The big theater was opened. Architectural value and luxury interiors



The oldest theater opera and ballet in Russia. Official name- State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia. AT colloquial speech the theater is called simply Big.

The Bolshoi Theater is an architectural monument. The modern building of the theater is built in the Empire style. The facade is decorated with 8 columns, on the portico there is a statue of the ancient Greek god of arts Apollo, who controls the quadriga - a two-wheeled chariot harnessed in a row by four horses (the work of P.K. Klodt). The interiors of the theater are richly decorated with bronze, gilding, red velvet, and mirrors. decorate auditorium crystal chandeliers, a curtain embroidered with gold, a ceiling painting depicting 9 muses - patrons different types art.
The theater was born in 1776, when in Moscow The first professional theater troupe was organized. Opera, ballet and drama performances were staged in the theatre. The troupe did not have its own premises; until 1780, performances were staged in the house of Count Vorontsov on Znamenka. Therefore, the theater was originally called Znamensky, as well as the “Medox Theater” (by the name of the theater director M. Medox). At the end of 1780, the first building of the theater was built on Petrovsky Street (architect H. Rozberg), and it became known as Petrovsky. In 1805, the theater building burned down, and for 20 years performances were staged at various venues in Moscow: House Pashkov, in the New Arbat Theater, etc. In 1824, the architect O.I. Beauvais for the Petrovsky Theater was built a new large building, the second largest after Milan's La Scala, so the theater began to be called the Bolshoi Petrovsky. The opening of the theater took place in January 1825. At the same time drama troupe separated from the opera and ballet and moved to a new one - built next to the Bolshoi.
AT early nineteenth in. at the Bolshoi Theater, mainly works were staged French authors, but soon the first operas and ballets by Russian composers A.N. Verstovsky, A.A. Alyabyeva, A.E. Varlamov. The head of the ballet troupe was a student of Ch. Didlo - A.P. Glushkovsky. In the middle of the century, the famous European romantic ballets "La Sylphide" by J. Schneitzhofer, "Giselle" by A. Adam, "Esmeralda" by C. Pugni appeared on the stage of the theater.
The main event of the first half of the nineteenth century. premieres of two operas M.I. Glinka- "Life for the Tsar" (1842) and "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (1846).
In 1853 the theater built by O.I. Bove, destroyed the fire. The scenery, costumes, rare instruments, and the music library were destroyed. In the competition for best project restoration of the theater won the architect Albert Cavos. According to his project, a building was built that still stands today. In August 1856 the new Bolshoi Theater was opened. Opera celebrities of Europe performed in it. All Moscow came to listen to Desiree Artaud, Pauline Viardot, Adeline Patti.
In the second half of the century, the Russian operatic repertoire expanded: The Mermaid was staged A.S. Dargomyzhsky(1858), operas by A.N. Serov - "Judith" (1865) and "Rogneda" (1868); in the 1870s–1880s - "Demon" A.G. Rubinstein(1879), "Eugene Onegin" P.I. Tchaikovsky(1881), "Boris Godunov" M.P. Mussorgsky(1888); at the end of the century - Queen of Spades"(1891) and" Iolanta "(1893) Tchaikovsky," Snow Maiden " ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov(1893), "Prince Igor" A.P. Borodin(1898). This contributed to the fact that singers came to the troupe, thanks to whom the opera of the Bolshoi Theater reached great heights in the next century. At the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century. sang at the Bolshoi Theater Fyodor Chaliapin, Leonid Sobinov, Antonina Nezhdanova who glorified the Russian opera school.
In great professional shape late XIX in. There was also the Bolshoi Ballet. During these years, The Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky was staged here. These works have become a symbol of Russian ballet, and since then they have been constantly in the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater. In 1899, the choreographer A.A. made his debut at the Bolshoi. Gorsky, whose name is associated with the flourishing of the Moscow ballet in the first quarter of the 20th century.
In the XX century. great ballerinas danced at the Bolshoi Theater - Galina Ulanova and Maya Plisetskaya. On the opera stage public idols performed Sergey Lemeshev, Ivan Kozlovsky, Irina Arkhipova, Elena Obraztsova. For many years, prominent figures have worked in the theater Russian theater- producer B.A. Pokrovsky, conductor E.F. Svetlanov, choreographer Yu.N. Grigorovich.
Beginning of the 21st century at the Bolshoi Theater is associated with the renewal of the repertoire, the invitation to productions of famous theater directors and choreographers different countries, as well as with the work of the leading soloists of the troupe on the stages of foreign theaters.
The Bolshoi Theater hosts International competitions ballet dancers. The Choreographic School operates at the theater.
On foreign tours, the Bolshoi Ballet is often referred to as The Bolshoi ballet. This name in Russian version - Big ballet - in last years began to be used in Russia.
The building of the Bolshoi Theater on Theater Square in Moscow:

Hall of the Bolshoi Theatre:

Russia. Large linguo-cultural dictionary. - M.: State Institute Russian language them. A.S. Pushkin. AST-Press. T.N. Chernyavskaya, K.S. Miloslavskaya, E.G. Rostova, O.E. Frolova, V.I. Borisenko, Yu.A. Vyunov, V.P. Chudnov. 2007 .

See what the "GRAND THEATER" is in other dictionaries:

    Grand Theatre- The building of the Main Stage of the Bolshoi Theater Location Moscow, Coordinates 55.760278, 37.618611 ... Wikipedia

    big theater- Big theater. Moscow. Bolshoi Theater (State academic theater opera and ballet of Russia) (, 2), largest center Russian and world musical culture. The history of the Bolshoi Theater dates back to 1776 (see). original title Petrovsky ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    big theater- State Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR (SABT), presenter soviet theater opera and ballet, the largest center of Russian, Soviet and world musical theater culture. The modern theater building was built in 1820 24 ... ... Art Encyclopedia

    big theater- Big theater. theatre square on the opening day of the Bolshoi Theater on August 20, 1856. Painting by A. Sadovnikov. BOLSHOY THEATER State Academic Theater (GABT), Opera and Ballet Theatre. One of the centers of Russian and world musical theater ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    GRAND THEATRE- State Academic (GABT), Opera and Ballet Theatre. One of the centers of Russian and world musical theatrical culture. Founded in 1776 in Moscow. Modern building from 1824 (architect O. I. Bove; reconstructed in 1856, architect A. K. ... ... Russian history

    GRAND THEATRE- State Academic (GABT), Opera and Ballet Theatre. One of the centers of Russian and world musical theatrical culture. Founded in 1776 in Moscow. Modern building from 1824 (architect O.I. Bove; reconstructed in 1856, architect A.K. ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    GRAND THEATRE- State Academic (GABT), Founded in 1776 in Moscow. Modern building from 1825 (architect O. I. Bove; reconstructed in 1856, architect A. K. Kavos). Foreign and first Russian operas and ballets were staged by M. I. Glinka, A. S. ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    big theater- This term has other meanings, see Bolshoi Theater (meanings). Bolshoi Theater ... Wikipedia

    big theater- GREAT THEATER, State Order of Lenin Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR (GABT), leading Soviet music. t r, who played an outstanding role in the formation and development of nat. traditions of ballet art. Its occurrence is associated with the flourishing of Russian ... ... Ballet. Encyclopedia

    GRAND THEATRE- State Order of Lenin Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR, the oldest Russian. muses theater, the largest center of muses. theater culture, the building was also a venue for congresses and celebrations. meeting and other societies. events. Main … Soviet historical encyclopedia


  • Big theater. Culture and politics. New History Volkov Solomon Moiseevich. The Bolshoi Theater is one of the most famous brands in Russia. In the West, the word Bolshoi does not need to be translated. Now it seems like it's always been that way. Not at all. Long years main musical...

