Scenario of the competitive entertainment program "autumn cafe". Material on the topic: Scenario of the entertainment program "Cooking Show"


"Nice Show".

Initiation into high school students of 8th grade students.

Attention! Attention! Only today and only now, only here and only with us you will see a fun, funny, incendiary show! Meet!

film crew from Moscow on the boring channel MKOU secondary school No. 3!

The screens move apart, journalists in clown costumes run out from behind them. Sounds like music from the cartoon The Bremen Town Musicians»

(“We stopped by for an hour”).

Song: The whole world is in our hands

We are the stars of the continent

Smashed to smithereens

Damned competitors.

We came to you for an hour.

Hello! Bonjour! Hello!

Well, please love us!

You are very lucky!

Come on, all together

Hang your ears!

Better in a good way

Clap your hands!

Journalists scatter, Dima and Inna remain.

Inna: Hello, hello, our dear viewers! Yes, yes, we are really from Moscow, we are correspondents, and we came to you today to congratulate you on the start of a new school year!

Dima: We heard a lot about your school, especially about the 8th grade. We were told that the strongest, the most courageous, the most charming, the most cheerful study here! But now they are probably sad - after all, they will become high school students only today, after our initiation!

Inna: It became interesting to us and we decided to check whether the 8th graders really are what they say. Now we will send our correspondents to get acquainted with them and make sure of everything. And for sure the very best will be awarded, and all the guys will be initiated into high school students. And now let's see summary programs.

Correspondents come out from behind the screen one by one and present their rubric.

Lisa: My name is Lisa Schwarzenegger. Today I will go to the boys of the 8th grade. Let's see how strong they are.

Masha: I am Masha Militsionerova. I'm going to test the abilities of amateur motorists from the 8th grade.

Inna: I am Inna Delovaya. I run sports news. Today among the 8th graders there will be a competition in sports dancing and dance endurance. I wonder who will win? Stay with us.

Julia: I'm Julia. I will now go to our charming, caring, gentle girls of the 8th grade. Why do I say so? Stay with us and you will find out everything!

Inna: Me again. I thought for a long time which of you is the most charming. And then I remembered: about whom are the most jokes, in which he is always in funny situation? Of course, this is Vovochka! Let's see which one of you is the most popular in the class!

Dima: The most not banal, the most interesting, the most unusual… Who is this? Of course, we will find out at the end of our show! Stay with us, follow the development of events!

Julia: The hottest, the most incendiary! Wow! Of course, students of the 8th grade! We are coming to you!

All together: And finally - who is the most humorous among us? Who is the funniest and most unusual joker! Stay with us and find out!

Everyone is running away. Dima and Inna remain.

Inna: And now, I think it's time to introduce you to our heroes of the occasion. These are people who take their studies seriously and responsibly…

Dima: ... And not very seriously and responsibly ...

Inna: These are guys and girls who always take an active part in the life of the school ...

Dima: ... And quietly sitting in the corner ...

Inna: In a word, these are the most ordinary students. But today they will become not just students, but high school students!

Dima: And they will introduce us to them class teachers 8th grade. Let's welcome them!

Class teachers present a comic class passport and briefly characterize each student.

Inna: We will ask the participants to take their places.

Dima: But we did not come to you alone.

Today is a holiday, everyone is buzzing,

The stars are in a hurry to congratulate you.

Everything will be super, without cheating -

The star of the screen sings for you!

(Number 9 class).

Dima and Inna come out.

Inna: Still, how wonderful, fun party- start of the school year! Dima, what do you think?

Dima: Of course, cheerful! But I think it's time for us to ask our correspondents what they managed to learn during this time.

Inna: Ah, correspondent Lisa Schwarzenegger is in touch with us. Lisa, are you ready?

(The music “King of the Ring” sounds, Lisa comes out, waving a huge inflatable hammer, throws the hammer aside, she is given an impromptu steel bar and she easily bends it into a ring, throws it to the side).

Inna: Lisa, are you ready?

Lisa: Yes, Natasha. I am now with the boys of the 8th grade, looking for the strongest. Why did I choose boys, you ask? I think they should confirm that they are future men, that speaks for itself. I have already managed to choose the most-most powerful. Now let's choose one of them. Please come up here. Do you think that we are going to lift the weight now? No no! You didn't guess - a girl! Choose from auditorium the girl you like. Now the music will play, whoever holds his girlfriend in his arms longer is the winner. Started!

(Competition "The Strongest").

Inna: Thank you, Lisa. And now, dear viewers, we invite you to look at the autumn collection of Couturier Koftenkin. This collection is tailored specifically for your school - new models of workwear for specialized training:

we bring to your attention a model of a work suit suitable for plumbers, as it does not get dirty at all; for environmentalists, as it does not get wet; for masons, as it is very durable. This model is made according to the latest fashion. Those who wish can wear it to any party. And most importantly, pay attention to the pockets - there are a lot of them! It is very comfortable!

(this model is made of oilcloth, pockets of multi-colored napkins are glued)

in front of you is a light dress for environmental engineers, equipped with antennas to make it easier to keep in touch with space.

(the dress is made of light scarves, antenna tubes are glued on, a hat with antennas is on the head).

this model for school girls, especially for parties. We took the stars from the sky, weaved them into an ordinary wire, from the wires and this luxurious hair. Pay attention to the gloves - the girls no longer need to do a manicure.

(The main element of this costume is gloves with manicured nails glued on them).

the next model is dressing gowns for carpenters and painters. The first one I did not sew, but painted. I think it's pretty decent. And I gave the second version a spring version and sheathed it with flowers. Don't think it's personal.

(The first dressing gown is white, painted with multi-colored spots, the second is dark, with flowers sewn all over the field).

Dima: I wonder what new things Maria learned?

(Maria comes out to the sound of engine engines.)

Masha: Yes, Dima. I am in the workshops of future auto mechanics of the 8th grade. There are girls among them! Watching them dig into car engines. You know, they are good at it. But I wonder if they know how to drive cars? Want to check it out? Two of the fastest auto mechanics here! Among you, we will now choose the fastest. You are given two cars. Whoever delivers them to the start faster, he will win.

(Competition "The fastest").

(Under sounding music Inna Delovaya comes out of the hall onto the stage with a phone in her hands).

