mode , i.e. direct access mode.

In the countries of the world, educational collections of publicly available digital educational resources. For ease of access to them in Russia, a portal (entrance) has been organized to all educational sites through a single window on the state educational portal

A special place in information resources in last years began to occupy e-books, the distinguishing feature of which is the use of hyperlink technology, which allows you to go directly to certain places in the electronic text (links) to various fragments of the book.

Digital Libraries in the system of information educational resources have become an integral part of life - these are not only files on a computer disk or materials on CDs, but also materials on library sites on the Internet.

Exercise 1.

Using the site "Single Window" -, make a list of links to resources (sections of open source software) that are directly related to the preparation of your future profession(Table 1).

Figure 1 - Single Window Site

Table 1

Web page addresses

Site header

Appointment or explanation about their content

Specialties of the vocational education system (VET). This section will help you learn from the current SVE standards about the requirements for graduates in the chosen specialty, the totality of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the training process.

Task 2.

Make a table links to library websites region (5 or more links) in which you live using the Internet. Parameters: title, location, official site or page.

Task 3.

Pick up collection of works favorite artist (3 or more paintings), using the electronic exhibition on the museum website Tretyakov Gallery( Parameters: author, title, year, materials, owner or storage location.

Task 4.

Make a transfer several phrases online using the website of the computer translator Promt (

Task 5.

Find Education Act using portal Russian education Provide a link to the page with the law.

Reflect the search results in a report created in the MS Word text editor under the name:
« Work with information and educational resources_group_full name ".

Submit the result of your work by email. mailbox teacher . When sending a message in the field " Theme» specify: subject laboratory work, your group and full name.

Kirill Shcheglov, general director Communication agency "Longmedia":

One of my favorite artists is Mikhail Vrubel. You can't confuse him with anyone. Take, for example, the works of his "Fairytale Cycle" - how much power and mystery, anxiety and depth, new meanings are in them, despite the fact that they are written on well-known plots. Gorgeous "The Swan Princess" - with a typical mysterious "Vrubel" look. Absolutely amazing "Pan" - although it seems to many that this is a goblin, I rather see in him a kind of mythological merry fellow with burning cheerful eyes, entertaining everyone with his flute. Even Vrubel's demon is not as terrible as it could be - I'm talking primarily about the "Seated Demon".

Vrubel's works were unlike those created by his contemporaries. Many did not understand him, sometimes even Mamontov. But in response to rejection, the artist said that it was precisely this that gave him strength and faith in himself. I must say that Vrubel revealed himself to me in a completely different way ... when I had children. Together with their birth, my inner rebirth began. And now I'm discovering new sides to myself in the works of artists who, it would seem, have long been known to me.

For children, I try to choose the best of what they can perceive. It is known that up to the age of seven it is necessary to educate on the most understandable and positive. It is too early to introduce them to Vrubel. I instill in them things that are understandable to them: we read books and study the drawings of Vladimir Suteev. I myself am madly in love with his works - the same "The Adventures of Chipollino", which was first published in Russian with illustrations by Suteev.

Mikhail Podgorny

My favorite artist is Claude Monet famous representative impressionism, even its ancestor. Since my work as a company manager is about numbers, accounting and control, then impressionist painting, with its “fuzziness”, the transfer of momentary impressions, gives me the opportunity to escape from the intense rhythm of business and experience completely different sensations. It does not matter whether you go to a museum, look at paintings on the Internet or draw yourself, you are immersed in another reality.

I discovered Monet when I started painting. It happened spontaneously. I have always been very busy: business school, PhD, children. But one day, when my studies were already over and my Ph. I didn't believe that this was possible. But out of interest, I went - along with eldest daughter, an art school student.

My assumptions were confirmed - learning to draw in a day is unrealistic. But it turned out to be a powerful psychological training for me that turned my thinking around. I realized that you can learn to draw in principle! This is how my hobby started. I began to study painting techniques, look for artists who are close to me, take lessons from them, copy works famous masters, write your compositions.

I have my copies of Claude Monet hanging in my office - of course, they cannot be called exact, because they convey my mood too. But I do not strive for absolute accuracy: I do not write for exhibitions, not for sale, but only for myself.

Mikhail Podgorny

As a man who spent school and university years, and then served in the Navy in New Zealand, I was as if bewitched by Russia - so mystical, huge, alien. I imagined life in Russia in black and white. In the early 1990s, when the USSR collapsed, I managed to see the other side of this country (although I did not dare to come here in the 1990s). On the Internet began to appear pictures of some contemporary artists. I was very intrigued Leningrad school painting, especially one of its representatives - Rostislav Ivanovich Vovkushevsky.

In 1991, I found an online art agency and commissioned a painting. At the appointed hour, a man in a long black leather coat came to our business center. He opened it (I got scared) and I saw one of my first works by Vovkushevsky. The same was true for subsequent meetings. And then the man disappeared. Perhaps the "dashing 90s" ...

Vovkushevsky's works are reminiscent of Impressionist paintings, he is even called the "Leningrad Parisian". I fell in love with the flexible style of his painting: I physically feel the delight of the artist trying different techniques. Some paintings were created in the technique of Van Gogh, others - Gauguin, others - Mondrian. The earthly, naive nature of Vovkushevsky's works, his passion in brushstrokes make him feel like an Artist with capital letter. Passion is what art means to me.

My favorite painting is Still Life with Lemon. Foreshortening, uneven technique, rough canvas leave the feeling that the artist worked in a state of passion.

Mikhail Podgorny

Toulouse-Lautrec and Twombly - these artists are especially close to me. First of all, because they loved life. Experiencing not the easiest periods, they knew how to find positive in life.

