Who painted the picture March snow. Hike to the "Museum House"



Description of the painting by Igor Grabar “March snow”

"March Snow" came out from under the brush of Igor Grabar in 1904, when he was visiting the artist N.V. Meshcherin, his friend, in the village of Churilkovo. Painting snow is a whole art, so here Grabar’s words sound in a special way that in “March Snow” he simply “thrown paints onto the canvas”, as nature sometimes does, sending them from the sky. The picture was already almost written out when, on the thawed path, Grabar saw a girl hurrying for water with a yoke and two buckets. Ten minutes later, her figure in a pink skirt and blue jacket was already decorating the picture. Speaking about the style of execution, we can say that this work of the artist is made in the style of divisionism - the decomposition of color, characteristic of impressionism. Snow and even dirt on the melted path are made with strokes of pure color, merging into one in the eyes of the viewer, and becoming white.

The March day in the village tends to evening, which is why the shadows from the trees are so long, stretching almost across the whole picture. The tree itself is not visible, it is as if behind the back of the viewer. Porous loose snow under the rays of the spring sun becomes more and more dark, saturated with water, heavy. This is exactly how Grabar conveyed it, who found a real symphony of colors in snowy tones under the rays of the sun. But his snow is not only in blue and blue tones. Here you can find a lot of pink and yellowish colors. There was no snow left on the roofs of the village huts that could be seen in the distance and on the trees. Everything indicates that spring is on the threshold, waiting in the wings. Russian nature, continuing to delight Igor Grabar, helped him create another portrait of its simplicity and perfection. No wonder the picture "March Snow" is called "a symphony of colors" - it really hears the music of our unique and beloved Motherland.


Description of the painting by Igor Grabar “March snow”

"March Snow" came out from under the brush of Igor Grabar in 1904, when he was visiting the artist N.V. Meshcherin, his friend, in the village of Churilkovo. Painting snow is a whole art, so here Grabar’s words sound in a special way that in “March Snow” he simply “thrown paints onto the canvas”, as nature sometimes does, sending them from the sky. The picture was already almost written out when, on the thawed path, Grabar saw a girl hurrying for water with a yoke and two buckets. Ten minutes later, her figure in a pink skirt and blue jacket was already decorating the picture. Speaking about the style of execution, we can say that this work of the artist is made in the style of divisionism - the decomposition of color, characteristic of impressionism. Snow and even dirt on the melted path are made with strokes of pure color, merging into one in the eyes of the viewer, and becoming white.

The March day in the village tends to evening, which is why the shadows from the trees are so long, stretching almost across the whole picture. The tree itself is not visible, it is as if behind the back of the viewer. Porous loose snow under the rays of the spring sun becomes more and more dark, saturated with water, heavy. This is exactly how Grabar conveyed it, who found a real symphony of colors in snowy tones under the rays of the sun. But his snow is not only in blue and blue tones. Here you can find a lot of pink and yellowish colors. There was no snow left on the roofs of the village huts that could be seen in the distance and on the trees. Everything indicates that spring is on the threshold, waiting in the wings. Russian nature, continuing to delight Igor Grabar, helped him create another portrait of its simplicity and perfection. No wonder the picture "March Snow" is called "a symphony of colors" - it really hears the music of our unique and beloved Motherland.

Picture of the famous Russian artist Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar "March Snow", which is currently on display at the State Tretyakov Gallery, is like a harbinger of spring. Time of painting 1904.

The spring month of March stands outside, but in Russia it is very insidious: it will enchant you with warmth, it will encourage you with frost, or it will sprinkle with new snow. And this is especially noticeable in countryside. So Grabar decided to capture a March day against the backdrop of a rural landscape.

The girl hurries with a yoke and buckets to the source for water. She is warmly dressed: a scarf is tightly tied, a short fur coat and a long colored skirt. It can be seen that this girl is not averse to fashioning. After all, young people always gather near the source, and each of them tries to outdo their girlfriends and neighbors, as if on a bride.

In the picture March snow, village outbuildings are visible, but the houses themselves are not visible. This means that the heroine has already moved away from the village and is on her way to the well. It is clear that the sun is already going down, as a result of such a natural effect in the picture, the author shows such long blue shadows from tall tree, which we cannot see, on the already melted gray-blue snow with a pinkish tint.