Business: Yes, Dima. For my heading, I chose the 8th grade. I think that the most athletic boys are here. They successfully proved it to me and will prove it to you, dear viewers. So, sports news. Today the boys compete in dancing! They must show the most incredible dance moves. Who will dance better and cooler? Everyone follow them! We will now begin the task. But for this, participants need a support group - these will be their class teachers! Let's ask them to take the stage! (Children begin to dance). We think that class teachers taught their children everything, which means that they themselves know how to do it better. You must repeat the movements of the guys, as similar as possible. Without applause it is impossible!

(Competition "Reflection"). Number 10 class.

Inna: And I came to visit you unusual person! Meet David Cooperfield!

Music sounds. The magician comes out, straightens the veil, pulls back - an assistant appears; the magician does a couple more tricks with the appearance and disappearance of the assistant. After the magician conjures over the assistant, she lies down on two chairs, the magician covers her, removes one chair from under her feet, she is half-hanging in the air. He puts the chair back in place - pulls back the covers. The assistant gets up and chooses from the audience the participants of the next trick. They are arranged in the form of a “well”, the chairs are removed, the participants remain standing in the well pose. Everyone falls when the magician spreads his arms over them. Everyone bows.

Inna comes out and turns to Dima.

Inna: Well done, Dima! My phone rang! Who is speaking?

Dima: Elephant!

Natasha: No, this is Yulia. Julia, what happened?

Julia: Can you imagine the situation! Now there will be a competition in which only girls participate. It's called ecological. 8th grade girls are really caring about environment and use it very rationally. How? See for yourself. I need six girls, 3 from each class. There were two teams. There are two bowls in front of you: empty and full. From a full bowl to an empty one, you need to transfer water. Whoever does this faster and pours less water will win. Started! … Winners get a prize! We visited the girls, now meet - class number 11.

(No. 11 class).

Anya: And now the game with the audience. I need five couples: a boy and a girl. A couple from grade 10 will help me explain the conditions of the competition. Gallant young people, walking with a girl along the road after the rain, see a large puddle that cannot be bypassed:

That's what the boys from the 11th grade do (push into a puddle).

And here's what the boys from the 10th do (sprinkle).

And what will you do, dear viewers?

(Game with the audience "The most gallant"). Number 9 class.

Inna: But the most charming of all the guys, I think, are the boys of the 8th grade. I invite four people here (2 from each class). We will test their charm. Here's the package for you. You must collect as many women's souvenirs as possible.

(Competition "From the world on a thread").

Inna: And the other two young men will receive another task. The one who fits more girls into these circles drawn on the floor will win. Your time is limited!

(Game competition"Gather the girls in a circle." For this competition you can take hoops and collect girls in them).

Dima: Personally, I want to find the most unusual and most talented girl among the 8th graders. I need two participants from the 8th grade. The most difficult thing for me is the ability to draw. I think artists are unusual people, after all, how many ideas, inventions, fantasies and ingenuity are needed to draw everything correctly, color it, then explain to everyone what you drew. And not everyone can! But now we will find the most talented among the girls. They will demonstrate their abilities, only in a slightly more complicated version. In boxing gloves you need to draw a funny clown. Whoever is faster wins! And the winner gets a prize!

(Game contest "Draw a clown"). Number 10 class.

Julia (runs out): Why are we sitting, who are we waiting for? Perhaps you are bored? (Goes down to the participants) Help, we're on fire! 8th grade boys are so hot! Wow! Would you like to see? Then I call four people, 2 from the class. Whoever dances hotter and more incendiary, he will win.

(Contest "The Hottest"). Now let's look at the professionals!

(No. 11 class).

Dima: It's time to take stock. Winners of all competitions, please take the stage! We will choose the winner based on audience applause. Clap for one person only! You are our coolest and coolest winner. Congratulations!

Inna: And now comes the most solemn moment - the moment of initiation. Until five minutes ago, you guys were just students. And now we accept you into our family. (Presenting signs of a high school student).

Dima: Now you are high school students and a huge responsibility falls on your shoulders - to protect the honor and dignity of our school always and everywhere.

Inna: Looking at you, people will judge our school. Be always on top! After all, our school is the best - yes! The most beautiful - yes! The most friendly - yes!

Inna: And for you, dear viewers, the weather forecast will sound.

Dima: Listen and watch the long-awaited weather forecast on whole year. The country is dreary and overcast.

(2 students come out to the music with large painted clouds in their hands, dance next to each other.)

Dance of the clouds.

Inna: Above the Kambulat school, you can see that the clouds are dispersing and the sun is appearing.

(The clouds are moving apart. A girl comes out with a huge drawn sun made of cardboard in her hands. The music “Sunrise” sounds).

Dima: And where the sun is, there are smiles!

(Girl correspondents come out with painted smiles in their hands).

So let smiles be in our school not for one year, but for many, many years!

The final song of all participants (music of the song of the group "Strelki" "Sexual Revolution").

Days go by,

We live together at school

And we love the school house.

And when you have to leave

Do you remember school on the way

Always come here!

wonderful song

"Our school is just great!"

May the years keep friendship

In the hearts of boys and girls

There will be no barriers to friendship.

You share joy with a friend,

And grief will be on the way -

Come help a friend.

Chorus: And always with you we are together

wonderful song

We will sing with our whole group:

"Our school is just great!"

The hosts start the holiday, there are two of them, preferably men. If the team is female, it can be lovely ladies.

1st leader.
Hello dear friends!
2nd leader.
Good evening!
1st leader.
Tonight we decided to start with questions. Do you allow them to be asked to you?
2nd leader.
Thank you! What association do you have with the word "spring"?
1st leader.
What about the word "woman"?
2nd host (referring to the first host).
You know, the words “spring” and “woman” are inseparable for me. Say "spring", remember a woman.

1st leader.
And if you say "woman", do you remember spring?
2nd leader.
Yes Yes! Quite right. Women, like flowers, bloom in spring. You walk around the city and you see - a blonde girl is walking towards her, modestly lowering her eyes. How it looks like a daisy!
1st leader.
But the proud lady, how she looks like a rose.
2nd leader.
And this sitting lady, what flower does it remind you of?
1st leader.
It looks like mountain lavender. Honore de Balzac compared women to flowers: “A woman is like a flower. The flower is fragrant and blooms under the rays of the sun. A woman blossoms from the love of a man.
1st leader.
All evening today, men, dear ladies, will talk to you about love.
2nd leader.
Do not think that we love you only once a year. We love you 365, and sometimes 366 days a year. But only one day a year can talk about it in their own words.
1st leader.
And we do this on March 8th.
2nd leader.
Happy holiday to you, dear, beloved girls, women, mothers, grandmothers, sisters.
1st leader.
Happy spring day, happy March 8!
2nd leader.
This poem is dedicated to you.
"There are no ugly women!" -
I declare to other skeptics
In a woman, a man opens
Something that others don't see.
Time is gaining momentum
Like a motor on the runway:
There are no ugly women
Too bad not everyone is happy.
In the overflow of rainbows and dewdrops,
On the ground, under the blue sky
There are no ugly women
Among those who love and are loved!
Years! You have no power over a woman
And of course it's not a secret
For children, all mothers are beautiful,
So there are no ugly women!
Let the rains ring on the sidewalks
Let the snowflakes spin, teasing, -
I know: there are no old women,
If there are friends of their youth.
A woman forgets in grief
Draw your line of love:
There are no ugly women
You just need to see the beauty.
1st leader.
And now I will ask a question to lovely ladies. What do you think men like the most about women?
(Answers of women).
2nd leader.
Now a question for men. What do you like in women?
(Answers of men.