Not so long ago there was a Twombly retrospective at the Center Georges Pompidou, and I was very struck by the way he was presented there. Twombly moved a lot, changed cities and countries, looked for the most harmonious, inspiring places - and found them regardless of whether there was an appropriate art environment or society that could accept it. In the end, he settled in Italy, in Rome - however, which of the greats did not draw inspiration from this country?

As for Toulouse-Lautrec, unlike Twombly, who looked for beauty in the atmosphere of those places where his fate led him, he looked for and found it in people. Think of his images of fallen women from Montmartre - each full of inner glow. At my house, the doors are painted based on Toulouse-Lautrec. The designer who worked in my apartment was against this idea, he did not really understand my passion for Lautrec. Yes, this artist had a difficult fate. Not only was he rejected by the aristocratic society to which he belonged from birth, he was also distinguished by outward ugliness, he experienced great physical suffering. But having got to the very bottom, he managed to see the beauty in this side of life.

To see what other people do not see, harmony and beauty in everyday things - that's what I especially like about these artists.

Society Information Resources are resources accumulated in a form that allows their reproduction for society, man. These are resources that carry information: books, articles, dissertations, research and development documentation, all kinds of databases and knowledge bases, technical translations, museum collections, ancient manuscripts, archaeological finds, works of art, library collections and archives, cinema -, photo, audio materials, including audio books, and, of course, materials from newspapers, magazines, TV shows, radio programs, etc.

Unlike all other types of resources (labor, energy, minerals, etc.), information resources grow the faster the more they are spent. A distinctive feature and value of the bulk of information resources is their availability for ordinary users. Anyone can become a user of these resources. Let's take the most common example. Suppose a doctor prescribes a medicine to a patient. As we know, the right medicine can not always be found in the nearest pharmacy, and the “scatter” of prices for the same medicine is very significant. Let's go to search server in the Internet and form request: Availability of medicines in Moscow pharmacies.

As a result of the query, a list will appear sites with the information of interest to us (Fig. 1).

Let's choose one of them (Fig. 2).

By entering the selected site, in a special search box we will type the name of the medicine and, if desired, indicate the nearest street or metro station to you. As a result of the execution, we will see a list of pharmacies where this medicine is available, its price in each pharmacy, and we will also find out if there is a home delivery service (Fig. 3).

Of course, modern information resources also include those that are stored in electronic form. Mankind seeks to preserve its information resources in digital form, then they can be used with the help of computers. All types of information resources, both in material and electronic form, can be called "long-term memory of mankind".

In a variety of information resources, a significant place is occupied by information educational resources. These include educational books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, maps, various manuals, etc. However, in connection with the progress in the field of computer technology, new forms of presenting educational information have appeared. In bookstores, in addition to traditional educational products, computer software used in the educational process, a variety of educational materials on CDs containing training, monitoring and demonstration programs in almost all educational sections are widely represented; e-books, translation dictionaries, electronic encyclopedias, the volume of which is hundreds of times larger than a paper encyclopedia, various legal reference books (DB) on disks and on the Internet. These same resources on the Internet allow you to use the information from them in online mode, i.e. direct access mode.

In the countries of the world, educational collections of publicly available digital educational resources. For ease of access to them in Russia, organized portal(login) to all educational sites via single window u on the state educational portal 4).

You can get acquainted with the composition of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources of our country on the website


In recent years, a special place in information resources has been occupied by e-books, the hallmark of which is the use of technology hyperlinks, allowing you to jump in the established places of the electronic text (links) to various fragments of the book directly. For example, you are preparing a report or essay on literature in a text editor. A number of materials you have is located directly on the disk of your computer. For convenience, in the text of the work, you can make a reference to the literature or other material you cite. Let's consider this method using the example of the practical work "Creating internal and external hyperlinks".

Digital Libraries in the system of information educational resources have become an integral part of life - these are not only files on a computer disk or materials on CDs, but also materials on library sites on the Internet. But each time the search for such materials takes a lot of time, so it is very convenient to create a catalog file of an electronic library on a certain topic on your computer and work further through it, calling up a hyperlink to a site on the Internet.

PRACTICE: To implement this in the work, we will make a list of links of the sites used in a separate file. Run the command in a text editor Insert, Hyperlink and in the Address field, enter the Internet address of the desired site or its specific section, for example, refer to the site of the Russian State Library. As a result, if, of course, your computer is connected to the Internet, the main page of the site or the page of the section you specified will appear on the screen (see figure).

On the Internet there are many different digital libraries. Digital library catalogs are built hierarchically, i.e. first sections, then subsections, and then specific links to articles or abstracts (for example, the site "ICT in Education" http://www.ict.

Practical work:

"Creating internal and external hyperlinks".

1. Turn on the computer.

2. Open MS WORD text editor.

3. Checkout appearance pages as shown. (Get a sample from the teacher).

IV. Consolidation of new material.

Answer the questions:

1. What refers to the information resources of society?

2. Brainstorming: give an example of professions related to the receipt and processing of information, suggest which technical means while being used.


Exercise 1. Make a table of links to libraries in the region where you live using the Internet.

Task 2. Choose a collection of works by your favorite artist using the electronic exhibition on the website of the Tretyakov Gallery Museum




Task 3.

a) On the Internet, using the online computer dictionary Lingvo (, translate from Russian into English the words:


b) On the Internet, using the online computer translator Promt ( translate from in English in Russian sentence:
"The teacher's computer is placed on the table in the corner of the classroom" __________________________________________________________________

Task 4. Find the law on education using the portal of Russian education Record the date the law was passed.


Task 5. Using the Single Window website (http://wind, make a list of links to resources of the Middle Vocational Education) that are directly related to the preparation for your future profession.



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