The Bolshoi Theater is one of the main symbols of the greatness of the culture of our state.

It was on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater that the first Russian operas and ballets were staged. Thanks to the productions of the Bolshoi Theater, Russian vocal and ballet school earned worldwide recognition.

The year of foundation of the theater is considered to be 1776, when Pyotr Urusov received permission from Catherine II “to keep him theatrical performances of all kinds, as well as concerts, vocals and masquerades, and besides him, no one should be allowed any such entertainment at all the time appointed by privilege, so that he would not undermine It was". The construction of the Bolshoi Theater began three years later on Pokrovka Street. But this project was not destined to come true, even before the completion of construction, the building burned down. The construction of the theater was continued by Urusov's companion. But this building also burned down during the capture of Moscow by Napoleon in 1812.

The new building of the Bolshoi Theatre, erected in 1825 by architects O. Bove and A. Mikhailov, has become one of the most beautiful theater buildings in the world. However, the fire did not spare this building either. In the 1850s, the architect Kavos made significant changes to the building.

Now it is a magnificent eight-column building, above the portico of which there is a sculpture of the chariot of the god Apollo. From the inside, the room is decorated in red and gold tones, which gives the theater a special splendor and solemnity. The auditorium is designed for 2155 seats.

World premieres at the Bolshoi Theater famous operas: P.I. Tchaikovsky "Voevoda", "Mazeppa"; S.V. Rachmaninov "Aleko" Miserly knight»; S.P. Prokofiev "The Gambler" and many other composers. In the modern repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater classic masterpieces world art. The Bolshoi Theater, intended for staging serious operas and ballets, does not forget about small fans.

Here is how the posters of the Bolshoi Theater tell about the Cipollino ballet: “More than a quarter of a century has passed since the day when the cheerful onion family from Gianni Rodari’s beloved fairy tale settled on the Moscow stage. The simple-minded fairy tale about the struggle of the garden people with fruit oppressors is in everything similar to a real adult ballet. The play consists of two acts. classical dance cleared of conventionality and "arranged" in a modern way. There is no lingering explanation in sign language here - the action is rapidly flying forward, and each hero is endowed with his own unique choreographic language. Perhaps that is why the most famous masters of the Bolshoi Theater did not refuse the “matinee”.

The Bolshoi Theater has a children's choir. It consists of gifted children over five years of age who have passed the audition.

The most famous theater in Russia and one of the famous theaters of the world is the Bolshoi Theatre. Where is main theater countries? Well, of course, in the main city - in Moscow. Its repertoire includes opera and ballet performances by Russian and foreign classical composers. In addition to the classical repertoire, the theater is constantly experimenting with innovative modern productions. The history of the Bolshoi Theater is very rich and is associated with the names of people significant for our country. In March 2015, the theater turns 239 years old.

How it all began

The ancestor of the Bolshoi Theater is considered to be Prince Pyotr Vasilyevich Urusov, he was a provincial prosecutor and at the same time had his own theater troupe. He was the only one who was allowed to organize performances, masquerades, concerts and other entertainments. No one else was allowed to do such a thing, so that the prince would not have competitors. But this privilege also imposed an obligation on him - to build a beautiful building for the troupe, in which all performances would take place. The prince had a companion named Medox, who was a foreigner, he taught mathematics to Grand Duke Paul - the future Russian emperor. Having fallen in love with theatrical business, he remained in Russia and came to grips with the development of the theater. Prince Urusov failed to build the theater because he went bankrupt, the privilege of the owner of the theater, as well as the obligation to build the building, passed to Medox, as a result of which it was he who built the Bolshoi Theater. Where the theater created by Medox is located is known to every second inhabitant of Russia, it is located at the intersection of Theater Square and Petrovka.