1st leader.
Yes, opinions clearly do not agree.
2nd leader.
And they should not converge, because a woman is a Woman, and a man is a Man!
1st leader.
And you and I, as men, it's time to raise a toast to the lovely ladies.
2nd leader.
A toast to the ladies!
She is the element, this lady.
And this is a fact, not an advertisement.
How the eyes sparkle
Secretly, so sweetly sigh,
Won't say anything like
And there was a man - and he is not.
You look after her and do not understand
Either you mumble, or you eat.
What forms, what kind of camp,
If you're sober, you'll be drunk
The female character is dynamite,
He is both insidious and beckoning,
He's like chocolate in a wrapper
Tolerate his own living hell.
So what is this creature?
Why in the world is his recognition?
Not here to judge this,
Her fate gives us life.
But you also need to understand -
She can take life
Who will ever understand a woman
It will go crazy and die right away.
That's why I still live
I don't understand anything about her.
Madame "Good" and Lady "Evil"
Men live in spite of everything.
But no matter what to say -
And we can't live without these ladies.
We are all destined by nature
Be with this lady at the same time!
And to have it
I am ready to give my life.
And to bring down the male arrogance,
I'm ready to drink this mixture!
For lovely ladies!!!
1st leader.
Today we have an unusual evening. Our lovely ladies do not take on anything - and they succeed everywhere.
1st leader.
Among those present there are excellent doctors, teachers (list of professions).
2nd leader.
But you forgot about the most important female profession.
1st leader.
What is it?
2nd leader.
And it's just a woman.
1st leader.
And the wife?
2nd leader.
ABOUT! This is the hardest job for women.
1st leader.
Tonight is going to be different. Women on it will try themselves in a very unusual profession - models and fashion models.
2nd leader.
They will take part in competitions: "Miss Sponges" ...
1st leader.
Miss Long Legs...
2nd leader.
"Spring 200 ... years."
Those who wish to prepare for the last competition in advance, each participant is given a number, which she draws on a circle with a diameter of 8 cm and fastens on her left hand. Competition nominations are prepared at home:
"Business woman" - clothing demonstration business woman.
"Beach Suit"
"Cellophane skirt".

1st leader.
To conduct the competition, we need to choose a competent jury.

Jury's choice: optional, according to the best complement for women, etc.

2nd leader.
The members of the jury took their places and are ready to work.
1st leader.
Well, let's start the Miss Sponge contest.

Miss Sponges.
1st part.
All women are encouraged to tint their lips. The hosts distribute paper rectangles 4x8 cm in size to everyone and offer to leave an imprint of their lips on the paper, making reverse side mark whose lips it is. The hosts collect rectangles with lip prints on a tray and give them to the jury.

At this time, toasts are raised “for lovely ladies” or dances are announced.

Summing up the results of the competition, places are awarded.
1st place - Miss Seductive Lips.
2nd place - Miss Sugar Sponges.
3rd place - Miss "Smile".
Awarding prizes to the winners.

2nd part of the competition.
2nd leader.
And now three of the most courageous, loving with all their hearts, sweet ladies, three of the strongest and most courageous men are invited to the stage.

Preparations are underway for this competition. Three contours of the lips are cut through in the old sheet. The sheet should be taller than the person. It is better to sew 2 sheets. Behind the sheet they put three men, with painted lips. They stick their lips out. The leader opens the curtain.

2nd leader.
Behind this curtain are charming ladies. They agreed to please you.
1st leader.
Each of you will choose your lips under some number (1, 2, 3) and kiss your lips. But then he has to pay for this thwarted kiss with a description of his kiss - what you felt when you kissed those lips.
2nd leader.
Agree, brave of the brave?
1st leader.
Those present in the hall envy you, I assure you, the courageous of the courageous.

After the kiss, the men talk about how they felt.

2nd leader.
Yes, you had such feelings that it is worth envying us. Would you like to see your chosen ones?
1st leader.
Sponges-1, sponges-2, sponges-3 are invited to the stage. (Men standing there come out from behind the sheet.) And these three brave men from the audience should be awarded with prizes.
1st leader.
Here we have three of the most happy men. Those sitting in the hall will now envy you greatly.

Miss Long Legs.
2nd leader.
We continue our competition. We promise there will be no more giveaways. Cheer up, ladies.

Wishing ladies take the stage. The host from the audience invites two men, gives them a centimeter, and they measure the length of the woman's leg from the base of the foot to the hip. The results of the measurements are given by the jury. Music sounds. The jury sums up the calculations and announces the winner - Miss Long Legs.

1st leader.
Awarded with the Miss Long Legs award. Imagine who you are.
2nd leader.
Our two measuring women's legs are awarded for painstaking and difficult, but pleasant work.

Prizes for two men.

Competition "Poems about women".
1st leader.
Poets dedicated many poems to you, dear women. In these verses they express their feelings for you. Now we will find out how much you love poetry.
2nd leader.
You have to find out who owns these lines:
I remember a wonderful moment
You appeared before me.
(A.S. Pushkin)
1st leader.
To whom were the poems of the great poet dedicated? (A. Kern).
2nd leader.
We continue the competition.
It's nice to be your sister
I was bequeathed by ancient fate,
And I became crafty and greedy
And your sweetest slave.
(A. Akhmatova)
1st leader.
And sadly I fall asleep so
And in the dreams of the unknown I sleep:
Do I love you - I don't know
But I think I love it!
(A.K. Tolstoy)
2nd leader.
Loving others is a heavy cross,
And you are beautiful without convolutions.
And the charms of your secret
The riddles of life are tantamount.
(B. Pasternak)
1st leader.
Love, love - says the legend -
The union of the soul with the soul of the native -
Their connection, combination,
Their duel is fatal.
(F.I. Tyutchev)
2nd leader.
Here is the window again
Where they don't sleep again.
Maybe drink wine
Maybe they sit like that.
Or simply - hands
Two will not separate.
In every house, friend,
There is a window.
(M. Tsvetaeva).

