Ballroom dancing for children benefits and harms. Program "Dance Planet of Childhood"


Every parent wants their child to grow up healthy and strong. But not everyone knows that the health of the baby needs to be monitored from a very early age. And especially for his physical development. Most The best way to strengthen the health of your child is to send him to a dance school. After all, dancing perfectly develops a child, and for girls it is best view sports.

The best option for children is sports ballroom dancing. Unlike other types of dance, ballroom dancing can be practiced by children from a very young age.

ballroom dancing useful to many:

  • develop motor skills
  • movement coordination,
  • sense of rhythm,
  • ear for music,
  • the ability to control your body.

In addition, children who are engaged in dancing are less shy and get used to the stage from an early age. It does not matter where the child will work in the future, but he will overcome the fear of the audience.

Each age has its own characteristics of teaching dance.

As a rule, classes with children from 2 to 6 years old are held in a playful way, based on numerous jumps, stretching, and gymnastics. Such techniques help strengthen the muscles of children, develop their general physical training. Dance technique begins to be demanded from about 6 years old, when children are already physically ready for this.

On the basis of ballroom dancing, various competitions and competitions are held. By participating in such events, a child from an early age will strive to win or try to take a prize.

Thus, an incentive is developed for the child to work on himself.

Ballroom dancing contributes not only to the physical development of the child, but also social. After all, visiting dance groups The child will make many new friends.

It is important to note the influence of parents on the child's desire to dance. Parents often send their child to dance school and forget to be interested in the success of their baby. But the child wants to be praised, supported. Therefore, parents need to attend their child's training and performances as much as possible. This will encourage the child to study as best as possible in order to please mom and dad with their successes.

When choosing a dance and sports club great attention should be given to the dance coach. It is important that this is a person who loves his job, has teaching experience, preferably at least 10 years. Then the child's education will be successful.

The advantages of sports ballroom dancing in childhood over other sports

Taking care of their children, parents always attach great importance to the health of their child. In order for the child to grow up healthy, develop harmoniously, it is necessary to lead healthy lifestyle life.

What does the concept of "healthy lifestyle" include? First, correct balanced diet containing a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Secondly, active image life. It is necessary to move a lot and play outdoor games. Go in for sports, dance is better.

Today, the choice of sports sections is very large, where you could give your child.

But in most sports there is a local load on certain muscles of the body, and not evenly on the entire body. This leads to the fact that the muscles of the body develop unevenly.

Home and right aim- balanced development of the body, increasing endurance, improving the appearance and health of the child.

It is necessary to choose one sport that would meet all these requirements. This is a sports ballroom dance.

IN Lately the first place in the list of parental preferences is confidently occupied by dance studios. As a rule, a child is not taken to such studios with the aim of receiving a return in the form of medals and other awards in a few years. Mostly older generation takes care of health promotion and the formation of the aesthetic taste of its offspring, and in this sport ballroom dancing is out of competition.

At what age should children be given to ballroom dancing

Parents are faced with the question immediately after the birth of their child, what ability they can open and when is the best time to do it.

Some of them believe that the sooner the better. But let's solve this issue regarding dances, since it is them that parents choose for extra classes their beloved children. Let's see what the dances themselves are, which in the lightest manifestation determine the load. Professionals determine the age for dancing at six years. By this time, the child has already formed a skeleton. By this time, the child is able to perform all the exercises and control their implementation. The best place for the child will be a dance school. But parents should remember that it is impossible to demand good results from a child right away. You need to understand the purpose of dancing. This will happen for general development or for further dance lessons.

In the first option - for general development - it is recommended to start classes at a more late age. It all depends on the dance school and the teacher to whom the parents entrusted the child. Do not forget that for a three-year-old kid, these activities will be interesting entertainment and nothing more. Such dances can be taught in kindergarten.

The second option - serious classes with a "perspective in dancing" - should be started at preschool age. What will the child lose if he starts going to dance classes later?