Theater construction

For the construction of the theater, Medox chose a plot that belonged to Prince Rostotsky, which he bought from him. It was a street called Petrovskaya, its very beginning, and the Bolshoi Theater was built here. The address of the theater now is Theater Square, building 1. The theater was built in record short time, in just 5 months, which is even for our time with all its modern technologies and building materials is amazing and amazing. Developed a project for the construction of a theater building by Christian Rozberg. The theater was magnificent inside, the auditorium was striking in its beauty, but on the contrary, it was modest, unremarkable and practically undecorated. The theater got its first name - Petrovsky.

Theater opening

The building of the Bolshoi Theater was opened in 1780, on December 30. On this day, the very first performance of the theater troupe took place in its own building. All the newspapers only wrote about the opening, theater masters and famous architects as one scattered compliments on the building, characterizing it as strong, huge, profitable, beautiful, safe and superior in all respects to most famous theaters Europe. The governor of the city was so pleased with the construction that the privilege that gave Medox the right to hold entertainment was extended for another 10 years.

Interior decoration

For performances, a round hall, the so-called rotunda, was built. The hall was decorated with numerous mirrors and illuminated by forty-two crystal chandeliers. The hall was designed by Medox himself. Next to the stage, as expected, there was an orchestra pit. Closest to the stage were stools for honored guests of the theater and regular spectators, most of whom were owners of serf troupes. Their opinion was important for Medox, for this reason they were invited to dress rehearsals, after which they were involved in the discussion of the upcoming production.

The theater showed about 100 performances a year. It was impossible to buy tickets for one performance; to visit the theater, the audience purchased an annual subscription.

Over time, theater attendance deteriorated, profits dwindled, actors began to leave the theatre, and the building fell into disrepair. As a result, the Bolshoi Opera House became a state theater and received a new name - Imperial.

temporary sunset

The history of the Bolshoi Theater has not always been so beautiful, there were tragic moments in it. In 1805 the theater burned down after 25 years of its existence. Only the load-bearing walls have survived, and only partially. Reconstruction began only in 1821, when Moscow was being restored after the invasion of Napoleon's troops. Osip Bove was the chief architect who was commissioned to restore the central part of the city, including the theater. He was an innovator, according to his project, the streets began to be built up differently, now the mansions began to face the street, and not inside the courtyard. Bove led the restoration of the Alexander Garden, the square near the theater. The reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater became his most successful project. The new building was erected in the Empire style. According to the architect's contemporaries, the Bolshoi Theater is like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

The metro is located very close to the theater, so getting to the theater is very convenient from anywhere in Moscow.

Reconstruction of the theater building

The restoration of the theater began in 1821 and lasted for several years. Initially, the plan for the renovated building of the theater was developed by the well-known architect in St. Petersburg Andrei Mikhailov, the governor of Moscow approved this plan. Mikhailov designed the theater building in the shape of a rectangle, as well as a portico of eight columns and Apollo in a chariot at the top of the portico; the hall was provided for up to two thousand spectators. Osip Bove revised Mikhailov's project, where the Bolshoi Theater became lower, the proportions of the building changed. Bove also decided to refuse accommodation on the ground floor, as he considered it unaesthetic. The hall became multi-tiered, the decoration of the hall became rich. The necessary acoustics of the building were observed. Beauvais even had a very original idea- to make a mirror curtain, but to realize such an idea, of course, is unrealistic, since such a curtain would be incredibly heavy.

Second birth

The reconstruction of the theater was completed by the end of 1824, in January 1825 the renovated building of the theater was solemnly opened. The first performance took place, the program of which included the ballet "Sandrillon" and the prologue "The Triumph of the Muses" specially written for the opening of the theater by Alyabyev and Verstovsky. Beauvais was the center of attention, the audience greeted him with thunderous applause in gratitude. New theater was simply amazing in its beauty. Now the theater is called the Bolshoi Petrovsky Theatre. All productions of the theater went with the same success. Now the Bolshoi Theater has become even more brilliant.

Metro is the most convenient way get to the Bolshoi Theatre. The nearest stations to the theater are the stations "Teatralnaya", "Revolution Square", " Okhotny Ryad"and" Alexander Garden ". Which station to choose from them depends on the starting point of the route.