Prizes for correct answers.

Miss Spring Contest
1st leader.
Our lovely contestants were preparing for the contest at home.
2nd leader.
And now we present the participants of the competition. Participant No. 1 (Last name, first name, age, profession).
1st leader.
Participant number 2 (and so on).

Women come out to the music and sit in a semicircle on the stage. Then they walk across the stage and leave.

Nomination No. 1 "Business Woman".
2nd leader.
Our participants at home prepared a suit for a business woman. Now they will show it to us.

It all depends on the imagination of the participants. The more humor they show, the more likely they are to win. The demonstration is accompanied by music. The participant takes 5 steps forward, stops, hand on the hip, 5 steps - stop. Then he stops at the left wall of the stage. Other participants will approach her, completing the semicircle. The hosts announce the participants by numbers.

What are the costumes?
1. Secretary.
A one-piece swimsuit, a black hat on her head, a ribbon to match the heart-shaped apron around her neck, stilettos and black tights on her legs. In the hands - a weekly and a pen. On the chest is a business card with the inscription "Secretary".
2. Educator.
She is dressed in a dressing gown with rattles attached - to calm the children, 20 napkins - to wipe their noses, several hooks - so that the children do not run away, a rope in the pocket - to pacify naughty children, a whistle around the neck - to quickly call the children from a walk. This is all explained during the demonstration of the costume.
3. Press woman.
Dress from newspapers fastened with adhesive tape.
4. Business Woman.
A woman in a suit, hung with mobile phones.
5. Miss pantaloons.
Woman in a jacket. There is a butterfly on the neck, instead of a skirt - lace pantaloons.

Each nomination is evaluated. And the lined up participants are told points. After each nomination for the audience - toasts, dances or whatever you see fit.

Nomination No. 2 "Beach suit".
1. A girl from Sochi, where the nights are dark.
Dressed in a black turtleneck, black gloves on her hands, black tights on her feet, a bright red one-piece swimsuit. A black nylon stocking is put on his head, a hat is on top, red large earrings are in his ears. On the face covered with a stocking, red lips are glued with adhesive tape, on the eyes - white circles, these are the whites of the eyes. The hips are tied with a scarf, beach slippers on the feet and a bag on the shoulder. She goes out, takes out a rug from her bag and puts a huge bottle of Sunblock next to it, then lies down and sunbathes.
2. Girl with double protection.
Dressed in a swimsuit, a transparent cape. On the head is a builder's helmet. In the hands of an open umbrella. Helmet and umbrella - double protection against sunstroke.
3. Shy.
She has a lot of clothes on. Slowly and embarrassed, she undresses, scattering her clothes. Remains in a blouse and pantaloons.

Nomination No. 3 "Cellophane skirt".
This is your wild fantasy. You can fold 2 meters of transparent film with folds under the adhesive tape into a skirt. Stick flowers, hearts, inscriptions on it. The skirt can be made from bags, colorful and bright. Make tops for skirts - gauze scarves, scarves. An interesting topic is obtained from the upper part of the cropped tights. This topic is easy to decorate with multi-colored tape.

At the end of the competition, the jury sums up the results and issues diplomas: Miss Modesty, Miss Spring 200 ..., Miss Sex Appeal, Miss Charm, Miss Smile, Miss Debauchery.

Couture gift.
1st leader.
And now, dear ladies, a gift for you - new model from the collection "Spring 200 ..." haute couture Natalie - "Universal model of the year."
2nd leader.
This model is a godsend for your husbands. Not a model, but a solid savings for their wallets. And for you, dear ladies, this model makes it possible to extract additional banknotes from someone's wallets. Savings are associated with the growth of a woman than less height the greater the savings.
1st leader.
The model consists of a sun-flared chiffon skirt, which takes 3 lengths of fabric to sew; petticoat, the length of which is 60 cm, and a topic. Additional expense fabric on the topic is not required. It can be done by cutting off the top of the torn tights.
2nd leader.
The topic can be decorated with an application of multi-colored tape.

The model is being shown.

1st leader.
This model is universal. Depending on the situation, it can turn into different models.
2nd leader.
Model No. 1 - "Night Butterfly". If you are late for work, and your boss is coming towards you and meeting with him is obviously inevitable, you take the edges of your skirt and turn them into butterfly wings. Lightly fluttering, invisible, like moth, you fly past him, unnoticed by this vermin. You are a night butterfly.

1st leader.
Model No. 2 - "Disco". If your boss is a bore, doesn’t let you go ahead of time for a sudden party and you don’t have time to change clothes, there is a way out! With a slight movement of your hand, you tie the opposite side edges of the skirt with a knot at the right thigh. Long skirt turns into a seductive miniskirt with draping at the hip. The success of men is guaranteed to you. They won't take their eyes off your knees. If you walk, they will fall in piles to the right and left.

2nd leader.
Model No. 3 - "Saving the Husband." Yes, this is the right way to cure a husband of alcohol and put him on the right path. If you returned from work, and he is already drunk, you stage a delirium tremens attack on your husband. With a slight movement of the hand, lift the edges of the skirt from the back and put it on the back of your head. It turns out a head cape, like the Madonnas in the paintings of the great masters. Then you take in your hands a scythe with which they mow the grass, or a sickle, and at worst a large table knife and say scary voice to his beloved: "I am your death, I have come for you." And slowly approach him. Healing from alcohol is 99% guaranteed, unless you accidentally cut it. For safety, it is better to take blunt objects.
1st leader.
We remind you that this is an exclusive model from the Spring 2005 collection of the Natali’E Fashion House.
2nd leader.
On this high fashion and note, our holiday ends.
1st leader.
Once again, happy holiday to you, dear ladies, ladies of our hearts.
2nd leader.
Happy March 8! Happy spring holiday!
1st leader.
Let ringing fun flow everywhere!
2nd leader.
Let the sun shine! Let the frost go!
1st leader.
Let a sprig of mimosa drive away the winter.
The song of the group "Freestyle" "Oh, what a woman" sounds.

The script of the competitive entertainment program "Guinness Show"

Goals and objectives:

Introduce children to each other in an interesting entertaining way;

To acquaint children with the capabilities and abilities of people according to the Guinness Book of Records;

To teach to be aware of their individual capabilities, to affirm the desire for self-improvement.