With age, he will find less and less time for these activities. In the question of what age is ideal for starting ballroom dancing, one should follow the advice of experts who can help sort out this problem. Coaches recommend starting with preparatory phase. It is good if a child from three to four years old will be engaged in rhythmoplasty. This will teach him the simplest movements and skillfully prepare the body for the load. At five years old, you can determine what the child is capable of, and if he has an interest, then five years is the most wonderful age to start serious ballroom dancing.

Ballroom dancing lessons for kids

Getting started with dancing is exciting for both children and their parents. In fact, ballroom dancing is a wonderful activity for children as it is able to encourage positive self-esteem in both girls and boys. Dance lessons can teach a child self-confidence, self-discipline and poise. The child who started dancing in early age most likely to develop a love of art, as well as a passion for rhythm and movement. And most importantly, dancing is just a lot of fun.

Starting ballroom dancing at an early age

Some people believe that a child should be enrolled in a dance school as soon as possible, and sometimes they do this when they are only 2 years old. Toddlers and preschoolers usually start with prep groups rather than structured dance classes. If the child is 4 or 5 years old, it is worth considering his emotional maturity and the degree of personality formation. If your toddler is very shy, forcing him to dance can completely discourage him from dancing. However, if the child is ready to do something new in the team strangers, That early start classes will have an extremely beneficial effect on his abilities.

Search for a coach and dance school

There are several things to consider when deciding where a child will learn to dance. Sports ballroom dancing has become very popular in last years, and for sure, each city will have several studios to choose from. Worth making a list options, and then go to each studio to look and decide. All dance studios are different and, of course, you need to take into account the level and professionalism of the trainers, and choose a dance school where the child can get the best dance training.

Clothes for sports ballroom dancing

Probably one of the most important things when starting to dance is buying special clothes and shoes. If someone is not sure what kind of clothes a child should wear to ballroom dancing classes, it is worth asking the coach. In our dance school in the section Sports ballroom dancing there is a description of Clothes and shoes for sports dances, you can familiarize yourself with it and be aware of it in advance.

Beautiful posture, flexibility, coordination, balance, the habit of respectful attitude to opposite sex- this is not all the advantages of practicing ballroom dancing. And if you are planning to enroll your child in this beautiful sport, or are already a parent of a dancer, you have absolutely right choice and we wish you success and victories.

Every parent sooner or later thinks about what to do with their child. Someone gives in music school, someone in art, and someone in dancing. And ballroom dancing is the most popular among parents.

Surely, many of you thought, looking at the couples in beautiful costumes circling in the dance, how easy and beautiful it is. Yes, this spectacle is really mesmerizing, however, it is far from being as simple as it seems. Professional dancers spend many years of their lives honing their skills. At the same time, do not forget that dancing is not only an art, but also a serious sport that requires good physical preparation.

Parents should take a responsible approach to the choice of the type of activity for their child. It is necessary to take into account many factors: firstly, the desire of the child. You should not force your son or daughter to go to dances if the child's soul lies in martial arts or swimming. Second, talent. Perfect option if the child has a sense of rhythm, ear for music and artistry. But even if all this is not there, but there is at least a desire to go and try dancing, you must use this chance. Good teachers are able to make a really good dancer out of even the most incapable student at first glance.

If your child is really serious about ballroom dancing, very good prospects open up for him. First of all, it is a well-developed plasticity, which gives the girls femininity. For boys, ballroom dancing will help to acquire a good physical form. Children with experience public speaking, less than others are subject to the influence of strangers, as a result of which they are not complexed. Professional teachers believe that you need to start studying from the age of six - it is at this age that the greatest potential of the child can be revealed.

Now consider the benefits and harms of ballroom dancing. The advantages of such activities, of course, can be considered the absence of complexes in the child, because the "balniki" are very stress-resistant, relaxed and self-confident. Also, dancing develops physical strength, so these children are much more resilient and active than their peers who do not play sports. Children who are involved in dancing learn to persevere in achieving their goals on their own, because achieving a visible result (for example, winning a dance competition) is the best incentive.
Ballroom dancing is less traumatic than other sports. In addition, dancing, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the health of the child: posture improves, muscles become stronger and more elastic, and the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves.