And fire again

In the spring of 1853, a fire broke out in the theater again, it was very strong and lasted two days. The sky was so clouded with black smoke that it was visible in all corners of the city. All the snow has melted on Theater Square. The building burned down almost completely, only the load-bearing walls and the portico remained. The fire destroyed the scenery, costumes, music library, musical instruments, among which were rare specimens. AT again The Bolshoi Theater was damaged by fire.

It is not difficult to find where the theater is located, it is located on Theater Square and there are a lot of attractions next to it: Maly drama theatre, Youth theater, theater school named after Shchepkin, the Metropol Cabaret, the House of Unions, Okhotny Ryad, the Central Department Store, opposite the theater there is a monument to Karl Marx.

Restoration work

Albert Cavos became the architect who was involved in the revival of the theater to life; Mariinskii Opera House in St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, little information has come down to us about this architect. There was not enough money to restore the theater, but the work progressed quickly and took just over a year. The theater was opened on August 20, 1856, now it was called the "Big Imperial Theatre". premiere performance the restored theater was the opera "The Puritani" Italian composer The attitude towards the new theater was different. The townspeople considered it magnificent and were proud of it, as for the engineers and architects, some of them believed that the reconstruction carried out by Kavos was too different from the way the theater was conceived by Mikhailov and Beauvais, especially for facades and some interiors. It is worth paying tribute to the architect, thanks to his redevelopment of the hall, the acoustics in the Bolshoi Theater became one of the best in the world.

In the theater there were not only performances, balls and masquerades were held in it. This was the Bolshoi Theatre. The address of the theater is City Square, Building 1.

Our days

The theater entered the 20th century in a fairly dilapidated state, with a sagging foundation and cracks on the walls. But several reconstructions carried out in the theater in the 20th century, one of which was completed quite recently (lasted 6 years), did their job - and now the theater shines with all its facets. In addition to operas and ballets, the theater's repertoire also includes operettas. And you can also take a tour of the theater - see the hall and several other very interesting rooms. It may be difficult for a visitor who wants to visit the Bolshoi Theater, where he is located, although in fact he is located in the very center of the city and it will not be difficult to find him, not far from him is another attraction of the capital, which is known to the whole world - Red square.

View of the royal box of the Bolshoi Theatre. 1856 watercolor

The theater began with a small private troupe of Prince Peter Urusov. The performances of the talented group often pleased Empress Catherine II, who thanked the prince with the right to direct all the entertainment events of the capital. March 17, 1776 is considered the founding date of the theater - the day when Urusov received this privilege. Already six months after the will of the Empress, the prince erected a wooden building of the Petrovsky Theater on the banks of the Neglinka. But before it could open, the theater burned down. The new building required large financial investments, and Urusov got a partner - the Russified Englishman Medox, a successful entrepreneur and ballet dancer. The construction of the theater cost the British 130,000 silver rubles. The new three-story brick theater opened its doors to the public in December 1780. A few years later, due to financial troubles, the Englishman had to transfer the management of the theater to the state, after which the Melpomene temple began to be called Imperial. In 1805, the building built by Medox burned down.

For several years, the theater troupe performed on the home stage of the Moscow nobility. The new building, which appeared on the Arbat in 1808, was designed by the architect Karl Ivanovich Rossi. But this theater was also destroyed by fire in 1812.

Ten years later, the restoration of the theater began, ending in 1825. But, according to a sad tradition, this building could not escape the fire that happened in 1853 and left behind only the outer walls. The revival of the Bolshoi lasted three years. The chief architect of the Imperial Theatres, Albert Cavos, who supervised the restoration of the building, increased its height, added columns in front of the entrance and a portico, above which towered the bronze quadriga of Apollo by Peter Klodt. The pediment was decorated with a double-headed eagle - the coat of arms of Russia.