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes. Venue: Square in front of the dining room. Props: hoops, basketballs, jump rope, roll toilet paper, soccer balls, ruler.

Venue for the Guinness Show event

These contests do not require special training in squads. They are held as the first gathering of detachments on the camp square. To hold competitions, it is necessary to draw a rectangle with the numbers of units from the youngest to the oldest with chalk on the gathering site. The guys from the first day should get used to the organized construction of the camp on the square and know where their squad is located during the event.

Two hosts take the stage to any groovy music.

1st leader. Good afternoon

2nd leader. Hello, hello, hello!

The guys answer.

1st leader. Something you guys are not saying hello together, let's say hello to you even more friendly, louder! Can you?

2nd leader. If you can, then we can safely go on an exciting journey through the Guinness Book of Records.

1st and 2nd hosts (together). Hello guys!

The guys greet each other.

1st leader. Well done! With such active boys and girls, you can safely start our Guinness Show program!

2nd presenter. And on this occasion, your thunderous applause!

1st leader. But first, I want you and me to find out how the Guinness Book of Records appeared.

2nd leader. A bit of history. It all started on November 10, 1951, when an Englishman, Sir Hugh Beaver, managing director of Guinness, was hunting with friends in a place called North Mud in the southeast of Ireland. A dispute broke out between the hunters, who is the most fast bird Europe - golden plover or black grouse.

1st leader. And then Sir Hugh thought that such questions were being discussed in all the counties of England and Ireland. Since 1955, thanks to Hugh Beaver, the Guinness Book of Records has been published annually in all major languages ​​of the world. This book records the achievements of mankind, as well as the records of the world around us.

2nd leader. Today we will recognize the most outstanding boys and girls of our camp. We will definitely enter their names in the Guinness Book of Records. health camp"Star". Your applause!

The 2nd host takes out a clean scroll and sits down at the table, where a pen and prizes for the winners are prepared, the 1st host holds contests.

1st leader. Let's start. Attention, each squad is given a minute to choose one representative who can spin the hoop at the waist longer than others.

Meeting in teams.

By the way, let's look at the Guinness Book of Records. The longest hoop in the world was spun by the American Roxanne Rose. Her record performance lasted 90 hours! I invite those who want to beat her record to take the stage. We meet!

Girls enter the stage from the squads, the 2nd presenter distributes hoops to them.

So, your task is to spin the hoops until all your opponents are out of the game. Started!

Cheerful music sounds, the girls begin to twist the hoops.

In the meantime, our girls are winding up kilometers, I invite to the stage those who have the shortest surname in the squad.

The teams confer.

Yes, guys, do you want to know what the shortest last name in the world sounds like? The shortest surname in the world consists of one

the letter "O" and it prevails in Korea. Well, the discussion is over, everyone who has Korean surnames, take the stage.

The guys go on stage, the 1st presenter lines them up in one line facing the viewer. In the background, girls are spinning hoops.

All that is required of you, dear friends, is to clearly and clearly say your last name into the microphone.

The winner is determined.

So, the shortest surname in our camp is that of a boy (girl) from the detachment. Let us support him (her) with thunderous applause! Come to the table your name for eighteen days they will be entered in the Guinness Book of Records of the Zvezdny health camp. Don't forget to claim your sweet prize. And we continue. Now each squad will choose a person with the most long surname, that is, one where more than 10 or maybe 12 letters. Started!

Discussion in teams.

Yes, by the way, the longest surname in the world is Scottish, and it consists of 29 letters. I hope that you will not ask me to voice it, otherwise this, guys, will drag on for a long time. All your time is up.

The guys enter the stage, line up in one line, the 1st presenter chooses the person with the longest surname. The girls keep spinning the hoops.

Our Guinness Show continues! And now it would be logical to invite boys and girls to the stage, who have the shortest name in the squad.

Team meeting.

We are conferring, and on my own behalf I will add that for several generations of newborns in the Lincoln family from England they have been given a name consisting of one letter - A. What is the shortest name in our camp, we will now find out.

The guys go on stage, the 1st presenter chooses the person with the shortest name, rewards. The girls keep spinning the hoops.

Let's now see which of the guys in the camp has the most long name, I wonder who it belongs to - a boy or a girl.

Team meeting.

And the longest name in the world belongs to a girl from Texas USA. And it sounds like this: Rashandiatelyaineshiannevesheni Koyaanfskuatsiuti Williams. It remains to find out the owner of the longest name in our camp.

The guys go on stage, the winner is selected and awarded. The girls are spinning hoops.

And now I ask in my squads to choose a boy or a girl with the most rare name. And that's the end of the names.

Team meeting.

Friends, here is such a curious question for you: how long do you think you can grow a mustache? Here at Birgem Pellasu from Sweden they are 2 m 77 cm. And I invite to the stage those who, in the opinion of the detachment, have the rarest name.

Applicants go on stage, the 1st presenter conducts a survey.

Let's all decide together which name you like the most. Your applause for participant number 1 ... (List the participants.) The one who received the loudest applause wins this competition!

Participant awards. The girls keep spinning the hoops.

It's time to choose your own tall man in the squad. Gulliver, so to speak.

Team meeting.

And I will read you the following interesting information. It turns out that the tallest man in the world was the American Robert Wadlow. In June 1940, his height was 2 m 72 cm. And I invite the distant relatives of this American to the stage.

The guys go on stage, the winner is determined, the awarding in the Gulliver nomination is underway. Girls are still spinning hoops.

We know the tallest man in the camp. So the question is, who is the smallest? Where are the boys with fingers and thumbs?

Team meeting.

Yes, I must say that the smallest person in the world was Paulli Musteres, who was born in the Netherlands. At the age of 19, her height was 55 cm.

The guys go on stage, the winner is determined and awarded. The girls are spinning hoops.

Well, now let's choose a boy in our squads who loves and knows how to play basketball well - your "Basketball".

Team meeting.

Maybe someone will be interested in information of this kind: the longest dribbling of a basketball was performed in May 1999 by American Jamie Borgess, who dribbled the ball for a distance of 156 km without running.

Participants of the next competition enter the stage.

So what do you need to do. On my command, you need to spin the ball once and keep it on index finger as long as possible. Let's split into two teams so as not to crowd.

The first team plays, then the second, then the final is held between the two leaders, the award is held in the Basketboy nomination. In the background, only one girl is already spinning the hoop.