Among the disadvantages of ballroom dancing are: a large number of the amount of time a child needs to devote to classes in order to achieve really good results. As a result, school performance may decline, which will negatively affect the emotional background of your child. As a result, the general well-being of the child also decreases. A boy forced to perform a double load can quickly get tired of this lifestyle. In addition, children at a young age are quite cruel and a boy can become an object of ridicule. A person who thinks in stereotypes can mock a boy because of dancing, and therefore, one should not particularly listen to his opinion. In such a situation, it is important to support your child, explain what are the advantages and prospects of ballroom dancing, and in no case should you scold the child for any failures in the classroom. After all, the most important thing is that your son or your daughter enjoy classes.

Another disadvantage can be considered quite expensive costumes and shoes for dancing. Parents who send their child to ballroom dancing should be prepared for the costs. Also, after a certain amount of time, a dance couple may break up, and one of the partners will be left without a couple, which is a serious emotional problem for the other partner.

However, you should not be afraid of difficulties; first of all, you need to focus on the success of your children in the classroom.

Olga Petrovich

Your child has a musical ear andgood sense of rhythm, it is mobile andartistic? It's time to think about how to identify him in a dance school for children.If you opted for ballroom dancing, think carefully, weigh all the pros and cons of this sport.

If the child's eyes light up, if everything works out in a new field for him, if he is cheerful and satisfied, then the right choice has been made.

  • Ballroom dancing is a combination of art and sport. Dancing classes develop aesthetic feelings in children, the ability to perceive music, an ear for music, teach them to control their bodies, train motor skills and coordination of movements. Ballroom dancing contributes to the development physical strength child, endurance, improve the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, improve posture, strengthen muscles.
  • Compared to other sports, ballroom dancing has an important advantage - it is less traumatic. Pair dances also teach the culture of communication between girls and fingers, between athletes of different ages.
  • Children who attend dances are more active and collected than their non-choreographer peers. In its turn physical development stimulates intellectual development.
  • Being engaged in ballroom dancing, children already at an early age learn to achieve their goals, but not because “you must”, but because “you are not obliged, but you will definitely succeed!”, and this a big difference in posing the question.
  • Dancing classes, participation in various competitions develop a child's resistance to stress, internally organize, help to solve many problems with complexes, self-esteem. And these problems, in turn, can cause retarded development and unwillingness to study at school.

Cons of ballroom dancing

  • If you grow little dancer, be prepared for the fact that not everyone will be sympathetic to the fact that your wonderful boy is dancing, and not a "male" sport.
  • Ballroom dancing takes a lot of time, physical and mental strength from a child, that by loading him with something else other than school, you will simply ruin his childhood.
  • Ballroom dancing is an expensive sport. You will have to pay for group classes, individual lessons and participation in various competitions, buy or sew custom-made costumes and shoes for dancing. It is worthwhile to evaluate your financial capabilities well so as not to cause stress in the child due to the fact that after several painstaking months of classes you will no longer be able to understand the child's passion.
  • An important drawback of ballroom dancing: if one partner stops classes, then it is extremely difficult to replace him, the couple can simply break up. In addition, partner boys are always in short supply and it is possible that your daughter will have to dance alone for several years until there is a couple for her.

Who is ballroom dancing for?

Ballroom dancing - ideal for dreamy girls, dance classes develop plasticity and teach to hear and feel music. Enchanting music, beautiful children's dance clothes, whirling couples - in such an environment, the girl will feel like a princess.

Boys are most often brought to ballroom dancing by mothers who want to raise a prince and a gentleman. Yes, perhaps ballroom dancing is not the most masculine sport, despite the fact that a little dancer expects a serious physical load. However, dancing practice will definitely help your boy in the future: when he begins to be interested in girls, it will be easier for him to find an approach to the beautiful half of humanity ... After all, few women refuse an outstretched hand and the offer "let's dance."