In the early 60s of the 19th century, the Bolshoi was rented by an Italian opera troupe. The Italians performed several times a week, while only one day remained for the Russian productions. Competition of two theater groups benefited Russian vocalists who were forced to hone and improve their skills, but the administration’s inattention to national repertoire prevented Russian art from gaining popularity with the audience. A few years later, the directorate had to heed the demands of the public and resume the operas Ruslan and Lyudmila and Rusalka. The year 1969 was marked by the production of The Voyevoda, the first opera by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, for whom the Bolshoi became the main professional venue. In 1981, the theater's repertoire was enriched with the opera Eugene Onegin.

In 1895, the theater was held overhaul, the end of which was marked by such productions as Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov and Rimsky-Korsakov's The Maid of Pskov with Fyodor Chaliapin as Ivan the Terrible.

At the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, the Bolshoi became one of the leading centers of theatrical and musical world culture. The theater's repertoire includes the world's best works ("Valkyrie", "Tannhäuser", "Pagliacci", "La Boheme") and outstanding Russian operas ("Sadko", "The Golden Cockerel", "The Stone Guest", "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh" ). On the stage of the theater, great Russian singers and singers shine with their talent: Chaliapin, Sobinov, Gryzunov, Savransky, Nezhdanova, Balanovskaya, Azerskaya; famous Russian artists Vasnetsov, Korovin and Golovin are working on the scenery.

The Bolshoi managed to completely preserve its troupe during revolutionary events and civil war. During the 1917-1918 season, the public saw 170 opera and ballet performances. And in 1919 the theater was awarded the title of "Academic".

The 20s and 30s of the last century became the time of the emergence and development of the Soviet operatic art. For the first time, Love for Three Oranges, Trilby, Ivan the Soldier, Katerina Izmailova by Shostakovich, Quiet Don”, “Battleship Potemkin”.

During the Great Patriotic War part of the Bolshoi troupe was evacuated to Kuibyshev, where new performances continued to be created. Many theater artists went to the front with concerts. The post-war years were marked by talented productions by the outstanding choreographer Yuri Grigorovich, each performance of which was a notable event in cultural life countries.

From 2005 to 2011, a grandiose reconstruction was carried out in the theater, thanks to which a new foundation appeared under the Bolshoi building, the legendary historical interiors were recreated, and the technical equipment theater, the rehearsal base has increased.

More than 800 performances were born on the stage of the Bolshoi, the premieres of operas by Rachmaninov, Prokofiev, Arensky, Tchaikovsky took place in the theater. ballet troupe has always been and remains a welcome guest in any country. Actors, directors, artists and conductors of the Bolshoi have been awarded the most prestigious state and international awards many times.


The Bolshoi Theater has three auditoriums open to the public:

  • Historical (main) stage, accommodating 2500 people;
  • New stage, opened in 2002 and designed for 1000 spectators;
  • Beethoven Hall with 320 seats, famous for its unique acoustics.

The historical stage appears to visitors in the form in which it was in the second half of the century before last and is a semicircular hall with four tiers, decorated with gold and red velvet. Above the heads of the audience is the legendary chandelier with 26,000 crystals, which appeared in the theater in 1863 and illuminates the hall with 120 lamps.

The new stage is open at the address: Bolshaya Dimitrovka street, building 4, building 2. During large-scale reconstruction all repertoire performances of the Bolshoi were staged here, and at the present time foreign and Russian theaters are touring on the New Stage.

The Beethoven Hall was opened in 1921. Spectators are fascinated by its interior in the style of Louis XV: walls upholstered in silk, magnificent crystal chandeliers, Italian stucco, walnut floors. The hall is designed for chamber and solo concerts.

Every spring, two varieties of tulips bloom in front of the theater building - rich pink "Galina Ulanova" and bright red "Bolshoi Theatre", bred by the Dutch breeder Lefeber. At the beginning of the last century, the florist saw Ulanova on the stage of the Bolshoi. Lefeber was so impressed with the talent of the Russian ballerina that he created new varieties of tulips specifically in honor of her and the theater in which she shone. The image of the Bolshoi Theater building can be seen on many postage stamps and on hundred-ruble denomination banknotes.