Here she is the winner. Loud, stormy applause for the girl who spins the hoop the longest in our camp!

The winner in the nomination "Miss Wasp Waist" is awarded.

And our Guinness show continues. And let's find out in which squad there is a daredevil who can ride the longest with a rope.

Team meeting.

The longest marathon in jumping rope is 13 hours and 30 minutes. The record was set by the Dutchman Edwin Lagervizh. And most big number jumps in 1 minute is 334. This record belongs to the Englishman Albert Reiner.

Participants of the competition enter the stage, the 2nd presenter distributes a rope to each, and on command, the competitors begin to jump.

And we will not waste time and find out which of the boys will be able to fill a soccer ball the longest.

Team discussion.

By the way, Michael Polmqvist from Sweden filled the ball for 14 hours and 14 minutes without letting it fall.

Participants of the competition enter the stage, line up. The first team is given soccer balls, on command they begin to fill, after which the second team plays. The final is held between the two leaders, the winner is awarded in the nomination "Mr. The girls keep jumping rope.

More information for football fans. The biggest football player was England goalkeeper Willy Fulk, who, with a height of 1 m 90 cm, weighed 165 kg. Once, because of him, the match had to be interrupted, as he broke the crossbar ...

It's time for the girls to show off their beauty. We choose the longest-haired ones in our squad.

Team discussion.

And the most long hair in the world belonged to Swami Pandarasannadi, the head of the monastery in India, and they were almost 8 meters.

Long-haired girls rise on the stage, the 2nd presenter measures the length of their hair, chooses the winner, awards her in the nomination "Barbarian beauty - long braid".

Now choose the most tanned boy in your squads. I invite to the stage those who like to spend their time in the sun.

The most tanned guys leave the squads, the 1st host chooses the winner, awards him in the Chocolate Bunny nomination.

So we waited for the moment when we find out the name of the girl who can jump rope the longest in our camp.

Awarded to the winner of the competition in the nomination "Energizer Girl".

And now I invite to the stage those who have the most dexterous fingers, who can quickly tie and untie knots. We are conferring.

Team meeting.

Food for thought: how many hoops do you think can be rotated simultaneously on the body? So, 82 hoops, this was achieved by Lauren Lomeli from the USA.

The participants of the next competition rise on the stage, the 2nd presenter distributes to each a piece of toilet paper.

So, my friends, all you need is to tie as many knots as possible on this piece of paper in 1 minute without tearing it. Let's support our participants with applause. Started!

Knots are counted, the winner is awarded in the "Sea Wolf" nomination.

Our Guinness Show continues. And each squad must choose a girl with the longest nails.

Team meeting.

Surprisingly, the longest nails in the world belong to a man. They were grown by Sridhar Chilaly from India. The nails of his left hand had a total length of 6 m 15 cm, that is, on average, each nail accounts for 1 m 25 cm.

The girls selected in the squads rise on the stage, the 2nd leader measures the length of their nails with a ruler and chooses the winner, she is awarded in the “Frau claw” nomination.

On this stage, we invite those who can whistle the loudest in the squad.

Team meeting.

And by tradition, we find out what they write about the whistle in the Guinness Book of Records. The loudest whistle was made by American Roy Lomas in 1983. A whistle of 123 decibels was heard at a distance of 2.5 km. And the record for the longest whistle belonged to Canadian David Frank, he whistled for 30 hours and 10 minutes in a row.

Participants of the competition rise to the stage, line up and take turns whistling. The winner is determined, he is awarded in the nomination "The Nightingale the Robber".

The next competition is for the most cheerful, smiling, laughing boys and girls.

The contestants take the stage.

You need to portray the most infectious laughter. In general, all you need is to laugh into the microphone to cheer up all the squads.

The contestants take turns laughing, the winner is chosen, he is awarded in the Smesharik nomination.

The Guinness Show is gradually coming to an end, it only remains to choose those in your squad who will sparkle and shine for you the whole shift. We choose the most red-haired and freckled guys and girls.

The guys go on stage, they are awarded in the nomination "Sunshine".

Well, friends, your stormy unceasing applause to all those whose names are included in the "Guinness Book of Records" of our camp for the whole 18 days! And I ask the owners of the longest and most short surname, and the longest and the most short name, and a man with a rare name, our "Gulliver", "Thumbelina" and "Thumb Boy", Miss "Wasp Waist", Mr. "Nabivala", "Barbarian Beauty - a Long Braid", "Chocolate Bunny", "Frau Claw" , "Energizer Girl", "Sea Wolf", and our "Sun". Louder, louder clap, "Star"!

"Guinness Show"

Goals and objectives:

introduce children to each other in an interesting and entertaining way;

To acquaint children with the capabilities and abilities of people according to the Guinness Book of Records;

· to teach to be aware of their individual capabilities, to approve the desire for self-improvement.

Time spending: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Location: area in front of the dining room.

Props: hoops, basketballs, jump rope, toilet paper roll, soccer balls, ruler.

These competitions do not require special training in the squads. They are held as the first gathering of detachments on the camp square. To hold competitions, it is necessary to draw a rectangle with the numbers of units from the youngest to the oldest with chalk on the gathering site. The guys from the first day should get used to the organized construction of the camp on the square and know where their squad is located during the event.

Venue for the Guinness Show event

They go on stage to any groovy music 2 Leaders.

1st leader. Good afternoon

2nd leader. Hello, hello, hello!!! (guys answer)

1st leader. Something you guys are not friendly, let's say hello to you even more friendly, louder! Can you?

2nd leader. If you can, then we can safely go on an exciting journey through the Guinness Book of Records.

1st and 2nd presenters (together). Hello guys!!!

The guys greet each other.

1st leader. Well done! With such active boys and girls, you can safely start our Guinness Show program!

2nd leader. And on this occasion, your thunderous applause!

1st leader. But first, I want you and me to find out how the Guinness Book of Records appeared.

2nd leader. A bit of history. It all started on November 10, 1951, when an Englishman, Sir Hugh Beaver, managing director of Guinness, was hunting with friends in a place called North Dirt in the southeast of Ireland. A dispute broke out between the hunters, who is the fastest bird in Europe - the golden plover or the black grouse.

1st leader. And then Sir Hugh thought that such questions were being discussed in all the counties of England and Ireland. Since 1955, thanks to Hugh Beaver, the Guinness Book of Records has been published annually in all major languages ​​of the world. This book records the achievements of mankind, as well as the records of the world around us.

2nd leader. Today we will recognize the most outstanding boys and girls of our camp. We will definitely write their names in the Guinness Book of Records of the Zvezdny recreation camp. Your applause!