Any decision of the parents should be based on the desires and preferences of the baby - that's when it will turn out to be right. And do not be afraid of difficulties - they always go hand in hand with success.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

You still can't decide what to do with your beloved baby? Sports sections, literary circles, theater studios, art schools- The choice of activities is huge.

Ballroom and dance Sport This is definitely worth a try! The elegance of the pas and the bewitching music attract more than one generation of young dancers. Why shouldn't your child do the same? beautiful view sports?

health benefits of dancing

Sports and ballroom dancing is not only an unusually beautiful, but also a very healthy hobby. Dance lessons:

  • Strengthen blood vessels and muscles;
  • Increase the physical endurance of the child;
  • Improve posture;
  • Remove muscle clamps;
  • Improve the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • They teach the child to calmly relate to failures and lose, to be more stress-resistant.

What is the passion for dancing?

However physical health- this is far from the only reason why it is worth enrolling a child in a dance school. Ballroom and sport dancing influence many areas of children's development. They:

  • Train motor skills and coordination.
  • Develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, aesthetic taste.
  • Improve moral, moral qualities.
  • They learn to live in society and communicate with other people.
  • Form a beautiful gait.
  • Reveal Creative skills child.
  • They make children more active, collected, disciplined.
  • Learn to control your body.
  • They transform the appearance - a sparkle in the eyes, a smile on the face and a toned figure adorn the guys.
  • Develop intelligence and curiosity.
  • Guide the child towards achieving goals.
  • They help to get rid of many fears, complexes and self-doubt, as well as raise self-esteem. Dancing changes even the most shy and introverted guys!

Interested? Then read how to start dancing classes.

When to start classes?

After decision The question for parents is: “And at what age is it best to give your child to choreographic studio According to experts, it is best to do this at 6-7 years. However, it all depends on the individual qualities of your child.

On the one hand, children who started dancing early (at 3-5 years old) are much more likely to succeed. And on the other hand, kids who are not yet 6-7 years old get tired quickly, their coordination of movements is poorly developed, and they cannot concentrate on one thing. And it is still difficult for them to perceive all the requirements of the coach correctly.

If you still want to take your baby to dance at 3-4 years old, then answer the following questions:

  1. Will the baby be able to understand and follow the coach's commands?
  2. Is he able to coordinate movements and concentrate?
  3. Can you bear physical exercise, or does he usually spend his time passively?
  4. Does your child want to dance?
  5. Does he have a good memory and musical ear?

If you answered “yes” to 3-4 questions, then feel free to take the baby to the dance section. Otherwise, take your time, most likely, he is not ready for this yet.

Clothes, shoes and other ... expenses

Ballroom and sports dancing is one of the most expensive sports. In addition to paying for classes, you will need:

  • Shoes and costumes for performances;
    • At least 2 pairs of training shoes (boots or slippers). They should be light, comfortable and natural;
    • Minimum 2 suits for training. Boys train in trousers and shirts or t-shirts made of stretch fabric. Girls - in a free short skirt and a top or blouse in a figure.

Concert outfits will need to be made to order, and training clothes are usually bought in specialized stores.

You will also need to pay for travel to the venue of competitions and competitions, accommodation and meals (yours and your child) and individual sessions of necessity.

Before starting classes and think about whether it will be possible for you. If you feel that you won’t pull it, choose more for the child a budget option classes to save him from tears and disappointments in the future.

Choice of school and teacher

When choosing a dance section, give preference to those that are closest to your home. Long trips will tire both you and your baby. In addition, after school he will need to rest, eat and change.

You should also pay attention to Timetable of classes(it should be comfortable for the child) and age group (best to do with peers). Find out if there are special requirements for appearance(clothes, shoes, hair).

Refine the cost of classes- lower prices are usually in those schools that have recently opened or are located in less prestigious areas.

You need to know name and surname of the coach, his status- work experience, age, whether Teacher Education and a diploma from the Institute of Physical Education, how many years he has been working at this school, etc.