Information for visitors

Theater address: Theater Square, 1. You can get to the Bolshoi by walking along Teatralnaya Proyezd from the Teatralnaya and Okhotny Ryad metro stations. From the station "Revolution Square" you will reach the Bolshoi by crossing the square of the same name. From the station "Kuznetsky most" you need to go along Kuznetsky most street, and then turn to the Theater Square.

Bronze quadriga by Peter Klodt

You can buy tickets for the Bolshoi's productions both on the theater's website -, and at the box office opened in the Administration Building (daily from 11.00 to 19.00, break from 15.00 to 16.00); in the building of the Historical Stage (daily from 12.00 to 20.00, break from 16.00 to 18.00); in a buiding new scene(daily from 11.00 to 19.00, break from 14.00 to 15.00).

The cost of tickets varies from 100 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the performance, the time of the performance and the place in the auditorium.

The Bolshoi Theater has a comprehensive security system, which includes video surveillance and the mandatory passage of all visitors through a metal detector. Do not take piercing and sharp objects with you - they will not let you into the theater building with them.

Children are allowed to evening performances from the age of 10. Until this age, the child can attend morning performances on a separate ticket. Children under 5 years old are not allowed in the theater.

AT historic building theater on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays guided tours telling about the architecture of the Bolshoi and its past.

For those wishing to buy something to remember the Bolshoi Theater daily, from 11.00 to 17.00, a souvenir shop is open. To get into it, you need to enter the theater through entrance number 9A. Visitors who come to the performance can enter the store directly from the Bolshoi building before or after the performance. Landmark: left wing of the theatre, ground floor, next to the Beethoven Hall.

Photo and video filming is not allowed in the theatre.

When going to the Bolshoi Theater, calculate your time - after the third call you will not be able to enter the hall!

The Bolshoi Theater is the largest in Russia and one of the most significant opera and ballet theaters in the world. It is customary to start the history of the theater from March 1776, when the provincial prosecutor, Prince Pyotr Vasilyevich Urusov, received the highest permission of Empress Catherine II "to maintain ... all kinds of theatrical performances, as well as concerts, vocals and masquerades." The prince began the construction of the theater, which - at the location on Petrovka Street (on the right bank of the Neglinka) - was named Petrovsky. However, the Urusov Theater burned down even before its opening, and the prince handed over the business to his partner, the English businessman Michael Medox. It was Medox who built the Bolshoi Petrovsky Theatre. The Petrovsky Theater of Medox stood for 25 years - in 1805 the building burned down. In 1821, the construction of the next building of the theater began according to the project of O. Bove and the rector of the St. Petersburg Academy A. Mikhailov. March 11, 1853 the theater burned down; the fire preserved only the stone outer walls and the colonnade of the main entrance. Within three years, the theater was restored under the guidance of the architect A.K. Kavos. Instead of the alabaster sculpture of Apollo that died in the fire, a bronze quadriga by Peter Klodt was placed above the entrance portico. The theater reopened on August 20, 1856.

The five-tier hall of the Bolshoi Theater is famous for its excellent acoustics and can accommodate up to 2,150 people. The hall is decorated with gilded stucco and red velvet, which gives it a special splendor and solemnity.

Important role in the history of the Bolshoi Theater, opera and ballet performances to the music of Pyotr Tchaikovsky were played, among which are "Eugene Onegin", "The Queen of Spades", "Iolanta", " Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty". Bolshoi Theater the names of famous artists - Anton Rubinstein, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sergei Rachmaninov, Fyodor Chaliapin, Galina Ulanova, Maya Plisetskaya and many others are connected.

The Bolshoi Theater Orchestra is one of the best symphony orchestras peace. Today, his repertoire includes ballet and opera performances performed by brilliant masters of art.

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