Bare trunks of trees and shrubs are depicted on the sides. They have already shed their beautiful winter snow outfit and in a couple of weeks swollen buds will appear on them. There is still snow all around, no longer as fluffy and sparkling as in winter, but heavy, swollen with water, in some places you can even see the ground. Only a path has been trodden that leads to the well.

Depicting a spring sunny day in his favorite style of impressionism, Grabar uses many light shades. This is especially noticeable in the foreground of the picture. Here the colors are white, and yellowish and light pink, and of course all shades from blue to blue.

When you peer at the canvas, it seems that everything here breathes calmness and tranquility. But, we understand that this is not for long, a few more days and the air will be filled with cries of rooks who have returned from distant lands and are hotly discussing a place to build a nest.

The canvas fascinates with its simplicity and harmony. It depicts an ordinary everyday spring day in the village of Churilkovo, where Grabar, visiting his friend, often admired nature, admired it, tried to show its beauty.

The painter “covered” the entire space of the canvas with snow, only adding a genre scene to the picture: a young peasant girl goes for water with a yoke. But in this charming figurine moving in space, the artist, as if on purpose, collects all the tones that are used in the palette of the work, thus giving the heroine a special significance.

Grabar's painting March Snow was created according to all the canons of impressionism. Here is a whole symphony of various reflections of color, and bluish shadows on a white-gray snow cover, and a decrease in color intensity from the bottom of the canvas to the top.

Rural discreet landscape is a portrait of beautiful Russian nature. The artist deeply felt her charm and wonderfully conveyed this in his paintings, which attract with naturalness and inner charm.

March snow

“March snow” - painting by I.E. Grabar, which depicts a young girl with a yoke in the background rural landscape. The author created his creation according to all the rules of impressionism.

In the picture, Grabar depicted a spring rural landscape. The girl is walking for water and carries on his shoulder a yoke with two buckets. “Martok came, put on seven trousers” - this folk proverb very relevant, because in Russia the month of March is rather cool and damp. Here is the girl in the picture dressed in March: she is wearing a quilted jacket, long skirt, and on the head a scarf made of warm material.

It's evening. The shadows of the trees are visible in the snow. The snow is slowly melting. Nearby there is a well, to which a path leads. The girl goes to the well to fill the buckets with fresh water.

Village huts are visible. The trees have thrown off the snow from their branches and are looking forward to the arrival of warm weather. spring days. The earth is still covered with a snow-white blanket and does not think to part with it yet. Despite the fact that the calendar spring is in the yard, winter is still not going to throw off its power. However, the breath of spring is already felt and the snow thickness is gradually surrendering under the onslaught March sun, the rays of which heat more and more.

Looking at the picture, one feels the beauty of nature, as well as peace and tranquility. It is very quiet around, and only the steps of the girl are heard: she is walking along the melted crust of snow, which crunches under her feet. The picture conveys the beauty and harmony of the rural landscape. The author depicts the life of ordinary village residents of the Russian hinterland.

The picture evokes only positive emotions in the viewer, as it is written easily, uncomplicated, sincerely. It can be seen that the author loves nature very much and, through his talent, conveys to the viewer all the charm and beauty of the countryside.

The painting "March Snow" was painted in 1904. Today it is kept in Tretyakov Gallery. The March day depicted by the author against the backdrop of a rural landscape leaves only pleasant experience at the viewer. Looking at the work of Grabar, the viewer seems to feel nature resurrecting from hibernation and enjoy the harmony of nature.

Description of the painting March snow

The author of the painting “March Snow” I. E. Grabar chose for his canvas a simple plot from village life. The usual rural landscape, complemented by wooden houses and a girl with a yoke. Unusual in this canvas artistic manner, which creates an expressive, snowy texture. Confident, generous steps of the brush, painting multi-colored shadows and bright highlights, immediately make it clear to the viewer who the main character is here.

March snow surrounded the entire space with its luxurious, bright mood. The cold, winter whiteness has already receded. Timid, spring sun paints a fragile carpet in many expressive shades. The beautiful village woman bright clothes walks along a dark, thawed path. The daily bustle has swallowed her up, she cannot stop and admire the beautiful March snow.

All landscape elements that make up the plot of the picture are directed beyond the perimeter of the canvas. In the foreground, a small part of a tree is visible, the shadows of which create an interesting pattern on the relief snowy space. Dark paths are hidden behind the scenes. And it seems that the girl is about to leave the picture to leave the viewer alone with this beautiful "March snow".

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