Ask about school status- what organization does it belong to, who are its graduates, do students win prizes in competitions, how many years have they been studying here.

Having compared all the nuances, you will surely choose the most suitable section, studio or dance school.

Let's hope that the passion for dancing will bring your child a lot of impressions and positive emotions. And who knows, perhaps a world-famous star will grow from a little dancer!

Sports, of course, are very important for the proper physical and mental development of the child. Besides, Sport section or the club can become a launching pad for a future champion. Of course, not everyone dreams of a great sports future for their baby, but all parents want to see him healthy, happy and successful. And here a difficult question arises before the family: what kind of sport to choose? In some cases, the answer is found quite quickly if the baby is already showing interest in something specific. And if not, what to do? In many cases, dancing can be an excellent choice. This article will focus on their specific form - ballroom dancing. We will talk about what is needed for ballroom dancing, at what age is it better to start ballroom dancing for children, how to choose the right dance school, clothes and shoes, etc.

Ballroom dancing (more precisely, sports or sports ballroom dancing) includes two programs: "European" and "Latin American". Each of them includes several dances. First: quickstep, foxtrot, slow waltz, Viennese waltz and tango. Second: drive, rumba, cha-cha-cha, paso doble and samba.

According to choreographers, ballroom dancing for children under 6 years old is often too difficult, kids can be given to rhythm or children's choreography. Classes in sports ballroom dancing are best to start at the age of 6-7 years.

Benefits of ballroom dancing

Arguments in favor of dancing include:

  • positive impact on the health of the child;
  • the baby will become more plastic, learn to control his own body, get rid of "tightness";
  • posture improvement;
  • habit of discipline;
  • dancing ennobles, teaches respect for the opposite sex, girls turn into feminine girls, and boys into gallant gentlemen. It is not for nothing that dances and music from time immemorial have been an indispensable part of educational program aristocracy;
  • Dancing develops not only the body, but also the soul. Children learn to be more creative, open, perceive the world more subtle;
  • any kind of dance increases self-confidence;
  • teaching ballroom dancing to children (as well as adults) necessarily includes participation in various competitions, which means that your baby, firstly, will learn to win and lose with dignity, and secondly, will become more independent, because competitions are held in different cities.

Arguments against ballroom dancing

Like any other activity, ballroom dancing has its downsides:

  • risk of injury. It is easy to slip in the dance (especially in the wrong shoes), stumble or fall unsuccessfully;
  • compulsory participation in competitions often has to be paid for (as well as travel to the city where the competition is held and, if necessary, hotel accommodation);
  • high-quality shoes and dance costumes can be quite expensive. Decide whether the family budget can withstand the appearance of such an item of expenditure;
  • ballroom dancing is dancing in pairs. And this means that no one has canceled the problem of choosing a partner, and your child will have to learn how to find mutual language with him (her). And it just seems that in children's couples everything is simple, peaceful and no one ever swears, and if he swears, then “not really”, these are children, they quarreled and made up. You will understand the gravity of the situation when you face it in life. Small grievances that accumulate over the years can significantly spoil life.

What to look for when choosing a school?

Choosing a school is an extremely important and responsible decision. After all, whether the trainer can find an approach specifically to your child largely depends on the child’s attitude to classes: someone will happily wait for the next lesson, and someone will trudge to the dance school, like hard labor, just because the parents paid for an annual subscription. So you can't choose a school proximity to home, or to send a child to a certain school just because it is on the way to work. From time to time all schools do "Days open doors”, when you can freely come to the school, talk with coaches and administration, see group classes, clarify all questions of interest (cost, schedule, etc.). Of course, you can go to school and find out everything on any ordinary day, when it is convenient for you.

Of course, the administration and coaches are interested in recruiting students and will try to convince you that their school is the best. To determine if this is true, talk to the parents of several children who have been there for years. Perhaps they will open your eyes to some aspects of the school, and to ballroom dancing in general.

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