The 2nd host takes out a clean scroll and sits down at the table, where a pen and prizes for the winners are prepared, the 1st host holds contests.

Leading. Let's start. Attention, each squad is given a minute to choose one representative who can spin the hoop at the waist longer than others ( in teams meeting). By the way, let's look at the Guinness Book of Records. The longest hoop in the world was spun by the American Roxanne Rose. Her record performance lasted 90 hours! I invite those who want to beat her record to take the stage. We meet!!!

On stage from the squads go girls, the 2nd presenter distributes hoops to them.

Leading. So, your task is to spin the hoops until all your opponents are out of the game. Started!!! (Merry music sounds, the girls begin to twist the hoops.) In the meantime, our girls are winding up kilometers, I invite to the stage those who have the shortest surname in the squad ( teams confer). Yes, guys, do you want to know what the shortest last name in the world sounds like? The shortest surname in the world consists of one letter "O" and it prevails in Korea. Well, the discussion is over, everyone with Korean surnames, take the stage.

The guys go on stage, the host lines them up in one line facing the audience. In the background, girls are spinning hoops.

Leading. All that is required of you, dear friends, is to clearly and clearly say your last name into the microphone. ( The winner is determined.) So, the shortest surname in our camp is the boy (girl) ________ from the _________ squad. Let's support him (her) with thunderous applause! Come to the table, your name will be entered in the Guinness Book of Records of the Zvezdny health camp for eighteen days. Don't forget to claim your sweet prize. And we continue. Now each squad will choose a person with the longest surname, that is, one with more than 10 or maybe 12 letters. Started! ( discussion in teams) By the way, the longest surname in the world is Scottish and it consists of 29 letters. I hope that you don’t ask me to voice it, otherwise, guys, this will drag on for a long time. Well, your time is up.

The guys go on stage, line up, the host chooses the person with the longest last name. The girls keep spinning the hoops.

Leading. Our Guinness Show continues! And now it would be logical to invite boys and girls to the stage, who have the shortest name in the squad ( team meeting). We are conferring, and on my own I will add that for several generations of newborns in the Lincoln family from England they have been given a name consisting of one letter - A. What is the shortest name in our camp, we will now find out.

The guys go on stage, the presenter chooses the person with the shortest name, rewards. The girls keep spinning the hoops.

Leading. Let's now see which of the guys in the camp has the longest name, I wonder who it belongs to a boy or a girl ( team meeting). And the longest name in the world belongs to a girl from Texas USA. And it sounds like this: Rashandiatelyaineshianneveshi Koyaanfskuatsiuti Williams. It remains to find out the owner of the longest name in our camp.

The guys go on stage, the winner is selected and awarded. The girls are spinning hoops.

Leading. And now I ask in my squads to choose a boy or a girl with the rarest name. And that's the end of the names. (Conference in the detachments.) Friends, here is such a curious question for you: how long do you think you can grow a mustache? Here at Birgem Pellasu from Sweden they are 2 m 77 cm. And I invite to the stage those who, in the opinion of the detachment, have the rarest name. (Applicants enter the stage, the presenter conducts a survey.) Let's all decide together which name you like the most. Your applause to participant number 1 ... ( enumeration of participants) The one who gets the loudest applause wins this contest!

Participant awards. The girls keep spinning the hoops.

Leading. It's time to choose the tallest person in the squad. Gulliver so to speak team meeting). And I will read you the following curious information. It turns out that the tallest man in the world was the American Robert Wadlow. In June 1940, his height was 2 m 72 cm. And I invite the distant relatives of this American to the stage.

The guys go on stage, the winner is determined, there is an award in the Gulliver nomination. The girls are still spinning hoops.

Leading. We know the tallest man in the camp. So the question is, who is the smallest? Where are the thumbs and thumbs? ( team meeting) Yes, I must say that the smallest person in the world was Paulli Musteres, who was born in the Netherlands. At the age of 19, her height was 55 cm.

The guys go on stage, the winner is determined and awarded. The girls are spinning hoops.

Leading. Well, now let's choose a boy in our squads who loves and knows how to play basketball well - your "Basketboy" ( team meeting). Maybe someone will be interested in information of this kind: the longest dribbling of a basketball was performed in May 1999 by the American Jamie Borgess, who dribbled the ball for a distance of 156 km without running.

Participants of the next competition enter the stage.

Leading. So what do you need to do. At my command, you need to spin the ball once and hold it on your index finger for as long as possible. Let's split into two teams so as not to crowd.

The first team plays, then the second, then the final is held between the two leaders, the award is held in the Basketboy nomination. In the background, only one girl is already spinning the hoop.

Leading. Here she is the winner. Loud, stormy applause for the girl who spins the hoop the longest in our camp!

The winner in the nomination "Miss Wasp Waist" is awarded.

Leading. And our Guinness show continues. And let's find out in which squad there is a daredevil who can ride the rope the longest ( group discussion). The longest marathon in jumping rope is 13 hours and 30 minutes. The record was set by the Dutchman Edwin Lagervizh. And the largest number of jumps in 1 minute is 334. This record belongs to the Englishman Albert Reiner.

Participants of the competition enter the stage, the 2nd presenter distributes a rope to each, and on command, the competitors begin to jump.

Leading. And we will not waste time and find out which of the boys will be able to fill a soccer ball the longest ( group discussion). By the way, Michael Polmqvist from Sweden filled the ball for 14 hours and 14 minutes without letting it fall.

Participants of the competition enter the stage, line up. The first team is given soccer balls, on command they begin to fill, after which the second team plays. The final is held between the two leaders, the winner is awarded in the nomination "Mr. The girls keep jumping rope.

Leading. More information for football fans. The biggest football player was England goalkeeper Willy Fulk, who, with a height of 1 m 90 cm, weighed 165 kg. Once, because of him, the match had to be interrupted, as he broke the crossbar ... It's time for the girls to show off their beauty. We choose in our squad the longest-haired ( team discussion). And the longest hair in the world belonged to Swami Pandarasannadi, the head of the monastery in India, and they were almost 8 meters.

Long-haired girls rise on the stage, the 2nd presenter measures the length of their hair, chooses the winner, awards her in the nomination "Barbarian beauty - long braid".

Leading. Now choose the most tanned boy in your squads. I invite to the stage those who like to spend their time in the sun.

The most tanned guys leave the squads, the host chooses the winner, awards him in the Chocolate Bunny nomination.

Leading. So we waited for the moment when we find out the name of the girl who can jump rope the longest in our camp.

Awarded to the winner of the competition in the nomination "Energizer Girl".

Leading. And now I invite to the stage those who have the most dexterous fingers, who can quickly tie and untie knots. We are conferring ( team meeting). Food for thought: how many hoops do you think can be rotated simultaneously on the body? So, 82 hoops, this was achieved by Lauren Lomeli from the USA.

The participants of the next competition rise on the stage, the 2nd presenter distributes to each a piece of toilet paper.

Leading. So, my friends, all you need is to tie as many knots as possible on this piece of paper in 1 minute without tearing it. Let's support our participants with applause. Started!

Knots are counted, the winner is awarded in the "Sea Wolf" nomination.

Leading. Our Guinness Show continues. And each squad must choose a girl with the longest nails ( team meeting). Surprisingly, the longest nails in the world belong to a man. They were grown by Sridhar Chilaly from India. The nails of his left hand had a total length of 6 m 15 cm, that is, on average, each nail accounts for 1 m 25 cm.

The girls selected in the squads rise on the stage, the 2nd leader measures the length of their nails with a ruler and chooses the winner, she is awarded in the “Frau claw” nomination.

Leading. We invite to this stage those who can whistle the loudest in the squad ( team meeting). And by tradition, we find out what they write about the whistle in the Guinness Book of Records. The loudest whistle was made by American Roy Lomas in 1983. A whistle of 123 decibels was heard at a distance of 2.5 km. And the record for the longest whistle belonged to Canadian David Frank, he whistled for 30 hours and 10 minutes in a row.

Participants of the competition rise to the stage, line up and take turns whistling. The winner is determined, he is awarded in the nomination "The Nightingale the Robber".

Leading. The next competition is for the most cheerful, smiling, laughing boys and girls ( group discussion).

The contestants take the stage.

Leading. You need to put on the most infectious laugh. In general, all you need is to laugh into the microphone to cheer up all the squads.

The contestants take turns laughing, the winner is chosen, he is awarded in the Smesharik nomination.

Leading. The Guinness Show is gradually coming to an end, all that remains is to choose those in your squad who will sparkle and shine for you the whole shift. We choose the most red-haired and freckled guys and girls.

The guys go on stage, they are awarded in the nomination "Sunshine".

Leading. Well, friends, your stormy incessant applause to all those whose names for the whole 18 days were included in the "Guinness Book of Records" of our camp! And I ask the owners of the longest and shortest surname __________ and the longest and shortest name ___________ and, a person with a rare name __________, our “Gulliver” _________, “Thumbelina” and “Thumbelina” _________, to come on stage, Miss "Wasp Waist" __________, Mr. "Nabivala" __________, "Barbarian beauty - a long braid" ___________, "Chocolate Hare" __________, "Frau Claw" _________, "Energizer Girl" _________, "Sea Wolf" _________ and our "Sun »________. Louder, louder clap, "Star"! After all, everyone who came out here deserves your applause. And I want to wish everyone to go in for sports, not be afraid to stand out among others, strive for victories and win. And then your name will be entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

Thanks to all!

Disco with contests

A disco is always more interesting if it hosts funny contests. Here are some of them.

Am, am

3 couples take the stage. The boy puts his hands behind his back, the girl is blindfolded and given a banana in her hands. On command, the girls should feed the bananas to the boys. The winner is the pair in which the boy eats the banana first and shouts "Am, um!"

Samba, Rumba, Lambada

10 people are invited to the stage. The host says that now everyone will see how they dance New Year's round dances in Brazil, and declares himself a Christmas tree. All players stand around him, turn to the right, take the person in front of him by the shoulders (waist). The host says: "Samba!" Everyone should take a step forward right foot, then: “Rumba!”, The players take a step forward with their left foot. When the host says “Lambada!”, Everyone in the circle, without removing their hands from the neighbor’s shoulders, dances the lambada. The host says that he likes the way the guys dance and offers to complicate the task. Now all players take the shoulders not in front of the standing participant, but through one. The circle narrows, and it starts all over again: "Samba, Rumba, Lambada!"


There are 3 boys on stage. The host gives them a sheet of paper and offers to make airplanes. Whoever launches them into the hall first, he will win. The only difficulty is that the guys must make airplanes with one left hand, removing right hand behind the back.

digital disco

Upon entering dance hall the guys get tickets on which numbers from 0 to 9 are written. The host starts game program and asks the child to go up on stage, who has a ticket with the number 7. The first of the children with such a ticket to enter the stage wins. After a while, the host calls, for example, the number 16. Two players already enter the stage - with the numbers 1 and 6. Then 490, etc. The task of the guys is to quickly orient themselves, unite in groups and go on stage with tickets.

Heel - shoulder

5 couples are invited to the stage. The host invites them to dance to the groovy music, but with one condition: on command, the couples must connect with those parts of the body that he calls and continue to dance in the position in which the host calls (palm to palm, ear to shoulder, heel to heel, knee shoulder, elbow to heel, nape to lower back).

two tangerines

The host invites 2 people to the stage. He gives them a tangerine each. The task of the guys is to peel the tangerine and eat it 1 slice at a time, alternating with the enemy. Whoever eats the last piece of tangerine wins the competition.


3 boys are taking part in this competition. Everyone receives a plastic one and a half liter bottle, in which there are 7 felt-tip pens without caps. Caps are sold separately. The host invites the guys to charge the machine. To do this, the team needs to open the cap of the bottle, take out felt-tip pens from it, put caps on them (according to color). Put the markers back into the bottle and close the lid. The most dexterous one wins this competition.

Music disco

The host invites everyone in the hall to remember the songs in which the words begin with the syllable "do". As in an auction, the winner is the last one to sing an excerpt from the song. Then the game takes place with the syllables "re", "mi", "fa", "la", "si".

Complete the poem

Children who love to compose poems take part in this competition. 5 players enter the stage, they are given sheets on which it is written:





Participants need to complete the poem in 1 minute. After which they read out their verses, and the presenter awards the winner.


Two players sit on chairs with their backs to each other. You need to sit straight, move your legs. A short rope is stretched under the chairs. On command, both bend down at the same time, trying to snatch the rope from under the chairs. Whoever succeeds first, wins.

five points

Fold a stack of identical sheets of paper and pierce them through with an awl in five places. Each player receives a sheet, and then makes a drawing of any object on it so that the line of the drawing passes without interruption through 5 points. 3 minutes are given for this task, after which the author himself original drawing is declared the winner.

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